Python mako.template 模块,Template() 实例源码


项目:spiderfoot    作者:wi-fi-analyzer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scandeletemulti(self, ids, confirm=None):
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        names = list()

        for id in ids.split(','):
            res = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id)
            if res is None:
                return self.error("Scan ID not found (" + id + ").")

            if res[5] in [ "RUNNING", "STARTING", "STARTED" ]:
                return self.error("You cannot delete running scans.")

        if confirm is not None:
            for id in ids.split(','):
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/")
            templ = Template(filename='dyn/scandelete.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
            return templ.render(id=None, name=None, ids=ids.split(','), names=names, 
                                pageid="SCANLIST", docroot=self.docroot)
项目:dabdabrevolution    作者:harryparkdotio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def template(*args, **kwargs):
    Get a rendered template as a string iterator.
    You can use a name, a filename or a template string as first parameter.
    Template rendering arguments can be passed as dictionaries
    or directly (as keyword arguments).
    tpl = args[0] if args else None
    for dictarg in args[1:]:
    adapter = kwargs.pop('template_adapter', SimpleTemplate)
    lookup = kwargs.pop('template_lookup', TEMPLATE_PATH)
    tplid = (id(lookup), tpl)
    if tplid not in TEMPLATES or DEBUG:
        settings = kwargs.pop('template_settings', {})
        if isinstance(tpl, adapter):
            TEMPLATES[tplid] = tpl
            if settings: TEMPLATES[tplid].prepare(**settings)
        elif "\n" in tpl or "{" in tpl or "%" in tpl or '$' in tpl:
            TEMPLATES[tplid] = adapter(source=tpl, lookup=lookup, **settings)
            TEMPLATES[tplid] = adapter(name=tpl, lookup=lookup, **settings)
    if not TEMPLATES[tplid]:
        abort(500, 'Template (%s) not found' % tpl)
    return TEMPLATES[tplid].render(kwargs)
项目:qqmbr    作者:ischurov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle_quiz(self, tag: QqTag) -> str:
        Uses tags: choice, correct, comment


        Do you like qqmbr?
                \comment You didn't even try!
            \choice \correct
                Yes, i like it very much!
                \comment And so do I!

        :param tag:
        if not tag.exists('md5id'):
            tag.append_child(QqTag('md5id', [self.tag_hash_id(tag)]))
        template = Template(filename=os.path.join(self.templates_dir,
        return template.render(formatter=self, tag=tag)
项目:endpoints-tools    作者:cloudendpoints    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write_server_config_templage(server_config, args):
    # Load template
        template = Template(filename=args.server_config_template)
    except IOError as err:
        logging.error("Failed to load server config template. " + err.strerror)

    conf = template.render(

    # Save nginx conf
        f = open(server_config, 'w+')
    except IOError as err:
        logging.error("Failed to save server config." + err.strerror)
项目:llk    作者:Tycx2ry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def clonescan(self, id):
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        types = dbh.eventTypes()
        info = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id)
        scanconfig = dbh.scanConfigGet(id)
        scanname = info[0]
        scantarget = info[1]
        targetType = None

        if scanname == "" or scantarget == "" or len(scanconfig) == 0:
            return self.error("Something went wrong internally.")

        modlist = scanconfig['_modulesenabled'].split(',')

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/newscan.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(pageid='NEWSCAN', types=types, docroot=self.docroot,
                            modules=self.config['__modules__'], selectedmods=modlist,
                            scanname=scanname, scantarget=scantarget)
项目:llk    作者:Tycx2ry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scandeletemulti(self, ids, confirm=None):
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        names = list()

        for id in ids.split(','):
            res = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id)
            if res is None:
                return self.error("Scan ID not found (" + id + ").")

            if res[5] in [ "RUNNING", "STARTING", "STARTED" ]:
                return self.error("You cannot delete running scans.")

        if confirm is not None:
            for id in ids.split(','):
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/")
            templ = Template(filename='dyn/scandelete.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
            return templ.render(id=None, name=None, ids=ids.split(','), names=names, 
                                pageid="SCANLIST", docroot=self.docroot)
项目:llk    作者:Tycx2ry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def stopscan(self, id):
        global globalScanStatus

        if globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) is None:
            return self.error("That scan is not actually running. A data consistency " + \
                              "error for this scan probably exists. <a href='/scandelete?id=" + \
                              id + "&confirm=1'>Click here to delete it.</a>")

        if globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) == "ABORTED":
            return self.error("The scan is already aborted.")

        if not globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) == "RUNNING":
            return self.error("The running scan is currently in the state '" + \
                              globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) + "', please try again later or restart " + \
                              " SpiderFoot.")

        globalScanStatus.setStatus(id, "ABORT-REQUESTED")
        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scanlist.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(pageid='SCANLIST', stoppedscan=True, docroot=self.docroot, errors=list())
项目:Mmrz-Sync    作者:zhanglintc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, source=None, name=None, lookup=[], encoding='utf8', **settings):
        """ Create a new template.
        If the source parameter (str or buffer) is missing, the name argument
        is used to guess a template filename. Subclasses can assume that
        self.source and/or self.filename are set. Both are strings.
        The lookup, encoding and settings parameters are stored as instance
        The lookup parameter stores a list containing directory paths.
        The encoding parameter should be used to decode byte strings or files.
        The settings parameter contains a dict for engine-specific settings.
        """ = name
        self.source = if hasattr(source, 'read') else source
        self.filename = source.filename if hasattr(source, 'filename') else None
        self.lookup = [os.path.abspath(x) for x in lookup]
        self.encoding = encoding
        self.settings = self.settings.copy() # Copy from class variable
        self.settings.update(settings) # Apply
        if not self.source and
            self.filename =, self.lookup)
            if not self.filename:
                raise TemplateError('Template %s not found.' % repr(name))
        if not self.source and not self.filename:
            raise TemplateError('No template specified.')
项目:ynm3k    作者:socrateslee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, source=None, name=None, lookup=[], encoding='utf8', **settings):
        """ Create a new template.
        If the source parameter (str or buffer) is missing, the name argument
        is used to guess a template filename. Subclasses can assume that
        self.source and/or self.filename are set. Both are strings.
        The lookup, encoding and settings parameters are stored as instance
        The lookup parameter stores a list containing directory paths.
        The encoding parameter should be used to decode byte strings or files.
        The settings parameter contains a dict for engine-specific settings.
        """ = name
        self.source = if hasattr(source, 'read') else source
        self.filename = source.filename if hasattr(source, 'filename') else None
        self.lookup = [os.path.abspath(x) for x in lookup]
        self.encoding = encoding
        self.settings = self.settings.copy() # Copy from class variable
        self.settings.update(settings) # Apply
        if not self.source and
            self.filename =, self.lookup)
            if not self.filename:
                raise TemplateError('Template %s not found.' % repr(name))
        if not self.source and not self.filename:
            raise TemplateError('No template specified.')
项目:spiderfoot    作者:wi-fi-analyzer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def clonescan(self, id):
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        types = dbh.eventTypes()
        info = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id)
        scanconfig = dbh.scanConfigGet(id)
        scanname = info[0]
        scantarget = info[1]
        targetType = None

        if scanname == "" or scantarget == "" or len(scanconfig) == 0:
            return self.error("Something went wrong internally.")

        modlist = scanconfig['_modulesenabled'].split(',')

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/newscan.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(pageid='NEWSCAN', types=types, docroot=self.docroot,
                            modules=self.config['__modules__'], selectedmods=modlist,
                            scanname=scanname, scantarget=scantarget)
项目:spiderfoot    作者:wi-fi-analyzer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def stopscan(self, id):
        global globalScanStatus

        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        scaninfo = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id)
        if scaninfo is None:
            return self.error("Invalid scan ID.")

        if globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) is None:
            return self.error("That scan is not actually running. A data consistency " + \
                              "error for this scan probably exists. <a href='/scandelete?id=" + \
                              id + "&confirm=1'>Click here to delete it.</a>")

        if globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) == "ABORTED":
            return self.error("The scan is already aborted.")

        if not globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) == "RUNNING":
            return self.error("The running scan is currently in the state '" + \
                              globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) + "', please try again later or restart " + \
                              " SpiderFoot.")

        globalScanStatus.setStatus(id, "ABORT-REQUESTED")
        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scanlist.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(pageid='SCANLIST', stoppedscan=True, docroot=self.docroot, errors=list())
项目:warriorframework    作者:warriorframework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, source=None, name=None, lookup=None, encoding='utf8', **settings):
        """ Create a new template.
        If the source parameter (str or buffer) is missing, the name argument
        is used to guess a template filename. Subclasses can assume that
        self.source and/or self.filename are set. Both are strings.
        The lookup, encoding and settings parameters are stored as instance
        The lookup parameter stores a list containing directory paths.
        The encoding parameter should be used to decode byte strings or files.
        The settings parameter contains a dict for engine-specific settings.
        """ = name
        self.source = if hasattr(source, 'read') else source
        self.filename = source.filename if hasattr(source, 'filename') else None
        self.lookup = [os.path.abspath(x) for x in lookup] if lookup else []
        self.encoding = encoding
        self.settings = self.settings.copy() # Copy from class variable
        self.settings.update(settings) # Apply
        if not self.source and
            self.filename =, self.lookup)
            if not self.filename:
                raise TemplateError('Template %s not found.' % repr(name))
        if not self.source and not self.filename:
            raise TemplateError('No template specified.')
项目:warriorframework    作者:warriorframework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def template(*args, **kwargs):
    Get a rendered template as a string iterator.
    You can use a name, a filename or a template string as first parameter.
    Template rendering arguments can be passed as dictionaries
    or directly (as keyword arguments).
    tpl = args[0] if args else None
    for dictarg in args[1:]:
    adapter = kwargs.pop('template_adapter', SimpleTemplate)
    lookup = kwargs.pop('template_lookup', TEMPLATE_PATH)
    tplid = (id(lookup), tpl)
    if tplid not in TEMPLATES or DEBUG:
        settings = kwargs.pop('template_settings', {})
        if isinstance(tpl, adapter):
            TEMPLATES[tplid] = tpl
            if settings: TEMPLATES[tplid].prepare(**settings)
        elif "\n" in tpl or "{" in tpl or "%" in tpl or '$' in tpl:
            TEMPLATES[tplid] = adapter(source=tpl, lookup=lookup, **settings)
            TEMPLATES[tplid] = adapter(name=tpl, lookup=lookup, **settings)
    if not TEMPLATES[tplid]:
        abort(500, 'Template (%s) not found' % tpl)
    return TEMPLATES[tplid].render(kwargs)
项目:WebHackSHL    作者:SecHackLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reflect(engine):

    template = request.values.get('tpl')
    if not template:
        template = '%s'

    injection = request.values.get('inj')

    if engine == 'mako':
        return randomword() + MakoTemplates(template % injection, lookup=mylookup).render() + randomword()
    elif engine == 'jinja2':
        return randomword() + Jinja2Env.from_string(template % injection).render() + randomword()
    elif engine == 'eval':
        return randomword() + str(eval(template % injection)) + randomword()
    elif engine == 'tornado':
        return randomword() + tornado.template.Template(template % injection).generate() + randomword()
项目:WebHackSHL    作者:SecHackLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def blind(engine):

    template = request.values.get('tpl')
    if not template:
        template = '%s'

    injection = request.values.get('inj')

    if engine == 'mako':
        MakoTemplates(template % injection, lookup=mylookup).render()
    elif engine == 'jinja2':
        Jinja2Env.from_string(template % injection).render()
    elif engine == 'eval':
        eval(template % injection)
    elif engine == 'tornado':
        tornado.template.Template(template % injection).generate()

    return randomword()
项目:WebHackSHL    作者:SecHackLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reflect_cookieauth(engine):

    if not request.cookies.get('SID') == 'SECRET':
        return randomword()

    template = request.values.get('tpl')
    if not template:
        template = '%s'

    injection = request.values.get('inj')

    if engine == 'mako':
        return randomword() + MakoTemplates(template % injection, lookup=mylookup).render() + randomword()
    elif engine == 'jinja2':
        return randomword() + Jinja2Env.from_string(template % injection).render() + randomword()
    elif engine == 'eval':
        return randomword() + str(eval(template % injection)) + randomword()
    elif engine == 'tornado':
        return randomword() + tornado.template.Template(template % injection).generate() + randomword()
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_template(self, uri):
        """Return a :class:`.Template` object corresponding to the given

        .. note:: The ``relativeto`` argument is not supported here at the moment.


            if self.filesystem_checks:
                return self._check(uri, self._collection[uri])
                return self._collection[uri]
        except KeyError:
            u = re.sub(r'^\/+', '', uri)
            for dir in self.directories:
                srcfile = posixpath.normpath(posixpath.join(dir, u))
                if os.path.isfile(srcfile):
                    return self._load(srcfile, uri)
                raise exceptions.TopLevelLookupException(
                                    "Cant locate template for uri %r" % uri)
项目:jawaf    作者:danpozmanter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _render(self, target_name, read_path, write_path):
        """Render a given template or directory for the target.
        :param target_name: String. Project or App name to render.
        :param read_path: String. Path to template or directory to render.
        :param write_path: String. Path to write to (or create directory).
        if os.path.isdir(read_path):
            if os.path.split(read_path)[1] == 'project_name':
                write_path = os.path.join(os.path.split(write_path)[0], self.variables['project_name'])
            for filename in os.listdir(read_path):
                if fnmatch(filename, 'test_*'):
                    write_filename = filename.replace('test_', f'test_{target_name}_')
                    write_filename = filename
                self._render(target_name, os.path.join(read_path, filename), os.path.join(write_path, write_filename))
            tpl = Template(filename=read_path)
            with open(os.path.splitext(write_path)[0], 'w') as f:
项目:fgc    作者:mpaulweeks    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, source=None, name=None, lookup=[], encoding='utf8', **settings):
        """ Create a new template.
        If the source parameter (str or buffer) is missing, the name argument
        is used to guess a template filename. Subclasses can assume that
        self.source and/or self.filename are set. Both are strings.
        The lookup, encoding and settings parameters are stored as instance
        The lookup parameter stores a list containing directory paths.
        The encoding parameter should be used to decode byte strings or files.
        The settings parameter contains a dict for engine-specific settings.
        """ = name
        self.source = if hasattr(source, 'read') else source
        self.filename = source.filename if hasattr(source, 'filename') else None
        self.lookup = [os.path.abspath(x) for x in lookup]
        self.encoding = encoding
        self.settings = self.settings.copy() # Copy from class variable
        self.settings.update(settings) # Apply
        if not self.source and
            self.filename =, self.lookup)
            if not self.filename:
                raise TemplateError('Template %s not found.' % repr(name))
        if not self.source and not self.filename:
            raise TemplateError('No template specified.')
项目:Orator-Google-App-Engine    作者:MakarenaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, source=None, name=None, lookup=[], encoding='utf8', **settings):
        """ Create a new template.
        If the source parameter (str or buffer) is missing, the name argument
        is used to guess a template filename. Subclasses can assume that
        self.source and/or self.filename are set. Both are strings.
        The lookup, encoding and settings parameters are stored as instance
        The lookup parameter stores a list containing directory paths.
        The encoding parameter should be used to decode byte strings or files.
        The settings parameter contains a dict for engine-specific settings.
        """ = name
        self.source = if hasattr(source, 'read') else source
        self.filename = source.filename if hasattr(source, 'filename') else None
        self.lookup = [os.path.abspath(x) for x in lookup]
        self.encoding = encoding
        self.settings = self.settings.copy() # Copy from class variable
        self.settings.update(settings) # Apply
        if not self.source and
            self.filename =, self.lookup)
            if not self.filename:
                raise TemplateError('Template %s not found.' % repr(name))
        if not self.source and not self.filename:
            raise TemplateError('No template specified.')
项目:Orator-Google-App-Engine    作者:MakarenaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def template(*args, **kwargs):
    Get a rendered template as a string iterator.
    You can use a name, a filename or a template string as first parameter.
    Template rendering arguments can be passed as dictionaries
    or directly (as keyword arguments).
    tpl = args[0] if args else None
    adapter = kwargs.pop('template_adapter', SimpleTemplate)
    lookup = kwargs.pop('template_lookup', TEMPLATE_PATH)
    tplid = (id(lookup), tpl)
    if tplid not in TEMPLATES or DEBUG:
        settings = kwargs.pop('template_settings', {})
        if isinstance(tpl, adapter):
            TEMPLATES[tplid] = tpl
            if settings: TEMPLATES[tplid].prepare(**settings)
        elif "\n" in tpl or "{" in tpl or "%" in tpl or '$' in tpl:
            TEMPLATES[tplid] = adapter(source=tpl, lookup=lookup, **settings)
            TEMPLATES[tplid] = adapter(name=tpl, lookup=lookup, **settings)
    if not TEMPLATES[tplid]:
        abort(500, 'Template (%s) not found' % tpl)
    for dictarg in args[1:]: kwargs.update(dictarg)
    return TEMPLATES[tplid].render(kwargs)
项目:NebulaSolarDash    作者:toddlerya    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def template(*args, **kwargs):
    Get a rendered template as a string iterator.
    You can use a name, a filename or a template string as first parameter.
    Template rendering arguments can be passed as dictionaries
    or directly (as keyword arguments).
    tpl = args[0] if args else None
    for dictarg in args[1:]:
    adapter = kwargs.pop('template_adapter', SimpleTemplate)
    lookup = kwargs.pop('template_lookup', TEMPLATE_PATH)
    tplid = (id(lookup), tpl)
    if tplid not in TEMPLATES or DEBUG:
        settings = kwargs.pop('template_settings', {})
        if isinstance(tpl, adapter):
            TEMPLATES[tplid] = tpl
            if settings: TEMPLATES[tplid].prepare(**settings)
        elif "\n" in tpl or "{" in tpl or "%" in tpl or '$' in tpl:
            TEMPLATES[tplid] = adapter(source=tpl, lookup=lookup, **settings)
            TEMPLATES[tplid] = adapter(name=tpl, lookup=lookup, **settings)
    if not TEMPLATES[tplid]:
        abort(500, 'Template (%s) not found' % tpl)
    return TEMPLATES[tplid].render(kwargs)
项目:bottle_beginner    作者:denzow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def template(*args, **kwargs):
    Get a rendered template as a string iterator.
    You can use a name, a filename or a template string as first parameter.
    Template rendering arguments can be passed as dictionaries
    or directly (as keyword arguments).
    tpl = args[0] if args else None
    for dictarg in args[1:]:
    adapter = kwargs.pop('template_adapter', SimpleTemplate)
    lookup = kwargs.pop('template_lookup', TEMPLATE_PATH)
    tplid = (id(lookup), tpl)
    if tplid not in TEMPLATES or DEBUG:
        settings = kwargs.pop('template_settings', {})
        if isinstance(tpl, adapter):
            TEMPLATES[tplid] = tpl
            if settings: TEMPLATES[tplid].prepare(**settings)
        elif "\n" in tpl or "{" in tpl or "%" in tpl or '$' in tpl:
            TEMPLATES[tplid] = adapter(source=tpl, lookup=lookup, **settings)
            TEMPLATES[tplid] = adapter(name=tpl, lookup=lookup, **settings)
    if not TEMPLATES[tplid]:
        abort(500, 'Template (%s) not found' % tpl)
    return TEMPLATES[tplid].render(kwargs)
项目:MCSManager-fsmodule    作者:Suwings    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def template(*args, **kwargs):
    Get a rendered template as a string iterator.
    You can use a name, a filename or a template string as first parameter.
    Template rendering arguments can be passed as dictionaries
    or directly (as keyword arguments).
    tpl = args[0] if args else None
    for dictarg in args[1:]:
    adapter = kwargs.pop('template_adapter', SimpleTemplate)
    lookup = kwargs.pop('template_lookup', TEMPLATE_PATH)
    tplid = (id(lookup), tpl)
    if tplid not in TEMPLATES or DEBUG:
        settings = kwargs.pop('template_settings', {})
        if isinstance(tpl, adapter):
            TEMPLATES[tplid] = tpl
            if settings: TEMPLATES[tplid].prepare(**settings)
        elif "\n" in tpl or "{" in tpl or "%" in tpl or '$' in tpl:
            TEMPLATES[tplid] = adapter(source=tpl, lookup=lookup, **settings)
            TEMPLATES[tplid] = adapter(name=tpl, lookup=lookup, **settings)
    if not TEMPLATES[tplid]:
        abort(500, 'Template (%s) not found' % tpl)
    return TEMPLATES[tplid].render(kwargs)
项目:oa_qian    作者:sunqb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_template(self, uri):
        """Return a :class:`.Template` object corresponding to the given

        .. note:: The ``relativeto`` argument is not supported here at the moment.


            if self.filesystem_checks:
                return self._check(uri, self._collection[uri])
                return self._collection[uri]
        except KeyError:
            u = re.sub(r'^\/+', '', uri)
            for dir in self.directories:
                srcfile = posixpath.normpath(posixpath.join(dir, u))
                if os.path.isfile(srcfile):
                    return self._load(srcfile, uri)
                raise exceptions.TopLevelLookupException(
                                    "Cant locate template for uri %r" % uri)
项目:weevely3-stealth    作者:edibledinos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def format(self, values):
        """Format the payload.

        This format the vector payloads using Mako template.

            values (dict): The values passed as arguments of Mako

            A list of string containing the formatted payloads.


        return [
                    for arg in self.arguments
项目:weevely3-stealth    作者:edibledinos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def format(self, values):
        """Format the payload.

        This format the vector payloads using Mako template.
        Also set a TemplateLookup to the template folder, to allow an easy
        `<% include>` tag usage.

            values (dict): The values passed as arguments of Mako

            A list of string containing the formatted payloads.


        return [
                        text = arg,
                        lookup = TemplateLookup(directories = [ self.folder ])
                 for arg in self.arguments
项目:weevely3-stealth    作者:edibledinos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _load_referrers(self):

        referrers_vanilla = []

            referrer_file = open(referrer_templates_path)
        except Exception as e:
            raise FatalException(
                core.messages.generic.error_loading_file_s_s %
                (referrer_templates_path, str(e)))

        for template in'\n'):
            if not template.startswith('http'):

            referer_format = FirstRefererFormat(self.url)

            template_first_formatted = Template(
                (template_first_formatted, referer_format.chunks_sizes))

        return referrers_vanilla
项目:base1k    作者:xiaq    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, source=None, name=None, lookup=[], encoding='utf8', **settings):
        """ Create a new template.
        If the source parameter (str or buffer) is missing, the name argument
        is used to guess a template filename. Subclasses can assume that
        self.source and/or self.filename are set. Both are strings.
        The lookup, encoding and settings parameters are stored as instance
        The lookup parameter stores a list containing directory paths.
        The encoding parameter should be used to decode byte strings or files.
        The settings parameter contains a dict for engine-specific settings.
        """ = name
        self.source = if hasattr(source, 'read') else source
        self.filename = source.filename if hasattr(source, 'filename') else None
        self.lookup = [os.path.abspath(x) for x in lookup]
        self.encoding = encoding
        self.settings = self.settings.copy() # Copy from class variable
        self.settings.update(settings) # Apply
        if not self.source and
            self.filename =, self.lookup)
            if not self.filename:
                raise TemplateError('Template %s not found.' % repr(name))
        if not self.source and not self.filename:
            raise TemplateError('No template specified.')
项目:SalesforceXyTools    作者:exiahuang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, source=None, name=None, lookup=[], encoding='utf8', **settings):
        """ Create a new template.
        If the source parameter (str or buffer) is missing, the name argument
        is used to guess a template filename. Subclasses can assume that
        self.source and/or self.filename are set. Both are strings.
        The lookup, encoding and settings parameters are stored as instance
        The lookup parameter stores a list containing directory paths.
        The encoding parameter should be used to decode byte strings or files.
        The settings parameter contains a dict for engine-specific settings.
        """ = name
        self.source = if hasattr(source, 'read') else source
        self.filename = source.filename if hasattr(source, 'filename') else None
        self.lookup = [os.path.abspath(x) for x in lookup]
        self.encoding = encoding
        self.settings = self.settings.copy() # Copy from class variable
        self.settings.update(settings) # Apply
        if not self.source and
            self.filename =, self.lookup)
            if not self.filename:
                raise TemplateError('Template %s not found.' % repr(name))
        if not self.source and not self.filename:
            raise TemplateError('No template specified.')
项目:SalesforceXyTools    作者:exiahuang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def template(*args, **kwargs):
    Get a rendered template as a string iterator.
    You can use a name, a filename or a template string as first parameter.
    Template rendering arguments can be passed as dictionaries
    or directly (as keyword arguments).
    tpl = args[0] if args else None
    adapter = kwargs.pop('template_adapter', SimpleTemplate)
    lookup = kwargs.pop('template_lookup', TEMPLATE_PATH)
    tplid = (id(lookup), tpl)
    if tplid not in TEMPLATES or DEBUG:
        settings = kwargs.pop('template_settings', {})
        if isinstance(tpl, adapter):
            TEMPLATES[tplid] = tpl
            if settings: TEMPLATES[tplid].prepare(**settings)
        elif "\n" in tpl or "{" in tpl or "%" in tpl or '$' in tpl:
            TEMPLATES[tplid] = adapter(source=tpl, lookup=lookup, **settings)
            TEMPLATES[tplid] = adapter(name=tpl, lookup=lookup, **settings)
    if not TEMPLATES[tplid]:
        abort(500, 'Template (%s) not found' % tpl)
    for dictarg in args[1:]: kwargs.update(dictarg)
    return TEMPLATES[tplid].render(kwargs)
项目:pyetje    作者:rorlika    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_template(self, uri):
        """Return a :class:`.Template` object corresponding to the given

        .. note:: The ``relativeto`` argument is not supported here at the moment.


            if self.filesystem_checks:
                return self._check(uri, self._collection[uri])
                return self._collection[uri]
        except KeyError:
            u = re.sub(r'^\/+', '', uri)
            for dir in self.directories:
                srcfile = posixpath.normpath(posixpath.join(dir, u))
                if os.path.isfile(srcfile):
                    return self._load(srcfile, uri)
                raise exceptions.TopLevelLookupException(
                                    "Cant locate template for uri %r" % uri)
项目:yt    作者:yt-project    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, source=None, name=None, lookup=[], encoding='utf8', **settings):
        """ Create a new template.
        If the source parameter (str or buffer) is missing, the name argument
        is used to guess a template filename. Subclasses can assume that
        self.source and/or self.filename are set. Both are strings.
        The lookup, encoding and settings parameters are stored as instance
        The lookup parameter stores a list containing directory paths.
        The encoding parameter should be used to decode byte strings or files.
        The settings parameter contains a dict for engine-specific settings.
        """ = name
        self.source = if hasattr(source, 'read') else source
        self.filename = source.filename if hasattr(source, 'filename') else None
        self.lookup = map(os.path.abspath, lookup)
        self.encoding = encoding
        self.settings = self.settings.copy() # Copy from class variable
        self.settings.update(settings) # Apply 
        if not self.source and
            self.filename =, self.lookup)
            if not self.filename:
                raise TemplateError('Template %s not found.' % repr(name))
        if not self.source and not self.filename:
            raise TemplateError('No template specified.')
项目:yt    作者:yt-project    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def template(*args, **kwargs):
    Get a rendered template as a string iterator.
    You can use a name, a filename or a template string as first parameter.
    Template rendering arguments can be passed as dictionaries
    or directly (as keyword arguments).
    tpl = args[0] if args else None
    template_adapter = kwargs.pop('template_adapter', SimpleTemplate)
    if tpl not in TEMPLATES or DEBUG:
        settings = kwargs.pop('template_settings', {})
        lookup = kwargs.pop('template_lookup', TEMPLATE_PATH)
        if isinstance(tpl, template_adapter):
            TEMPLATES[tpl] = tpl
            if settings: TEMPLATES[tpl].prepare(**settings)
        elif "\n" in tpl or "{" in tpl or "%" in tpl or '$' in tpl:
            TEMPLATES[tpl] = template_adapter(source=tpl, lookup=lookup, **settings)
            TEMPLATES[tpl] = template_adapter(name=tpl, lookup=lookup, **settings)
    if not TEMPLATES[tpl]:
        abort(500, 'Template (%s) not found' % tpl)
    for dictarg in args[1:]: kwargs.update(dictarg)
    return TEMPLATES[tpl].render(kwargs)
项目:dabdabrevolution    作者:harryparkdotio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __exit__(self, exc_type, *_):
        if not self.status: self.status = 'exit'  # silent exit
        return exc_type is not None and issubclass(exc_type, KeyboardInterrupt)

# Template Adapters ############################################################
项目:dabdabrevolution    作者:harryparkdotio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self,
                 encoding='utf8', **settings):
        """ Create a new template.
        If the source parameter (str or buffer) is missing, the name argument
        is used to guess a template filename. Subclasses can assume that
        self.source and/or self.filename are set. Both are strings.
        The lookup, encoding and settings parameters are stored as instance
        The lookup parameter stores a list containing directory paths.
        The encoding parameter should be used to decode byte strings or files.
        The settings parameter contains a dict for engine-specific settings.
        """ = name
        self.source = if hasattr(source, 'read') else source
        self.filename = source.filename if hasattr(source, 'filename') else None
        self.lookup = [os.path.abspath(x) for x in lookup] if lookup else []
        self.encoding = encoding
        self.settings = self.settings.copy()  # Copy from class variable
        self.settings.update(settings)  # Apply
        if not self.source and
            self.filename =, self.lookup)
            if not self.filename:
                raise TemplateError('Template %s not found.' % repr(name))
        if not self.source and not self.filename:
            raise TemplateError('No template specified.')
项目:dabdabrevolution    作者:harryparkdotio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def prepare(self, **options):
        from mako.template import Template
        from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup
        options.update({'input_encoding': self.encoding})
        options.setdefault('format_exceptions', bool(DEBUG))
        lookup = TemplateLookup(directories=self.lookup, **options)
        if self.source:
            self.tpl = Template(self.source, lookup=lookup, **options)
            self.tpl = Template(,
                                lookup=lookup, **options)
项目:dabdabrevolution    作者:harryparkdotio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def prepare(self, **options):
        from Cheetah.Template import Template
        self.context = threading.local()
        self.context.vars = {}
        options['searchList'] = [self.context.vars]
        if self.source:
            self.tpl = Template(source=self.source, **options)
            self.tpl = Template(file=self.filename, **options)
项目:anubad-web    作者:foss-np    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def prepare(self, **options):
        from mako.template import Template
        from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup
        from plim import preprocessor
        options.setdefault('format_exceptions', bool(DEBUG))
        lookup = TemplateLookup(directories=self.lookup, **options)
        if self.source:
            self.tpl = Template(self.source, preprocessor = preprocessor, lookup=lookup, **options)
            self.tpl = Template(, preprocessor = preprocessor, filename=self.filename, lookup=lookup, **options)
项目:qqmbr    作者:ischurov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle_align(self, tag: QqTag) -> str:
        Uses tags: align, number, label, item

                \item c^2 &= a^2 + b^2 \label eq:one
                \item c &= \sqrt{a^2 + b^2} \label eq:two

        :param tag:

        template = Template(
<% items = tag("item") %>
% if items:
% for i, item in enumerate(items):
${formatter.format(item, blanks_to_pars=False)}
% if item.exists("number"):
% endif
% if i != len(items):

% endif
% endfor
% endif
        return template.render(formatter=self, tag=tag)
项目:kaira    作者:mulonemartin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self,
                 encoding='utf8', **settings):
        """ Create a new template.
        If the source parameter (str or buffer) is missing, the name argument
        is used to guess a template filename. Subclasses can assume that
        self.source and/or self.filename are set. Both are strings.
        The lookup, encoding and settings parameters are stored as instance
        The lookup parameter stores a list containing directory paths.
        The encoding parameter should be used to decode byte strings or files.
        The settings parameter contains a dict for engine-specific settings.
        """ = name
        self.source = if hasattr(source, 'read') else source
        self.filename = source.filename if hasattr(source, 'filename') else None
        self.lookup = [os.path.abspath(x) for x in lookup] if lookup else []
        self.encoding = encoding
        self.settings = self.settings.copy()  # Copy from class variable
        self.settings.update(settings)  # Apply
        if not self.source and
            self.filename =, self.lookup)
            if not self.filename:
                raise TemplateError('Template %s not found.' % repr(name))
        if not self.source and not self.filename:
            raise TemplateError('No template specified.')
项目:kaira    作者:mulonemartin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def prepare(self, **options):
        from mako.template import Template
        from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup
        options.update({'input_encoding': self.encoding})
        options.setdefault('format_exceptions', bool(DEBUG))
        lookup = TemplateLookup(directories=self.lookup, **options)
        if self.source:
            self.tpl = Template(self.source, lookup=lookup, **options)
            self.tpl = Template(,
                                lookup=lookup, **options)
项目:kaira    作者:mulonemartin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def template(*args, **kwargs):
    Get a rendered template as a string iterator.
    You can use a name, a filename or a template string as first parameter.
    Template rendering arguments can be passed as dictionaries
    or directly (as keyword arguments).
    tpl = args[0] if args else None
    for dictarg in args[1:]:
    adapter = kwargs.pop('template_adapter', MakoTemplate)
    lookup = kwargs.pop('template_lookup', TEMPLATE_PATH)
    tplid = (id(lookup), tpl)
    if tplid not in TEMPLATES or DEBUG:
        settings = kwargs.pop('template_settings', {})
        if isinstance(tpl, adapter):
            TEMPLATES[tplid] = tpl
            if settings: TEMPLATES[tplid].prepare(**settings)
        elif "\n" in tpl or "{" in tpl or "%" in tpl or '$' in tpl:
            TEMPLATES[tplid] = adapter(source=tpl, lookup=lookup, **settings)
            TEMPLATES[tplid] = adapter(name=tpl, lookup=lookup, **settings)
    if not TEMPLATES[tplid]:
        abort(500, 'Template (%s) not found' % tpl)
    return TEMPLATES[tplid].render(kwargs)

#mako_template = functools.partial(template, template_adapter=MakoTemplate)
项目:sketch-components    作者:ibhubs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def import_statement(self):
        if self.is_default:
            return Template("""import ${name} from '${path}'""").render(
      , path=self.path)
        return Template("""import {${name}} from '${path}'""").render(
  , path=self.path)
项目:sketch-components    作者:ibhubs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update_dependencies(self):
        # No children for CustomTabBarHeader
        from mako.template import Template
        for source_name, source_path in self.icon_source_tuples:
            image_source_dependency = Template(
                """import ${name} from '${path}'""").render(name=source_name,
项目:sketch-components    作者:ibhubs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update_dependencies(self):
        for child in self.children:
            if not child.is_exportable_component():
        from mako.template import Template
        if self.source_name and self.source_path:
            image_source_dependency = Template(
                """import ${name} from '${path}'""").render(
项目:sketch-components    作者:ibhubs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def import_statement(self):
        if self.is_default:
            return Template("""import ${name} from '${path}'""").render(
      , path=self.path)
        return Template("""import { ${name} } from '${path}'""").render(
  , path=self.path)
项目:sketch-components    作者:ibhubs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def import_statement(self):
        if self.is_default:
            return Template("""import ${name} from '${path}'""").render(
        return Template("""import { ${name} } from '${path}'""").render(
项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def source(self):
        """Return the template source code for this :class:`.Template`."""

        return _get_module_info_from_callable(self.callable_).source
项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def code(self):
        """Return the module source code for this :class:`.Template`."""

        return _get_module_info_from_callable(self.callable_).code