def jinja_format(data, template_file): class GlobalFileLoader(jinja2.BaseLoader): def get_source(self, environment, template): if not os.path.exists(template): raise jinja2.TemplateNotFound(template) with open(template) as f: source = f.read().decode('utf-8') return source, template, lambda: False combined_credentials = combined_credential_pair_format(data) env = jinja2.Environment( loader=GlobalFileLoader(), keep_trailing_newline=True ) template = env.get_template(template_file) return template.render(secrets=combined_credentials['credentials'])
def template_with_jinja2(text, variables): """ Template using jinja2 with the variables dictionary unpacked as keyword arguments. """ jinja_environment = jinja2.Environment( loader=jinja2.BaseLoader(), undefined=jinja2.make_logging_undefined(logging.getLogger()), comment_start_string='{##', comment_end_string='##}', ) template = jinja_environment.from_string(text) return template.render(**variables)
def init_str(images): init_template = textwrap.dedent( """ domains: {% for vm_name, template in images.viewitems() %} {{ vm_name }}: memory: 1024 nics: - net: net-02 - net: net-01 disks: - template_name: {{ template }} type: template name: root dev: sda format: qcow2 metadata: {{ vm_name }}: {{ vm_name }} artifacts: - /should/not/exist - /root/custom - /var/log - /etc/hosts - /etc/resolv.conf - /etc/sysconfig - /etc/NetworkManager - /root/virt-sysprep-firstboot.log - /root/extract-{{ vm_name }}-dead - /root/extract-{{ vm_name }}-normal groups: group{{ loop.index % 2 }} {% endfor %} nets: net-01: type: nat dhcp: start: 100 end: 254 management: true dns_domain_name: lago.local net-02: type: nat gw: dhcp: start: 100 end: 254 """ ) template = Environment(loader=BaseLoader()).from_string(init_template) return template.render(images=images)