Python inspect 模块,getclosurevars() 实例源码


项目:Chiaki-Nanami    作者:Ikusaba-san    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _make_command_requirements(command):
    requirements = []
    # All commands in this cog are owner-only anyway.
    if command.cog_name == 'Owner':
        requirements.append('**Bot Owner only**')

    def make_pretty(p):
        return p.replace('_', ' ').title().replace('Guild', 'Server')

    for check in command.checks:
        name = getattr(check, '__qualname__', '')

        if name.startswith('is_owner'):
            # the bot owner line must come above every other line, for emphasis.
            requirements.insert(0, '**Bot Owner only**')
        elif name.startswith('has_permissions'):
            permissions = inspect.getclosurevars(check).nonlocals['perms']
            pretty_perms = [make_pretty(k) if v else f'~~{make_pretty(k)}~~'
                            for k, v in permissions.items()]

            perm_names = ', '.join(pretty_perms)
            requirements.append(f'{perm_names} permission{"s" * (len(pretty_perms) != 1)}')

    return '\n'.join(requirements)
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_name_resolution(self):
        # Basic test of the 4 different resolution mechanisms
        def f(nonlocal_ref):
            def g(local_ref):
                print(local_ref, nonlocal_ref, _global_ref, unbound_ref)
            return g
        _arg = object()
        nonlocal_vars = {"nonlocal_ref": _arg}
        global_vars = {"_global_ref": _global_ref}
        builtin_vars = {"print": print}
        unbound_names = {"unbound_ref"}
        expected = inspect.ClosureVars(nonlocal_vars, global_vars,
                                       builtin_vars, unbound_names)
        self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(f(_arg)), expected)
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_generator_closure(self):
        def f(nonlocal_ref):
            def g(local_ref):
                print(local_ref, nonlocal_ref, _global_ref, unbound_ref)
            return g
        _arg = object()
        nonlocal_vars = {"nonlocal_ref": _arg}
        global_vars = {"_global_ref": _global_ref}
        builtin_vars = {"print": print}
        unbound_names = {"unbound_ref"}
        expected = inspect.ClosureVars(nonlocal_vars, global_vars,
                                       builtin_vars, unbound_names)
        self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(f(_arg)), expected)
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_method_closure(self):
        class C:
            def f(self, nonlocal_ref):
                def g(local_ref):
                    print(local_ref, nonlocal_ref, _global_ref, unbound_ref)
                return g
        _arg = object()
        nonlocal_vars = {"nonlocal_ref": _arg}
        global_vars = {"_global_ref": _global_ref}
        builtin_vars = {"print": print}
        unbound_names = {"unbound_ref"}
        expected = inspect.ClosureVars(nonlocal_vars, global_vars,
                                       builtin_vars, unbound_names)
        self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(C().f(_arg)), expected)
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_nonlocal_vars(self):
        # More complex tests of nonlocal resolution
        def _nonlocal_vars(f):
            return inspect.getclosurevars(f).nonlocals

        def make_adder(x):
            def add(y):
                return x + y
            return add

        def curry(func, arg1):
            return lambda arg2: func(arg1, arg2)

        def less_than(a, b):
            return a < b

        # The infamous Y combinator.
        def Y(le):
            def g(f):
                return le(lambda x: f(f)(x))
            Y.g_ref = g
            return g(g)

        def check_y_combinator(func):
            self.assertEqual(_nonlocal_vars(func), {'f': Y.g_ref})

        inc = make_adder(1)
        add_two = make_adder(2)
        greater_than_five = curry(less_than, 5)

        self.assertEqual(_nonlocal_vars(inc), {'x': 1})
        self.assertEqual(_nonlocal_vars(add_two), {'x': 2})
                         {'arg1': 5, 'func': less_than})
        self.assertEqual(_nonlocal_vars((lambda x: lambda y: x + y)(3)),
                         {'x': 3})
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_getclosurevars_empty(self):
        def foo(): pass
        _empty = inspect.ClosureVars({}, {}, {}, set())
        self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(lambda: True), _empty)
        self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(foo), _empty)
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_builtins_fallback(self):
        f, ns = self._private_globals()
        ns.pop("__builtins__", None)
        expected = inspect.ClosureVars({}, {}, {"print":print}, {"path"})
        self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(f), expected)
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_builtins_as_dict(self):
        f, ns = self._private_globals()
        ns["__builtins__"] = {"path":1}
        expected = inspect.ClosureVars({}, {}, {"path":1}, {"print"})
        self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(f), expected)
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_builtins_as_module(self):
        f, ns = self._private_globals()
        ns["__builtins__"] = os
        expected = inspect.ClosureVars({}, {}, {"path":os.path}, {"print"})
        self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(f), expected)
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_name_resolution(self):
        # Basic test of the 4 different resolution mechanisms
        def f(nonlocal_ref):
            def g(local_ref):
                print(local_ref, nonlocal_ref, _global_ref, unbound_ref)
            return g
        _arg = object()
        nonlocal_vars = {"nonlocal_ref": _arg}
        global_vars = {"_global_ref": _global_ref}
        builtin_vars = {"print": print}
        unbound_names = {"unbound_ref"}
        expected = inspect.ClosureVars(nonlocal_vars, global_vars,
                                       builtin_vars, unbound_names)
        self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(f(_arg)), expected)
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_generator_closure(self):
        def f(nonlocal_ref):
            def g(local_ref):
                print(local_ref, nonlocal_ref, _global_ref, unbound_ref)
            return g
        _arg = object()
        nonlocal_vars = {"nonlocal_ref": _arg}
        global_vars = {"_global_ref": _global_ref}
        builtin_vars = {"print": print}
        unbound_names = {"unbound_ref"}
        expected = inspect.ClosureVars(nonlocal_vars, global_vars,
                                       builtin_vars, unbound_names)
        self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(f(_arg)), expected)
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_method_closure(self):
        class C:
            def f(self, nonlocal_ref):
                def g(local_ref):
                    print(local_ref, nonlocal_ref, _global_ref, unbound_ref)
                return g
        _arg = object()
        nonlocal_vars = {"nonlocal_ref": _arg}
        global_vars = {"_global_ref": _global_ref}
        builtin_vars = {"print": print}
        unbound_names = {"unbound_ref"}
        expected = inspect.ClosureVars(nonlocal_vars, global_vars,
                                       builtin_vars, unbound_names)
        self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(C().f(_arg)), expected)
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_nonlocal_vars(self):
        # More complex tests of nonlocal resolution
        def _nonlocal_vars(f):
            return inspect.getclosurevars(f).nonlocals

        def make_adder(x):
            def add(y):
                return x + y
            return add

        def curry(func, arg1):
            return lambda arg2: func(arg1, arg2)

        def less_than(a, b):
            return a < b

        # The infamous Y combinator.
        def Y(le):
            def g(f):
                return le(lambda x: f(f)(x))
            Y.g_ref = g
            return g(g)

        def check_y_combinator(func):
            self.assertEqual(_nonlocal_vars(func), {'f': Y.g_ref})

        inc = make_adder(1)
        add_two = make_adder(2)
        greater_than_five = curry(less_than, 5)

        self.assertEqual(_nonlocal_vars(inc), {'x': 1})
        self.assertEqual(_nonlocal_vars(add_two), {'x': 2})
                         {'arg1': 5, 'func': less_than})
        self.assertEqual(_nonlocal_vars((lambda x: lambda y: x + y)(3)),
                         {'x': 3})
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_getclosurevars_empty(self):
        def foo(): pass
        _empty = inspect.ClosureVars({}, {}, {}, set())
        self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(lambda: True), _empty)
        self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(foo), _empty)
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_builtins_fallback(self):
        f, ns = self._private_globals()
        ns.pop("__builtins__", None)
        expected = inspect.ClosureVars({}, {}, {"print":print}, {"path"})
        self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(f), expected)
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_builtins_as_dict(self):
        f, ns = self._private_globals()
        ns["__builtins__"] = {"path":1}
        expected = inspect.ClosureVars({}, {}, {"path":1}, {"print"})
        self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(f), expected)
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_builtins_as_module(self):
        f, ns = self._private_globals()
        ns["__builtins__"] = os
        expected = inspect.ClosureVars({}, {}, {"path":os.path}, {"print"})
        self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(f), expected)
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_name_resolution(self):
        # Basic test of the 4 different resolution mechanisms
        def f(nonlocal_ref):
            def g(local_ref):
                print(local_ref, nonlocal_ref, _global_ref, unbound_ref)
            return g
        _arg = object()
        nonlocal_vars = {"nonlocal_ref": _arg}
        global_vars = {"_global_ref": _global_ref}
        builtin_vars = {"print": print}
        unbound_names = {"unbound_ref"}
        expected = inspect.ClosureVars(nonlocal_vars, global_vars,
                                       builtin_vars, unbound_names)
        self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(f(_arg)), expected)
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_generator_closure(self):
        def f(nonlocal_ref):
            def g(local_ref):
                print(local_ref, nonlocal_ref, _global_ref, unbound_ref)
            return g
        _arg = object()
        nonlocal_vars = {"nonlocal_ref": _arg}
        global_vars = {"_global_ref": _global_ref}
        builtin_vars = {"print": print}
        unbound_names = {"unbound_ref"}
        expected = inspect.ClosureVars(nonlocal_vars, global_vars,
                                       builtin_vars, unbound_names)
        self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(f(_arg)), expected)
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_method_closure(self):
        class C:
            def f(self, nonlocal_ref):
                def g(local_ref):
                    print(local_ref, nonlocal_ref, _global_ref, unbound_ref)
                return g
        _arg = object()
        nonlocal_vars = {"nonlocal_ref": _arg}
        global_vars = {"_global_ref": _global_ref}
        builtin_vars = {"print": print}
        unbound_names = {"unbound_ref"}
        expected = inspect.ClosureVars(nonlocal_vars, global_vars,
                                       builtin_vars, unbound_names)
        self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(C().f(_arg)), expected)
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_nonlocal_vars(self):
        # More complex tests of nonlocal resolution
        def _nonlocal_vars(f):
            return inspect.getclosurevars(f).nonlocals

        def make_adder(x):
            def add(y):
                return x + y
            return add

        def curry(func, arg1):
            return lambda arg2: func(arg1, arg2)

        def less_than(a, b):
            return a < b

        # The infamous Y combinator.
        def Y(le):
            def g(f):
                return le(lambda x: f(f)(x))
            Y.g_ref = g
            return g(g)

        def check_y_combinator(func):
            self.assertEqual(_nonlocal_vars(func), {'f': Y.g_ref})

        inc = make_adder(1)
        add_two = make_adder(2)
        greater_than_five = curry(less_than, 5)

        self.assertEqual(_nonlocal_vars(inc), {'x': 1})
        self.assertEqual(_nonlocal_vars(add_two), {'x': 2})
                         {'arg1': 5, 'func': less_than})
        self.assertEqual(_nonlocal_vars((lambda x: lambda y: x + y)(3)),
                         {'x': 3})
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_getclosurevars_empty(self):
        def foo(): pass
        _empty = inspect.ClosureVars({}, {}, {}, set())
        self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(lambda: True), _empty)
        self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(foo), _empty)
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_builtins_fallback(self):
        f, ns = self._private_globals()
        ns.pop("__builtins__", None)
        expected = inspect.ClosureVars({}, {}, {"print":print}, {"path"})
        self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(f), expected)
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_builtins_as_dict(self):
        f, ns = self._private_globals()
        ns["__builtins__"] = {"path":1}
        expected = inspect.ClosureVars({}, {}, {"path":1}, {"print"})
        self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(f), expected)
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_builtins_as_module(self):
        f, ns = self._private_globals()
        ns["__builtins__"] = os
        expected = inspect.ClosureVars({}, {}, {"path":os.path}, {"print"})
        self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(f), expected)
项目:cohorts    作者:hammerlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _hash_filter_fn(self, filter_fn, **kwargs):
        """ Construct string representing state of filter_fn
            Used to cache filtered variants or effects uniquely depending on filter fn values
        filter_fn_name = self._get_function_name(filter_fn, default="filter-none")
        logger.debug("Computing hash for filter_fn: {} with kwargs {}".format(filter_fn_name, str(dict(**kwargs))))
        # hash function source code
        fn_source = str(dill.source.getsource(filter_fn))
        pickled_fn_source = pickle.dumps(fn_source) ## encode as byte string
        hashed_fn_source = int(hashlib.sha1(pickled_fn_source).hexdigest(), 16) % (10 ** 11)
        # hash kwarg values
        kw_dict = dict(**kwargs)
        kw_hash = list()
        if not kw_dict:
            kw_hash = ["default"]
            [kw_hash.append("{}-{}".format(key, h)) for (key, h) in sorted(kw_dict.items())]
        # hash closure vars - for case where filter_fn is defined within closure of filter_fn
        closure = []
        nonlocals = inspect.getclosurevars(filter_fn).nonlocals
        for (key, val) in nonlocals.items():
            ## capture hash for any function within closure
            if inspect.isfunction(val):
        closure.sort() # Sorted for file name consistency
        closure_str = "null" if len(closure) == 0 else "-".join(closure)
        # construct final string comprising hashed components
        hashed_fn = ".".join(["-".join([filter_fn_name,
        return hashed_fn