Python itertools 模块,repeat() 实例源码


项目:python-    作者:secondtonone1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _hash_comparison(self):
        Return a comparison of actual and expected hash values.


               Expected sha256 abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde
                            or 123451234512345123451234512345123451234512345
                    Got        bcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdef

        def hash_then_or(hash_name):
            # For now, all the decent hashes have 6-char names, so we can get
            # away with hard-coding space literals.
            return chain([hash_name], repeat('    or'))

        lines = []
        for hash_name, expecteds in iteritems(self.allowed):
            prefix = hash_then_or(hash_name)
            lines.extend(('        Expected %s %s' % (next(prefix), e))
                         for e in expecteds)
            lines.append('             Got        %s\n' %
            prefix = '    or'
        return '\n'.join(lines)
项目:python-    作者:secondtonone1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def elements(self):
        '''Iterator over elements repeating each as many times as its count.

        >>> c = Counter('ABCABC')
        >>> sorted(c.elements())
        ['A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'C']

        # Knuth's example for prime factors of 1836:  2**2 * 3**3 * 17**1
        >>> prime_factors = Counter({2: 2, 3: 3, 17: 1})
        >>> product = 1
        >>> for factor in prime_factors.elements():     # loop over factors
        ...     product *= factor                       # and multiply them
        >>> product

        Note, if an element's count has been set to zero or is a negative
        number, elements() will ignore it.

        # Emulate from Smalltalk and Multiset.begin from C++.
        return _chain.from_iterable(_starmap(_repeat, self.items()))

    # Override dict methods where necessary
项目:my-first-blog    作者:AnkurBegining    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _hash_comparison(self):
        Return a comparison of actual and expected hash values.


               Expected sha256 abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde
                            or 123451234512345123451234512345123451234512345
                    Got        bcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdef

        def hash_then_or(hash_name):
            # For now, all the decent hashes have 6-char names, so we can get
            # away with hard-coding space literals.
            return chain([hash_name], repeat('    or'))

        lines = []
        for hash_name, expecteds in iteritems(self.allowed):
            prefix = hash_then_or(hash_name)
            lines.extend(('        Expected %s %s' % (next(prefix), e))
                         for e in expecteds)
            lines.append('             Got        %s\n' %
            prefix = '    or'
        return '\n'.join(lines)
项目:zipline-chinese    作者:zhanghan1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def attach_pipeline(self, pipeline, name, chunksize=None):
        Register a pipeline to be computed at the start of each day.
        if self._pipelines:
            raise NotImplementedError("Multiple pipelines are not supported.")
        if chunksize is None:
            # Make the first chunk smaller to get more immediate results:
            # (one week, then every half year)
            chunks = iter(chain([5], repeat(126)))
            chunks = iter(repeat(int(chunksize)))
        self._pipelines[name] = pipeline, chunks

        # Return the pipeline to allow expressions like
        # p = attach_pipeline(Pipeline(), 'name')
        return pipeline
项目:kinect-2-libras    作者:inessadl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def elements(self):
        '''Iterator over elements repeating each as many times as its count.

        >>> c = Counter('ABCABC')
        >>> sorted(c.elements())
        ['A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'C']

        # Knuth's example for prime factors of 1836:  2**2 * 3**3 * 17**1
        >>> prime_factors = Counter({2: 2, 3: 3, 17: 1})
        >>> product = 1
        >>> for factor in prime_factors.elements():     # loop over factors
        ...     product *= factor                       # and multiply them
        >>> product

        Note, if an element's count has been set to zero or is a negative
        number, elements() will ignore it.

        # Emulate from Smalltalk and Multiset.begin from C++.
        return _chain.from_iterable(_starmap(_repeat, self.iteritems()))

    # Override dict methods where necessary
项目:kinect-2-libras    作者:inessadl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _group_lengths(grouping):
    """Convert a localeconv-style grouping into a (possibly infinite)
    iterable of integers representing group lengths.

    # The result from localeconv()['grouping'], and the input to this
    # function, should be a list of integers in one of the
    # following three forms:
    #   (1) an empty list, or
    #   (2) nonempty list of positive integers + [0]
    #   (3) list of positive integers + [locale.CHAR_MAX], or

    from itertools import chain, repeat
    if not grouping:
        return []
    elif grouping[-1] == 0 and len(grouping) >= 2:
        return chain(grouping[:-1], repeat(grouping[-2]))
    elif grouping[-1] == _locale.CHAR_MAX:
        return grouping[:-1]
        raise ValueError('unrecognised format for grouping')
项目:kinect-2-libras    作者:inessadl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def timeit(self, number=default_number):
        """Time 'number' executions of the main statement.

        To be precise, this executes the setup statement once, and
        then returns the time it takes to execute the main statement
        a number of times, as a float measured in seconds.  The
        argument is the number of times through the loop, defaulting
        to one million.  The main statement, the setup statement and
        the timer function to be used are passed to the constructor.
        if itertools:
            it = itertools.repeat(None, number)
            it = [None] * number
        gcold = gc.isenabled()
        timing = self.inner(it, self.timer)
        if gcold:
        return timing
项目:kinect-2-libras    作者:inessadl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def repeat(self, repeat=default_repeat, number=default_number):
        """Call timeit() a few times.

        This is a convenience function that calls the timeit()
        repeatedly, returning a list of results.  The first argument
        specifies how many times to call timeit(), defaulting to 3;
        the second argument specifies the timer argument, defaulting
        to one million.

        Note: it's tempting to calculate mean and standard deviation
        from the result vector and report these.  However, this is not
        very useful.  In a typical case, the lowest value gives a
        lower bound for how fast your machine can run the given code
        snippet; higher values in the result vector are typically not
        caused by variability in Python's speed, but by other
        processes interfering with your timing accuracy.  So the min()
        of the result is probably the only number you should be
        interested in.  After that, you should look at the entire
        vector and apply common sense rather than statistics.
        r = []
        for i in range(repeat):
            t = self.timeit(number)
        return r
项目:otRebuilder    作者:Pal3love    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _readBitwiseImageData(bitmapObject, name, attrs, content, ttFont):
    bitDepth = safeEval(attrs['bitDepth'])
    metrics = SmallGlyphMetrics()
    metrics.width = safeEval(attrs['width'])
    metrics.height = safeEval(attrs['height'])

    # A dict for mapping from ASCII to binary. All characters are considered
    # a '1' except space, period and '0' which maps to '0'.
    binaryConv = {' ':'0', '.':'0', '0':'0'}

    dataRows = []
    for element in content:
        if not isinstance(element, tuple):
        name, attr, content = element
        if name == 'row':
            mapParams = zip(attr['value'], itertools.repeat('1'))
            rowData = strjoin(itertools.starmap(binaryConv.get, mapParams))

    bitmapObject.setRows(dataRows, bitDepth=bitDepth, metrics=metrics, reverseBytes=True)
项目:pip-update-requirements    作者:alanhamlett    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _hash_comparison(self):
        Return a comparison of actual and expected hash values.


               Expected sha256 abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde
                            or 123451234512345123451234512345123451234512345
                    Got        bcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdef

        def hash_then_or(hash_name):
            # For now, all the decent hashes have 6-char names, so we can get
            # away with hard-coding space literals.
            return chain([hash_name], repeat('    or'))

        lines = []
        for hash_name, expecteds in iteritems(self.allowed):
            prefix = hash_then_or(hash_name)
            lines.extend(('        Expected %s %s' % (next(prefix), e))
                         for e in expecteds)
            lines.append('             Got        %s\n' %
            prefix = '    or'
        return '\n'.join(lines)
项目:GANGogh    作者:rkjones4    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def for_genre(genre,num):
    pool = ThreadPool(multiprocessing.cpu_count()-1)
    nums = list(range(1,num))
    results = pool.starmap(soupit,zip(nums,itertools.repeat(genre)))

    #build up the list of urls with the results of all the sub-processes that succeeded in a single list
    new_results = []
    for j in results:
        if j:
            for i in j:

    pool = ThreadPool(multiprocessing.cpu_count()-1)
项目:swjtu-pyscraper    作者:Desgard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _hash_comparison(self):
        Return a comparison of actual and expected hash values.


               Expected sha256 abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde
                            or 123451234512345123451234512345123451234512345
                    Got        bcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdef

        def hash_then_or(hash_name):
            # For now, all the decent hashes have 6-char names, so we can get
            # away with hard-coding space literals.
            return chain([hash_name], repeat('    or'))

        lines = []
        for hash_name, expecteds in iteritems(self.allowed):
            prefix = hash_then_or(hash_name)
            lines.extend(('        Expected %s %s' % (next(prefix), e))
                         for e in expecteds)
            lines.append('             Got        %s\n' %
            prefix = '    or'
        return '\n'.join(lines)
项目:TerminalView    作者:Wramberg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def delete_lines(self, count=None):
        """Deletes the indicated # of lines, starting at line with
        cursor. As lines are deleted, lines displayed below cursor
        move up. Lines added to bottom of screen have spaces with same
        character attributes as last line moved up.

        :param int count: number of lines to delete.
        count = count or 1
        top, bottom = self.margins

        # If cursor is outside scrolling margins it -- do nothin'.
        if top <= self.cursor.y <= bottom:
            #                v -- +1 to include the bottom margin.
            for _ in range(min(bottom - self.cursor.y + 1, count)):
                self.buffer.insert(bottom, list(
                    repeat(self.cursor.attrs, self.columns)))

项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _hash_comparison(self):
        Return a comparison of actual and expected hash values.


               Expected sha256 abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde
                            or 123451234512345123451234512345123451234512345
                    Got        bcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdef

        def hash_then_or(hash_name):
            # For now, all the decent hashes have 6-char names, so we can get
            # away with hard-coding space literals.
            return chain([hash_name], repeat('    or'))

        lines = []
        for hash_name, expecteds in iteritems(self.allowed):
            prefix = hash_then_or(hash_name)
            lines.extend(('        Expected %s %s' % (next(prefix), e))
                         for e in expecteds)
            lines.append('             Got        %s\n' %
            prefix = '    or'
        return '\n'.join(lines)
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _hash_comparison(self):
        Return a comparison of actual and expected hash values.


               Expected sha256 abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde
                            or 123451234512345123451234512345123451234512345
                    Got        bcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdef

        def hash_then_or(hash_name):
            # For now, all the decent hashes have 6-char names, so we can get
            # away with hard-coding space literals.
            return chain([hash_name], repeat('    or'))

        lines = []
        for hash_name, expecteds in iteritems(self.allowed):
            prefix = hash_then_or(hash_name)
            lines.extend(('        Expected %s %s' % (next(prefix), e))
                         for e in expecteds)
            lines.append('             Got        %s\n' %
            prefix = '    or'
        return '\n'.join(lines)
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _hash_comparison(self):
        Return a comparison of actual and expected hash values.


               Expected sha256 abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde
                            or 123451234512345123451234512345123451234512345
                    Got        bcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdef

        def hash_then_or(hash_name):
            # For now, all the decent hashes have 6-char names, so we can get
            # away with hard-coding space literals.
            return chain([hash_name], repeat('    or'))

        lines = []
        for hash_name, expecteds in iteritems(self.allowed):
            prefix = hash_then_or(hash_name)
            lines.extend(('        Expected %s %s' % (next(prefix), e))
                         for e in expecteds)
            lines.append('             Got        %s\n' %
            prefix = '    or'
        return '\n'.join(lines)
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def matchPreviousLiteral(expr):
    """Helper to define an expression that is indirectly defined from
       the tokens matched in a previous expression, that is, it looks
       for a 'repeat' of a previous expression.  For example::
           first = Word(nums)
           second = matchPreviousLiteral(first)
           matchExpr = first + ":" + second
       will match C{"1:1"}, but not C{"1:2"}.  Because this matches a
       previous literal, will also match the leading C{"1:1"} in C{"1:10"}.
       If this is not desired, use C{matchPreviousExpr}.
       Do *not* use with packrat parsing enabled.
    rep = Forward()
    def copyTokenToRepeater(s,l,t):
        if t:
            if len(t) == 1:
                rep << t[0]
                # flatten t tokens
                tflat = _flatten(t.asList())
                rep << And( [ Literal(tt) for tt in tflat ] )
            rep << Empty()
    expr.addParseAction(copyTokenToRepeater, callDuringTry=True)
    return rep
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def matchPreviousExpr(expr):
    """Helper to define an expression that is indirectly defined from
       the tokens matched in a previous expression, that is, it looks
       for a 'repeat' of a previous expression.  For example::
           first = Word(nums)
           second = matchPreviousExpr(first)
           matchExpr = first + ":" + second
       will match C{"1:1"}, but not C{"1:2"}.  Because this matches by
       expressions, will *not* match the leading C{"1:1"} in C{"1:10"};
       the expressions are evaluated first, and then compared, so
       C{"1"} is compared with C{"10"}.
       Do *not* use with packrat parsing enabled.
    rep = Forward()
    e2 = expr.copy()
    rep <<= e2
    def copyTokenToRepeater(s,l,t):
        matchTokens = _flatten(t.asList())
        def mustMatchTheseTokens(s,l,t):
            theseTokens = _flatten(t.asList())
            if  theseTokens != matchTokens:
                raise ParseException("",0,"")
        rep.setParseAction( mustMatchTheseTokens, callDuringTry=True )
    expr.addParseAction(copyTokenToRepeater, callDuringTry=True)
    return rep
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _hash_comparison(self):
        Return a comparison of actual and expected hash values.


               Expected sha256 abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde
                            or 123451234512345123451234512345123451234512345
                    Got        bcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdef

        def hash_then_or(hash_name):
            # For now, all the decent hashes have 6-char names, so we can get
            # away with hard-coding space literals.
            return chain([hash_name], repeat('    or'))

        lines = []
        for hash_name, expecteds in iteritems(self.allowed):
            prefix = hash_then_or(hash_name)
            lines.extend(('        Expected %s %s' % (next(prefix), e))
                         for e in expecteds)
            lines.append('             Got        %s\n' %
            prefix = '    or'
        return '\n'.join(lines)
项目:jira_worklog_scanner    作者:pgarneau    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _hash_comparison(self):
        Return a comparison of actual and expected hash values.


               Expected sha256 abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde
                            or 123451234512345123451234512345123451234512345
                    Got        bcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdef

        def hash_then_or(hash_name):
            # For now, all the decent hashes have 6-char names, so we can get
            # away with hard-coding space literals.
            return chain([hash_name], repeat('    or'))

        lines = []
        for hash_name, expecteds in iteritems(self.allowed):
            prefix = hash_then_or(hash_name)
            lines.extend(('        Expected %s %s' % (next(prefix), e))
                         for e in expecteds)
            lines.append('             Got        %s\n' %
            prefix = '    or'
        return '\n'.join(lines)
项目:mpnum    作者:dseuss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def eye(sites, ldim):
    """Returns a MPA representing the identity matrix

    :param sites: Number of sites
    :param ldim: Int-like local dimension or iterable of local dimensions
    :returns: Representation of the identity matrix as MPA

    >>> I = eye(4, 2)
    >>> I.ranks, I.shape
    ((1, 1, 1), ((2, 2), (2, 2), (2, 2), (2, 2)))
    >>> I = eye(3, (3, 4, 5))
    >>> I.shape
    ((3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5))
    if isinstance(ldim, collections.Iterable):
        ldim = tuple(ldim)
        assert len(ldim) == sites
        ldim = it.repeat(ldim, sites)
    return mp.MPArray.from_kron(map(np.eye, ldim))
项目:mpnum    作者:dseuss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def axis_iter(self, axes=0):
        """Returns an iterator yielding Sub-MPArrays of ``self`` by iterating
        over the specified physical axes.

        **Example:** If ``self`` represents a bipartite (i.e. length 2)
        array with 2 physical dimensions on each site ``A[(k,l), (m,n)]``,
        ``self.axis_iter(0)`` is equivalent to::

            (A[(k, :), (m, :)] for m in range(...) for k in range(...))

        :param axes: Iterable or int specifiying the physical axes to iterate
            over (default 0 for each site)
        :returns: Iterator over :class:`.MPArray`

        if not isinstance(axes, collections.Iterable):
            axes = it.repeat(axes, len(self))

        ltens_iter = it.product(*(iter(np.rollaxis(lten, i + 1))
                                  for i, lten in zip(axes,
        return (MPArray(ltens) for ltens in ltens_iter)

    #  Algebraic operations  #
项目:mpnum    作者:dseuss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reshape(self, newshapes):
        """Reshape physical legs in place.

        Use :py:attr:`~shape` to obtain the shape of the physical legs.

        :param newshapes: A single new shape or a list of new shape.
            Alternatively, you can pass 'prune' to get rid of all legs
            of dimension 1.
        :returns: Reshaped MPA

        .. todo:: Why is this here? What's wrong with the purne function?

        if newshapes == 'prune':
            newshapes = (tuple(s for s in pdim if s > 1) for pdim in self.shape)

        newshapes = tuple(newshapes)
        if not isinstance(newshapes[0], collections.Iterable):
            newshapes = it.repeat(newshapes, times=len(self))

        ltens = [_local_reshape(lten, newshape)
                 for lten, newshape in zip(self._lt, newshapes)]
        return MPArray(LocalTensors(ltens, cform=self.canonical_form))
项目:mpnum    作者:dseuss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_povm(name, nr_sites, local_dim, local_width):
    if name == 'global':
        return povm.pauli_mpps(local_width, local_dim).repeat(nr_sites)
    elif name == 'splitpauli':
        return povm.pauli_mpps(local_width, local_dim).block(nr_sites)
    elif name == 'pauli':
        return povm.pauli_mpp(local_width, local_dim).block(nr_sites)
    elif name == "all-y":
        return povm.MPPovmList([povm.MPPovm.from_local_povm(
            povm.pauli_parts(local_dim)[1], nr_sites)])
    elif name == "local-x":
        return povm.MPPovmList([
                povm.pauli_parts(local_dim)[0], local_width)
            .embed(nr_sites, 0, local_dim)
        raise ValueError('Unknown MP-POVM list {!r}'.format(name))
项目:zanph    作者:zanph    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _hash_comparison(self):
        Return a comparison of actual and expected hash values.


               Expected sha256 abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde
                            or 123451234512345123451234512345123451234512345
                    Got        bcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdef

        def hash_then_or(hash_name):
            # For now, all the decent hashes have 6-char names, so we can get
            # away with hard-coding space literals.
            return chain([hash_name], repeat('    or'))

        lines = []
        for hash_name, expecteds in iteritems(self.allowed):
            prefix = hash_then_or(hash_name)
            lines.extend(('        Expected %s %s' % (next(prefix), e))
                         for e in expecteds)
            lines.append('             Got        %s\n' %
            prefix = '    or'
        return '\n'.join(lines)
项目:zanph    作者:zanph    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def matchPreviousExpr(expr):
    """Helper to define an expression that is indirectly defined from
       the tokens matched in a previous expression, that is, it looks
       for a 'repeat' of a previous expression.  For example::
           first = Word(nums)
           second = matchPreviousExpr(first)
           matchExpr = first + ":" + second
       will match C{"1:1"}, but not C{"1:2"}.  Because this matches by
       expressions, will *not* match the leading C{"1:1"} in C{"1:10"};
       the expressions are evaluated first, and then compared, so
       C{"1"} is compared with C{"10"}.
       Do *not* use with packrat parsing enabled.
    rep = Forward()
    e2 = expr.copy()
    rep <<= e2
    def copyTokenToRepeater(s,l,t):
        matchTokens = _flatten(t.asList())
        def mustMatchTheseTokens(s,l,t):
            theseTokens = _flatten(t.asList())
            if  theseTokens != matchTokens:
                raise ParseException("",0,"")
        rep.setParseAction( mustMatchTheseTokens, callDuringTry=True )
    expr.addParseAction(copyTokenToRepeater, callDuringTry=True)
    return rep
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _hash_comparison(self):
        Return a comparison of actual and expected hash values.


               Expected sha256 abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde
                            or 123451234512345123451234512345123451234512345
                    Got        bcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdef

        def hash_then_or(hash_name):
            # For now, all the decent hashes have 6-char names, so we can get
            # away with hard-coding space literals.
            return chain([hash_name], repeat('    or'))

        lines = []
        for hash_name, expecteds in iteritems(self.allowed):
            prefix = hash_then_or(hash_name)
            lines.extend(('        Expected %s %s' % (next(prefix), e))
                         for e in expecteds)
            lines.append('             Got        %s\n' %
            prefix = '    or'
        return '\n'.join(lines)
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def elements(self):
        '''Iterator over elements repeating each as many times as its count.

        >>> c = Counter('ABCABC')
        >>> sorted(c.elements())
        ['A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'C']

        # Knuth's example for prime factors of 1836:  2**2 * 3**3 * 17**1
        >>> prime_factors = Counter({2: 2, 3: 3, 17: 1})
        >>> product = 1
        >>> for factor in prime_factors.elements():     # loop over factors
        ...     product *= factor                       # and multiply them
        >>> product

        Note, if an element's count has been set to zero or is a negative
        number, elements() will ignore it.

        # Emulate from Smalltalk and Multiset.begin from C++.
        return _chain.from_iterable(_starmap(_repeat, self.iteritems()))

    # Override dict methods where necessary
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _group_lengths(grouping):
    """Convert a localeconv-style grouping into a (possibly infinite)
    iterable of integers representing group lengths.

    # The result from localeconv()['grouping'], and the input to this
    # function, should be a list of integers in one of the
    # following three forms:
    #   (1) an empty list, or
    #   (2) nonempty list of positive integers + [0]
    #   (3) list of positive integers + [locale.CHAR_MAX], or

    from itertools import chain, repeat
    if not grouping:
        return []
    elif grouping[-1] == 0 and len(grouping) >= 2:
        return chain(grouping[:-1], repeat(grouping[-2]))
    elif grouping[-1] == _locale.CHAR_MAX:
        return grouping[:-1]
        raise ValueError('unrecognised format for grouping')
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def timeit(self, number=default_number):
        """Time 'number' executions of the main statement.

        To be precise, this executes the setup statement once, and
        then returns the time it takes to execute the main statement
        a number of times, as a float measured in seconds.  The
        argument is the number of times through the loop, defaulting
        to one million.  The main statement, the setup statement and
        the timer function to be used are passed to the constructor.
        if itertools:
            it = itertools.repeat(None, number)
            it = [None] * number
        gcold = gc.isenabled()
            timing = self.inner(it, self.timer)
            if gcold:
        return timing
项目:opyum    作者:Amper    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tearDown(self):
        if (self.src_before 
        and self.optimizations
        and self.src_check != ()
            if not isinstance(self.src_before, (list, tuple)):
                self.src_before = (self.src_before, )
            if not isinstance(self.src_check, (list, tuple)):
                self.src_check = repeat(self.src_check, times=len(self.src_before))
            if not isinstance(self.optimizations, (list, tuple)):
                self.optimizations = (self.optimizations, )
            for src_before, src_check in zip(self.src_before, self.src_check):
                src_after = src_before
                for optimization in self.optimizations:
                    src_after = self.optimize(src_after, optimization)
                self.assertEqual(src_check, src_after)
            self.assertTrue(False, msg='Not specified all the necessary parameters')
        self.src_before    = ()
        self.optimizations = ()
        self.src_check     = ()
项目:Sci-Finder    作者:snverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _hash_comparison(self):
        Return a comparison of actual and expected hash values.


               Expected sha256 abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde
                            or 123451234512345123451234512345123451234512345
                    Got        bcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdef

        def hash_then_or(hash_name):
            # For now, all the decent hashes have 6-char names, so we can get
            # away with hard-coding space literals.
            return chain([hash_name], repeat('    or'))

        lines = []
        for hash_name, expecteds in iteritems(self.allowed):
            prefix = hash_then_or(hash_name)
            lines.extend(('        Expected %s %s' % (next(prefix), e))
                         for e in expecteds)
            lines.append('             Got        %s\n' %
            prefix = '    or'
        return '\n'.join(lines)
项目:Sci-Finder    作者:snverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def populate_obj(self, obj, name):
        values = getattr(obj, name, None)
            ivalues = iter(values)
        except TypeError:
            ivalues = iter([])

        candidates = itertools.chain(ivalues, itertools.repeat(None))
        _fake = type(str('_fake'), (object, ), {})
        output = []
        for field, data in izip(self.entries, candidates):
            fake_obj = _fake()
   = data
            field.populate_obj(fake_obj, 'data')

        setattr(obj, name, output)
项目:Sci-Finder    作者:snverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _hash_comparison(self):
        Return a comparison of actual and expected hash values.


               Expected sha256 abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde
                            or 123451234512345123451234512345123451234512345
                    Got        bcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdef

        def hash_then_or(hash_name):
            # For now, all the decent hashes have 6-char names, so we can get
            # away with hard-coding space literals.
            return chain([hash_name], repeat('    or'))

        lines = []
        for hash_name, expecteds in iteritems(self.allowed):
            prefix = hash_then_or(hash_name)
            lines.extend(('        Expected %s %s' % (next(prefix), e))
                         for e in expecteds)
            lines.append('             Got        %s\n' %
            prefix = '    or'
        return '\n'.join(lines)
项目:Sci-Finder    作者:snverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def populate_obj(self, obj, name):
        values = getattr(obj, name, None)
            ivalues = iter(values)
        except TypeError:
            ivalues = iter([])

        candidates = itertools.chain(ivalues, itertools.repeat(None))
        _fake = type(str('_fake'), (object, ), {})
        output = []
        for field, data in izip(self.entries, candidates):
            fake_obj = _fake()
   = data
            field.populate_obj(fake_obj, 'data')

        setattr(obj, name, output)
项目:ascii-art-py    作者:blinglnav    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _hash_comparison(self):
        Return a comparison of actual and expected hash values.


               Expected sha256 abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde
                            or 123451234512345123451234512345123451234512345
                    Got        bcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdef

        def hash_then_or(hash_name):
            # For now, all the decent hashes have 6-char names, so we can get
            # away with hard-coding space literals.
            return chain([hash_name], repeat('    or'))

        lines = []
        for hash_name, expecteds in iteritems(self.allowed):
            prefix = hash_then_or(hash_name)
            lines.extend(('        Expected %s %s' % (next(prefix), e))
                         for e in expecteds)
            lines.append('             Got        %s\n' %
            prefix = '    or'
        return '\n'.join(lines)
项目:visualizations    作者:ContentMine    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_subset(coocc_features, x_axis, y_axis):
    logsource = np.log(coocc_features.ix[x_axis][y_axis]+1)
    x_sorted = logsource.ix[logsource.sum(axis=1).sort_values(ascending=False).index]
    y_sorted = x_sorted.T.ix[x_sorted.T.sum(axis=1).sort_values(ascending=False).index]
    logsource = y_sorted.T.ix[:25, :25]
    n_cols = len(logsource.columns)
    n_rows = len(logsource.index)
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    df["x"] = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(list(itertools.repeat(i, times=n_cols)) for i in logsource.index))
    df["y"] = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(list(itertools.repeat(logsource.stack().index.levels[1].values, times=n_rows))))
    df["counts"] = logsource.stack().values
    df["raw"] = df["counts"].map(np.exp)-1
    df.sort_values("counts", ascending=False, inplace=True)

    new_axis_factors = logsource.index.values.tolist()

    return df, new_axis_factors, new_axis_factors
项目:cortex    作者:rdevon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save_images(nifti_files, anat, roi_dict, out_dir, **kwargs):
    '''Saves multiple nifti images using multiprocessing.

    Uses `multiprocessing`.

        nifti_files (list): list of nifti file paths.
        anat (nipy.core.api.image.image.Image): anatomical image.
        roi_dict (dict): dictionary of cluster dictionaries.
        out_dir (str): output directory path.
        **kwargs: extra keyword arguments.

    p = mp.Pool(30)
    idx = [int(f.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]) for f in nifti_files]
    args_iter = itertools.izip(nifti_files,
                               [roi_dict[i] for i in idx],
                               [path.join(out_dir, '%d.png' % i) for i in idx],
                               idx), args_iter)
项目:TCP-IP    作者:JackZ0    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def restore_required_config_elements(config, renewalparams):
    """Sets non-plugin specific values in config from renewalparams

    :param configuration.NamespaceConfig config: configuration for the
        current lineage
    :param configobj.Section renewalparams: parameters from the renewal
        configuration file that defines this lineage


    required_items = itertools.chain(
        (("pref_challs", _restore_pref_challs),),, itertools.repeat(_restore_bool)),, itertools.repeat(_restore_int)),, itertools.repeat(_restore_str)))
    for item_name, restore_func in required_items:
        if item_name in renewalparams and not cli.set_by_cli(item_name):
            value = restore_func(item_name, renewalparams[item_name])
            setattr(config, item_name, value)
项目:ivaochdoc    作者:ivaoch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _hash_comparison(self):
        Return a comparison of actual and expected hash values.


               Expected sha256 abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde
                            or 123451234512345123451234512345123451234512345
                    Got        bcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdef

        def hash_then_or(hash_name):
            # For now, all the decent hashes have 6-char names, so we can get
            # away with hard-coding space literals.
            return chain([hash_name], repeat('    or'))

        lines = []
        for hash_name, expecteds in iteritems(self.allowed):
            prefix = hash_then_or(hash_name)
            lines.extend(('        Expected %s %s' % (next(prefix), e))
                         for e in expecteds)
            lines.append('             Got        %s\n' %
            prefix = '    or'
        return '\n'.join(lines)
项目:ivaochdoc    作者:ivaoch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tokenize(readline):
    The tokenize() generator requires one argument, readline, which
    must be a callable object which provides the same interface as the
    readline() method of built-in file objects.  Each call to the function
    should return one line of input as bytes.  Alternatively, readline
    can be a callable function terminating with StopIteration:
        readline = open(myfile, 'rb').__next__  # Example of alternate readline

    The generator produces 5-tuples with these members: the token type; the
    token string; a 2-tuple (srow, scol) of ints specifying the row and
    column where the token begins in the source; a 2-tuple (erow, ecol) of
    ints specifying the row and column where the token ends in the source;
    and the line on which the token was found.  The line passed is the
    logical line; continuation lines are included.

    The first token sequence will always be an ENCODING token
    which tells you which encoding was used to decode the bytes stream.
    # This import is here to avoid problems when the itertools module is not
    # built yet and tokenize is imported.
    from itertools import chain, repeat
    encoding, consumed = detect_encoding(readline)
    rl_gen = iter(readline, b"")
    empty = repeat(b"")
    return _tokenize(chain(consumed, rl_gen, empty).__next__, encoding)
项目:ivaochdoc    作者:ivaoch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def elements(self):
        '''Iterator over elements repeating each as many times as its count.

        >>> c = Counter('ABCABC')
        >>> sorted(c.elements())
        ['A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'C']

        # Knuth's example for prime factors of 1836:  2**2 * 3**3 * 17**1
        >>> prime_factors = Counter({2: 2, 3: 3, 17: 1})
        >>> product = 1
        >>> for factor in prime_factors.elements():     # loop over factors
        ...     product *= factor                       # and multiply them
        >>> product

        Note, if an element's count has been set to zero or is a negative
        number, elements() will ignore it.

        # Emulate from Smalltalk and Multiset.begin from C++.
        return _chain.from_iterable(_starmap(_repeat, self.items()))

    # Override dict methods where necessary
项目:aws-cfn-plex    作者:lordmuffin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _hash_comparison(self):
        Return a comparison of actual and expected hash values.


               Expected sha256 abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde
                            or 123451234512345123451234512345123451234512345
                    Got        bcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdef

        def hash_then_or(hash_name):
            # For now, all the decent hashes have 6-char names, so we can get
            # away with hard-coding space literals.
            return chain([hash_name], repeat('    or'))

        lines = []
        for hash_name, expecteds in iteritems(self.allowed):
            prefix = hash_then_or(hash_name)
            lines.extend(('        Expected %s %s' % (next(prefix), e))
                         for e in expecteds)
            lines.append('             Got        %s\n' %
            prefix = '    or'
        return '\n'.join(lines)
项目:django    作者:alexsukhrin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _hash_comparison(self):
        Return a comparison of actual and expected hash values.


               Expected sha256 abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde
                            or 123451234512345123451234512345123451234512345
                    Got        bcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdef

        def hash_then_or(hash_name):
            # For now, all the decent hashes have 6-char names, so we can get
            # away with hard-coding space literals.
            return chain([hash_name], repeat('    or'))

        lines = []
        for hash_name, expecteds in iteritems(self.allowed):
            prefix = hash_then_or(hash_name)
            lines.extend(('        Expected %s %s' % (next(prefix), e))
                         for e in expecteds)
            lines.append('             Got        %s\n' %
            prefix = '    or'
        return '\n'.join(lines)
项目:canshi    作者:hungsing92    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __iter__(self):
    r""" returns an iterator that yields tuple of all the available data for each frame

    called whenever code iterates over a tracklet object, e.g. in
    for translation, rotation, state, occlusion, truncation, amtOcclusion, amtBorders, absoluteFrameNumber in trackletObj: something ...
    trackDataIter = iter(trackletObj)
    if self.amtOccs is None:
      return zip(self.trans, self.rots, self.states, self.occs, self.truncs, \
          itertools.repeat(None), itertools.repeat(None), range(self.firstFrame, self.firstFrame+self.nFrames))
      return zip(self.trans, self.rots, self.states, self.occs, self.truncs, \
          self.amtOccs, self.amtBorders, range(self.firstFrame, self.firstFrame+self.nFrames))
#end: class Tracklet
项目:RPoint    作者:george17-meet    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _hash_comparison(self):
        Return a comparison of actual and expected hash values.


               Expected sha256 abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde
                            or 123451234512345123451234512345123451234512345
                    Got        bcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdef

        def hash_then_or(hash_name):
            # For now, all the decent hashes have 6-char names, so we can get
            # away with hard-coding space literals.
            return chain([hash_name], repeat('    or'))

        lines = []
        for hash_name, expecteds in iteritems(self.allowed):
            prefix = hash_then_or(hash_name)
            lines.extend(('        Expected %s %s' % (next(prefix), e))
                         for e in expecteds)
            lines.append('             Got        %s\n' %
            prefix = '    or'
        return '\n'.join(lines)
项目:RPoint    作者:george17-meet    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def matchPreviousLiteral(expr):
    """Helper to define an expression that is indirectly defined from
       the tokens matched in a previous expression, that is, it looks
       for a 'repeat' of a previous expression.  For example::
           first = Word(nums)
           second = matchPreviousLiteral(first)
           matchExpr = first + ":" + second
       will match C{"1:1"}, but not C{"1:2"}.  Because this matches a
       previous literal, will also match the leading C{"1:1"} in C{"1:10"}.
       If this is not desired, use C{matchPreviousExpr}.
       Do *not* use with packrat parsing enabled.
    rep = Forward()
    def copyTokenToRepeater(s,l,t):
        if t:
            if len(t) == 1:
                rep << t[0]
                # flatten t tokens
                tflat = _flatten(t.asList())
                rep << And( [ Literal(tt) for tt in tflat ] )
            rep << Empty()
    expr.addParseAction(copyTokenToRepeater, callDuringTry=True)
    return rep
项目:RPoint    作者:george17-meet    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def matchPreviousExpr(expr):
    """Helper to define an expression that is indirectly defined from
       the tokens matched in a previous expression, that is, it looks
       for a 'repeat' of a previous expression.  For example::
           first = Word(nums)
           second = matchPreviousExpr(first)
           matchExpr = first + ":" + second
       will match C{"1:1"}, but not C{"1:2"}.  Because this matches by
       expressions, will *not* match the leading C{"1:1"} in C{"1:10"};
       the expressions are evaluated first, and then compared, so
       C{"1"} is compared with C{"10"}.
       Do *not* use with packrat parsing enabled.
    rep = Forward()
    e2 = expr.copy()
    rep <<= e2
    def copyTokenToRepeater(s,l,t):
        matchTokens = _flatten(t.asList())
        def mustMatchTheseTokens(s,l,t):
            theseTokens = _flatten(t.asList())
            if  theseTokens != matchTokens:
                raise ParseException("",0,"")
        rep.setParseAction( mustMatchTheseTokens, callDuringTry=True )
    expr.addParseAction(copyTokenToRepeater, callDuringTry=True)
    return rep
项目:GAEDataExport    作者:nikhilsaraf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    input_dir, output_dir = getDirs()
    table_list = listFiles(input_dir)

    concurrency = cpu_count()
    print 'Using {0:d} Processes'.format(concurrency)
    pool = Pool(concurrency)

    # perform the passed in write action (function) for each csv row
    time_capture = TimeCapture(time.time())
    results =
            [copy.deepcopy(time_capture) for i in range(len(table_list))],


    print 'Finished Successfully!'
    displayResults(results, time_capture.total_time)
项目:isni-reconcile    作者:cmh2166    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def matchPreviousLiteral(expr):
    """Helper to define an expression that is indirectly defined from
       the tokens matched in a previous expression, that is, it looks
       for a 'repeat' of a previous expression.  For example::
           first = Word(nums)
           second = matchPreviousLiteral(first)
           matchExpr = first + ":" + second
       will match C{"1:1"}, but not C{"1:2"}.  Because this matches a
       previous literal, will also match the leading C{"1:1"} in C{"1:10"}.
       If this is not desired, use C{matchPreviousExpr}.
       Do *not* use with packrat parsing enabled.
    rep = Forward()
    def copyTokenToRepeater(s,l,t):
        if t:
            if len(t) == 1:
                rep << t[0]
                # flatten t tokens
                tflat = _flatten(t.asList())
                rep << And( [ Literal(tt) for tt in tflat ] )
            rep << Empty()
    expr.addParseAction(copyTokenToRepeater, callDuringTry=True)
    return rep