Python json 模块,items() 实例源码


项目:ToolTip-Helper    作者:AvitanI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def result_format(json, keyorder, link):
        message = ""

        if keyorder:
                # the output of sorted function is an ordered list of tuples 
                ordered_result = sorted(json.items(), key=lambda i:keyorder.index(i[0]))
            except Exception as e:
                ordered_result = []
            message = Utilities.get_html_from_list(ordered_result)
            message = Utilities.get_html_from_dictionary(json)
        # add helper link if there is such
        if link:
            message += '<a href=\"%s\">See more</a>' % link
        return message
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_entity_recursive(json, entity):
    if not json:
        return None
    elif isinstance(json, dict):
        for key, value in json.items():
            if key == entity:
                return value
            # 'entities' and 'extended_entities' are wrappers in Twitter json
            # structure that contain other Twitter objects. See:

            if key == 'entities' or key == 'extended_entities':
                candidate = _get_entity_recursive(value, entity)
                if candidate is not None:
                    return candidate
        return None
    elif isinstance(json, list):
        for item in json:
            candidate = _get_entity_recursive(item, entity)
            if candidate is not None:
                return candidate
        return None
        return None
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_entity_recursive(json, entity):
    if not json:
        return None
    elif isinstance(json, dict):
        for key, value in json.items():
            if key == entity:
                return value
            # 'entities' and 'extended_entities' are wrappers in Twitter json
            # structure that contain other Twitter objects. See:

            if key == 'entities' or key == 'extended_entities':
                candidate = _get_entity_recursive(value, entity)
                if candidate is not None:
                    return candidate
        return None
    elif isinstance(json, list):
        for item in json:
            candidate = _get_entity_recursive(item, entity)
            if candidate is not None:
                return candidate
        return None
        return None
项目:neighborhood_mood_aws    作者:jarrellmark    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_entity_recursive(json, entity):
    if not json:
        return None
    elif isinstance(json, dict):
        for key, value in json.items():
            if key == entity:
                return value
            # 'entities' and 'extended_entities' are wrappers in Twitter json
            # structure that contain other Twitter objects. See:

            if key == 'entities' or key == 'extended_entities':
                candidate = _get_entity_recursive(value, entity)
                if candidate is not None:
                    return candidate
        return None
    elif isinstance(json, list):
        for item in json:
            candidate = _get_entity_recursive(item, entity)
            if candidate is not None:
                return candidate
        return None
        return None
项目:hate-to-hugs    作者:sdoran35    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_entity_recursive(json, entity):
    if not json:
        return None
    elif isinstance(json, dict):
        for key, value in json.items():
            if key == entity:
                return value
            # 'entities' and 'extended_entities' are wrappers in Twitter json
            # structure that contain other Twitter objects. See:

            if key == 'entities' or key == 'extended_entities':
                candidate = _get_entity_recursive(value, entity)
                if candidate is not None:
                    return candidate
        return None
    elif isinstance(json, list):
        for item in json:
            candidate = _get_entity_recursive(item, entity)
            if candidate is not None:
                return candidate
        return None
        return None
项目:beepboop    作者:nicolehe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_entity_recursive(json, entity):
    if not json:
        return None
    elif isinstance(json, dict):
        for key, value in json.items():
            if key == entity:
                return value
            # 'entities' and 'extended_entities' are wrappers in Twitter json
            # structure that contain other Twitter objects. See:

            if key == 'entities' or key == 'extended_entities':
                candidate = _get_entity_recursive(value, entity)
                if candidate is not None:
                    return candidate
        return None
    elif isinstance(json, list):
        for item in json:
            candidate = _get_entity_recursive(item, entity)
            if candidate is not None:
                return candidate
        return None
        return None
项目:kind2anki    作者:prz3m    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_entity_recursive(json, entity):
    if not json:
        return None
    elif isinstance(json, dict):
        for key, value in json.items():
            if key == entity:
                return value
            # 'entities' and 'extended_entities' are wrappers in Twitter json
            # structure that contain other Twitter objects. See:

            if key == 'entities' or key == 'extended_entities':
                candidate = _get_entity_recursive(value, entity)
                if candidate is not None:
                    return candidate
        return None
    elif isinstance(json, list):
        for item in json:
            candidate = _get_entity_recursive(item, entity)
            if candidate is not None:
                return candidate
        return None
        return None
项目:but_sentiment    作者:MixedEmotions    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_entity_recursive(json, entity):
    if not json:
        return None
    elif isinstance(json, dict):
        for key, value in json.items():
            if key == entity:
                return value
            # 'entities' and 'extended_entities' are wrappers in Twitter json
            # structure that contain other Twitter objects. See:

            if key == 'entities' or key == 'extended_entities':
                candidate = _get_entity_recursive(value, entity)
                if candidate is not None:
                    return candidate
        return None
    elif isinstance(json, list):
        for item in json:
            candidate = _get_entity_recursive(item, entity)
            if candidate is not None:
                return candidate
        return None
        return None
项目:ToolTip-Helper    作者:doobleweb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def result_format(json, keyorder, link, style, location="", file_name=""):
        message = ""

        if keyorder:
                # the output of sorted function is an ordered list of tuples 
                ordered_result = sorted(json.items(), key=lambda i:keyorder.index(i[0]))
                # print("ordered_result: " + str(ordered_result))
            except Exception as e:
                ordered_result = []
            message = Utilities.get_html_from_list(ordered_result, style)
            message = Utilities.get_html_from_dictionary(json)
        # add helper link if there is one
        if link:
            # message += '<a style="color: white;" href=\"%s\">See more</a>' % link
            message += '<a href=\"%s\" style=\"%s\">See more</a>' % (link, style['link'])
        if location and file_name:
            row = location[0]
            col = location[1]
            # message += '<br><a style="color: white;" href=\"%s\">Go To Document</a>' % (file_name + '$$$' + str(row) + ',' + str(col))
            message += '<br><a href=\"%s\" style=\"%s\">Go To Document</a>' % ((file_name + '$$$' + str(row) + ',' + str(col)), style['link'])  
        return message
项目:viewX-vscode    作者:danielkupco    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def deserialize_json(json):
    A helper method for deserializing json into Cytoscape.js elements.
    :param json: json representation of Cytoscape.js element
    :return: Cytoscape.js element object if json is valid, else json
    class_name = json.pop('__classname__', None)
    if class_name == 'Element':  # type(self).__name__:
        obj = Element.__new__(Element)   # Make instance without calling __init__
        for key, value in json.items():
            setattr(obj, key, value)
            return obj
        return json
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _write_to_file(object_fields, items, entity_fields, writer):
    if not items:
        # it could be that the entity is just not present for the tweet
        # e.g. tweet hashtag is always present, even as [], however
        # tweet media may not be present
    if isinstance(items, dict):
        # this happens e.g. for "place" of a tweet
        row = object_fields
        # there might be composed keys in de list of required fields
        entity_field_values = [x for x in entity_fields if not _is_composed_key(x)]
        entity_field_composed = [x for x in entity_fields if _is_composed_key(x)]
        for field in entity_field_values:
            value = items[field]
            if isinstance(value, list):
                row += value
                row += [value]
        # now check required dictionaries
        for d in entity_field_composed:
            kd, vd = _get_key_value_composed(d)
            json_dict = items[kd]
            if not isinstance(json_dict, dict):
                raise RuntimeError("""Key {0} does not contain a dictionary
                in the json file""".format(kd))
            row += [json_dict[vd]]
    # in general it is a list
    for item in items:
        row = object_fields + extract_fields(item, entity_fields)
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _write_to_file(object_fields, items, entity_fields, writer):
    if not items:
        # it could be that the entity is just not present for the tweet
        # e.g. tweet hashtag is always present, even as [], however
        # tweet media may not be present
    if isinstance(items, dict):
        # this happens e.g. for "place" of a tweet
        row = object_fields
        # there might be composed keys in de list of required fields
        entity_field_values = [x for x in entity_fields if not _is_composed_key(x)]
        entity_field_composed = [x for x in entity_fields if _is_composed_key(x)]
        for field in entity_field_values:
            value = items[field]
            if isinstance(value, list):
                row += value
                row += [value]
        # now check required dictionaries
        for d in entity_field_composed:
            kd, vd = _get_key_value_composed(d)
            json_dict = items[kd]
            if not isinstance(json_dict, dict):
                raise RuntimeError("""Key {0} does not contain a dictionary
                in the json file""".format(kd))
            row += [json_dict[vd]]
    # in general it is a list
    for item in items:
        row = object_fields + extract_fields(item, entity_fields)
项目:neighborhood_mood_aws    作者:jarrellmark    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _write_to_file(object_fields, items, entity_fields, writer):
    if not items:
        # it could be that the entity is just not present for the tweet
        # e.g. tweet hashtag is always present, even as [], however
        # tweet media may not be present
    if isinstance(items, dict):
        # this happens e.g. for "place" of a tweet
        row = object_fields
        # there might be composed keys in de list of required fields
        entity_field_values = [x for x in entity_fields if not _is_composed_key(x)]
        entity_field_composed = [x for x in entity_fields if _is_composed_key(x)]
        for field in entity_field_values:
            value = items[field]
            if isinstance(value, list):
                row += value
                row += [value]
        # now check required dictionaries
        for d in entity_field_composed:
            kd, vd = _get_key_value_composed(d)
            json_dict = items[kd]
            if not isinstance(json_dict, dict):
                raise RuntimeError("""Key {0} does not contain a dictionary
                in the json file""".format(kd))
            row += [json_dict[vd]]
    # in general it is a list
    for item in items:
        row = object_fields + extract_fields(item, entity_fields)
项目:hate-to-hugs    作者:sdoran35    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _write_to_file(object_fields, items, entity_fields, writer):
    if not items:
        # it could be that the entity is just not present for the tweet
        # e.g. tweet hashtag is always present, even as [], however
        # tweet media may not be present
    if isinstance(items, dict):
        # this happens e.g. for "place" of a tweet
        row = object_fields
        # there might be composed keys in de list of required fields
        entity_field_values = [x for x in entity_fields if not _is_composed_key(x)]
        entity_field_composed = [x for x in entity_fields if _is_composed_key(x)]
        for field in entity_field_values:
            value = items[field]
            if isinstance(value, list):
                row += value
                row += [value]
        # now check required dictionaries
        for d in entity_field_composed:
            kd, vd = _get_key_value_composed(d)
            json_dict = items[kd]
            if not isinstance(json_dict, dict):
                raise RuntimeError("""Key {0} does not contain a dictionary
                in the json file""".format(kd))
            row += [json_dict[vd]]
    # in general it is a list
    for item in items:
        row = object_fields + extract_fields(item, entity_fields)
项目:beepboop    作者:nicolehe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _write_to_file(object_fields, items, entity_fields, writer):
    if not items:
        # it could be that the entity is just not present for the tweet
        # e.g. tweet hashtag is always present, even as [], however
        # tweet media may not be present
    if isinstance(items, dict):
        # this happens e.g. for "place" of a tweet
        row = object_fields
        # there might be composed keys in de list of required fields
        entity_field_values = [x for x in entity_fields if not _is_composed_key(x)]
        entity_field_composed = [x for x in entity_fields if _is_composed_key(x)]
        for field in entity_field_values:
            value = items[field]
            if isinstance(value, list):
                row += value
                row += [value]
        # now check required dictionaries
        for d in entity_field_composed:
            kd, vd = _get_key_value_composed(d)
            json_dict = items[kd]
            if not isinstance(json_dict, dict):
                raise RuntimeError("""Key {0} does not contain a dictionary
                in the json file""".format(kd))
            row += [json_dict[vd]]
    # in general it is a list
    for item in items:
        row = object_fields + extract_fields(item, entity_fields)
项目:kind2anki    作者:prz3m    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _write_to_file(object_fields, items, entity_fields, writer):
    if not items:
        # it could be that the entity is just not present for the tweet
        # e.g. tweet hashtag is always present, even as [], however
        # tweet media may not be present
    if isinstance(items, dict):
        # this happens e.g. for "place" of a tweet
        row = object_fields
        # there might be composed keys in de list of required fields
        entity_field_values = [x for x in entity_fields if not _is_composed_key(x)]
        entity_field_composed = [x for x in entity_fields if _is_composed_key(x)]
        for field in entity_field_values:
            value = items[field]
            if isinstance(value, list):
                row += value
                row += [value]
        # now check required dictionaries
        for d in entity_field_composed:
            kd, vd = _get_key_value_composed(d)
            json_dict = items[kd]
            if not isinstance(json_dict, dict):
                raise RuntimeError("""Key {0} does not contain a dictionary
                in the json file""".format(kd))
            row += [json_dict[vd]]
    # in general it is a list
    for item in items:
        row = object_fields + extract_fields(item, entity_fields)
项目:but_sentiment    作者:MixedEmotions    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _write_to_file(object_fields, items, entity_fields, writer):
    if not items:
        # it could be that the entity is just not present for the tweet
        # e.g. tweet hashtag is always present, even as [], however
        # tweet media may not be present
    if isinstance(items, dict):
        # this happens e.g. for "place" of a tweet
        row = object_fields
        # there might be composed keys in de list of required fields
        entity_field_values = [x for x in entity_fields if not _is_composed_key(x)]
        entity_field_composed = [x for x in entity_fields if _is_composed_key(x)]
        for field in entity_field_values:
            value = items[field]
            if isinstance(value, list):
                row += value
                row += [value]
        # now check required dictionaries
        for d in entity_field_composed:
            kd, vd = _get_key_value_composed(d)
            json_dict = items[kd]
            if not isinstance(json_dict, dict):
                raise RuntimeError("""Key {0} does not contain a dictionary
                in the json file""".format(kd))
            row += [json_dict[vd]]
    # in general it is a list
    for item in items:
        row = object_fields + extract_fields(item, entity_fields)
项目:ToolTip-Helper    作者:doobleweb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def match_selection(self, sel, tooltip_files, scope):
        """ this method take care to the results, links and the keys which be implemented in the tooltip """
        results = []
        count = 0
        dynamic_doc_arr = self.search_for_dynamic_doc(sel, scope)
        if dynamic_doc_arr:
            results += dynamic_doc_arr
            self.logger_msg += 'There is no documentation in dynamic doc\n'

        for file in tooltip_files: 
            # search the parameter in json file
            json_result = self.search_in_json(sel, file['file_name'])
            items = []
            if isinstance(json_result, dict):
            elif isinstance(json_result, list):
                items += json_result

            for item in items:
                result = {}
                if item:
                    result['json_result'] = item
                    result['file_name'] = file['file_name']
                    # get the correct link for the result
                    if 'link' not in item and \
                        'link' in file:
                        result['link'] = file['link']
                    # get the keys from the result
                    keys = list(item.keys())
                    # add key to keyorder and count the change
                    count += self.update_keyorder_list(keys)
        # if there is one change, save it in settings.
        if count != 0:
        return results
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def json2csv_entities(tweets_file, outfile, main_fields, entity_type, entity_fields,
                      encoding='utf8', errors='replace', gzip_compress=False):
    Extract selected fields from a file of line-separated JSON tweets and
    write to a file in CSV format.

    This utility function allows a file of full Tweets to be easily converted
    to a CSV file for easier processing of Twitter entities. For example, the
    hashtags or media elements of a tweet can be extracted.

    It returns one line per entity of a Tweet, e.g. if a tweet has two hashtags
    there will be two lines in the output file, one per hashtag

    :param tweets_file: the file-like object containing full Tweets

    :param str outfile: The path of the text file where results should be\

    :param list main_fields: The list of fields to be extracted from the main\
    object, usually the tweet. Useful examples: 'id_str' for the tweetID. See\
    <> for a full list of fields.
    e. g.: ['id_str'], ['id', 'text', 'favorite_count', 'retweet_count']
    If `entity_type` is expressed with hierarchy, then it is the list of\
    fields of the object that corresponds to the key of the entity_type,\
    (e.g., for entity_type='user.urls', the fields in the main_fields list\
    belong to the user object; for entity_type='place.bounding_box', the\
    files in the main_field list belong to the place object of the tweet).

    :param list entity_type: The name of the entity: 'hashtags', 'media',\
    'urls' and 'user_mentions' for the tweet object. For a user object,\
    this needs to be expressed with a hierarchy: `'user.urls'`. For the\
    bounding box of the Tweet location, use `'place.bounding_box'`.

    :param list entity_fields: The list of fields to be extracted from the\
    entity. E.g. `['text']` (of the Tweet)

    :param error: Behaviour for encoding errors, see\

    :param gzip_compress: if `True`, ouput files are compressed with gzip

    (writer, outf) = outf_writer_compat(outfile, encoding, errors, gzip_compress)
    header = get_header_field_list(main_fields, entity_type, entity_fields)
    for line in tweets_file:
        tweet = json.loads(line)
        if _is_composed_key(entity_type):
            key, value = _get_key_value_composed(entity_type)
            object_json = _get_entity_recursive(tweet, key)
            if not object_json:
                # this can happen in the case of "place"
            object_fields = extract_fields(object_json, main_fields)
            items = _get_entity_recursive(object_json, value)
            _write_to_file(object_fields, items, entity_fields, writer)
            tweet_fields = extract_fields(tweet, main_fields)
            items = _get_entity_recursive(tweet, entity_type)
            _write_to_file(tweet_fields, items, entity_fields, writer)
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def json2csv_entities(tweets_file, outfile, main_fields, entity_type, entity_fields,
                      encoding='utf8', errors='replace', gzip_compress=False):
    Extract selected fields from a file of line-separated JSON tweets and
    write to a file in CSV format.

    This utility function allows a file of full Tweets to be easily converted
    to a CSV file for easier processing of Twitter entities. For example, the
    hashtags or media elements of a tweet can be extracted.

    It returns one line per entity of a Tweet, e.g. if a tweet has two hashtags
    there will be two lines in the output file, one per hashtag

    :param tweets_file: the file-like object containing full Tweets

    :param str outfile: The path of the text file where results should be\

    :param list main_fields: The list of fields to be extracted from the main\
    object, usually the tweet. Useful examples: 'id_str' for the tweetID. See\
    <> for a full list of fields.
    e. g.: ['id_str'], ['id', 'text', 'favorite_count', 'retweet_count']
    If `entity_type` is expressed with hierarchy, then it is the list of\
    fields of the object that corresponds to the key of the entity_type,\
    (e.g., for entity_type='user.urls', the fields in the main_fields list\
    belong to the user object; for entity_type='place.bounding_box', the\
    files in the main_field list belong to the place object of the tweet).

    :param list entity_type: The name of the entity: 'hashtags', 'media',\
    'urls' and 'user_mentions' for the tweet object. For a user object,\
    this needs to be expressed with a hierarchy: `'user.urls'`. For the\
    bounding box of the Tweet location, use `'place.bounding_box'`.

    :param list entity_fields: The list of fields to be extracted from the\
    entity. E.g. `['text']` (of the Tweet)

    :param error: Behaviour for encoding errors, see\

    :param gzip_compress: if `True`, ouput files are compressed with gzip

    (writer, outf) = outf_writer_compat(outfile, encoding, errors, gzip_compress)
    header = get_header_field_list(main_fields, entity_type, entity_fields)
    for line in tweets_file:
        tweet = json.loads(line)
        if _is_composed_key(entity_type):
            key, value = _get_key_value_composed(entity_type)
            object_json = _get_entity_recursive(tweet, key)
            if not object_json:
                # this can happen in the case of "place"
            object_fields = extract_fields(object_json, main_fields)
            items = _get_entity_recursive(object_json, value)
            _write_to_file(object_fields, items, entity_fields, writer)
            tweet_fields = extract_fields(tweet, main_fields)
            items = _get_entity_recursive(tweet, entity_type)
            _write_to_file(tweet_fields, items, entity_fields, writer)
项目:neighborhood_mood_aws    作者:jarrellmark    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def json2csv_entities(tweets_file, outfile, main_fields, entity_type, entity_fields,
                      encoding='utf8', errors='replace', gzip_compress=False):
    Extract selected fields from a file of line-separated JSON tweets and
    write to a file in CSV format.

    This utility function allows a file of full Tweets to be easily converted
    to a CSV file for easier processing of Twitter entities. For example, the
    hashtags or media elements of a tweet can be extracted.

    It returns one line per entity of a Tweet, e.g. if a tweet has two hashtags
    there will be two lines in the output file, one per hashtag

    :param tweets_file: the file-like object containing full Tweets

    :param str outfile: The path of the text file where results should be\

    :param list main_fields: The list of fields to be extracted from the main\
    object, usually the tweet. Useful examples: 'id_str' for the tweetID. See\
    <> for a full list of fields.
    e. g.: ['id_str'], ['id', 'text', 'favorite_count', 'retweet_count']
    If `entity_type` is expressed with hierarchy, then it is the list of\
    fields of the object that corresponds to the key of the entity_type,\
    (e.g., for entity_type='user.urls', the fields in the main_fields list\
    belong to the user object; for entity_type='place.bounding_box', the\
    files in the main_field list belong to the place object of the tweet).

    :param list entity_type: The name of the entity: 'hashtags', 'media',\
    'urls' and 'user_mentions' for the tweet object. For a user object,\
    this needs to be expressed with a hierarchy: `'user.urls'`. For the\
    bounding box of the Tweet location, use `'place.bounding_box'`.

    :param list entity_fields: The list of fields to be extracted from the\
    entity. E.g. `['text']` (of the Tweet)

    :param error: Behaviour for encoding errors, see\

    :param gzip_compress: if `True`, ouput files are compressed with gzip

    (writer, outf) = outf_writer_compat(outfile, encoding, errors, gzip_compress)
    header = get_header_field_list(main_fields, entity_type, entity_fields)
    for line in tweets_file:
        tweet = json.loads(line)
        if _is_composed_key(entity_type):
            key, value = _get_key_value_composed(entity_type)
            object_json = _get_entity_recursive(tweet, key)
            if not object_json:
                # this can happen in the case of "place"
            object_fields = extract_fields(object_json, main_fields)
            items = _get_entity_recursive(object_json, value)
            _write_to_file(object_fields, items, entity_fields, writer)
            tweet_fields = extract_fields(tweet, main_fields)
            items = _get_entity_recursive(tweet, entity_type)
            _write_to_file(tweet_fields, items, entity_fields, writer)
项目:hate-to-hugs    作者:sdoran35    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def json2csv_entities(tweets_file, outfile, main_fields, entity_type, entity_fields,
                      encoding='utf8', errors='replace', gzip_compress=False):
    Extract selected fields from a file of line-separated JSON tweets and
    write to a file in CSV format.

    This utility function allows a file of full Tweets to be easily converted
    to a CSV file for easier processing of Twitter entities. For example, the
    hashtags or media elements of a tweet can be extracted.

    It returns one line per entity of a Tweet, e.g. if a tweet has two hashtags
    there will be two lines in the output file, one per hashtag

    :param tweets_file: the file-like object containing full Tweets

    :param str outfile: The path of the text file where results should be\

    :param list main_fields: The list of fields to be extracted from the main\
    object, usually the tweet. Useful examples: 'id_str' for the tweetID. See\
    <> for a full list of fields.
    e. g.: ['id_str'], ['id', 'text', 'favorite_count', 'retweet_count']
    If `entity_type` is expressed with hierarchy, then it is the list of\
    fields of the object that corresponds to the key of the entity_type,\
    (e.g., for entity_type='user.urls', the fields in the main_fields list\
    belong to the user object; for entity_type='place.bounding_box', the\
    files in the main_field list belong to the place object of the tweet).

    :param list entity_type: The name of the entity: 'hashtags', 'media',\
    'urls' and 'user_mentions' for the tweet object. For a user object,\
    this needs to be expressed with a hierarchy: `'user.urls'`. For the\
    bounding box of the Tweet location, use `'place.bounding_box'`.

    :param list entity_fields: The list of fields to be extracted from the\
    entity. E.g. `['text']` (of the Tweet)

    :param error: Behaviour for encoding errors, see\

    :param gzip_compress: if `True`, ouput files are compressed with gzip

    (writer, outf) = outf_writer_compat(outfile, encoding, errors, gzip_compress)
    header = get_header_field_list(main_fields, entity_type, entity_fields)
    for line in tweets_file:
        tweet = json.loads(line)
        if _is_composed_key(entity_type):
            key, value = _get_key_value_composed(entity_type)
            object_json = _get_entity_recursive(tweet, key)
            if not object_json:
                # this can happen in the case of "place"
            object_fields = extract_fields(object_json, main_fields)
            items = _get_entity_recursive(object_json, value)
            _write_to_file(object_fields, items, entity_fields, writer)
            tweet_fields = extract_fields(tweet, main_fields)
            items = _get_entity_recursive(tweet, entity_type)
            _write_to_file(tweet_fields, items, entity_fields, writer)
项目:gitsome    作者:donnemartin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def feeds(self):
        """List GitHub's timeline resources in Atom format.

        :returns: dictionary parsed to include URITemplates
        def replace_href(feed_dict):
            if not feed_dict:
                return feed_dict
            ret_dict = {}
            # Let's pluck out what we're most interested in, the href value
            href = feed_dict.pop('href', None)
            # Then we update the return dictionary with the rest of the values
            if href is not None:
                # So long as there is something to template, let's template it
                ret_dict['href'] = URITemplate(href)
            return ret_dict

        url = self._build_url('feeds')
        json = self._json(self._get(url), 200, include_cache_info=False)
        if json is None:  # If something went wrong, get out early
            return None

        # We have a response body to parse
        feeds = {}

        # Let's pop out the old links so we don't have to skip them below
        old_links = json.pop('_links', {})
        _links = {}
        # If _links is in the response JSON, iterate over that and recreate it
        # so that any templates contained inside can be turned into
        # URITemplates
        for key, value in old_links.items():
            if isinstance(value, list):
                # If it's an array/list of links, let's replace that with a
                # new list of links
                _links[key] = [replace_href(d) for d in value]
                # Otherwise, just use the new value
                _links[key] = replace_href(value)

        # Start building up our return dictionary
        feeds['_links'] = _links

        for key, value in json.items():
            # This should roughly be the same logic as above.
            if isinstance(value, list):
                feeds[key] = [URITemplate(v) for v in value]
                feeds[key] = URITemplate(value)

        return feeds
项目:beepboop    作者:nicolehe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def json2csv_entities(tweets_file, outfile, main_fields, entity_type, entity_fields,
                      encoding='utf8', errors='replace', gzip_compress=False):
    Extract selected fields from a file of line-separated JSON tweets and
    write to a file in CSV format.

    This utility function allows a file of full Tweets to be easily converted
    to a CSV file for easier processing of Twitter entities. For example, the
    hashtags or media elements of a tweet can be extracted.

    It returns one line per entity of a Tweet, e.g. if a tweet has two hashtags
    there will be two lines in the output file, one per hashtag

    :param tweets_file: the file-like object containing full Tweets

    :param str outfile: The path of the text file where results should be\

    :param list main_fields: The list of fields to be extracted from the main\
    object, usually the tweet. Useful examples: 'id_str' for the tweetID. See\
    <> for a full list of fields.
    e. g.: ['id_str'], ['id', 'text', 'favorite_count', 'retweet_count']
    If `entity_type` is expressed with hierarchy, then it is the list of\
    fields of the object that corresponds to the key of the entity_type,\
    (e.g., for entity_type='user.urls', the fields in the main_fields list\
    belong to the user object; for entity_type='place.bounding_box', the\
    files in the main_field list belong to the place object of the tweet).

    :param list entity_type: The name of the entity: 'hashtags', 'media',\
    'urls' and 'user_mentions' for the tweet object. For a user object,\
    this needs to be expressed with a hierarchy: `'user.urls'`. For the\
    bounding box of the Tweet location, use `'place.bounding_box'`.

    :param list entity_fields: The list of fields to be extracted from the\
    entity. E.g. `['text']` (of the Tweet)

    :param error: Behaviour for encoding errors, see\

    :param gzip_compress: if `True`, ouput files are compressed with gzip

    (writer, outf) = outf_writer_compat(outfile, encoding, errors, gzip_compress)
    header = get_header_field_list(main_fields, entity_type, entity_fields)
    for line in tweets_file:
        tweet = json.loads(line)
        if _is_composed_key(entity_type):
            key, value = _get_key_value_composed(entity_type)
            object_json = _get_entity_recursive(tweet, key)
            if not object_json:
                # this can happen in the case of "place"
            object_fields = extract_fields(object_json, main_fields)
            items = _get_entity_recursive(object_json, value)
            _write_to_file(object_fields, items, entity_fields, writer)
            tweet_fields = extract_fields(tweet, main_fields)
            items = _get_entity_recursive(tweet, entity_type)
            _write_to_file(tweet_fields, items, entity_fields, writer)
项目:kind2anki    作者:prz3m    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def json2csv_entities(tweets_file, outfile, main_fields, entity_type, entity_fields,
                      encoding='utf8', errors='replace', gzip_compress=False):
    Extract selected fields from a file of line-separated JSON tweets and
    write to a file in CSV format.

    This utility function allows a file of full Tweets to be easily converted
    to a CSV file for easier processing of Twitter entities. For example, the
    hashtags or media elements of a tweet can be extracted.

    It returns one line per entity of a Tweet, e.g. if a tweet has two hashtags
    there will be two lines in the output file, one per hashtag

    :param tweets_file: the file-like object containing full Tweets

    :param str outfile: The path of the text file where results should be\

    :param list main_fields: The list of fields to be extracted from the main\
    object, usually the tweet. Useful examples: 'id_str' for the tweetID. See\
    <> for a full list of fields.
    e. g.: ['id_str'], ['id', 'text', 'favorite_count', 'retweet_count']
    If `entity_type` is expressed with hierarchy, then it is the list of\
    fields of the object that corresponds to the key of the entity_type,\
    (e.g., for entity_type='user.urls', the fields in the main_fields list\
    belong to the user object; for entity_type='place.bounding_box', the\
    files in the main_field list belong to the place object of the tweet).

    :param list entity_type: The name of the entity: 'hashtags', 'media',\
    'urls' and 'user_mentions' for the tweet object. For a user object,\
    this needs to be expressed with a hierarchy: `'user.urls'`. For the\
    bounding box of the Tweet location, use `'place.bounding_box'`.

    :param list entity_fields: The list of fields to be extracted from the\
    entity. E.g. `['text']` (of the Tweet)

    :param error: Behaviour for encoding errors, see\

    :param gzip_compress: if `True`, ouput files are compressed with gzip

    (writer, outf) = outf_writer_compat(outfile, encoding, errors, gzip_compress)
    header = get_header_field_list(main_fields, entity_type, entity_fields)
    for line in tweets_file:
        tweet = json.loads(line)
        if _is_composed_key(entity_type):
            key, value = _get_key_value_composed(entity_type)
            object_json = _get_entity_recursive(tweet, key)
            if not object_json:
                # this can happen in the case of "place"
            object_fields = extract_fields(object_json, main_fields)
            items = _get_entity_recursive(object_json, value)
            _write_to_file(object_fields, items, entity_fields, writer)
            tweet_fields = extract_fields(tweet, main_fields)
            items = _get_entity_recursive(tweet, entity_type)
            _write_to_file(tweet_fields, items, entity_fields, writer)
项目:but_sentiment    作者:MixedEmotions    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def json2csv_entities(tweets_file, outfile, main_fields, entity_type, entity_fields,
                      encoding='utf8', errors='replace', gzip_compress=False):
    Extract selected fields from a file of line-separated JSON tweets and
    write to a file in CSV format.

    This utility function allows a file of full Tweets to be easily converted
    to a CSV file for easier processing of Twitter entities. For example, the
    hashtags or media elements of a tweet can be extracted.

    It returns one line per entity of a Tweet, e.g. if a tweet has two hashtags
    there will be two lines in the output file, one per hashtag

    :param tweets_file: the file-like object containing full Tweets

    :param str outfile: The path of the text file where results should be\

    :param list main_fields: The list of fields to be extracted from the main\
    object, usually the tweet. Useful examples: 'id_str' for the tweetID. See\
    <> for a full list of fields.
    e. g.: ['id_str'], ['id', 'text', 'favorite_count', 'retweet_count']
    If `entity_type` is expressed with hierarchy, then it is the list of\
    fields of the object that corresponds to the key of the entity_type,\
    (e.g., for entity_type='user.urls', the fields in the main_fields list\
    belong to the user object; for entity_type='place.bounding_box', the\
    files in the main_field list belong to the place object of the tweet).

    :param list entity_type: The name of the entity: 'hashtags', 'media',\
    'urls' and 'user_mentions' for the tweet object. For a user object,\
    this needs to be expressed with a hierarchy: `'user.urls'`. For the\
    bounding box of the Tweet location, use `'place.bounding_box'`.

    :param list entity_fields: The list of fields to be extracted from the\
    entity. E.g. `['text']` (of the Tweet)

    :param error: Behaviour for encoding errors, see\

    :param gzip_compress: if `True`, ouput files are compressed with gzip

    (writer, outf) = outf_writer_compat(outfile, encoding, errors, gzip_compress)
    header = get_header_field_list(main_fields, entity_type, entity_fields)
    for line in tweets_file:
        tweet = json.loads(line)
        if _is_composed_key(entity_type):
            key, value = _get_key_value_composed(entity_type)
            object_json = _get_entity_recursive(tweet, key)
            if not object_json:
                # this can happen in the case of "place"
            object_fields = extract_fields(object_json, main_fields)
            items = _get_entity_recursive(object_json, value)
            _write_to_file(object_fields, items, entity_fields, writer)
            tweet_fields = extract_fields(tweet, main_fields)
            items = _get_entity_recursive(tweet, entity_type)
            _write_to_file(tweet_fields, items, entity_fields, writer)