def occurred(at_): """Calculate when a service event occurred. Arguments: at_ (:py:class:`str`): When the event occurred. Returns: :py:class:`str`: The humanized occurrence time. """ try: occurred_at = parse(at_) except (TypeError, ValueError): logger.warning('failed to parse occurrence time %r', at_) return 'time not available' utc_now = datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc) try: return naturaltime((utc_now - occurred_at).total_seconds()) except TypeError: # at_ is a naive datetime return naturaltime((datetime.now() - occurred_at).total_seconds())
def update(self): finished_delta = datetime.now(timezone.utc) - self.finish if finished_delta < timedelta(minutes=1): finished_str = "just now" else: finished_str = humanize.naturaltime(finished_delta) self.finish_label.set_text(finished_str) self.rerun_btn.set_sensitive(self.source_available == SourceAvailability.AVAILABLE and self.compression_available) tooltip = RERUN_TIP if self.source_available == SourceAvailability.MOUNTED: tooltip = rm_dev(self.msg['source']) + " is currently mounted" elif self.source_available == SourceAvailability.GONE: tooltip = rm_dev(self.msg['source']) + " is not currently available" elif self.source_available == SourceAvailability.UUID_MISMATCH: tooltip = 'current {} does not match cloned partition uuid'\ .format(rm_dev(self.msg['source'])) elif not self.compression_available: tooltip = extract_compression_option(self.msg['destination']) + \ ' compression is not installed' self.rerun_btn.set_tooltip_text(tooltip)
def raids(self, ctx): """Not a list of active raids""" message = '' gyms = set(list(self.going_users.keys())+list(self.arrived_users.keys())) if not gyms: message = 'There are no raids on at the moment' for gym_id in gyms: gym = Gym.get(id=gym_id) monacle_gym = await self.get_monacle_gym(gym) if monacle_gym and monacle_gym.raid_start and monacle_gym.raid_start <= datetime.datetime.now() and monacle_gym.raid_end >= datetime.datetime.now(): num_users = len(self.going_users[gym_id]) + len(self.arrived_users[gym_id]) message += str(num_users) if num_users == 1: message += ' user is' else: message += ' users are' message += ' on the way to the {} raid at {} - ends at {} ({}).\n'.format(monacle_gym.raid_pokemon.name, gym.title, monacle_gym.raid_end.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), humanize.naturaltime(datetime.datetime.now()-monacle_gym.raid_end)) await self.bot.say(message) await self.bot.delete_message(ctx.message)
def get_services(ctx, cluster, sort_by): if not cluster: cluster = ctx.obj['cluster'] bw = ctx.obj['bw'] records = bw.get_services(cluster=cluster) if sort_by: records.sort(key=lambda r: jp(r, sort_by)) out = [] now = datetime.datetime.now(pytz.utc) for r in records: service_name = r['serviceName'] task_def = display.simple_task_definition(r['taskDefinition']) status = r['status'] created_at = r['createdAt'] desired_count = r['desiredCount'] running_count = r['runningCount'] age = humanize.naturaltime(now - created_at) row = (service_name, task_def, desired_count, running_count, status, age) out.append(row) headers = ['NAME', 'TASK DEFINITION', 'DESIRED', 'RUNNING', 'STATUS', 'AGE'] output = tabulate.tabulate(out, headers=headers, tablefmt='plain') click.echo(output)
def get_task(ctx, cluster, sort_by): if not cluster: cluster = ctx.obj['cluster'] bw = ctx.obj['bw'] records = bw.get_tasks(cluster=cluster) if sort_by: records.sort(key=lambda r: jp(r, sort_by)) out = [] now = datetime.datetime.now(pytz.utc) for r in records: status = r['lastStatus'] created_at = r['createdAt'] task_id = display.simple_task(r['taskArn']) task_def = display.simple_task_definition(r['taskDefinitionArn']) age = humanize.naturaltime(now - created_at) row = (task_id, status, task_def, age) out.append(row) headers = ['TASK ID', 'STATUS', 'TASK DEFINITION', 'AGE'] output = tabulate.tabulate(out, headers=headers, tablefmt='plain') click.echo(output)
def humanize_dt_ago(dtime): """format to "23 minutes ago" style format. Parameters ---------- dtime : datetime.datetime A datetime object Returns ------- str Humanized string. """ # and here we went through all the trouble to make everything # UTC and offset-aware. Le sigh. The underlying lib uses datetime.now() # as the comparison reference, so we need naive localtime. return humanize.naturaltime(dtime.astimezone(LOCAL_TZ).replace(tzinfo=None))
def print_probes(): termx, termy = get_termsize() col1_width = termx // 2 col2_width = termx - col1_width - 1 DISPLAY_PROBES_MAX = termy - 2 print TERM_RESET + TERM_POS_ZERO + str(datetime.now()).center(termx) for i in range(len(probes)): probe = probes[i] # ssid out = '' out += TERM_BOLD age = (datetime.now() - probe['last_seen']).total_seconds() if age < 60: out += TERM_RED elif age < 180: out += TERM_YELLOW else: out += TERM_GREEN out += probe['ssid'].rjust(col1_width) # time out += ' ' out += TERM_RESET + TERM_BLUE out += humanize.naturaltime(probe['last_seen']).ljust(col2_width) print out
def process_issues(repository, installation): now = time.time() # Get issues labeled as 'Close?' repo = RepoHandler(repository, 'master', installation) issuelist = repo.get_issues('open', 'Close?') for n in issuelist: print(f'Checking {n}') issue = IssueHandler(repository, n, installation) labeled_time = issue.get_label_added_date('Close?') if labeled_time is None: continue dt = now - labeled_time if current_app.stale_issue_close and dt > current_app.stale_issue_close_seconds: comment_ids = issue.find_comments('astropy-bot[bot]', filter_keep=is_close_epilogue) if len(comment_ids) == 0: print(f'-> CLOSING issue {n}') issue.submit_comment(ISSUE_CLOSE_EPILOGUE) issue.close() else: print(f'-> Skipping issue {n} (already closed)') elif dt > current_app.stale_issue_warn_seconds: comment_ids = issue.find_comments('astropy-bot[bot]', filter_keep=is_close_warning) if len(comment_ids) == 0: print(f'-> WARNING issue {n}') issue.submit_comment(ISSUE_CLOSE_WARNING.format(pasttime=naturaltime(dt), futuretime=naturaldelta(current_app.stale_issue_close_seconds - current_app.stale_issue_warn_seconds))) else: print(f'-> Skipping issue {n} (already warned)') else: print(f'-> OK issue {n}')
def pretty_print_datetime(dt): # Make sure the `dt` is timezone aware before pretty printing. if dt.tzinfo is None or dt.tzinfo.utcoffset(dt) is None: dt_pretty = dt.replace(tzinfo=tz.gettz('UTC')) dt_pretty = dt_pretty.astimezone(tz.tzlocal()) else: dt_pretty = dt.astimezone(tz.tzlocal()) dt_pretty_friendly = dt_pretty.strftime('%a %d %b, %I:%M%p') dt_pretty_humanized = humanize.naturaltime(dt_pretty.replace(tzinfo=None)) return '%s (%s)' % (dt_pretty_friendly, dt_pretty_humanized,)
def naturaltime(val): """Get humanized version of time.""" val = val.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) \ if isinstance(val, datetime) else parse(val) now = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) return humanize.naturaltime(now - val)
def index(): """Display list of the user's repositories.""" github = GitHubAPI(user_id=current_user.id) token = github.session_token ctx = dict(connected=False) if token: # The user is authenticated and the token we have is still valid. if github.account.extra_data.get('login') is None: github.init_account() db.session.commit() # Sync if needed if request.method == 'POST' or github.check_sync(): # When we're in an XHR request, we want to synchronously sync hooks github.sync(async_hooks=(not request.is_xhr)) db.session.commit() # Generate the repositories view object extra_data = github.account.extra_data repos = extra_data['repos'] if repos: # 'Enhance' our repos dict, from our database model db_repos = Repository.query.filter( Repository.github_id.in_([int(k) for k in repos.keys()]), ).all() for repo in db_repos: repos[str(repo.github_id)]['instance'] = repo repos[str(repo.github_id)]['latest'] = GitHubRelease( repo.latest_release()) last_sync = humanize.naturaltime( (utcnow() - parse_timestamp(extra_data['last_sync']))) ctx.update({ 'connected': True, 'repos': sorted(repos.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['full_name']), 'last_sync': last_sync, }) return render_template(current_app.config['GITHUB_TEMPLATE_INDEX'], **ctx)
def human_readable_last_seen(self): return humanize.naturaltime(self.last_seen)
def time(): return humanize.naturaltime(datetime.now(pytz.UTC) - starttime)
def humanize_datetime_filter(dt: datetime, fmt=None): """??humanize????????datetime??""" humanize.i18n.activate('zh_CN', path='etc/humanize') return humanize.naturaltime(dt)
def create_app(object_name): """ An flask application factory object_name: the python path of the config object, e.g. oniongate.settings.ProdConfig """ app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True) app.config.from_object(object_name) try: app.config.from_pyfile("config.py") except FileNotFoundError: pass # Create zone file directory if it doesn't exist zone_directory = app.config.get('zone_dir') or os.path.join(app.instance_path, 'zones') if not os.path.isdir(zone_directory): os.makedirs(zone_directory) app.config["zone_dir"] = zone_directory api_bp = Blueprint('api', __name__) api = Api(api_bp) CORS(app, resources={r"/api/*": {"origins": "*"}}) db.init_app(app) # register our blueprints app.register_blueprint(main_bp) app.register_blueprint(api_bp, url_prefix='/api/v1') api.add_resource(Domains, '/domains', '/domains/<domain_name>') api.add_resource(Records, '/records/<domain_name>', '/records/<domain_name>/<record_id>') api.add_resource(Proxies, '/proxies', '/proxies/<ip_address>') app.jinja_env.filters['naturaltime'] = humanize.naturaltime return app
def slang_time(self): """"Returns human slang representation of time.""" dt = self.datetime(naive=True, to_timezone=self.local_timezone) return humanize.naturaltime(dt)
def search(current, query=None): if not query: raise ValueError("query must be provided.") query = query.strip() condition = current.db.clients.id > 0 orderby = None audit.log(current, "ClientSearch", query=query) # Search for a client ID directly. if query.startswith("C."): condition = current.db.clients.client_id == query elif query.startswith("label:"): label = query.split(":", 1)[1] condition = (current.db.clients.labels == label) | ( current.db.clients.custom_labels == label) orderby = current.db.clients.id else: # AppEngine uses Bigtable which does not support `like` operation. We # only support a prefix match. condition = ((current.db.clients.hostname >= query) & (current.db.clients.hostname < query + u"\ufffd")) result = [] for row in current.db(condition).select( orderby_on_limitby=False, limitby=(0, 1000), orderby=orderby): labels = set([x for x in row.labels if x]) result.append(dict( last=row.last, last_humanized=humanize.naturaltime( datetime.datetime.now()-row.last), client_id=row.client_id, summary=json.loads(row.summary), labels=sorted(labels), # These are the only labels which may be modified. custom_labels=row.custom_labels)) return dict(data=result)
def gym(self, ctx, *, gym: str): """ Lookup a gym, responds with an image, title, description and a google maps link. Gyms that have active raids are prioritized over gyms that do not. """ hit, monacle_gym = await self.find_gym(gym) if not hit: return description = "{}\n[Get Directions](https://www.google.com/maps/?daddr={},{})".format(hit.description, hit.latitude, hit.longitude) embed=discord.Embed(title=hit.title, url='https://www.pokemongomap.info'+hit.url, description=description) embed.set_thumbnail(url=hit.image) if monacle_gym: embed.set_image(url='https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center={0},{1}&zoom=15&size=250x125&maptype=roadmap&markers=color:{3}%7C{0},{1}&key={2}'.format(hit.latitude, hit.longitude, 'AIzaSyCEadifeA8X02v2OKv-orZWm8nQf1Q2EZ4', "0x{:02X}".format(TEAM_COLORS[monacle_gym.team]))) embed.color = TEAM_COLORS[monacle_gym.team] if monacle_gym.slots_available > 0: embed.add_field(name='Slots available', value=monacle_gym.slots_available) embed.add_field(name='Owned by', value=monacle_gym.team_name) if monacle_gym.raid_start and monacle_gym.raid_start <= datetime.datetime.now() and monacle_gym.raid_end >= datetime.datetime.now(): embed.add_field(name='Raid level', value=monacle_gym.raid_level) embed.add_field(name='Raid Pokemon', value=monacle_gym.raid_pokemon.name) embed.add_field(name='CP', value=monacle_gym.raid_pokemon.cp) embed.add_field(name='Moveset', value=MOVES[monacle_gym.raid_pokemon.move_1]+' / '+MOVES[monacle_gym.raid_pokemon.move_2]) embed.add_field(name='Started at', value=monacle_gym.raid_start.strftime("%H:%M:%S")) embed.add_field(name='Ends at', value="{} ({})".format(monacle_gym.raid_end.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), humanize.naturaltime(datetime.datetime.now()-monacle_gym.raid_end))) else: embed.set_image(url='https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center={0},{1}&zoom=15&size=250x125&maptype=roadmap&markers=color:{3}%7C{0},{1}&key={2}'.format(hit.latitude, hit.longitude, 'AIzaSyCEadifeA8X02v2OKv-orZWm8nQf1Q2EZ4', 'white')) await self.bot.say(embed=embed)
def updateCard(self, trainer): dailyDiff = await self.getDiff(trainer, 1) level=trainer.level embed=discord.Embed(timestamp=dailyDiff.new_date, colour=int(trainer.team().colour.replace("#", ""), 16)) try: embed.set_author(name=trainer.username, icon_url=trainer.account().discord().avatar_url) except: embed.set_author(name=trainer.username) embed.add_field(name='Level', value=level.level) if level.level != 40: embed.add_field(name='XP', value='{:,} / {:,}'.format(trainer.update.xp-level.total_xp,level.xp_required)) else: embed.add_field(name='Total XP', value='{}'.format(humanize.intword(trainer.update.xp))) if dailyDiff.change_xp and dailyDiff.change_time: gain = '{:,} since {}. '.format(dailyDiff.change_xp, humanize.naturalday(dailyDiff.old_date)) if dailyDiff.change_time.days>1: gain += "That's {:,} xp/day.".format(round(dailyDiff.change_xp/dailyDiff.change_time.days)) embed.add_field(name='Gain', value=gain) if trainer.goal_daily and dailyDiff.change_time.days>0: dailyGoal = trainer.goal_daily embed.add_field(name='Daily completion', value='{}% towards {:,}'.format(pycent.percentage(dailyDiff.change_xp/max(1,dailyDiff.change_time.days), dailyGoal), dailyGoal)) if trainer.goal_total and trainer.goal_total!=0: totalGoal = trainer.goal_total else: totalGoal = None if totalGoal: totalDiff = await self.getDiff(trainer, 7) embed.add_field(name='Goal remaining', value='{:,} out of {}'.format(totalGoal-totalDiff.new_xp, humanize.intword(totalGoal))) if totalDiff.change_time.seconds>=1: eta = lambda x, y, z: round(x/(y/z)) eta = eta(totalGoal-totalDiff.new_xp, totalDiff.change_xp, totalDiff.change_time.total_seconds()) eta = totalDiff.new_date+datetime.timedelta(seconds=eta) embed.add_field(name='Goal ETA', value=humanize.naturaltime(eta.replace(tzinfo=None))) if totalDiff.change_time.total_seconds()<583200: embed.description = "ETA may be inaccurate. Using {} of data.".format(humanize.naturaldelta(totalDiff.change_time)) embed.set_footer(text="Total XP: {:,}".format(dailyDiff.new_xp)) return embed
def ago_filter(dt): """ Format a datetime using humanize.naturaltime, "ago" :param dt: datetime to compare to now :type dt: datetime.datetime :return: ago string :rtype: str """ if dt == '' or dt is None or isinstance(dt, Undefined): return '' return naturaltime(dtnow() - dt)
def hr_time(self): return humanize.naturaltime(time.time() - self.upload_time)
def _jinja2_filter_datetime_local(datetime): if datetime is None: return 'None' return naturaltime(datetime)
def human_since(since, include_tz=False): tz = dateutil.tz.tzlocal() if include_tz else None return naturaltime(datetime.datetime.now(tz=tz) - dateutil.parser.parse(since))
def on_guild_member_add(self, event): created = humanize.naturaltime(datetime.utcnow() - to_datetime(event.user.id)) new = ( event.config.new_member_threshold and (time.time() - to_unix(event.user.id)) < event.config.new_member_threshold ) self.log_action(Actions.GUILD_MEMBER_ADD, event, new=' :new:' if new else '', created=created)
def format_time(time_event): """ Return a formatted time and humanized time for a time event """ try: if not isinstance(time_event, datetime.datetime): time_event = dateutil.parser.parse(time_event) tz_info = time_event.tzinfo time_diff = datetime.datetime.now(tz_info) - time_event humanize_format = humanize.naturaltime(time_diff) time_format = datetime.datetime.strftime(time_event, "%F %X") return time_format + " (" + humanize_format + ")" except AttributeError: return "(Time format error)"
def check_notes(self, target, mask, data, event): del data, event try: msgs = self.db.filter(Memo, {'recipient': mask.nick.lower()}) msgword = "message" if len(msgs) < 2 else "messages" # Fix: I have 1 messages for you! except Memo.DoesNotExist: return if len(msgs) == 0: return # Avoid telling people they have messages in public, if any of them are set public=False if contains_private_messages(msgs): self.msg(mask, mask.nick, "I have %s %s for you, %s!" % (len(msgs), msgword, mask.nick)) else: self.msg(mask, target, "I have %s %s for you, %s!" % (len(msgs), msgword, mask.nick)) # Actually deliver the memos for msg in msgs: # This looks ridiculous but we don't care about the timezone really, only the relative time # from the local system clock. now = datetime.datetime.strptime(ctime(), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y") reltime = humanize.naturaltime(now - datetime.datetime.strptime(msg.timestamp, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")) message_text = "%s // %s // %s" % (msg.sender, reltime, msg.text) if msg.public: self.msg(mask, target, message_text) self.db.delete(msg) else: self.bot.privmsg(mask.nick, message_text) self.db.delete(msg) self.db.commit()
def process(self, msg): """ `schedule: 10s cmd: test` `schedule: every friday cmd: test` `schedule: every friday at 10:30 cmd: test` """ params = msg.extract_parameters( ['schedule'], r"\s?(.*cmd:?|\S*['-]*|\w*.+|'[^']+')") params.update(msg.extract_parameters(['cmd'])) if params['cmd'] is not None: cal = parsedatetime.Calendar() try: when, status = cal.parse(params['schedule']) when = datetime(*when[:6]) except Exception as e: msg.reply("Cannot parse %s with %s" % (when, e)) return True msg.bot.state.jobs.update(params['cmd'], { 'every': "every" in params['schedule'], 'when': when, 'raw': params, 'delta': when - datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0), 'cmd': params['cmd'], 'user': msg.user }) msg.reply("Your job: %s is scheduled in %s. %s" % ( params['cmd'], humanize.naturaltime(when), when)) else: msg.reply("Your jobs: %s" % '\n'.join([ j.__repr__() for j in msg.bot.state.jobs.all()]))
def __repr__(self): return "<%s-%s>" % ( humanize.naturaltime(self.get_next()), self.cmd)
def format_time(time): if time is None or time < UNKNOWN_CUTOFF: return "Unknown" return "{} ({} UTC)".format( humanize.naturaltime(time + (datetime.now() - datetime.utcnow())), time)
def ap_list(host): hosts = service.expand_host(host[0]) def _calc_load(x): return x / 65535 @coroutine def _run(): rows = [] aps = yield service.create_multiple_ap(hosts) details = yield service.ap_list(aps) header_out('name, host, #clients, loadavg, mem, uptime') for ap in details: row = [] row.append(_val(ap, 'board.hostname')) row.append(_val(ap, 'host')) row.append('%s' % (_val(ap, 'num_clients'))) row.append('%.2f / %.2f / %.2f' % ( _val(ap, 'system.load.0', _calc_load), _val(ap, 'system.load.1', _calc_load), _val(ap, 'system.load.2', _calc_load))) row.append('%s / %s' % (_val(ap, 'system.memory.free', naturalsize), _val(ap, 'system.memory.total', naturalsize))) row.append('%s' % (_val(ap, 'system.uptime', naturaltime))) rows.append(', '.join(row)) out('\n'.join(sorted(rows, cmp_host))) IOLoop.instance().run_sync(_run)