def generate_html_gallery( person_suite ): doc, tag, text = Doc().tagtext() doc.asis('<!DOCTYPE html>') with tag('html', lang="en"): with tag('head'): doc.asis('<meta charset="utf-8">') doc.asis('<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">') doc.asis('<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.6/css/bootstrap.min.css">') with tag('script', src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.0/jquery.min.js"): pass with tag('script', src="http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.6/js/bootstrap.min.js"): pass with tag('body'): with tag('div', klass="container-fluid"): for person in person_suite: print("Adding photos for user {0}".format(person.uid)) with tag('div', klass='row'): for photo in person.photos: with tag('div', klass="col-xs-1", style="padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px;"): with tag('p'): with tag('a', href=person.profile_url, target="_blank"): doc.stag('img', src=photo, height="175", width="175") return indent(doc.getvalue())
def __init__(self, id, title, data, export_dir, authors=[], modifiedTime=None, theme=None, editable_by_anyone=False, template='document', appliances=None, config={}): log.info('Process document %s %s', id, title) if theme is None: self._theme = Theme(export_dir) else: self._theme = theme self._template = template self._config = config self._export_dir = export_dir self._authors = authors self._modifiedTime = modifiedTime self._data = data self._title = title self._appliances = appliances self._id = id self._html = lxml.html.fromstring(self._data) text = html_to_text(self._data) text = re.sub('\n\n+', '\n\n', text) self._text = text.replace('\n', '<br/>') self._editable_by_anyone = editable_by_anyone
def get_file_urls(mainUrl,extension): uniFileUrls = [] if not mainUrl.lower().startswith('http://') and not mainUrl.lower().startswith('https://'): mainUrl = 'http://%s'%mainUrl print('Downloading from %s...'%mainUrl) if extension.startswith('*'): extension = extension[1:] if not extension.startswith('.'): extension = '.' + extension req = urllib.request.Request( mainUrl, data=None, headers={ 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.47 Safari/537.36' } ) urlContent = urllib.request.urlopen(req).read().decode('utf-8') html = lxml.html.fromstring(urlContent) urls = html.xpath('//a/@href') for url in urls: if url.endswith(extension): url = urljoin(mainUrl,url) if url not in uniFileUrls: uniFileUrls.append(url) return uniFileUrls
def get_list(self, search_url): data = {} # keylist = [0] * 5 data['table_name'] = 'dailyKeyword' html = requests.get(search_url, headers=self.headers, verify=False).content selector = etree.HTML(html) # ???? keyurl = selector.xpath('//div[@class="aside"]/ol[@class="hot-news"]/li/a/@href') keyword = selector.xpath('//div[@class="aside"]/ol[@class="hot-news"]/li/a/text()') res = {} res['keyurl'] = keyurl res['keyword'] = keyword for x in range(0,10): data['keyword'] = keyword[x] data ['keyurl'] = keyurl[x] data ['id'] = (x+1) self.save(data) return res # ??????
def login(self, username, password): """ logs the user in and returns a bool value stores the username in self.username. """ get_response = self.uva_session.get(UvaSession.UVA_HOST) login_text = lxml.html.fromstring(get_response.text) hidden_inputs = login_text.xpath(r'//form//input[@type="hidden"]') # print hidden_inputs form = {x.attrib["name"]: x.attrib["value"] for x in hidden_inputs if x.attrib['name'] not in ["cx", "ie"]} form["username"] = username form["passwd"] = password form["remember"] = "yes" login_response = self.uva_session.post(UvaSession.UVA_HOST + "index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=login", data=form, headers={"referer": UvaSession.UVA_HOST}) self.logged_in = login_response.url == UvaSession.UVA_HOST if (self.logged_in): self.username = username return self.logged_in
def get_clean_html(etree, text_only=False): _is_etree(etree) # enable filters to remove Javascript and CSS from HTML document cleaner = Cleaner() cleaner.javascript = True cleaner.style = True cleaner.html = True cleaner.page_structure = False cleaner.meta = False cleaner.safe_attrs_only = False cleaner.links = False html = cleaner.clean_html(etree) if text_only: return html.text_content() return lxml.html.tostring(html)
def parse_that(url): resp = requests.get(url) url = url raw = resp.text tree = get_etree(raw) title = doctitle(tree) links = get_links(tree, url) keywords = get_url_keywords(url) meta_description = meta_name_description(tree) html = get_clean_html(tree) text_content = get_clean_html(tree, text_only=True) return {'rank': 0, 'title': title, 'url': url, 'description': meta_description, 'keywords': keywords, 'raw': raw, 'text': text_content, 'internal_links': links['internal'], 'external_links': links['external']}
def open(self, url, timeout=60): """Wait for download to complete and return result""" loop = QEventLoop() timer = QTimer() timer.setSingleShot(True) timer.timeout.connect(loop.quit) self.loadFinished.connect(loop.quit) self.load(QUrl(url)) timer.start(timeout * 1000) loop.exec_() # delay here until download finished if timer.isActive(): # downloaded successfully timer.stop() return self.html() else: # timed out print 'Request timed out:', url
def register(first_name, last_name, email, password, captcha_fn): cj = cookielib.CookieJar() opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)) html = opener.open(REGISTER_URL).read() form = parse_form(html) form['first_name'] = first_name form['last_name'] = last_name form['email'] = email form['password'] = form['password_two'] = password img = extract_image(html) captcha = captcha_fn(img) form['recaptcha_response_field'] = captcha encoded_data = urllib.urlencode(form) request = urllib2.Request(REGISTER_URL, encoded_data) response = opener.open(request) success = '/user/register' not in response.geturl() return success
def remove_html_encode_errors(self, headers, error): """ Use this method to remove html special characters (Eg. &nbps), encoding errors or other unicode text. Simply pass headers rows to the method and the error, as a unicode string, you want to correct :param headers: rows list of headers :param error: unicode string you want to delete from header cells :return: nothing """ # Iterates over headers for row in headers: # Iterate over header cells for header in row: # Replace 'error' with u'' in the text of this header cell header['th'] = header['th'].replace(error, u'')
def url_composer(self, query, service): """ This function is used to compose a url to call some web services, such as sparql endpoints. :param query: is the string used in some rest calls. :param service: type of service you request (dbpedia sparql endpoint) :return url: the url composed """ # use quote_plus method from urllib to encode special character (must to do with web service) query = urllib.quote_plus(query) """ The following if clause are differentiated by service requested Eg. 'dbpedia',.. but in all the cases url is composed using pre formatted string along with the query """ if service == 'dbpedia': url = self.dbpedia_sparql_url + query + self.call_format_sparql elif service == 'html': url = self.html_format + query else: url = "ERROR" return url
def mk_plaintext(self): try: h = html2text.HTML2Text() h.ignore_images = True h.inline_links = False h.wrap_links = False h.unicode_snob = True # Prevents accents removing h.skip_internal_links = True h.ignore_anchors = True h.body_width = 0 h.use_automatic_links = True h.ignore_tables = True except html.parser.HTMLParseError as e: raise WrongHTML(e) return h.handle(self.mk_html())
def mk_html(self): """Simply calls configured html template filters See settings.CAMPAIGNS['HTML_TEMPLATE_FILTERS'] """ # Doctype gets frequently removed by content filters, so we save # it... doc = lxml.etree.HTML(self.html) doctype = '' if doc is not None: doctype = doc.getroottree().docinfo.doctype # ... we process content... mangled_content = post_template_html_generation.process( self.html, detach_images=self.detach_images, organization=self.author.organization) # And we re-inject it return '{}\n{}'.format(doctype, mangled_content)
def handle_images(html, detach_images=False, organization=None, **kwargs): """ Detach base64 images and others if detach_images is enabled """ tree = lxml.html.fromstring(html) for img in tree.cssselect('img'): try: src = img.attrib['src'] except KeyError: raise WrongHTML('<img> devrait avoir un attribut "src"') if src.startswith('data:image/'): # TODO: handle ValueError image = InlineImage(src, organization=organization) url = image.store() img.set('src', url) else: if detach_images and organization: image = HostedImage(src, organization=organization) url = image.store() img.set('src', url) return lxml.html.tostring(tree).decode()
def crawl(self, url, base_url): """Crawl .html page and extract all URls we think are part of application from there. Parallerize downloads using threads. """ resp = requests.get(url) # See through redirects final_base_url = resp.url tree = lxml.html.fromstring(resp.content) elems = tree.cssselect("a") links = [urljoin(final_base_url, elem.attrib.get("href", "")) for elem in elems] links = [link for link in links if is_likely_app_part(link, base_url)] # Load all links paraller with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) as executor: future_to_url = {executor.submit(self.fetch_file, link, base_url): link for link in links} for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_url): future.result() # Raise exception in main thread if bad stuff happened
def test_create_content_good(self, html_mock): url = 'https://talkpython.fm.mock/episodes/all' responses.add(responses.GET, url, body=html_mock, status=200, content_type='text/html') request = Request( [1, 2], 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) ' 'AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) ' 'Chrome/53.0.2785.116 Safari/537.36 OPR/40.0.2308.81', ) html = request.receive_html(url) content = Content() content.set_content(html) assert isinstance(content.get_content(), lxml.html.HtmlElement)
def get_sessions(): """ Fetch and parse the schedule HTML from the NICAR webpage. """ html = fix_encoding(requests.get(SCHEDULE_URL).content) dom = lxml.html.fromstring(html) day_els = dom.cssselect("ul.listview.pane") days_zipped = zip(day_els, DATES) sessions_nested = [ parse_day(el, date) for el, date in days_zipped ] sessions = itertools.chain.from_iterable(sessions_nested) return list(sorted(sessions, key=itemgetter( "date", "time_start", "time_end", "title" )))
def scrape_kb_crt(self, url): ''' This method is used for parsing www.kb.cert.or''' data = self.get_html_data(url) lists = data.find(id="list-of-vuls").find_all("li") # Selecting list of valuns from https://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/ for li in lists: temp_data = deepcopy(self.value) # creating copy of self.value temp_data['val_name'] = li.find("span", class_="vul-title truncate").text # parsing name using class name of span date = li.find("span", class_="vul-date").text # parsing published using class name of span temp_data['date'] = datetime.strptime(date, '%d %b %Y').date() page_link = "{}{}".format(url.strip('/vuls/'),li.a['href']) # Creating link address temp_data['link'] = page_link new_data = self.get_html_data(page_link).find(id="vulnerability-note-content") # fetching link data and selecting a specific div using id temp_data['description'] = new_data.p.text temp_data['solution'] = new_data.find_all("table")[2].find("tr").text # selecting solution part from html page using 'tr' tabs self.data.append(temp_data) # appending temp data info to class variable called self.data temp_data['severity'] = "Medium" temp_data['affected'] = "Please find description"
def scrape_fortinet(self, url): # ''' This method is used for parsing http://www.fortiguard.com/psirt''' data_fn = self.get_html_data(url) # souping advisory_fn = data_fn.find('div', class_ ="results") # identifying the required tagset section_fn = advisory_fn.find_all('div', class_ ="title") for list in section_fn: temp_data_fn = deepcopy(self.value) temp_data_fn['val_name'] = list.text.strip() page_link_fn = "{}{}".format(url.strip('/psirt/'),list.a['href']) temp_data_fn['link'] = page_link_fn new_data_fn = self.get_html_data(page_link_fn) temp_data_fn['description'] = new_data_fn.find_all('div', class_="detail-item")[1].html.body.p.text.strip() new_table_fn = new_data_fn.find('table', class_="table table-responsive table-borderless") date = new_table_fn.find_all('tr')[1].find_all('td')[1].text.strip() temp_data_fn['date'] = datetime.strptime(date, '%b %d, %Y').date() temp_data_fn['severity'] = "Medium" temp_data_fn['affected'] = "Please find description" temp_data_fn['solution'] = "Information not available in website" self.data.append(temp_data_fn) # appending temp data info to class variable called self.data
def scrape_cisco(self, url): # Scraping the Ajax page (Identified the json call) ajax_data = get("https://tools.cisco.com/security/center/publicationService.x?criteria=exact&cves=&keyword=&last_published_date=&limit=30&offset=0&publicationTypeIDs=1,3&securityImpactRatings=&sort=-day_sir&title=").text json_data = json.loads(ajax_data) #convert to json (Type: List of dicts) for dictionary in json_data[:9]: temp_data_ci = deepcopy(self.value) temp_data_ci['val_name'] = dictionary['title'] temp_data_ci['severity'] = dictionary['severity'] temp_data_ci['date'] = self.convert_cisco_date(dictionary['firstPublished']) # skip all updates and include only new advisories page_link_ci = dictionary['url'] temp_data_ci['link'] = page_link_ci # Scraping the CSS part css_data = get(page_link_ci) css_tree = lxml.html.fromstring(css_data.text) # build the DOM Tree sel = CSSSelector('meta') # construct a CSS Selector results = sel(css_tree) # Apply the selector to the DOM tree. match = results[38] # copy the list for the 38th result. temp_data_ci['description'] = match.get('content') # get the content attribute for the 38th result. new_data_ci = self.get_html_data(page_link_ci) temp_data_ci['affected'] = new_data_ci.find('div', class_="ud-innercontent-area", id="vulnerableproducts").text.strip() temp_data_ci['solution'] = new_data_ci.find('div', class_="ud-innercontent-area", id="workaroundsfield").text.strip() # temp_data_ci['solution'] = new_data_ci.find('div', class_="ud-innercontent-area", id="fixedsoftfield",).text.strip() #alternate self.data.append(temp_data_ci) # appending temp data info to class variable called self.data
def childNodesWithText(self, node): root = node # create the first text node # if we have some text in the node if root.text: t = lxml.html.HtmlElement() t.text = root.text t.tag = 'text' root.text = None root.insert(0, t) # loop childs for c, n in enumerate(list(root)): idx = root.index(n) # don't process texts nodes if n.tag == 'text': continue # create a text node for tail if n.tail: t = self.createElement(tag='text', text=n.tail, tail=None) root.insert(idx + 1, t) return list(root)
def get_related_document_ids(kamervraag_url): logger.info('get related antwoord id for url: ' + kamervraag_url) page = requests.get(kamervraag_url, timeout=60) tree = lxml.html.fromstring(page.content) relations_titles = tree.xpath('//div[@id="main-column"]//h2[@class="divisiekop1"]') overheidnl_document_ids = [] for title_element in relations_titles: if title_element.text_content() == "Relaties": column_elements = title_element.getparent().xpath('//tr/td/p') next_is_antwoord_url = False for column_element in column_elements: if next_is_antwoord_url: overheidnl_document_ids.append(column_element.text_content()) next_is_antwoord_url = False if column_element.text_content() == 'is beantwoord in': next_is_antwoord_url = True return overheidnl_document_ids
def get_kamervraag_document_id_and_content(url): logger.info('get kamervraag document id and content for url: ' + url) page = requests.get(url, timeout=60) tree = lxml.html.fromstring(page.content) elements = tree.xpath('//ul/li/a[@id="technischeInfoHyperlink"]') if elements: document_id = elements[0].get('href').split('/')[-1] else: elements = tree.xpath('/html/head/meta[@name="dcterms.identifier"]') if not elements: return None, '', '' document_id = elements[0].get('content') logger.info('document id: ' + document_id) content_html = '' if tree.xpath('//div[@id="main-column"]'): content_html = lxml.etree.tostring(tree.xpath('//div[@id="main-column"]')[0]) titles = tree.xpath('//h1[@class="kamervraagomschrijving_kop no-toc"]') title = '' if titles: title = titles[0].text_content() title = re.sub('\s{2,}', ' ', title).strip() return document_id, content_html, title
def Main(): output_path = "lol.html" config_file = "config.ini" config = POFSession.Config( config_file ) testSession = POFSession(config) testSession.login(config.username, config.password) galleryData = list() users = testSession.searchUsers(config, 100, online_only=True) print("Search complete.") for user in users: photos = testSession.getPhotos(user) galleryDataEntry = UserGalleyDataEntry(user, photos) galleryData.append(galleryDataEntry) html_doc = generate_html_gallery( galleryData ) save_gallery_to_file( output_path, html_doc ) open_gallery( output_path )
def items(self, task, response): items = [] document = lxml.html.document_fromstring(html=response.text) products = document.xpath("//div[@class='product']") for product in products: iid = int(product.xpath(".//@product-id")[0]) name = product.xpath(".//h2/text()")[0] desc = product.xpath(".//p/text()")[0] category = product.xpath(".//span/text()")[0] price = float(product.xpath(".//em/text()")[0]) images = product.xpath(".//div//img/@src") item = Product( iid=iid, url=response.url, name=name, category=category, desc=desc, price=price, images=images, ) items.append(item) return items
def get_my_content(r): """ the return from the server in vk is not a standard HTML. this is why we must cut it up and cant use the regular 'get_real_content' helper. """ assert r.status_code == 200 # str_content=r.content.decode(errors='ignore') try: content = r.content # type: bytes str_content = content.decode(errors='ignore') except Exception as e: print(e) print('could not decode') print(r.content) sys.exit(1) str_content = str_content[str_content.find('<input'):] c = str.encode('<html><body>')+str.encode(str_content)+str.encode('</body></html>') root = lxml.html.fromstring(c) return root
def get_full_answer(url): print(url) page = lxml.html.document_fromstring(urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode("gbk")) best = page.xpath("//pre[contains(@class, 'best-text mb-10')]") common = page.xpath("//meta[contains(@name, 'description')]") if len(best) >= 1: best = best[0].text_content() else: if len(common) >= 1: best = common[0].text_content() else: best = "???????" return best ############################################################# ### web server
def html(self): return self._html
def export(self): output_dir = os.path.join(self._export_dir, self._id) root = ".." os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) data, files = self._process(root=root) with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.html'), 'wb+') as f: f.write(data.encode('utf-8')) for url, file in files: self._download_url(url, os.path.join(output_dir, file))
def _process(self, root='..'): files = [] self._clean_html() self._annotate() for (element, attr, url, _) in self._html.iterlinks(): if element.tag == 'a' and attr == 'href' and url.startswith('https://www.google.com/url'): element.set('href', process_link(url, root=root)) elif element.tag == 'img' and attr == 'src': filetitle = hashlib.md5(url.encode()).hexdigest() filetitle += '.jpg' element.set('src', '../' + self._id + '/' + filetitle) # We go to top level to handle when the document is use as appliance files.append((url, filetitle)) self._toc = self._get_toc() self._add_anchors() self._wrap_images() self._replace_youtube_videos() # Wrap the original body try: body = self._html.xpath('//body')[0] except (IndexError): body = lxml.html.Element('body') body.tag = 'div' if 'style' in body.attrib: del body.attrib['style'] self._content = lxml.etree.tostring(body, pretty_print=True, method="html") return self._theme.render(self._template + '.html', document=self, root=root, config=self._config, appliances=self._appliances), files
def _wrap_images(self): """ Wrap images in a target blank """ for img in self._html.iter('img'): img.attrib.pop('style', None) a = img a.attrib["href"] = img.attrib.pop("src", None) a.attrib["target"] = "_blank" a.tag = "a" img = lxml.html.builder.IMG() img.attrib["src"] = a.attrib["href"] a.append(img)
def _add_anchors(self): """ Add anchors link to h1, h2, h3 """ for element in self._html.iter('h1', 'h2', 'h3'): if len(element) == 0 and element.attrib.get('id') is not None: a = lxml.html.builder.A() a.attrib['href'] = "#" + element.attrib.get('id') a.text = element.text element.text = None element.append(a)
def main(): """ Run a test """ import tempfile with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: document = DriveDocument("42", "test", "<html><body style=\"test\"><h1>Hello</h1></body></html>", editable_by_anyone=True) document.export(tmpdir) with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, "42", "index.html")) as f: print(f.read())
def get_keylist(self, search_url,i): html = requests.get(search_url, headers=self.headers, verify=False).content selector = etree.HTML(html) # ???? content = selector.xpath('//div[@class="news-box"]/ul/li/div[@class="txt-box"]/h3/a/@href') for list in content: maincontent = self.get_content(list,i)
def removeFile(self): # ????? if os.path.exists('/home/wwwroot/laravel/public/img/daily/'): shutil.rmtree(r'/home/wwwroot/laravel/public/img/daily') # pic if os.path.exists('/home/wwwroot/url/daily/'): shutil.rmtree(r'/home/wwwroot/url/daily') # html # ???????????
def get_list(self, search_url): html = requests.get(search_url, headers=self.headers, verify=False).content selector = etree.HTML(html) # ???? content = selector.xpath('//div[@class="news-box"]/ul/li/div[@class="txt-box"]/h3/a/@href') for list in content: maincontent = self.get_content(list) # ?????????????
def reserve(self, match): payload = {'match_selected': match['match_id'], 'match_verein_id': '', 'as_values_match_verein_id': '', 'check_match': match['match_id']} r = self.driver.request("POST", self.baseUrl + '&act=new', data=payload) doc = lxml.html.fromstring(r.content) path_match = "/html/body//table//tr[@id]/*//text() | " \ "/html/body//table//tr[@id]/*//@href" raw = doc.xpath(path_match) # 2017-06-05 -> 05.06.17 date = datetime.datetime.strptime(match['match_date'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M').strftime('%d.%m.%y %H:%M') # ---- raw snipet ----- # 0 06.06.17 18:30 Uhr # 1 Relegation # 2 TSV Landsberg # 3 - TSV Bogen # 4 index.php?page=fotograf_spiele&mafo_id=43704&act=del # 5 Bereits jemand eingetragen: # 6 http://www.fupa.net/fupaner/abc-def-3 # 7 abc def # ... for i, d in enumerate(raw): if date in d: if match['home'] in raw[i + 2] and match['guest'] in raw[i + 3]: url = raw[i + 4] match['mafo_id'] = url.split("?")[1].split("&")[1].split("=")[1] try: if 'Bereits jemand eingetragen' in raw[i + 5]: # already reserved return match, raw[i + 7] # Photographer except: pass # match can be reserved return match, None
def parse_html(html_file): """ Read the HTML file using lxml's HTML parser, but convert to Unicode using Beautiful Soup's UnicodeDammit class. Can raise LxmlError or TypeError if the file can't be opened or parsed. """ unicode_html = UnicodeDammit(html_file, smart_quotes_to="html", is_html=True) if unicode_html.unicode_markup is None: raise ValueError("no HTML provided") if not unicode_html.unicode_markup: raise ValueError("could not detect character encoding") return lxml.html.fromstring(unicode_html.unicode_markup)
def test_parse_fragments_fromstring(self): parser = lxml.html.HTMLParser(encoding='utf-8', remove_comments=True) html = """<frameset> <frame src="main.php" name="srcpg" id="srcpg" frameborder="0" rolling="Auto" marginwidth="" marginheight="0"> </frameset>""" etree_document = lxml.html.fragments_fromstring(html, parser=parser) self.assertEqual(len(etree_document), 1) root = etree_document[0] self.assertEqual(root.tag, "frameset") frame_element = root[0] self.assertEqual(frame_element.tag, 'frame')
def test_parse_fromstring(self): parser = lxml.html.HTMLParser(encoding='utf-8', remove_comments=True) html = """<html><frameset> <frame src="main.php" name="srcpg" id="srcpg" frameborder="0" rolling="Auto" marginwidth="" marginheight="0"> </frameset></html>""" etree_document = lxml.html.fromstring(html, parser=parser) self.assertEqual(etree_document.tag, 'html') self.assertEqual(len(etree_document), 1) frameset_element = etree_document[0] self.assertEqual(len(frameset_element), 1) frame_element = frameset_element[0] self.assertEqual(frame_element.tag, 'frame')
def test_allow_tags(self): html = """ <html> <head> </head> <body> <p>some text</p> <table> <tr> <td>hello</td><td>world</td> </tr> <tr> <td>hello</td><td>world</td> </tr> </table> <img> </body> </html> """ html_root = lxml.html.document_fromstring(html) cleaner = Cleaner( remove_unknown_tags = False, allow_tags = ['table', 'tr', 'td']) result = cleaner.clean_html(html_root) self.assertEqual(12-5+1, len(list(result.iter())))
def test_safe_attrs_included(self): html = """<p><span style="color: #00ffff;">Cyan</span></p>""" safe_attrs=set(lxml.html.defs.safe_attrs) safe_attrs.add('style') cleaner = Cleaner( safe_attrs_only=True, safe_attrs=safe_attrs) result = cleaner.clean_html(html) self.assertEqual(html, result)
def test_safe_attrs_excluded(self): html = """<p><span style="color: #00ffff;">Cyan</span></p>""" expected = """<p><span>Cyan</span></p>""" safe_attrs=set() cleaner = Cleaner( safe_attrs_only=True, safe_attrs=safe_attrs) result = cleaner.clean_html(html) self.assertEqual(expected, result)
def submit(self, probNum, path=".", language=None): """ submits the problem according to the problem Number of the question. returns a list containing the submission details about the question. """ file_path, filename = UvaSession.find_file(probNum, path) probFile = open(file_path) if language is None: language_number = UvaSession.find_language(filename) else: language_number = UvaSession.language_handler[language] if language_number is None: return payload = { "localid": probNum, "code": probFile.read(), "language": language_number, "codeupl": "", "problemid": "", "category": "", "submit": "Submit" } updated_headers = { "Referer": UvaSession.UVA_HOST + "index.php?option=com_onlinejudge&Itemid=25", "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8", "Host": "uva.onlinejudge.org", "Origin": UvaSession.UVA_HOST } resp = self.uva_session.post(UvaSession.SUBMIT_PATH, data=payload, headers=updated_headers) submission_id = resp.url[resp.url.find('ID')+3:] return self.check_result(submission_id, probNum)
def login(self, username="", password=""): # logging in without credentials self.username = username response_page = self.codechef_session.get(CodechefSession.codechef_url) html_page = lxml.html.fromstring(response_page.text) hidden_inputs = html_page.xpath( r'//form//input[@type="hidden"]' ) payload = {i.attrib["name"]: i.attrib["value"] for i in hidden_inputs} payload['name'] = username payload['pass'] = password payload['op'] = 'Login' response = self.codechef_session.post(CodechefSession.codechef_url, data=payload) # removing extra sessions using simple scraping and form handling while response.url == CodechefSession.codechef_url + '/session/limit': html_page = lxml.html.fromstring(response.text) all_inputs = html_page.xpath(r'//form//input') payload = {i.attrib["name"]: i.attrib["value"] for i in all_inputs[::-1]} response = self.codechef_session.post(CodechefSession.codechef_url + '/session/limit', data=payload) soup = bs(response.content, 'lxml') name = soup.find(text=username) self.logged_in = bool(name) if self.logged_in: self.username = username return self.logged_in
def submit(self, question_code, path=".", language=None): contest = "" for contests in self.info_present_contests(): for contest_ques in CodechefSession.ques_in_contest(contests['contest_name']): if contest_ques == question_code: contest = '/' + contests['contest_name'] break file_path = path # file_path, file_name = CodechefSession.find_file(question_code, path) lang = CodechefSession.language_handler[language] response = self.codechef_session.get( self.codechef_url + contest + '/submit/' + question_code ) html_page = lxml.html.fromstring(response.text) hidden_inputs = html_page.xpath(r'//form//input[@type="hidden"]') payload = {i.attrib['name']: i.attrib['value'] for i in hidden_inputs} payload['language'] = lang payload['problem_code'] = question_code payload['op'] = 'Submit' file = { "files[sourcefile]": open(file_path) } response = self.codechef_session.post(CodechefSession.codechef_url + contest + '/submit/' + question_code, data=payload, files=file ) sub_id = response.url.split('/')[-1] return sub_id , self.check_result(sub_id, question_code)