def create(self): table = Gtk.Table() label = Gtk.Label() label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5) label.set_markup(u"<b>%s</b>" % self.m_heading) self.pack_start(label, True, True, 0) for idx, (cell1, cell2) in enumerate(self.m_data): table.attach(label_from_key(self.m_statistics, cell1), 1, 2, idx*2+1, idx*2+2, xoptions=Gtk.AttachOptions.SHRINK, xpadding=2) table.attach(Gtk.Label(label=cell2), 3, 4, idx*2+1, idx*2+2, xoptions=Gtk.AttachOptions.SHRINK, xpadding=2) for idx in range(len(self.m_data) + 1): table.attach(Gtk.HSeparator(), 0, 5, idx*2, idx*2+1, xoptions=Gtk.AttachOptions.FILL) table.attach(Gtk.VSeparator(), 0, 1, 0, idx*2+2, xoptions=Gtk.AttachOptions.SHRINK) table.attach(Gtk.VSeparator(), 2, 3, 0, idx*2+2, xoptions=Gtk.AttachOptions.SHRINK) table.attach(Gtk.VSeparator(), 4, 5, 0, idx*2+2, xoptions=Gtk.AttachOptions.SHRINK) self.pack_start(table, False, False, 0) self.show_all()
def setup_widgets(self): self.parent = Gtk.Grid() self.parent.set_name("osd-gesture") self._left_draw = GestureDraw(self.SIZE, self._left_detector) # self._right_draw = GestureDraw(self.SIZE, self._right_detector) sep = Gtk.VSeparator() sep.set_name("osd-gesture-separator") self.parent.attach(self._left_draw, 0, 0, 1, 1) # self.parent.attach(sep, 1, 0, 1, 1) # self.parent.attach(self._right_draw, 2, 0, 1, 1) self.add(self.parent)
def __init__(self, heading, st_data, st): """ st_data is the statistics data we want displayled st is the statistics object the statistics are collected from. """ Gtk.VBox.__init__(self) label = Gtk.Label(label=heading) label.set_name("StatisticsH2") label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.0) self.pack_start(label, False, False, 0) hbox = gu.bHBox(self, False) frame = Gtk.Frame() hbox.pack_start(frame, False, False, 0) t = Gtk.Table() frame.add(t) keys = st.get_keys(True) for x in range(len(keys)): t.attach(Gtk.VSeparator(), x*2+1, x*2+2, 0, len(keys)*2) for x in range(len(keys)-1): t.attach(Gtk.HSeparator(), 0, len(keys)*2+1, x*2+1, x*2+2) for y, key in enumerate(keys): l = label_from_key(st, key) t.attach(l, 0, 1, y*2, y*2+1, xpadding=gu.PAD) for x, skey in enumerate(keys): try: s = st_data[key][skey] except KeyError: s = '-' l = Gtk.Label(label=s) if x == y: l.set_name('BoldText') t.attach(l, x*2+2, x*2+3, y*2, y*2+1, xpadding=gu.PAD) self.show_all()
def add_text(self, data_dict, version): '''data_dict ontains text to be added. Key will be the title Value will be... well, the value :)''' self.box = Gtk.HBox(False, 1) self._statusbar.pack_start(self.box, False, False, 1) ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.NONE for element in data_dict.keys(): if element == 'Arch': _icon = Gtk.Image.new_from_file(self.icons[element]) else: _icon = Gtk.Image.new_from_stock(self.icons[element], Gtk.IconSize.MENU) self.box.pack_start(_icon, False, False, 0) # Element label label = Gtk.Label() label.set_markup('<b>%s:</b>' % element) label.set_padding(1, 0) label.set_max_width_chars(len(element) + 1) label.set_single_line_mode(True) label.set_ellipsize(ellipsize) self.box.pack_start(label, True, True, 1) # Element content label = Gtk.Label(label=str(data_dict[element])) label.set_padding(1, 0) label.set_max_width_chars(len(str(data_dict[element]))) label.set_single_line_mode(True) label.set_ellipsize(ellipsize) self.box.pack_start(label, True, True, 1) sep = Gtk.VSeparator() self.box.pack_start(sep, True, True, 1) if version: _icon = Gtk.Image.new_from_file(datafile_path('bokken-small.svg')) self.pack_start(_icon, False, False, 1) label = Gtk.Label() label.set_markup('<b>Bokken ' + version + '</b> (' + self.uicore.backend.capitalize() + ' ' + self.uicore.version + ')') label.set_padding(1, 0) self.pack_end(label, False, True, 0) self.show_all()
def update_answer_buttons(self, obj=None): """ Only columns with question properties that are actually used in the lesson file will be displayed. This way, we can make a default configuration: qprops = "name", "toptone", "inversion" qprop_labels = _("Name"), _("Toptone"), _("Inversion") and only lesson files that require other properties have to define these two variables. """ # This part will create the table with the buttons used to answer. try: self.g_atable.destroy() except AttributeError: pass self.g_atable = Gtk.Table() self.g_atable.show() if self.m_t.m_P.header.layout_orientation == 'horiz': self.g_contents.attach(self.g_atable, 1, 2, 2, 3) else: self.g_contents.attach(self.g_atable, 0, 1, 1, 2) # pprops say how many properties are we going to display. # We will not display a property if no questions use it. num_used_props = len( [x for x in self.m_t.m_P.m_props.keys() if self.m_t.m_P.m_props[x]]) # tcols say how many columns we need. We need a column for each # column separator tcols = num_used_props * 2 - 1 trows = max([len(x) for x in self.m_t.m_P.m_props.values()]) + 2 # The column headings for idx, label in enumerate(self.m_t.m_P.header.qprop_labels): self.g_atable.attach(Gtk.Label(label=label), idx * 2, idx * 2 + 1, 0, 1, xoptions=Gtk.AttachOptions.FILL, yoptions=Gtk.AttachOptions.SHRINK, xpadding=gu.PAD_SMALL) # Then we create the buttons used to answer. for x, prop in enumerate(self.m_t.m_P.header.qprops): for y, proplabel in enumerate(self.m_t.m_P.m_props[prop]): button = Gtk.Button(unicode(proplabel)) button.m_property_name = prop button.m_property_value = proplabel.cval button.connect('clicked', self.on_prop_button_clicked) button.connect('button_release_event', self.on_prop_button_right_clicked) self.g_atable.attach(button, x * 2, x * 2 + 1, y + 2, y + 3, xpadding=gu.PAD_SMALL, yoptions=Gtk.AttachOptions.SHRINK) # The separator below the column headings self.g_atable.attach(Gtk.HSeparator(), 0, tcols, 1, 2, xoptions=Gtk.AttachOptions.FILL, yoptions=Gtk.AttachOptions.FILL, xpadding=0, ypadding=gu.PAD_SMALL) # The vertical separator between columns for idx in range(len(self.m_t.m_P.header.qprops)-1): self.g_atable.attach(Gtk.VSeparator(), idx * 2 + 1, idx * 2 + 2, 0, trows, xoptions=Gtk.AttachOptions.FILL, yoptions=Gtk.AttachOptions.FILL, xpadding=0, ypadding=gu.PAD_SMALL) self.g_atable.show_all() # self.g_random_transpose.set_text(str(self.m_t.m_P.header.random_transpose))
def __init__(self, teacher): abstract.Gui.__init__(self, teacher) self.m_key_bindings = {'backspace_ak': self.on_backspace} self.g_answer_box = gu.NewLineBox() self.practise_box.pack_start(self.g_answer_box, False, False, 0) #------- hbox = gu.bHBox(self.practise_box) b = Gtk.Button(_("Play")) b.show() b.connect('clicked', self.play_users_answer) hbox.pack_start(b, False, True, 0) self.practise_box.pack_start(Gtk.HBox(False, 0), False, False, padding=gu.PAD_SMALL) self.g_rhythm_viewer = RhythmViewer(self) #FIXME the value 52 is dependant on the theme used self.g_rhythm_viewer.set_size_request(-1, 52) self.g_rhythm_viewer.create_holders() hbox.pack_start(self.g_rhythm_viewer, True, True, 0) # action area self.std_buttons_add( ('new', self.new_question), ('repeat', self.repeat_question), ('give_up', self.give_up), ('backspace', self.on_backspace)) self.practise_box.show_all() ############## # config_box # ############## self.add_select_elements_gui() #-------- self.config_box.pack_start(Gtk.HBox(False, 0), False, False, padding=gu.PAD_SMALL) self.add_select_num_beats_gui() #----- self.config_box.pack_start(Gtk.HBox(False, 0), False, False, padding=gu.PAD_SMALL) #------ hbox = gu.bHBox(self.config_box, False) hbox.set_spacing(gu.PAD_SMALL) hbox.pack_start(gu.nCheckButton(self.m_exname, "not_start_with_rest", _("Don't start the question with a rest")), False, False, 0) sep = Gtk.VSeparator() hbox.pack_start(sep, False, False, 0) hbox.pack_start(Gtk.Label(_("Beats per minute:")), False, False, 0) spin = gu.nSpinButton(self.m_exname, 'bpm', Gtk.Adjustment(60, 20, 240, 1, 10)) hbox.pack_start(spin, False, False, 0) self._add_auto_new_question_gui(self.config_box) self.config_box.show_all()
def update_answer_buttons(self, obj=None): """ Only columns with question properties that are actually used in the lesson file will be displayed. This way, we can make a default configuration: qprops = "name", "toptone", "inversion" qprop_labels = _("Name"), _("Toptone"), _("Inversion") and only lesson files that require other properties have to define these two variables. """ # This part will create the table with the buttons used to answer. try: self.g_atable.destroy() except AttributeError: pass self.g_atable = Gtk.Table() self.g_atable.show() self.g_hbox.pack_start(self.g_atable, False, False, 0) self.g_hbox.reorder_child(self.g_atable, 1) # pprops say how many properties are we going to display. # We will not display a property if no questions use it. num_used_props = len( [x for x in self.m_t.m_P.m_props.keys() if self.m_t.m_P.m_props[x]]) # tcols say how many columns we need. We need a column for each # column separator tcols = num_used_props * 2 - 1 trows = max([len(x) for x in self.m_t.m_P.m_props.values()]) + 2 # The column headings for idx, label in enumerate(self.m_t.m_P.header.qprop_labels): self.g_atable.attach(Gtk.Label(label=label), idx * 2, idx * 2 + 1, 0, 1, xoptions=Gtk.AttachOptions.FILL, yoptions=Gtk.AttachOptions.SHRINK, xpadding=gu.PAD_SMALL) # Then we create the buttons used to answer. for x, prop in enumerate(self.m_t.m_P.header.qprops): for y, proplabel in enumerate(self.m_t.m_P.m_props[prop]): button = Gtk.Button(unicode(proplabel)) button.m_property_name = prop button.m_property_value = proplabel.cval button.connect('clicked', self.on_prop_button_clicked) button.connect('button_release_event', self.on_prop_button_right_clicked) self.g_atable.attach(button, x * 2, x * 2 + 1, y + 2, y + 3, xpadding=gu.PAD_SMALL, yoptions=Gtk.AttachOptions.SHRINK) # The separator below the column headings self.g_atable.attach(Gtk.HSeparator(), 0, tcols, 1, 2, xoptions=Gtk.AttachOptions.FILL, yoptions=Gtk.AttachOptions.FILL, xpadding=0, ypadding=gu.PAD_SMALL) # The vertical separator between columns for idx in range(len(self.m_t.m_P.header.qprops)-1): self.g_atable.attach(Gtk.VSeparator(), idx * 2 + 1, idx * 2 + 2, 0, trows, xoptions=Gtk.AttachOptions.FILL, yoptions=Gtk.AttachOptions.FILL, xpadding=0, ypadding=gu.PAD_SMALL) self.g_atable.show_all() # self.g_random_transpose.set_text(str(self.m_t.m_P.header.random_transpose)) self.g_repeat.set_sensitive(False) self.g_repeat_arpeggio.set_sensitive(False) self.g_give_up.set_sensitive(False)
def createHud(self): self.tools = Gtk.ToolPalette() # general functions generalTools = Gtk.ToolItemGroup.new('General') self.tools.add(generalTools) loadItem = Gtk.ToolButton.new(None, 'Load') loadItem.connect("clicked", self.__loadGraph) generalTools.insert(loadItem, -1) saveItem = Gtk.ToolButton.new(None, 'Save') saveItem.connect("clicked", self.__saveGraph) generalTools.insert(saveItem, -1) runItem = Gtk.ToolButton.new(None, 'Run') runItem.connect("clicked", self.__executeGraph) generalTools.insert(runItem, -1) # node functions newNodeTools = Gtk.ToolItemGroup.new('New Node') self.tools.add(newNodeTools) constNodeItem = Gtk.ToolButton.new(None, 'FileRead') constNodeItem.connect("clicked", lambda w = None, d = None: self.__createNode('fileread', w, d)) newNodeTools.insert(constNodeItem, -1) constNodeItem = Gtk.ToolButton.new(None, 'FileWrite') constNodeItem.connect("clicked", lambda w = None, d = None: self.__createNode('filewrite', w, d)) newNodeTools.insert(constNodeItem, -1) constNodeItem = Gtk.ToolButton.new(None, 'Constant') constNodeItem.connect("clicked", lambda w = None, d = None: self.__createNode('const', w, d)) newNodeTools.insert(constNodeItem, -1) printNodeItem = Gtk.ToolButton.new(None, 'Printer') printNodeItem.connect("clicked", lambda w = None, d = None: self.__createNode('print', w, d)) newNodeTools.insert(printNodeItem, -1) adderNodeItem = Gtk.ToolButton.new(None, 'Adder') adderNodeItem.connect("clicked", lambda w = None, d = None: self.__createNode('add', w, d)) newNodeTools.insert(adderNodeItem, -1) adderNodeItem = Gtk.ToolButton.new(None, 'Bash') adderNodeItem.connect("clicked", lambda w = None, d = None: self.__createNode('bash', w, d)) newNodeTools.insert(adderNodeItem, -1) adderNodeItem = Gtk.ToolButton.new(None, 'MatLab') adderNodeItem.connect("clicked", lambda w = None, d = None: self.__createNode('matlab', w, d)) newNodeTools.insert(adderNodeItem, -1) self.vbox.pack_start(self.tools, False, False, 0) vsep = Gtk.VSeparator() self.vbox.pack_start(vsep, False, False, 0) logger.debug('HUD populated')