def elapsed_time(start, end): """Calculate the elapsed time for a service activity. Arguments: start (:py:class:`str`): The activity start time. end (:py:class:`str`): The activity end time. Returns: :py:class:`tuple`: The start and end times and humanized elapsed time. """ start_time = safe_parse(start) end_time = safe_parse(end) if start_time is None or end_time is None: logger.warning('failed to generate elapsed time') text = 'elapsed time not available' else: text = 'took {}'.format(naturaldelta(parse(end) - parse(start))) return to_utc_timestamp(start_time), to_utc_timestamp(end_time), text
def humanize_duration(delta): """format for a single duration value - takes datatime.timedelta as arg Parameters ---------- delta : datetime.timedelta A time delta Returns ------- str Humanize delta to duration. """ return humanize.naturaldelta(delta) # various utility functions
def cmd_remind(self, event, duration, content): if Reminder.count_for_user(event.author.id) > 30: return event.msg.reply(':warning: you an only have 15 reminders going at once!') remind_at = parse_duration(duration) if remind_at > (datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=5 * YEAR_IN_SEC)): return event.msg.reply(':warning: thats too far in the future, I\'ll forget!') r = Reminder.create( message_id=event.msg.id, remind_at=remind_at, content=content ) self.reminder_task.set_next_schedule(r.remind_at) event.msg.reply(':ok_hand: I\'ll remind you at {} ({})'.format( r.remind_at.isoformat(), humanize.naturaldelta(r.remind_at - datetime.utcnow()), ))
def temprole(self, event, user, role, duration, reason=None): member = event.guild.get_member(user) if not member: raise CommandFail('invalid user') self.can_act_on(event, member.id) role_id = role if isinstance(role, (int, long)) else event.config.role_aliases.get(role.lower()) if not role_id or role_id not in event.guild.roles: raise CommandFail('invalid or unknown role') if role_id in member.roles: raise CommandFail(u'{} is already in that role'.format(member.user)) expire_dt = parse_duration(duration) Infraction.temprole(self, event, member, role_id, reason, expire_dt) self.queue_infractions() self.confirm_action(event, maybe_string( reason, u':ok_hand: {u} is now in the {r} role for {t} (`{o}`)', u':ok_hand: {u} is now in the {r} role for {t}', r=event.guild.roles[role_id].name, u=member.user, t=humanize.naturaldelta(expire_dt - datetime.utcnow()), ))
def tempban(self, event, duration, user, reason=None): member = event.guild.get_member(user) if member: self.can_act_on(event, member.id) expires_dt = parse_duration(duration) Infraction.tempban(self, event, member, reason, expires_dt) self.queue_infractions() self.confirm_action(event, maybe_string( reason, u':ok_hand: temp-banned {u} for {t} (`{o}`)', u':ok_hand: temp-banned {u} for {t}', u=member.user, t=humanize.naturaldelta(expires_dt - datetime.utcnow()), )) else: raise CommandFail('invalid user')
def update(self, increment=1): self.duration = datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.monotonic() - self.started_at) self.current += increment try: percent = 100 * (self.current / float(self.total)) filled_length = int(round(self.columns * self.current / float(self.total))) except ZeroDivisionError: percent = 0 filled_length = 0 if self.quiet: return if self.log: logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.info("{s.prelude} {percent:.1f}% = {s.current}/{s.total} {s.suffix} ({s.duration} elapsed)".format(s=self, percent=percent)) return bar = '=' * filled_length + '-' * (self.columns - filled_length) out = "\r{s.prelude} [{bar}] {percent:.1f}% {s.current}/{s.total} {s.suffix} ({duration} elapsed)".format(bar=bar, s=self, percent=percent, duration=humanize.naturaldelta(self.duration)) self.longest_line = max(self.longest_line, len(out)) sys.stdout.write(out) sys.stdout.flush()
def estimate_time(builds): """Update the working build with an estimated completion time. Takes a simple average over the previous builds, using those whose outcome is ``'passed'``. Arguments: builds (:py:class:`list`): All builds. """ try: index, current = next( (index, build) for index, build in enumerate(builds[:4]) if build['outcome'] == 'working' ) except StopIteration: return # no in-progress builds if current.get('started_at') is None: current['elapsed'] = 'estimate not available' return usable = [ current for current in builds[index + 1:] if current['outcome'] == 'passed' and current['duration'] is not None ] if not usable: current['elapsed'] = 'estimate not available' return average_duration = int(sum(build['duration'] for build in usable) / float(len(usable))) finish = current['started_at'] + average_duration remaining = (datetime.fromtimestamp(finish) - datetime.now()).total_seconds() if remaining >= 0: current['elapsed'] = '{} left'.format(naturaldelta(remaining)) else: current['elapsed'] = 'nearly done'
def natural_eta(self): return humanize.naturaldelta(self.eta)
def natural_overall_eta(self): return humanize.naturaldelta(self.avg * self.grand_total)
def nat_elapsed(self): return humanize.naturaldelta(self.elapsed_td)
def process_issues(repository, installation): now = time.time() # Get issues labeled as 'Close?' repo = RepoHandler(repository, 'master', installation) issuelist = repo.get_issues('open', 'Close?') for n in issuelist: print(f'Checking {n}') issue = IssueHandler(repository, n, installation) labeled_time = issue.get_label_added_date('Close?') if labeled_time is None: continue dt = now - labeled_time if current_app.stale_issue_close and dt > current_app.stale_issue_close_seconds: comment_ids = issue.find_comments('astropy-bot[bot]', filter_keep=is_close_epilogue) if len(comment_ids) == 0: print(f'-> CLOSING issue {n}') issue.submit_comment(ISSUE_CLOSE_EPILOGUE) issue.close() else: print(f'-> Skipping issue {n} (already closed)') elif dt > current_app.stale_issue_warn_seconds: comment_ids = issue.find_comments('astropy-bot[bot]', filter_keep=is_close_warning) if len(comment_ids) == 0: print(f'-> WARNING issue {n}') issue.submit_comment(ISSUE_CLOSE_WARNING.format(pasttime=naturaltime(dt), futuretime=naturaldelta(current_app.stale_issue_close_seconds - current_app.stale_issue_warn_seconds))) else: print(f'-> Skipping issue {n} (already warned)') else: print(f'-> OK issue {n}')
def format_duration(self, seconds): time_format = self._settings.get(['time_format'], merged=True) if seconds == None: return "N/A" delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds) time_format = self._settings.get(['time_format'], merged=True) if time_format == "FUZZY": return humanize.naturaldelta(delta) elif time_format == "EXACT": return octoprint.util.get_formatted_timedelta(delta) else: return self.humanize_duration(seconds)
def humanize_timedelta_filter(dt: timedelta, fmt=None): """??humanize??????????????""" humanize.i18n.activate('zh_CN', path='etc/humanize') return humanize.naturaldelta(dt)
def stats(self): chain_balances = self.calculate_balances() coins_mined = abs(chain_balances['network']) blockchain_start = timestamp2datetime(self[0].timestamp) blockchain_end = timestamp2datetime(self[-1].timestamp) total_duration = blockchain_start - blockchain_end return u'{} britcoins | {} per britcoin'.format( coins_mined, humanize.naturaldelta(total_duration.total_seconds() / coins_mined) )
def relative_datetime(self): """Return human-readable relative time string.""" now = datetime.now(timezone.utc) tense = "from now" if self.created_at > now else "ago" return "{0} {1}".format(humanize.naturaldelta(now - self.created_at), tense)
def natural_last_modified(self): last_modified = parsedate_to_datetime(self.last_modified) now = datetime.now(timezone.utc) tense = "from now" if last_modified > now else "ago" return "{0} {1}".format(humanize.naturaldelta(now - last_modified), tense)
def update_remaining(self): if self.last_message.get('estimated_finish'): estimated_remaining = self.last_message['estimated_finish'] - datetime.now(timezone.utc) if estimated_remaining < timedelta(seconds=5): estimated_remaining_str = 'a few seconds' else: estimated_remaining_str = humanize.naturaldelta(estimated_remaining) self.estimated_completion.value_label.set_text(estimated_remaining_str) self.estimated_completion.show_all()
def updateCard(self, trainer): dailyDiff = await self.getDiff(trainer, 1) level=trainer.level embed=discord.Embed(timestamp=dailyDiff.new_date, colour=int(trainer.team().colour.replace("#", ""), 16)) try: embed.set_author(name=trainer.username, icon_url=trainer.account().discord().avatar_url) except: embed.set_author(name=trainer.username) embed.add_field(name='Level', value=level.level) if level.level != 40: embed.add_field(name='XP', value='{:,} / {:,}'.format(trainer.update.xp-level.total_xp,level.xp_required)) else: embed.add_field(name='Total XP', value='{}'.format(humanize.intword(trainer.update.xp))) if dailyDiff.change_xp and dailyDiff.change_time: gain = '{:,} since {}. '.format(dailyDiff.change_xp, humanize.naturalday(dailyDiff.old_date)) if dailyDiff.change_time.days>1: gain += "That's {:,} xp/day.".format(round(dailyDiff.change_xp/dailyDiff.change_time.days)) embed.add_field(name='Gain', value=gain) if trainer.goal_daily and dailyDiff.change_time.days>0: dailyGoal = trainer.goal_daily embed.add_field(name='Daily completion', value='{}% towards {:,}'.format(pycent.percentage(dailyDiff.change_xp/max(1,dailyDiff.change_time.days), dailyGoal), dailyGoal)) if trainer.goal_total and trainer.goal_total!=0: totalGoal = trainer.goal_total else: totalGoal = None if totalGoal: totalDiff = await self.getDiff(trainer, 7) embed.add_field(name='Goal remaining', value='{:,} out of {}'.format(totalGoal-totalDiff.new_xp, humanize.intword(totalGoal))) if totalDiff.change_time.seconds>=1: eta = lambda x, y, z: round(x/(y/z)) eta = eta(totalGoal-totalDiff.new_xp, totalDiff.change_xp, totalDiff.change_time.total_seconds()) eta = totalDiff.new_date+datetime.timedelta(seconds=eta) embed.add_field(name='Goal ETA', value=humanize.naturaltime(eta.replace(tzinfo=None))) if totalDiff.change_time.total_seconds()<583200: embed.description = "ETA may be inaccurate. Using {} of data.".format(humanize.naturaldelta(totalDiff.change_time)) embed.set_footer(text="Total XP: {:,}".format(dailyDiff.new_xp)) return embed
def seen(self, event, user): try: msg = Message.select(Message.timestamp).where( Message.author_id == user.id ).order_by(Message.timestamp.desc()).limit(1).get() except Message.DoesNotExist: return event.msg.reply(u"I've never seen {}".format(user)) event.msg.reply(u'I last saw {} {} ago (at {})'.format( user, humanize.naturaldelta(datetime.utcnow() - msg.timestamp), msg.timestamp ))
def voice_log(self, event, user): if isinstance(user, DiscoUser): user = user.id sessions = GuildVoiceSession.select( GuildVoiceSession.user_id, GuildVoiceSession.channel_id, GuildVoiceSession.started_at, GuildVoiceSession.ended_at ).where( (GuildVoiceSession.user_id == user) & (GuildVoiceSession.guild_id == event.guild.id) ).order_by(GuildVoiceSession.started_at.desc()).limit(10) tbl = MessageTable() tbl.set_header('Channel', 'Joined At', 'Duration') for session in sessions: tbl.add( unicode(self.state.channels.get(session.channel_id) or 'UNKNOWN'), '{} ({} ago)'.format( session.started_at.isoformat(), humanize.naturaldelta(datetime.utcnow() - session.started_at)), humanize.naturaldelta(session.ended_at - session.started_at) if session.ended_at else 'Active') event.msg.reply(tbl.compile())
def command_about(self, event): embed = MessageEmbed() embed.set_author(name='Rowboat', icon_url=self.client.state.me.avatar_url, url='https://rowboat.party/') embed.description = BOT_INFO embed.add_field(name='Servers', value=str(Guild.select().count()), inline=True) embed.add_field(name='Uptime', value=humanize.naturaldelta(datetime.utcnow() - self.startup), inline=True) event.msg.reply(embed=embed)
def human_next(self): return humanize.naturaldelta(self.get_next())
def update(self, bins, increment=1): self.duration = datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.monotonic() - self.started_at) self.updates += increment start = min([x[0] for x in bins]) endin = max([x[1] for x in bins]) percent_start = ((start - self._start) / float(self.totalrange)) percent_endin = ((endin - self._start) / float(self.totalrange)) filledStart = int(round(self.columns * percent_start)) filledEndin = int(round(self.columns * percent_endin)) percent = sum([filledStart, filledEndin]) / 2 if not self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.WARNING): return if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO): self.logger.info("{s.prelude} consider time range {start}-{endin} = {percent:.1f}% {s.updates} {s.suffix} ({s.duration} elapsed)".format(s=self, start=start, endin=endin, bin=bin, percent=percent)) return if filledStart == filledEndin: filledEndin = max(self.columns, filledEndin + 1) # clamp bar = '-' * filledStart + '=' * (filledEndin - filledStart) + '-' * (self.columns - filledEndin) out = "\r{s.prelude} [{bar}] {percent:.1f}% {s.updates} {s.suffix} ({duration} elapsed)".format(bar=bar, s=self, percent=percent, duration=humanize.naturaldelta(self.duration)) self.longest_line = max(self.longest_line, len(out)) sys.stdout.write(out) sys.stdout.write(" " * (len(out) - self.longest_line)) # white out over remaining characters from previous line sys.stdout.flush()
def process_pull_requests(repository, installation): now = time.time() # Get issues labeled as 'Close?' repo = RepoHandler(repository, 'master', installation) pull_requests = repo.open_pull_requests() # User config enable_autoclose = repo.get_config_value( 'autoclose_stale_pull_request', True) for n in pull_requests: print(f'Checking {n}') pr = PullRequestHandler(repository, n, installation) if 'keep-open' in pr.labels: print('-> PROTECTED by label, skipping') continue commit_time = pr.last_commit_date dt = now - commit_time if current_app.stale_pull_requests_close and dt > current_app.stale_pull_requests_close_seconds: comment_ids = pr.find_comments('astropy-bot[bot]', filter_keep=is_close_epilogue) if not enable_autoclose: print(f'-> Skipping issue {n} (auto-close disabled)') elif len(comment_ids) == 0: print(f'-> CLOSING issue {n}') pr.submit_comment(PULL_REQUESTS_CLOSE_EPILOGUE) pr.close() else: print(f'-> Skipping issue {n} (already closed)') elif dt > current_app.stale_pull_requests_warn_seconds: comment_ids = pr.find_comments('astropy-bot[bot]', filter_keep=is_close_warning) if len(comment_ids) == 0: print(f'-> WARNING issue {n}') pr.submit_comment(PULL_REQUESTS_CLOSE_WARNING.format(pasttime=naturaldelta(dt), futuretime=naturaldelta(current_app.stale_pull_requests_close_seconds - current_app.stale_pull_requests_warn_seconds))) else: print(f'-> Skipping issue {n} (already warned)') else: print(f'-> OK issue {n}')
def v2_playbook_on_stats(self, stats): if stats.failures and stats.ok: color = 'warning' elif not stats.failures: color = 'good' else: color = 'danger' end_ts = datetime.now() delta = humanize.naturaldelta(end_ts - self.start_ts) if self.start_ts else 'unknown' title = "Playbook {name} run in {time}".format(name=self.playbook_name, time=delta) hosts = stats.processed.keys() payload = {'attachments': [ { 'title': title, 'color': color, 'author_name': self.user, 'fields': [{ 'title': '', 'value': "{emoji} {host}".format( emoji=':boom:' if host in stats.failures else ':ok_hand:', host=host, ), 'short': True, } for host in hosts], # For IRC users 'fallback': '\n'.join([title, "by {0}".format(self.user)] + [ ' - {host}: {status}'.format( host=host, status='failed' if host in stats.failures else 'ok', ) for host in hosts ]), } ]} if os.environ.get('VAGRANT_EXECUTABLE'): # Do not post on slack when playbook is run by Vagrant print('{delimiter}POST {url}\n{payload}{delimiter}'.format( url=self.slack_hook_url, payload=json.dumps(payload, indent=True), delimiter='\n' + '-' * 30 + ' slack ' + '-' * 30 + '\n', )) elif not self.skip_slack: requests.post(self.slack_hook_url, data=json.dumps(payload))
def server(self, event, guild_id=None): guild = self.state.guilds.get(guild_id) if guild_id else event.guild if not guild: raise CommandFail('invalid server') content = [] content.append(u'**\u276F Server Information**') created_at = to_datetime(guild.id) content.append(u'Created: {} ago ({})'.format( humanize.naturaldelta(datetime.utcnow() - created_at), created_at.isoformat(), )) content.append(u'Members: {}'.format(len(guild.members))) content.append(u'Features: {}'.format(', '.join(guild.features) or 'none')) content.append(u'\n**\u276F Counts**') text_count = sum(1 for c in guild.channels.values() if not c.is_voice) voice_count = len(guild.channels) - text_count content.append(u'Roles: {}'.format(len(guild.roles))) content.append(u'Text: {}'.format(text_count)) content.append(u'Voice: {}'.format(voice_count)) content.append(u'\n**\u276F Members**') status_counts = defaultdict(int) for member in guild.members.values(): if not member.user.presence: status = Status.OFFLINE else: status = member.user.presence.status status_counts[status] += 1 for status, count in sorted(status_counts.items(), key=lambda i: str(i[0]), reverse=True): content.append(u'<{}> - {}'.format( STATUS_EMOJI[status], count )) embed = MessageEmbed() if guild.icon: embed.set_thumbnail(url=guild.icon_url) embed.color = get_dominant_colors_guild(guild) embed.description = '\n'.join(content) event.msg.reply('', embed=embed)
def trigger_reminder(self, reminder): message = reminder.message_id channel = self.state.channels.get(message.channel_id) if not channel: self.log.warning('Not triggering reminder, channel %s was not found!', message.channel_id) reminder.delete_instance() return msg = channel.send_message(u'<@{}> you asked me at {} ({} ago) to remind you about: {}'.format( message.author_id, reminder.created_at, humanize.naturaldelta(reminder.created_at - datetime.utcnow()), S(reminder.content) )) # Add the emoji options msg.add_reaction(SNOOZE_EMOJI) msg.add_reaction(GREEN_TICK_EMOJI) try: mra_event = self.wait_for_event( 'MessageReactionAdd', message_id=msg.id, conditional=lambda e: ( (e.emoji.name == SNOOZE_EMOJI or e.emoji.id == GREEN_TICK_EMOJI_ID) and e.user_id == message.author_id ) ).get(timeout=30) except gevent.Timeout: reminder.delete_instance() return finally: # Cleanup msg.delete_reaction(SNOOZE_EMOJI) msg.delete_reaction(GREEN_TICK_EMOJI) if mra_event.emoji.name == SNOOZE_EMOJI: reminder.remind_at = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=20) reminder.save() msg.edit(u'Ok, I\'ve snoozed that reminder for 20 minutes.') return reminder.delete_instance()
def infraction_search(self, event, query=None): q = (Infraction.guild_id == event.guild.id) if query and isinstance(query, list) and isinstance(query[0], DiscoUser): query = query[0].id elif query: query = ' '.join(query) if query and (isinstance(query, int) or query.isdigit()): q &= ( (Infraction.id == int(query)) | (Infraction.user_id == int(query)) | (Infraction.actor_id == int(query))) elif query: q &= (Infraction.reason ** query) user = User.alias() actor = User.alias() infractions = Infraction.select(Infraction, user, actor).join( user, on=((Infraction.user_id == user.user_id).alias('user')) ).switch(Infraction).join( actor, on=((Infraction.actor_id == actor.user_id).alias('actor')) ).where(q).order_by(Infraction.created_at.desc()).limit(6) tbl = MessageTable() tbl.set_header('ID', 'Created', 'Type', 'User', 'Moderator', 'Active', 'Reason') for inf in infractions: type_ = {i.index: i for i in Infraction.Types.attrs}[inf.type_] reason = inf.reason or '' if len(reason) > 256: reason = reason[:256] + '...' if inf.active: active = 'yes' if inf.expires_at: active += ' (expires in {})'.format(humanize.naturaldelta(inf.expires_at - datetime.utcnow())) else: active = 'no' tbl.add( inf.id, inf.created_at.isoformat(), str(type_), unicode(inf.user), unicode(inf.actor), active, clamp(reason, 128) ) event.msg.reply(tbl.compile())
def tempmute(self, event, user, duration=None, reason=None): if not duration and reason: duration = parse_duration(reason.split(' ')[0], safe=True) if duration: if ' ' in reason: reason = reason.split(' ', 1)[-1] else: reason = None elif duration: duration = parse_duration(duration) member = event.guild.get_member(user) if member: self.can_act_on(event, member.id) if not event.config.mute_role: raise CommandFail('mute is not setup on this server') if event.config.mute_role in member.roles: raise CommandFail(u'{} is already muted'.format(member.user)) # If we have a duration set, this is a tempmute if duration: # Create the infraction Infraction.tempmute(self, event, member, reason, duration) self.queue_infractions() self.confirm_action(event, maybe_string( reason, u':ok_hand: {u} is now muted for {t} (`{o}`)', u':ok_hand: {u} is now muted for {t}', u=member.user, t=humanize.naturaldelta(duration - datetime.utcnow()), )) else: existed = False # If the user is already muted check if we can take this from a temp # to perma mute. if event.config.mute_role in member.roles: existed = Infraction.clear_active(event, member.id, [Infraction.Types.TEMPMUTE]) # The user is 100% muted and not tempmuted at this point, so lets bail if not existed: raise CommandFail(u'{} is already muted'.format(member.user)) Infraction.mute(self, event, member, reason) existed = u' [was temp-muted]' if existed else '' self.confirm_action(event, maybe_string( reason, u':ok_hand: {u} is now muted (`{o}`)' + existed, u':ok_hand: {u} is now muted' + existed, u=member.user, )) else: raise CommandFail('invalid user')