Python logger 模块,log() 实例源码


项目:cassandra-fdw    作者:rankactive    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, options, columns):
        start_time = time.time()
        if (("keyspace" not in options) or ("columnfamily" not in options)) and ("query" not in options):
            logger.log("Either query or columnfamily and keyspace parameter is required.", ERROR)
        self.columnfamily = options.get("columnfamily", None)
        self.keyspace = options.get("keyspace", None)
        self.query = options.get("query", None)
        self.prepare_select_stmt = options.get("prepare_selects", properties.PREPARE_SELECTS_DEFAULT) == 'True'
        self.init_connection(options, columns)
        start_time1 = time.time()
        end_time = time.time()
        self.insert_stmt = None
        self.delete_stmt = None
        self.prepared_select_stmts = {}
        if ISDEBUG:
            logger.log("DB described in {0} ms".format(int((end_time - start_time1) * 1000)))
            logger.log("initialized in {0} ms".format(int((end_time - start_time) * 1000)))
项目:accurate_weibo_crawler    作者:wdwind    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update_timeline(self, task, new_user):
        uid = task['uid']

        user_info = weibo_util.user_info(uid)
        num_weibos = int(user_info['statuses_count'])

        old_weibos = self.get_old_weibos(new_user, uid)
        since_id = 0 if old_weibos == {} else min(old_weibos.keys())
        all_weibos = self.get_all_weibos(uid, num_weibos, max_id=0, since_id=since_id)
        new_weibos = {wid : all_weibos[wid] for wid in all_weibos if wid not in old_weibos}
        deleted_weibos = {wid : old_weibos[wid] for wid in old_weibos if wid not in all_weibos}

        if len(all_weibos) != num_weibos:
            deleted_weibos = self.check_deleted_weibos(deleted_weibos)

        self.update_all(task, user_info, all_weibos, new_weibos, deleted_weibos)
        #logger.log('[x] Crawl finished for user %s.' % (uid))
项目:accurate_weibo_crawler    作者:wdwind    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validity_check(self, entry):
        out_folder = entry['screenshots_path']
        if out_folder[-1] != '/':
            out_folder += '/'
        if temp_out_folder[-1] != '/':
            temp_out_folder += '/'
        phantomjs = self.conf['phantomjs']
        if not os.path.exists(out_folder):
        if not os.path.exists(temp_out_folder):
        if not os.path.isfile(phantomjs):
            logger.log('[x] You need to download PhantomJs!', 'red')
            return False
        self.out_folder = out_folder
        self.temp_out_folder = temp_out_folder
        self.phantomjs = phantomjs
项目:forecastVeg    作者:JohnNay    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def clip(self):

        This function clips the mosaicked, projected images to the size of the

        """['gdaltindex', self.extent, self.referenceImagePath])
        dataNames = sorted(glob.glob(self.fullPath + '/full*.tif'))
        splitAt = len(self.fullPath) + 1

        for i in range(len(dataNames)):
            x = dataNames[i]
            y = dataNames[i][:splitAt] + dataNames[i][splitAt+4:]
  ['gdalwarp', '-r', 'near', '-cutline', self.extent, '-crop_to_cutline', x, y, '-dstnodata', '9999'])

        for n in dataNames:
        dataNames = sorted(glob.glob(self.fullPath + '/*.tif'))
        test = gdal.Open(dataNames[0]).ReadAsArray()
        logger.log('SUCCESS', 'Clipping complete!  %d %s files  were successfully clipped to the size of %s with dimensions %d rows by %d columns' % (len(dataNames), str(self.outformat), str(self.referenceImagePath), test.shape[0], test.shape[1]))
项目:cassandra-fdw    作者:rankactive    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init_connection(self, options, columns):
        start_time = time.time()
        if "hosts" not in options:
            logger.log("The hosts parameter is needed, setting to localhost.", WARNING)
        hosts = options.get("hosts", "localhost").split(",")
        if "port" not in options:
            logger.log("The port parameter is needed, setting to {0}.".format(properties.DEFAULT_CASSANDRA_PORT), WARNING)
        self.port = options.get("port", properties.DEFAULT_CASSANDRA_PORT)
        self.limit = options.get("limit", None)
        self.allow_filtering = options.get("allow_filtering", properties.ALLOW_FILTERING_DEFAULT) == 'True'
        self.enable_trace = options.get("trace", properties.ENABLE_TRACE_STATEMENTS_DEFAULT) == 'True'
        self.ttl = int(options.get("ttl", properties.DEFAULT_TTL))
        timeout = options.get("timeout", None)
        username = options.get("username", None)
        password = options.get("password", None)

        self.cluster = Cluster(hosts)
        if(username is not None):
            self.cluster.auth_provider = PlainTextAuthProvider(username=username, password=password)
        # Cassandra connection init
        self.cluster.executor_threads = 4
        self.cluster.connect_timeout = int(options.get("connection_timeout", properties.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT))
        self.session = self.cluster.connect()
        end_time = time.time()
        if ISDEBUG:
            logger.log("connected in {0} ms".format(int((end_time - start_time) * 1000)))
        if timeout is not None:
            self.session.default_timeout = float(timeout)
项目:cassandra-fdw    作者:rankactive    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def prepare_insert_stmt(self):
        insert_stmt_str = u"INSERT INTO {0}.{1} ({2}) VALUES ({3})".format(
            self.keyspace, self.columnfamily, u",".join(self.queryableColumns), u",".join([u"?"] * len(self.queryableColumns)))
        if self.ttl != 0:
            insert_stmt_str += " USING TTL {0}".format(self.ttl)
        if ISDEBUG:
            logger.log("insert statement: {0}".format(insert_stmt_str))
            logger.log("preparing insert statement")
            st = time.time()
        self.insert_stmt = self.session.prepare(insert_stmt_str)
        if ISDEBUG:
            logger.log("insert statement prepared in {0} ms".format((time.time() - st) * 1000))
项目:cassandra-fdw    作者:rankactive    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def prepare_delete_stmt(self):
        delete_stmt_str = u"DELETE FROM {0}.{1} WHERE {2};".format(self.keyspace, self.columnfamily, u" AND ".join(map(lambda str: str + u" = ?", self.rowIdColumns)))
        if ISDEBUG:
            logger.log("preparing delete statement")
            st = time.time()
        self.delete_stmt = self.session.prepare(delete_stmt_str)
        if ISDEBUG:
            logger.log("delete statement prepared in {0} ms".format((time.time() - st) * 1000))
项目:cassandra-fdw    作者:rankactive    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def insert(self, new_values):
        if self.insert_stmt is None:
        args = self.get_insert_args(new_values)
        if ISDEBUG:
            logger.log("requested insert {0}".format(args))
            st = time.time()
        self.session.execute(self.insert_stmt, args)
        if ISDEBUG:
            et = time.time()
            logger.log("insert completed in {0} ms".format((et - st) * 1000))
        return new_values
项目:cassandra-fdw    作者:rankactive    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def delete(self, rowid):
        if self.delete_stmt is None:
        if ISDEBUG:
            logger.log(u"requested delete for id: {0}".format(rowid))
        values = self.get_delete_args(rowid)
        if ISDEBUG:
            st = time.time()
        self.session.execute(self.delete_stmt, values)
        if ISDEBUG:
            et = time.time()
            logger.log("delete completed in {0} ms".format((et - st) * 1000))
        return {}
项目:cassandra-fdw    作者:rankactive    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_row_id_column(self):
        if ISDEBUG:
            logger.log(u"rowid requested")
        return self.ROWIDCOLUMN
项目:appetite    作者:Bridgewater    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _log_rc(cmd_output, funct_name, **kvarg):
    """Generic logger that picks correct log type based on return code"""

    rc = cmd_output['rc'] if 'rc' in cmd_output else cmd_output

项目:PyMal    作者:cysinfo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_and_bind(self, string):
        '''Parse and execute single line of a readline init file.'''
            log('parse_and_bind("%s")' % string)
            if string.startswith('#'):
            if string.startswith('set'):
                m = re.compile(r'set\s+([-a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s+(.+)\s*$').match(string)
                if m:
                    var_name =
                    val =
                        setattr(self, var_name.replace('-','_'), val)
                    except AttributeError:
                        log('unknown var="%s" val="%s"' % (var_name, val))
                    log('bad set "%s"' % string)
            m = re.compile(r'\s*(.+)\s*:\s*([-a-zA-Z]+)\s*$').match(string)
            if m:
                key =
                func_name =
                py_name = func_name.replace('-', '_')
                    func = getattr(self.mode, py_name)
                except AttributeError:
                    log('unknown func key="%s" func="%s"' % (key, func_name))
                    if self.debug:
                        print 'pyreadline parse_and_bind error, unknown function to bind: "%s"' % func_name
                self.mode._bind_key(key, func)
项目:PyMal    作者:cysinfo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_init_file(self, filename=None): 
        '''Parse a readline initialization file. The default filename is the last filename used.'''
        log('read_init_file("%s")' % filename)

    #History file book keeping methods (non-bindable)
项目:PyMal    作者:cysinfo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_completer(self, function=None): 
        '''Set or remove the completer function.

        If function is specified, it will be used as the new completer
        function; if omitted or None, any completer function already
        installed is removed. The completer function is called as
        function(text, state), for state in 0, 1, 2, ..., until it returns a
        non-string value. It should return the next possible completion
        starting with text.
        self.completer = function
项目:PyMal    作者:cysinfo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_completer(self): 
        '''Get the completer function. 

        return self.completer
项目:accurate_weibo_crawler    作者:wdwind    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_tables(self):
        for table in WeiboCrawler.TABLES:
            domains = WeiboCrawler.get_table_domains(table)
            sql = db_util.generate_create_sql(table, domains)
                db_util.execute(self.conf['db'], sql)
                logger.log('[x] Table `%s` created!' % (table), 'green')
                logger.log('[x] Table `%s` already exsits' % (table))
项目:accurate_weibo_crawler    作者:wdwind    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update(self):
        logger.log('[x] Crawling...')
        for task in self.conf['tasks']:
            # logger.log('[x] Update user %s, name %s' % (task['uid'], task['name']))
            sql = 'SELECT statuses_count FROM user_info WHERE id=? ORDER BY update_time desc LIMIT 1'
            basic_info = db_util.execute(self.conf['db'], sql, [task['uid']])
            self.update_timeline(task, len(basic_info) == 0)
项目:accurate_weibo_crawler    作者:wdwind    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_all_weibos(self, uid, num_weibos, max_id, since_id):
        all_weibos = {}
        all_weibos = weibo_util.user_timeline_all(uid, num_weibos, all_weibos, weibo_util.user_timeline_public)
        times = 0
        while len(all_weibos) != num_weibos:
            logger.log('[x] Crawling... %d/%d' % (len(all_weibos), num_weibos))
            all_weibos = weibo_util.user_timeline_all(uid, num_weibos, all_weibos, weibo_util.user_timeline_public, count=200)
            times += 1
            if times == 2:
        times = 0
        while len(all_weibos) != num_weibos:
            logger.log('[x] Crawling... %d/%d' % (len(all_weibos), num_weibos))
            all_weibos = weibo_util.user_timeline_all(uid, num_weibos, all_weibos, weibo_util.user_timeline_private)
            times += 1
            if times == 1:
        times = 0
        while len(all_weibos) != num_weibos:
            logger.log('[x] Crawling... %d/%d' % (len(all_weibos), num_weibos))
            all_weibos = weibo_util.user_timeline_all_since(uid, since_id, num_weibos, all_weibos, weibo_util.user_timeline_public, count=200)
            times += 1
            if times == 2:
        # comment this part because the `since_id` argument does not work in private api
        #times = 0
        #while len(all_weibos) != num_weibos:
        #    logger.log('[x] Crawling... %d/%d' % (len(all_weibos), num_weibos))
        #    all_weibos = weibo_util.user_timeline_all_since(uid, since_id, num_weibos, all_weibos, weibo_util.user_timeline_private)
        #    times += 1
        #    if times == 1:
        #        break
        logger.log('[x] Crawling... %d/%d' % (len(all_weibos), num_weibos))
        return all_weibos
项目:accurate_weibo_crawler    作者:wdwind    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update_all(self, task, user_info, all_weibos, new_weibos, deleted_weibos):
        deleted_time = self.update_deletion(deleted_weibos.values())
        if deleted_time != -1:
            out = task['name']+'_del_' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S") + '.csv'
            weibo_writer.last_deleted_weibos_to_csv(self.conf['db'], task['uid'], \
                deleted_time, out)
            logger.log('[x] %s\'s deleted weibos are exported to %s' % (task['uid'], out), 'green')
        self.show_user_weibos(new_weibos.values(), deleted=False)
        self.show_user_weibos(deleted_weibos.values(), deleted=True)
        self.insert_table(table='user_info', entries=[user_info])
        self.update_table(table='status', entries=all_weibos.values(), delete=False)

    # helper functions
项目:accurate_weibo_crawler    作者:wdwind    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def show_user_weibos(self, weibos, deleted=False):
        if deleted is False:
            logger.log('[x] %d weibos are created!' % len(weibos), 'green')
            logger.log('[x] %d weibos are deleted!' % len(weibos), 'red')
        id = 1
        for weibo in weibos:
            logger.log('[x] Weibo %d:' % id)
            logger.log('[x]    URL:' % (weibo['uid'], weibo['mid']))
            logger.log('[x]    Content: %s' % (weibo['text']))
            logger.log('[x]    Created at: %s' % (weibo['created_at']))
            logger.log('[x]    Repost count: %s' % (weibo['reposts_count']))
            logger.log('[x]    Comments count: %s' % (weibo['comments_count']))
            logger.log('[x]    Like count: %s' % (weibo['attitudes_count']))
            id += 1
项目:accurate_weibo_crawler    作者:wdwind    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def capture_screenshot(self, url, destination, cookie='', timeout=30000):
        logger.log("[#] Capture screenshot %s, and put it in %s" % (url, destination))[self.phantomjs_folder + 'phantomjs.exe', self.phantomjs_folder + 'rasterize6_cookies.js', url, destination, str(timeout), cookie])
        cmd = list2cmdline([path_to_unix(self.phantomjs), \
            JS_SCRIPT, \
            url, path_to_unix(destination), str(timeout), cookie])
        r =, timeout=60+timeout/1000)
项目:accurate_weibo_crawler    作者:wdwind    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def retrive(self):
        for entry in self.conf['tasks']:
            if self.validity_check(entry) is False:
            logger.log('[x] Retrive user %s\'s screenshots.' % (entry['uid']))
            self.retrive_weibo(entry, hot=True)
项目:accurate_weibo_crawler    作者:wdwind    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def export_all(config):
    db = config['db']
    for entry in config['tasks']:
        uid = entry['uid']
        uname = entry['name']
        out = uname + '_all_' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + '.csv'
        all_weibos_to_csv(db, uid, out)
        logger.log('[x] Export %s\'s weibo to %s' % (uid, out), 'green')
项目:shadowbroker-auto    作者:wrfly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_and_bind(self, string):
        '''Parse and execute single line of a readline init file.'''
            log('parse_and_bind("%s")' % string)
            if string.startswith('#'):
            if string.startswith('set'):
                m = re.compile(r'set\s+([-a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s+(.+)\s*$').match(string)
                if m:
                    var_name =
                    val =
                        setattr(self, var_name.replace('-','_'), val)
                    except AttributeError:
                        log('unknown var="%s" val="%s"' % (var_name, val))
                    log('bad set "%s"' % string)
            m = re.compile(r'\s*(.+)\s*:\s*([-a-zA-Z]+)\s*$').match(string)
            if m:
                key =
                func_name =
                py_name = func_name.replace('-', '_')
                    func = getattr(self.mode, py_name)
                except AttributeError:
                    log('unknown func key="%s" func="%s"' % (key, func_name))
                    print 'unknown function to bind: "%s"' % func_name
                self.mode._bind_key(key, func)
项目:shadowbroker-auto    作者:wrfly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_init_file(self, filename=None): 
        '''Parse a readline initialization file. The default filename is the last filename used.'''
        log('read_init_file("%s")' % filename)

    #History file book keeping methods (non-bindable)
项目:shadowbroker-auto    作者:wrfly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_completer(self, function=None): 
        '''Set or remove the completer function.

        If function is specified, it will be used as the new completer
        function; if omitted or None, any completer function already
        installed is removed. The completer function is called as
        function(text, state), for state in 0, 1, 2, ..., until it returns a
        non-string value. It should return the next possible completion
        starting with text.
        self.completer = function
项目:shadowbroker-auto    作者:wrfly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_completer(self): 
        '''Get the completer function. 

        return self.completer
项目:forecastVeg    作者:JohnNay    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def download(self):

        Download images for specified tiles and time period.

        :param filelist: lists all of the HDF files downloaded

        :param observations:  lists the total number of days worth of data downloaded
            (e.g. 1 year of data = 23 observations).
            (e.g. 1 year of data = 23 observations).

        if not os.path.exists(
        if not os.path.exists(self.fullPath):

        dm = pymodis.downmodis.downModis(self.fullPath, self.password, self.username, self.url, self.tiles, self.path, self.dataset, 
                               , self.enddate, jpg = False, debug = True, timeout = 30)
        self.filelist = dm.getListDays() 
        self.observations = len(dm.getListDays())  

        if self.dataset != 'MOD13Q1.005':
             if self.observations % 2 != 0:
                 raise IOError("The total number of observations through time must be an even number. Please add or remove an observation before or after %s" % str(self.filelist[0]))

        logger.log('SUCCESS', 'Downloading is complete!  %d HDF files of %s data for tiles %s were downloaded for the following days:  %s' % (self.observations*len(self.tiles), str(self.dataset), str(self.tiles), str(self.filelist)))
项目:forecastVeg    作者:JohnNay    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mosaic(self):

        If more than two tiles are input by the user, this function mosaics the tiles

        if len(self.tiles) > 1:
            hdflist = sorted(glob.glob(self.fullPath + '/*.hdf'))
            for i in range(0,len(hdflist),2):
                ms = pymodis.convertmodis_gdal.createMosaicGDAL(hdfnames = [hdflist[i], hdflist[i+1]], subset = self.subset, outformat = 'GTiff')
      [i].split('.h')[0]) + 'mos.tif')
                ms.write_vrt(output = str(hdflist[i].split('.h')[0]), separate = True)
            mosaicCount = len(glob.glob(self.fullPath + '/*mos.tif'))
            logger.log('SUCCESS', 'Mosaic complete!  MODIS tiles %s were successfully mosaicked into %d mosaic images.' % (str(self.tiles), mosaicCount))
项目:forecastVeg    作者:JohnNay    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def qualityCheck(self):
        d = self.fullPath
        dataset = self.dataset

        outfile = d + '/qualityCheck' + dataset + '.txt'
        sys.stdout = open(outfile, 'w')

        array = np.load(d + '.npy')
        t = d + '.txt'
        with open(t, 'r') as tfile:
            text ='\n')
        text = text[0:-1]
        nv = array.max()

        #entire dataset
        print 'Data for entire array of %s data:' % (dataset)
        print '\t>>> included datasets: %s' % (str(text))
        print '\t>>> shape:', array.shape
        print '\t>>> max w nv:', array.max()
        print '\t>>> max wo nv:', array[array<nv].max()
        print '\t>>> min wo nv:', array[array<nv].min()
        print '\t>>> mean wo nv:', array[array<nv].mean()

        #each band
        for b in range(array.shape[1]):
            print 'Data for column %d, %s:'% (b, text[b])
            print '\t>>> max w nv:', array[:,b].max()
            print '\t>>> max wo nv:', array[:,b][array[:,b]<nv].max()
            print '\t>>> min wo nv:', array[:,b][array[:,b]<nv].min()
            print '\t>>> mean wo nv:', array[:,b][array[:,b]<nv].mean()

        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__

        logger.log('SUCCESS', 'See file qualityCheck%s.txt for detailed information about the final matrix.' % (self.dataset))
项目:cassandra-fdw    作者:rankactive    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def execute(self, quals, columns, sortkeys=None):
        if ISDEBUG:
            logger.log("building select statement... Quals: {0}, columns: {1}, sortkeys: {2}, allow filtering: {3}".format(quals, columns, sortkeys, self.allow_filtering))
        res = self.build_select_stmt(quals, columns, self.allow_filtering)
        if res is None:
            yield {}
        stmt = res[0]
        binding_values = res[1]
        filtered_columns = res[2]
        if self.prepare_select_stmt:
            if stmt not in self.prepared_select_stmts:
                if ISDEBUG:
                    logger.log(u"preparing statement...")
                self.prepared_select_stmts[stmt] = self.session.prepare(stmt)
            elif ISDEBUG:
                    logger.log(u"statement already prepared")
        if ISDEBUG:
            logger.log(u"executing statement...")
            st = time.time()
        elif self.enable_trace:
            logger.log(u"executing statement '{0}'".format(stmt))
        if self.prepare_select_stmt:
            result = self.session.execute(self.prepared_select_stmts[stmt], binding_values)
            result = self.session.execute(SimpleStatement(stmt), binding_values)
        if ISDEBUG:
            logger.log(u"cursor got in {0} ms".format((time.time() - st) * 1000))
        for row in result:
            line = {}
            idx = 0
            for column_name in filtered_columns:
                value = row[idx]
                if self.columnsTypes[column_name].main_type == cassandra_types.cql_timestamp and value is not None:
                    line[column_name] = u"{0}+00:00".format(value)
                elif self.columnsTypes[column_name].main_type == cassandra_types.cql_time and value is not None:
                    line[column_name] = u"{0}+00:00".format(value)
                elif isinstance(value, tuple):
                    tuple_values = []
                    for t in value:
                    line[column_name] = json.dumps(tuple_values)
                elif isinstance(value, OrderedMapSerializedKey):
                    dict_values = {}
                    for i in value:
                        dict_values[str(i)] = str(value[i])
                    line[column_name] = json.dumps(dict_values)
                    line[column_name] = value
                idx = idx + 1
            rowid_values = []
            for idcolumn in self.rowIdColumns:
            line[self.ROWIDCOLUMN] = json.dumps(rowid_values)
            yield line
项目:cassandra-fdw    作者:rankactive    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_path_keys(self):
        output = []
        sorted_items = sorted(self.querableColumnsIdx.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
        clusteting_key_columns = []
        partition_key_columns = []
        idx_columns = []
        regular_columns = []
        ptt = []
        for tp in sorted_items:
            k = tp[0]
            v = tp[1]
            if v >= self.PARTITION_KEY_QUERY_COST and v < self.CLUSTERING_KEY_QUERY_COST:
            if v < self.IDX_QUERY_COST and v >= self.CLUSTERING_KEY_QUERY_COST:
            elif v >= self.IDX_QUERY_COST and v < self.REGULAR_QUERY_COST:

        ckc_len = len(clusteting_key_columns)
        if ckc_len == 0:
            output.append((tuple(partition_key_columns), 1))
            i = 1
            output.append((tuple(partition_key_columns), self.CLUSTERING_KEY_QUERY_COST))
            for ckc in clusteting_key_columns:
                if i == ckc_len:
                    output.append((tuple(ptt), 1))
                    output.append((tuple(ptt), self.CLUSTERING_KEY_QUERY_COST - i))
                    if len(idx_columns) != 0:
                        output.append((tuple(ptt + idx_columns), self.IDX_QUERY_COST - i))
                i += 1

        for idx_col in idx_columns:
            output.append((tuple(idx_col), self.IDX_QUERY_COST))

        for t in sorted_items:
            output.append(((t[0]), self.REGULAR_QUERY_COST))

        output.append(((self.get_row_id_column()), 1))

        if ISDEBUG:
            logger.log('path keys: {0}'.format(output))
        return output
项目:appetite    作者:Bridgewater    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_single(self, command, ssh=None):
        """Runs a single cmd command on the remote host

        if not ssh:
            if not self.create_ssh_channel():
                return {"rc": 1,
                        "stderror": "Error creating ssh channel",
                        "stdout": "",
                        "function": self.function_name}
            ssh = self.ssh

        reads = None
        cmd = command
        if isinstance(command, dict):
            cmd = command['cmd']
            reads = command['reads']

        rc = 0
        std_out = ""
        std_error = ""

        if not CREDS.DRY_RUN:
            # Dangerous, only use if commands are filtered/protected
            # Only commands either defined here or in the command.conf should
            # run here.
            if reads:
                # Only use invoke shell if needed
                channel = ssh.invoke_shell()  # nosec


                # Remove any ssh login messages
                send_command(channel, "")

                read_commands = []
                for param, value in reads.items():
                    read_commands.append("read -s %s" % param)

                    # Don't want to log any read commands
                    send_command(channel, read_commands)

                std_out, std_error, rc = send_command(channel, self._add_root(cmd))
                stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(self._add_root(cmd), get_pty=True, timeout=SESSION_TIMEOUT)  # nosec
                rc =

                std_out =
                std_error =

        return {"stdout": std_out,
                "stderror": std_error,
                "function": self.function_name,
                "rc": rc}

# Helper ssh function
项目:PyMal    作者:cysinfo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        self.startup_hook = None
        self.pre_input_hook = None
        self.completer = None
        self.completer_delims = " \t\n\"\\'`@$><=;|&{("
        self.console = console.Console()
        self.size = self.console.size()
        self.prompt_color = None
        self.command_color = None
        self.selection_color = self.console.saveattr<<4
        self.key_dispatch = {}
        self.previous_func = None
        self.first_prompt = True
        self.next_meta = False # True to force meta on next character
        self.tabstop = 4

        self.begidx = 0
        self.endidx = 0

        # variables you can control with parse_and_bind
        self.show_all_if_ambiguous = 'off'
        self.mark_directories = 'on'
        self.bell_style = 'none'

        # this code needs to follow l_buffer and history creation
        self.editingmodes=[mode(self) for mode in editingmodes]
        for mode in self.editingmodes:


        #Paste settings    
        #assumes data on clipboard is path if shorter than 300 characters and doesn't contain \t or \n
        #and replace \ with / for easier use in ipython

        #automatically convert tabseparated data to list of lists or array constructors


    #Below is for refactoring, raise errors when using old style attributes 
    #that should be refactored out
项目:shadowbroker-auto    作者:wrfly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        self.startup_hook = None
        self.pre_input_hook = None
        self.completer = None
        self.completer_delims = " \t\n\"\\'`@$><=;|&{("
        self.console = console.Console()
        self.size = self.console.size()
        self.prompt_color = None
        self.command_color = None
        self.selection_color = self.console.saveattr<<4
        self.key_dispatch = {}
        self.previous_func = None
        self.first_prompt = True
        self.next_meta = False # True to force meta on next character
        self.tabstop = 4

        self.begidx = 0
        self.endidx = 0

        # variables you can control with parse_and_bind
        self.show_all_if_ambiguous = 'off'
        self.mark_directories = 'on'
        self.bell_style = 'none'

        # this code needs to follow l_buffer and history creation
        self.editingmodes=[mode(self) for mode in editingmodes]
        for mode in self.editingmodes:


        #Paste settings    
        #assumes data on clipboard is path if shorter than 300 characters and doesn't contain \t or \n
        #and replace \ with / for easier use in ipython

        #automatically convert tabseparated data to list of lists or array constructors


    #Below is for refactoring, raise errors when using old style attributes 
    #that should be refactored out
项目:forecastVeg    作者:JohnNay    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def matrix(self):

        This function transforms the images into a single numpy array with dimensions
        pixels by observations.  If the image has 100 pixels for 1 year (23 observations)
        then this matrix should have dimensions 100 rows by 23 columns.  The matrix
        includes the quality mask dataset.  This matrix is not yet masked for quality control.

        dataCount = self.subset.count('1')
        dataNames = sorted(glob.glob(self.fullPath + '/*.tif'))
        dataNames = dataNames[0:dataCount]
        subsetInt = [int(s) for s in self.subset.split() if s.isdigit()] 

        DC = np.empty(shape = (self.rows*self.columns*self.observations,0))  
        DCs = np.empty(shape = (self.rows*self.columns*self.observations, subsetInt.count(1)))  

        for i in range(dataCount):
            name = str(dataNames[i])
            dataList = sorted(glob.glob(self.fullPath + '/*' + name[-10:-4] + '.tif'))  
            bandDC = np.empty((0, 1))      
            for b in dataList:
                data = gdal.Open(str(b), GA_ReadOnly).ReadAsArray()
                vec = data.reshape((self.rows*self.columns, 1))
                bandDC = np.append(bandDC, vec, axis = 0)  
            DC = np.append(DC, bandDC, axis = 1) 
            del vec, bandDC, data

        #apply fill values    
        if self.dataset == 'MOD15A2.005' or self.dataset == 'MOD17A2.005':
            DC[DC>self.fillValue] = 9999.0                
        if self.dataset == 'MOD11A2.005':
            DC[:,0][DC[:,0] == self.fillValue] = 9999.0 #this should have fixed it!
            DC[DC == self.fillValue] = 9999.0 

        #scale dataset
        count = 0    
        for i in range(len(subsetInt)):
            if subsetInt[i] == 1:
                DCs[:,count] = np.multiply(DC[:,count], self.scale[i])
                count += 1
        DCs[DC == 9999.0] = 9999.0
        self.DC = DCs
        del DC

        #metadata function        
        with open(self.fullPath + '/' + 'metadata_' + self.dataset + '.txt', 'w') as f:
            f.write(' '.join(["self.%s = %s" % (k,v) for k,v in self.__dict__.iteritems()]))

        logger.log('SUCCESS', 'The %s data was transformed into an array with dimensions %d rows by %d columns.  No data value set to 9999.  A metadata file with object attributes was created.  To access the matrix, simply call object.DC' % (str(self.outformat), self.DC.shape[0], self.DC.shape[1]))

        tif = sorted(glob.glob(self.fullPath + '/*.tif'))
        for t in tif: