def before_request(self,*args): """Verfies that the API is Vaild for the correct user and the IP address hasn't changed since log in""" signer = TimestampSigner(SECRET_KEY) api_key = request.headers['API_KEY'] Client_id = request.headers['Client_ID'] ip_address = request.remote_addr user = User.query.filter_by(Client_id=Client_id).first() if user == None: return make_response(jsonify({'Failure': 'Invaild User'}), 400) if api_key != user.api_key: return make_response(jsonify({'Failure': 'Incorrect API Key'}), 400) if ip_address != user.current_login_ip: return make_response(jsonify({'Failure': 'Incorrect IP for Client, Please Re-login in'}), 400) try: signer.unsign(api_key, max_age=86164) except: return make_response(jsonify({'Failure': 'Invaild API Key, please request new API Key'}), 400)
def test_general_api_security(self): ##TODO: Add General API security test """This Tests the API security that is checked before all POST and GET request""" get_return = self.app.get('/api/client_view', headers={'API_KEY': 'api_key', 'Client_ID': 'testuser'}) assert 'Failure": "Incorrect API Key' in get_return.data api_key = self.post_info() get_return = self.app.get('/api/client_view', headers={'API_KEY': api_key[0], 'Client_ID': 'fakeuser'}) assert 'Failure": "Invaild User' in get_return.data user = User.query.filter_by(Client_id="testuser2").first() get_return = self.app.get('/api/client_view', headers={'API_KEY': user.api_key, 'Client_ID': 'testuser2'}) assert 'Failure": "Incorrect IP for Client, Please Re-login in' in get_return.data signer = TimestampSigner(SECRET_KEY) time.sleep(1) try: signer.unsign(api_key, max_age=1) raise except: pass
def generate_token(self, user_id: str): """Generate a very random token tied to an user. Parameters ---------- userid: str User ID tied to that token """ user_id = str(user_id) userid_encoded = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(user_id.encode()) raw_user = self.get_raw_user(user_id) if raw_user is None: raise Exception('User not found to generate a token from') try: pwd_hash = raw_user['password']['hash'] except: log.debug(raw_user) raise Exception('Raw user is not a good one') s = TimestampSigner(pwd_hash) return s.sign(userid_encoded).decode()
def token_find(self, token: str) -> int: """Return a user ID from a token. Parses the token to get the user ID and then unsigns it using the user's hashed password as a secret key """ userid_encoded = token.split('.')[0] try: userid = int(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(userid_encoded)) except (binascii.Error, ValueError): return None raw_user = self.get_raw_user(userid) if raw_user is None: return s = TimestampSigner(raw_user['password']['hash']) try: s.unsign(token) except itsdangerous.BadSignature: return return userid
def password_reset_token(user): signer = TimestampSigner(fame_config.secret_key) return signer.sign(str(user['_id']))
def validate_password_reset_token(token): signer = TimestampSigner(fame_config.secret_key) return signer.unsign(token, max_age=86400)
def create_token(self): """ ?? token (?? uuid) """ from uuid import uuid1 from itsdangerous import TimestampSigner s = TimestampSigner(self._sign_key) return s.sign(str(uuid1()))
def check_token(self, token_sign): """ ?? token, ?????? token """ from itsdangerous import TimestampSigner, SignatureExpired, BadTimeSignature s = TimestampSigner(self._sign_key) try: token = s.unsign(token_sign, max_age=60) # 60??? return {'success': token} except SignatureExpired as e: # ?????? return {'error': e.message} except BadTimeSignature as e: # ?????? return {'error': e.message}
def api_key(): """" Request url for API key for Restful API""" if request.method == "POST": content = request.get_json(silent=True) user = User.query.filter_by(Client_id=content['Client_id']).first() if not user and app.config['NO_PASSWORD'] == True: ##Allow anyone to create their own account pass_hash = bcrypt_sha256.encrypt(content['Password'], rounds=12) user = User(Client_id= content['Client_id'],Password= pass_hash,api_key='') Sample_date = Client_View(client_id = content['Client_id'], case_name= 'sample case', priority= '1', target_date = '10/7/2016', product_area = 'Engineering', status = 'In Progress', description= 'something' ) db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() db.session.add(Sample_date) db.session.commit() """ If user is a vaild account, proceed with verifying \ their credentials and provide them the API key""" if user: if bcrypt_sha256.verify(content['Password'], user.Password) and user.Client_id == content['Client_id']: signer = TimestampSigner(SECRET_KEY) API_KEY = ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in xrange(30)]) user.api_key = signer.sign(API_KEY) user.current_login_ip = request.remote_addr db.session.commit() return make_response(jsonify({'API KEY': user.api_key}), 200) return make_response(jsonify({'Failure': 'Incorrect Client id OR Password'}), 400)
def get_timestamp_signer(): secret_key = get_secret_key() s = TimestampSigner(secret_key) return s
def Index(): """Login portal for clients""" if current_user.is_authenticated: """If client is authenticated, return them back to their portal case view""" return render_template("Client_View.html",title='client_view', Client_id=current_user.Client_id,api_key= current_user.api_key) form = LoginForm() if (request.method == 'POST') and (form.validate_on_submit()): Client_id = form.Client_id.data Password = form.Password.data user = User.query.filter_by(Client_id=Client_id).first() if not user and app.config['NO_PASSWORD'] == True: """Allow anyone to create their own account""" pass_hash = bcrypt_sha256.encrypt(Password, rounds=12) user = User(Client_id= Client_id,Password= pass_hash,api_key='') Sample_date = Client_View(client_id = Client_id, case_name= 'sample case', priority= '1', target_date = '10/7/2016', product_area = 'Engineering', status = 'In Progress', description= 'something' ) db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() db.session.add(Sample_date) db.session.commit() """ If user is a vaild account, proceed with verifying \ their credentials and provide them the API key""" if user: if bcrypt_sha256.verify(Password, user.Password) and user.Client_id == Client_id: signer = TimestampSigner(SECRET_KEY) API_KEY = ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in xrange(30)]) user.api_key = signer.sign(API_KEY) user.current_login_ip = request.remote_addr db.session.commit() login_user(user) flash('You have successfully logged in') return render_template("Client_View.html",title='client_view', Client_id=Client_id,api_key= user.api_key) if form.errors: flash(form.errors, 'danger') flash('Incorrect Credentials, please enter the correct Client Id and Password') return render_template('Index.html', form=form) if form.errors: flash(form.errors, 'danger') return render_template('Index.html', form=form)