def get_bone_rotation(self,bone): pose_bone = self.armature.pose.bones[bone.name] if bone.parent != None: local_mat = self.get_bone_transformation(bone.parent).inverted() * self.get_bone_transformation(bone) else: local_mat = self.get_bone_transformation(bone) bone_euler_rot = local_mat.decompose()[1].to_euler() degrees = round(math.degrees(bone_euler_rot.y),2) return -math.radians(degrees)
def unit_cell_volume(self): """ Calculates unit cell volume of a given MOF object. """ a = self.uc_size[0] b = self.uc_size[1] c = self.uc_size[2] alp = math.radians(self.uc_angle[0]) bet = math.radians(self.uc_angle[1]) gam = math.radians(self.uc_angle[2]) volume = 1 - math.cos(alp)**2 - math.cos(bet)**2 - math.cos(gam)**2 volume += 2 * math.cos(alp) * math.cos(bet) * math.cos(gam) volume = a * b * c * math.sqrt(volume) frac_volume = volume / (a * b * c) self.ucv = volume self.frac_ucv = frac_volume
def angle_wrap(angle,radians=False): ''' Wraps the input angle to 360.0 degrees. if radians is True: input is assumed to be in radians, output is also in radians ''' if radians: wrapped = angle % (2.0*PI) if wrapped < 0.0: wrapped = 2.0*PI + wrapped else: wrapped = angle % 360.0 if wrapped < 0.0: wrapped = 360.0 + wrapped return wrapped
def get_min_level(self, value): """Minimum cell level for given value. Return the minimum level such that the metric is at most the given value, or ``s2sphere.CellId.MAX_LEVEL`` if there is no such level. For example, ``s2sphere.MAX_DIAG.get_min_level(0.1)`` returns the minimum level such that all cell diagonal lengths are 0.1 or smaller. The return value is always a valid level. :param value: Depending on whether this is used in one or two dimensions, this is an angle in radians or a solid angle in steradians. """ if value <= 0: return CellId.MAX_LEVEL m, x = math.frexp(value / self.deriv()) level = max(0, min(CellId.MAX_LEVEL, -((x - 1) >> (self.__dim - 1)))) assert level == CellId.MAX_LEVEL or self.get_value(level) <= value assert level == 0 or self.get_value(level - 1) > value return level
def get_max_level(self, value): """Maximum cell level for given value. Return the maximum level such that the metric is at least the given value, or zero if there is no such level. For example, ``s2sphere.MIN_WIDTH.get_max_level(0.1)`` returns the maximum level such that all cells have a minimum width of 0.1 or larger. The return value is always a valid level. :param value: Depending on whether this is used in one or two dimensions, this is an angle in radians or a solid angle in steradians. """ if value <= 0: return CellId.MAX_LEVEL m, x = math.frexp(self.deriv() / value) level = max(0, min(CellId.MAX_LEVEL, (x - 1) >> (self.__dim - 1))) assert level == 0 or self.get_value(level) >= value assert level == CellId.MAX_LEVEL or self.get_value(level + 1) < value return level
def __get_initial_candidates(self): if self.__max_cells >= 4: cap = self.__region.get_cap_bound() level = min(CellId.min_width().get_max_level( 2 * cap.angle().radians), min(self.__max_level, CellId.MAX_LEVEL - 1)) if self.__level_mod > 1 and level > self.__min_level: level -= (level - self.__min_level) % self.__level_mod if level > 0: cell_id = CellId.from_point(cap.axis()) vertex_neighbors = cell_id.get_vertex_neighbors(level) for neighbor in vertex_neighbors: self.__add_candidate(self.__new_candidate(Cell(neighbor))) return for face in range(6): self.__add_candidate(self.__new_candidate(FACE_CELLS[face]))
def __init__(self): if rospy.has_param('~orientation_offset'): # Orientation offset as quaterion q = [x,y,z,w]. self.orientation_offset = rospy.get_param('~orientation_offset') else: yaw_offset_deg = rospy.get_param('~yaw_offset_deg', 0.0) self.orientation_offset = tf.quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, math.radians(yaw_offset_deg)) rospy.Subscriber(rospy.get_name() + "/imu_in", Imu, self.imu_callback) self.pub_imu_out = rospy.Publisher(rospy.get_name() + '/imu_out', Imu, queue_size=10) rospy.spin()
def mitsuta_mean(self, angles_array): # Function meant to work with degrees, covert inputs # from radians to degrees and output from degrees to radians D = math.degrees(angles_array[0]) mysum = D for val in angles_array[1:]: val = math.degrees(val) delta = val - D if delta < -180.0: D = D + delta + 360.0 elif delta < 180.0: D = D + delta else: D = D + delta - 360.0 mysum = mysum + D m = mysum / len(angles_array) avg = math.radians((m + 360.0) % 360.0) # make sure avg is between -pi and pi if avg > math.pi: avg = avg - 2.0 * math.pi elif avg < -math.pi: avg = avg + 2.0 * math.pi return avg
def iaga2df(iaga2002_fname, D_to_radians=True): """ Parser the magnetometer data record stored in the IAGA-2002 format file *iaga2002_fname*. If *D_to_radians*, declination data (D) are converted from degrees to radians. Return the tuple with the :class:`DataFrame` containing the data and header information """ with open(iaga2002_fname) as fid: # parse header header, cols = parse_header(fid) keys = ['B_' + x for x in cols] # parse data index = [] data_map = defaultdict(list) for line in fid: toks = line.split() dt = datetime.strptime(toks[0] + ' ' + toks[1], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') index.append(dt) data = map(convert_float, toks[3:]) for key_i, data_i in zip(keys, data): if key_i == 'B_D' and D_to_radians: data_i = math.radians(data_i) data_map[key_i].append(data_i) df = PD.DataFrame(index=index, data=data_map) return df, header
def get_earth_dist(pt_a, pt_b=None): if type(pt_a) is str or pt_b is None: return 'unkn' # No location set log.debug("Calculating distance from {} to {}".format(pt_a, pt_b)) lat_a = radians(pt_a[0]) lng_a = radians(pt_a[1]) lat_b = radians(pt_b[0]) lng_b = radians(pt_b[1]) lat_delta = lat_b - lat_a lng_delta = lng_b - lng_a a = sin(lat_delta / 2) ** 2 + cos(lat_a) * cos(lat_b) * sin(lng_delta / 2) ** 2 c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a)) radius = 6373000 # radius of earth in meters if config['UNITS'] == 'imperial': radius = 6975175 # radius of earth in yards dist = c * radius return dist # Return the time as a string in different formats
def distance(self, loc): """ Calculate the great circle distance between two points on the earth (specified in decimal degrees) """ assert type(loc) == type(self) # convert decimal degrees to radians lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2 = map(radians, [ self.lon, self.lat, loc.lon, loc.lat, ]) # haversine formula dlon = lon2 - lon1 dlat = lat2 - lat1 a = sin(dlat/2)**2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin(dlon/2)**2 c = 2 * asin(sqrt(a)) r = 6371000 # Radius of earth in meters. return c * r
def distance(pointA, pointB): """ Calculate the great circle distance between two points on the earth (specified in decimal degrees) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15736995/how-can-i-quickly-estimate-the-distance-between-two-latitude-longitude-points """ # convert decimal degrees to radians lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2 = map(math.radians, [pointA[1], pointA[0], pointB[1], pointB[0]]) # haversine formula dlon = lon2 - lon1 dlat = lat2 - lat1 a = math.sin(dlat/2)**2 + math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2) * math.sin(dlon/2)**2 c = 2 * math.asin(math.sqrt(a)) r = 3956 # Radius of earth in miles. Use 6371 for kilometers return c * r
def mergeRotatedScaledPage(self, page2, rotation, scale): rotation = math.radians(rotation) rotating = [[math.cos(rotation), math.sin(rotation),0], [-math.sin(rotation),math.cos(rotation), 0], [0, 0, 1]] scaling = [[scale,0, 0], [0, scale,0], [0, 0, 1]] ctm = utils.matrixMultiply(rotating, scaling) return self.mergeTransformedPage(page2, [ctm[0][0], ctm[0][1], ctm[1][0], ctm[1][1], ctm[2][0], ctm[2][1]]) ## # This is similar to mergePage, but the stream to be merged is translated # and scaled by appling a transformation matrix. # # @param page2 An instance of {@link #PageObject PageObject} to be merged. # @param scale The scaling factor # @param tx The translation on X axis # @param tx The translation on Y axis
def mergeRotatedScaledTranslatedPage(self, page2, rotation, scale, tx, ty): translation = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [tx,ty,1]] rotation = math.radians(rotation) rotating = [[math.cos(rotation), math.sin(rotation),0], [-math.sin(rotation),math.cos(rotation), 0], [0, 0, 1]] scaling = [[scale,0, 0], [0, scale,0], [0, 0, 1]] ctm = utils.matrixMultiply(rotating, scaling) ctm = utils.matrixMultiply(ctm, translation) return self.mergeTransformedPage(page2, [ctm[0][0], ctm[0][1], ctm[1][0], ctm[1][1], ctm[2][0], ctm[2][1]]) ## # Applys a transformation matrix the page. # # @param ctm A 6 elements tuple containing the operands of the # transformation matrix
def manual_control(self, rotation: int, velocity: float, duration: int=1500): """Give a command over manual control interface.""" if rotation < -180 or rotation > 180: raise DeviceException("Given rotation is invalid, should " "be ]-180, 180[, was %s" % rotation) if velocity < -0.3 or velocity > 0.3: raise DeviceException("Given velocity is invalid, should " "be ]-0.3, 0.3[, was: %s" % velocity) self.manual_seqnum += 1 params = {"omega": round(math.radians(rotation), 1), "velocity": velocity, "duration": duration, "seqnum": self.manual_seqnum} self.send("app_rc_move", [params])
def rotation_matrix(theta, axis): """ Return the rotation matrix associated with counterclockwise rotation about the given axis by theta radians. Adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6802577/python-rotation-of-3d-vector """ axis = axis[:3] axis = axis/math.sqrt(np.dot(axis, axis)) a = math.cos(theta/2.0) b, c, d = -axis*math.sin(theta/2.0) aa, bb, cc, dd = a*a, b*b, c*c, d*d bc, ad, ac, ab, bd, cd = b*c, a*d, a*c, a*b, b*d, c*d return np.array([[aa+bb-cc-dd, 2*(bc+ad), 2*(bd-ac), 0], [2*(bc-ad), aa+cc-bb-dd, 2*(cd+ab), 0], [2*(bd+ac), 2*(cd-ab), aa+dd-bb-cc, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
def get_center_of_nodes(nodes): """Helper function to get center coordinates of a group of nodes """ x = 0 y = 0 z = 0 for node in nodes: lat = radians(float(node.lat)) lon = radians(float(node.lon)) x += cos(lat) * cos(lon) y += cos(lat) * sin(lon) z += sin(lat) x = float(x / len(nodes)) y = float(y / len(nodes)) z = float(z / len(nodes)) center_lat = degrees(atan2(z, sqrt(x * x + y * y))) center_lon = degrees(atan2(y, x)) return center_lat, center_lon
def get_crow_fly_distance(from_tuple, to_tuple): """ Uses the Haversine formmula to compute distance (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haversine_formula#The_haversine_formula) """ lat1, lon1 = from_tuple lat2, lon2 = to_tuple lat1 = float(lat1) lat2 = float(lat2) lon1 = float(lon1) lon2 = float(lon2) radius = 6371 # km dlat = math.radians(lat2 - lat1) dlon = math.radians(lon2 - lon1) a = math.sin(dlat / 2) * math.sin(dlat / 2) + math.cos(math.radians(lat1)) * \ math.cos(math.radians(lat2)) * math.sin(dlon / 2) * math.sin(dlon / 2) c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a)) d = radius * c return d * 1000 # meters
def mergeRotatedPage(self, page2, rotation, expand=False): """ This is similar to mergePage, but the stream to be merged is rotated by appling a transformation matrix. :param PageObject page2: the page to be merged into this one. Should be an instance of :class:`PageObject<PageObject>`. :param float rotation: The angle of the rotation, in degrees :param bool expand: Whether the page should be expanded to fit the dimensions of the page to be merged. """ rotation = math.radians(rotation) return self.mergeTransformedPage(page2, [math.cos(rotation), math.sin(rotation), -math.sin(rotation), math.cos(rotation), 0, 0], expand)
def mergeRotatedScaledPage(self, page2, rotation, scale, expand=False): """ This is similar to mergePage, but the stream to be merged is rotated and scaled by appling a transformation matrix. :param PageObject page2: the page to be merged into this one. Should be an instance of :class:`PageObject<PageObject>`. :param float rotation: The angle of the rotation, in degrees :param float scale: The scaling factor :param bool expand: Whether the page should be expanded to fit the dimensions of the page to be merged. """ rotation = math.radians(rotation) rotating = [[math.cos(rotation), math.sin(rotation), 0], [-math.sin(rotation), math.cos(rotation), 0], [0, 0, 1]] scaling = [[scale, 0, 0], [0, scale, 0], [0, 0, 1]] ctm = utils.matrixMultiply(rotating, scaling) return self.mergeTransformedPage(page2, [ctm[0][0], ctm[0][1], ctm[1][0], ctm[1][1], ctm[2][0], ctm[2][1]], expand)
def create_ring_coordinates(radius, count): """ Create coordinates arranged in a ring. :param radius: Radius of the ring. :type radius: float :param count: Count of coordinates to generate. :type count: int :returns: Tuple of the coordinates. :rtype: tuple """ pixelstep = math.radians(360/count) pixels = [] for index in range(0, count): pixels.append((radius * math.cos(index*pixelstep), radius * math.sin(index*pixelstep))) return pixels
def bearing_degrees(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2): """ Convert location in bearing degrees to be able to give a direction of where the Pokemon is located. :param lat1: user location latitude :param lon1: user location longitude :param lat2: pokemon location latitude :param lon2: pokemon location longitude :return: bearing degrees """ # convert decimal degrees to radians lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2 = map(radians, [lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2]) # calculate the angle dlon = lon2 - lon1 dlat = lat2 - lat1 x = math.sin(dlon) * math.cos(lat2) y = math.cos(lat1) * math.sin(lat2) - (math.sin(lat1) * math.cos(lat2) * math.cos(dlon)) initial_bearing = math.atan2(x, y) initial_bearing = math.degrees(initial_bearing) bearing = (initial_bearing + 360) % 360 bearing = int(bearing) return bearing
def cube_map_render_pre(scene, use_force=False): if not do_run(scene.cube_map, use_force): return from math import radians camera = scene.camera data = camera.data.copy() data.lens_unit = 'FOV' data.angle = radians(90) data.type = 'PERSP' mat = camera.matrix_world loc = mat.to_translation() rot = mat.to_euler() zed = rot.z views = bpy.cube_map_views for view in views: view.setCamera(data, loc, zed)
def ang_match3D(pt1, pt2, pt3, exp_ang): ang_meas = get_line_ang_3D(pt1, pt2, pt3) ''' print("pt1", pt1) # debug print("pt2", pt2) # debug print("pt3", pt3) # debug print("exp_ang ", exp_ang) # debug print("ang_meas ", ang_meas) # debug ''' return flts_alm_eq(ang_meas, exp_ang) # Calculates rotation around axis or face normal at Pivot's location. # Takes two 3D coordinate Vectors (piv_co and mov_co), rotation angle in # radians (ang_diff_rad), and rotation data storage object (rot_dat). # Aligns mov_co to world origin (0, 0, 0) and rotates aligned # mov_co (mov_aligned) around axis stored in rot_dat. After rotation, # removes world-origin alignment.
def prep_rotation_info(ref_pts, r_dat, curr_ms_stor, new_ms_stor): #print("curr angle", curr_ms_stor) # debug #print("new angle", new_ms_stor) # debug # workaround for negative angles and angles over 360 degrees if new_ms_stor < 0 or new_ms_stor > 360: new_ms_stor = new_ms_stor % 360 r_dat.ang_diff_d = new_ms_stor - curr_ms_stor # fix for angles over 180 degrees if new_ms_stor > 180: r_dat.new_ang_r = radians(180 - (new_ms_stor % 180)) else: r_dat.new_ang_r = radians(new_ms_stor) r_dat.ang_diff_r = radians(r_dat.ang_diff_d) r_dat.axis_lk = ref_pts.ax_lock # Takes: ed_type (Editor Type), new_free_co (Vector), ref_pts (ReferencePoints), # and rDat (RotationData) as args. Uses new_free_co to calculate the rotation # value and then rotates the selected objects or selected vertices using # the obtained value.
def execute(self, context): try: GSP = context.lamp.GeoSunProperties dst = 1 if GSP.dst else 0 az,el = sun_calculator.geoSunData( GSP.lat, GSP.long, GSP.year, GSP.month, GSP.day, GSP.hour + GSP.minute/60.0, -GSP.tz + dst ) context.object.rotation_euler = ( math.radians(90-el), 0, math.radians(-az) ) return {'FINISHED'} except Exception as err: self.report({'ERROR'}, str(err)) return {'CANCELLED'}
def text(self, en, scene, name): """ en: dxf entity name: ignored; exists to make separate and merged objects methods universally callable from _call_types() Returns a new single line text object. """ if self.import_text: name = en.text[:8] d = bpy.data.curves.new(name, "FONT") d.body = en.plain_text() d.size = en.height o = bpy.data.objects.new(name, d) o.rotation_euler = Euler((0, 0, radians(en.rotation)), 'XYZ') basepoint = self.proj(en.basepoint) if hasattr(en, "basepoint") else self.proj((0, 0, 0)) o.location = self.proj((en.insert)) + basepoint if hasattr(en, "thickness"): et = en.thickness / 2 d.extrude = abs(et) if et > 0: o.location.z += et elif et < 0: o.location.z -= et return o
def create_bezier(objname, points, origin): curvedata = bpy.data.curves.new(name=objname, type='CURVE') curvedata.dimensions = '3D' myobject = bpy.data.objects.new(objname, curvedata) myobject.location = origin myobject.rotation_euler[2] = radians(90) bpy.context.scene.objects.link(myobject) polyline = curvedata.splines.new('BEZIER') polyline.bezier_points.add(len(points) - 1) for idx, (knot, h1, h2) in enumerate(points): point = polyline.bezier_points[idx] point.co = knot point.handle_left = h1 point.handle_right = h2 point.handle_left_type = 'FREE' point.handle_right_type = 'FREE' return myobject
def rotate_fix_armature(arm_data): global_matrix = Matrix.Rotation(radians(90), 4, "X") bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT', toggle=False) #disconnect all bones for ease of global rotation connectedBones = [] for bone in arm_data.edit_bones: if bone.use_connect: connectedBones.append(bone.name) bone.use_connect = False #rotate all the bones around their center for bone in arm_data.edit_bones: bone.transform(global_matrix) #reconnect the bones for bone in connectedBones: arm_data.edit_bones[bone].use_connect = True bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False) #Roughly scales the performer armature to match the enduser armature #IN: perfromer_obj, enduser_obj, Blender objects whose .data is an armature.
def get_render_location(mypoint): v1 = Vector(mypoint) scene = bpy.context.scene co_2d = object_utils.world_to_camera_view(scene, scene.camera, v1) # Get pixel coords render_scale = scene.render.resolution_percentage / 100 render_size = (int(scene.render.resolution_x * render_scale), int(scene.render.resolution_y * render_scale)) return [round(co_2d.x * render_size[0]), round(co_2d.y * render_size[1])] # --------------------------------------------------------- # Get center of circle base on 3 points # # Point a: (x,y,z) arc start # Point b: (x,y,z) center # Point c: (x,y,z) midle point in the arc # Point d: (x,y,z) arc end # Return: # ang: angle (radians) # len: len of arc # # ---------------------------------------------------------
def walk_components(board, export): module = board.GetModules() while True: if not module: return # Top is for Eagle boards imported to KiCAD if str(module.GetLayerName()) not in ["Top", "F.Cu"]: module = module.Next() continue lib = str(module.GetFPID().GetLibNickname()).strip() try: name = str(module.GetFPID().GetFootprintName()).strip() except AttributeError: # it seems we are working on Kicad >4.0.6, which has a changed method name name = str(module.GetFPID().GetLibItemName()).strip() value = unicode(module.GetValue()).strip() ref = unicode(module.GetReference()).strip() center = module.GetCenter() orient = math.radians(module.GetOrientation() / 10) pos = (center.x, center.y, orient) export(lib, name, value, ref, pos) module = module.Next()
def spiral(freq=1.0, center_x=0.0, center_y=0.0, range_x=1.0, range_y=1.0, width=1.0, height=1.0, **kwargs): """ """ kink = random.random() * 5.0 - 2.5 x = [] y = [] count = freq * freq for i in range(count): fract = i / count degrees = fract * 360.0 * math.radians(1) * kink x.append((center_x + math.sin(degrees) * fract * range_x) % width) y.append((center_y + math.cos(degrees) * fract * range_y) % height) return x, y
def pointOnCircle(cx, cy, radius, angle): """Calculates the coordinates of a point on a circle given the center point, radius, and angle""" angle = math.radians(angle) - (math.pi / 2) x = cx + radius * math.cos(angle) if x < cx: x = math.ceil(x) else: x = math.floor(x) y = cy + radius * math.sin(angle) if y < cy: y = math.ceil(y) else: y = math.floor(y) return (int(x), int(y))
def get_sprite_rotation(self,sprite_name): obj = bpy.data.objects[sprite_name] euler_rot = obj.matrix_basis.to_euler() degrees = math.degrees(euler_rot[1]) return -math.radians(degrees) ### convert windows slashes to linux slashes
def execute(self, context): sprite_object = None if context.active_object != None: sprite_object = get_sprite_object(context.active_object) scene = context.scene if self.create: context.scene.objects.active = None bpy.ops.object.camera_add(view_align=True, enter_editmode=False, location=(0, -self.resolution[0] * get_addon_prefs(context).sprite_import_export_scale, 0), rotation=(radians(90), 0, 0)) cam = context.active_object context.scene.objects.active = cam cam.data.type = "ORTHO" scene.render.pixel_filter_type = "BOX" scene.render.alpha_mode = "TRANSPARENT" if sprite_object != None: cam.parent = sprite_object if self.set_resolution: ortho_scale = max(self.resolution[0],self.resolution[1]) cam.data.ortho_scale = ortho_scale/100 scene.render.resolution_x = self.resolution[0] scene.render.resolution_y = self.resolution[1] cam.location[1] = -self.resolution[0] * get_addon_prefs(context).sprite_import_export_scale scene.render.resolution_percentage = 100 scene.camera = cam if bpy.context.space_data.region_3d.view_perspective != "CAMERA": bpy.ops.view3d.viewnumpad(type="CAMERA") return{"FINISHED"}
def turn_right(self, angle): """Turn the turtle right about the axis perpendicular to the direction it is facing""" axis = (self.dir.cross(self.right)) axis.normalize() self.dir.rotate(Quaternion(axis, math.radians(angle))) self.dir.normalize() self.right.rotate(Quaternion(axis, math.radians(angle))) self.right.normalize()
def pitch_up(self, angle): """Pitch the turtle up about the right axis""" self.dir.rotate(Quaternion(self.right, math.radians(angle))) self.dir.normalize()
def roll_right(self, angle): """Roll the turtle right about the direction it is facing""" self.right.rotate(Quaternion(self.dir, math.radians(angle))) self.right.normalize()
def calc_helix_points(turtle, rad, pitch): """ calculates required points to produce helix bezier curve with given radius and pitch in direction of turtle""" # alpha = radians(90) # pit = pitch/(2*pi) # a_x = rad*cos(alpha) # a_y = rad*sin(alpha) # a = pit*alpha*(rad - a_x)*(3*rad - a_x)/(a_y*(4*rad - a_x)*tan(alpha)) # b_0 = Vector([a_x, -a_y, -alpha*pit]) # b_1 = Vector([(4*rad - a_x)/3, -(rad - a_x)*(3*rad - a_x)/(3*a_y), -a]) # b_2 = Vector([(4*rad - a_x)/3, (rad - a_x)*(3*rad - a_x)/(3*a_y), a]) # b_3 = Vector([a_x, a_y, alpha*pit]) # axis = Vector([0, 0, 1]) # simplifies greatly for case inc_angle = 90 points = [Vector([0, -rad, -pitch / 4]), Vector([(4 * rad) / 3, -rad, 0]), Vector([(4 * rad) / 3, rad, 0]), Vector([0, rad, pitch / 4])] # align helix points to turtle direction and randomize rotation around axis trf = turtle.dir.to_track_quat('Z', 'Y') spin_ang = rand_in_range(0, 2 * pi) for p in points: p.rotate(Quaternion(Vector([0, 0, 1]), spin_ang)) p.rotate(trf) return points[1] - points[0], points[2] - points[0], points[3] - points[0], turtle.dir.copy()
def apply_tropism(turtle, tropism_vector): """Apply tropism_vector to turtle direction""" h_cross_t = turtle.dir.cross(tropism_vector) # calc angle to rotate by (from ABoP) multiply to achieve accurate results from WP attractionUp param alpha = 10 * h_cross_t.magnitude h_cross_t.normalize() # rotate by angle about axis perpendicular to turtle direction and tropism vector turtle.dir.rotate(Quaternion(h_cross_t, radians(alpha))) turtle.dir.normalize() turtle.right.rotate(Quaternion(h_cross_t, radians(alpha))) turtle.right.normalize()
def calculate_cut_off(self): """ Calculate cut-off radius as Rc = L/2 from a given MOF object. """ width_a = self.ucv / (self.uc_size[1] * self.uc_size[2] / math.sin(math.radians(self.uc_angle[0]))) width_b = self.ucv / (self.uc_size[0] * self.uc_size[2] / math.sin(math.radians(self.uc_angle[1]))) width_c = self.ucv / (self.uc_size[0] * self.uc_size[1] / math.sin(math.radians(self.uc_angle[2]))) self.cut_off = min(width_a / 2, width_b / 2, width_c / 2)
def pbc_parameters(self): """ Calculates constants used in periodic boundary conditions. """ uc_cos = [math.cos(math.radians(a)) for a in self.uc_angle] uc_sin = [math.sin(math.radians(a)) for a in self.uc_angle] a, b, c = self.uc_size v = self.frac_ucv xf1 = 1 / a xf2 = - uc_cos[2] / (a * uc_sin[2]) xf3 = (uc_cos[0] * uc_cos[2] - uc_cos[1]) / (a * v * uc_sin[2]) yf1 = 1 / (b * uc_sin[2]) yf2 = (uc_cos[1] * uc_cos[2] - uc_cos[0]) / (b * v * uc_sin[2]) zf1 = uc_sin[2] / (c * v) self.to_frac = [xf1, xf2, xf3, yf1, yf2, zf1] xc1 = a xc2 = b * uc_cos[2] xc3 = c * uc_cos[1] yc1 = b * uc_sin[2] yc2 = c * (uc_cos[0] - uc_cos[1] * uc_cos[2]) / uc_sin[2] zc1 = c * v / uc_sin[2] self.to_car = [xc1, xc2, xc3, yc1, yc2, zc1]
def uc_vectors(cls, uc_size, uc_angle): """ Calculate unit cell vectors for given unit cell size and angles """ a = uc_size[0] b = uc_size[1] c = uc_size[2] alpha = math.radians(uc_angle[0]) beta = math.radians(uc_angle[1]) gamma = math.radians(uc_angle[2]) x_v = [a, 0, 0] y_v = [b * math.cos(gamma), b * math.sin(gamma), 0] z_v = [0.0] * 3 z_v[0] = c * math.cos(beta) z_v[1] = (c * b * math.cos(alpha) - y_v[0] * z_v[0]) / y_v[1] z_v[2] = math.sqrt(c * c - z_v[0] * z_v[0] - z_v[1] * z_v[1]) uc_vectors = [x_v, y_v, z_v] return uc_vectors
def get_distance(location1, location2): lat1, lng1 = location1 lat2, lng2 = location2 lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2 = map(radians, (lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2)) d = sin(0.5*(lat2 - lat1)) ** 2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin(0.5*(lng2 - lng1)) ** 2 return 2 * earth_Rrect * asin(sqrt(d))
def radial(cls, r, theta): """Provide a radial acceleration. Arguments: r (float): speed in pixels per second (per second) theta (float): angle in degrees (0 = +X axis, 90 = +Y axis) """ radians = math.radians(theta) ax = r * math.cos(radians) ay = r * math.sin(radians) return cls(ax=ax, ay=ay)
def create_matrix(self,parent_joint,parent_joint_matrix): # The calculation of the local matrix is an optimized version of # local_matrix = T*IPS*R*S if ignore_parent_scale else T*R*S # where S, R and T is the scale, rotation and translation matrix # respectively and IPS is the inverse parent scale matrix. cx = cos(radians(self.rotation_x)) sx = sin(radians(self.rotation_x)) cy = cos(radians(self.rotation_y)) sy = sin(radians(self.rotation_y)) cz = cos(radians(self.rotation_z)) sz = sin(radians(self.rotation_z)) if self.ignore_parent_scale: ips_x = 1/parent_joint.scale_x ips_y = 1/parent_joint.scale_y ips_z = 1/parent_joint.scale_z else: ips_x = 1 ips_y = 1 ips_z = 1 local_matrix = numpy.empty((3,4),numpy.float32) local_matrix[0,0] = cy*cz*self.scale_x*ips_x local_matrix[1,0] = cy*sz*self.scale_x*ips_y local_matrix[2,0] = -sy*self.scale_x*ips_z local_matrix[0,1] = (sx*sy*cz - cx*sz)*self.scale_y*ips_x local_matrix[1,1] = (sx*sy*sz + cx*cz)*self.scale_y*ips_y local_matrix[2,1] = sx*cy*self.scale_y*ips_z local_matrix[0,2] = (cx*sy*cz + sx*sz)*self.scale_z*ips_x local_matrix[1,2] = (cx*sy*sz - sx*cz)*self.scale_z*ips_y local_matrix[2,2] = cx*cy*self.scale_z*ips_z local_matrix[0,3] = self.translation_x local_matrix[1,3] = self.translation_y local_matrix[2,3] = self.translation_z return matrix3x4_multiply(parent_joint_matrix,local_matrix)
def create_matrix(self): c = cos(radians(self.rotation)) s = sin(radians(self.rotation)) R = numpy.matrix([[c,-s,0],[s,c,0],[0,0,1]]) S = numpy.matrix([[self.scale_s,0,0],[0,self.scale_t,0],[0,0,1]]) C = numpy.matrix([[1,0,self.center_s],[0,1,self.center_t],[0,0,1]]) T = numpy.matrix([[1,0,self.translation_s],[0,1,self.translation_t],[0,0,1]]) # Only types 0x00, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08 and 0x09 have been tested if self.matrix_type in {0x00,0x02,0x0A,0x0B,0x80}: P = numpy.matrix([[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,0,1]]) elif self.matrix_type == 0x06: P = numpy.matrix([[0.5,0,0,0.5],[0,-0.5,0,0.5],[0,0,0,1]]) elif self.matrix_type == 0x07: P = numpy.matrix([[0.5,0,0.5,0],[0,-0.5,0.5,0],[0,0,1,0]]) elif self.matrix_type in {0x08,0x09}: P = numpy.matrix([[0.5,0,0.5,0],[0,-0.5,0.5,0],[0,0,1,0]])*numpy.matrix(self.projection_matrix) else: raise ValueError('invalid texture matrix type') M = T*C*S*R*C.I*P if self.shape == gx.TG_MTX2x4: return M[:2,:] elif self.shape == gx.TG_MTX3x4: return M else: raise ValueError('invalid texture matrix shape')
def update(self,time): scale_x = self.scale_x.interpolate(time) scale_y = self.scale_y.interpolate(time) scale_z = self.scale_z.interpolate(time) rotation_x = self.rotation_x.interpolate(time) rotation_y = self.rotation_y.interpolate(time) rotation_z = self.rotation_z.interpolate(time) translation_x = self.translation_x.interpolate(time) translation_y = self.translation_y.interpolate(time) translation_z = self.translation_z.interpolate(time) cx = cos(radians(rotation_x)) sx = sin(radians(rotation_x)) cy = cos(radians(rotation_y)) sy = sin(radians(rotation_y)) cz = cos(radians(rotation_z)) sz = sin(radians(rotation_z)) R = numpy.matrix([[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,1.0]]) #<-? R[0,0] = cy*cz R[0,1] = (sx*sy*cz - cx*sz) R[0,2] = (cx*sy*cz + sx*sz) R[1,0] = cy*sz R[1,1] = (sx*sy*sz + cx*cz) R[1,2] = (cx*sy*sz - sx*cz) R[2,0] = -sy R[2,1] = sx*cy R[2,2] = cx*cy S = numpy.matrix([[scale_x,0,0,0],[0,scale_y,0,0],[0,0,scale_z,0],[0,0,0,1]]) C = numpy.matrix([[1,0,0,self.center_x],[0,1,0,self.center_y],[0,0,1,self.center_z],[0,0,0,1]]) T = numpy.matrix([[1,0,0,translation_x],[0,1,0,translation_y],[0,0,1,translation_z],[0,0,0,1]]) self.texture_matrix[:] = (T*C*S*R*C.I)[:self.row_count,:]
def update_projection_matrix(self): u = self.z_near*tan(radians(self.fov)) r = u*self.width()/self.height() self.projection_matrix = create_frustum_matrix(-r,r,-u,u,self.z_near,self.z_far) self.projection_matrix_need_update = False