Python librosa 模块,istft() 实例源码


项目:magenta    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def griffin_lim(mag, phase_angle, n_fft, hop, num_iters):
  """Iterative algorithm for phase retrival from a magnitude spectrogram.

    mag: Magnitude spectrogram.
    phase_angle: Initial condition for phase.
    n_fft: Size of the FFT.
    hop: Stride of FFT. Defaults to n_fft/2.
    num_iters: Griffin-Lim iterations to perform.

    audio: 1-D array of float32 sound samples.
  fft_config = dict(n_fft=n_fft, win_length=n_fft, hop_length=hop, center=True)
  ifft_config = dict(win_length=n_fft, hop_length=hop, center=True)
  complex_specgram = inv_magphase(mag, phase_angle)
  for i in range(num_iters):
    audio = librosa.istft(complex_specgram, **ifft_config)
    if i != num_iters - 1:
      complex_specgram = librosa.stft(audio, **fft_config)
      _, phase = librosa.magphase(complex_specgram)
      phase_angle = np.angle(phase)
      complex_specgram = inv_magphase(mag, phase_angle)
  return audio
项目:odin    作者:imito    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_stft_istft(self):
            import librosa
            ds = F.load_digit_wav()
            name = ds.keys()[0]
            path = ds[name]

            y, _ =, pcm=True)
            hop_length = int(0.01 * 8000)
            stft = signal.stft(y, n_fft=256, hop_length=hop_length, window='hann')
            stft_ = librosa.stft(y, n_fft=256, hop_length=hop_length, window='hann')
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(stft, stft_.T))

            y1 = signal.istft(stft, hop_length=hop_length, window='hann')
            y2 = librosa.istft(stft_, hop_length=hop_length, window='hann')
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(y1, y2))
        except ImportError:
            print("test_stft_istft require librosa.")
项目:apicultor    作者:sonidosmutantes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def NMF(stft, n_sources):
    Sound source separation using NMF
    :param stft: the short-time Fourier Transform of the signal
    :param n_sources: the number of sources                                                                         
      - Ys: sources
    print "Computing approximations"
    W, H = librosa.decompose.decompose(np.abs(stft), n_components=n_sources, sort=True)
    print "Reconstructing signals"
    Ys = list(scipy.outer(W[:,i], H[i])*np.exp(1j*np.angle(stft)) for i in xrange(n_sources))
    print "Saving sound arrays"
    ys = [librosa.istft(Y) for Y in Ys]
    del Ys
    return ys
项目:urnn    作者:stwisdom    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def istft_mc(X,hop,dtype=np.float32,nsampl=None,flag_noDiv=0,window=None):
    #assumes X is of shape F x nfram x nch, where F=Nwin/2+1
    #returns xr of shape nch x nsampl
    for ich in range(0,nch):
        if flag_noDiv:
        if ich==0:
    #trim off extra zeros
    if not nsampl is None:
    return xr, N
项目:Tacotron    作者:barronalex    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def griffinlim(spectrogram, n_iter=50, window='hann', n_fft=2048, win_length=2048, hop_length=-1, verbose=False):
    if hop_length == -1:
        hop_length = n_fft // 4

    angles = np.exp(2j * np.pi * np.random.rand(*spectrogram.shape))

    t = tqdm(range(n_iter), ncols=100, mininterval=2.0, disable=not verbose)
    for i in t:
        full = np.abs(spectrogram).astype(np.complex) * angles
        inverse = librosa.istft(full, hop_length = hop_length, win_length = win_length, window = window)
        rebuilt = librosa.stft(inverse, n_fft = n_fft, hop_length = hop_length, win_length = win_length, window = window)
        angles = np.exp(1j * np.angle(rebuilt))

        if verbose:
            diff = np.abs(spectrogram) - np.abs(rebuilt)
            t.set_postfix(loss=np.linalg.norm(diff, 'fro'))

    full = np.abs(spectrogram).astype(np.complex) * angles
    inverse = librosa.istft(full, hop_length = hop_length, win_length = win_length, window = window)

    return inverse
项目:speechless    作者:JuliusKunze    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reconstructed_audio_from_spectrogram(self) -> ndarray:
        return librosa.istft(self._complex_spectrogram(), win_length=self.fourier_window_length,
项目:Tacotron_pytorch    作者:root20    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _griffin_lim(S, n_fft, win_length, hop_length, num_iters):
    angles = np.exp(2j * np.pi * np.random.rand(*S.shape))
    S_complex = np.abs(S).astype(np.complex)
    for i in range(num_iters):
        if i > 0:
            angles = np.exp(1j * np.angle(librosa.stft(y=y, n_fft=n_fft, hop_length=hop_length, win_length=win_length)))
        y = librosa.istft(S_complex * angles, hop_length=hop_length, win_length=win_length)
    return y
项目:source_separation_ml_jeju    作者:hjkwon0609    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_audio_from_spectrogram(spec):
    spec_transposed = tf.transpose(spec).eval()
    return librosa.istft(spec_transposed, Config.hop_length)
项目:tacotron    作者:jinfagang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def invert_spectrogram(spectrogram):
    spectrogram: [f, t]
    return librosa.istft(spectrogram, hp.hop_length, win_length=hp.win_length, window="hann")
项目:DDAE    作者:jerrygood0703    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def recons_spec_phase(Sxx_r, phase):
    Sxx_r = np.sqrt(10**Sxx_r)
    R = np.multiply(Sxx_r , phase)
    result = librosa.istft(R,
    return result
项目:Mendelssohn    作者:diggerdu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def expand(self, audio):
        ori_len = audio.shape[0]
        tmp = resample(audio, r=0.5, type='sinc_best')
        down_len = tmp.shape[0]
        tmp = resample(tmp, r=(ori_len+1) / float(down_len), type='sinc_best')
        tmp = librosa.stft(audio, 1024)
        phase = np.divide(tmp, np.abs(tmp))
        spec_input = np.abs(librosa.stft(audio, 1024))[0:n_input, ::]
        spec_input = spec_input[::, 0:spec_input.shape[1]//n_len*n_len]
        spec_input = np.split(spec_input,
                              spec_input.shape[1]//n_len, axis=1)
        spec_input = np.asarray(spec_input)
        spec_input = np.expand_dims(spec_input, axis=-1)
        feed_dict = {self.input_op: np.log1p(spec_input) / 12.0}
        debug =, feed_dict=feed_dict)'debug.npy', debug)
        S =, feed_dict=feed_dict)
        S[S >= 5e3] = 5e3
        S[S <= 0] = 0
        print ('mean', np.mean(S))
        print (np.sum(np.isinf(S)))
        S = np.squeeze(np.concatenate(np.split(S, S.shape[0]), axis=2),
                       axis=(0, -1))
        phase = phase[..., :S.shape[1]]
        print (phase.shape)
        print (S.shape)
        print (np.sum(np.isinf(np.multiply(S, phase))))

        X = librosa.istft(np.multiply(S, phase))
        return X
项目:sourceseparation_misc    作者:ycemsubakan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mag2spec_and_audio_wiener(xhat, recons, MS, MSphase, arguments):

    #xhat = xhat.cpu().numpy()
    #recons = recons.cpu().numpy()
    try:   # pytorch case
        MS = MS.cpu().numpy()
        MSphase = MSphase.cpu().numpy()
        Nmix = MSphase.shape[0]

        maghats = np.split(xhat, Nmix, axis=0) 
        reconss = np.split(recons, Nmix, axis=0) 
        mixmags = np.split(MS, Nmix, axis=0) 
        phases = np.split(MSphase, Nmix, axis=0)

        maghats = [xhat]
        reconss = [recons]
        mixmags = [MS]
        phases = [MSphase]

    all_audio = []
    eps = 1e-20
    for maghat, recons, mixmag, phase in zip(maghats, reconss, mixmags, phases):
        mask = (maghat / (recons + eps))

    return all_audio, maghats
项目:sourceseparation_misc    作者:ycemsubakan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mag2spec_and_audio(xhat, MSphase, arguments):

    MSphase = MSphase.cpu().numpy()
    Nmix = MSphase.shape[0]
    mags = np.split(xhat, Nmix, axis=0) 
    phases = np.split(MSphase, Nmix, axis=0)

    all_audio = []
    for mag, phase in zip(mags, phases):

    return all_audio, mags
项目:tacotron    作者:Kyubyong    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def invert_spectrogram(spectrogram):
    spectrogram: [f, t]
    return librosa.istft(spectrogram, hp.hop_length, win_length=hp.win_length, window="hann")
项目:apicultor    作者:sonidosmutantes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def relaxed_music_remix(self, neg_arous_dir, files, decisions):
                neg_arousal_h = self.sad_music_remix(neg_arous_dir, files, decisions, harmonic = True)
                relaxed_harmonic = librosa.istft(neg_arousal_h)
                onsets = hfc_onsets(np.float32(relaxed_harmonic))
                interv = seconds_to_indices(onsets)
                steps = overlapped_intervals(interv)
                output = librosa.effects.remix(relaxed_harmonic, steps[::-1], align_zeros = True)
                output = librosa.effects.pitch_shift(output, sr = 44100, n_steps = 4)
                remix_filename = 'data/emotions/remixes/relaxed/'+str(time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S"))+'multitag_remix.ogg'
                MonoWriter(filename=remix_filename, format = 'ogg', sampleRate = 44100)(output)
      ["ffplay", "-nodisp", "-autoexit", remix_filename])
项目:apicultor    作者:sonidosmutantes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def angry_music_remix(self, pos_arous_dir, files, decisions):
                pos_arousal_h = self.happy_music_remix(pos_arous_dir, files, decisions, harmonic = True)
                angry_harmonic = librosa.istft(pos_arousal_h)
                interv = RhythmExtractor2013()(angry_harmonic)[1] * 44100
                steps = overlapped_intervals(interv)
                output = librosa.effects.remix(angry_harmonic, steps, align_zeros = True)
                output = librosa.effects.pitch_shift(output, sr = 44100, n_steps = 3)
                remix_filename = 'data/emotions/remixes/angry/'+str(time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S"))+'multitag_remix.ogg'
                MonoWriter(filename=remix_filename, format = 'ogg', sampleRate = 44100)(np.float32(output))
      ["ffplay", "-nodisp", "-autoexit", remix_filename])
项目:tacotron    作者:keithito    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _griffin_lim_tensorflow(S):
  '''TensorFlow implementation of Griffin-Lim
  Based on
  with tf.variable_scope('griffinlim'):
    # TensorFlow's stft and istft operate on a batch of spectrograms; create batch of size 1
    S = tf.expand_dims(S, 0)
    S_complex = tf.identity(tf.cast(S, dtype=tf.complex64))
    y = _istft_tensorflow(S_complex)
    for i in range(hparams.griffin_lim_iters):
      est = _stft_tensorflow(y)
      angles = est / tf.cast(tf.maximum(1e-8, tf.abs(est)), tf.complex64)
      y = _istft_tensorflow(S_complex * angles)
    return tf.squeeze(y, 0)
项目:tacotron    作者:keithito    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _istft(y):
  _, hop_length, win_length = _stft_parameters()
  return librosa.istft(y, hop_length=hop_length, win_length=win_length)
项目:magenta    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ispecgram(spec,
  """Inverse Spectrogram using librosa.

    spec: 3-D specgram array [freqs, time, (mag_db, dphase)].
    n_fft: Size of the FFT.
    hop_length: Stride of FFT. Defaults to n_fft/2.
    mask: Reverse the mask of the phase derivative by the magnitude.
    log_mag: Use the logamplitude.
    re_im: Output Real and Imag. instead of logMag and dPhase.
    dphase: Use derivative of phase instead of phase.
    mag_only: Specgram contains no phase.
    num_iters: Number of griffin-lim iterations for mag_only.

    audio: 1-D array of sound samples. Peak normalized to 1.
  if not hop_length:
    hop_length = n_fft // 2

  ifft_config = dict(win_length=n_fft, hop_length=hop_length, center=True)

  if mag_only:
    mag = spec[:, :, 0]
    phase_angle = np.pi * np.random.rand(*mag.shape)
  elif re_im:
    spec_real = spec[:, :, 0] + 1.j * spec[:, :, 1]
    mag, p = spec[:, :, 0], spec[:, :, 1]
    if mask and log_mag:
      p /= (mag + 1e-13 * np.random.randn(*mag.shape))
    if dphase:
      # Roll up phase
      phase_angle = np.cumsum(p * np.pi, axis=1)
      phase_angle = p * np.pi

  # Magnitudes
  if log_mag:
    mag = (mag - 1.0) * 120.0
    mag = 10**(mag / 20.0)
  phase = np.cos(phase_angle) + 1.j * np.sin(phase_angle)
  spec_real = mag * phase

  if mag_only:
    audio = griffin_lim(
        mag, phase_angle, n_fft, hop_length, num_iters=num_iters)
    audio = librosa.core.istft(spec_real, **ifft_config)
  return np.squeeze(audio / audio.max())
项目:apicultor    作者:sonidosmutantes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bpm_cluster_files(files_dir, descriptor, euclidean_labels, files):
    locate bpm according to clusters in clusters directories                                

    :param files_dir: directory where sounds are located                                    
    :param descriptor: descriptor used for similarity                                       
    :param euclidean_labels: groups of clusters                                             
    :param files: the .json files (use get_files)                                           
    groups = [[] for i in xrange(len(np.unique(euclidean_labels)))]
    for i, x in enumerate(euclidean_labels):
        groups[x].append([files[0][i], x])

    for c in xrange(len(groups)):
        if not os.path.exists(files_dir+'/tempo/'+str(c)):
        for t in groups[c]:
            for s in list(os.walk(files_dir+'/tempo', topdown=False))[-1][-1]:
                 if str(t[0]).split('.json')[0] == s.split('tempo.ogg')[0]:
                     shutil.copy(files_dir+'/tempo/'+s, files_dir+'/tempo/'+str(c)+'/'+s)     
                     print str().join((str(t))) 
            simil_audio = [MonoLoader(filename=files_dir+'/tempo/'+str(c)+f)() for f in list(os.walk(files_dir+'/tempo/'+str(c), topdown = False))[-1][-1]]
            audio0 = scratch_music(choice(simil_audio))
            audio1 = scratch_music(choice(simil_audio)) 
            del simil_audio                               
            audio_N = min([len(i) for i in [audio0, audio1]])  
            audio_samples = [i[:audio_N]/i.max() for i in [audio0, audio1]]                                               
            simil_x = np.array(audio_samples).sum(axis=0) 
            del audio_samples
            simil_x = 0.5*simil_x/simil_x.max()      
            h, p = librosa.decompose.hpss(librosa.core.stft(simil_x))
            del simil_x, h
            p = librosa.istft(p)                                                
            MonoWriter(filename=files_dir+'/tempo/'+str(c)+'/remix/'+'similarity_mix_bpm.ogg', format = 'ogg', sampleRate = 44100)(p)  
            del p
        except Exception, e:
            print logger.exception(e)

# save mfcc clusters files in mfcc clusters directory
项目:apicultor    作者:sonidosmutantes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mfcc_cluster_files(files_dir, descriptor, euclidean_labels, files):
    locate mfcc files according to clusters in clusters directories

    :param files_dir: directory where sounds are located
    :param descriptor: descriptor used for similarity
    :param euclidean_labels: groups of clusters 
    :param files: the .json files (use get_files)
    groups = [[] for i in xrange(len(np.unique(euclidean_labels)))]
    for i, x in enumerate(euclidean_labels):
        groups[x].append([files[0][i], x])

    for c in xrange(len(groups)):
        if not os.path.exists(files_dir+'/mfcc/'+str(c)):
        for t in groups[c]:       
            for s in list(os.walk(files_dir+'/mfcc', topdown=False))[-1][-1]:
                 if str(t[0]).split('.')[0] == s.split('mfcc.ogg')[0]:
                     shutil.copy(files_dir+'/mfcc/'+s, files_dir+'/mfcc/'+str(c)+'/'+s)     
                     print t

            simil_audio = [MonoLoader(filename=files_dir+'/mfcc/'+str(c)+f)() for f in list(os.walk(files_dir+'/mfcc/'+str(c), topdown = False))[-1][-1]]
            audio0 = scratch_music(choice(simil_audio))
            audio1 = scratch_music(choice(simil_audio)) 
            del simil_audio                   
            audio_N = min([len(i) for i in [audio0, audio1]])  
            audio_samples = [i[:audio_N]/i.max() for i in [audio0, audio1]]                                                
            simil_x = np.array(audio_samples).sum(axis=0) 
            del audio_samples
            simil_x = 0.5*simil_x/simil_x.max()      
            h, p = librosa.decompose.hpss(librosa.core.stft(simil_x))
            del simil_x, p
            h = librosa.istft(h)                                                
            MonoWriter(filename=files_dir+'/mfcc/'+str(c)+'/remix/'+'similarity_mix_mfcc.ogg', format = 'ogg', sampleRate = 44100)(h)  
            del h
        except Exception, e:
            print e

# save contrast cluster files in contrast cluster directory
项目:apicultor    作者:sonidosmutantes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def contrast_cluster_files(files_dir, descriptor, euclidean_labels, files):
    locate contrast files according to clusters in clusters directories

    :param files_dir: directory where sounds are located
    :param descriptor: descriptor used for similarity
    :param euclidean_labels: groups of clusters 
    :param files: the .json files (use get_files)
    groups = [[] for i in xrange(len(np.unique(euclidean_labels)))]
    for i, x in enumerate(euclidean_labels):
        groups[x].append([files[0][i], x])

    for c in xrange(len(groups)):
        if not os.path.exists(files_dir+'/valleys/'+str(c)):
        for t in groups[c]:       
            for s in list(os.walk(files_dir+'/valleys', topdown=False))[-1][-1]:
                 if str(t[0]).split('.')[0] == s.split('valleys.ogg')[0]:
                     shutil.copy(files_dir+'/valleys/'+s, files_dir+'/valleys/'+str(c)+'/'+s)     
                     print t 

            simil_audio = [MonoLoader(filename=files_dir+'/valleys/'+str(c)+f)() for f in list(os.walk(files_dir+'/valleys/'+str(c), topdown = False))[-1][-1]]
            audio0 = scratch_music(choice(simil_audio))
            audio1 = scratch_music(choice(simil_audio)) 
            del simil_audio                               
            audio_N = min([len(i) for i in [audio0, audio1]])  
            audio_samples = [i[:audio_N]/i.max() for i in [audio0, audio1]]                                                  
            simil_x = np.array(audio_samples).sum(axis=0) 
            del audio_samples
            simil_x = 0.5*simil_x/simil_x.max()      
            h, p = librosa.decompose.hpss(librosa.core.stft(simil_x))
            del simil_x, p
            h = librosa.istft(h)                                                
            MonoWriter(filename=files_dir+'/valleys/'+str(c)+'/remix/'+'similarity_mix_valleys.ogg', format = 'ogg', sampleRate = 44100)(h)  
            del h
        except Exception, e:
            print e

# save centroid cluster files in centroid cluster directory
项目:apicultor    作者:sonidosmutantes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def loudness_cluster_files(files_dir, descriptor, euclidean_labels, files):
    locate loudness files according to clusters in clusters directories
    :param files_dir: directory where sounds are located
    :param descriptor: descriptor used for similarity
    :param euclidean_labels: groups of clusters 
    :param files: the .json files (use get_files)
    groups = [[] for i in xrange(len(np.unique(euclidean_labels)))]
    for i, x in enumerate(euclidean_labels):
        groups[x].append([files[0][i], x])

    for c in xrange(len(groups)):
        if not os.path.exists(files_dir+'/loudness/'+str(c)):
        for t in groups[c]:       
            for s in list(os.walk(files_dir+'/loudness', topdown=False))[-1][-1]:
                 if str(t[0]).split('.')[0] == s.split('loudness.ogg')[0]:
                     shutil.copy(files_dir+'/loudness/'+s, files_dir+'/loudness/'+str(c)+'/'+s)     
                     print t 

            simil_audio = [MonoLoader(filename=files_dir+'/loudness/'+str(c)+f)() for f in list(os.walk(files_dir+'/loudness/'+str(c), topdown = False))[-1][-1]]
            audio0 = scratch_music(choice(simil_audio))
            audio1 = scratch_music(choice(simil_audio))
            del simil_audio                                
            audio_N = min([len(i) for i in [audio0, audio1]])  
            audio_samples = [i[:audio_N]/i.max() for i in [audio0, audio1]]                                                  
            simil_x = np.array(audio_samples).sum(axis=0) 
            del audio_samples
            simil_x = 0.5*simil_x/simil_x.max()      
            h, p = librosa.decompose.hpss(librosa.core.stft(simil_x))
            del simil_x, p
            h = librosa.istft(h)                                                
            MonoWriter(filename=files_dir+'/loudness/'+str(c)+'/remix/'+'similarity_mix_centroid.ogg', format = 'ogg', sampleRate = 44100)(h)  
            del h
        except Exception, e:
            print e

# save hfc cluster files in hfc cluster directory
项目:apicultor    作者:sonidosmutantes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def hfc_cluster_files(files_dir, descriptor, euclidean_labels, files):
    locate hfc files according to clusters in clusters directories

    :param files_dir: directory where sounds are located
    :param descriptor: descriptor used for similarity
    :param euclidean_labels: groups of clusters 
    :param files: the .json files (use get_files)
    groups = [[] for i in xrange(len(np.unique(euclidean_labels)))]
    for i, x in enumerate(euclidean_labels):
        groups[x].append([files[0][i], x])

    for c in xrange(len(groups)):
        if not os.path.exists(files_dir+'/hfc/'+str(c)):
        for t in groups[c]:       
            for s in list(os.walk(files_dir+'/hfc', topdown=False))[-1][-1]:
                 if str(t[0]).split('.')[0] == s.split('hfc.ogg')[0]:
                     shutil.copy(files_dir+'/hfc/'+s, files_dir+'/hfc/'+str(c)+'/'+s)     
                     print t 

            simil_audio = [MonoLoader(filename=files_dir+'/hfc/'+str(c)+f)() for f in list(os.walk(files_dir+'/hfc/'+str(c), topdown = False))[-1][-1]]
            audio0 = scratch_music(choice(simil_audio))
            audio1 = scratch_music(choice(simil_audio))
            del simil_audio                                
            audio_N = min([len(i) for i in [audio0, audio1]])  
            audio_samples = [i[:audio_N]/i.max() for i in [audio0, audio1]]                                                  
            simil_x = np.array(audio_samples).sum(axis=0) 
            del audio_samples
            simil_x = 0.5*simil_x/simil_x.max()      
            h, p = librosa.decompose.hpss(librosa.core.stft(simil_x))
            del simil_x, h
            p = librosa.istft(p)                                                
            MonoWriter(filename=files_dir+'/hfc/'+str(c)+'/remix/'+'similarity_mix_hfc.ogg', format = 'ogg', sampleRate = 44100)(p)  
            del p
        except Exception, e:
            print e

# save inharmonicity cluster files in inharmonicity cluster directory
项目:apicultor    作者:sonidosmutantes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inharmonicity_cluster_files(files_dir, descriptor, euclidean_labels, files):
    locate inharmonicity files according to clusters in clusters directories

    :param files_dir: directory where sounds are located
    :param descriptor: descriptor used for similarity
    :param euclidean_labels: groups of clusters 
    :param files: the .json files (use get_files)
    groups = [[] for i in xrange(len(np.unique(euclidean_labels)))]
    for i, x in enumerate(euclidean_labels):
        groups[x].append([files[0][i], x])

    for c in xrange(len(groups)):
        if not os.path.exists(files_dir+'/inharmonicity/'+str(c)):
        for t in groups[c]:       
            for s in list(os.walk(files_dir+'/inharmonicity', topdown=False))[-1][-1]:
                 if str(t[0]).split('.')[0] == s.split('inharmonicity.ogg')[0]:
                     shutil.copy(files_dir+'/inharmonicity/'+s, files_dir+'/inharmonicity/'+str(c)+'/'+s)     
                     print t 

            simil_audio = [MonoLoader(filename=files_dir+'/inharmonicity/'+str(c)+f)() for f in list(os.walk(files_dir+'/inharmonicity/'+str(c), topdown = False))[-1][-1]]
            audio0 = scratch_music(choice(simil_audio))
            audio1 = scratch_music(choice(simil_audio)) 
            del simil_audio                               
            audio_N = min([len(i) for i in [audio0, audio1]])  
            audio_samples = [i[:audio_N]/i.max() for i in [audio0, audio1]]                                         
            simil_x = np.array(audio_samples).sum(axis=0) 
            del audio_samples
            simil_x = 0.5*simil_x/simil_x.max()      
            h, p = librosa.decompose.hpss(librosa.core.stft(simil_x))
            del simil_x, p
            h = librosa.istft(h)                                                
            MonoWriter(filename=files_dir+'/inharmonicity/'+str(c)+'/remix/'+'similarity_mix_inharmonicity.ogg', format = 'ogg', sampleRate = 44100)(h)  
            del h
        except Exception, e:
            print e

# save dissonance cluster files in dissonance cluster directory
项目:apicultor    作者:sonidosmutantes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dissonance_cluster_files(files_dir, descriptor, euclidean_labels, files):
    locate dissonance files according to clusters in clusters directories

    :param files_dir: directory where sounds are located
    :param descriptor: descriptor used for similarity
    :param euclidean_labels: groups of clusters 
    :param files: the .json files (use get_files)
    groups = [[] for i in xrange(len(np.unique(euclidean_labels)))]
    for i, x in enumerate(euclidean_labels):
        groups[x].append([files[0][i], x])

    for c in xrange(len(groups)):
        if not os.path.exists(files_dir+'/dissonance/'+str(c)):
        for t in groups[c]:       
            for s in list(os.walk(files_dir+'/dissonance', topdown=False))[-1][-1]:
                 if str(t[0]).split('.')[0] == s.split('dissonance.ogg')[0]:
                     shutil.copy(files_dir+'/dissonance/'+s, files_dir+'/dissonance/'+str(c)+'/'+s)     
                     print t

            simil_audio = [MonoLoader(filename=files_dir+'/dissonance/'+str(c)+f)() for f in list(os.walk(files_dir+'/dissonance/'+str(c), topdown = False))[-1][-1]]
            audio0 = scratch_music(choice(simil_audio))
            audio1 = scratch_music(choice(simil_audio)) 
            del simil_audio                               
            audio_N = min([len(i) for i in [audio0, audio1]])  
            audio_samples = [i[:audio_N]/i.max() for i in [audio0, audio1]]                                                  
            simil_x = np.array(audio_samples).sum(axis=0) 
            del audio_samples            
            simil_x = 0.5*simil_x/simil_x.max()      
            h, p = librosa.decompose.hpss(librosa.core.stft(simil_x))
            del simil_x, p            
            h = librosa.istft(h)                                                
            MonoWriter(filename=files_dir+'/dissonance/'+str(c)+'/remix/'+'similarity_mix_dissonance.ogg', format = 'ogg', sampleRate = 44100)(h)  
            del h
        except Exception, e:
            print e

# save attack cluster files in attack cluster directory
项目:apicultor    作者:sonidosmutantes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def attack_cluster_files(files_dir, descriptor, euclidean_labels, files):
    locate attack files according to clusters in clusters directories

    :param files_dir: directory where sounds are located
    :param descriptor: descriptor used for similarity
    :param euclidean_labels: groups of clusters 
    :param files: the .json files (use get_files)
    groups = [[] for i in xrange(len(np.unique(euclidean_labels)))]
    for i, x in enumerate(euclidean_labels):
        groups[x].append([files[0][i], x])

    for c in xrange(len(groups)):
        if not os.path.exists(files_dir+'/attack/'+str(c)):
        for t in groups[c]:       
            for s in list(os.walk(files_dir+'/attack', topdown=False))[-1][-1]:
                 if str(t[0]).split('.')[0] == s.split('attack.ogg')[0]:
                     shutil.copy(files_dir+'/attack/'+s, files_dir+'/attack/'+str(c)+'/'+s)     
                     print t

            simil_audio = [MonoLoader(filename=files_dir+'/attack/'+str(c)+f)() for f in list(os.walk(files_dir+'/attack/'+str(c), topdown = False))[-1][-1]]
            audio0 = scratch_music(choice(simil_audio))
            audio1 = scratch_music(choice(simil_audio)) 
            del simil_audio                               
            audio_N = min([len(i) for i in [audio0, audio1]])  
            audio_samples = [i[:audio_N]/i.max() for i in [audio0, audio1]]                                                  
            simil_x = np.array(audio_samples).sum(axis=0) 
            del audio_samples      
            simil_x = 0.5*simil_x/simil_x.max()      
            h, p = librosa.decompose.hpss(librosa.core.stft(simil_x))
            del simil_x, h          
            p = librosa.istft(p)                                                
            MonoWriter(filename=files_dir+'/attack/'+str(c)+'/remix/'+'similarity_mix_attack.ogg', format = 'ogg', sampleRate = 44100)(p)  
            del p
        except Exception, e:
            print e

# save duration cluster files in dissonance cluster directory