def get_price(coin, curr=None): '''Get the data on coins''' curr = curr or CONFIG['api'].get('currency', 'USD') fmt = 'https://min-api.cryptocompare.com/data/pricemultifull?fsyms={}&tsyms={}' try: r = requests.get(fmt.format(coin, curr)) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: sys.exit('Could not complete request') try: data_raw = r.json()['RAW'] return [(data_raw[c][curr]['PRICE'], data_raw[c][curr]['HIGH24HOUR'], data_raw[c][curr]['LOW24HOUR']) for c in coin.split(',') if c in data_raw.keys()] except: sys.exit('Could not parse data')
def main(): # ???????????????????,???????????????.?????????? # ????????UK????????. print(loc.setlocale(loc.LC_ALL, "")) # print(loc.currency(350)) # ?????? print(time.strftime("%x %X", time.localtime())) # ?????????????????????????????. print("{:n}".format(3.14159)) print("{:n}".format(42)) # locale.strcoll()?????????????,?????????????????????. # ??????????"?"??,?????1,?????-1,????????,???0 print(loc.strcoll("Spanish", "Inquisition")) print(loc.strcoll("Inquisition", "Spanish")) print(loc.strcoll("Spanish", "Spanish")) # local???????,???????????????:atoi()?atof()?str()?format()?format_string()
def format_price(self, price, symbol=True): try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "en_GB") pricetext = None if symbol: pricetext = locale.currency((price/100.0)).replace("\xa3","£") else: pricetext = locale.currency((price/100.0)).replace("\xa3","") # Strip all non-ascii characters pricetext = "".join(i for i in pricetext if ord(i)<128) return pricetext except Exception: return "-"
def format_price(self, price, symbol=True): locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "en_GB") pricetext = None if symbol: pricetext = locale.currency((price/100.0)) else: pricetext = locale.currency((price/100.0)).replace("\xa3","") # Return the price formatted decoded = None try: decoded = pricetext.decode("utf-8") except Exception: decoded = pricetext.decode("latin-1") return decoded
def str_formatter(coin, val, held): '''Prepare the coin strings as per ini length/decimal place values''' max_length = CONFIG['theme'].getint('field_length', 13) dec_place = CONFIG['theme'].getint('dec_places', 2) avg_length = CONFIG['theme'].getint('dec_places', 2) + 10 held_str = '{:>{},.8f}'.format(float(held), max_length) val_str = '{:>{},.{}f}'.format(float(held) * val[0], max_length, dec_place) return ' {:<5} {:>{}} {} {:>{}} {:>{}} {:>{}}'.format(coin, locale.currency(val[0], grouping=True)[:max_length], avg_length, held_str[:max_length], locale.currency(float(held) * val[0], grouping=True)[:max_length], avg_length, locale.currency(val[1], grouping=True)[:max_length], avg_length, locale.currency(val[2], grouping=True)[:max_length], avg_length)
def write_scr(stdscr, wallet, y, x): '''Write text and formatting to screen''' first_pad = '{:>{}}'.format('', CONFIG['theme'].getint('dec_places', 2) + 10 - 3) second_pad = ' ' * (CONFIG['theme'].getint('field_length', 13) - 2) third_pad = ' ' * (CONFIG['theme'].getint('field_length', 13) - 3) if y >= 1: stdscr.addnstr(0, 0, 'cryptop v0.2.0', x, curses.color_pair(2)) if y >= 2: header = ' COIN{}PRICE{}HELD {}VAL{}HIGH {}LOW '.format(first_pad, second_pad, third_pad, first_pad, first_pad) stdscr.addnstr(1, 0, header, x, curses.color_pair(3)) total = 0 coinl = list(wallet.keys()) heldl = list(wallet.values()) if coinl: coinvl = get_price(','.join(coinl)) if y > 3: s = sorted(list(zip(coinl, coinvl, heldl)), key=SORT_FNS[SORTS[COLUMN]], reverse=ORDER) coinl = list(x[0] for x in s) coinvl = list(x[1] for x in s) heldl = list(x[2] for x in s) for coin, val, held in zip(coinl, coinvl, heldl): if coinl.index(coin) + 2 < y: stdscr.addnstr(coinl.index(coin) + 2, 0, str_formatter(coin, val, held), x, curses.color_pair(2)) total += float(held) * val[0] if y > len(coinl) + 3: stdscr.addnstr(y - 2, 0, 'Total Holdings: {:10} ' .format(locale.currency(total, grouping=True)), x, curses.color_pair(3)) stdscr.addnstr(y - 1, 0, '[A] Add/update coin [R] Remove coin [S] Sort [C] Cycle sort [0\Q]Exit', x, curses.color_pair(2))
def format_amount_entry(self, entry): amount_str = entry.get_text() wrongstr = _("This is not a valid amount!") try: to_float = locale.atof(amount_str) formatted_str = locale.currency(to_float, grouping=True,symbol=False) entry.set_icon_from_stock(Gtk.EntryIconPosition.PRIMARY,None) entry.set_text(formatted_str) entry.set_tooltip_text(_("Your current total assets")) except ValueError: entry.set_icon_from_stock(Gtk.EntryIconPosition.PRIMARY, Gtk.STOCK_STOP) entry.set_icon_tooltip_text(Gtk.EntryIconPosition.PRIMARY,wrongstr) entry.set_tooltip_text(wrongstr)
def menu_entry_to_text(entry): return ("{date_valid}\n" "{mensa}\n" "{category}\n" "{description}\n" "{price}").format( description=entry.description.replace("\n", " "), mensa=entry.mensa, category=entry.category, date_valid=entry.date_valid.strftime("%A, %d.%m.%Y"), price=currency(entry.price/100) )
def __repr__(self): return '<MenuEntry scraped: {0} valid: {1} Mensa: {2} Category: {3} ' \ 'Description: {4} Allergens: {5} ' \ 'Price: {6}'.format(self.time_scraped, self.date_valid, self.mensa, self.category, self.description, self.allergens, locale.currency(self.price/100))
def to_pretty_text(self): return ("{date_valid}\n" "{mensa}: {category}\n" "{description}\n" "Allergens: {allergens}\n" "{price}\n").format( description=self.description.replace("\n", " "), mensa=self.mensa, category=self.category, date_valid=self.date_valid.strftime("%A, %d.%m.%Y"), allergens=self.allergens, price=locale.currency(self.price/100) )
def _test_currency(self, value, out, **format_opts): self.assertEqual(locale.currency(value, **format_opts), out)
def currency(value): try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL,'en_US.UTF-8') except: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL,'') loc = locale.localeconv() return locale.currency(value, loc['currency_symbol'], grouping=True) # this can be used if you're having trouble configuring the proper locale # for your operating system #@register.filter(name='currency') #def currency(value): # return '$' + str(value)
def amountToCurrency(amount): """ Shows an amount in the user currency locale or default to `$` """ try: return locale.currency(amount, grouping=True) except ValueError: # If the locale does not support currency formatting return '$' + str(round(amount, 2))
def getOutput(res): if res['changePercent'] < 0: change = '{0:n}%'.format(res['changePercent']) try: change = formatting.color(change, formatting.colors.RED) except: pass elif res['changePercent'] > 0: change = '{0:+n}%'.format(res['changePercent']) try: change = formatting.color(change, formatting.colors.GREEN) except: pass else: change = "0.00%" msg = u'{0} ({1}): {2} {3} ({4}). '.format(res['orderBookName'], res['ticker'], locale.currency(res['lastPrice'], symbol=False), res['orderBookCurrency'], change) msg += u'Day range: {0}-{1}. '.format(locale.currency(res['lowestPrice'], symbol=False), locale.currency(res['highestPrice'], symbol=False)) msg += u'Day volume: {0:n}. '.format(res['totalVolumeTraded']) if res['totalValueTraded']: msg += u'Day revenue: {0:n} {1}. '.format(res['totalValueTraded'], res['orderBookCurrency']) if res['networth']: msg += u'Net worth: {0} MSEK. '.format(res['networth']) if res['peTal'] != '-': msg += u'P/E: {0}. '.format(res['peTal']) msg += u'Shareholders: {0:n}. (Updated: {1})'.format(res['numOwners'], res['lastUpdate']) return msg
def getOutputFund(res): msg = u'{0}: {1} {2}. '.format(res['orderBookName'], locale.currency(res['lastPrice'], symbol=False), res['orderBookCurrency']) msg += u'1W: {0}. '.format(percentageColor(res['changePercentWeek']), symbol=False) msg += u'1M: {0}. '.format(percentageColor(res['changePercentMonth']), symbol=False) msg += u'6M: {0}. '.format(percentageColor(res['changePercentSixMonths']), symbol=False) msg += u'1Y: {0}. '.format(percentageColor(res['changePercentOneYear']), symbol=False) msg += u'3Y: {0}. '.format(percentageColor(res['changePercentThreeYears']), symbol=False) msg += u'5Y: {0}. '.format(percentageColor(res['changePercentFiveYears']), symbol=False) msg += u'10Y: {0}. '.format(percentageColor(res['changePercentTenYears']), symbol=False) if res['ppm'] != '-': msg += u'PPM: {0}. '.format(res['ppm'], symbol=False) msg += u'Started: {0}. '.format(res['fundStarted'], symbol=False) if res['rating'] != '-': msg += u'Rating: {0}. '.format(res['rating'], symbol=False) msg += u'Last update: {0}. '.format(res['updated'], symbol=False) return msg
def singlenum(): """Fake endpoint.""" _min, _max = 10, 10000 if 'sales' in request.args: val = locale.currency(float(rr(_min, _max)), grouping=True) else: val = rr(_min, _max) if 'negative' in request.args: val = '-{}'.format(val) return jsonify(data=val)
def get_sets_value(is_collection, brickset_username, brickset_api_key, want_price_as_new, bricklink_consumer_key, bricklink_consumer_secret, bricklink_access_token, bricklink_access_token_secret): # Get value of collection sets = get_brickset_sets(brickset_username, brickset_api_key, is_collection) sets = get_bricklink_sets(sets, want_price_as_new, bricklink_consumer_key, bricklink_consumer_secret, bricklink_access_token, bricklink_access_token_secret) min_value = 0 max_value = 0 avg_value = 0 qty_avg_value = 0 mvs = sets[0] success_count = 0 for s in sets: try: #print_price_info(s) min_value += round_decimal(s.min_price) max_value += round_decimal(s.max_price) avg_value += round_decimal(s.avg_price) qty_avg_value += round_decimal(s.qty_avg_price) temp_max_price = None try: temp_max_price = mvs.max_price except AttributeError as e: temp_max_price = None mvs = s if temp_max_price is not None: if round_decimal(s.max_price) > round_decimal(mvs.max_price): mvs = s success_count += 1 except AttributeError as e: #print 'Error processing set: ' + str(s.number) + "-" + str(s.numberVariant) continue locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') print '\n' print 'We were able to process ' + str(success_count) + '/' + str(len(sets)) + (' of the sets you %s!' % ('own' if is_collection else 'want')) print 'The minimum value of %s is: ' % ('your collection' if is_collection else 'the sets you want') + locale.currency(round_decimal(min_value), grouping=True) print 'The maximum value of %s is: ' % ('your collection' if is_collection else 'the sets you want') + locale.currency(round_decimal(max_value), grouping=True) print 'The total average value of %s is: ' % ('your collection' if is_collection else 'the sets you want') + locale.currency(round_decimal(avg_value), grouping=True) print 'The total quantity average value of %s is: ' % ('your collection' if is_collection else 'the sets you want') + locale.currency(round_decimal(qty_avg_value), grouping=True) try: print ('The most valuable set you %s is: ' % ('own' if is_collection else 'want')) + str(mvs.number) + "-" + str(mvs.numberVariant) + " with a value of " + str(locale.currency(round_decimal(mvs.max_price), grouping=True)) except AttributeError as e: pass
def create_and_serve_pic(): f = open('amount.txt', 'rb') amount = int(f.read()) gif_name = str(amount) + '.gif' if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(STATIC_PATH, gif_name)): # Format number locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') formatted_num = locale.currency(amount, grouping=True) + " USD" # Generate pic img = Image.new('RGB', (500, 500), (255, 255, 255)) fnt = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(FONT_PATH, 'arialbd.ttf'), 25) # get a drawing context d = ImageDraw.Draw(img) # draw text, half opacity d.text((1, 0), formatted_num, font=fnt, fill=(51, 51, 51)) # Crop to text (txt_width, txt_height) = d.textsize(formatted_num, font=fnt) print txt_height, txt_width # if txt_width % 2 == 0 img = img.crop((0, 0, 300, 26)) # else: # img = img.crop((0, 0, txt_width+1, 26)) # print "width, height" + str(width) + ", " + str(height) baseheight = OUT_HEIGHT hpercent = (baseheight / float(img.size[1])) wsize = int((float(img.size[0]) * float(hpercent))) img = img.resize((wsize, baseheight), Image.ANTIALIAS) f, img_name = mkstemp(suffix='.png') os.close(f) img.save(img_name) # Convert to gif build_upload_gif(134, 330, img_name, os.path.join(STATIC_PATH, gif_name), clut_offset=17, sdram_offset=0x1000>>6, tile=1) return send_from_directory(STATIC_PATH, gif_name)