def set_branch(self, branch, force=False): try: if branch not in self.repo.branches and branch == 'master': '''Make init commit''' self.repo.index.add(["*"]) self.repo.index.commit("init") remote = self.repo.create_remote('master', self.repo.remotes.origin.url) remote.push(refspec='{}:{}'.format(self.repo.active_branch, 'master')) if self.is_developer_mode(): return if str(self.repo.active_branch) != branch: self.repo.git.checkout(branch, force=force) else: self.pull() except git.GitCommandError as exc: ColorPrint.exit_after_print_messages(message=exc.stderr)
def init_project(self): project_dir_git = os.path.join(self._project_dir, 'repo') if not self._config['repo']: raise Exception('Empty repo configuration') create_dir(project_dir_git) git_path = os.path.join(project_dir_git, '.git') if os.path.exists(git_path): repo = Repo(project_dir_git) print colored('Pulling', 'green') + ' repo %s' % self._config['repo'] repo.remotes.origin.pull() else: try: print 'cloning... %s' % self._config['repo'] Repo.clone_from(self._config['repo'], project_dir_git) except GitCommandError as e: print 'Repo cannot be found'
def git_pull(): """ Git Pull handler """ app = get_app() if not have_git: session.flash = GIT_MISSING redirect(URL('site')) dialog = FORM.confirm(T('Pull'), {T('Cancel'): URL('site')}) if dialog.accepted: try: repo = git.Repo(os.path.join(apath(r=request), app)) origin = repo.remotes.origin origin.fetch() origin.pull() session.flash = T("Application updated via git pull") redirect(URL('site')) except git.CheckoutError: session.flash = T("Pull failed, certain files could not be checked out. Check logs for details.") redirect(URL('site')) except git.UnmergedEntriesError: session.flash = T("Pull is not possible because you have unmerged files. Fix them up in the work tree, and then try again.") redirect(URL('site')) except git.GitCommandError: session.flash = T( "Pull failed, git exited abnormally. See logs for details.") redirect(URL('site')) except AssertionError: session.flash = T("Pull is not possible because you have unmerged files. Fix them up in the work tree, and then try again.") redirect(URL('site')) elif 'cancel' in request.vars: redirect(URL('site')) return dict(app=app, dialog=dialog)
def getCloneURL(self, name): if self.clone_url is not None: return self.getCloneURLFromPattern(name) # Nothing stops 'name' from escaping the path specified by self.url, like '../../../foo'. I can't see a problem with allowing it other than that it's weird, and allowing normal subdirectory traversal could be useful, so not currently putting any restrictions on 'name' rtn = f"{self.url}/{name}" try: oldEnv = dict(os.environ) os.environ.update(makeGitEnvironment(self)) try: git.Git().ls_remote(rtn) finally: os.environ.clear() os.environ.update(oldEnv) except git.GitCommandError as e: err = e.stderr # Try to strip off the formatting GitCommandError puts on stderr match = re.search("stderr: '(.*)'$", err) if match: err = match.group(1) raise RuntimeError(err) return rtn # Patch stashy's AuthenticationException to print the server's message (mostly for issue #16, detecting a captcha check)
def git_clone_all(config_as_dict): progress = GitProgress() for repo_url, branch, app_name, app_props in repo_and_branch_and_app_name_and_app_props_iterator(config_as_dict): repo_full_path = get_repo_full_path_for_repo_url(repo_url, config_as_dict) if os.path.exists(repo_full_path): print("Already cloned %s from %s" % (app_name, repo_url)) repo = git.Repo(repo_full_path) if repo.active_branch.name != branch: print("Your local checkout is in a different branch (%s) from the branch you want to deploy (%s). URL: %s" % (repo.active_branch.name, branch, repo_url)) repo.git.checkout(branch) origin = repo.remotes.origin #origin.fetch(branch) if config_as_dict["gitpull"]: origin.pull(branch) else: os.makedirs(repo_full_path) try: repo = git.Repo.clone_from(repo_url, repo_full_path, branch=branch, progress=progress) print("Cloned: %s" % repo) except git.GitCommandError as e: print(e) return False
def __init__(self, target_dir, url, branch, git_ssh_identity_file=None, force=False): super(GitRepository, self).__init__(target_dir) self.branch = branch try: if url is None: ColorPrint.exit_after_print_messages(message="GIT URL is empty") if git_ssh_identity_file is None: git_ssh_identity_file = os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/id_rsa") with git.Git().custom_environment(GIT_SSH=git_ssh_identity_file): if not os.path.exists(target_dir) or not os.listdir(target_dir): self.repo = git.Repo.clone_from(url=url, to_path=target_dir) else: self.repo = git.Repo(target_dir) old_url = self.repo.remotes.origin.url if not GitRepository.is_same_host(old_url, url): if self.is_developer_mode(): ColorPrint.exit_after_print_messages( message="This directory exists with not matching git repository " + target_dir) else: shutil.rmtree(target_dir, onerror=FileUtils.remove_readonly) self.repo = git.Repo.clone_from(url=url, to_path=target_dir) self.set_branch(branch=branch, force=force) except git.GitCommandError as exc: ColorPrint.exit_after_print_messages(message=exc.stderr)
def clone(self, url=None, path=None): try: git.Repo.clone_from(url, path) except git.GitCommandError as exception: print(exception) if exception.stdout: print('!! stdout was:') print(exception.stdout) if exception.stderr: print('!! stderr was:') print(exception.stderr)
def git_version(version): """ Return a version to identify the state of the underlying git repo. The version will indicate whether the head of the current git-backed working directory is tied to a release tag or not : it will indicate the former with a 'release:{version}' prefix and the latter with a 'dev0' prefix. Following the prefix will be a sha of the current branch head. Finally, a "dirty" suffix is appended to indicate that uncommitted changes are present. """ repo = None try: import git repo = git.Repo('.git') except ImportError: logger.warning('gitpython not found: Cannot compute the git version.') return '' except Exception as e: logger.warning('Git repo not found: Cannot compute the git version.') return '' if repo: sha = repo.head.commit.hexsha if repo.is_dirty(): return '.dev0+{sha}.dirty'.format(sha=sha) # commit is clean # is it release of `version` ? try: tag = repo.git.describe( match='[0-9]*', exact_match=True, tags=True, dirty=True) assert tag == version, (tag, version) return '.release:{version}+{sha}'.format(version=version, sha=sha) except git.GitCommandError: return '.dev0+{sha}'.format(sha=sha) else: return 'no_git_version'
def get(): try: return git.Repo(path.dirname(path.dirname(vj4.__file__))).git.describe(always=True, tags=True, dirty=True) except (git.InvalidGitRepositoryError, git.GitCommandError) as e: _logger.error('Failed to get repository: %s', repr(e)) return 'unknown'
def test_clone_repo_failed(app, pipeline): with mock.patch.object(pipeline, 'clone') as mock_clone, \ mock.patch.object(pipeline, '_report_git_error') as report_git_error, \ mock.patch.object(pipeline, 'parse_spec') as mock_spec, \ mock.patch.object(PullRequest, 'comment') as pr_comment, \ mock.patch.object(Changesets, 'comment') as cs_comment: mock_clone.side_effect = git.GitCommandError('git clone', 1) report_git_error.return_value = None pr_comment.return_value = None cs_comment.return_value = None pipeline.start() assert report_git_error.called mock_spec.assert_not_called()
def start(self): '''Start Pipeline''' logger.info('Pipeline started for repository %s', self.context.repository) try: self.clone() self.parse_spec() exit_code = self.build() build_success = exit_code == 0 self.save_artifacts(build_success) if exit_code != 137: # 137 means build cancelled self.lint() if build_success: self.deploy() except git.GitCommandError as git_err: logger.exception('Git command error') self._report_git_error(git_err) except BitbucketAPIError: logger.exception('Error calling BitBucket API') sentry.captureException() except InvalidSpecification as err: self._report_error(':umbrella: Invalid badwolf configuration: ' + str(err)) except BadwolfException: pass finally: self.clean()
def get_conflicted_files(repo_path): gitcmd = git.Git(repo_path) try: return gitcmd.diff('--name-only', '--diff-filter=U') except git.GitCommandError: logger.exception('Error get conflicted files by git diff command') return None
def commit_changes(self, push=False): git_repo = Repo(self.repo) git_repo.git.add('content/') try: git_repo.git.commit('-m', 'Commit added by PaperGit') self.last_run = time.time() self.save() except GitCommandError: print('Nothing to commit') if push: print("Pushing changes to remote") git_repo.git.push('origin')
def git_repo(self): with mock.patch("release.Repo", spec=Repo, spec_set=True) as mock_repo: commits = [ Commit(mock_repo, _h2b("111111"), message="First commit", parents=tuple()), Commit(mock_repo, _h2b("222222"), message="Second commit", parents=("111111",)), Commit(mock_repo, _h2b("333333"), message="Third commit", parents=("222222",)) ] mock_repo.iter_commits.return_value = commits rev_parse_returns = { "heads/master": commits[-1], PREVIOUS_TAG: TagObject(mock_repo, _h2b("aaaaaa"), object=commits[-2], tag=PREVIOUS_TAG), CURRENT_TAG: TagObject(mock_repo, _h2b("bbbbbb"), object=commits[-1], tag=CURRENT_TAG) } mock_repo.rev_parse.side_effect = lambda x: rev_parse_returns[x] mock_repo.git.rev_parse.side_effect = lambda x, **kwargs: x def describe(rev=None, **kwargs): print("call to describe(%r, %r)" % (rev, kwargs)) if rev is None: return CURRENT_TAG if rev.endswith("^"): if rev.startswith(CURRENT_TAG): return PREVIOUS_TAG raise GitCommandError("describe", "failed") raise AssertionError("Test wants to describe something unexpected: rev=%r, kwargs=%r" % (rev, kwargs)) mock_repo.git.describe.side_effect = describe yield mock_repo
def current_tag(self): if self._current_tag: return self._current_tag try: current_name = self.repo.git.describe(all=True) self._current_tag = self.repo.rev_parse(current_name) return self._current_tag except (BadName, GitCommandError): return None
def generate_changelog(self): """Use the git log to create a changelog with all changes since the previous tag""" try: previous_name = self.repo.git.describe("{}^".format(self.current_tag), abbrev=0) previous_tag = self.repo.rev_parse(previous_name) except GitCommandError: previous_tag = THE_NULL_COMMIT current = self._resolve_tag(self.current_tag) previous = self._resolve_tag(previous_tag) commit_range = "{}..{}".format(previous, current) return [(self._shorten(commit.hexsha), commit.summary) for commit in self.repo.iter_commits(commit_range) if len(commit.parents) <= 1]
def git_clone_all_repos(cat): """Perform a 'git clone' for each data repository that doesnt exist. """ log = cat.log log.debug("gitter.git_clone_all_repos()") all_repos = cat.PATHS.get_all_repo_folders() out_repos = cat.PATHS.get_repo_output_folders() for repo in all_repos: log.info("Repo in: '{}'".format(repo)) if os.path.isdir(repo): log.info("Directory exists.") else: log.debug("Cloning directory...") clone(repo, cat.log, depth=max(cat.args.clone_depth, 1)) if cat.args.purge_outputs and repo in out_repos: for fil in glob(os.path.join(repo, '*.json')): os.remove(fil) grepo = git.cmd.Git(repo) try: grepo.status() except git.GitCommandError: log.error("Repository does not exist!") raise # Get the initial git SHA sha_beg = get_sha(repo) log.debug("Current SHA: '{}'".format(sha_beg)) return
def git_version(version): """ Return a version to identify the state of the underlying git repo. The version will indicate whether the head of the current git-backed working directory is tied to a release tag or not : it will indicate the former with a 'release:{version}' prefix and the latter with a 'dev0' prefix. Following the prefix will be a sha of the current branch head. Finally, a "dirty" suffix is appended to indicate that uncommitted changes are present. """ repo = None try: import git repo = git.Repo('.git') except ImportError: logger.warn('gitpython not found: Cannot compute the git version.') return '' except Exception as e: logger.warn('Git repo not found: Cannot compute the git version.') return '' if repo: sha = repo.head.commit.hexsha if repo.is_dirty(): return '.dev0+{sha}.dirty'.format(sha=sha) # commit is clean # is it release of `version` ? try: tag = repo.git.describe( match='[0-9]*', exact_match=True, tags=True, dirty=True) assert tag == version, (tag, version) return '.release:{version}+{sha}'.format(version=version, sha=sha) except git.GitCommandError: return '.dev0+{sha}'.format(sha=sha) else: return 'no_git_version'
def clone(self, raise_for_error=True): try: git.Repo.clone_from(self.remote_url, self.local_path) return True except git.GitCommandError as e: if e.status == 128 and not raise_for_error: return False raise # Safe operations only, can be used without acquiring a lock first. # Specialized subclasses with more operations defined are built by using one of the lock functions.
def get(): try: return git.Repo(path.dirname(path.dirname(anubis.__file__))).git.describe(always=True, dirty=True) except (git.InvalidGitRepositoryError, git.GitCommandError) as e: _logger.error('Failed to get respository: %s', repr(e)) return 'unknown'
def test_clone_error(mocker, git_repo): mocker.patch('git.Repo.clone_from', side_effect=git.GitCommandError('clone', 'Foo')) dir = git_repo.working_tree_dir with zazu.util.cd(dir): runner = click.testing.CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(zazu.cli.cli, ['repo', 'clone', 'http://foo/bar/baz.git']) assert result.exit_code != 0 assert result.exception git.Repo.clone_from.assert_called_once()