def frames2video(path): """ Merges images in path into a video :param path: path with prediction images :return: nothing """ fnames = os.listdir(path) fnames.sort() images = np.array([plt.imread(os.path.join(path, fname)) for fname in fnames]) # h, w, c = images[0].shape videowriter = imageio.get_writer('prediction_video.mp4', fps=25) for im in images: videowriter.append_data(im) videowriter.close()
def frames2video(name, path): """ Merges images in path into a video :param path: path with prediction images :return: """ batch_size = 100 fnames = os.listdir(path) fnames.sort() #images = np.array([plt.imread(os.path.join(path, fname)) for fname in fnames]) # h, w, c = images[0].shape videowriter = imageio.get_writer(name + '_video.mp4', fps=25) for fname in tqdm.tqdm(fnames): videowriter.append_data(plt.imread(os.path.join(path, fname))) videowriter.close()
def __init__(self, d, save_dir='report'): image_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'images') if not os.path.exists(image_dir): os.makedirs(image_dir) self.d = d self.save_dir = save_dir self.steps = [] self.result = None self.__gif_path = os.path.join(save_dir, 'output.gif') self.__gif = imageio.get_writer(self.__gif_path, format='GIF', fps=2) self.__uia_last_position = None self.__last_screenshot = None self.__closed = False self.start_record()
def make_gif(self, frame_count_limit=IMAGE_LIMIT, gif_name="mygif.gif", frame_duration=0.4): """Make a GIF visualization of view graph.""" self.make_thumbnails(frame_count_limit=frame_count_limit) file_names = sorted([file_name for file_name in os.listdir(self.thumbnail_path) if file_name.endswith('thumbnail.png')]) images = [] for file_name in file_names: images.append(Image.open(self.thumbnail_path + file_name)) destination_filename = self.graph_path + gif_name iterator = 0 with io.get_writer(destination_filename, mode='I', duration=frame_duration) as writer: for file_name in file_names: image = io.imread(self.thumbnail_path + file_name) writer.append_data(image) iterator += 1 writer.close()
def main(input_path, output_path, size, input_type, output_type): output_size = (size[0] * 3, size[1] * 2) reader = imageio.get_reader(input_path) metadata = reader.get_meta_data() projector = get_projector(input_type, output_type) with projector(output_size) as renderer: writer_args = {} frames = 1 if 'fps' in metadata: # Handle videos writer_args['fps'] = metadata['fps'] frames = metadata['nframes'] with imageio.get_writer(output_path, **writer_args) as writer: if frames > 1: render_many(renderer, reader, writer, frames) else: render_single(renderer, reader, writer)
def make_mp4(ims, name="", fps=20): print("Making mp4...") with imageio.get_writer("{}.mp4".format(name), mode='I', fps=fps) as writer: for im in ims: writer.append_data(bgr2rgb(im)) print("Done")
def make_mp4(ims, name="", fps=20, scale=1): print("Making mp4...") with imageio.get_writer("{}.mp4".format(name), mode='I', fps=fps) as writer: for im in ims: if scale != 1: new_shape = (int(im.shape[1] * scale), int(im.shape[0] * scale)) interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC if scale > 1 else cv2.INTER_AREA im = cv2.resize(im, new_shape, interpolation=interpolation) writer.append_data(im[..., ::-1]) print("Done")
def make_gif(parent_folder,frame_duration=0.3): items = os.listdir(parent_folder) png_filenames = [] for elem in items: if elem.find(".png")!=-1 and elem.find("heatmap")!=-1: png_filenames.append(elem) sorted_png = [] while True: lowest = 10000000 lowest_idx = -1 for p in png_filenames: old_save_format=False if old_save_format: iter_val = int(p.split("-")[2].split(":")[1]) epoch_val = int(p.split("-")[3].split(":")[1].split(".")[0]) val = float(iter_val)+0.1*epoch_val else: iter_val = int(p.split("-")[3].split(":")[1].split(".")[0]) epoch_val = int(p.split("-")[2].split(":")[1]) val = float(epoch_val)+0.1*iter_val if lowest_idx==-1 or val<lowest: lowest = val lowest_idx = png_filenames.index(p) sorted_png.append(png_filenames[lowest_idx]) del png_filenames[lowest_idx] if len(png_filenames)==0: break png_filenames = sorted_png with imageio.get_writer(parent_folder+"/prediction-heatmap.gif", mode='I',duration=frame_duration) as writer: for filename in png_filenames: image = imageio.imread(parent_folder+"/"+filename) writer.append_data(image)
def insert_in_frame(file_path, conf): t = 1 imlist = create_video_pixdistrib_gif(file_path, conf, t, suffix='_t{}'.format(t), n_exp=6, suppress_number=True, makegif= False) frame = Image.open(file_path + '/frame.png', mode='r') writer = imageio.get_writer(file_path + '/genpix_withframe.mp4', fps=3) pic_path = file_path + "/animated" if not os.path.exists(pic_path): os.mkdir(pic_path) import copy for i, img in enumerate(imlist): origsize = img.shape img = Image.fromarray(img) img = img.resize((origsize[1]*2, origsize[0]*2), Image.ANTIALIAS) img = np.asarray(img) size_insert = img.shape newimg = copy.deepcopy(np.asarray(frame)[:,:,:3]) if 'ndesig' in conf: startr = 350 else: startr = 380 startc = 295 newimg[startr :startr + size_insert[0],startc: startc + size_insert[1]] = img # Image.fromarray(newimg).show() writer.append_data(newimg) Image.fromarray(newimg).save(pic_path + '/img{}.png'.format(i)) writer.close()
def put_genpix_in_frame(): file = '/home/guser/catkin_ws/src/lsdc/tensorflow_data/sawyer/dna_correct_nummask/vid_rndaction_var10_66002_diffmotions_b0_l30.gif' frames_dna = getFrames(file) file = '/home/guser/catkin_ws/src/lsdc/tensorflow_data/sawyer/1stimg_bckgd_cdna/vid_rndaction_var10_64002_diffmotions_b0_l30.gif' frames_cdna = getFrames(file) t = 1 dest_path = '/home/guser/frederik/doc_video' frame = Image.open(dest_path + '/frame_comp_oadna.png', mode='r') writer = imageio.get_writer(dest_path + '/genpix_withframe.mp4', fps=3) pic_path = dest_path + "/animated" if not os.path.exists(pic_path): os.mkdir(pic_path) for i, img_dna, img_cdna in zip(range(len(frames_dna)), frames_dna, frames_cdna): newimg = copy.deepcopy(np.asarray(frame)[:, :, :3]) img_dna, size_insert = resize(img_dna) # Image.fromarray(img_dna) startr = 230 startc = 650 newimg[startr:startr + size_insert[0], startc: startc + size_insert[1]] = img_dna img_cdna, size_insert = resize(img_cdna) # Image.fromarray(img_cdna) startr = 540 startc = 650 newimg[startr:startr + size_insert[0], startc: startc + size_insert[1]] = img_cdna writer.append_data(newimg) Image.fromarray(newimg).save(pic_path + '/img{}.png'.format(i)) writer.close()
def save_highres(self): # clip = mpy.ImageSequenceClip(self.highres_imglist, fps=10) # clip.write_gif(self.image_folder + '/highres_traj{}.mp4'.format(self.itr)) writer = imageio.get_writer(self.image_folder + '/highres_traj{}.mp4'.format(self.itr), fps=10) print 'shape highes:', self.highres_imglist[0].shape for im in self.highres_imglist: writer.append_data(im) writer.close()
def save_video(queue, filename, fps): writer = imageio.get_writer(filename, fps=fps) while True: frame = queue.get() if frame is None: break writer.append_data(frame) writer.close()
def draw(img): width = img.size[0] height = img.size[1] imgs = [] filename = "imagesTest/movie_"+str(randint(1000000,9999999))+".gif" val = randint(150,192) colour=(val,int(val*7/8),int(val*5/6),255) pen = (0,0,0,255) # with imageio.get_writer(filename, mode='I') as writer: P = [] V = [] delta = 2 for i in xrange(0,150): P.append((randint(0,width-1),randint(0,height-1),randint(32,192))) V.append((randint(-1,1)*randint(delta>1,delta),(randint(-1,1)*randint(delta>1,delta)),(randint(-1,1)*randint(delta>1,delta)))) P.append(P[0]) P.append(P[1]) V.append(V[0]) V.append(V[1]) for i in xrange(1,1200): imgNew = img.copy() #Image.new("RGBA",size=(img.size[0],img.size[1]),color=colour) # print(P) testLineAnimation.draw(imgNew,P,pen) # writer.append_data(imgNew) imgs.append(array(imgNew.getdata()).reshape(imgNew.size[0], imgNew.size[1], 4)) Q = [] for j in xrange(0,len(P)): (x,y,z) = P[j] (vx,vy,vz) = V[j] nx = vx+x ny = vy+y nz = vz+z Q.append((nx,ny,nz)) P = Q imageio.mimsave(filename, imgs)
def OpenGif(self, filename): try: import imageio except BaseException: raise Exception('To use this feature, install imageio') if filename[-3:] != 'gif': raise Exception('Unsupported filetype') self.mwriter = imageio.get_writer(filename, mode='I')
def execute(self, input_data, input_directory, output_directory): if not input_data['isvideo']: return {} # Open output video stream if this is first frame. if input_data['frame'] == 0: # The output directory structure should match input directory structure. relpath_of_input_file = os.path.relpath(input_data['file'], input_directory) relparent_of_input_file = os.path.dirname(relpath_of_input_file) inp_filename,inp_extension = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(relpath_of_input_file)) output_filedir = os.path.join(output_directory, relparent_of_input_file) if not os.path.exists(output_filedir): os.makedirs(output_filedir) self.output_filepath = os.path.join(output_filedir, inp_filename + '-annotated.' + self.cfg['params']['format']) self.output_video = imageio.get_writer(self.output_filepath, 'ffmpeg') img = input_data['img'].copy() for comp in self.cfg['inputs']: comp_outputs = input_data.get(comp) comp_reports = comp_outputs['reports'] if not comp_reports: print("Warning: pipeline file specifies {} as input for {} but {} is not outputting any location reports".format( comp, self.name, comp )) continue annotate(img, comp_reports) final_img = cv2.resize(img, (self.cfg['params']['size']['width'], self.cfg['params']['size']['height'])) self.output_video.append_data(final_img) return {'file': self.output_filepath}
def log2gif(log,filename,title): writer = imageio.get_writer(filename, fps=30) for x in log: writer.append_data(draw_pendulum(x[0],title)) writer.close()
def play(self, mode="random"): init = tf.global_variables_initializer() with tf.Session() as sess: sess.run(init) for i in range(1): writer = imageio.get_writer('gif/demo.gif', mode='I') game_state = game.GameState() total_steps = 0 img_batch = [] action = np.zeros([2]) action[0] = 1 new_state, reward, done = game_state.frame_step(action) temp_img = self.pre_process(new_state) for j in range(4): img_batch.insert(len(img_batch), temp_img) for j in range(self.max_steps): if(mode=="random"): temp_action = random.randint(0,1) else : temp_weights = sess.run([self.main_net.q_values], feed_dict={self.main_net.input_state:np.reshape(np.stack(img_batch,axis=2),[-1, 80, 80, 4])}) temp_action = np.argmax(temp_weights) print(temp_weights) action = np.zeros([2]) action[temp_action] = 1 new_state, reward, done = game_state.frame_step(action) temp_new_state = np.flip(np.rot90(new_state, k=1, axes=(1,0)), 1) temp_img = self.pre_process(new_state) img_batch.insert(0, temp_img) img_batch.pop(len(img_batch)-1) print(temp_action) total_steps += 1 if done: break print("Total Steps ", str(total_steps)) sys.exit()