Python idc 模块,NextHead() 实例源码


项目:idapython    作者:mr-tz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_unusual_xors(functions):
    # TODO find xors in tight loops
    candidate_functions = []
    for fva in functions:
        cva = fva
        while cva != idaapi.BADADDR and cva < idc.FindFuncEnd(fva):
            if idc.GetMnem(cva) == "xor":
                if idc.GetOpnd(cva, 0) != idc.GetOpnd(cva, 1):
                    g_logger.debug("suspicious XOR instruction at 0x%08X in function 0x%08X: %s", cva, fva,
                    ph = idc.PrevHead(cva)
                    nh = idc.NextHead(cva)
                    ip = idc.GetDisasm(ph)
                    ia = idc.GetDisasm(nh)
                    if ip and ia:
                        g_logger.debug("Instructions: %s;  %s;  %s", ip, idc.GetDisasm(cva), ia)
                    if ph or nh:
                        if is_security_cookie(cva, ph, nh):
                            g_logger.debug("XOR related to security cookie: %s", idc.GetDisasm(cva))
                            g_logger.debug("unusual XOR: %s", idc.GetDisasm(cva))
            cva = idc.NextHead(cva)
    return candidate_functions
项目:idapython    作者:mr-tz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_suspicous_movs(functions):
    candidate_functions = []
    regs = ["esp", "ebp", "rsp", "rbp"]
    for fva in functions:
        for (loopStart, loopEnd) in find_tight_loops(fva):
            cva = loopStart
            while cva <= loopEnd:
                if idc.GetMnem(cva) == "mov":
                    if is_list_item_in_s(regs, idc.GetOpnd(cva, 0)):
                        cva = idc.NextHead(cva)
                    # identify register dereferenced writes to memory, e.g. mov [eax], cl
                    if idc.GetOpType(cva, 0) == OP_TYPE.BASE_INDEX.value:
                        if idc.GetOpType(cva, 1) not in [OP_TYPE.IMMEDIATE.value, OP_TYPE.IMMEDIATE_FAR.value,
                            g_logger.debug("suspicious MOV instruction at 0x%08X in function 0x%08X: %s", cva, fva,
                cva = idc.NextHead(cva)
    return candidate_functions
项目:idawilli    作者:williballenthin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def enum_function_addrs(fva):
    yield the effective addresses of each instruction in the given function.
    these addresses are not guaranteed to be in any order.

      fva (int): the starting address of a function

      sequence[int]: the addresses of each instruction
    f = idaapi.get_func(fva)
    if not f:
        raise ValueError('not a function')

    for block in idaapi.FlowChart(f):
        ea = block.startEA
        while ea <= block.endEA:
            yield ea
            ea = idc.NextHead(ea)
项目:iddaa    作者:0xddaa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def revise_syscall(rename=False):
        if not rename:
            print('Change the function name with `CGCHeler.revise_syscall(True)`.')

        # visit all instructions
        start_ea, end_ea = utils.get_seg_range('.text')
        eax = -1
        ip = start_ea
        while ip < end_ea and ip != idaapi.BADADDR:
            if 'int' in idc.GetMnem(ip) and '80h' == idc.GetOpnd(ip, 0):
                if eax != -1:
                    # fix comment and function name
                    print('{}: {}'.format(hex(ip), syscall_table[eax]))
                    idc.MakeComm(ip, 'CGC syscall: {}'.format(syscall_table[eax]))
                    if rename:
                        print('Change {} to {}'.format(idc.GetFunctionName(ip), syscall_table[eax]))
                        idc.MakeName(idc.GetFunctionAttr(ip, idc.FUNCATTR_START), syscall_table[eax])
            elif 'mov' in idc.GetMnem(ip) and 'eax' == idc.GetOpnd(ip, 0) and 5 == idc.GetOpType(ip, 1):
                value = idc.GetOpnd(ip, 1)
                if'^[0-9]+$', value) != None:
                    eax = int(value)
                if eax > 7 or eax < 1:
                    eax = -1

            ip = idc.NextHead(ip)
项目:idasec    作者:RobinDavid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_call_map(self, ftype):
        import idc
        import idautils
        seg_mapping = {idc.SegName(x): (idc.SegStart(x), idc.SegEnd(x)) for x in idautils.Segments()}
        imports = seg_mapping[".idata"] if ftype == PE else seg_mapping['.plt']
        start, stop = seg_mapping[".text"]
        current = start
        while current <= stop:
            inst = current
            if idc.GetMnem(inst) in ["call", "jmp"]:
                value = idc.GetOperandValue(inst, 0)
                name = idc.GetOpnd(inst, 0)
                if imports[0] <= value <= imports[1]:
                    entry = self.config.call_map.add()
                    entry.address = inst
           = name
            current = idc.NextHead(current, stop)
项目:win_driver_plugin    作者:mwrlabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_dispatch_by_struct_index():
    """Attempts to locate the dispatch function based off it being loaded in a structure
    at offset 70h, based off of """

    out = set()
    for function_ea in idautils.Functions():
        flags = GetFunctionFlags(function_ea)
        # skip library functions
        if flags & FUNC_LIB:
        func = idaapi.get_func(function_ea)
        addr = func.startEA
        while addr < func.endEA:
            if GetMnem(addr) == 'mov':
                if '+70h' in GetOpnd(addr, 0) and idc.GetOpType(addr, 1) == 5:
                    out.add(GetOpnd(addr, 1))
            addr = idc.NextHead(addr)
    return out
项目:idapython    作者:mr-tz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def highlight_non_zero_xor(self, ea):
        highlight_eas = []
        if self.get_mnem(ea) == "xor":
            if idc.GetOpnd(ea, 0) != idc.GetOpnd(ea, 1):
                ph = idc.PrevHead(ea)
                nh = idc.NextHead(ea)
                ip = idc.GetDisasm(ph)
                ia = idc.GetDisasm(nh)
                if ph or nh:
                    if not self.is_security_cookie(ea, ph, nh):
                        MySetColor(ea, self.color)
        return highlight_eas
项目:idapython    作者:mr-tz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_security_cookie(self, va, ph, nh):
        # for security cookie check the xor should use ESP or EBP
        if idc.GetOpnd(va, 1) not in ["esp", "ebp", "rsp", "rbp"]:
            return False

        if "security" in idc.GetOpnd(ph, 1):
            return True
        elif "security" in idc.GetDisasm(nh):
            return True
        elif "security" in idc.GetDisasm(idc.NextHead(nh)):
            return True

        return False
项目:idapython    作者:mr-tz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def highlight_instructions(highlighters):
    ea = idc.NextHead(0)
    while ea != idaapi.BADADDR:
        for h in highlighters:
        ea = idc.NextHead(ea)
项目:idapython    作者:mr-tz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_security_cookie(va, ph, nh):
    # for security cookie check the xor should use ESP or EBP
    if idc.GetOpnd(va, 1) not in ["esp", "ebp", "rsp", "rbp"]:
        return False

    if "security" in idc.GetOpnd(ph, 1):
        return True
    elif "security" in idc.GetDisasm(nh):
        return True
    elif "security" in idc.GetDisasm(idc.NextHead(nh)):
        return True

    return False
项目:idascripts    作者:ctfhacker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def nextMnemonic(ea, mnem, maxaddr=0xc0*0x1000000):
    res = idc.GetMnem(ea)
    if res == "": return idc.BADADDR
    if res == mnem: return ea
    return nextMnemonic( idc.NextHead(ea, maxaddr), mnem, maxaddr )
项目:Reverse-Engineering    作者:nsxz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save_function_addr(addr, func):
    max_addr = addr + 30
    while True:
        addr = idc.NextHead(addr)
        if addr < max_addr:
            if GetMnem(addr) == "mov" and "eax" in GetOpnd(addr, 1):
                MakeName(GetOperandValue(addr,0), "p_"+dec)
项目:idsearch    作者:xorpd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def iter_lines():
    Iterate through all line addresses in the IDB
    Yields addresses of all lines.
    for ea in idautils.Segments():
        seg_start = idc.SegStart(ea)
        seg_end = idc.SegEnd(ea)

        cur_addr = seg_start
        while (cur_addr < seg_end) and (cur_addr != idaapi.BADADDR):
            yield cur_addr
            cur_addr = idc.NextHead(cur_addr)
项目:idasec    作者:RobinDavid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_nb_instr(self):
        return 0  # FIXME: by iterating all segments
        count = 0
        start, stop = self.seg_mapping[".text"]  # TODO: Iterate all executable segs
        current = start
        while current <= stop:
            if idc.isCode(idc.GetFlags(current)):
                count += 1
            current = idc.NextHead(current, stop)
        return count
项目:idasec    作者:RobinDavid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_dead_alive_dump(self):
        f = Path("dead_or_alive_dump.txt")
        handle ="w")
        for cfg in self.functions_cfg.values():
            for bb in cfg.values():
                for i in bb.instrs:
                    status = bb.instrs_status[i] if bb.is_alive() else Status.DEAD
                    size = idc.NextHead(i)-i
                    handle.write(u"%x,%d,%s\n" % (i, size, status))
项目:idasec    作者:RobinDavid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decode_here_clicked(self):
        inst =
        if not idc.isCode(idc.GetFlags(inst)):
            print "Not code instruction"
            raw = idc.GetManyBytes(inst, idc.NextHead(inst)-inst)
            s = to_hex(raw)
项目:idasec    作者:RobinDavid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fill_instrs(self):
        cur_addr = self.startEA
        while cur_addr != idc.BADADDR:
            cur_addr = idc.NextHead(cur_addr, self.endEA)
项目:ropf    作者:kevinkoo001    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_code_and_blocks(ea):
    """Extracts the control flow graph for the function at the given address.
    Returns a dictionary with the instructions (ea->insn.Instruction) and a list
    of the basic blocs (bbl.BasicBlock)."""
    code = {}
    blocks = {}
    ida_blocks = set(idaapi.FlowChart(idaapi.get_func(ea)))

    for bb in ida_blocks:

        # XXX: it seems that it's not a bug but inter-function jumps!
        if bb.startEA == bb.endEA: # skip that .. it's IDA's bug
            #print "skipping block %x : %x in func %x"%(bb.startEA, bb.endEA, ea)

        blocks[bb.startEA] = bbl.BasicBlock(bb.startEA, bb.endEA, {})

        for head in idautils.Heads(bb.startEA, bb.endEA):
            ibytes = idc.GetManyBytes(head, idc.ItemEnd(head) - head)
            spd = idc.GetSpd(head)
            code[head] = insn.Instruction(head, ibytes, spd)
            next_head = idc.NextHead(head, bb.endEA)

            if idaapi.isFlow(idc.GetFlags(next_head)):

        for suc_bb in (s for s in bb.succs() if s.startEA != s.endEA):
            #assume head is the last instruction of the block

    for bb in (b for b in ida_blocks if b.startEA != b.endEA):
        for suc_bb in (s for s in bb.succs() if s.startEA != s.endEA):
            # a jump with zero offset (like, jz 0) gives two succs to the same bb
            if blocks[suc_bb.startEA] not in blocks[bb.startEA].successors:
        blocks[bb.startEA].successors.sort(key=lambda x: x.begin, reverse=True)

    #FIXME: find a better way ..
    for block in blocks.itervalues():
        if block.instrs[0].addr == ea:
            #print "found the entry!:", block.instrs
            block.instrs[0].f_entry = True
            block.type |= bbl.BasicBlock.ENTRY
        print "BUG: could not find function entry in instrs!!"
    #print "blocks:", blocks

    return code, blocks.values()

#XXX: good test function in 0x070016E7 (BIB.dll)