def handle(self, *args, **options): models_to_track = [Set, Card, Printing] initial = {model: model.objects.count() for model in models_to_track} p = inflect.engine() set_codes = options['set_code'] if set_codes: count = len(set_codes) set_string = 'num({count}) plural_noun(set) ({codes})'.format(count=count, codes=', '.join(set_codes)) else: set_string = 'all sets' self.stdout.write(p.inflect("Beginning import of {}.".format(set_string))) import_cards(set_codes or Everything) self.stdout.write("Import complete.") final = {model: model.objects.count() for model in models_to_track} status_strings = [ p.inflect( "{0} new num({0},)plural_noun({1})".format(final[model] - initial[model], model._meta.object_name)) for model in models_to_track ] self.stdout.write("Added {}.".format(p.join(status_strings)))
def syntactic_analysis(self, src): i = inflect.engine() relations = {} foreign_keys = {} for table in src: for k, v in table.items(): if k == 'table_name': foreign_keys[(i.singular_noun(v) if i.singular_noun(v) else v) + '_id'] = v for table in src: for k, v in table.items(): if k == 'table_name': table_name = v for e in table: if 'column_name' in e: if e['column_name'] in foreign_keys.keys(): relations[table_name + ':' + e['column_name']] = foreign_keys[e['column_name']] + ':id' result = {} result['src'] = src result['relations'] = relations return result
def __init__(self): """ """ # init inflect engine self.inflect = inflect.engine() # Required Argument # self._parsed = False # only parse once from user self._config = {} self._parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() self._install_json = {} # self.load_install_json() self._app_packages = [] self._required_arguments() self._args, self._extra_args = self._parser.parse_known_args() # Get instance of vault (after args are passed) self._vault = TcExVault(self.args.vault_url, self.args.vault_token)
def get_resource_url(cls, resource, base_url): """ Construct the URL for talking to this resource. i.e.: http://myapi.com/api/resource Note that this is NOT the method for calling individual instances i.e. http://myapi.com/api/resource/1 Args: resource: The resource class instance base_url: The Base URL of this API service. returns: resource_url: The URL for this resource """ if resource.Meta.resource_name: url = '{}/{}'.format(base_url, resource.Meta.resource_name) else: p = inflect.engine() plural_name = p.plural(resource.Meta.name.lower()) url = '{}/{}'.format(base_url, plural_name) return cls._parse_url_and_validate(url)
def lint_plural_resource_names(spec, resolver): """ Must: Pluralize Resource Names https://zalando.github.io/restful-api-guidelines/naming/Naming.html#must-pluralize-resource-names """ inflect_engine = inflect.engine() for path_name, methods_available in spec.get('paths', {}).items(): path_name_without_variables = re.sub('{[^}]*}', '', path_name) for segment in path_name_without_variables.split('/'): if segment != '.well-known': resource = ' '.join(segment.split('-')) if resource: singular = inflect_engine.singular_noun(resource) plural = inflect_engine.plural_noun(resource) if singular == resource or (not singular and plural and plural != resource): yield 'paths/"{}"'.format(path_name), '"{}" is not in plural form'.format(resource)
def blacklisted_titles(self): """ Pluralize the blacklisted titles. Returns: list """ p = inflect.engine() singulars = self.config.get('blacklisted_titles', []) return map( tokenize_field, singulars + [p.plural(s) for s in singulars], )
def verse(v): p = inflect.engine() day = p.number_to_words(v) day_count = p.ordinal(day) if v == 1: lyric = "On the %s day of Christmas my true love gave" \ "to me, " % (day_count) lyric = lyric + gifts[v] return lyric if v > 1: lyric = "On the %s day of Christmas my true love gave" \ "to me, " % (day_count) for k in range(v, 1, -1): num = p.number_to_words(k) lyric = lyric + num + " " + gifts[k] + ", " lyric += "and " + gifts[1] return lyric
def make_entity_name(field_name): inflector = inflect.engine() return (inflector.singular_noun(field_name) or field_name).title()
def inflector(): global __inflector if __inflector is None: __inflector = inflect.engine() return __inflector
def __init__(self): self.WN_TAGS = {'J': 'a', 'N': 'n', 'R': 'r', 'V': 'v'} self.wnl = WordNetLemmatizer() self.dictionary = enchant.Dict('en') self.inflengine = inflect.engine()
def lambda_handler(event,context): inflect_engine = inflect.engine() number = inflect_engine.number_to_words(event['final_number']) message = {"DelMeMessage": "The StepFunctions Result is %r" %number} client = boto3.client('sns') response = client.publish( TargetArn="SNS-TOPIC-ARN", Message=json.dumps({'default': json.dumps(message)}), MessageStructure='json' )
def camelize_singular(txt): """ Produce a 'camelized' and singular class name. e.g. 'the_underscores' -> 'TheUnderscore' """ camelize = str(txt[0].upper() +\ re.sub(r'_([a-z])', lambda m: m.group(1).upper(), txt[1:])) return inflect.engine().singular_noun(camelize)
def camelize_singular_rev(txt): """ Produce a 'decamelized' and plural class name. e.g. 'TheUnderscore' -> 'the_underscores' """ decamelize = str(txt[0].lower() +\ re.sub(r'([A-Z])', lambda m: '_'+m.group(1).lower(), txt[1:])) return inflect.engine().plural_noun(decamelize)
def __init__(self): self.Month_Dict= {'01':'January',"02":'February',"03":'March','04':'April','05':'May','06':'June','07':'July','08':'August','09':'September','10':'October','11':'November','12':'December '} self.month = None self.date = None self.year = None self.Number = None self.Inflect = inflect.engine() self.Combination = []
def send_email(emails=[], date='today'): significants, bugs_by_signature, totals = get(date=date) r = prepare(significants, bugs_by_signature, totals, date) if r: results, spikes_number, urls, affected_chans, yesterday, today = r env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('templates')) template = env.get_template('startup_crashes_email') spikes_number_word = inflect.engine().number_to_words(spikes_number) body = template.render(spikes_number=spikes_number, spikes_number_word=spikes_number_word, totals=totals, start_date=yesterday, end_date=today, results=results, urls=urls) chan_list = ', '.join(affected_chans) title = 'Spikes in startup crashes in {} the {}' title = title.format(chan_list, today) if emails: mail.send(emails, title, body, html=True) else: with open('/tmp/foo.html', 'w') as Out: Out.write(body) print('Title: %s' % title) print('Body:') print(body)
def create_inflect_engine(self): if self.noinflect: return _DummyInflectEngine() else: import inflect return inflect.engine()
def start(): ''' main engine head * called on program start * calls config check * proceeds to main menu * handles ^c and ^d ejects ''' redraw() print(""" if you don't want to be here at any point, press <ctrl-d> and it'll all go away. just keep in mind that you might lose anything you've started here.\ """) try: print(check_init()) except EOFError: print(stop()) return ## redraw() while 1: try: print(main_menu()) except EOFError: print(stop()) break except KeyboardInterrupt: redraw(EJECT) else: break
def gen_default_api_endpoints(cls): e = engine() model_name = cls.schema.Meta.model.__name__.lower() identifier = e.plural(model_name) rv = { '/%s/' %identifier: { 'endpoint': '%s-collection' %model_name, 'methods': ['GET', 'POST'] }, '/%s/<int:pk>/' %identifier: { 'endpoint': '%s-resource' %model_name, 'methods': ['GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE'] }, } return rv
def get_synonyms(word): pluralizer = inflect.engine() syn_set = [] wnsynset = wn.synsets(word) for i in range(0, len(wnsynset)): for lemma in wnsynset[i].lemma_names(): syn_set.append(lemma.lower()) # adds plurals and removes dups syn_setnodup = [] for item in syn_set: if item not in syn_setnodup: syn_setnodup.append(item) syn_set_final = [] for item in syn_setnodup: syn_set_final.append(item) syn_set_final.append(pluralizer.plural(item)) return syn_set_final
def singularize(noun): """ args - noun : a noun e.g "man" returns the singular form of the word if it finds one. Otherwise, returns the word itself. """ singular = inflect.engine().singular_noun(noun) if singular in ALL_WORDNET_WORDS: return singular return noun
def get_word_forms(word): """ args word : a word e.g "love" returns the related word forms corresponding to the input word. the output is a dictionary with four keys "n" (noun), "a" (adjective), "v" (verb) and "r" (adverb). The value for each key is a python Set containing related word forms with that part of speech. e.g. {'a': {'lovable', 'loveable'}, 'n': {'love', 'lover', 'lovers', 'loves'}, 'r': set(), 'v': {'love', 'loved', 'loves', 'loving'}} """ word = singularize(word) related_lemmas = get_related_lemmas(word) related_words_dict = {"n" : set(), "a" : set(), "v" : set(), "r" : set()} for lemma in related_lemmas: pos = lemma.synset().pos() if pos == "s": pos = "a" related_words_dict[pos].add(lemma.name()) noun_set = [noun for noun in related_words_dict["n"]] for noun in noun_set: related_words_dict["n"].add(inflect.engine().plural_noun(noun)) verb_set = [verb for verb in related_words_dict["v"]] for verb in verb_set: for conjugated_verbs in CONJUGATED_VERB_LIST: if verb in conjugated_verbs: for conjugated_verb in conjugated_verbs: related_words_dict["v"].add(conjugated_verb) adjective_set = [adjective for adjective in related_words_dict["a"]] for adjective in adjective_set: try: related_words_dict["r"].add(ADJECTIVE_TO_ADVERB[adjective]) except KeyError: pass return related_words_dict
def __init__(self, top10k, top100k, nlp, model): self.top10k = top10k self.top100k = top100k self.nlp = nlp self.model = model self.cache = {} self.engine = inflect.engine() self.word_pattern = re.compile(r"^\w[\w\.\d]*$")
def pluralize(self, original, target): if self.is_plural(original) and not self.is_plural(target): try: return self.engine.plural(target.text) except: pass return target.text
def og_description(self): if self.archetype_name: p = inflect.engine() archetype_s = titlecase.titlecase(p.a(self.archetype_name)) else: archetype_s = 'A' description = '{archetype_s} deck by {author}'.format(archetype_s=archetype_s, author=self.person.decode('utf-8')) return description
def __init__(self): info = tournaments.next_tournament_info() self.next_tournament_name = info['next_tournament_name'] self.next_tournament_time = info['next_tournament_time'] self.leaderboards_url = url_for('tournament_leaderboards') self.tournaments = tournaments.all_series_info() p = inflect.engine() self.num_tournaments = p.number_to_words(len(self.tournaments)) self.bugs_rules = rules.bugs(fmt=rules.HTML)
def day2ordinal(m): p = inflect.engine() return p.ordinal(int(m.group(1)))
def pluralize(self, word): if inflect.engine().singular_noun(word): return word return inflect.engine().plural(word)
def singularize(self, word): singularWord = inflect.engine().singular_noun(word) if singularWord: return singularWord return word
def __init__(self): """Initialize class data. Setup default values and logging method. """ # init inflect engine self.inflect = inflect.engine() self._exit_code = 0 # TODO: replace group_type with dynamic values from API (bcs) self.group_types = [ 'Adversary', 'Campaign', 'Document', 'Email', 'Incident', 'Signature', 'Threat' ] self._indicator_associations_types_data = {} self._indicator_types = [] self._indicator_types_data = {} self._max_message_length = 255 # NOTE: odd issue where args is not updating properly self._tc_token = None self._tc_token_expires = None # Parser self._parsed = False self.parser = ArgParser() self.default_args, unknown = self.parser.parse_known_args() # NOTE: odd issue where args is not updating properly if self.default_args.tc_token is not None: self._tc_token = self.default_args.tc_token if self.default_args.tc_token_expires is not None: self._tc_token_expires = self.default_args.tc_token_expires # logger (must parse args first) self.log = self._logger(self.default_args.tc_log_file) # Log versions self._log_platform() self._log_app_version() self._log_python_version() self._log_tcex_version() self._log_tc_proxy() # include jobs module self._jobs() # include playbook module self._playbook() # include resources module self._resources() # include utils module self._utils()
def check_init(): ''' user handler * checks for presence of ttbprc * checks for last run version ''' global SETTINGS print("\n\n") if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),".ttbp")): print(chatter.say("greet")+", "+config.USER+".\n") ''' ## ttbprc validation while not os.path.isfile(config.TTBPRC): setup_repair() try: SETTINGS = json.load(open(config.TTBPRC)) except ValueError: setup_repair() ''' ## ttbp env validation if not valid_setup(): setup_repair() ## version checker mismatch = build_mismatch() if mismatch is not False: switch_build(mismatch) if not updated(): update_version() ## when ready, enter main program and load core engine raw_input("press <enter> to explore your feels.\n\n") core.load(SETTINGS) return "" else: return init()
def init(): ''' new user creation * introduces user * calls setup functinos ''' try: raw_input(""" i don't recognize you, stranger. let's make friends. press <enter> to begin, or <ctrl-c> to get out of here. """) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\n\nthanks for checking in! i'll always be here.\n\n") quit() ## record user in source list users = open(config.USERFILE, 'a') users.write(config.USER+"\n") users.close() #subprocess.call(['chmod', 'a+w', config.USERFILE]) ## make .ttbp directory structure subprocess.call(["mkdir", config.PATH]) subprocess.call(["mkdir", config.USER_CONFIG]) subprocess.call(["mkdir", config.USER_DATA]) versionFile = os.path.join(config.PATH, "version") open(versionFile, "w").write(__version__) ## create header file header = gen_header() headerfile = open(os.path.join(config.USER_CONFIG, "header.txt"), 'w') for line in header: headerfile.write(line) headerfile.close() ## copy footer and default stylesheet with open(os.path.join(config.USER_CONFIG, 'footer.txt'), 'w') as f: f.write(config.DEFAULT_FOOTER) with open(os.path.join(config.USER_CONFIG, 'style.css'), 'w') as f: f.write(config.DEFAULT_STYLE) ## run user-interactive setup and load core engine setup() core.load(SETTINGS) #raw_input("\nyou're all good to go, "+chatter.say("friend")+"! hit <enter> to continue.\n\n") return ""
def check_init(): ''' user handler * checks for presence of ttbprc * checks for last run version ''' global SETTINGS print("\n\n") if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),".ttbp")): print(chatter.say("greet")+", "+USER+".\n") ''' ## ttbprc validation while not os.path.isfile(TTBPRC): setup_repair() try: SETTINGS = json.load(open(TTBPRC)) except ValueError: setup_repair() ''' ## ttbp env validation if not valid_setup(): setup_repair() ## version checker mismatch = build_mismatch() if mismatch is not False: switch_build(mismatch) if not updated(): update_version() ## when ready, enter main program and load core engine raw_input("press <enter> to explore your feels.\n\n") core.load(SETTINGS) return "" else: return init()