Python ipywidgets 模块,interactive() 实例源码


项目:em_examples    作者:geoscixyz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def widgetify(fun, layout=None, manual=False, **kwargs):

    f = fun

    if manual:
        app = ipywidgets.interact_manual(f, **kwargs)
        app = app.widget
        app = ipywidgets.interactive(f, **kwargs)

    # if layout is None:
    # TODO: add support for changing layouts
    w = MyApp(app.children, kwargs)

    f.widget = w
    # defaults =  #dict([(key, val.value) for key, val in kwargs.iteritems() if isinstance(val, Widget)])

    return w
项目:em_examples    作者:geoscixyz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ImageUXOWidget():

    Out = interactive(fcnImageUXOWidget,psi=FloatSlider(min=-180., max=180., value=-0., step=10., continuous_update=False, description = "$\psi$"),\
            theta=FloatSlider(min=0, max=180., value=-0., step=10., continuous_update=False, description = "$\\theta$"),\
            phi=FloatSlider(min=-180., max=180., value=-0., step=10., continuous_update=False, description = "$\phi$"),\
            k1=FloatSlider(min=1., max=3., value=1., step=0.1, continuous_update=False, description = "$k_{x'}$"),\
            alpha1=FloatSlider(min=-4., max=-2., value=-3.7, step=0.1, continuous_update=False, description = "log($\\alpha_{x'}$)"),\
            beta1=FloatSlider(min=1., max=2., value=1., step=0.1, continuous_update=False, description = "$\\beta_{x'}$"),\
            gamma1=FloatSlider(min=-4., max=-2., value=-2.7, step=0.1, continuous_update=False, description = "log($\gamma_{x'}$)"),\
            k2=FloatSlider(min=1., max=3., value=1.5, step=0.1, continuous_update=False, description = "$k_{y'}$"),\
            alpha2=FloatSlider(min=-4., max=-2., value=-3.7, step=0.1, continuous_update=False, description = "log($\\alpha_{y'}$)"),\
            beta2=FloatSlider(min=1., max=2., value=-1., step=0.1, continuous_update=False, description = "$\\beta_{y'}$"),\
            gamma2=FloatSlider(min=-4., max=-2., value=-2.5, step=0.1, continuous_update=False, description = "log($\gamma_{y'}$)"),\
            k3=FloatSlider(min=1., max=3., value=2., step=0.1, continuous_update=False, description = "$k_{z'}$"),\
            alpha3=FloatSlider(min=-4., max=-2., value=-3.2, step=0.1, continuous_update=False, description = "log($\\alpha_{z'}$)"),\
            beta3=FloatSlider(min=1., max=2., value=1., step=0.1, continuous_update=False, description = "$\\beta_{z'}$"),\
            gamma3=FloatSlider(min=-4., max=-2., value=-2.2, step=0.1, continuous_update=False, description = "log($\gamma_{z'}$)"),\
            tn=IntSlider(min=1, max=11, value=1., step=1, continuous_update=False, description = "Time channel"))

    return Out
项目:scikit-discovery    作者:MITHaystack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_spiralInteractive(inData, period, pParams = [], inIndex = None, mainTitle = 'Spiral plot', barLabel = 'Amplitude', plotTS = False):
    Wrapper for plot_spiral that is interactive when used in Jupyter notebooks

    @param inData: Input data to use in plot
    @param period: Period value with which to wrap data around the plot
    @param pParams: List of plot's period parameters [min, max, step] necessary for interactive
    @param inIndex: Input index (series time coordinates)
    @param plotTS: Optional flag to plot the time series of the data in a separate window

    from ipywidgets import fixed, interact, interactive
    from IPython.display import clear_output, display, HTML

    plotData, plotIndex = mod_data(inData, inIndex)

    if len(pParams) != 3:
        pParams = [period - .1, period + .1, .01]

    inter = interactive(plot_spiral, plotData = fixed(plotData), plotIndex = fixed(plotIndex), mainTitle = fixed(mainTitle), barLabel = fixed(barLabel), plotTS = fixed(plotTS), T = (pParams[0], pParams[1], pParams[2]))
项目:rswarp    作者:radiasoft    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self):

        init = 'x'
        self.position_options = {'x': self.solver.xmesh, 'z': self.solver.zmesh}
        self.position_formatter = widgets.Dropdown(options=self.position_options[init],
                                                   description='Lineout Intercept')

        z_axis_options = OrderedDict()
        z_axis_options['E_x'] = 0
        z_axis_options['E_z'] = 1
        z_axis_options['Potential'] = 2
        z_axis_formatter = widgets.Dropdown(options=z_axis_options, description='Field Data')

        x_axis_options = OrderedDict()
        x_axis_options['x'] = 0
        x_axis_options['z'] = 1
        x_axis_formatter = widgets.Dropdown(options=x_axis_options, description='Lineout Axis')

        p1 = interactive(self._plot_lineout, x=x_axis_formatter, position=self.position_formatter, y=z_axis_formatter)
项目:nanslice    作者:spinicist    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def interactive(img, cmap='gray', window=(2, 98)):
    import ipywidgets as ipy

    # Get some information about the image
    bbox = Box.fromMask(img)
    window_vals = np.nanpercentile(img.get_data(), window)
    # Setup figure
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(8, 4))
    implots = [None, None, None]
    for i in range(3):
        sl = Slice(bbox,, i, 256, orient='clin')
        sl_img = sl.sample(img, order=0)
        sl_color = colorize(sl_img, cmap, window_vals)
        implots[i] = axes[i].imshow(sl_color, origin='lower', extent=sl.extent, cmap=cmap, vmin = 0.1)

    def wrap_sections(x, y, z):
        for i in range(3):
            sl = Slice(bbox, np.array((x, y, z)), i, 256, orient='clin')
            sl_img = sl.sample(img, order=0)
            sl_color = colorize(sl_img, cmap, window_vals)

    # Setup widgets
    slider_x = ipy.FloatSlider(min=bbox.start[0], max=bbox.end[0],[0])
    slider_y = ipy.FloatSlider(min=bbox.start[1], max=bbox.end[1],[1])
    slider_z = ipy.FloatSlider(min=bbox.start[2], max=bbox.end[2],[2])
    widgets = ipy.interactive(wrap_sections, x=slider_x, y=slider_y, z=slider_z)

    # Now do some manual layout
    hbox = ipy.HBox(widgets.children[0:3]) # Set the sliders to horizontal layout
    vbox = ipy.VBox((hbox, widgets.children[3]))
    # iplot.widget.children[-1].layout.height = '350px'
    return vbox
项目:rswarp    作者:radiasoft    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, solver, field_data, potential_data):
        Initialize instance of the interactive plotter
            solver: Instance of a Warp FieldSolver object
            field_data: Array of 3D field data (vector component, nx, nz).
            potential_data: Array of field data (nx, nz).
        self.solver = solver
        self.field_data = field_data
        self.potential_data = potential_data