def upload(processor, data): user_token = data['user'] today = date.today() blob = json.dumps(data, separators=(',', ':')).encode('utf-8') blob = gzip.compress(blob, 7) name = 'v2/sessions/%s/%s/%s/%s.json.gz' % ( today.year, today.month, user_token, uuid.uuid1().hex) try: processor.bucket.put( name, blob, ContentEncoding='gzip', ContentType='application/json') except ClientError: # pragma: no cover processor.raven.captureException() return False return True
def generate_msg(role, msg_dict=None): """ See `IoT Protocol Specification` :param msg_dict: The data dict. :param role: :return: Encrypted bytes """ logging.debug("Generating a message ...") msg = {'proto': 'iddp', 'role': role, 'timestamp': datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp(), 'id': identity, 'data': msg_dict} msg = simplejson.dumps(msg, separators=(',', ':')).encode() return crypto.encrypt(gzip.compress(msg))[0]
def gen_kubeconfig(self, component, server='localhost'): """Generate kubeconfig""" kubeconfig = loads(files['kubeconfig'].decode(), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) kubeconfig['users'][0]['user']['client-certificate'] = 'tls/client/{}.crt'.format(component) kubeconfig['clusters'][0]['cluster']['server'] = 'https://' + server + ':6443' kubeconfig = compress((dumps(kubeconfig, indent=2) + '\n').encode()) self.add_files([ { 'filesystem': 'root', 'path': '/etc/kubernetes/kubeconfig-' + component, 'mode': 416, # 0640 'contents': { 'source': 'data:,' + quote(kubeconfig), 'compression': 'gzip' } } ])
def gen_kubemanifest(self, component, tag): """Generate Kubernetes Pod manifest""" manifest = loads(files[component].decode(), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) manifest['spec']['containers'][0]['image'] = 'quay.io/coreos/hyperkube:' + tag manifest = compress((dumps(manifest, indent=2) + '\n').encode()) self.add_files([ { 'filesystem': 'root', 'path': '/etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-{}.json'.format(component), 'mode': 416, # 0640 'contents': { 'source': 'data:,' + quote(manifest), 'compression': 'gzip' } } ])
def _map1(name): key_term_freq = {} print(name) for line in open(name): line = line.strip() #print(line) key, val = line.split('\t') val = json.loads(val) if key_term_freq.get(key) is None: key_term_freq[key] = {} for term, freq in val.items(): if key_term_freq[key].get(term) is None: key_term_freq[key][term] = 0 key_term_freq[key][term] += freq #print( term, key_term_freq[key][term] ) save_name = 'shrink/{}.pkl.gz'.format(name.split('/').pop()) #print( key_term_freq ) open(save_name,'wb').write( gzip.compress(pickle.dumps(key_term_freq)) )
def after_request(self, response): accept_encoding = request.headers.get('Accept-Encoding', '') if not accept_encoding: return response encodings = accept_encoding.split(',') if 'gzip' not in encodings: return response if (200 > response.status_code >= 300) or len(response.data) < 500 or 'Content-Encoding' in response.headers: return response response.data = gzip.compress(response.data, compresslevel=self.compress_level) response.headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip' response.headers['Content-Length'] = len(response.data) return response
def send(conn, obj): msg = json_dump(obj) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msg = gzip.compress(msg) msg += SEP conn.sendall(msg)
def export(request): print('starting csv export') output_rows, DATE = export_impl() data = StringIO() writer = csv.writer(data) writer.writerows(sorted(output_rows)) r = Response(gzip.compress(data.getvalue().encode())) r.content_type = 'text/csv' r.headers.update({ 'Content-Disposition':'attachment;filename = RRID-data-%s.csv' % DATE, 'Content-Encoding':'gzip' }) return r
def export_json(request): print('starting json export') output_json, DATE = export_json_impl() data = json.dumps(output_json, sort_keys=True, indent=4) r = Response(gzip.compress(data.encode())) r.content_type = 'application/json' r.headers.update({ 'Content-Encoding':'gzip' }) return r
def encode(value, compress=False): """ Converts dict to JSON and encodes it to Base64. """ encoded = json.dumps(value, separators=(',', ':')).encode() if compress: encoded = gzip.compress(encoded) return base64.b64encode(encoded).decode()
def __bytes__(self): # TODO Maybe compress level could be an option return struct.pack('<I', GzipPacked.CONSTRUCTOR_ID) + \ TLObject.serialize_bytes(gzip.compress(self.data))
def sendall(self, *metrics) -> dict: logger.debug("Send metrics:\n %s", '\n'.join(str(m) for m in metrics)) response = self.connect.post( self.tsdb_urls.put, data=gzip.compress(json.dumps(metrics).encode()) if self.compression else json.dumps(metrics), timeout=self.SEND_TIMEOUT) return response.json()
def compress_generator_result(result): serializable = [t.serializable() for t in result] if result and COMPRESS_GENERATOR_RESULT: j = floto.specs.JSONEncoder.dump_object(serializable) z = gzip.compress(j.encode()) z = 'x'.join([format(c, 'x') for c in z]) return z else: return serializable
def compress( data, ): compressed_object = gzip.compress(data) return compressed_object
def res_gzip(resource): """Returns package data as gzipped bytes""" return compress(res_plain(resource)) # Reusable data from static files
def gen_etc_hosts(self, client, net): """Generate /etc/hosts file containing all subnet hosts Makes it possible to register k8s nodes by hostname. Disgusting hack to make up for OVH's terrible DNS. """ from ipaddress import IPv4Network subnet = client.get('/cloud/project/{}/network/private/{}/subnet'.format(client._project, net))[0] hosts = IPv4Network(subnet['cidr']).hosts() hosts_content = compress( ('\tlocalhost\n' + '::1\t\tlocalhost\n' + '\n'.join(['{}\t{}'.format(ip, 'host-'+str(ip).replace('.', '-')) for ip in hosts]) + '\n').encode() ) self.add_files([ { 'filesystem': 'root', 'path': '/etc/hosts', 'mode': 420, # 0644 'contents': { 'source': 'data:,' + quote(hosts_content), 'compression': 'gzip' } } ])
def serialize(gamestate): return gzip.compress(pickle.dumps(gamestate), compresslevel=1)
def gzip_compress(data): """ Compress a string. Same as gzip.compress in Python3. """ buf = BytesIO() with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf, mode='wb') as fd: fd.write(data) return buf.getvalue()
def save(self, dataset): with open(dataset, 'wb') as datafile: datafile.write(gzip.compress(pickle.dumps(( self.markers, self.vectors,\ self.classes, self.classif, self.threshold)))) ########################### #### CLI scripts below #### ###########################
def test_xopen_compressed_stream(self): # Try autodetect compressed with intercept_stdin(gzip.compress(b'foo\n'), is_bytes=True): with xopen( STDIN, 'rt', compression=True, context_wrapper=True) as i: self.assertEqual(i.compression, 'gzip') self.assertEqual(i.read(), 'foo\n')
def test__raises_when_inner_encapsulation_is_not_bson(self): self.write_secret() payload = fernet_encrypt_psk(compress(b"\n\n"), raw=True) packet = _make_beacon_payload(payload=payload) with ExpectedException( InvalidBeaconingPacket, ".*beacon payload is not BSON.*"): read_beacon_payload(packet)
def body(self, value): if self.is_gzip: value = gzip.compress(value) self.data['response']['body']['base64_string'] = base64.b64encode(value).decode()
def _update_search_index(self, doc_id, autocomplete_min_count): # FIXME: This is a bit unwiedly and I'd prefer there was a nicely # scalable in-SQL solution, but unfortunately keeping the # term frequencies for each document in a table makes # the database size explode, so gzipped json-dumped counters # it is for now :/ with self._db as cur: terms_before = Counter(dict( cur.execute("SELECT term, cnt FROM text_vocab").fetchall())) cur.execute(UPDATE_INDEX_SINGLE_DOCUMENT, {'document_id': doc_id}) terms_after = Counter(dict( cur.execute("SELECT term, cnt FROM text_vocab").fetchall())) doc_terms = Counter(dict( (term, cnt_after - terms_before.get('term', 0)) for term, cnt_after in terms_after.items() if cnt_after != terms_before.get('term'))) # Purge terms below threshold to save on size to_purge = [] for term, cnt in doc_terms.items(): if cnt < autocomplete_min_count: to_purge.append(term) for term in to_purge: del doc_terms[term] cur.execute( "INSERT INTO lexica (document_id, counter) VALUES (?, ?)", (doc_id, gzip.compress(json.dumps(doc_terms).encode('utf8'))))
def execute(self, method, *args): payload = dumps(args, methodname=method, allow_none=True) body = gzip.compress(payload.encode('utf8')) try: res = await self.loop.run_in_executor(None, self.__request, body) data, _ = loads(res.text, use_datetime=True) if isinstance(data, (tuple, list)) and len(data) > 0 and len(data[0]) > 0: if isinstance(data[0][0], dict) and 'faultCode' in data[0][0]: raise DedimaniaFault(faultCode=data[0][0]['faultCode'], faultString=data[0][0]['faultString']) self.retries = 0 return data[0] raise DedimaniaTransportException('Invalid response from dedimania!') except (ConnectionError, ReadTimeout, ConnectionRefusedError) as e: raise DedimaniaTransportException(e) from e except ConnectTimeout as e: raise DedimaniaTransportException(e) from e except DedimaniaTransportException: # Try to setup new session. self.retries += 1 if self.retries > 5: raise DedimaniaTransportException('Dedimania didn\'t gave the right answer after few retries!') self.client = requests.session() try: await self.authenticate() return await self.execute(method, *args) except Exception as e: logger.error('XML-RPC Fault retrieved from Dedimania: {}'.format(str(e))) handle_exception(e, __name__, 'execute') raise DedimaniaTransportException('Could not retrieve data from dedimania!') except DedimaniaFault as e: if 'Bad SessionId' in e.faultString or ('SessionId' in e.faultString and 'not found' in e.faultString): try: self.retries += 1 if self.retries > 5: raise DedimaniaTransportException('Max retries reached for reauthenticating with dedimania!') await self.authenticate() return await self.execute(method, *args) except: return logger.error('XML-RPC Fault retrieved from Dedimania: {}'.format(str(e))) handle_exception(e, __name__, 'execute', extra_data={ 'dedimania_retries': self.retries, }) raise DedimaniaTransportException('Could not retrieve data from dedimania!')
def export_files(sock): print("currently writing", writing_to['name']) for fname in sorted(glob(log_folder + "/*.json*")): if fname.endswith(writing_to['name']): print(fname, "is currently being written to") continue if fname.endswith('.done'): print("Skipping", fname) sock.send("$skipping={}!\n".format(fname)) continue # we will send base64 encoded gzipped json with open(fname, 'rb') as infile: file_bytes = infile.read() if fname.endswith(".json"): if len(file_bytes) == 0: print("Skipping empty file:", fname) os.remove(fname) continue json_gzip_bytes = gzip.compress(file_bytes) else: json_gzip_bytes = file_bytes json_gzip_base64 = base64.b64encode(json_gzip_bytes) try: if struct.unpack('I', json_gzip_bytes[-4:])[0] == 0: # don't send empty files logging.warning("Skipping empty file: " + pathlib.Path(fname).name) os.remove(fname) continue except: logging.warning("Not a GZIP file: " + fname) continue msg = '$export={}={}!\n'.format(len(json_gzip_bytes), pathlib.Path(fname).name) print(msg, end='') sock.send(msg) n = 900 to_send_str = str(json_gzip_base64, 'ascii') lines = [to_send_str[i:i + n] for i in range(0, len(to_send_str), n)] for line in lines: sock.send("$export={}\n".format(line)) sock.send("$done\n") os.rename(fname, fname+'.done') sock.send('$export=done\n')
def spawn_server(config, rep_addr, pub_addr, nb_players, sockets_dir, opts, file_opts): # Build command cmd = [config['path']['stechec_server'], "--rules", config['path']['rules'], "--rep_addr", rep_addr, "--pub_addr", pub_addr, "--nb_clients", str(nb_players), "--time", "3000", "--socket_timeout", "45000", "--dump", "/box/dump.json", "--verbose", "1"] if opts is not None: cmd += opts if file_opts is not None: fopts, tmp_files = create_file_opts(file_opts) cmd.extend(fopts) # Create the isolator limits = {'wall-time': config['timeout'].get('server', 400)} isolator = isolate.Isolator( limits, allowed_dirs=['/var', '/tmp', sockets_dir + ':rw']) async with isolator: # Run the isolated server await isolator.run(cmd, merge_outputs=True) # Retrieve the dump and gz-compress it try: dump_path = isolator.path / 'dump.json' with dump_path.open('rb') as dump: gzdump = gzip.compress(dump.read()) except FileNotFoundError: raise_isolate_error("server: dump.json was not created.\n", cmd, isolator) # Retrieve the output output = get_output(isolator) if isolator.isolate_retcode != 0: raise_isolate_error("server: exited with a non-zero code", cmd, isolator) return output, gzdump
def startPrint(self): try: self._send_gcode_start = time() self._progress_message = Message(i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Sending data to printer"), 0, False, -1) self._progress_message.addAction("Abort", i18n_catalog.i18nc("@action:button", "Cancel"), None, "") self._progress_message.actionTriggered.connect(self._progressMessageActionTrigger) self._progress_message.show() Logger.log("d", "Started sending g-code to remote printer.") self._compressing_print = True ## Mash the data into single string byte_array_file_data = b"" for line in self._gcode: if not self._compressing_print: self._progress_message.hide() return # Stop trying to zip, abort was called. if self._use_gzip: byte_array_file_data += gzip.compress(line.encode("utf-8")) QCoreApplication.processEvents() # Ensure that the GUI does not freeze. # Pretend that this is a response, as zipping might take a bit of time. self._last_response_time = time() else: byte_array_file_data += line.encode("utf-8") if self._use_gzip: file_name = "%s.gcode.gz" % Application.getInstance().getPrintInformation().jobName else: file_name = "%s.gcode" % Application.getInstance().getPrintInformation().jobName self._compressing_print = False ## Create multi_part request self._post_multi_part = QHttpMultiPart(QHttpMultiPart.FormDataType) ## Create part (to be placed inside multipart) self._post_part = QHttpPart() self._post_part.setHeader(QNetworkRequest.ContentDispositionHeader, "form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"%s\"" % file_name) self._post_part.setBody(byte_array_file_data) self._post_multi_part.append(self._post_part) url = QUrl("http://" + self._address + self._api_prefix + "print_job") ## Create the QT request self._post_request = QNetworkRequest(url) ## Post request + data self._post_reply = self._manager.post(self._post_request, self._post_multi_part) self._post_reply.uploadProgress.connect(self._onUploadProgress) except IOError: self._progress_message.hide() self._error_message = Message(i18n_catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Unable to send data to printer. Is another job still active?")) self._error_message.show() except Exception as e: self._progress_message.hide() Logger.log("e", "An exception occurred in network connection: %s" % str(e)) ## Verify if we are authenticated to make requests.