def geocode_address(self): """ Set the lat_long field, if the appropriate fields are filled """ from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim from geopy.exc import GeopyError address = self.one_line_address() if address: geolocator = Nominatim() try: location = geolocator.geocode(address) self.lat_long = { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [location.longitude, location.latitude] } except (GeopyError, AttributeError): pass return
def coords_for(name): geocoder = Nominatim() location = geocoder.geocode(name, geometry='geojson') try: geometry = shape(location.raw['geojson']) # Coordinates have to be flipped in order to work in overpass if geometry.geom_type == 'Polygon': west, south, east, north = geometry.bounds return BoundingBox(south, west, north, east) elif geometry.geom_type == 'MultiPolygon': bboxs = (BoundingBox(*(g.bounds[0:2][::-1] + g.bounds[2:][::-1])) for g in geometry) return bboxs elif geometry.geom_type == 'Point': south, north, west, east = (float(coordinate) for coordinate in location.raw['boundingbox']) return BoundingBox(south, west, north, east) except (KeyError, AttributeError): raise AttributeError( 'No bounding box available for this location name.')
def __init__(self, config_file=DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE): self.config = ConfigReader(config_file) self.states = {} self.geo_locator = Nominatim() self.tweet_count = 0 self.city_cache_appender = CacheAppender(self.config.cache_file_path) def get_level(): return { 'DEBUG': logging.DEBUG, 'INFO': logging.INFO, 'WARN': logging.WARNING, 'ERROR': logging.ERROR, 'FATAL': logging.FATAL, 'CRITICAL': logging.CRITICAL }[self.config.logging_level] logging.basicConfig(format="[%(levelname)s] %(name)s: %(message)s", level=get_level()) self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self.logger.info("Analysing city names using config in %s" % config_file)
def location(name, street, city, latitude = None, longitude = None): group = get_sql(name) if group is None: return False if not latitude and not longitude: geo = Nominatim() coord = geo.geocode(street + ' ' + city, timeout = 10) if coord: latitude = coord.latitude longitude = coord.longitude else: longitude = 0.0 longitude = 0.0 group.location = LocationModel(street, city, latitude, longitude) SQL.session.add(group) SQL.session.commit() return group
def location(name, street, city, latitude = None, longitude = None): node = get_sql(name) if node is None: return False if not latitude and not longitude: geo = Nominatim() coord = geo.geocode(street + ' ' + city, timeout = 10) if coord: latitude = coord.latitude longitude = coord.longitude else: latitude = 0.0 longitude = 0.0 node.location = LocationModel(street, city, latitude, longitude) SQL.session.add(node) SQL.session.commit() return node
def main(): """ Only step 1 is given as solution. """ with open(FILE_NAME, newline='') as csv_file: geo_locator = Nominatim() csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=DELIMITER) for record in csv_reader: # is this a better way of unpacking you can think of? # Perhaps using a better data structure than just a tuple? policy_id, *_, point_latitude, point_longitude, line, construction, point_granularity = record # print(policy_id, point_latitude, point_longitude) try: print(geo_locator.reverse(point_latitude + ', ' + point_longitude)) except Exception as e: print(e) print("Unable to get reverse coordinates") return 0
def mapsearch(cmd, message, args): if args: search = ' '.join(args) search_url = '+'.join(args) if search: geo_parser = Nominatim() location = geo_parser.geocode(search) if location: lat = location.latitude lon = location.longitude maps_url = f'https://www.google.rs/maps/search/{search_url}/@{lat},{lon},11z?hl=en' response = discord.Embed(color=0xdd4e40) response.set_author(name=f'{location}', icon_url=map_icon, url=maps_url) else: maps_url = f'https://www.google.rs/maps/search/{search_url}' response = discord.Embed(color=0xdd4e40) response.set_author(name=f'Broad Search: {search.title()}', icon_url=map_icon, url=maps_url) else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title='? No location inputted.') else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title='? Nothing inputted.') await message.channel.send(embed=response)
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): # Validate request form = CoordinatesFromAddressForm(request.GET) if not form.is_valid(): return Response(form.errors, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) address = form.cleaned_data['address'] # Return lat/lon for address geolocator = Nominatim() try: location = geolocator.geocode(address) except GeocoderTimedOut: return Response( "Geocoder service currently unavailable. Please try again later.", status=status.HTTP_503_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE ) return Response({ 'latitude': float("{0:.4f}".format(location.latitude)), 'longitude': float("{0:.4f}".format(location.longitude)), })
def __init__(self, *commands, token=None, prefixes=None, strict=False): """Answers with a weather in user's city or on specified addres.""" if not token: raise ValueError("Token is not specified! Get it from: https://darksky.net") super().__init__(*commands, prefixes=prefixes, strict=strict) self.token = token self.icons = { "clear-day": "??", "clear-night": "??", "cloudy": "??", "fog": "??", "partly-cloudy-day": "??", "partly-cloudy-night": "??", "rain": "??", "sleet": "?? ??", "snow": "??", "wind": "??", "error": "??", } self.geocoders = [] for coder in [Photon, Yandex, Nominatim]: self.geocoders.append(coder()) self.coords_cache = {} self.weather_cache = {} self.weather_clear = time.time() + 12 * 60 * 60 self.api_lim = 95 self.api_lim_clear = time.time() + 24 * 60 * 60 self.api_lim_count = 0
def coordinates(street, city): geo = Nominatim() coords = geo.geocode(street + ' ' + city) if coords: emit('coordinates', (coords.latitude, coords.longitude)) else: emit('error', "Coordinates not found", namespace='/general')
def coordinates(street, city): geo = Nominatim() geocords = geo.geocode(street + ' ' + city) if geocords: emit('coordinates', (geocords.latitude, geocords.longitude)) else: emit("warning", "Coordinated no found", namespace='/general') return True
def main(): geolocator = Nominatim() intro = True again = True print("This app will generate a crime heat map based on your location") while intro: introText = input("Would you like to enter a location (y/n) ") if introText.lower() == "y" or introText.lower() == "n": locationInfo = validLocation(geolocator, introText) intro = False raw_data = apiResults(locationInfo) mapMaker(raw_data, locationInfo) output(raw_data, locationInfo) while again: againText = input("Would you like to run the application again (y/n) ") if againText.lower() == "y" or againText.lower() == "n": again = False if againText.lower() == "y": main() else: print("Thanks! See you next time") SystemExit
def _geolocate_nominatim(self, string): g = Nominatim(timeout=30) results = g.geocode(query=string, exactly_one=True) if results and results[0]: self.add_potential_georeference(long=results.longitude, lat=results.latitude, profile_name='OpenStreetMap', locality_name=results.address)
def onChangeLoc(self, event): ''' Change location ''' loc_set = False while not loc_set: dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self.frame, 'Please enter a location', 'Current location: ' + self.location) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: # do something here loc = str(dlg.GetValue()) else: # handle dialog being cancelled or ended by some other button loc = None dlg.Destroy() geolocator = Nominatim() # Look up location given try: l = geolocator.geocode(loc, exactly_one=True) self.latlon = (l.latitude, l.longitude) self.location = loc loc_set = True except Exception as e: print('Error setting location\n' + str(e)) self.session.update_location(self.latlon[0], self.latlon[1])
def _get_default_pool_members(): from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim, GoogleV3 return (Nominatim(), GoogleV3())
def __init__(self): self._geocoder = geocoders.Nominatim(timeout=5, country_bias='fr')
def calculate_distance(merchant_loc, user_loc): geolocator = Nominatim() merchant_lat_lng = [Decimal(l) for l in merchant_loc.split(',')] al1 = (merchant_lat_lng[0], merchant_lat_lng[1]) location2 = geolocator.geocode(user_loc) if location2 == None: return None al2 = (location2.latitude, location2.longitude) distce = vincenty(al1, al2).miles return distce
def get_ll(postal_code): if postal_code == None: return None geolocator = Nominatim() location = geolocator.geocode(postal_code) # it seems that cannot write abbreviation here if location == None: return None al = str(location.latitude) + ', ' + str(location.longitude) return al
def change_location(session, location_name): geolocator = Nominatim() location = geolocator.geocode(location_name) print('** changing location to {0}'.format(location.address)) session.update_location(location.latitude, location.longitude) print('** location changed') # make yourself undiscoverable
def geohash(latitude, longitude): return Geohash.encode(float(latitude), float(longitude)) # Cache responses from Nominatim for 1 month
def __init__(self, source, key): if source == 'Google': self.geolocator = GoogleV3(api_key = key) if source == 'Nominatim': self.geolocator = Nominatim() self.latitude = "" self.longitude = "" self.city = "" self.state = "" self.country = "" reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8')
def get_latlon(self, city): try: geolocator = Nominatim() location = geolocator.geocode(city) latitude, longitude = location.latitude, location.longitude return latitude, longitude except: return -1, -1
def getaddress(): from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim geolocator = Nominatim() cord = "%s,%s" % (lat,lng) location = geolocator.reverse(cord) return location.address
def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs): # Filtering self.active_genre = request.GET.get('genre', 'All Genres') self.distance = request.GET.get('distance') self.location = request.GET.get('location') self.lat = request.GET.get('lat') self.lon = request.GET.get('lon') # Sorting order_by_slug = request.GET.get('sort') if order_by_slug not in self.ORDER_BY_NAME: order_by_slug = 'recent' self.order_by = { 'slug': order_by_slug, 'name': self.ORDER_BY_NAME[order_by_slug], } # Geolocate if location self.location_coordinates = None self.geocoder_failed = False if self.location: geolocator = Nominatim() try: self.location_coordinates = geolocator.geocode(self.location) except GeocoderTimedOut: self.geocoder_failed = True return super(ArtistListView, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
def validate_location(ctx, param, value): if value is None: return value geolocator = Nominatim() location = geolocator.geocode(value) if location is None: raise click.BadParameter('Location \"%s\" could not be found' % value) return location
def latlong(opt): reload, retry = opt['reload'], opt['retry'] map = models.UserPreferences.objects.filter(location__isnull=False).exclude(location__exact='') if not reload: map = map.filter(location_changed__exact=True) geolocator = Nominatim() for user in map: getLatLong(geolocator, user, retry) map = models.UserPreferences.objects.filter(latitude__isnull=False).select_related('user') mapcache = '{# this file is generated, do not edit it #}{% extends "base.html" %}{% load i18n %}{% load l10n %}{% block title %}{% trans "Map" %}{% endblock %}{% block content %}<div id="map"></div>{% endblock %}{% block afterjs %}{% localize off %}<script>var center=new google.maps.LatLng({% if center %}{{ center.latitude }},{{ center.longitude }}{% else %}30,0{% endif %});var zoom={% if zoom %}{{ zoom }}{% else %}2{% endif %};var addresses = [' for u in map: try: mapcache += '{open}"username": "{username}","avatar": "{avatar}","location": "{location}","icon": "{icon}","latlong": new google.maps.LatLng({latitude},{longitude}){close},'.format( open='{', username=escape(u.user.username), avatar=escape(models.avatar(u.user)), location=escape(u.location), icon=escape(u.favorite_character1_image if u.favorite_character1_image else SITE_STATIC_URL + 'static/img/default_map_icon.png'), latitude=u.latitude, longitude=u.longitude, close='}', ) except: print 'One user not added in map' mapcache += '];</script><script src="' + SITE_STATIC_URL + 'static/js/map.js"></script>{% endlocalize %}{% endblock %}' with open(django_settings.BASE_DIR + '/' + django_settings.SITE + '/templates/pages/map.html', 'w') as f: f.write(mapcache.encode('UTF-8')) f.close()
def weather(cmd, message, args): if 'secret_key' in cmd.cfg: secret_key = cmd.cfg['secret_key'] if args: search, unit = get_unit_and_search(args) if search: geo_parser = Nominatim() location = geo_parser.geocode(search) if location: lat = location.latitude lon = location.longitude req_url = f'https://api.darksky.net/forecast/{secret_key}/{lat},{lon}?units={unit}' async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(req_url) as data: search_data = await data.read() data = json.loads(search_data) curr = data['currently'] icon = curr['icon'] forecast = data['daily']['summary'] dis, deg = get_dis_and_deg(unit, forecast) forecast_title = f'{icons[icon]["icon"]} {curr["summary"]}' response = discord.Embed(color=icons[icon]['color'], title=forecast_title) response.description = f'Location: {location}' response.add_field(name='?? Forecast', value=forecast, inline=False) info_title = f'?? Temperature' info_text = f'Temperature: {curr["temperature"]}{deg}' info_text += f'\nFeels Like: {curr["apparentTemperature"]}{deg}' info_text += f'\nDew Point: {curr["dewPoint"]}{deg}' response.add_field(name=info_title, value=info_text, inline=True) wind_title = '?? Wind' wind_text = f'Speed: {curr["windSpeed"]} {dis}/H' wind_text += f'\nGust: {curr["windGust"]} {dis}/H' wind_text += f'\nBearing: {curr["windBearing"]}°' response.add_field(name=wind_title, value=wind_text, inline=True) other_title = '?? Other' other_text = f'Humidity: {curr["humidity"]*100}%' other_text += f'\nPressure: {curr["pressure"]}mbar' if 'visibility' in curr: other_text += f'\nVisibility: {curr["visibility"]} {dis}' else: other_text += f'\nVisibility: Unknown' response.add_field(name=other_title, value=other_text, inline=True) else: response = discord.Embed(color=0x696969, title='?? Location not found.') else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title='? No location inputted.') else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title='? Nothing inputted.') else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title='? The API Key is missing.') await message.channel.send(embed=response)
def get_air_quality(request): geolocator = Nominatim() context = request['context'] entities = request['entities'] loc = first_entity_value(entities, 'location') for context_key in ( 'missingLocation', 'outOfGermany', 'subscribed', 'notSubscribed', 'location', 'station', 'stationId', 'lastAlertValue', 'lastAlertDate', 'kind', 'clean', 'notFound', ): try: del context[context_key] except KeyError: pass if not loc: context['missingLocation'] = True else: loc = geolocator.geocode(loc, language='en') if not loc: loc = geolocator.geocode('{}, Germany'.format(loc), language='en') if loc: closest_station = get_closest_station(loc.latitude, loc.longitude) # is subscribed ? if is_subscribed(request['session_id'], closest_station): context['subscribed'] = True else: context['notSubscribed'] = True # oldest alert we want max_date = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=2) last_alert = Alert.objects.filter(station=closest_station, report__date__gte=max_date).last() context['location'] = loc.address context['station'] = closest_station.name context['stationId'] = closest_station.pk cache.set(request['session_id'], closest_station.pk) if last_alert: context['lastAlertValue'] = last_alert.value context['lastAlertDate'] = last_alert.report.date.strftime('%x') context['kind'] = last_alert.report.kind else: context['clean'] = True else: context['notFound'] = True return context # Setup Actions