def restartJobs(args, config): # TODO: reimplement pipelineDbUtils = PipelineDbUtils(config) pipelineQueueUtils = PipelineQueueUtils('WAIT_Q') if args.jobId: request = json.loads(pipelineDbUtils.getJobInfo(select=["request"], where={"job_id": args.jobId})[0].request) msg = { "job_id": args.jobId, "request": request } pipelineQueueUtils.publish(json.dumps(msg)) if args.preempted: preempted = pipelineDbUtils.getJobInfo(select=["job_id", "request"], where={"current_status": "PREEMPTED"}) for p in preempted: msg = { "job_id": p.job_id, "request": json.loads(p.request) } pipelineQueueUtils.publish(json.dumps(msg))
def fetch_data(): try: r = requests.get(MTG_JSON_URL) except requests.ConnectionError: r = requests.get(FALLBACK_MTG_JSON_URL) with closing(r), zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(r.content)) as archive: unzipped_files = archive.infolist() if len(unzipped_files) != 1: raise RuntimeError("Found an unexpected number of files in the MTGJSON archive.") data = archive.read(archive.infolist()[0]) decoded_data = data.decode('utf-8') sets_data = json.loads(decoded_data) return sets_data
def main(): for url in url_list : try: r = requests.get(url) except : continue tree = html.fromstring(r.text) script = tree.xpath('//script[@language="javascript"]/text()')[0] json_string = regex.findall(script)[0] json_data = json.loads(json_string) next_page_url = tree.xpath('//footer/a/@href') links = [domain + x['nodeRef'] for x in json_data] for link in links: extract(link)
def get_transform_specs_json_by_project(self): """get transform_specs driver table info.""" transform_specs_json = """ {"aggregation_params_map":{ "aggregation_pipeline":{"source":"streaming", "usage":"fetch_quantity", "setters":["rollup_quantity", "set_aggregated_metric_name", "set_aggregated_period"], "insert":["prepare_data", "insert_data"]}, "aggregated_metric_name": "vcpus_agg", "aggregation_period": "hourly", "aggregation_group_by_list": ["host", "metric_id", "tenant_id"], "usage_fetch_operation": "latest", "setter_rollup_group_by_list": ["tenant_id"], "setter_rollup_operation": "sum", "dimension_list":["aggregation_period", "host", "project_id"] }, "metric_group":"vcpus_project", "metric_id":"vcpus_project"}""" return [json.loads(transform_specs_json)]
def parse_answer(self, reponse): # ??question?answer ans_json = json.loads(reponse.text) is_end = ans_json["paging"]["is_end"] next_url = ans_json["paging"]["next"] # ??answer????? for answer in ans_json["data"]: answer_item = ZhihuAnswerItem() answer_item["zhihu_id"] = answer["id"] answer_item["url"] = answer["url"] answer_item["question_id"] = answer["question"]["id"] answer_item["author_id"] = answer["author"]["id"] if "id" in answer["author"] else None answer_item["content"] = answer["content"] if "content" in answer else None answer_item["parise_num"] = answer["voteup_count"] answer_item["comments_num"] = answer["comment_count"] answer_item["create_time"] = answer["created_time"] answer_item["update_time"] = answer["updated_time"] answer_item["crawl_time"] = datetime.datetime.now() yield answer_item if not is_end: yield scrapy.Request(next_url, headers=self.headers, callback=self.parse_answer)
def watchJob(jobId, exchangeName): queue = PipelineQueue('PIPELINE_JOB_{j}'.format(j=jobId)) queue.bindToExchange(exchangeName, jobId) while True: body, method = queue.get() if method: body = json.loads(body) if body["current_status"] == "SUCCEEDED": return jobId else: raise PipelineServiceError("Job {j} has current status {s}!".format(j=jobId, s=body["current_status"])) else: pass
def tba_get(self, path): """Base method for querying the TBA API. Returns the response JSON as a python dict. :param path: (str) Request path, without the API address prefix (https://www.thebluealliance.com/api/v2/) :return: A dict parsed from the response from the API. """ if self.app_id['X-TBA-App-Id'] == "": raise Exception('An API key is required for TBA. Please use set_api_key() to set one.') url_str = 'https://www.thebluealliance.com/api/v2/' + path r = self.session.get(url_str, headers=self.app_id) # print(r.url) tba_txt = r.text try: return json.loads(tba_txt) except json.JSONDecodeError: print(url_str) print(tba_txt)
def get_gw_interfaces(): ''' Gateway node can have multiple interfaces. This function parses json provided in config to get all gateway interfaces for this node. ''' node_interfaces = [] try: all_interfaces = json.loads(config('external-interfaces')) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Invalid json provided for gateway interfaces") hostname = get_unit_hostname() if hostname in all_interfaces: node_interfaces = all_interfaces[hostname].split(',') elif 'DEFAULT' in all_interfaces: node_interfaces = all_interfaces['DEFAULT'].split(',') for interface in node_interfaces: if not interface_exists(interface): log('Provided gateway interface %s does not exist' % interface) raise ValueError('Provided gateway interface does not exist') return node_interfaces
def getrange(self, key_prefix, strip=False): """ Get a range of keys starting with a common prefix as a mapping of keys to values. :param str key_prefix: Common prefix among all keys :param bool strip: Optionally strip the common prefix from the key names in the returned dict :return dict: A (possibly empty) dict of key-value mappings """ self.cursor.execute("select key, data from kv where key like ?", ['%s%%' % key_prefix]) result = self.cursor.fetchall() if not result: return {} if not strip: key_prefix = '' return dict([ (k[len(key_prefix):], json.loads(v)) for k, v in result])
def relation_get(attribute=None, unit=None, rid=None): """Get relation information""" _args = ['relation-get', '--format=json'] if rid: _args.append('-r') _args.append(rid) _args.append(attribute or '-') if unit: _args.append(unit) try: return json.loads(subprocess.check_output(_args).decode('UTF-8')) except ValueError: return None except CalledProcessError as e: if e.returncode == 2: return None raise
def status_get(): """Retrieve the previously set juju workload state and message If the status-get command is not found then assume this is juju < 1.23 and return 'unknown', "" """ cmd = ['status-get', "--format=json", "--include-data"] try: raw_status = subprocess.check_output(cmd) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: return ('unknown', "") else: raise else: status = json.loads(raw_status.decode("UTF-8")) return (status["status"], status["message"])
def get_cache_mode(service, pool_name): """ Find the current caching mode of the pool_name given. :param service: six.string_types. The Ceph user name to run the command under :param pool_name: six.string_types :return: int or None """ validator(value=service, valid_type=six.string_types) validator(value=pool_name, valid_type=six.string_types) out = check_output(['ceph', '--id', service, 'osd', 'dump', '--format=json']) try: osd_json = json.loads(out) for pool in osd_json['pools']: if pool['pool_name'] == pool_name: return pool['cache_mode'] return None except ValueError: raise
def get_rmq_cluster_running_nodes(self, sentry_unit): """Parse rabbitmqctl cluster_status output string, return list of running rabbitmq cluster nodes. :param unit: sentry unit :returns: List containing node names of running nodes """ # NOTE(beisner): rabbitmqctl cluster_status output is not # json-parsable, do string chop foo, then json.loads that. str_stat = self.get_rmq_cluster_status(sentry_unit) if 'running_nodes' in str_stat: pos_start = str_stat.find("{running_nodes,") + 15 pos_end = str_stat.find("]},", pos_start) + 1 str_run_nodes = str_stat[pos_start:pos_end].replace("'", '"') run_nodes = json.loads(str_run_nodes) return run_nodes else: return []
def run_action(self, unit_sentry, action, _check_output=subprocess.check_output, params=None): """Run the named action on a given unit sentry. params a dict of parameters to use _check_output parameter is used for dependency injection. @return action_id. """ unit_id = unit_sentry.info["unit_name"] command = ["juju", "action", "do", "--format=json", unit_id, action] if params is not None: for key, value in params.iteritems(): command.append("{}={}".format(key, value)) self.log.info("Running command: %s\n" % " ".join(command)) output = _check_output(command, universal_newlines=True) data = json.loads(output) action_id = data[u'Action queued with id'] return action_id
def test_view_responds_stats_on(self): self.get(NODEINFO_DOCUMENT_PATH) self.response_200() self.assertEqual( json.loads(decode_if_bytes(self.last_response.content))["usage"], { "users": { "total": User.objects.count(), "activeHalfyear": User.objects.filter(last_login__gte=now() - datetime.timedelta(days=180)).count(), "activeMonth": User.objects.filter(last_login__gte=now() - datetime.timedelta(days=30)).count(), }, "localPosts": Content.objects.filter( author__user__isnull=False, content_type=ContentType.CONTENT).count(), "localComments": Content.objects.filter( author__user__isnull=False, content_type=ContentType.REPLY).count(), } )
def pull_user_data(session): print 'pulling users' user_data = requests.get(u"{}{}".format(config.prod_url, 'export/users')) loaded_data = json.loads(user_data.text) for user_dict in loaded_data: user = User( id=user_dict['id'], name=user_dict['name'], email=user_dict['email'], admin=user_dict['admin'], avatar=user_dict['avatar'], active=user_dict['active'], created_at=user_dict['created_at'], elo=user_dict['elo'], wins=user_dict['wins'], losses=user_dict['losses'] ) session.add(user) session.commit() print 'done pulling users'
def pull_game_data(session): print 'pulling games' game_data = requests.get(u"{}{}".format(config.prod_url, 'export/games')) loaded_data = json.loads(game_data.text) for game_dict in loaded_data: game = Game( id=game_dict['id'], created_at=game_dict['created_at'], deleted_at=game_dict['deleted_at'], winner_id=game_dict['winner_id'], winner_elo_score=game_dict['winner_elo_score'], loser_id=game_dict['loser_id'], loser_elo_score=game_dict['loser_elo_score'], submitted_by_id=game_dict['submitted_by_id'] ) session.add(game) session.commit() print 'done pulling games'
def generate(self, template_path, source_json_path, output_path): print("Generating content at %s with template at %s, using key %s" % ( output_path, template_path, self.key_name)) data = [] with open(source_json_path) as f: for line in f: json_line = json.loads(line) data_line = '(\'%s\',\n\'%s\')' % ( json_line[self.key_name], json.dumps(json_line)) data.append(str(data_line)) print(data) with open(template_path) as f: template = f.read() with open(output_path, 'w') as write_file: write_file.write(template) for record in data: write_file.write(record) write_file.write(',\n') write_file.seek(-2, 1) write_file.truncate() write_file.write(';')
def get_transform_specs_json_by_all(self): """get transform_specs driver table info.""" transform_specs_json = """ {"aggregation_params_map":{ "aggregation_pipeline":{"source":"streaming", "usage":"fetch_quantity", "setters":["rollup_quantity", "set_aggregated_metric_name", "set_aggregated_period"], "insert":["prepare_data", "insert_data"]}, "aggregated_metric_name": "vcpus_agg", "aggregation_period": "hourly", "aggregation_group_by_list": ["host", "metric_id"], "usage_fetch_operation": "latest", "setter_rollup_group_by_list": [], "setter_rollup_operation": "sum", "dimension_list":["aggregation_period", "host", "project_id"] }, "metric_group":"vcpus_all", "metric_id":"vcpus_all"}""" return [json.loads(transform_specs_json)]
def get_pre_transform_specs_json(self): """get pre_transform_specs driver table info.""" pre_transform_specs = [""" {"event_processing_params":{"set_default_zone_to":"1", "set_default_geolocation_to":"1", "set_default_region_to":"W"}, "event_type":"cpu.total_logical_cores", "metric_id_list":["cpu_util_all"], "required_raw_fields_list":["creation_time"], "service_id":"host_metrics"}""", """ {"event_processing_params":{"set_default_zone_to":"1", "set_default_geolocation_to":"1", "set_default_region_to":"W"}, "event_type":"cpu.idle_perc", "metric_id_list":["cpu_util_all"], "required_raw_fields_list":["creation_time"], "service_id":"host_metrics"}"""] pre_transform_specs_json_list = \ [json.loads(pre_transform_spec) for pre_transform_spec in pre_transform_specs] return pre_transform_specs_json_list
def get_transform_specs_json_invalid_name(self): """get transform_specs driver table info.""" transform_specs_json = """ {"aggregation_params_map":{ "aggregation_pipeline":{"source":"streaming", "usage":"fetch_quantity", "setters":["rollup_quantity", "set_aggregated_metric_name", "set_aggregated_period"], "insert":["prepare_data", "insert_data"]}, "aggregated_metric_name": "&invalidmetricname", "aggregation_period": "hourly", "aggregation_group_by_list": ["host", "metric_id"], "usage_fetch_operation": "sum", "setter_rollup_group_by_list": ["host"], "setter_rollup_operation": "sum", "dimension_list":["aggregation_period", "host", "project_id"] }, "metric_group":"mem_total_all", "metric_id":"mem_total_all"}""" return [json.loads(transform_specs_json)]
def test_error_response(self): self.assertEqual(self.analyzer.get_param('config.password'), "secret") self.assertEqual(self.analyzer.get_param('config.key'), "secret") self.assertEqual(self.analyzer.get_param('config.apikey'), "secret") self.assertEqual(self.analyzer.get_param('config.api_key'), "secret") # Run the error method with self.assertRaises(SystemExit): self.analyzer.error('Error', True) # Get the output output = self.analyzer.fpoutput.getvalue().strip() json_output = json.loads(output) self.assertEqual(json_output['success'], False) self.assertEqual(json_output['errorMessage'], 'Error') self.assertEqual(json_output['input']['dataType'], 'ip') self.assertEqual(json_output['input']['data'], '') self.assertEqual(json_output['input']['config']['password'], 'REMOVED') self.assertEqual(json_output['input']['config']['key'], 'REMOVED') self.assertEqual(json_output['input']['config']['apikey'], 'REMOVED') self.assertEqual(json_output['input']['config']['api_key'], 'REMOVED')
def get_sample(self, samplehash): """ Downloads information about a sample using a given hash. :param samplehash: hash to search for. Has to be either md5, sha1 or sha256 :type samplehash: str :returns: Dictionary of results :rtype: dict """ apiurl = '/rest/sample/' if len(samplehash) == 32: # MD5 apiurl += 'md5/' elif len(samplehash) == 40: # SHA1 apiurl += 'sha1/' elif len(samplehash) == 64: # SHA256 apiurl += 'sha256/' else: raise UnknownHashTypeError('Sample hash has an unknown length.') res = self.session.get(self.url + apiurl + samplehash) if res.status_code == 200: return json.loads(res.text) else: raise BadResponseError('Response from VMRay was not HTTP 200.' ' Responsecode: {}; Text: {}'.format(res.status_code, res.text))
def query_job_status(self, submissionid): """ Queries vmray to check id a job was :param submissionid: ID of the job/submission :type submissionid: int :returns: True if job finished, false if not :rtype: bool """ apiurl = '/rest/submission/' result = self.session.get('{}{}{}'.format(self.url, apiurl, submissionid)) if result.status_code == 200: submission_info = json.loads(result.text) if submission_info.get('data', {}).get('submission_finished', False): # Or something like that return True else: raise UnknownSubmissionIdError('Submission id seems invalid, response was not HTTP 200.') return False
def __query_safebrowsing(self, search_value, search_type): """ The actual query to safebrowsing api :param search_value: value to search for :type search_value: str :param search_type: 'url' or 'ip' :type search_type: str :return: Results :rtype: str """ return json.loads( self.session.post( self.url, json=self.__prepare_body( search_value=search_value, search_type=search_type ) ).text )
def run(self): data = self.getData() value = { data: { "type": self.data_type } } json_data = json.dumps(value) post_data = json_data.encode('utf-8') headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} try: request = urllib2.Request('{}/hippocampe/api/v1.0/{}'.format(self.url, self.service), post_data, headers) response = urllib2.urlopen(request) report = json.loads(response.read()) self.report(report) except urllib2.HTTPError: self.error("Hippocampe: " + str(sys.exc_info()[1])) except urllib2.URLError: self.error("Hippocampe: service is not available") except Exception as e: self.unexpectedError(e)
def logic(data): # ???????? #print data f1 = open('/tmp/test.txt','a') f1.write(data) f1.write('\n') f1.close() data = json.loads(data) print type(data) mounts = data["MOUNT"] netifaces = data["NET"] for netif in netifaces: if netif["status"] == "up": ip = netif["ip"] #print netifaces['ip'] for mount in mounts: Mount_point= mount['path'] use_rate=mount['used_rate'] if use_rate > '70': send_mail(recvmail_conf['addr'],"mount point"+Mount_point ,used_rate) return("OK")
def _reply(self, json_reply): """ Handle a reply that came in over the transport provided """ if not json_reply.startswith('{'): self.sdata.log('Received non-JSON data: "{}"'.format(json_reply)) return reply = json.loads(json_reply, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) if reply['jsonrpc'] != '2.0' or 'id' not in reply or reply['id'] is None: self.sdata.log('Received bad JSON-RPC reply: {}'.format(json_reply)) if len(self.pending_reply_map) == 1: # lucky! can guess a pending reply to kill this_id = self.pending_reply_map.keys()[0] d = self.pending_reply_map[this_id] del self.pending_reply_map[this_id] e = JsonRpcException('Bad reply: {}'.format(json_reply)) d.errback(e) return this_id = int(reply['id']) if 'method' in reply and this_id in self.pending_reply_map: self.sdata.log('Got echo of request for {}, ignoring'.format(this_id)) else: d = self.pending_reply_map[this_id] del self.pending_reply_map[this_id] d.callback(reply)
def create_cd(col_name, type, display_name): url = 'https://api.kentik.com/api/v5/customdimension' json_template = ''' { "name": "{{ column }}", "type": "{{ data_type }}", "display_name": "{{ pretty_name }}" } ''' t = Template(json_template) data = json.loads(t.render(column = col_name, data_type = type, pretty_name = display_name)) response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=data) if response.status_code != 201: print("Unable to create custom dimension column. Exiting.") print("Status code: {}").format(response.status_code) print("Error message: {}").format(response.json()['error']) exit() else: print("Custom dimension \"{}\" created as id: {}").format(display_name, \ response.json()['customDimension']['id']) return(response.json()['customDimension']['id'])
def push(self, environ): ct = environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE') stream = environ['wsgi.input'] content = stream.read(int(environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'])) if ct == 'application/json': try: task = json.loads(content if PY2 else content.decode('utf-8')) except: return Error('400 BAD REQUEST', 'invalid-encoding', 'Can\'t decode body') elif ct == 'application/x-msgpack': try: task = msgpack.loads(content, encoding='utf-8') except: return Error('400 BAD REQUEST', 'invalid-encoding', 'Can\'t decode body') else: return Error('400 BAD REQUEST', 'invalid-content-type', 'Content must be json or msgpack') if not task.get('queue'): return Error('400 BAD REQUEST', 'bad-params', 'queue required') if not task.get('name'): return Error('400 BAD REQUEST', 'bad-params', 'name required') return {'id': self.manager.push(**task).id}
def _get_external_data(url): result = {} try: # urlopen might fail if it runs into redirections, # because of Python issue #13696. Fixed in locators # using a custom redirect handler. resp = urlopen(url) headers = resp.info() ct = headers.get('Content-Type') if not ct.startswith('application/json'): logger.debug('Unexpected response for JSON request: %s', ct) else: reader = codecs.getreader('utf-8')(resp) #data = reader.read().decode('utf-8') #result = json.loads(data) result = json.load(reader) except Exception as e: logger.exception('Failed to get external data for %s: %s', url, e) return result
def test_pydist(): """Make sure pydist.json exists and validates against our schema.""" # XXX this test may need manual cleanup of older wheels import jsonschema def open_json(filename): return json.loads(open(filename, 'rb').read().decode('utf-8')) pymeta_schema = open_json(resource_filename('wheel.test', 'pydist-schema.json')) valid = 0 for dist in ("simple.dist", "complex-dist"): basedir = pkg_resources.resource_filename('wheel.test', dist) for (dirname, subdirs, filenames) in os.walk(basedir): for filename in filenames: if filename.endswith('.whl'): whl = ZipFile(os.path.join(dirname, filename)) for entry in whl.infolist(): if entry.filename.endswith('/metadata.json'): pymeta = json.loads(whl.read(entry).decode('utf-8')) jsonschema.validate(pymeta, pymeta_schema) valid += 1 assert valid > 0, "No metadata.json found"
def test_load_save(self): self.wk.data = json.loads(wheel_json) self.wk.add_signer('+', '67890') self.wk.add_signer('scope', 'abcdefg') self.wk.trust('epocs', 'gfedcba') self.wk.trust('+', '12345') self.wk.save() del self.wk.data self.wk.load() signers = self.wk.signers('scope') self.assertTrue(signers[0] == ('scope', 'abcdefg'), self.wk.data['signers']) self.assertTrue(signers[1][0] == '+', self.wk.data['signers']) trusted = self.wk.trusted('epocs') self.assertTrue(trusted[0] == ('epocs', 'gfedcba')) self.assertTrue(trusted[1][0] == '+') self.wk.untrust('epocs', 'gfedcba') trusted = self.wk.trusted('epocs') self.assertTrue(('epocs', 'gfedcba') not in trusted)
def read_json_file(file_path): ''' Args: 1. file_path: File path for a json file. File should be similar to the format - https://gist.github.com/pandeydivesh15/2012ab10562cc85e796e1f57554aca33 Returns: data: A list of dicts. Each dict contains timing info for a spoken word(or punctuation). ''' with open(file_path, 'r') as f: data = json.loads(f.read())['words'] # for line in f: # temp = json.loads(line) # temp['start'] = None if temp['start'] == 'NA' else float(temp['start']) # temp['end'] = None if temp['end'] == 'NA' else float(temp['end']) # try: # temp['word'] = temp['word'].encode('ascii') # except KeyError: # temp['punctuation'] = temp['punctuation'].encode('ascii') # data.append(temp) return data
def package(data, volatile=False): """Package data for training / evaluation.""" data = map(lambda x: json.loads(x), data) dat = map(lambda x: map(lambda y: dictionary.word2idx[y], x['text']), data) maxlen = 0 for item in dat: maxlen = max(maxlen, len(item)) targets = map(lambda x: x['label'], data) maxlen = min(maxlen, 500) for i in range(len(data)): if maxlen < len(dat[i]): dat[i] = dat[i][:maxlen] else: for j in range(maxlen - len(dat[i])): dat[i].append(dictionary.word2idx['<pad>']) dat = Variable(torch.LongTensor(dat), volatile=volatile) targets = Variable(torch.LongTensor(targets), volatile=volatile) return dat.t(), targets
def get_watchlist_id_by_name(watchlistsdict): """ For each watchlist name specified in the config file, find the associated watchlist ID. NOTE: We trigger on watchlist IDs, and not on watchlist names """ global cbtoken global cbserver headers = {'X-AUTH-TOKEN': cbtoken} r = requests.get("https://%s/api/v1/watchlist" % (cbserver), headers=headers, verify=False) parsed_json = json.loads(r.text) for watchlist in parsed_json: for key, value in watchlistsdict.iteritems(): if watchlist['name'].lower() == key.lower(): watchlistsdict[key] = watchlist['id']
def get_watchlist_id_by_name(watchlistsdict): """ For each watchlist name specified in the config file, find the associated watchlist ID. NOTE: We trigger on watchlist IDs, and not on watchlist names """ headers = {'X-AUTH-TOKEN': cbtoken} r = requests.get("https://%s/api/v1/watchlist" % (cbserver), headers=headers, verify=False) parsed_json = json.loads(r.text) for watchlist in parsed_json: for key, value in watchlistsdict.iteritems(): if watchlist['name'].lower() == key.lower(): watchlistsdict[key] = int(watchlist['id'])
def Parse(text, message, ignore_unknown_fields=False): """Parses a JSON representation of a protocol message into a message. Args: text: Message JSON representation. message: A protocol buffer message to merge into. ignore_unknown_fields: If True, do not raise errors for unknown fields. Returns: The same message passed as argument. Raises:: ParseError: On JSON parsing problems. """ if not isinstance(text, six.text_type): text = text.decode('utf-8') try: if sys.version_info < (2, 7): # object_pair_hook is not supported before python2.7 js = json.loads(text) else: js = json.loads(text, object_pairs_hook=_DuplicateChecker) except ValueError as e: raise ParseError('Failed to load JSON: {0}.'.format(str(e))) return ParseDict(js, message, ignore_unknown_fields)
def multiple_policies(self, policies, neighbor): """Creates a new policy that applies list of policies to it. :param policies: list of policies that you want applied to a single policy :param neighbor: the neighbor you are going to apply these policies (used for naming) :type policies: list :type neighbor: str :return: Name of the policy that is created :rtype: str """ policy_name = neighbor.replace('.', '_') policy_name = 'multi_policy_' + policy_name shell = '{"openconfig-routing-policy:routing-policy": {"policy-definitions": {"policy-definition": [{"name": "%s","statements": {"statement": []}}]}}}' % policy_name shell = json.loads(shell, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) conditions = shell['openconfig-routing-policy:routing-policy']['policy-definitions']['policy-definition'][0]['statements']['statement'] for policy in policies: policy_nm = 'Policy_' + policy json_policy = '{"name": "%s", "conditions": {"call-policy": "%s"}}' % (policy_nm, policy) json_policy = json.loads(json_policy, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) conditions.append(json_policy) multi_policy = json.dumps(shell) print(self.merge_config(multi_policy)) return policy_name
def parse_cookie(cookie, securekey): logger.info (">> parse cookie : %s" % cookie) parts = cookie.split('.') part1 = parts[0] part2 = '' if len(parts) < 2 else parts[1] try: text = str(base64.b64decode(part1.encode('ascii')), encoding='utf-8') except: logger.info ("decode cookie failed") return None logger.info ("cookie content : %s" % text) thatpart2 = hashlib.md5((text+securekey).encode('ascii')).hexdigest() logger.info ("hash from part1 : %s" % thatpart2) logger.info ("hash from part2 : %s" % part2) if part2 == thatpart2: result = json.loads(text)['name'] else: result = None logger.info ("parse from cookie : %s" % result) return result
def name_error(): quotafile = open(fspath+"/global/sys/quotainfo", 'r') quotas = json.loads(quotafile.read()) quotafile.close() if quotas['default'] == 'fundation': quotas['default'] = 'foundation' quotafile = open(fspath+"/global/sys/quotainfo",'w') quotafile.write(json.dumps(quotas)) quotafile.close() groupfile = open(fspath+"/global/sys/quota", 'r') groups = json.loads(groupfile.read()) groupfile.close() for group in groups: if group['name'] == 'fundation': group['name'] = 'foundation' groupfile = open(fspath+"/global/sys/quota",'w') groupfile.write(json.dumps(groups)) groupfile.close() users = User.query.filter_by(user_group = 'fundation').all() for user in users: user.user_group = 'foundation' db.session.commit()
def recover_allclusters(self): logger.info("recovering all vclusters for all users...") usersdir = self.fspath+"/global/users/" auth_key = env.getenv('AUTH_KEY') res = post_to_user("/master/user/groupinfo/", {'auth_key':auth_key}) #logger.info(res) groups = json.loads(res['groups']) quotas = {} for group in groups: #logger.info(group) quotas[group['name']] = group['quotas'] for user in os.listdir(usersdir): for cluster in self.list_clusters(user)[1]: logger.info ("recovering cluster:%s for user:%s ..." % (cluster, user)) #res = post_to_user('/user/uid/',{'username':user,'auth_key':auth_key}) recover_info = post_to_user("/master/user/recoverinfo/", {'username':user,'auth_key':auth_key}) uid = recover_info['uid'] groupname = recover_info['groupname'] input_rate_limit = quotas[groupname]['input_rate_limit'] output_rate_limit = quotas[groupname]['output_rate_limit'] self.recover_cluster(cluster, user, uid, input_rate_limit, output_rate_limit) logger.info("recovered all vclusters for all users")
def get_clustersetting(self, clustername, username, containername, allcontainer): clusterpath = self.fspath + "/global/users/" + username + "/clusters/" + clustername if not os.path.isfile(clusterpath): logger.error("cluster file: %s not found" % clustername) return [False, "cluster file not found"] infofile = open(clusterpath, 'r') info = json.loads(infofile.read()) infofile.close() cpu = 0 memory = 0 disk = 0 if allcontainer: for container in info['containers']: if 'setting' in container: cpu += int(container['setting']['cpu']) memory += int(container['setting']['memory']) disk += int(container['setting']['disk']) else: for container in info['containers']: if container['containername'] == containername: if 'setting' in container: cpu += int(container['setting']['cpu']) memory += int(container['setting']['memory']) disk += int(container['setting']['disk']) return [True, {'cpu':cpu, 'memory':memory, 'disk':disk}]
def diff_containers(self): [status, localcontainers] = self.list_containers() globalpath = self.fspath+"/global/users/" users = os.listdir(globalpath) globalcontainers = [] for user in users: clusters = os.listdir(globalpath+user+"/clusters") for cluster in clusters: clusterfile = open(globalpath+user+"/clusters/"+cluster, 'r') clusterinfo = json.loads(clusterfile.read()) for container in clusterinfo['containers']: if container['host'] == self.addr: globalcontainers.append(container['containername']) both = [] onlylocal = [] onlyglobal = [] for container in localcontainers: if container in globalcontainers: both.append(container) else: onlylocal.append(container) for container in globalcontainers: if container not in localcontainers: onlyglobal.append(container) return [both, onlylocal, onlyglobal]
def groupList(*args, **kwargs): ''' Usage: list(cur_user = token_from_auth) List all groups for an administrator ''' groupfile = open(fspath+"/global/sys/quota",'r') groups = json.loads(groupfile.read()) groupfile.close() quotafile = open(fspath+"/global/sys/quotainfo",'r') quotas = json.loads(quotafile.read()) quotafile.close() result = { "success": 'true', "groups": groups, "quotas": quotas['quotainfo'], "default": quotas['default'], } return result
def groupQuery(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Usage: groupQuery(name = XXX, cur_user = token_from_auth) List a group for an administrator ''' groupfile = open(fspath+"/global/sys/quota",'r') groups = json.loads(groupfile.read()) groupfile.close() for group in groups: if group['name'] == kwargs['name']: result = { "success":'true', "data": group['quotas'], } return result else: return {"success":False, "reason":"Group does not exist"}
def quotaadd(*args, **kwargs): form = kwargs.get('form') quotaname = form.get("quotaname") default_value = form.get("default_value") hint = form.get("hint") if (quotaname == None): return { "success":'false', "reason": "Empty quota name"} if (default_value == None): default_value = "--" groupfile = open(fspath+"/global/sys/quota",'r') groups = json.loads(groupfile.read()) groupfile.close() for group in groups: group['quotas'][quotaname] = default_value groupfile = open(fspath+"/global/sys/quota",'w') groupfile.write(json.dumps(groups)) groupfile.close() quotafile = open(fspath+"/global/sys/quotainfo",'r') quotas = json.loads(quotafile.read()) quotafile.close() quotas['quotainfo'].append({'name':quotaname, 'hint':hint}) quotafile = open(fspath+"/global/sys/quotainfo",'w') quotafile.write(json.dumps(quotas)) quotafile.close() return {"success":'true'}
def get_billing_history(vnode_name): clusters_dir = env.getenv("FS_PREFIX")+"/global/users/"+get_owner(vnode_name)+"/clusters/" if os.path.exists(clusters_dir): clusters = os.listdir(clusters_dir) for cluster in clusters: clusterpath = clusters_dir + cluster if not os.path.isfile(clusterpath): continue infofile = open(clusterpath, 'r') info = json.loads(infofile.read()) infofile.close() if 'billing_history' not in info or vnode_name not in info['billing_history']: continue return info['billing_history'][vnode_name] default = {} default['cpu'] = 0 default['mem'] = 0 default['disk'] = 0 default['port'] = 0 return default # the thread to collect data from each worker and store them in monitor_hosts and monitor_vnodes