def reset_states(self): assert self.stateful, 'Layer must be stateful.' input_shape = self.input_shape if not input_shape[0]: raise Exception('If a RNN is stateful, a complete ' + 'input_shape must be provided ' + '(including batch size).') if self.return_sequences: out_row, out_col, out_filter = self.output_shape[2:] else: out_row, out_col, out_filter = self.output_shape[1:] if hasattr(self, 'states'): K.set_value(self.states[0], np.zeros((input_shape[0], out_row, out_col, out_filter))) K.set_value(self.states[1], np.zeros((input_shape[0], out_row, out_col, out_filter))) else: self.states = [K.zeros((input_shape[0], out_row, out_col, out_filter)), K.zeros((input_shape[0], out_row, out_col, out_filter))]
def prep_embd(self): # Add a Embed Layer to convert word index to vector if not os.path.exists('GloVe_' + self.dataset + '.npy'): self.load_GloVe() embed_matrix = np.load('GloVe_' + self.dataset + '.npy') self.Embed = Embedding(input_dim = self.Vocab, output_dim = self.EmbeddingSize, input_length = self.SentMaxLen, trainable = False, weights = [embed_matrix], name = 'embed_snli') # TODO Decomposable Attention Model by Ankur P. Parikh et al. 2016
def build(self, input_shape): super(AttentionLSTM, self).build(input_shape) if hasattr(self.attention_vec, '_keras_shape'): attention_dim = self.attention_vec._keras_shape[1] else: raise Exception('Layer could not be build: No information about expected input shape.') self.U_a = self.inner_init((self.output_dim, self.output_dim), name='{}_U_a'.format(self.name)) self.b_a = K.zeros((self.output_dim,), name='{}_b_a'.format(self.name)) self.U_m = self.inner_init((attention_dim, self.output_dim), name='{}_U_m'.format(self.name)) self.b_m = K.zeros((self.output_dim,), name='{}_b_m'.format(self.name)) if self.single_attention_param: self.U_s = self.inner_init((self.output_dim, 1), name='{}_U_s'.format(self.name)) self.b_s = K.zeros((1,), name='{}_b_s'.format(self.name)) else: self.U_s = self.inner_init((self.output_dim, self.output_dim), name='{}_U_s'.format(self.name)) self.b_s = K.zeros((self.output_dim,), name='{}_b_s'.format(self.name)) self.trainable_weights += [self.U_a, self.U_m, self.U_s, self.b_a, self.b_m, self.b_s] if self.initial_weights is not None: self.set_weights(self.initial_weights) del self.initial_weights
def build(self, input_shape): assert len(input_shape) >= 3 self.input_spec = [InputSpec(shape=input_shape)] if not self.layer.built: self.layer.build(input_shape) self.layer.built = True super(AttentionLSTMWrapper, self).build() if hasattr(self.attention_vec, '_keras_shape'): attention_dim = self.attention_vec._keras_shape[1] else: raise Exception('Layer could not be build: No information about expected input shape.') self.U_a = self.layer.inner_init((self.layer.output_dim, self.layer.output_dim), name='{}_U_a'.format(self.name)) self.b_a = K.zeros((self.layer.output_dim,), name='{}_b_a'.format(self.name)) self.U_m = self.layer.inner_init((attention_dim, self.layer.output_dim), name='{}_U_m'.format(self.name)) self.b_m = K.zeros((self.layer.output_dim,), name='{}_b_m'.format(self.name)) if self.single_attention_param: self.U_s = self.layer.inner_init((self.layer.output_dim, 1), name='{}_U_s'.format(self.name)) self.b_s = K.zeros((1,), name='{}_b_s'.format(self.name)) else: self.U_s = self.layer.inner_init((self.layer.output_dim, self.layer.output_dim), name='{}_U_s'.format(self.name)) self.b_s = K.zeros((self.layer.output_dim,), name='{}_b_s'.format(self.name)) self.trainable_weights = [self.U_a, self.U_m, self.U_s, self.b_a, self.b_m, self.b_s]
def reset_states(self): assert self.stateful, 'Layer must be stateful.' input_shape = self.input_spec[0].shape if not input_shape[0]: raise ValueError('If a RNN is stateful, a complete ' 'input_shape must be provided ' '(including batch size).') if hasattr(self, 'states'): K.set_value(self.states[0], np.zeros((input_shape[0], self.output_dim))) else: self.states = [K.zeros((input_shape[0], self.output_dim))]
def __init__(self, W_regularizer=None, b_regularizer=None, W_constraint=None, b_constraint=None, bias=True, **kwargs): """ Keras Layer that implements an Attention mechanism for temporal data. Supports Masking. Follows the work of Raffel et al. [https://arxiv.org/abs/1512.08756] # Input shape 3D tensor with shape: `(samples, steps, features)`. # Output shape 2D tensor with shape: `(samples, features)`. :param kwargs: Just put it on top of an RNN Layer (GRU/LSTM/SimpleRNN) with return_sequences=True. The dimensions are inferred based on the output shape of the RNN. Example: model.add(LSTM(64, return_sequences=True)) model.add(Attention()) """ self.supports_masking = True self.init = initializations.get('glorot_uniform') self.W_regularizer = regularizers.get(W_regularizer) self.b_regularizer = regularizers.get(b_regularizer) self.W_constraint = constraints.get(W_constraint) self.b_constraint = constraints.get(b_constraint) self.bias = bias super(Attention, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def reset_states(self): assert self.stateful, 'Layer must be stateful.' input_shape = self.input_spec[0].shape if not input_shape[0]: raise Exception('If a RNN is stateful, a complete ' + 'input_shape must be provided (including batch size).') if hasattr(self, 'states'): K.set_value(self.states[0], np.zeros((input_shape[0], self.output_dim))) else: self.states = [K.zeros((input_shape[0], self.output_dim))]
def __init__(self, step_dim, W_regularizer=None, b_regularizer=None, W_constraint=None, b_constraint=None, bias=True, **kwargs): """ Keras Layer that implements an Attention mechanism for temporal data. Supports Masking. Follows the work of Raffel et al. [https://arxiv.org/abs/1512.08756] # Input shape 3D tensor with shape: `(samples, steps, features)`. # Output shape 2D tensor with shape: `(samples, features)`. :param kwargs: Just put it on top of an RNN Layer (GRU/LSTM/SimpleRNN) with return_sequences=True. The dimensions are inferred based on the output shape of the RNN. Example: model.add(LSTM(64, return_sequences=True)) model.add(Attention(step_dim)) """ self.supports_masking = True # self.init = initializations.get('glorot_uniform') self.init = initializers.get('glorot_uniform') self.W_regularizer = regularizers.get(W_regularizer) self.b_regularizer = regularizers.get(b_regularizer) self.W_constraint = constraints.get(W_constraint) self.b_constraint = constraints.get(b_constraint) self.bias = bias self.step_dim = step_dim self.features_dim = 0 super(Attention, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def __init__(self, step_dim, W_regularizer=None, b_regularizer=None, W_constraint=None, b_constraint=None, bias=True, **kwargs): """ Keras Layer that implements an Attention mechanism for temporal data. Supports Masking. Follows the work of Raffel et al. [https://arxiv.org/abs/1512.08756] # Input shape 3D tensor with shape: `(samples, steps, features)`. # Output shape 2D tensor with shape: `(samples, features)`. :param kwargs: Just put it on top of an RNN Layer (GRU/LSTM/SimpleRNN) with return_sequences=True. The dimensions are inferred based on the output shape of the RNN. Example: model.add(LSTM(64, return_sequences=True)) model.add(Attention()) """ self.supports_masking = True #self.init = initializations.get('glorot_uniform') self.init = initializers.get('glorot_uniform') self.W_regularizer = regularizers.get(W_regularizer) self.b_regularizer = regularizers.get(b_regularizer) self.W_constraint = constraints.get(W_constraint) self.b_constraint = constraints.get(b_constraint) self.bias = bias self.step_dim = step_dim self.features_dim = 0 super(Attention, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def reset_states(self): assert self.stateful, 'Layer must be stateful.' input_shape = self.input_spec[0].shape if not input_shape[0]: raise ValueError('If a RNN is stateful, a complete ' + 'input_shape must be provided (including batch size).') if hasattr(self, 'states'): K.set_value(self.states[0], np.zeros((input_shape[0], self.output_dim))) else: self.states = [K.zeros((input_shape[0], self.output_dim))]
def model(sequence_length=None): graph = Graph() graph.add_input(name='input', input_shape=(sequence_length, embedding_dim)) for fsz in filter_sizes: conv = Convolution1D(nb_filter=num_filters, filter_length=fsz, border_mode='valid', activation='relu', subsample_length=1, input_dim=embedding_dim, input_length=sequence_length) pool = MaxPooling1D(pool_length=sequence_length - fsz + 1) graph.add_node(conv, name='conv-%s' % fsz, input='input') graph.add_node(pool, name='maxpool-%s' % fsz, input='conv-%s' % fsz) graph.add_node( Flatten(), name='flatten-%s' % fsz, input='maxpool-%s' % fsz) if len(filter_sizes) > 1: graph.add_output(name='output', inputs=['flatten-%s' % fsz for fsz in filter_sizes], merge_mode='concat') else: graph.add_output(name='output', input='flatten-%s' % filter_sizes[0]) # main sequential model model = Sequential() model.add( Embedding( vocab_size, embedding_dim, input_length=sequence_length, weights=[embedding_weights])) model.add( Dropout( dropout_prob[0], input_shape=( sequence_length, embedding_dim))) model.add(graph) model.add(Dense(hidden_dims)) model.add(Dropout(dropout_prob[1])) model.add(Activation('relu')) return model # Input Layer with all the query, similar and non similar documents.
def spatial_transformer_layer(theta, conv_input, downsample_factor=1.0): """Spatial Transformer Layer This file is highly based on [1]_, written by skaae. Implements a spatial transformer layer as described in [2]_. Parameters ---------- incomings : a list of [:class:`Layer` instance or a tuple] The layers feeding into this layer. The list must have two entries with the first network being a convolutional net and the second layer being the transformation matrices. The first network should have output shape [num_batch, num_channels, height, width]. The output of the second network should be [num_batch, 6]. downsample_fator : float A value of 1 will keep the orignal size of the image. Values larger than 1 will down sample the image. Values below 1 will upsample the image. example image: height= 100, width = 200 downsample_factor = 2 output image will then be 50, 100 References ---------- .. [1] https://github.com/skaae/transformer_network/blob/master/transformerlayer.py .. [2] Spatial Transformer Networks Max Jaderberg, Karen Simonyan, Andrew Zisserman, Koray Kavukcuoglu Submitted on 5 Jun 2015 .. [3] https://github.com/taoyizhi68/keras-Spatial-Transformer-Layer/blob/master/SpatialTransformer.py """ output = _transform(theta, conv_input, downsample_factor) return output ########################## # TRANSFORMER LAYERS # ##########################