Python hashlib 模块,sha3_256() 实例源码


项目:blockhooks    作者:EthereumWebhooks    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __get_builtin_constructor(name):
    if name in set(['sha3_224', 'sha3_256', 'sha3_384', 'sha3_512',
                   'SHA3_224', 'SHA3_256', 'SHA3_384', 'SHA3_512']):
        bs = name[5:]
        if bs == '224':
            return sha3_224
        elif bs == '256':
            return sha3_256
        elif bs == '384':
            return sha3_384
        elif bs == '512':
            return sha3_512
    return _hashlib_constructor(name)
项目:fabric-sdk-py    作者:hyperledger    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, security_level=CURVE_P_256_Size, hash_algorithm=SHA2):
        """ Init curve and hash function.

        :param security_level: security level
        :param hash_algorithm: hash function
        if security_level == CURVE_P_256_Size:
            # order = openssl.backend._lib.BN_new()
            # curve = openssl.backend._lib.EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name(
            #     openssl.backend._lib.NID_X9_62_prime256v1)
            # openssl.backend._lib.EC_GROUP_get_order(
            #     curve, order, openssl.backend._ffi.NULL)
            self.order = int("115792089210356248762697446949407573529"
            self.half_order = self.order >> 1
            self.curve = ec.SECP256R1
            self.sign_hash_algorithm = hashes.SHA256()
            # order = openssl.backend._lib.BN_new()
            # curve = openssl.backend._lib.EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name(
            #     openssl.backend._lib.NID_secp384r1)
            # openssl.backend._lib.EC_GROUP_get_order(
            #     curve, order, openssl.backend._ffi.NULL)
            self.order = int("39402006196394479212279040100"
            self.half_order = self.order >> 1
            self.curve = ec.SECP384R1
            self.sign_hash_algorithm = hashes.SHA384()

        if hash_algorithm == SHA2:
            self._hash = hashlib.sha256
        elif hash_algorithm == SHA3 and security_level == CURVE_P_256_Size:
            self._hash = hashlib.sha3_256
            self._hash = hashlib.sha3_384
项目:abe-bootstrap    作者:TryCoin-Team    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sha3_256(s):
    import hashlib
    import sys
    if sys.version_info < (3, 4):
        import sha3
    return hashlib.sha3_256(s).digest()
项目:abe-bootstrap    作者:TryCoin-Team    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sha3_256(s):
    import hashlib
    import sys
    if sys.version_info < (3, 4):
        import sha3
    return hashlib.sha3_256(s).digest()
项目:fabric-test    作者:hyperledger    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def computeCryptoHash(data):
    ' This will currently return 128 hex characters'
    # s = hashlib.sha3_256()
    s = hashlib.sha256()
    # s = hashlib.shake_256()
    #return s.digest(64)
    return s.digest()
项目:pyhashdd    作者:hashdd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup(self, arg):
        self.h = hashlib.sha3_256()
项目:tfc    作者:maqp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sha3_256(message: bytes) -> bytes:
    """Generate SHA3-256 digest from message."""
    return hashlib.sha3_256(message).digest()
项目:tfc    作者:maqp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def hash_chain(message: bytes) -> bytes:
    """Mix several hash functions to distribute trust.

    This construction remains secure in case a weakness is discovered
    in one of the hash functions (e.g. insecure algorithm that is not
    unpredictable or that has weak preimage resistance, or if the
    algorithm is badly implemented).

    In case where the implementation is malicious, this construction
    forces stateless implementations  -- that try to compromise mixing
    phase -- to guess it's position in the construction, which will
    eventually lead to key state mismatch and thus detection.
    d1 = sha3_256(blake2s(sha256(message)))
    d2 = sha3_256(sha256(blake2s(message)))

    d3 = blake2s(sha3_256(sha256(message)))
    d4 = blake2s(sha256(sha3_256(message)))

    d5 = sha256(blake2s(sha3_256(message)))
    d6 = sha256(sha3_256(blake2s(message)))

    d7 = sha3_256(message)
    d8 = blake2s(message)
    d9 = sha256(message)

    # Mixing phase
    x1 = xor(d1, d2)
    x2 = xor(x1, d3)
    x3 = xor(x2, d4)
    x4 = xor(x3, d5)
    x5 = xor(x4, d6)
    x6 = xor(x5, d7)
    x7 = xor(x6, d8)
    x8 = xor(x7, d9)

    return x8