Python markdown 模块,Extension() 实例源码


项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def registerExtensions(self, extensions, configs):
        Register extensions with this instance of Markdown.

        Keyword arguments:

        * extensions: A list of extensions, which can either
           be strings or objects.  See the docstring on Markdown.
        * configs: A dictionary mapping module names to config options.

        for ext in extensions:
            if isinstance(ext, util.string_type):
                ext = self.build_extension(ext, configs.get(ext, []))
            if isinstance(ext, Extension):
                ext.extendMarkdown(self, globals())
            elif ext is not None:
                raise TypeError(
                    'Extension "%s.%s" must be of type: "markdown.Extension"'
                    % (ext.__class__.__module__, ext.__class__.__name__))

        return self
项目:oa_qian    作者:sunqb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def registerExtensions(self, extensions, configs):
        Register extensions with this instance of Markdown.

        Keyword arguments:

        * extensions: A list of extensions, which can either
           be strings or objects.  See the docstring on Markdown.
        * configs: A dictionary mapping module names to config options.

        for ext in extensions:
            if isinstance(ext, util.string_type):
                ext = self.build_extension(ext, configs.get(ext, {}))
            if isinstance(ext, Extension):
                ext.extendMarkdown(self, globals())
      'Successfully loaded extension "%s.%s".' 
                            % (ext.__class__.__module__, ext.__class__.__name__))
            elif ext is not None:
                raise TypeError(
                    'Extension "%s.%s" must be of type: "markdown.Extension"'
                    % (ext.__class__.__module__, ext.__class__.__name__))

        return self
项目:webapp    作者:superchilli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def registerExtensions(self, extensions, configs):
        Register extensions with this instance of Markdown.

        Keyword arguments:

        * extensions: A list of extensions, which can either
           be strings or objects.  See the docstring on Markdown.
        * configs: A dictionary mapping module names to config options.

        for ext in extensions:
            if isinstance(ext, util.string_type):
                ext = self.build_extension(ext, configs.get(ext, []))
            if isinstance(ext, Extension):
                ext.extendMarkdown(self, globals())
            elif ext is not None:
                raise TypeError(
                    'Extension "%s.%s" must be of type: "markdown.Extension"'
                    % (ext.__class__.__module__, ext.__class__.__name__))

        return self
项目:learn-datascience    作者:adicu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def registerExtensions(self, extensions, configs):
        Register extensions with this instance of Markdown.

        Keyword arguments:

        * extensions: A list of extensions, which can either
           be strings or objects.  See the docstring on Markdown.
        * configs: A dictionary mapping module names to config options.

        for ext in extensions:
            if isinstance(ext, util.string_type):
                ext = self.build_extension(ext, configs.get(ext, []))
            if isinstance(ext, Extension):
                ext.extendMarkdown(self, globals())
            elif ext is not None:
                raise TypeError(
                    'Extension "%s.%s" must be of type: "markdown.Extension"'
                    % (ext.__class__.__module__, ext.__class__.__name__))

        return self
项目:sublime-text-3-packages    作者:nickjj    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def registerExtensions(self, extensions, configs):
        Register extensions with this instance of Markdown.

        Keyword arguments:

        * extensions: A list of extensions, which can either
           be strings or objects.  See the docstring on Markdown.
        * configs: A dictionary mapping module names to config options.

        for ext in extensions:
            if isinstance(ext, util.string_type):
                ext = self.build_extension(ext, configs.get(ext, {}))
            if isinstance(ext, Extension):
                ext.extendMarkdown(self, globals())
                    'Successfully loaded extension "%s.%s".'
                    % (ext.__class__.__module__, ext.__class__.__name__)
            elif ext is not None:
                raise TypeError(
                    'Extension "%s.%s" must be of type: "markdown.Extension"'
                    % (ext.__class__.__module__, ext.__class__.__name__))

        return self
项目:macos-st-packages    作者:zce    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def registerExtensions(self, extensions, configs):
        Register extensions with this instance of Markdown.

        Keyword arguments:

        * extensions: A list of extensions, which can either
           be strings or objects.  See the docstring on Markdown.
        * configs: A dictionary mapping module names to config options.

        for ext in extensions:
            if isinstance(ext, util.string_type):
                ext = self.build_extension(ext, configs.get(ext, {}))
            if isinstance(ext, Extension):
                ext.extendMarkdown(self, globals())
                    'Successfully loaded extension "%s.%s".'
                    % (ext.__class__.__module__, ext.__class__.__name__)
            elif ext is not None:
                raise TypeError(
                    'Extension "%s.%s" must be of type: "markdown.Extension"'
                    % (ext.__class__.__module__, ext.__class__.__name__))

        return self
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def registerExtensions(self, extensions, configs):
        Register extensions with this instance of Markdown.

        Keyword arguments:

        * extensions: A list of extensions, which can either
           be strings or objects.  See the docstring on Markdown.
        * configs: A dictionary mapping module names to config options.

        for ext in extensions:
            if isinstance(ext, util.string_type):
                ext = self.build_extension(ext, configs.get(ext, {}))
            if isinstance(ext, Extension):
                ext.extendMarkdown(self, globals())
                    'Successfully loaded extension "%s.%s".'
                    % (ext.__class__.__module__, ext.__class__.__name__)
            elif ext is not None:
                raise TypeError(
                    'Extension "%s.%s" must be of type: "markdown.Extension"'
                    % (ext.__class__.__module__, ext.__class__.__name__))

        return self
项目:sublimeTextConfig    作者:luoye-fe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def registerExtensions(self, extensions, configs):
        Register extensions with this instance of Markdown.

        Keyword arguments:

        * extensions: A list of extensions, which can either
           be strings or objects.  See the docstring on Markdown.
        * configs: A dictionary mapping module names to config options.

        for ext in extensions:
            if isinstance(ext, util.string_type):
                ext = self.build_extension(ext, configs.get(ext, {}))
            if isinstance(ext, Extension):
                ext.extendMarkdown(self, globals())
                    'Successfully loaded extension "%s.%s".'
                    % (ext.__class__.__module__, ext.__class__.__name__)
            elif ext is not None:
                raise TypeError(
                    'Extension "%s.%s" must be of type: "markdown.Extension"'
                    % (ext.__class__.__module__, ext.__class__.__name__))

        return self
项目:BlogInPy    作者:the-new-sky    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def registerExtensions(self, extensions, configs):
        Register extensions with this instance of Markdown.

        Keyword arguments:

        * extensions: A list of extensions, which can either
           be strings or objects.  See the docstring on Markdown.
        * configs: A dictionary mapping module names to config options.

        for ext in extensions:
            if isinstance(ext, util.string_type):
                ext = self.build_extension(ext, configs.get(ext, {}))
            if isinstance(ext, Extension):
                ext.extendMarkdown(self, globals())
                    'Successfully loaded extension "%s.%s".'
                    % (ext.__class__.__module__, ext.__class__.__name__)
            elif ext is not None:
                raise TypeError(
                    'Extension "%s.%s" must be of type: "markdown.Extension"'
                    % (ext.__class__.__module__, ext.__class__.__name__))

        return self