def __init__(self): super(PyApp, self).__init__() self.set_title("Web Stalker Browser") self.set_size_request(1000,600) self.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER) vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 5) scw = gtk.ScrolledWindow(None, None) web = webkit.WebView() url = sys.argv[1] web.open(url) scw.add(web) vbox.add(scw) gobject.threads_init() self.add(vbox) self.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit) self.show_all()
def __init__(self, device_id=None): """Default initialiser. 1. Initialises the program loop using ``GObject``. 2. Registers the Application on the D-Bus. 3. Initialises the list of services offered by the application. """ # Initialise the loop that the application runs in GObject.threads_init() dbus.mainloop.glib.threads_init() dbus.mainloop.glib.DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True) self.mainloop = GObject.MainLoop() # Initialise the D-Bus path and register it self.bus = dbus.SystemBus() self.path = '/ukBaz/bluezero/application{}'.format(id(self)) self.bus_name = dbus.service.BusName('ukBaz.bluezero', self.bus) dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, self.bus_name, self.path) # Initialise services within the application self.services = [] self.dongle = adapter.Adapter(device_id)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): self.filename = None self.parser = None self.thread = None if not display.DISPLAY_ENABLED: self.consensus_procedure(*args, **kwds) else: gtk.gdk.threads_init() gobject.threads_init() self.load_display(*args, **kwds) self.mpi_wait_for_start()
def __init__(self, layout): ClassLogger.__init__(self) # IO event callbacks occur in another thread, dbus/gdk need # to be made aware of this. gobject.threads_init() GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) self._layout = layout for name, config in layout.iteritems(): for point in ['pin', 'pull_up_down']: Inputs._raise_if_not_in(point, config) config = copy.deepcopy(config) config['name'] = name self._inputs_by_channel[config['pin']] = config self._configure_input(name, config)
def __init__(self, layout): ClassLogger.__init__(self) # IO event callbacks occur in another thread, dbus/gdk need # to be made aware of this. gobject.threads_init() GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) self._layout = layout for name, config in layout.iteritems(): for point in ['pin', 'default']: Outputs._raise_if_not_in(point, config) self._conigure_output(name, config)
def lienInAmelia(): import gtk import webkit import gobject gobject.threads_init() window = gtk.Window() window.set_default_size(1100, 680) window.connect("destroy", lambda a: gtk.main_quit()) browser = webkit.WebView() browser.open("http://alfred-ia.org/essaye-moi/") window.add(browser) window.show_all() gtk.main()
def __init__(self, config): BaseGUI.__init__(self, config) if pynotify: pynotify.init(config.get('app_name', 'gui-o-matic')) gobject.threads_init() self.splash = None
def run(cls, store, master_options): gobject.threads_init() dbus.glib.init_threads() DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True) bus = dbus.SessionBus() name = dbus.service.BusName("com.airbus.rebus.bus", bus) svc = cls(bus, "/bus", store) svc.mainloop = gobject.MainLoop() log.info("Entering main loop.") try: svc.mainloop.run() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): if len(svc.clients) > 0: log.info("Trying to stop all agents properly. Press Ctrl-C " "again to stop.") # stop scheduler svc.sched.shutdown() # ask slave agents to shutdown nicely & save internal state log.info("Expecting %u more agents to exit (ex. %s)", len(svc.clients), svc.clients.keys()[0]) svc.bus_exit(store.STORES_INTSTATE) store.store_state() try: svc.mainloop.run() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): if len(svc.clients) > 0: log.info( "Not all agents have stopped, exiting nonetheless") log.info("Stopping storage...") store.store_state()
def __init__(self, options): gobject.threads_init() dbus.mainloop.glib.threads_init() dbus.mainloop.glib.DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True) Bus.__init__(self) busaddr = options.busaddr self.bus = dbus.SessionBus() if busaddr == DEFAULT_BUS else \ dbus.bus.BusConnection(busaddr) counter = 20 while not (counter == 0): try: self.rebus = self.bus.get_object("com.airbus.rebus.bus", "/bus") counter = 0 except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e: log.warning("Cannot get bus object's because : " + str(e) + " : wait 5s and retry") counter = counter - 1 time.sleep(5) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.sigterm_handler) #: Contains agent instance. This Bus implementation accepts only one #: agent. Agent must be run using separate DBus() (bus slave) #: instances. self.agent = None self.loop = None self.main_thread_id = thread.get_ident()
def __init__(self, args): self._classpath = args.classpath self._cache_filename = args.save_cache self._max_depth = args.max_depth gobject.threads_init() self.parser = None self._launch_loading() gtk.main()