def off_test_load_orgs(self): """ Test loading of orgs in SH """ setup_http_server() config = Config(CONF_FILE) task = TaskIdentitiesLoad(config) task.execute() # Check the number of orgs loaded norgs = len(api.registry(self.sh_db)) self.assertEqual(norgs, 20) # @httpretty.activate # TODO: remote loading
def get_decorator(placebo): """Create a decorator for placebo object.""" def decorator(fun): def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs): def _run(): method = placebo._get_method() def get_body(request, uri, _headers): # For some edge cases request_headers = dict(request.headers) # request_headers = headers url = parse.urlparse(uri) response_headers = placebo._get_headers(url, request_headers, request.body) response_body = placebo._get_body(url, request_headers, request.body) status = placebo._get_status(url, request_headers, request.body) return (status, response_headers, response_body) # return response.status, response.headers, response.data url = placebo._get_url() if isinstance(url, (parse.ParseResult, parse.SplitResult)): url = url.geturl() httpretty.register_uri(getattr(httpretty, method), url, body=get_body) response = fun(*args, **kwargs) return response # run-time check if httppretty is enabled. # We must enable httpretty only once. # This is necessary to chain # multiple mock objects together. if not httpretty.is_enabled(): _run = httpretty.activate(_run) return _run() return _wrapper return decorator