Python math 模块,atan() 实例源码


项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pixel_to_lonlat(self, px, zoom):
        "Converts a pixel to a longitude, latitude pair at the given zoom level."
        if len(px) != 2:
            raise TypeError('Pixel should be a sequence of two elements.')

        # Getting the number of pixels for the given zoom level.
        npix = self._npix[zoom]

        # Calculating the longitude value, using the degrees per pixel.
        lon = (px[0] - npix) / self._degpp[zoom]

        # Calculating the latitude value.
        lat = RTOD * (2 * atan(exp((px[1] - npix) / (-1.0 * self._radpp[zoom]))) - 0.5 * pi)

        # Returning the longitude, latitude coordinate pair.
        return (lon, lat)
项目:NarshaTech    作者:KimJangHyeon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pixel_to_lonlat(self, px, zoom):
        "Converts a pixel to a longitude, latitude pair at the given zoom level."
        if len(px) != 2:
            raise TypeError('Pixel should be a sequence of two elements.')

        # Getting the number of pixels for the given zoom level.
        npix = self._npix[zoom]

        # Calculating the longitude value, using the degrees per pixel.
        lon = (px[0] - npix) / self._degpp[zoom]

        # Calculating the latitude value.
        lat = RTOD * (2 * atan(exp((px[1] - npix) / (-1.0 * self._radpp[zoom]))) - 0.5 * pi)

        # Returning the longitude, latitude coordinate pair.
        return (lon, lat)
项目:jMetalPy    作者:jMetal    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def evaluate_constraints(self, solution: FloatSolution) -> None:
        constraints : [float] = [0.0 for x in range(self.number_of_constraints)]

        x1 = solution.variables[0]
        x2 = solution.variables[1]

        constraints[0] = (x1 * x1 + x2 * x2 - 1.0 - 0.1 * cos(16.0 * atan(x1 / x2)))
        constraints[1] = -2.0 * ((x1 - 0.5) * (x1 - 0.5) + (x2 - 0.5) * (x2 - 0.5) - 0.5)

        overall_constraint_violation = 0.0
        number_of_violated_constraints = 0.0

        for constrain in constraints:
            if constrain < 0.0:
                overall_constraint_violation += constrain
                number_of_violated_constraints += 1

        solution.attributes["overall_constraint_violation"] = overall_constraint_violation
        solution.attributes["number_of_violated_constraints"] = number_of_violated_constraints
项目:CC3501-2017-1    作者:ppizarror    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def xyz_to_spr(x, y, z):
    """Convierte las coordenadas cartesianas (x,y,z) a las coordenadas esfericas (r,phi,theta) con angulos en grados"""
    # Calculo el radio
    r = math.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2 + z ** 2)
    # Calculo el angulo theta
    if z > 0:
        theta = math.atan(math.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2) / z)
    elif z == 0:
        theta = math.pi / 2
        theta = math.pi + math.atan(math.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2) / z)
    # Calculo el angulo phi
    if x > 0:
        if y > 0:
            phi = math.atan(y / x)
            phi = 2 * math.pi + math.atan(y / x)
    elif x == 0:
        phi = sgn(y) * math.pi / 2
        phi = math.pi + math.atan(y / x)
    theta = math.degrees(theta)
    phi = math.degrees(phi) % 360
    theta = min(max(theta, 0.000001), 180)
    return r, phi, theta
项目:CC3501-2017-1    作者:ppizarror    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def xyz_to_spr(x, y, z):
    """Convierte las coordenadas cartesianas (x,y,z) a las coordenadas esfericas (r,phi,theta) con angulos en grados"""
    # Calculo el radio
    r = math.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2 + z ** 2)
    # Calculo el angulo theta
    if z > 0:
        theta = math.atan(math.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2) / z)
    elif z == 0:
        theta = math.pi / 2
        theta = math.pi + math.atan(math.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2) / z)
    # Calculo el angulo phi
    if x > 0:
        if y > 0:
            phi = math.atan(y / x)
            phi = 2 * math.pi + math.atan(y / x)
    elif x == 0:
        phi = sgn(y) * math.pi / 2
        phi = math.pi + math.atan(y / x)
    theta = math.degrees(theta)
    phi = math.degrees(phi) % 360
    theta = min(max(theta, 0.000001), 180)
    return r, phi, theta
项目:learn-python-django-web    作者:kabirbaidhya    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_angle(line1, line2):
    Calculates the angle between two lines (in Degrees) using their
    parsed tuples each containing slope & y-intercept

    (m1, c1) = line1
    (m2, c2) = line2

    denominator = 1.0 + m1 * m2

    # If this part of the expression results to zero
    # then it implies the angle between the lines is 90 degrees.
    if denominator == 0:
        return 90.0

    angle_radian = math.atan((m1 - m2) / denominator)

    return angle_radian * (180 / math.pi)
项目:Graphical-Programs-Python    作者:Advait-M    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def angle(m1, m2):
    if isPerpendicular(m1, m2) == True:
        return 90
    elif m1 == "undefined" or m2 == "undefined":
        if m1 == "undefined" and m2 == "undefined":
            return 0
        elif m1 == "undefined":
            tanAngle = abs(m2)
            angleRadians = math.atan(tanAngle)
            angleDegrees = angleRadians * (180/pi)
            return angleDegrees
            tanAngle = abs(m1)
            angleRadians = math.atan(tanAngle)
            angleDegrees = angleRadians * (180/pi)
            return angleDegrees
        tanAngle = abs((m1 - m2) / (1 + m1 * m2))
        angleRadians = math.atan(tanAngle)
        angleDegrees = angleRadians * (180/pi)
        return angleDegrees
#Helper function that returns whether two lines are perpendicular or not (True or False)
项目:bpy_lambda    作者:bcongdon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def usphericalise(self, x, y, z):
        if y == 0.0:
            if x > 0:
                theta = 0.0
                theta = self.a180
        elif x == 0.0:
            if y > 0:
                theta = self.a90
                theta = self.a270
            theta = atan(y / x)

        if x < 0.0 and y < 0.0:
            theta = theta + self.a180
        elif x < 0.0 and y > 0.0:
            theta = theta + self.a180
        u = theta
        return u
项目:bpy_lambda    作者:bcongdon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ellipsecomp(self, efactor, theta):
        if theta == self.a90:
            result = self.a90
        elif theta == self.a270:
            result = self.a270
            result = atan(tan(theta) / efactor**0.5)
            if result >= 0.0:
                x = result
                y = self.a180 + result
                if fabs(x - theta) <= fabs(y - theta):
                    result = x
                    result = y
                x = self.a180 + result
                y = result

                if fabs(x - theta) <= fabs(y - theta):
                    result = x
                    result = y
        return result
项目:DHP    作者:YuhangSong    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_sph_cor(x,y,z):    #using radian
    if(x==0 and y>0):
    elif(x==0 and y<0):
    elif(x==0 and y==0):
        print ("error")
    elif(x>0 and y==0):
    elif(x>0 and y>0):
    elif(x>0 and y<0):
    elif(x<0 and y==0):
    elif(x<0 and y>0):
    elif(x<0 and y<0):


    return lon,lat
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_atan():
    mp.dps = 15
    assert atan(-2.3).ae(math.atan(-2.3))
    assert atan(1e-50) == 1e-50
    assert atan(1e50).ae(pi/2)
    assert atan(-1e-50) == -1e-50
    assert atan(-1e50).ae(-pi/2)
    assert atan(10**1000).ae(pi/2)
    for dps in [25, 70, 100, 300, 1000]:
        mp.dps = dps
        assert (4*atan(1)).ae(pi)
    mp.dps = 15
    pi2 = pi/2
    assert atan(mpc(inf,-1)).ae(pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(inf,0)).ae(pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(inf,1)).ae(pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(1,inf)).ae(pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(0,inf)).ae(pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(-1,inf)).ae(-pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(-inf,1)).ae(-pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(-inf,0)).ae(-pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(-inf,-1)).ae(-pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(-1,-inf)).ae(-pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(0,-inf)).ae(-pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(1,-inf)).ae(pi2)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def atan_newton(x, prec):
    if prec >= 100:
        r = math.atan(int((x>>(prec-53)))/2.0**53)
        r = math.atan(int(x)/2.0**prec)
    prevp = 50
    r = MPZ(int(r * 2.0**53) >> (53-prevp))
    extra_p = 50
    for wp in giant_steps(prevp, prec):
        wp += extra_p
        r = r << (wp-prevp)
        cos, sin = cos_sin_fixed(r, wp)
        tan = (sin << wp) // cos
        a = ((tan-rshift(x, prec-wp)) << wp) // ((MPZ_ONE<<wp) + ((tan**2)>>wp))
        r = r - a
        prevp = wp
    return rshift(r, prevp-prec)
项目:twic_close_reading    作者:jarmoza    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_atan():
    mp.dps = 15
    assert atan(-2.3).ae(math.atan(-2.3))
    assert atan(1e-50) == 1e-50
    assert atan(1e50).ae(pi/2)
    assert atan(-1e-50) == -1e-50
    assert atan(-1e50).ae(-pi/2)
    assert atan(10**1000).ae(pi/2)
    for dps in [25, 70, 100, 300, 1000]:
        mp.dps = dps
        assert (4*atan(1)).ae(pi)
    mp.dps = 15
    pi2 = pi/2
    assert atan(mpc(inf,-1)).ae(pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(inf,0)).ae(pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(inf,1)).ae(pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(1,inf)).ae(pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(0,inf)).ae(pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(-1,inf)).ae(-pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(-inf,1)).ae(-pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(-inf,0)).ae(-pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(-inf,-1)).ae(-pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(-1,-inf)).ae(-pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(0,-inf)).ae(-pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(1,-inf)).ae(pi2)
项目:twic_close_reading    作者:jarmoza    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def atan_newton(x, prec):
    if prec >= 100:
        r = math.atan(int((x>>(prec-53)))/2.0**53)
        r = math.atan(int(x)/2.0**prec)
    prevp = 50
    r = MPZ(int(r * 2.0**53) >> (53-prevp))
    extra_p = 50
    for wp in giant_steps(prevp, prec):
        wp += extra_p
        r = r << (wp-prevp)
        cos, sin = cos_sin_fixed(r, wp)
        tan = (sin << wp) // cos
        a = ((tan-rshift(x, prec-wp)) << wp) // ((MPZ_ONE<<wp) + ((tan**2)>>wp))
        r = r - a
        prevp = wp
    return rshift(r, prevp-prec)
项目:Gypsy    作者:benticarlos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pixel_to_lonlat(self, px, zoom):
        "Converts a pixel to a longitude, latitude pair at the given zoom level."
        if len(px) != 2:
            raise TypeError('Pixel should be a sequence of two elements.')

        # Getting the number of pixels for the given zoom level.
        npix = self._npix[zoom]

        # Calculating the longitude value, using the degrees per pixel.
        lon = (px[0] - npix) / self._degpp[zoom]

        # Calculating the latitude value.
        lat = RTOD * (2 * atan(exp((px[1] - npix) / (-1.0 * self._radpp[zoom]))) - 0.5 * pi)

        # Returning the longitude, latitude coordinate pair.
        return (lon, lat)
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_atan():
    mp.dps = 15
    assert atan(-2.3).ae(math.atan(-2.3))
    assert atan(1e-50) == 1e-50
    assert atan(1e50).ae(pi/2)
    assert atan(-1e-50) == -1e-50
    assert atan(-1e50).ae(-pi/2)
    assert atan(10**1000).ae(pi/2)
    for dps in [25, 70, 100, 300, 1000]:
        mp.dps = dps
        assert (4*atan(1)).ae(pi)
    mp.dps = 15
    pi2 = pi/2
    assert atan(mpc(inf,-1)).ae(pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(inf,0)).ae(pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(inf,1)).ae(pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(1,inf)).ae(pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(0,inf)).ae(pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(-1,inf)).ae(-pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(-inf,1)).ae(-pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(-inf,0)).ae(-pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(-inf,-1)).ae(-pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(-1,-inf)).ae(-pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(0,-inf)).ae(-pi2)
    assert atan(mpc(1,-inf)).ae(pi2)
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def atan_newton(x, prec):
    if prec >= 100:
        r = math.atan(int((x>>(prec-53)))/2.0**53)
        r = math.atan(int(x)/2.0**prec)
    prevp = 50
    r = MPZ(int(r * 2.0**53) >> (53-prevp))
    extra_p = 50
    for wp in giant_steps(prevp, prec):
        wp += extra_p
        r = r << (wp-prevp)
        cos, sin = cos_sin_fixed(r, wp)
        tan = (sin << wp) // cos
        a = ((tan-rshift(x, prec-wp)) << wp) // ((MPZ_ONE<<wp) + ((tan**2)>>wp))
        r = r - a
        prevp = wp
    return rshift(r, prevp-prec)
项目:DjangoBlog    作者:0daybug    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pixel_to_lonlat(self, px, zoom):
        "Converts a pixel to a longitude, latitude pair at the given zoom level."
        if len(px) != 2:
            raise TypeError('Pixel should be a sequence of two elements.')

        # Getting the number of pixels for the given zoom level.
        npix = self._npix[zoom]

        # Calculating the longitude value, using the degrees per pixel.
        lon = (px[0] - npix) / self._degpp[zoom]

        # Calculating the latitude value.
        lat = RTOD * (2 * atan(exp((px[1] - npix) / (-1.0 * self._radpp[zoom]))) - 0.5 * pi)

        # Returning the longitude, latitude coordinate pair.
        return (lon, lat)
项目:FreeCAD-PCB    作者:marmni    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def shiftPointOnLine(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, distance):
        if x2 - x1 == 0:  # vertical line

            x_T1 = x1
            y_T1 = y1 - distance
            a = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

            if a == 0:  # horizontal line
                x_T1 = x1 - distance
                y_T1 = y1
                alfa = atan(a)
                #alfa = tan(a)

                x_T1 = x1 - distance * cos(alfa)
                y_T1 = y1 - distance * sin(alfa)

        return [x_T1, y_T1]
项目:pyvisgraph    作者:TaipanRex    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def angle(center, point):
    """Return the angle (radian) of point from center of the radian circle.
     |   /
     |  /
    dx = point.x - center.x
    dy = point.y - center.y
    if dx == 0:
        if dy < 0:
            return pi * 3 / 2
        return pi / 2
    if dy == 0:
        if dx < 0:
            return pi
        return 0
    if dx < 0:
        return pi + atan(dy / dx)
    if dy < 0:
        return 2 * pi + atan(dy / dx)
    return atan(dy / dx)
项目:wanblog    作者:wanzifa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pixel_to_lonlat(self, px, zoom):
        "Converts a pixel to a longitude, latitude pair at the given zoom level."
        if len(px) != 2:
            raise TypeError('Pixel should be a sequence of two elements.')

        # Getting the number of pixels for the given zoom level.
        npix = self._npix[zoom]

        # Calculating the longitude value, using the degrees per pixel.
        lon = (px[0] - npix) / self._degpp[zoom]

        # Calculating the latitude value.
        lat = RTOD * (2 * atan(exp((px[1] - npix) / (-1.0 * self._radpp[zoom]))) - 0.5 * pi)

        # Returning the longitude, latitude coordinate pair.
        return (lon, lat)
项目:inception-face-shape-classifier    作者:adonistio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def q(landmarks,index1,index2):
#get angle between a i1 and i2

    x1 = landmarks[int(index1)][0]
    y1 = landmarks[int(index1)][1]
    x2 = landmarks[int(index2)][0]
    y2 = landmarks[int(index2)][1]

    x_diff = float(x1 - x2)

    if (y1 == y2): y_diff = 0.1
    if (y1 < y2): y_diff = float(np.absolute(y1 - y2))
    if (y1 > y2): 
        y_diff = 0.1
        print("Error: Facial feature located below chin.")

    return np.absolute(math.atan(x_diff/y_diff))

#image_dir should contain sub-folders containing the images where features need to be extracted
#only one face should be present in each image
#if multiple faces are detected by OpenCV, image must be manually edited; the parameters of the face-detection routine can also be changed
项目:tabmaster    作者:NicolasMinghetti    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pixel_to_lonlat(self, px, zoom):
        "Converts a pixel to a longitude, latitude pair at the given zoom level."
        if len(px) != 2:
            raise TypeError('Pixel should be a sequence of two elements.')

        # Getting the number of pixels for the given zoom level.
        npix = self._npix[zoom]

        # Calculating the longitude value, using the degrees per pixel.
        lon = (px[0] - npix) / self._degpp[zoom]

        # Calculating the latitude value.
        lat = RTOD * (2 * atan(exp((px[1] - npix) / (-1.0 * self._radpp[zoom]))) - 0.5 * pi)

        # Returning the longitude, latitude coordinate pair.
        return (lon, lat)
项目:trydjango18    作者:lucifer-yqh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pixel_to_lonlat(self, px, zoom):
        "Converts a pixel to a longitude, latitude pair at the given zoom level."
        if len(px) != 2:
            raise TypeError('Pixel should be a sequence of two elements.')

        # Getting the number of pixels for the given zoom level.
        npix = self._npix[zoom]

        # Calculating the longitude value, using the degrees per pixel.
        lon = (px[0] - npix) / self._degpp[zoom]

        # Calculating the latitude value.
        lat = RTOD * (2 * atan(exp((px[1] - npix) / (-1.0 * self._radpp[zoom]))) - 0.5 * pi)

        # Returning the longitude, latitude coordinate pair.
        return (lon, lat)
项目:Jensen3D    作者:byuflowlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def conferenceWakeOverlap_bk(X, Y, R):
    from math import atan, tan, cos
    n = np.size(X)

    # theta = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=np.float)        # angle of wake from fulcrum
    f_theta = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=np.float)      # smoothing values for smoothing

    for i in range(0, n):
        for j in range(0, n):
            if X[i] < X[j]:
                z = R/tan(0.34906585)
                theta = atan(Y[j] - Y[i]) / (X[j] - X[i] + z)
                if -0.34906585 < theta < 0.34906585:
                    f_theta[i][j] = (1 + cos(9*theta))/2
                    # print f_theta

    return f_theta
项目:trydjango18    作者:wei0104    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pixel_to_lonlat(self, px, zoom):
        "Converts a pixel to a longitude, latitude pair at the given zoom level."
        if len(px) != 2:
            raise TypeError('Pixel should be a sequence of two elements.')

        # Getting the number of pixels for the given zoom level.
        npix = self._npix[zoom]

        # Calculating the longitude value, using the degrees per pixel.
        lon = (px[0] - npix) / self._degpp[zoom]

        # Calculating the latitude value.
        lat = RTOD * (2 * atan(exp((px[1] - npix) / (-1.0 * self._radpp[zoom]))) - 0.5 * pi)

        # Returning the longitude, latitude coordinate pair.
        return (lon, lat)
项目:PiQuad    作者:jchrismer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def quaterion2Euler(q):

    #Compute estimated rotation matrix elements
    R11 = 2.*q[0]**2-1 + 2.*q[1]**2
    R21 = 2.*(q[1]*q[2] - q[0]*q[3])
    R31 = 2.*(q[1]*q[3] + q[0]*q[2])
    R32 = 2.*(q[2]*q[3] - q[0]*q[1])
    R33 = 2.*q[0]**2 - 1 + 2*q[3]**2

    phi = math.atan2(R32, R33 )*180/math.pi                         # Roll
    theta = -math.atan(R31 / math.sqrt(1-R31**2) )*180/math.pi      # Pitch
    psi = math.atan2(R21, R11 )*180/math.pi                         # Yaw

    return [phi,theta,psi]

#Define body frame later
项目:pool    作者:max-kov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update_cue(self, game_state, initial_mouse_dist, events):
        # updates cue position
        current_mouse_pos = events["mouse_pos"]
        displacement_from_ball_to_mouse = self.target_ball.ball.pos - current_mouse_pos
        self.update_cue_displacement(current_mouse_pos, initial_mouse_dist)
        prev_angle = self.angle
        # hack to avoid div by zero
        if not displacement_from_ball_to_mouse[0] == 0:
            self.angle = 0.5 * math.pi - math.atan(
                displacement_from_ball_to_mouse[1] / displacement_from_ball_to_mouse[0])
            if displacement_from_ball_to_mouse[0] > 0:
                self.angle -= math.pi

        self.draw_lines(game_state, self.target_ball, prev_angle +
                        math.pi, config.table_color)
        self.draw_lines(game_state, self.target_ball, self.angle +
                        math.pi, (255, 255, 255))
项目:ims    作者:ims-team    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pixel_to_lonlat(self, px, zoom):
        "Converts a pixel to a longitude, latitude pair at the given zoom level."
        if len(px) != 2:
            raise TypeError('Pixel should be a sequence of two elements.')

        # Getting the number of pixels for the given zoom level.
        npix = self._npix[zoom]

        # Calculating the longitude value, using the degrees per pixel.
        lon = (px[0] - npix) / self._degpp[zoom]

        # Calculating the latitude value.
        lat = RTOD * (2 * atan(exp((px[1] - npix) / (-1.0 * self._radpp[zoom]))) - 0.5 * pi)

        # Returning the longitude, latitude coordinate pair.
        return (lon, lat)
项目:django-open-lecture    作者:DmLitov4    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pixel_to_lonlat(self, px, zoom):
        "Converts a pixel to a longitude, latitude pair at the given zoom level."
        if len(px) != 2:
            raise TypeError('Pixel should be a sequence of two elements.')

        # Getting the number of pixels for the given zoom level.
        npix = self._npix[zoom]

        # Calculating the longitude value, using the degrees per pixel.
        lon = (px[0] - npix) / self._degpp[zoom]

        # Calculating the latitude value.
        lat = RTOD * (2 * atan(exp((px[1] - npix) / (-1.0 * self._radpp[zoom]))) - 0.5 * pi)

        # Returning the longitude, latitude coordinate pair.
        return (lon, lat)
项目:travlr    作者:gauravkulkarni96    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pixel_to_lonlat(self, px, zoom):
        "Converts a pixel to a longitude, latitude pair at the given zoom level."
        if len(px) != 2:
            raise TypeError('Pixel should be a sequence of two elements.')

        # Getting the number of pixels for the given zoom level.
        npix = self._npix[zoom]

        # Calculating the longitude value, using the degrees per pixel.
        lon = (px[0] - npix) / self._degpp[zoom]

        # Calculating the latitude value.
        lat = RTOD * (2 * atan(exp((px[1] - npix) / (-1.0 * self._radpp[zoom]))) - 0.5 * pi)

        # Returning the longitude, latitude coordinate pair.
        return (lon, lat)
项目:solar-orbiters    作者:vodrilus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def angle(vector1, vector2):
    """Return the angle between vector1 and vector2 in radians [0, pi]."""
    u1 = vector1.normalize()
    u2 = vector2.normalize()
    cosine = u1 * u2
    if cosine == 1.0:
        return 0
    elif cosine == -1.0:
        return math.pi
    elif cosine == 0.0:
        return math.pi/2

    # Unit vectors: sine == sqrt(1.0 ** 2 - cosine ** 2) if angle within [0, pi]
    tangent = math.sqrt(1.0 - cosine * cosine) / cosine

    return math.atan(tangent)
项目:toollabs    作者:multichill    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def turn_xyz_into_llh(x,y,z,system):
    """Convert 3D Cartesian x,y,z into Lat, Long and Height

    a = abe_values[system][0]
    b = abe_values[system][1]
    e2 = abe_values[system][2]

    p = math.sqrt(x*x + y*y)

    long = math.atan(y/x)
    lat_init = math.atan( z / (p * (1.0 - e2)) )
    v = a / math.sqrt( 1.0 - e2 * (math.sin(lat_init) * math.sin(lat_init)) )
    lat = math.atan( (z + e2*v*math.sin(lat_init)) / p )

    height = (p / math.cos(lat)) - v # Ignore if a bit out

    # Turn from radians back into degrees
    long = long / 2 / math.pi * 360
    lat = lat / 2 / math.pi * 360

    return [lat,long,height]
项目:logo-gen    作者:jellene4eva    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pixel_to_lonlat(self, px, zoom):
        "Converts a pixel to a longitude, latitude pair at the given zoom level."
        if len(px) != 2:
            raise TypeError('Pixel should be a sequence of two elements.')

        # Getting the number of pixels for the given zoom level.
        npix = self._npix[zoom]

        # Calculating the longitude value, using the degrees per pixel.
        lon = (px[0] - npix) / self._degpp[zoom]

        # Calculating the latitude value.
        lat = RTOD * (2 * atan(exp((px[1] - npix) / (-1.0 * self._radpp[zoom]))) - 0.5 * pi)

        # Returning the longitude, latitude coordinate pair.
        return (lon, lat)
项目:Gym_LineFollower    作者:Chachay    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _step(self, action):
        assert self.action_space.contains(action), "%r (%s) invalid"%(action, type(action))

        # Action Step
        self.A.speed = (action[0]+action[1])/2.0 * 5.0
        self.A.dir_Angle += math.atan((action[0] - action[1]) * self.A.speed / 2.0 / 5.0)
        self.A.dir_Angle = ( self.A.dir_Angle + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi ) - np.pi
        done = self.A.Move([self.BBox])
        self.state = (1,) if self.A.EYE.obj == 1 else (0,)

        if not done:
            reward = 1.0
        elif self.steps_beyond_done is None:
            # Robot just went out over the boundary
            self.steps_beyond_done = 0
            reward = 1.0
            if self.steps_beyond_done == 0:
                logger.warn("You are calling 'step()' even though this environment has already returned done = True. You should always call 'reset()' once you receive 'done = True' -- any further steps are undefined behavior.")
            self.steps_beyond_done += 1
            reward = 0.0

        return np.array(self.state), reward, done, {'AgentPos':(self.A.pos_x,self.A.pos_y),'AegntDir':self.A.dir_Angle}
项目:StratoBalloon    作者:delattreb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calcRoll(self, accel):
        x = accel[0]
        y = accel[1]
        z = accel[2]
            phi = math.atan(y / z)
            if y > 0:
                phi = 1.0
                phi = -1.0
        return phi
项目:StratoBalloon    作者:delattreb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calcPitch(self, accel):
        x = accel[0]
        y = accel[1]
        z = accel[2]
            theta = math.atan(-x / math.sqrt(y * y + z * z))
            if x > 0:
                theta = -1.0
                theta = 1.0
        return theta
项目:StratoBalloon    作者:delattreb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calcYaw(self, magnet, roll, pitch):
        magX = magnet[0]
        magY = magnet[1]
        magZ = magnet[2]
        rowX = magX
        rowY = -magY
        rowZ = -magZ
        row = np.matrix([[rowX], [rowY], [rowZ]])
        A = np.matrix([ \
            [math.cos(roll), math.sin(roll) * math.sin(pitch), math.cos(pitch) * math.sin(roll)] \
            , [0, math.cos(pitch), -math.sin(pitch)] \
            , [-math.sin(roll), math.sin(pitch) * math.cos(roll), math.cos(roll) * math.cos(pitch)] \
        calib = A * row
        calibX = row[0]
        calibY = row[1]
        calibZ = row[2]
            yaw = math.atan(calibY / calibX)
            if calibY > 0:
                yaw = 1.0
                yaw = -1.0
        return yaw
项目:s2sphere    作者:sidewalklabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def uv_to_st(cls, u):
            return 0.5 * (u + 1)
        elif cls.PROJECTION == cls.TAN_PROJECTION:
            return (2 * (1.0 / math.pi)) * (math.atan(u) * math.pi / 4.0)
            if u >= 0:
                return 0.5 * math.sqrt(1 + 3 * u)
                return 1 - 0.5 * math.sqrt(1 - 3 * u)
            raise ValueError('unknown projection type')
项目:s2sphere    作者:sidewalklabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def area(a, b, c):
    """Area of the triangle (a, b, c).

    see :cpp:func:`S2::Area`
    assert is_unit_length(a)
    assert is_unit_length(b)
    assert is_unit_length(c)

    sa = b.angle(c)
    sb = c.angle(a)
    sc = a.angle(b)
    s = 0.5 * (sa + sb + sc)
    if s >= 3e-4:
        s2 = s * s
        dmin = s - max(sa, max(sb, sc))
        if dmin < 1e-2 * s * s2 * s2:
            area = girard_area(a, b, c)
            if dmin < 2 * (0.1 * area):
                return area

    return 4 * math.atan(math.sqrt(
            math.tan(0.5 * s) *
            math.tan(0.5 * (s - sa)) *
            math.tan(0.5 * (s - sb)) *
            math.tan(0.5 * (s - sc)))
项目:barrowman    作者:open-aerospace    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, root, tip, span, sweep=None, sweepangle=45.0):
        self.root = root  #: Root Chord of fin
        self.tip = tip    #: Tip Chord of fin
        self.span = span  #: Span ("height") of fin
        self._length = root

        if sweep is not None:
            self.sweep = sweep  #: Sweep length of the fin
            self.sweepangle = atan(self.sweep / self.span)
            """Angle of sweep of the fin [radians]"""
            self.sweep = span * tan(radians(sweepangle))
            self.sweepangle = radians(sweepangle)
项目:nxt-sketcher    作者:simondolle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_xy(alpha, beta, structure_settings):

    r = structure_settings.r  # short arm length (attached to the rotative axis)
    a = structure_settings.a  # long arm length
    s = structure_settings.s  # pen distance

    xa = structure_settings.xa #left short arm x
    xb = structure_settings.xb #right short arm x

    # d is the first short arm extremity
    xd = xa - r * math.sin(alpha)
    yd = r * math.cos(alpha)

    # e is the first short arm extremity
    xe = xb - r * math.sin(beta)
    ye = r * math.cos(beta)

    de = compute_distance(xd, yd, xe, ye)

    #theta is the angle formed by de and the left long arm
    cos_theta = de/float(2 * a)
    cos_theta = min(cos_theta, 1.0)
    cos_theta = max(cos_theta, -1.0)
    theta = math.acos(cos_theta)

    #gamma is the angle formed by an horizontal axis and de
    tan_gamma = (ye-yd)/float(xe-xd)
    gamma = math.atan(tan_gamma)

    #lambda is the angle formed by an horizontal axis and the left long arm
    lam = theta + gamma
    xt = xd + a * math.cos(lam) - s * math.sin(lam)
    yt = yd + a * math.sin(lam) + s * math.cos(lam)

    return xt, yt
项目:my-weather-indicator    作者:atareao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def atand(self, x):
        """Returns the arc tan in degrees"""
        return math.atan(x) * self.RADEG
项目:satellite-tracker    作者:lofaldli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calc_user_look_at(pos_sat, lat, lon, alt, t):
    pos = calc_pos(lat, lon, alt, t)
    rx = pos_sat.x - pos.x
    ry = pos_sat.y - pos.y
    rz = pos_sat.z - pos.z
    jd = julian_date(t)
    theta = (theta_g_JD(jd) + lon) % TWO_PI

    top_s = sin(lat) * cos(theta) * rx +  \
        sin(lat) * sin(theta) * ry -  \
        cos(lat) * rz
    top_e = -sin(theta) * rx + \
        cos(theta) * ry
    top_z = cos(lat) * cos(theta) * rx +  \
        cos(lat) * sin(theta) * ry +  \
        sin(lat) * rz

    az = atan(-top_e/top_s)
    if top_s > 0:
        az += pi
    if az < 0:
        az += TWO_PI

    rg = (rx*rx + ry*ry + rz*rz)**0.5
    el = asin(top_z/rg)
    return (az, el, rg)
项目:serverthrallapi    作者:NullSoldier    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def unproject(x, y):
          Converts a x/y point to a lat/lng coordinate
        d = 180.0 / math.pi
        return (
            (2.0 * math.atan(math.exp(y / SphericalMercator.R)) - (math.pi / 2.0)) * d,
            x * d / SphericalMercator.R
项目:blender-tools    作者:vvoovv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fromGeographic(self, lat, lon):
        lat = math.radians(lat)
        lon = math.radians(lon-self.lon)
        B = math.sin(lon) * math.cos(lat)
        x = 0.5 * self.k * self.radius * math.log((1.+B)/(1.-B))
        y = self.k * self.radius * ( math.atan(math.tan(lat)/math.cos(lon)) - self.latInRadians )
        return (x,y)
项目:blender-tools    作者:vvoovv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def toGeographic(self, x, y):
        x = x/(self.k * self.radius)
        y = y/(self.k * self.radius)
        D = y + self.latInRadians
        lon = math.atan(math.sinh(x)/math.cos(D))
        lat = math.asin(math.sin(D)/math.cosh(x))

        lon = self.lon + math.degrees(lon)
        lat = math.degrees(lat)
        return (lat, lon)
项目:Gaia    作者:splcurran    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tLowDotOperator(stack, z, mode):
    if mode == 1:   # num
    elif mode == 2 or mode == 3: # str or list
        stack.append(1 if z[::-1]==z else 0)
        monadNotImplemented(mode, '')

# ?
项目:esys-pbi    作者:fsxfreak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self,g_pool , focal_length ):
        super().__init__(g_pool , "Debug Visualizer", False)

        self.focal_length = focal_length
        self.image_width = 640 # right values are assigned in update
        self.image_height = 480

        camera_fov = math.degrees(2.0 * math.atan( self.image_height / (2.0 * self.focal_length)))
        self.trackball = Trackball(camera_fov)

    ############## MATRIX FUNCTIONS ##############################
项目:esys-pbi    作者:fsxfreak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, g_pool, world_camera_intrinsics , cal_ref_points_3d, cal_observed_points_3d, eye_camera_to_world_matrix0 , cal_gaze_points0_3d, eye_camera_to_world_matrix1 = np.eye(4) , cal_gaze_points1_3d = [],  run_independently = False , name = "Calibration Visualizer" ):
        super().__init__( g_pool,name,  run_independently)

        self.image_width = 640 # right values are assigned in update
        self.focal_length = 620
        self.image_height = 480

        self.eye_camera_to_world_matrix0 = eye_camera_to_world_matrix0
        self.eye_camera_to_world_matrix1 = eye_camera_to_world_matrix1

        self.cal_ref_points_3d = cal_ref_points_3d
        self.cal_observed_points_3d = cal_observed_points_3d
        self.cal_gaze_points0_3d = cal_gaze_points0_3d
        self.cal_gaze_points1_3d = cal_gaze_points1_3d

        if world_camera_intrinsics:
            self.world_camera_width = world_camera_intrinsics['resolution'][0]
            self.world_camera_height = world_camera_intrinsics['resolution'][1]
            self.world_camera_focal = (world_camera_intrinsics['camera_matrix'][0][0] +  world_camera_intrinsics['camera_matrix'][1][1] ) / 2.0
            self.world_camera_width = 0
            self.world_camera_height = 0
            self.world_camera_focal = 0

        camera_fov = math.degrees(2.0 * math.atan( self.window_size[0] / (2.0 * self.focal_length)))
        self.trackball = Trackball(camera_fov)
        self.trackball.distance = [0,0,-80.]
        self.trackball.pitch = 210
        self.trackball.roll = 0

    ########### Open, update, close #####################