def create_app_default_config(self, config): app_list = get_plugins_list() for app in app_list: APP_NAME = app APP_DIR = app_list[app][0] setting_path = os.path.join(APP_DIR, "settings.json") if os.path.exists(setting_path): with open(setting_path, "r") as settings_json: raw_data = settings_json.read() # Regulate the config into the format that kivy can accept tmp = eval(raw_data) default_val = {} for index in range(len(tmp)): if tmp[index]['type'] == 'title': pass elif 'default' in tmp[index]: default_val[tmp[index]['key'] ] = tmp[index]['default'] # Update the default value and setting menu config.setdefaults(APP_NAME, default_val)
def build(self): global app app = self # background sound # start the background music # self.music = SoundLoader.load('sound/8bitattempt.ogg') # self.music.bind(on_stop=self.sound_replay) # self.music.play() # sound self.sound['swing'] = SoundLoader.load('sound/battle/swing.ogg') self.sound['coin'] = SoundLoader.load('sound/inventory/chainmail1.ogg') self.title = 'One RPG' self.game = TurnBattle() self.game.init() # self.game.load_enermy() # Clock.schedule_interval(self.game.update, 1.0 / 60.0) return self.game
def on_enter(self): # when we add children to the grid layout, its size doesn't change at # all. we need to ensure that the height will be the minimum required # to contain all the childs. (otherwise, we'll child outside the # bounding box of the childs) self.ids.audioSidebar.bind(minimum_height=self.ids.audioSidebar.setter('height')) progress_bar = ProgressBar( value=0, size_hint= (0.5, None)) label = Label(text = 'Waiting', size_hint= (0.32, None)) label2 = Label(text='N/A%', size_hint= (0.18, None)) self.ids.audioSidebar.add_widget(label2) self.ids.audioSidebar.add_widget(progress_bar) self.ids.audioSidebar.add_widget(label) self.app.chat_client = HQCWSClient(self.app.config) self.app.chat_client.app = self.app self.app.chat_client.config = self.app.config # self.app.chat_client.send_sync(constants.SYN) # create a scroll view, with a size < size of the grid # root = ScrollView(size_hint=(None, None), size=(310, 460), # pos_hint={'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5}, do_scroll_x=False) # root.add_widget(audioClipLayout) # self.ids.audioSidebar.add_widget(root)
def request_file(self, obj): """ Called upon when the user requests a file by clicking "Request" on a recording. :param obj: ToggleButton object :return: None """ role = self.app.config.get('ChatSettings', 'role') if role == 'ARTIST': # Get filename of the high quality clip associated with this play button filename = self.app.get_own_state()['audio_files'][obj.clip_no] _, tail = os.path.split(filename) # Get base name # root, _ = os.path.splitext(tail) # Get filename of the session high quality audio stream hq_audio = self.app.config.get_file_name(self.app.session_name, tail) print "Requesting {}".format(tail) # Send a sync message to request a file. self.app.chat_client.send_sync(constants.SYNC_REQUEST_FILE, filename=tail) elif role == 'PRODUCER': self.app.chat_client.send_sync(constants.SYNC_REQUEST_FILE, filename=obj.filename)
def on_enter(self): if self.app.config.get('ChatSettings', 'role') == "PRODUCER": files = self.app.get_own_state()['requested_files'] for file in files: label = Label(text=file, size_hint=(1 / len(files), None)) self.ids.filelayout.add_widget(label) elif self.app.config.get('ChatSettings', 'role') == "ARTIST": files = self.app.get_own_state()['requested_files'] if files: header_label = Label(text="Files being sent", size_hint=(1 / len(files), None), color=[0, 0, 0, 1]) self.ids.filelayout.add_widget(header_label) for file in files: full_path = self.app.config.get_file_name(self.app.session_name, file) self.app.chat_client.send_file(full_path) label = Label(text=file, size_hint=(1 / len(files), None), color=[0, 0, 0, 1]) self.ids.filelayout.add_widget(label) else: pass
def do_login(self, loginText, passwordText): a = SnapDB() val = a.checkLogin(nickname=loginText, password=passwordText) userID = val[1] if val[1] != None: a = SnapDB() a.getUserData(userID) popup = Popup(title='Hola', content=Label(text='Hi '+localFiles.getLocalUserInfo()[2].split(" ")[0]+', happy snapchatting!'), size_hint=(None, None), size=(350, 200)) popup.open() self.manager.transition = SlideTransition(direction="left") self.manager.current = 'connected' else: popup = Popup(title='Error', content=Label(text='The password or username are incorrect. Try again.'), size_hint=(None, None), size=(350, 200)) popup.open() app = App.get_running_app() app.config.read(app.get_application_config()) app.config.write()
def switch_screen(self, style = 'slide', screen_to_switch = None, clear = False, prompt = None, *args): ''' switch screen with given transition if screen is not defined it will switch to the last remembered screen (screen variable: last_screen) if clear is true it will overwrite screen variable: last_screen ''' # #from kivy.uix.screenmanager import ScreenManager, FadeTransition#, SlideTransition, SwapTransition, WipeTransition, FallOutTransition, RiseInTransition # #from kivy.garden.moretransitions import BlurTransition#,PixelTransition,RippleTransition,RVBTransition # #app = App.get_running_app() # #self.last_screen = app.root.current # #SlideTransition, SwapTransition, WipeTransition, FallOutTransition, RiseInTransition, FadeTransition # #PixelTransition,RippleTransition,BlurTransition,RVBTransition # transitions = { #'rise' : RiseInTransition(), # #'fall' : FallOutTransition(), # 'slide' : SlideTransition(), # #'blur' : BlurTransition(), # #'fade' : FadeTransition() } # #transition = SlideTransition(direction="left") # self.transition = transitions[style] # setting transition style self.transition.direction = 'down' self.transition.duration = self.duration cached_screen = self.current # caching current screen to write it later as last_screen if screen_to_switch: ''' if there is target screen defined then switch to it ''' self.current = screen_to_switch if prompt: self.get_screen(self.current).set_prompt(prompt) else: ''' else switch to last+screen ''' self.current = self.get_screen(self.current).last_screen if self.get_screen(self.current).last_screen is None: ''' if current (newly switched) screen has no last_screen defined, then define it now from cached_screen ''' self.get_screen(self.current).last_screen = cached_screen elif clear == True: ''' if clear is forced, then overwrite current last_screen with cached screen anyway ''' self.get_screen(self.current).last_screen = cached_screen
def on_start(self): '''Configures app when it starts.''' self.use_kivy_settings = False from kivy.base import EventLoop, runTouchApp EventLoop.window.bind(on_keyboard=self.hook_keyboard)
def connectionMade(self): # spojení navázáno self.factory.app.on_connection(self.transport)
def dataReceived(self, data): # p?íjem dat self.factory.app.print_message(data)
def __init__(self, app): # inicializace self.app = app
def clientConnectionLost(self, conn, reason): # spojení ztraceno if self.app.disconnect == False: if self.app.version == '1.13': self.app.version = '1.14' elif self.app.version == '1.14': self.app.version = '1.13' self.app.connect_to_server() else: self.app.sm.current = "ConnectScreen" Toast(text=self.app.L.STR_CONNECTION_FAILED, timeout=3).open() print reason
def clientConnectionFailed(self, conn, reason): # spojení selhalo self.app.sm.current = "ConnectScreen" Toast(text=self.app.L.STR_CONNECTION_FAILED, timeout=3).open() print reason # Hlavní t?ída programu
def exit_open_popup(self, instance): idx = self.app.available_screens.index('HomeScreen') self.app.go_screen(idx) return False
def onGoBack(self, app): idx = app.available_screens.index('HomeScreen') app.go_screen(idx) # app.root.ids.sm.switch_to(app.home_screen) # Filter # Pick certain Type IDs to view # To reset everything, press the Reset button
def get_plugins_list(): ''' Load plugin lists, including both built-in and 3rd-party plugins ''' ret = {} # app_name->(path,with_UI) APP_DIR = os.path.join( str(current_activity.getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath()), "app/plugins") l = os.listdir(APP_DIR) for f in l: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(APP_DIR, f, "main.mi2app")): # ret.append(f) ret[f] = (os.path.join(APP_DIR, f), False) # Yuanjie: support alternative path for users to customize their own plugin APP_DIR = main_utils.get_mobileinsight_plugin_path() if os.path.exists(APP_DIR): l = os.listdir(APP_DIR) for f in l: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(APP_DIR, f, "main_ui.mi2app")): if f in ret: tmp_name = f + " (plugin)" else: tmp_name = f ret[tmp_name] = (os.path.join(APP_DIR, f), True) elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(APP_DIR, f, "main.mi2app")): if f in ret: tmp_name = f + " (plugin)" else: tmp_name = f ret[tmp_name] = (os.path.join(APP_DIR, f), False) else: # create directory for user-customized apps create_folder() return ret
def build(self): # Kivy is stubborn and overrides self.config with a built-in ConfigParser self.config = hqc_config.get_instance(file="conn.conf") # Give the web socket a reference to the app gui = Builder.load_file("HQC.kv") self.root = gui # Link application to Screen Manager self.root.app = self return gui
def join_listener(self): self.app.update_role(constants.LISTENER) self.parent.current = 'artistsessionjoining'
def join_artist(self): self.app.update_role(constants.ARTIST) self.parent.current = 'artistsessionjoining'
def add_file(self, file): # Called when artist receives a sync request file if file not in self.requested_files and self.app.chat_client: print "Adding file" + file self.app.chat_client.send_sync(constants.SYNC_REQUEST_FILE, file) else: print "Chat client not connected" print self.requested_files
def play_clip(self, obj): """ Plays the selected file. :param obj: ToggleButton object :return: """ role = self.app.config.get('ChatSettings', 'role') if role == 'ARTIST': # TODO: This plays LQ files, not HQ files. Call get_audio_from_filename and also give it a length # Get filename of the high quality clip associated with this play button filename = self.app.get_own_state()['audio_files'][obj.clip_no] _, tail = os.path.split(filename) # Get base name # root, _ = os.path.splitext(tail) # Get filename of the session high quality audio stream hq_audio = self.app.config.get_file_name(self.app.session_name, tail) # Play audio for 5 seconds print "playing " + str(hq_audio) audio.playback(hq_audio, 0) else: filename = obj.filename time = obj.length lq_audio = audio.get_audio_from_filename(filename,time,self.app.phone.recording_locations) print "Playing back {}".format(lq_audio) if lq_audio is not None: audio.playback(lq_audio['filename'], lq_audio['start_time'], lq_audio['end_time']) else: print "Error getting playback"
def record_progress(self): while self.app.get_own_state()['recording']: time.sleep(0.05) self.ids.progress_bar.value = (self.ids.progress_bar.value + 1) % 31 # datetime.now().second % 6.0
def toggle_mute(self): # Toggles the linphone mic self.app.phone.toggle_mic() # Update the mic image if self.app.phone.core.mic_enabled: self.app.chat_client.send_sync(constants.SYNC_MIC_ON) self.ids.mute_button.source = SessionScreen.un_muted_mic_image else: self.app.chat_client.send_sync(constants.SYNC_MIC_OFF) self.ids.mute_button.source = SessionScreen.muted_mic_image
def on_leave(self, *args): """ Makes sure the SessionScreen is left properly :param args: :return: """ # If leaving the SessionScreen, make sure to stop recording if self.app.get_own_state()['recording']: self.record_button()
def on_enter(self): self.app.update_role(constants.PRODUCER) # TODO: Have GUI fill in pre-entered values # Currently a blank field means use existing values, even if none exists
def get_conn(self, producer_connection): def is_valid(value): if value != '' and len(value) != 0: return True else: return False connection_details = self.app.config.get_section('ConnectionDetails') self.parent.current = 'producer_session' file_name = self.app.config.get_file_name(self.app.session_name, datetime.now().strftime(constants.DATETIME_LQ)) self.app.phone.make_call(connection_details['call_no'], connection_details['server'], file_name) self.app.lq_audio = self.app.phone.recording_start print "passing lq_audio to gui: " + self.app.lq_audio
def leave_session(self): self.app.chat_client.finish() self.app.phone.hangup() App.get_running_app().stop()
def generate_string(self, servername, username, password, callno): connection_string = self.app.config.make_conn_string(username, password, servername, callno) box = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical') connection_text = TextInput(text=connection_string, size_hint=(1,.75)) dismissbtn = Button(text="Dismiss Pop-up", size_hint=(1,.25)) box.add_widget(connection_text) box.add_widget(dismissbtn) popup = Popup(title = 'Connection String', content=box, auto_dismiss=False, size=(400,400), size_hint=(None,None)) dismissbtn.bind(on_press=popup.dismiss) popup.open()
def kill_clock(obj): #use on_release: app.kill_clock() to call global clock clock = 0
def add_clock(obj): #use on_release: app.add_clock() to call global clock clock = 1
def add_infosizeclock(obj): #use on_release: app.add_infosizeclock() to call global clock clock = 2
def add_wormsizeclock(obj): #use on_release: app.add_wormsizeclock() to call global clock clock = 3
def add_menuclock(obj): #use on_release: app.add_menuclock() to call global clock clock = 4
def add_analog(obj): #use on_release: app.add_analog() to call global analog analog = 1
def add_classicanalog(obj): #use on_release: app.add_classicanalog() to call global analog analog = 2
def add_sportanalog(obj): #use on_release: app.add_sportanalog() to call global analog analog = 3
def add_executiveanalog(obj): #use on_release: app.add_executiveanalog() to call global analog analog = 4
def add_daygaugeanalog(obj): #use on_release: app.add_daygaugeanalog() to call global analog analog = 5
def add_wormanalog(obj): #use on_release: app.add_wormanalog() to call global analog analog = 6
def add_launchanalog(obj): #use on_release: app.add_launchanalog() to call - used to create the lights on the xmas tree drag lights global analog global time_second_mod global launch_start_time analog = 7 launch_start_time = int(float(time_second_mod)) #sets a reference time for launch control timing #OBD themes
def kill_message(obj): #use on_release: app.kill_message() to call global message message = 0
def add_message_temp(obj): #use on_release: app.add_message_temp() to call global message message = 1
def add_message_stopwatch(obj): #use on_release: app.add_message_stopwatch() to call global message message = 2
def add_message_hotkeystrings(obj): #use on_release: app.add_message_hotkeystrings() to call global message message = 4
def add_message_radarstatus(obj): #use on_release: app.add_message_radarstatus() to call global message message = 5 #stopwatch button functions
def stopwatch_start(obj): #use on_release: app.stopwatch_start() to call global swactive swactive = 1
def stopwatch_stop(obj): #use on_release: app.stopwatch_start() to call global swactive swactive = 0
def stopwatch_reset(obj): #use on_release: app.stopwatch_start() to call global swactive global swminute global swsecond global swtenth swactive = 0 swminute = 0 swsecond = 0 swtenth = 0 #hot key 1 settings functions
def do_registrar(self, userName, userNickName, userPassword): a = SnapDB() if userName == "" or userNickName == "" or userPassword == "": popup = Popup(title='Missing fields', content=Label(text='You\'re missing some fields, try again.'), size_hint=(None, None), size=(350, 200)) popup.open() else: a.addUser(name=userName, nickName=userNickName, password=userPassword) app = App.get_running_app() self.manager.transition = SlideTransition(direction="left") self.manager.current = 'login'
def do_inicio(self): app = App.get_running_app() self.manager.transition = SlideTransition(direction="left") self.manager.current = 'login'