Python inspect 模块,isframe() 实例源码


项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_excluding_predicates(self):
        self.istest(inspect.isbuiltin, 'sys.exit')
        if check_impl_detail():
            self.istest(inspect.isbuiltin, '[].append')
        self.istest(inspect.iscode, 'mod.spam.__code__')
        self.istest(inspect.isframe, 'tb.tb_frame')
        self.istest(inspect.isfunction, 'mod.spam')
        self.istest(inspect.isfunction, 'mod.StupidGit.abuse')
        self.istest(inspect.ismethod, 'git.argue')
        self.istest(inspect.ismodule, 'mod')
        self.istest(inspect.istraceback, 'tb')
        self.istest(inspect.isdatadescriptor, 'collections.defaultdict.default_factory')
        self.istest(inspect.isgenerator, '(x for x in range(2))')
        self.istest(inspect.isgeneratorfunction, 'generator_function_example')
        if hasattr(types, 'GetSetDescriptorType'):
        if hasattr(types, 'MemberDescriptorType'):
                        'type(lambda: None).__globals__')
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_excluding_predicates(self):
        self.istest(inspect.isbuiltin, 'sys.exit')
        self.istest(inspect.isbuiltin, '[].append')
        self.istest(inspect.iscode, 'mod.spam.func_code')
        self.istest(inspect.isframe, 'tb.tb_frame')
        self.istest(inspect.isfunction, 'mod.spam')
        self.istest(inspect.ismethod, 'mod.StupidGit.abuse')
        self.istest(inspect.ismethod, 'git.argue')
        self.istest(inspect.ismodule, 'mod')
        self.istest(inspect.istraceback, 'tb')
        self.istest(inspect.isdatadescriptor, '__builtin__.file.closed')
        self.istest(inspect.isdatadescriptor, '__builtin__.file.softspace')
        self.istest(inspect.isgenerator, '(x for x in xrange(2))')
        self.istest(inspect.isgeneratorfunction, 'generator_function_example')
        if hasattr(types, 'GetSetDescriptorType'):
        if hasattr(types, 'MemberDescriptorType'):
            self.istest(inspect.ismemberdescriptor, 'datetime.timedelta.days')
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_excluding_predicates(self):
        self.istest(inspect.isbuiltin, 'sys.exit')
        self.istest(inspect.isbuiltin, '[].append')
        self.istest(inspect.iscode, 'mod.spam.func_code')
        self.istest(inspect.isframe, 'tb.tb_frame')
        self.istest(inspect.isfunction, 'mod.spam')
        self.istest(inspect.ismethod, 'mod.StupidGit.abuse')
        self.istest(inspect.ismethod, 'git.argue')
        self.istest(inspect.ismodule, 'mod')
        self.istest(inspect.istraceback, 'tb')
        self.istest(inspect.isdatadescriptor, '__builtin__.file.closed')
        self.istest(inspect.isdatadescriptor, '__builtin__.file.softspace')
        self.istest(inspect.isgenerator, '(x for x in xrange(2))')
        self.istest(inspect.isgeneratorfunction, 'generator_function_example')
        if hasattr(types, 'GetSetDescriptorType'):
        if hasattr(types, 'MemberDescriptorType'):
            self.istest(inspect.ismemberdescriptor, 'datetime.timedelta.days')
项目:autosub-bootstrapbill    作者:BenjV    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _format(self, obj, descend=True):
        """Return a string representation of a single object."""
        if inspect.isframe(obj):
            filename, lineno, func, context, index = inspect.getframeinfo(obj)
            return "<frame of function '%s'>" % func

        if not descend:
            return self.peek(repr(obj))

        if isinstance(obj, dict):
            return '{' + ', '.join(['%s: %s' % (self._format(k, descend=False),
                                                self._format(v, descend=False))
                                    for k, v in obj.items()]) + '}'
        elif isinstance(obj, list):
            return '[' + ', '.join([self._format(item, descend=False)
                                    for item in obj]) + ']'
        elif isinstance(obj, tuple):
            return '(' + ', '.join([self._format(item, descend=False)
                                    for item in obj]) + ')'

        r = self.peek(repr(obj))
        if isinstance(obj, (str, int, float)):
            return r
        return '%s: %s' % (type(obj), r)
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_excluding_predicates(self):
        self.istest(inspect.isbuiltin, 'sys.exit')
        if check_impl_detail():
            self.istest(inspect.isbuiltin, '[].append')
        self.istest(inspect.iscode, 'mod.spam.func_code')
        self.istest(inspect.isframe, 'tb.tb_frame')
        self.istest(inspect.isfunction, 'mod.spam')
        self.istest(inspect.ismethod, 'mod.StupidGit.abuse')
        self.istest(inspect.ismethod, 'git.argue')
        self.istest(inspect.ismodule, 'mod')
        self.istest(inspect.istraceback, 'tb')
        self.istest(inspect.isdatadescriptor, '__builtin__.file.closed')
        self.istest(inspect.isdatadescriptor, '__builtin__.file.softspace')
        self.istest(inspect.isgenerator, '(x for x in xrange(2))')
        self.istest(inspect.isgeneratorfunction, 'generator_function_example')
        if hasattr(types, 'GetSetDescriptorType'):
        if hasattr(types, 'MemberDescriptorType'):
            self.istest(inspect.ismemberdescriptor, 'type(lambda: None).func_globals')
            self.assertFalse(inspect.ismemberdescriptor(type(lambda: None).func_globals))
项目:ndk-python    作者:gittor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_excluding_predicates(self):
        self.istest(inspect.isbuiltin, 'sys.exit')
        self.istest(inspect.isbuiltin, '[].append')
        self.istest(inspect.iscode, 'mod.spam.func_code')
        self.istest(inspect.isframe, 'tb.tb_frame')
        self.istest(inspect.isfunction, 'mod.spam')
        self.istest(inspect.ismethod, 'mod.StupidGit.abuse')
        self.istest(inspect.ismethod, 'git.argue')
        self.istest(inspect.ismodule, 'mod')
        self.istest(inspect.istraceback, 'tb')
        self.istest(inspect.isdatadescriptor, '__builtin__.file.closed')
        self.istest(inspect.isdatadescriptor, '__builtin__.file.softspace')
        self.istest(inspect.isgenerator, '(x for x in xrange(2))')
        self.istest(inspect.isgeneratorfunction, 'generator_function_example')
        if hasattr(types, 'GetSetDescriptorType'):
        if hasattr(types, 'MemberDescriptorType'):
            self.istest(inspect.ismemberdescriptor, 'datetime.timedelta.days')
项目:watcher    作者:nosmokingbandit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _format(self, obj, descend=True):
        """Return a string representation of a single object."""
        if inspect.isframe(obj):
            filename, lineno, func, context, index = inspect.getframeinfo(obj)
            return "<frame of function '%s'>" % func

        if not descend:
            return self.peek(repr(obj))

        if isinstance(obj, dict):
            return "{" + ", ".join(["%s: %s" % (self._format(k, descend=False),
                                                self._format(v, descend=False))
                                    for k, v in obj.items()]) + "}"
        elif isinstance(obj, list):
            return "[" + ", ".join([self._format(item, descend=False)
                                    for item in obj]) + "]"
        elif isinstance(obj, tuple):
            return "(" + ", ".join([self._format(item, descend=False)
                                    for item in obj]) + ")"

        r = self.peek(repr(obj))
        if isinstance(obj, (str, int, float)):
            return r
        return "%s: %s" % (type(obj), r)
项目:kinect-2-libras    作者:inessadl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def isdata(object):
    """Check if an object is of a type that probably means it's data."""
    return not (inspect.ismodule(object) or inspect.isclass(object) or
                inspect.isroutine(object) or inspect.isframe(object) or
                inspect.istraceback(object) or inspect.iscode(object))
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def isdata(object):
    """Check if an object is of a type that probably means it's data."""
    return not (inspect.ismodule(object) or inspect.isclass(object) or
                inspect.isroutine(object) or inspect.isframe(object) or
                inspect.istraceback(object) or inspect.iscode(object))
项目:leetcode    作者:thomasyimgit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getsourcelines(self, obj):
        lines, lineno = inspect.findsource(obj)
        if inspect.isframe(obj) and obj.f_globals is obj.f_locals:
            # must be a module frame: do not try to cut a block out of it
            return lines, 1
        elif inspect.ismodule(obj):
            return lines, 1
        return inspect.getblock(lines[lineno:]), lineno+1
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getsourcelines(obj):
    lines, lineno = inspect.findsource(obj)
    if inspect.isframe(obj) and obj.f_globals is obj.f_locals:
        # must be a module frame: do not try to cut a block out of it
        return lines, 1
    elif inspect.ismodule(obj):
        return lines, 1
    return inspect.getblock(lines[lineno:]), lineno+1
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_abuse_done(self):
        self.istest(inspect.istraceback, 'git.ex[2]')
        self.istest(inspect.isframe, '')
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def isdata(object):
    """Check if an object is of a type that probably means it's data."""
    return not (inspect.ismodule(object) or inspect.isclass(object) or
                inspect.isroutine(object) or inspect.isframe(object) or
                inspect.istraceback(object) or inspect.iscode(object))
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_abuse_done(self):
        self.istest(inspect.istraceback, 'git.ex[2]')
        self.istest(inspect.isframe, '')
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def isdata(object):
    """Check if an object is of a type that probably means it's data."""
    return not (inspect.ismodule(object) or inspect.isclass(object) or
                inspect.isroutine(object) or inspect.isframe(object) or
                inspect.istraceback(object) or inspect.iscode(object))
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_abuse_done(self):
        self.istest(inspect.istraceback, 'git.ex[2]')
        self.istest(inspect.isframe, '')
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def isdata(object):
    """Check if an object is of a type that probably means it's data."""
    return not (inspect.ismodule(object) or inspect.isclass(object) or
                inspect.isroutine(object) or inspect.isframe(object) or
                inspect.istraceback(object) or inspect.iscode(object))
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def isdata(object):
    """Check if an object is of a type that probably means it's data."""
    return not (inspect.ismodule(object) or inspect.isclass(object) or
                inspect.isroutine(object) or inspect.isframe(object) or
                inspect.istraceback(object) or inspect.iscode(object))
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getsourcelines(obj):
    lines, lineno = inspect.findsource(obj)
    if inspect.isframe(obj) and obj.f_globals is obj.f_locals:
        # must be a module frame: do not try to cut a block out of it
        return lines, 1
    elif inspect.ismodule(obj):
        return lines, 1
    return inspect.getblock(lines[lineno:]), lineno+1
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_excluding_predicates(self):
        global tb
        self.istest(inspect.isbuiltin, 'sys.exit')
        self.istest(inspect.isbuiltin, '[].append')
        self.istest(inspect.iscode, 'mod.spam.__code__')
            tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
            self.istest(inspect.isframe, 'tb.tb_frame')
            self.istest(inspect.istraceback, 'tb')
            if hasattr(types, 'GetSetDescriptorType'):
            # Clear traceback and all the frames and local variables hanging to it.
            tb = None
        self.istest(inspect.isfunction, 'mod.spam')
        self.istest(inspect.isfunction, 'mod.StupidGit.abuse')
        self.istest(inspect.ismethod, 'git.argue')
        self.istest(inspect.ismodule, 'mod')
        self.istest(inspect.isdatadescriptor, 'collections.defaultdict.default_factory')
        self.istest(inspect.isgenerator, '(x for x in range(2))')
        self.istest(inspect.isgeneratorfunction, 'generator_function_example')
        if hasattr(types, 'MemberDescriptorType'):
            self.istest(inspect.ismemberdescriptor, 'datetime.timedelta.days')
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_abuse_done(self):
        self.istest(inspect.istraceback, 'git.ex[2]')
        self.istest(inspect.isframe, '')
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def isdata(object):
    """Check if an object is of a type that probably means it's data."""
    return not (inspect.ismodule(object) or inspect.isclass(object) or
                inspect.isroutine(object) or inspect.isframe(object) or
                inspect.istraceback(object) or inspect.iscode(object))
项目:autosub-bootstrapbill    作者:BenjV    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ascend(self, obj, depth=1):
        """Return a nested list containing referrers of the given object."""
        depth += 1
        parents = []

        # Gather all referrers in one step to minimize
        # cascading references due to repr() logic.
        refs = gc.get_referrers(obj)
        if len(refs) > self.maxparents:
            return [('[%s referrers]' % len(refs), [])]

            ascendcode = self.ascend.__code__
        except AttributeError:
            ascendcode = self.ascend.im_func.func_code
        for parent in refs:
            if inspect.isframe(parent) and parent.f_code is ascendcode:
            if parent in self.ignore:
            if depth <= self.maxdepth:
                parents.append((parent, self.ascend(parent, depth)))
                parents.append((parent, []))

        return parents
项目:Repobot    作者:Desgard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getsourcelines(self, obj):
        lines, lineno = inspect.findsource(obj)
        if inspect.isframe(obj) and obj.f_globals is obj.f_locals:
            # must be a module frame: do not try to cut a block out of it
            return lines, 1
        elif inspect.ismodule(obj):
            return lines, 1
        return inspect.getblock(lines[lineno:]), lineno+1
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_abuse_done(self):
        self.istest(inspect.istraceback, 'git.ex[2]')
        self.istest(inspect.isframe, '')
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def isdata(object):
    """Check if an object is of a type that probably means it's data."""
    return not (inspect.ismodule(object) or inspect.isclass(object) or
                inspect.isroutine(object) or inspect.isframe(object) or
                inspect.istraceback(object) or inspect.iscode(object))
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getsourcelines(obj):
    lines, lineno = inspect.findsource(obj)
    if inspect.isframe(obj) and obj.f_globals is obj.f_locals:
        # must be a module frame: do not try to cut a block out of it
        return lines, 1
    elif inspect.ismodule(obj):
        return lines, 1
    return inspect.getblock(lines[lineno:]), lineno+1
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_excluding_predicates(self):
        global tb
        self.istest(inspect.isbuiltin, 'sys.exit')
        self.istest(inspect.isbuiltin, '[].append')
        self.istest(inspect.iscode, 'mod.spam.__code__')
            tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
            self.istest(inspect.isframe, 'tb.tb_frame')
            self.istest(inspect.istraceback, 'tb')
            if hasattr(types, 'GetSetDescriptorType'):
            # Clear traceback and all the frames and local variables hanging to it.
            tb = None
        self.istest(inspect.isfunction, 'mod.spam')
        self.istest(inspect.isfunction, 'mod.StupidGit.abuse')
        self.istest(inspect.ismethod, 'git.argue')
        self.istest(inspect.ismodule, 'mod')
        self.istest(inspect.isdatadescriptor, 'collections.defaultdict.default_factory')
        self.istest(inspect.isgenerator, '(x for x in range(2))')
        self.istest(inspect.isgeneratorfunction, 'generator_function_example')
        if hasattr(types, 'MemberDescriptorType'):
            self.istest(inspect.ismemberdescriptor, 'datetime.timedelta.days')
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_abuse_done(self):
        self.istest(inspect.istraceback, 'git.ex[2]')
        self.istest(inspect.isframe, '')
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def isdata(object):
    """Check if an object is of a type that probably means it's data."""
    return not (inspect.ismodule(object) or inspect.isclass(object) or
                inspect.isroutine(object) or inspect.isframe(object) or
                inspect.istraceback(object) or inspect.iscode(object))
项目:ndk-python    作者:gittor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_abuse_done(self):
        self.istest(inspect.istraceback, 'git.ex[2]')
        self.istest(inspect.isframe, '')
项目:ndk-python    作者:gittor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def isdata(object):
    """Check if an object is of a type that probably means it's data."""
    return not (inspect.ismodule(object) or inspect.isclass(object) or
                inspect.isroutine(object) or inspect.isframe(object) or
                inspect.istraceback(object) or inspect.iscode(object))
项目:empyrion-python-api    作者:huhlig    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def isdata(object):
    """Check if an object is of a type that probably means it's data."""
    return not (inspect.ismodule(object) or inspect.isclass(object) or
                inspect.isroutine(object) or inspect.isframe(object) or
                inspect.istraceback(object) or inspect.iscode(object))
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getsourcelines(obj):
    lines, lineno = inspect.findsource(obj)
    if inspect.isframe(obj) and obj.f_globals is obj.f_locals:
        # must be a module frame: do not try to cut a block out of it
        return lines, 1
    elif inspect.ismodule(obj):
        return lines, 1
    return inspect.getblock(lines[lineno:]), lineno+1
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_excluding_predicates(self):
        global tb
        self.istest(inspect.isbuiltin, 'sys.exit')
        self.istest(inspect.isbuiltin, '[].append')
        self.istest(inspect.iscode, 'mod.spam.__code__')
            tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
            self.istest(inspect.isframe, 'tb.tb_frame')
            self.istest(inspect.istraceback, 'tb')
            if hasattr(types, 'GetSetDescriptorType'):
            # Clear traceback and all the frames and local variables hanging to it.
            tb = None
        self.istest(inspect.isfunction, 'mod.spam')
        self.istest(inspect.isfunction, 'mod.StupidGit.abuse')
        self.istest(inspect.ismethod, 'git.argue')
        self.istest(inspect.ismodule, 'mod')
        self.istest(inspect.isdatadescriptor, 'collections.defaultdict.default_factory')
        self.istest(inspect.isgenerator, '(x for x in range(2))')
        self.istest(inspect.isgeneratorfunction, 'generator_function_example')
        if hasattr(types, 'MemberDescriptorType'):
            self.istest(inspect.ismemberdescriptor, 'datetime.timedelta.days')
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_abuse_done(self):
        self.istest(inspect.istraceback, 'git.ex[2]')
        self.istest(inspect.isframe, '')
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def isdata(object):
    """Check if an object is of a type that probably means it's data."""
    return not (inspect.ismodule(object) or inspect.isclass(object) or
                inspect.isroutine(object) or inspect.isframe(object) or
                inspect.istraceback(object) or inspect.iscode(object))
项目:kind2anki    作者:prz3m    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def isdata(object):
    """Check if an object is of a type that probably means it's data."""
    return not (inspect.ismodule(object) or inspect.isclass(object) or
                inspect.isroutine(object) or inspect.isframe(object) or
                inspect.istraceback(object) or inspect.iscode(object))
项目:watcher    作者:nosmokingbandit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ascend(self, obj, depth=1):
        """Return a nested list containing referrers of the given object."""
        depth += 1
        parents = []

        # Gather all referrers in one step to minimize
        # cascading references due to repr() logic.
        refs = gc.get_referrers(obj)
        if len(refs) > self.maxparents:
            return [("[%s referrers]" % len(refs), [])]

            ascendcode = self.ascend.__code__
        except AttributeError:
            ascendcode = self.ascend.im_func.func_code
        for parent in refs:
            if inspect.isframe(parent) and parent.f_code is ascendcode:
            if parent in self.ignore:
            if depth <= self.maxdepth:
                parents.append((parent, self.ascend(parent, depth)))
                parents.append((parent, []))

        return parents
项目:blender    作者:gastrodia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getsourcelines(self, obj):
        lines, lineno = inspect.findsource(obj)
        if inspect.isframe(obj) and obj.f_globals is obj.f_locals:
            # must be a module frame: do not try to cut a block out of it
            return lines, 1
        elif inspect.ismodule(obj):
            return lines, 1
        return inspect.getblock(lines[lineno:]), lineno+1
项目:yatta_reader    作者:sound88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_object_to_check(python_object):
    """Check if inspect.getfile has a chance to find the source."""
    if (inspect.ismodule(python_object) or
            inspect.isclass(python_object) or
            inspect.ismethod(python_object) or
            inspect.isfunction(python_object) or
            inspect.istraceback(python_object) or
            inspect.isframe(python_object) or
        return python_object

        return python_object.__class__
    except AttributeError:
        raise TypeError  # Prevents computation of `repr` within inspect.
项目:yatta_reader    作者:sound88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getsourcelines(self, obj):
        lines, lineno = inspect.findsource(obj)
        if inspect.isframe(obj) and obj.f_globals is obj.f_locals:
            # must be a module frame: do not try to cut a block out of it
            return lines, 1
        elif inspect.ismodule(obj):
            return lines, 1
        return inspect.getblock(lines[lineno:]), lineno+1
项目:kinect-2-libras    作者:inessadl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _find_lineno(self, obj, source_lines):
        Return a line number of the given object's docstring.  Note:
        this method assumes that the object has a docstring.
        lineno = None

        # Find the line number for modules.
        if inspect.ismodule(obj):
            lineno = 0

        # Find the line number for classes.
        # Note: this could be fooled if a class is defined multiple
        # times in a single file.
        if inspect.isclass(obj):
            if source_lines is None:
                return None
            pat = re.compile(r'^\s*class\s*%s\b' %
                             getattr(obj, '__name__', '-'))
            for i, line in enumerate(source_lines):
                if pat.match(line):
                    lineno = i

        # Find the line number for functions & methods.
        if inspect.ismethod(obj): obj = obj.im_func
        if inspect.isfunction(obj): obj = obj.func_code
        if inspect.istraceback(obj): obj = obj.tb_frame
        if inspect.isframe(obj): obj = obj.f_code
        if inspect.iscode(obj):
            lineno = getattr(obj, 'co_firstlineno', None)-1

        # Find the line number where the docstring starts.  Assume
        # that it's the first line that begins with a quote mark.
        # Note: this could be fooled by a multiline function
        # signature, where a continuation line begins with a quote
        # mark.
        if lineno is not None:
            if source_lines is None:
                return lineno+1
            pat = re.compile('(^|.*:)\s*\w*("|\')')
            for lineno in range(lineno, len(source_lines)):
                if pat.match(source_lines[lineno]):
                    return lineno

        # We couldn't find the line number.
        return None

## 5. DocTest Runner
项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _find_lineno(self, obj, source_lines):
        Return a line number of the given object's docstring.  Note:
        this method assumes that the object has a docstring.
        lineno = None

        # Find the line number for modules.
        if inspect.ismodule(obj):
            lineno = 0

        # Find the line number for classes.
        # Note: this could be fooled if a class is defined multiple
        # times in a single file.
        if inspect.isclass(obj):
            if source_lines is None:
                return None
            pat = re.compile(r'^\s*class\s*%s\b' %
                             getattr(obj, '__name__', '-'))
            for i, line in enumerate(source_lines):
                if pat.match(line):
                    lineno = i

        # Find the line number for functions & methods.
        if inspect.ismethod(obj): obj = im_func(obj)
        if inspect.isfunction(obj): obj = func_code(obj)
        if inspect.istraceback(obj): obj = obj.tb_frame
        if inspect.isframe(obj): obj = obj.f_code
        if inspect.iscode(obj):
            lineno = getattr(obj, 'co_firstlineno', None)-1

        # Find the line number where the docstring starts.  Assume
        # that it's the first line that begins with a quote mark.
        # Note: this could be fooled by a multiline function
        # signature, where a continuation line begins with a quote
        # mark.
        if lineno is not None:
            if source_lines is None:
                return lineno+1
            pat = re.compile('(^|.*:)\s*\w*("|\')')
            for lineno in range(lineno, len(source_lines)):
                if pat.match(source_lines[lineno]):
                    return lineno

        # We couldn't find the line number.
        return None

## 5. DocTest Runner
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _find_lineno(self, obj, source_lines):
        Return a line number of the given object's docstring.  Note:
        this method assumes that the object has a docstring.
        lineno = None

        # Find the line number for modules.
        if inspect.ismodule(obj):
            lineno = 0

        # Find the line number for classes.
        # Note: this could be fooled if a class is defined multiple
        # times in a single file.
        if inspect.isclass(obj):
            if source_lines is None:
                return None
            pat = re.compile(r'^\s*class\s*%s\b' %
                             getattr(obj, '__name__', '-'))
            for i, line in enumerate(source_lines):
                if pat.match(line):
                    lineno = i

        # Find the line number for functions & methods.
        if inspect.ismethod(obj): obj = obj.im_func
        if inspect.isfunction(obj): obj = obj.func_code
        if inspect.istraceback(obj): obj = obj.tb_frame
        if inspect.isframe(obj): obj = obj.f_code
        if inspect.iscode(obj):
            lineno = getattr(obj, 'co_firstlineno', None)-1

        # Find the line number where the docstring starts.  Assume
        # that it's the first line that begins with a quote mark.
        # Note: this could be fooled by a multiline function
        # signature, where a continuation line begins with a quote
        # mark.
        if lineno is not None:
            if source_lines is None:
                return lineno+1
            pat = re.compile('(^|.*:)\s*\w*("|\')')
            for lineno in range(lineno, len(source_lines)):
                if pat.match(source_lines[lineno]):
                    return lineno

        # We couldn't find the line number.
        return None

## 5. DocTest Runner
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _find_lineno(self, obj, source_lines):
        Return a line number of the given object's docstring.  Note:
        this method assumes that the object has a docstring.
        lineno = None

        # Find the line number for modules.
        if inspect.ismodule(obj):
            lineno = 0

        # Find the line number for classes.
        # Note: this could be fooled if a class is defined multiple
        # times in a single file.
        if inspect.isclass(obj):
            if source_lines is None:
                return None
            pat = re.compile(r'^\s*class\s*%s\b' %
                             getattr(obj, '__name__', '-'))
            for i, line in enumerate(source_lines):
                if pat.match(line):
                    lineno = i

        # Find the line number for functions & methods.
        if inspect.ismethod(obj): obj = obj.im_func
        if inspect.isfunction(obj): obj = obj.func_code
        if inspect.istraceback(obj): obj = obj.tb_frame
        if inspect.isframe(obj): obj = obj.f_code
        if inspect.iscode(obj):
            lineno = getattr(obj, 'co_firstlineno', None)-1

        # Find the line number where the docstring starts.  Assume
        # that it's the first line that begins with a quote mark.
        # Note: this could be fooled by a multiline function
        # signature, where a continuation line begins with a quote
        # mark.
        if lineno is not None:
            if source_lines is None:
                return lineno+1
            pat = re.compile('(^|.*:)\s*\w*("|\')')
            for lineno in range(lineno, len(source_lines)):
                if pat.match(source_lines[lineno]):
                    return lineno

        # We couldn't find the line number.
        return None

## 5. DocTest Runner
项目:Intranet-Penetration    作者:yuxiaokui    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _find_lineno(self, obj, source_lines):
        Return a line number of the given object's docstring.  Note:
        this method assumes that the object has a docstring.
        lineno = None

        # Find the line number for modules.
        if inspect.ismodule(obj):
            lineno = 0

        # Find the line number for classes.
        # Note: this could be fooled if a class is defined multiple
        # times in a single file.
        if inspect.isclass(obj):
            if source_lines is None:
                return None
            pat = re.compile(r'^\s*class\s*%s\b' %
                             getattr(obj, '__name__', '-'))
            for i, line in enumerate(source_lines):
                if pat.match(line):
                    lineno = i

        # Find the line number for functions & methods.
        if inspect.ismethod(obj): obj = obj.im_func
        if inspect.isfunction(obj): obj = obj.func_code
        if inspect.istraceback(obj): obj = obj.tb_frame
        if inspect.isframe(obj): obj = obj.f_code
        if inspect.iscode(obj):
            lineno = getattr(obj, 'co_firstlineno', None)-1

        # Find the line number where the docstring starts.  Assume
        # that it's the first line that begins with a quote mark.
        # Note: this could be fooled by a multiline function
        # signature, where a continuation line begins with a quote
        # mark.
        if lineno is not None:
            if source_lines is None:
                return lineno+1
            pat = re.compile('(^|.*:)\s*\w*("|\')')
            for lineno in range(lineno, len(source_lines)):
                if pat.match(source_lines[lineno]):
                    return lineno

        # We couldn't find the line number.
        return None

## 5. DocTest Runner
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _find_lineno(self, obj, source_lines):
        Return a line number of the given object's docstring.  Note:
        this method assumes that the object has a docstring.
        lineno = None

        # Find the line number for modules.
        if inspect.ismodule(obj):
            lineno = 0

        # Find the line number for classes.
        # Note: this could be fooled if a class is defined multiple
        # times in a single file.
        if inspect.isclass(obj):
            if source_lines is None:
                return None
            pat = re.compile(r'^\s*class\s*%s\b' %
                             getattr(obj, '__name__', '-'))
            for i, line in enumerate(source_lines):
                if pat.match(line):
                    lineno = i

        # Find the line number for functions & methods.
        if inspect.ismethod(obj): obj = im_func(obj)
        if inspect.isfunction(obj): obj = func_code(obj)
        if inspect.istraceback(obj): obj = obj.tb_frame
        if inspect.isframe(obj): obj = obj.f_code
        if inspect.iscode(obj):
            lineno = getattr(obj, 'co_firstlineno', None)-1

        # Find the line number where the docstring starts.  Assume
        # that it's the first line that begins with a quote mark.
        # Note: this could be fooled by a multiline function
        # signature, where a continuation line begins with a quote
        # mark.
        if lineno is not None:
            if source_lines is None:
                return lineno+1
            pat = re.compile('(^|.*:)\s*\w*("|\')')
            for lineno in range(lineno, len(source_lines)):
                if pat.match(source_lines[lineno]):
                    return lineno

        # We couldn't find the line number.
        return None

## 5. DocTest Runner
项目:MKFQ    作者:maojingios    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _find_lineno(self, obj, source_lines):
        Return a line number of the given object's docstring.  Note:
        this method assumes that the object has a docstring.
        lineno = None

        # Find the line number for modules.
        if inspect.ismodule(obj):
            lineno = 0

        # Find the line number for classes.
        # Note: this could be fooled if a class is defined multiple
        # times in a single file.
        if inspect.isclass(obj):
            if source_lines is None:
                return None
            pat = re.compile(r'^\s*class\s*%s\b' %
                             getattr(obj, '__name__', '-'))
            for i, line in enumerate(source_lines):
                if pat.match(line):
                    lineno = i

        # Find the line number for functions & methods.
        if inspect.ismethod(obj): obj = obj.im_func
        if inspect.isfunction(obj): obj = obj.func_code
        if inspect.istraceback(obj): obj = obj.tb_frame
        if inspect.isframe(obj): obj = obj.f_code
        if inspect.iscode(obj):
            lineno = getattr(obj, 'co_firstlineno', None)-1

        # Find the line number where the docstring starts.  Assume
        # that it's the first line that begins with a quote mark.
        # Note: this could be fooled by a multiline function
        # signature, where a continuation line begins with a quote
        # mark.
        if lineno is not None:
            if source_lines is None:
                return lineno+1
            pat = re.compile('(^|.*:)\s*\w*("|\')')
            for lineno in range(lineno, len(source_lines)):
                if pat.match(source_lines[lineno]):
                    return lineno

        # We couldn't find the line number.
        return None

## 5. DocTest Runner
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _find_lineno(self, obj, source_lines):
        Return a line number of the given object's docstring.  Note:
        this method assumes that the object has a docstring.
        lineno = None

        # Find the line number for modules.
        if inspect.ismodule(obj):
            lineno = 0

        # Find the line number for classes.
        # Note: this could be fooled if a class is defined multiple
        # times in a single file.
        if inspect.isclass(obj):
            if source_lines is None:
                return None
            pat = re.compile(r'^\s*class\s*%s\b' %
                             getattr(obj, '__name__', '-'))
            for i, line in enumerate(source_lines):
                if pat.match(line):
                    lineno = i

        # Find the line number for functions & methods.
        if inspect.ismethod(obj): obj = obj.__func__
        if inspect.isfunction(obj): obj = obj.__code__
        if inspect.istraceback(obj): obj = obj.tb_frame
        if inspect.isframe(obj): obj = obj.f_code
        if inspect.iscode(obj):
            lineno = getattr(obj, 'co_firstlineno', None)-1

        # Find the line number where the docstring starts.  Assume
        # that it's the first line that begins with a quote mark.
        # Note: this could be fooled by a multiline function
        # signature, where a continuation line begins with a quote
        # mark.
        if lineno is not None:
            if source_lines is None:
                return lineno+1
            pat = re.compile('(^|.*:)\s*\w*("|\')')
            for lineno in range(lineno, len(source_lines)):
                if pat.match(source_lines[lineno]):
                    return lineno

        # We couldn't find the line number.
        return None

## 5. DocTest Runner