def do_request_async(self, url, method='GET', headers=None, payload=None, deadline=None, callback=None): """Inherit docs. This method translates urlfetch exceptions to more service specific ones. """ if headers is None: headers = {} if 'x-goog-api-version' not in headers: headers['x-goog-api-version'] = '2' headers['accept-encoding'] = 'gzip, *' try: resp_tuple = yield super(_StorageApi, self).do_request_async( url, method=method, headers=headers, payload=payload, deadline=deadline, callback=callback) except urlfetch.DownloadError, e: raise errors.TimeoutError( 'Request to Google Cloud Storage timed out.', e) raise ndb.Return(resp_tuple)
def do_request_async(self, url, method='GET', headers=None, payload=None, deadline=None, callback=None): """Inherit docs. This method translates urlfetch exceptions to more service specific ones. """ if headers is None: headers = {} if 'x-goog-api-version' not in headers: headers['x-goog-api-version'] = '2' headers['accept-encoding'] = 'gzip, *' try: resp_tuple = yield super(_StorageApi, self).do_request_async( url, method=method, headers=headers, payload=payload, deadline=deadline, callback=callback) except urlfetch.DownloadError as e: raise errors.TimeoutError( 'Request to Google Cloud Storage timed out.', e) raise ndb.Return(resp_tuple)
def get_credentials_async(user_id): """ Get oauth credentials by user_id asynchronously """ model = yield Account.get_by_id_async(user_id) if model is None: credentials = None else: credentials = model.credentials raise ndb.Return(credentials)
def _get_segment(self, start, request_size, check_response=True): """Get a segment of the file from Google Storage. Args: start: start offset of the segment. Inclusive. Have to be within the range of the file. request_size: number of bytes to request. Have to be small enough for a single urlfetch request. May go over the logical range of the file. check_response: True to check the validity of GCS response automatically before the future returns. False otherwise. See Yields section. Yields: If check_response is True, the segment [start, start + request_size) of the file. Otherwise, a tuple. The first element is the unverified file segment. The second element is a closure that checks response. Caller should first invoke the closure before consuing the file segment. Raises: ValueError: if the file has changed while reading. """ end = start + request_size - 1 content_range = '%d-%d' % (start, end) headers = {'Range': 'bytes=' + content_range} status, resp_headers, content = yield self._api.get_object_async( self._path, headers=headers) def _checker(): errors.check_status(status, [200, 206], self._path, headers, resp_headers, body=content) self._check_etag(resp_headers.get('etag')) if check_response: _checker() raise ndb.Return(content) raise ndb.Return(content, _checker)
def tell(self): """Return the total number of bytes passed to write() so far. (There is no seek() method.) """ return self._offset
def _make_token_async(scopes, service_account_id): """Get a fresh authentication token. Args: scopes: A list of scopes. service_account_id: Internal-use only. Raises: An ndb.Return with a tuple (token, expiration_time) where expiration_time is seconds since the epoch. """ rpc = app_identity.create_rpc() app_identity.make_get_access_token_call(rpc, scopes, service_account_id) token, expires_at = yield rpc raise ndb.Return((token, expires_at))
def do_request_async(self, url, method='GET', headers=None, payload=None, deadline=None, callback=None): """Issue one HTTP request. It performs async retries using tasklets. Args: url: the url to fetch. method: the method in which to fetch. headers: the http headers. payload: the data to submit in the fetch. deadline: the deadline in which to make the call. callback: the call to make once completed. Yields: The async fetch of the url. """ retry_wrapper = api_utils._RetryWrapper( self.retry_params, retriable_exceptions=api_utils._RETRIABLE_EXCEPTIONS, should_retry=api_utils._should_retry) resp = yield retry_wrapper.run( self.urlfetch_async, url=url, method=method, headers=headers, payload=payload, deadline=deadline, callback=callback, follow_redirects=False) raise ndb.Return((resp.status_code, resp.headers, resp.content))
def get_cart_tasklet(acct): cart = yield CartItem.query(CartItem.account == acct.key).fetch_async() yield ndb.get_multi_async([item.inventory for item in cart]) raise ndb.Return(cart)
def get_offers_tasklet(acct): offers = yield SpecialOffer.query().fetch_async(10) yield ndb.get_multi_async([offer.inventory for offer in offers]) raise ndb.Return(offers)
def get_cart_plus_offers_tasklet(acct): cart, offers = yield get_cart_tasklet(acct), get_offers_tasklet(acct) raise ndb.Return((cart, offers)) # [END cart_offers_tasklets]
def iterate_over_query_results_in_tasklet(Model, is_the_entity_i_want): qry = Model.query() qit = qry.iter() while (yield qit.has_next_async()): entity = qit.next() # Do something with entity if is_the_entity_i_want(entity): raise ndb.Return(entity)
def blocking_iteration_over_query_results(Model, is_the_entity_i_want): # DO NOT DO THIS IN A TASKLET qry = Model.query() for entity in qry: # Do something with entity if is_the_entity_i_want(entity): raise ndb.Return(entity)
def get_messages_async(self): @ndb.tasklet def callback(msg): acct = yield msg.author.get_async() raise ndb.Return('On {}, {} wrote:\n{}'.format( msg.when, acct.nick(), msg.text)) qry = Message.query().order(-Message.when) outputs = qry.map(callback, limit=20) for output in outputs: self.response.out.write('<p>{}</p>'.format(output))
def urlfetch_async(self, url, method='GET', headers=None, payload=None, deadline=None, callback=None, follow_redirects=False): """Make an async urlfetch() call. This is an async wrapper around urlfetch(). It adds an authentication header. Args: url: the url to fetch. method: the method in which to fetch. headers: the http headers. payload: the data to submit in the fetch. deadline: the deadline in which to make the call. callback: the call to make once completed. follow_redirects: whether or not to follow redirects. Yields: This returns a Future despite not being decorated with @ndb.tasklet! """ headers = {} if headers is None else dict(headers) headers.update(self.user_agent) try: self.token = yield self.get_token_async() except app_identity.InternalError, e: if os.environ.get('DATACENTER', '').endswith('sandman'): self.token = None logging.warning('Could not fetch an authentication token in sandman ' 'based Appengine devel setup; proceeding without one.') else: raise e if self.token: headers['authorization'] = 'OAuth ' + self.token deadline = deadline or self.retry_params.urlfetch_timeout ctx = ndb.get_context() resp = yield ctx.urlfetch( url, payload=payload, method=method, headers=headers, follow_redirects=follow_redirects, deadline=deadline, callback=callback) raise ndb.Return(resp)
def get_score_by_screen_name(screen_name, depth): # Gets the most recently updated copy, if duplicated. key_name = ( '.' + screen_name if screen_name.startswith('__') else screen_name) try: score = yield ndb.Key(Score, key_name).get_async() except OverQuotaError: logging.critical('We are over quota.') raise ndb.Return(None) if score is None or ( score.last_updated < datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=MAX_AGE_DAYS)): # If we don't have one, or if we have one that's too old, we need # to calculate one. if score is not None: logging.info('Refreshing {}'.format(screen_name)) else: logging.info('Fetching {} for the first time'.format(screen_name)) task_name = '{}_{}'.format( screen_name, os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'].split('.')[0]) queue_name = 'scoring-direct' if depth == 0 else 'scoring-indirect' try: _ = yield taskqueue.Task( name=task_name, params={ 'screen_name': screen_name, 'depth': depth }).add_async(queue_name) # If this is a direct query, schedule an analysis of the profile # picture. if depth == 0: _ = yield taskqueue.Task( name=task_name, params={ 'screen_name': screen_name, }).add_async('profile-pic') # If we add it to the scoring-direct queue, we should remove # the corresponding task from the scoring-indirect queue at this # point. if queue_name == 'scoring-direct': delete_from_scoring_indirect(task_name) except taskqueue.TaskAlreadyExistsError: # We already are going to check this person. There is nothing # to do here. logging.warning( 'Fetch for {} already scheduled on queue {}'.format( task_name, queue_name)) except taskqueue.TombstonedTaskError: # This task is too recent. We shouldn't try again so # soon. Thombstoning won't happen across different deploys, as the # task name has the deploy timestamp on it. logging.warning('Fetch for {} tombstoned'.format(task_name)) else: logging.info('No need to refresh {}'.format(screen_name)) raise ndb.Return(score)
def get_score_by_twitter_id(twitter_id, depth): try: score = yield Score.query(Score.twitter_id == twitter_id).get_async() except OverQuotaError: logging.critical( 'Over quota fetching {}'.format(twitter_id)) raise ndb.Return(None) if score is None or ( score.last_updated < datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=MAX_AGE_DAYS)): # If we don't have one, or if we have one that's too old, we need # to calculate one. task_name = '{}_{}'.format( twitter_id, os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'].split('.')[0]) queue_name = 'scoring-direct' if depth == 0 else 'scoring-indirect' try: _ = yield taskqueue.Task( name=task_name, params={ 'twitter_id': twitter_id, 'depth': depth }).add_async(queue_name) # If this is a direct query, schedule an analysis of the profile # picture. if depth == 0: _ = yield taskqueue.Task( name=task_name, params={ 'twitter_id': twitter_id, }).add_async('profile-pic') # If we add it to the scoring-direct queue, we should remove # the corresponding task from the scoring-indirect queue at this # point. if queue_name == 'scoring-direct': delete_from_scoring_indirect(task_name) except taskqueue.TaskAlreadyExistsError: # We already are going to check this person. There is nothing # to do here. logging.warning( 'Fetch for {} already scheduled on queue {}'.format( task_name, queue_name)) except taskqueue.TombstonedTaskError: # This task is too recent. We shouldn't try again so # soon. Thombstoning won't happen across different deploys, as the # task name has the deploy timestamp on it. logging.warning('Fetch for {} tombstoned'.format(task_name)) raise ndb.Return(score) else: raise ndb.Return(score)