def run_terraform(ctx, command, opts_list): # Add state file location option tf_state_file = '{0}/{1}'.format(ctx.terraform.dir, ctx.terraform.state) option = '-state={0}'.format(tf_state_file) opts_list.append(option) # Build terraform command opts = ' '.join(opts_list) tf_dir = ctx.terraform.dir terraform = 'terraform {0} {1} {2}'.format(command, opts, tf_dir) result = run(terraform, hide=False, warn=True) if result.ok: list(ctx) else: print("\n" + "-> " + result.command + "\n") print(result) raise exceptions.Failure(result)
def deploy_docs(): """ Based on https://gist.github.com/domenic/ec8b0fc8ab45f39403dd """ run('rm -rf ./site/') build_docs() with util.cd('./site/'): run('git init') run('echo ".*pyc" > .gitignore') run('git config user.name "Travis CI"') run('git config user.email "%s"' % os.environ['EMAIL']) run('git add .') run('git commit -m "Deploy to GitHub Pages"') run( 'git push --force --quiet "https://{GH_TOKEN}@{GH_REF}" ' 'master:gh-pages > /dev/null 2>&1'.format( GH_TOKEN=os.environ['GH_TOKEN'], GH_REF=os.environ['GH_REF'], ) )
def gunicorn(ctx, bind='localhost:8000', workers=13, collectstatic=True): """ Starts Gunicorn server. This is not an optimal deployment, since you should serve static files with a proxy such as nginx. However, Gunicorn is much more robust than the development server that comes bundled with Django. """ if collectstatic: django_manage('collectstatic') ctx.run('gunicorn {project_root}.wsgi -b {bind} ' '--workers {workers} ' '--name {project}-server'.format( project_root=project_root(), bind=bind, workers=workers, project=get_option('options', 'pyname').replace('_', '-') ))
def lint(): run("flake8 django_make_app tests")
def test(): run("py.test --verbose --showlocals tests/")
def test_all(): run("tox")
def test_cov(): run("py.test --verbose --showlocals --cov=django_make_app tests/")
def test_setuptools(): run("python setup.py test")
def coverage(): run("coverage run --source django_make_app setup.py test") run("coverage report -m") run("coverage html")
def install_requirements(): run("pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade --use-wheel")
def test_install(): run("pip uninstall django_make_app --yes", warn=True) run("pip install --use-wheel --no-index --find-links dist django_make_app") run("pip uninstall django_make_app --yes")
def build(): run("python setup.py check --verbose --strict --restructuredtext") run("python setup.py build") run("python setup.py sdist") run("python setup.py bdist_wheel")
def publish(): run('python setup.py sdist upload -r pypi') run('python setup.py bdist_wheel upload -r pypi')
def test(script): run("python " + script)
def reset(): run("rm -rf " + plex_home + "/Plug-in\ Support/Caches/com.plexapp.plugins." + plugin_name) run("rm -rf " + plex_home + "/Plug-in\ Support/Data/com.plexapp.plugins." + plugin_name) run("rm -rf " + plex_home + "/Plug-in\ Support/Preferences/com.plexapp.plugins." + plugin_name + ".xml") # run("rm -rf " + plugin_dir) print("Plugin was reset.")
def copy(plugin_dir): run("mkdir -p " + plugin_dir + "/Contents/Code") run("mkdir -p " + plugin_dir + "/Contents/Libraries/Shared") run("cp -R Contents/* " + plugin_dir + "/Contents") run("cp -R Contents/Libraries/Shared/* " + plugin_dir + "/Contents/Libraries/Shared") print("Files were copied.")
def reload(): import urllib2 with open(os.getenv("HOME") + "/Dropbox/.plex-token") as f: content = f.readlines()[0].strip() url = "" + content urllib2.urlopen(url).read() print("Server was restarted.") run("tail -f ~/Library/Logs/Plex\ Media\ Server/PMS\ Plugin\ Logs/com.plexapp.plugins." + plugin_name + ".log")
def zip(archive): run("cd build && zip -r " + archive + " .")
def clean(): run("rm -rf build")
def build(): clean() run("mkdir -p build/" + bundle_name) copy('build/' + bundle_name) zip(archive)
def plex_uninstall(): run("rm -rf ~/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/") run("rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/PlexMediaServer/") run("rm -rf ~/Library/Preferences/com.plexapp.plexmediaserver.plist")
def prepare(ctx): invoke.run('ansible-playbook playbook_prepare.yml')
def deploy_rtr00(ctx): invoke.run('ansible-playbook playbook_configure.yml --limit rtr00')
def deploy_rtr01(ctx): invoke.run('ansible-playbook playbook_configure.yml --limit rtr01')
def verify(ctx): invoke.run('ansible-playbook playbook_facts.yml')
def get_requests(ctx): results = invoke.run('../../pinder/manage.py cli --all')
def clean(ctx): """Remove created files and caches.""" run("rm -rf CloudFormation.json") run("find . \( -name '__pycache__' -o -name '*.pyc' \) -print -delete")
def build_docs(): generate_api_reference() run('mkdocs build')
def serve_docs(): generate_api_reference() target_cmd = ( 'watchmedo shell-command -R -c ' '"invoke generate-api-reference" pydeform docs' ) p = threading.Thread(target=run, args=(target_cmd,)) p.daemon = True p.start() run('mkdocs serve')
def migrate(ctx, make=False, app=None, runserver=False): """ Run manage.py makemigrations/migrate commands. """ app_suffix = ' %s' % app if app else '' if make or io.yn_input('Execute makemigrations? ') == 'yes': run("python src/manage.py makemigrations" + app_suffix) run("python src/manage.py migrate" + app_suffix) if runserver or io.yn_input('Execute runserver? ') == 'yes': run('python src/manage.py runserver')
def run(ctx, bind='localhost', port=8000): """ Starts the development server for local testing. """ tail = '' if bind and port: tail = '%s:%s' % (bind, port) elif bind: tail = str(bind) elif port: tail = str(port) django_manage('runserver' + tail)
def project_root(): """ Return the project root. """ try: return get_option('django', 'project_root') except ValueError: pass # No configuration was found. We need to search for a django project in the # package tree. The first option is that the project adopts the # python-boilerplate layout for a django project: pyname = get_option('options', 'pyname') if os.path.exists(os.path.join('src', pyname, 'site')): return pyname + '.site' # Secondly, it might be a layout for a django app. In this case, the # project root points to the test project inside the "tests" folder if os.path.exists(os.path.join('src', pyname, 'tests', 'site')): return pyname + '.tests.site' # Everything fails! Quit! raise RuntimeError( 'Could not determine the project root. Is this a really django ' 'project? Please run `python-boilerplate django-project` or ' '`python-boilerplate django-app` in order to create a project ' 'structure.' )
def build(ctx, no_docs=False): """ Build python package and docs. """ util.add_src_to_python_path() run("python setup.py build") if not no_docs: run("python setup.py build_sphinx")
def get_current_schema(config): try: cqlsh = run_cqlsh(config, command="DESCRIBE " + config['keyspace']) out = run(cqlsh, hide='stdout') except Exception as e: click.secho("Unable to get the current DB schema: {}".format(e), fg='red') sys.exit() return out.stdout
def verun(cmd): """Runs a command inside the virtual environment without invoking it Args: cmd(str): Command to be run in the virtual env Returns: None """ run('pew in {0} {1}'.format(package_name(), cmd))
def new(): """Creates a new virtual environment with the package name. """ run('pew new --dont-activate --python={0} ' '{1}'.format(python_bin, package_name())) verun('pip install --upgrade wheel') verun('pip install --upgrade pip')
def remove(): """Removes the virtual environment with the package name. """ run('pew rm {0}'.format(package_name()))
def bash(cmd): """Execute command using /bin/bash instead of /bin/sh.""" return run('/bin/bash -c "{0}"'.format(cmd))
def mkdir(*paths): """Create directories and any parent directory that doesn't exist""" for path in paths: run('mkdir -p {0}'.format(path))
def readout(cmd): """A command for getting the package name from setup.py file Args: cmd (str): 'python setup.py --name' Returns: str: package name """ return run(cmd, hide='out').stdout.strip()
def lint(): """check style with flake8""" run("flake8 {PROJECT_NAME}/ tests/".format(PROJECT_NAME=PROJECT_NAME))
def test(): run("py.test")
def test_all(): """run tests on every Python version with tox""" run("tox")
def check(): """Check setup""" run("python setup.py --no-user-cfg --verbose check --metadata --restructuredtext --strict")
def coverage(): """check code coverage quickly with the default Python""" run("coverage run --source {PROJECT_NAME} -m py.test".format(PROJECT_NAME=PROJECT_NAME)) run("coverage report -m") run("coverage html") if sys.stdout.isatty(): # Running in a real terminal webbrowser.open('file://' + os.path.realpath("htmlcov/index.html"), new=2)
def build(): """build package""" run("python setup.py build") run("python setup.py sdist") run("python setup.py bdist_wheel")
def publish(): """publish package""" warnings.warn("Deprecated", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) check() run('python setup.py sdist upload -r pypi') # Use python setup.py REGISTER run('python setup.py bdist_wheel upload -r pypi')
def publish_twine(): """publish package""" check() run('twine upload dist/* --skip-existing')
def publish_test(): """publish package""" check() run('python setup.py sdist upload -r https://testpypi.python.org/pypi') # Use python setup.py REGISTER run('python setup.py bdist_wheel upload -r https://testpypi.python.org/pypi')