Python math 模块,inf() 实例源码


项目:Lyra    作者:caterinaurban    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _actual_result(self, result, line):
        actual = None
        distance = inf
        if line == -inf:    # precondition
            actual = result.get_node_result(self.cfg.in_node)[0]
            return actual
        elif line == inf:   # postcondition
            actual = result.get_node_result(self.cfg.out_node)[0]
            return actual
        elif line < 0:
            for edge in self.cfg.edges.values():
                if isinstance(edge, Conditional):
                    current = edge.condition.pp.line + line
                    if current < distance:
                        states = result.get_node_result(edge.source)
                        actual = states[0]
                        distance = current
        for node in self.cfg.nodes.values():
            states = result.get_node_result(node)
            for i, stmt in enumerate(node.stmts):
                current = stmt.pp.line - line
                if abs(current) < distance:
                    actual = states[i+1] if current < 0 else states[i]
                    distance = abs(current)
        return actual
项目:TFCommon    作者:MU94W    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, attention_units, memory, sequence_length=None, time_major=True, mode=0):
        self.attention_units    = attention_units
        self.enc_units          = memory.get_shape()[-1].value

        if time_major:
            memory = tf.transpose(memory, perm=(1,0,2))

        self.enc_length = tf.shape(memory)[1]
        self.batch_size = tf.shape(memory)[0]
        self.mode = mode
        self.mask = array_ops.sequence_mask(sequence_length, self.enc_length) if sequence_length is not None else None
        self.tiny = -math.inf * tf.ones(shape=(self.batch_size, self.enc_length))

        self.memory = tf.reshape(memory, (tf.shape(memory)[0], self.enc_length, 1, self.enc_units))
        ### pre-compute Uahj to minimize the computational cost
        with tf.variable_scope('attention'):
            Ua = tf.get_variable(name='Ua', shape=(1, 1, self.enc_units, self.attention_units))
        self.hidden_feats = tf.nn.conv2d(self.memory, Ua, [1,1,1,1], "SAME")
项目:cpsc415    作者:WheezePuppet    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gen_adj_mat(longs, lats, prob_edge=.2,
                        additional_length=lambda: np.random.exponential(20,1)):
    '''Get an adjacency matrix for the cities whose longitudes and latitudes
    are passed. Each entry will either be a number somewhat greater than the
    crow-flies distance between the two cities (with probability prob_edge),
    or math.inf. The matrix will consist of floats, and be symmetric. The
    diagonal will be all zeroes. The "somewhat greater" is controlled by the
    additional_length parameter, a function returning a random amount.'''

    # Generate full nxn Bernoulli's, even though we'll only use the upper
    # triangle.
    edges = np.random.binomial(1, prob_edge, size=(len(longs),len(longs)))
    am = np.zeros((len(longs),len(longs)))
    for i in range(len(longs)):
        for j in range(len(longs)):
            if i==j:
                am[i,i] = 0
            elif i < j:
                if edges[i,j] == 1:
                    am[i,j] = (math.hypot(longs[i]-longs[j],lats[i]-lats[j])
                        + additional_length())
                    am[j,i] = am[i,j]
                    am[i,j] = am[j,i] = math.inf
    return np.around(am,1)
项目:technical-interviews    作者:darvid7    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_bellman_ford(test_num, num_nodes, make_graph_fn):
    print("\t\t~~~ Test: %s ~~~" % test_num)
    distance = [math.inf for _ in range(num_nodes)]
    parents = [-1 for _ in range(num_nodes)]
    graph, source, target, expected = make_graph_fn()
    no_neg_cycle = bellman_ford(graph, source, parents, distance)
    nodes = graph.get_vertices()
    distances_labeled = []
    for i in range(len(nodes)):
        distances_labeled.append((nodes[i].rep, distance[i]))
    print("Distances labeled: %s" % distances_labeled)
    print("Parents: %s" % parents)
    if no_neg_cycle:
        path = []
        current = target.index
        while current != -1:
            current = parents[current]
        path = path[::-1]
        print("Shortest path from: %s to %s is \n%s" % (source.rep, target.rep, path))
      print("Has negative cycle, no solution.")
    print("Passed: %s\n" % (expected == distance if no_neg_cycle else no_neg_cycle == expected))

# -------------------------------------- driver functions ----------------------------------------
项目:technical-interviews    作者:darvid7    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dijkstra(graph, source):
    pq = []
    nodes = graph.get_all_vertices()
    distances = [math.inf] * len(nodes)
    path = [-1] * len(nodes)
    distances[source.index] = 0
    for node in nodes:
        # Store as (priority, task) tuples, heapq will sort on first element.
        heapq.heappush(pq, (distances[node.index], node))
    while pq:
        # Assumes non negative weights, so when popping a node it is the best way to get there.
        dist, node = heapq.heappop(pq)
        for edge in graph.get_adjacent_edges(node):
            # Note: can't terminate early and do this.
            # Eg: (s) -3-> (c) -12-> (d)
            #      \-20->(d) will be wrong
            # if distances[edge.destination.index] != math.inf:  # We already have the shortest path to this node.
            #     continue
            if relax(node, edge.destination, edge, distances):
                # Found a better way to get to a next node, add that to the pq and set the parent.
                heapq.heappush(pq, (distances[edge.destination.index], edge.destination))
                path[edge.destination.index] = node.index
    return distances, path  # Shortest path from source to any other node in distances.
项目:ReGraph    作者:eugeniashurko    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __str__(self):
        """String representation of IntegerSet obj."""
        interval_strs = []
        for start, end in self.intervals:
            if start > -math.inf:
                start_str = "%d" % start
                start_str = "-inf"
            if end < math.inf:
                end_str = "%d" % end
                end_str = "inf"
            if start_str != end_str:
                interval_strs.append("[" + start_str + ", " + end_str + "]")
                interval_strs.append("{" + start_str + "}")
        return ", ".join(interval_strs)
项目:HoeffdingTree    作者:vitords    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_split_point_candidates(self):
        splits = SortedList()
        min_value = math.inf
        max_value = -math.inf

        for class_val, att_estimator in self._class_lookup.items():
            min_val_observed_for_class_val = self._min_val_observed_per_class.get(class_val, None)
            if min_val_observed_for_class_val is not None:
                if min_val_observed_for_class_val < min_value:
                    min_value = min_val_observed_for_class_val
                max_val_observed_for_class_val = self._max_val_observed_per_class.get(class_val)
                if max_val_observed_for_class_val > max_value:
                    max_value = max_val_observed_for_class_val

        if min_value < math.inf:
            new_bin = max_value - min_value
            new_bin /= (self._num_bins + 1)
            for i in range(self._num_bins):
                split = min_value + (new_bin * (i + 1))
                if split > min_value and split < max_value:
        return splits
项目:hwtLib    作者:Nic30    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def instantiateFrameForge(self, structT,
        tmpl = TransTmpl(structT)
        frames = list(FrameTmpl.framesFromTransTmpl(
        u = self.u = AxiS_frameForge(AxiStream, structT,
                                     tmpl, frames)
        self.DATA_WIDTH = DATA_WIDTH

        if randomized:
            for intf in u.dataIn._fieldsToInterfaces.values():
项目:trio    作者:python-trio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, rate=0.0, autojump_threshold=inf):
        # when the real clock said 'real_base', the virtual time was
        # 'virtual_base', and since then it's advanced at 'rate' virtual
        # seconds per real second.
        self._real_base = 0.0
        self._virtual_base = 0.0
        self._rate = 0.0
        self._autojump_threshold = 0.0
        self._autojump_task = None
        self._autojump_cancel_scope = None
        # kept as an attribute so that our tests can monkeypatch it
        self._real_clock = time.monotonic

        # use the property update logic to set initial values
        self.rate = rate
        self.autojump_threshold = autojump_threshold
项目:trio    作者:python-trio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _might_change_effective_deadline(self):
            old = self._effective_deadline
            if self.cancel_called or not self._tasks:
                new = inf
                new = self._deadline
            if old != new:
                self._effective_deadline = new
                runner = GLOBAL_RUN_CONTEXT.runner
                if old != inf:
                    del runner.deadlines[old, id(self)]
                if new != inf:
                    runner.deadlines[new, id(self)] = self
项目:trio    作者:python-trio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def checkpoint():
    """A pure :ref:`checkpoint <checkpoints>`.

    This checks for cancellation and allows other tasks to be scheduled,
    without otherwise blocking.

    Note that the scheduler has the option of ignoring this and continuing to
    run the current task if it decides this is appropriate (e.g. for increased

    Equivalent to ``await trio.sleep(0)`` (which is implemented by calling

    with open_cancel_scope(deadline=-inf) as scope:
        await _core.wait_task_rescheduled(lambda _: _core.Abort.SUCCEEDED)
项目:trio    作者:python-trio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def checkpoint_if_cancelled():
    """Issue a :ref:`checkpoint <checkpoints>` if the calling context has been

    Equivalent to (but potentially more efficient than)::

        if trio.current_deadline() == -inf:
            await trio.hazmat.checkpoint()

    This is either a no-op, or else it allow other tasks to be scheduled and
    then raises :exc:`trio.Cancelled`.

    Typically used together with :func:`cancel_shielded_checkpoint`.

    task = current_task()
    if (task._pending_cancel_scope() is not None or
        (task is task._runner.main_task and task._runner.ki_pending)):
        await _core.checkpoint()
        assert False  # pragma: no cover
    task._cancel_points += 1
项目:jvcprojectortools    作者:arvehj    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_effective_bsoftclip(self):
        """Return bsoftclip or compute it from paramters and effective bmax"""
        bsoftclip = self.bsoftclip
        if bsoftclip is None:
            return math.inf
        if isinstance(bsoftclip, dict):
            bmax = self.get_effective_bmax()
            bhardclip = self.get_effective_bhardclip()
            bmin = bsoftclip.get('bmin', 0)
            base = bsoftclip.get('bbase', 0)
            scale = bsoftclip.get('scale', 0)
            hcscale = bsoftclip.get('hcscale', math.inf)
            bsoftclip = max(bmin,
                            base + (bmax - base) * scale,
                            max(0, bmax - (bhardclip - bmax) * hcscale))
        return bsoftclip
项目:omnic    作者:michaelpb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_shortest_paths(self):
        Return a dictionary containing lists of all possible paths within the
        graph, keyed by tuple of start and end
        shortest_paths = {}
        for start in self.edges:
            paths_from_start = self.get_all_paths_from(start)
            for weight, path in paths_from_start:
                end = path[-1]
                if start == end:
                    continue  # Skip over self paths
                shortest, _ = shortest_paths.get(
                    (start, end), (math.inf, None))
                if weight < shortest:
                    shortest_paths[(start, end)] = (weight, path)

        # Overlay preferred paths
        return shortest_paths
项目:2DGraphSearch    作者:JeremySMorgan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def shortestPath(self,algo):

        # 1) Assign to each node a tentative distance value (0 for initial, inf for all others)
        # 2) Create a set of visited nodes. Starts with initial node
        # 3) For the current node, consider all of its unvisited neighbors and calulate
        #    (distance to the current node) + (dustance from current node to neighbor)
        #    if this calculated value is less than their tentative value, replace the tentative value with this new value
        # 4) Mark the current node visited
        # 5) if the destination node is marked visited, the search is done
        # 6) set the unvisited node marked with the smallest tentative distance as the next 'current node' and repeat from 3

        if algo == "dijkstra":
            return self.dijkstra_search()

        elif algo == "astar":
            return self.astar_search()

            print("unknown search algorithm.")
项目:tundra    作者:caiopo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def floyd_warshall(g: Graph) -> Dict[Vertex, Dict[Vertex, float]]:
    dist: Dict[Vertex, Dict[Vertex, float]] = {}

    vertices = g.vertices

    for v1 in vertices:
        dist[v1] = {}

        for v2 in vertices:
            if v1 is v2:
                dist[v1][v2] = 0
            elif g.has_edge(v1, v2):
                dist[v1][v2] = g.weight[v1, v2]
                dist[v1][v2] = inf

    for k in vertices:
        for i in vertices:
            for j in vertices:
                if dist[i][j] > dist[i][k] + dist[k][j]:
                    dist[i][j] = dist[i][k] + dist[k][j]

    return dist
项目:openai_lab    作者:kengz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, env_spec, **kwargs):
        super(HighLowMemory, self).__init__(env_spec)
        # use the old self.exp as buffer, remember to clear
        self.last_exp = self.exp
        self.epi_memory_high = []
        self.epi_memory_low = []
        self.max_reward = -math.inf
        self.min_reward = math.inf
        # 1st  5 epis goes into bad half, recompute every 5 epis
        self.threshold = math.inf
        self.threshold_history = []
        self.epi_num = 0
        self.prob_high = 0.66
        self.num_epis_to_sample = 3
        self.max_epis_in_mem = 15
        self.recompute_freq = 10
项目:ultimate-tic-tac-toe    作者:stoimenoff    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def choose_move(self, macroboard):
        bestmoves = []
        bestscore = - math.inf
        macroboard = deepcopy(macroboard)
        if not macroboard.available_moves:
            raise GameEndedError
        moves = macroboard.available_moves
        for px, py in moves:
            macroboard.make_move(px, py)
            move_score = - score(macroboard)
            # move_score = - greedy_score(macroboard)
            if move_score > bestscore:
                bestscore = move_score
                bestmoves = [(px, py)]
            if move_score == bestscore:
                bestmoves.append((px, py))
        return random.choice(bestmoves)
项目:ultimate-tic-tac-toe    作者:stoimenoff    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def minimax(macroboard, depth, maximizing=True):
    Perform a minimax search on a game moves tree.
    If optional parameter maximizing is True, assume that maximizing player
    is on turn. If is False - assume minimizing player. True, by default.
    if macroboard.state != State.IN_PROGRESS or depth <= 0:
        return score(macroboard) * (maximizing * 2 - 1)

    if maximizing:
        bestscore = - math.inf
        bestscore = math.inf

    moves = macroboard.available_moves
    depth = balance_depth(depth, len(moves))
    for px, py in moves:
        child = deepcopy(macroboard)
        child.make_move(px, py)
        move_score = minimax(child, depth - 1, not maximizing)
        if maximizing:
            bestscore = max(bestscore, move_score)
            bestscore = min(bestscore, move_score)
    return bestscore
项目:ultimate-tic-tac-toe    作者:stoimenoff    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def choose_move(self, macroboard):
        worstmoves = []
        macroboard = deepcopy(macroboard)
        moves = macroboard.available_moves
        if not moves:
            raise GameEndedError
        worstscore = math.inf
        depth = balance_depth(DEPTH, len(moves))
        for px, py in moves:
            macroboard.make_move(px, py)
            move_score = alphaBeta(macroboard, depth)
            if move_score < worstscore:
                worstscore = move_score
                worstmoves = [(px, py)]
            if move_score == worstscore:
                worstmoves.append((px, py))
        return random.choice(worstmoves)
项目:ccepy    作者:ranea    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def grado(self):
        """Devuelve el grado del polinomio.

            >>> f = PolinomioZp([1, 0, 0, 1], p=2)
            >>> f
            X^3 + 1
            >>> f.grado()

        El grado puede ser:

            * \- :py:data:`math.inf` : si el polinomio es el polinomio cero.
            * ``n`` : si el término lider tiene exponente n.

            int: el grado del polinomio.
        if self == PolinomioZp([0], self.primo()):
            return -math.inf
            return len(self.coeficientes) - 1
项目:pygame-rl    作者:ebola777    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_nearest_opponent_index(self, team_name, team_agent_index):
    # Get the opponent team name
    opponent_team_name = self.get_opponent_team_name(team_name)
    # Get the agent position
    agent_index = self.get_agent_index(team_name, team_agent_index)
    agent_pos = self.state.get_agent_pos(agent_index)
    # Find the nearest opponent position
    nearest_opponent_index = None
    nearest_dist = math.inf
    for opponent_team_agent_index in range(self.options.team_size):
      opponent_index = self.get_agent_index(
          opponent_team_name, opponent_team_agent_index)
      opponent_pos = self.state.get_agent_pos(opponent_index)
      # Calculate the distance
      dist = self.get_pos_distance(agent_pos, opponent_pos)
      if dist < nearest_dist:
        nearest_opponent_index = opponent_index
        nearest_dist = dist
    return nearest_opponent_index
项目:pygame-rl    作者:ebola777    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_bounds(cls, area):
    """Return the rectangular bounds of the area.

      area (list): A list of positions.

      list: [x1, y1, x2, y2] where (x1, y1) is the top-left point and (x2, y2)
      is the bottom-right point.
    x1 = math.inf
    y1 = math.inf
    x2 = (-math.inf)
    y2 = (-math.inf)
    for pos in area:
      if pos[0] < x1:
        x1 = pos[0]
      if pos[1] < y1:
        y1 = pos[1]
      if pos[0] > x2:
        x2 = pos[0]
      if pos[1] > y2:
        y2 = pos[1]
    return [x1, y1, x2, y2]
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_infinity_and_nan_constants(self):
        # inf wasn't added to the math module until 3.5.
            inf = math.inf
        except AttributeError:
            inf = float("inf")

        self.assertEqual(cmath.inf.real, inf)
        self.assertEqual(cmath.inf.imag, 0.0)
        self.assertEqual(cmath.infj.real, 0.0)
        self.assertEqual(cmath.infj.imag, inf)

        self.assertEqual(cmath.nan.imag, 0.0)
        self.assertEqual(cmath.nanj.real, 0.0)

        # Check consistency with reprs.
        self.assertEqual(repr(cmath.inf), "inf")
        self.assertEqual(repr(cmath.infj), "infj")
        self.assertEqual(repr(cmath.nan), "nan")
        self.assertEqual(repr(cmath.nanj), "nanj")
项目:Python-Translators    作者:zeeguu-ecosystem    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self,
                 query: str,
                 before_context: str = '',
                 after_context: str = '',
                 max_translations: int = 1,
                 budget: TranslationBudget = None):
        self.query = query
        self.before_context = before_context
        self.after_context = after_context
        self.max_translations = max_translations
        self.budget = budget

        if self.budget is None:
            self.budget = TranslationBudget(
项目:Python-Translators    作者:zeeguu-ecosystem    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def hello():
    data = request.get_json()

    source_language, target_language = data['source_language'], data['target_language']

    if (source_language, target_language) not in translators:
        create_translator(source_language, target_language)

    query = TranslationQuery(
        before_context=data['before_context'] if 'before_context' in data else '',
        query=data['query'] if 'query' in data else '',
        after_context=data['after_context'] if 'after_context' in data else '',
        max_translations=data['max_translations'] if 'max_translations' in data else 10,
            money=data['budget']['money'] if ('budget' in data and 'money' in data['budget']) else math.inf,
            time=data['budget']['time'] if ('budget' in data and 'time' in data['budget']) else math.inf

    translator = translators[(source_language, target_language)]

    response = translator.translate(query)

    return Response(response.to_json(), mimetype='text/json')
项目:Python    作者:TheAlgorithms    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def query(self, idx, l, r, a, b): #query(1, 1, N, a, b) for query max of [a,b]
        if self.flag[idx] == True:
  [idx] = self.lazy[idx]
            self.flag[idx] = False
            if l != r:
                self.lazy[self.left(idx)] = self.lazy[idx]
                self.lazy[self.right(idx)] = self.lazy[idx]
                self.flag[self.left(idx)] = True
                self.flag[self.right(idx)] = True
        if r < a or l > b:
            return -math.inf
        if l >= a and r <= b:
        mid = (l+r)//2
        q1 = self.query(self.left(idx),l,mid,a,b)
        q2 = self.query(self.right(idx),mid+1,r,a,b)
        return max(q1,q2)
项目:vectorvondoom    作者:bcj    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, a: Point, b: Point, precision: int=PRECISION) -> None:
        x_diff = round(a.x, precision) - round(b.x, precision)
        y_diff = round(a.y, precision) - round(b.y, precision)

        if x_diff < 0 or (x_diff == 0 and a.y < b.y):
            self._start, self._end = a, b
            self._start, self._end = b, a

        if a == b:
            self._slope = None
            self._offset = None
        elif x_diff == 0:
            self._slope = math.inf
            self._offset = self._start.x
            self._slope = y_diff / x_diff
            self._offset = self._start.y - (self._start.x * self._slope)

        self._precision = precision
项目:RNNVis    作者:myaooo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, data, batch_size, num_steps=None, offset=0, epoch_num=None, transpose=False):
        self.i = 0 = data
        self.max_length = data.shape[1]
        self.num_steps = self.max_length if num_steps is None else num_steps
        self._sentence_size = self.max_length // self.num_steps
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.max_epoch_num = math.inf if epoch_num is None else int(epoch_num)
        self.epoch_num = 0
        self.offset = offset
        self.transpose = transpose
        self._epoch_size =[0] // batch_size * self.sentence_size
        self.embedding = data.ndim == 3
        _shape = [self.num_steps, batch_size] if transpose else [batch_size, self.num_steps]
        if self.embedding:
        self._shape = _shape
项目:hashcode2016    作者:MartaAndres    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cost(order_num):
        min_coste = math.inf
        ware_optima = 0
        inst = self.instance
        (cx,cy,cprods) = inst.orders[order_num]

        # Para cada warehouse
        for wn in range(len(warehouses)):
            (wx,wy,wprods) = warehouses[wn]

            # Comprueba que aquí esté todo
            for cosa in cprods:
                if cosa not in wprods: 

            # Calcula el coste
            coste = dist((self.x,self.y), (wx,wy)) + dist((wx,wy), (cx,cy)) + 2 #+1 por el load y el delivery
            if (coste < min_coste):
                ware_optima = wn
                min_coste = coste

        return (coste, wn)
项目:DHV2    作者:DuckHunt-discord    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def topScores(channel, stat='exp', reverse=False):
    columns = ['name', 'exp', 'killed_ducks', 'shoots_fired']

    if stat not in columns:

    table = getChannelPlayers(channel, columns=columns)
    players_list = []

    for player in table:
        if checks.is_player_check(player):
            # print(str(player["name"]) + " | " + str(player["exp"]) + "|" +  str(player["killed_ducks"]))

        # Retourne l'ensemble des joueurs dans une liste par stat
        # FIXME : le truc de l'infini est un moyen dégueulasse de ne pas avoir "None" devant 0 pour best_time
        #           éventuellement on pourrait ne pas mettre les gens avec None dans le top (à faire dans
        return sorted(players_list, key=lambda k: (k.get(stat, None) or (math.inf if stat == 'best_time' else 0)), reverse=not reverse)
        return []
项目:ReGraph    作者:Kappa-Dev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __str__(self):
        """String representation of IntegerSet obj."""
        interval_strs = []
        for start, end in self.intervals:
            if start > -math.inf:
                start_str = "%d" % start
                start_str = "-inf"
            if end < math.inf:
                end_str = "%d" % end
                end_str = "inf"
            if start_str != end_str:
                interval_strs.append("[" + start_str + ", " + end_str + "]")
                interval_strs.append("{" + start_str + "}")
        return ", ".join(interval_strs)
项目:take10    作者:fluffymuffin27    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def typical_height(csize: SizeClass, metric: bool=False) -> (float, float):
    Returns the minimum/maximum height range for a creature of the given size.

    Values are given in feet by default.

    size_to_height = {
        SizeClass.Fine: (0.0, 0.5),
        SizeClass.Diminutive: (0.5, 1),
        SizeClass.Tiny: (1, 2),
        SizeClass.Small: (2, 4),
        SizeClass.Medium: (4, 8),
        SizeClass.Large: (8, 16),
        SizeClass.Huge: (16, 32),
        SizeClass.Gargantuan: (32, 64),
        SizeClass.Colossal: (64, inf),
    height = size_to_height[csize]
    return height * 0.3048 if metric else height
项目:take10    作者:fluffymuffin27    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def typical_weight(csize: SizeClass, metric: bool=False) -> (float, float):
    Returns the minimum/maximum weight range for a creature of the given size.

    Values are given in pounds by default.
    size_to_weight = {
        SizeClass.Fine: (0.0, 0.125),
        SizeClass.Diminutive: (0.125, 1),
        SizeClass.Tiny: (1, 8),
        SizeClass.Small: (8, 60),
        SizeClass.Medium: (60, 500),
        SizeClass.Large: (500, 4000),
        SizeClass.Huge: (4000, 32000),
        SizeClass.Gargantuan: (32000, 250000),
        SizeClass.Colossal: (250000, inf),
    weight = size_to_weight[csize]
    return weight * 0.45359237 if metric else weight
项目:Hanabi-AI    作者:MeGotsThis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def isGameComplete(self) -> bool:
        if self.strikes == 3 or self.score >= self.maxScore:
            return True
        if self.turnCount > (self.endTurn or math.inf):
            return True
        return False
项目:Lyra    作者:caterinaurban    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, s: float = 0, u: float = 0, o: float = 0):
        """Used list start analysis abstract domain representation.

        :param s: initial end of S-elements in list: should be a float in ``[0,1,2,..., inf]``
        :param u: initial end of U-elements in list: should be a float in ``[0,1,2,..., inf]``
        :param o: initial end of O-elements in list: should be a float in ``[0,1,2,..., inf]``
        self._suo = OrderedDict([
            (S, s),
            (U, u),
            (O, o)
项目:Lyra    作者:caterinaurban    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_top(self) -> bool:
        return all(upper == inf for upper in self.suo.values())
项目:Lyra    作者:caterinaurban    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_combine(self):
        # we assume that following test lists are 6 element long (implicit, not necessary to specify)

        a = UsedListStartLattice(6, 4, 0)  # UUUUSS
        b = UsedListStartLattice(0, 2, 6)  # UUOOOO
        ab = a.combine(b)
        self.assertEqual(list(ab.suo.values()), [0, 2, 6])  # UUOOOO

        a = UsedListStartLattice(6, 4, 0)  # UUUUSS
        b = UsedListStartLattice(6, 2, 0)  # UUSSSS
        ab = a.combine(b)
        self.assertEqual(list(ab.suo.values()), [6, 4, 0])  # UUUUSS

        a = UsedListStartLattice(4, 2, 0)  # UUSSNN
        b = UsedListStartLattice(0, 2, 5)  # UUOOON
        ab = a.combine(b)
        self.assertEqual(list(ab.suo.values()), [0, 2, 5])  # UUOOON

        a = UsedListStartLattice(0, 5, 0)  # UUUUUN
        b = UsedListStartLattice(0, 2, 5)  # UUOOON
        ab = a.combine(b)
        self.assertEqual(list(ab.suo.values()), [0, 2, 5])  # UUOOON

        # we assume that following test lists are infinite long

        a = UsedListStartLattice(inf, 2, 0)  # UUSSSS...
        b = UsedListStartLattice(0, inf, 0)  # UUUUUU...
        ab = a.combine(b)
        self.assertEqual(list(ab.suo.values()), [0, inf, 0])  # UUUUUU...

        a = UsedListStartLattice(0, inf, 0)  # UUUUUU...
        b = UsedListStartLattice(0, 0, inf)  # OOOOOO...
        ab = a.combine(b)
        self.assertEqual(list(ab.suo.values()), [0, 0, inf])  # OOOOOO...
项目:Lyra    作者:caterinaurban    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def nan2inf(f):
    return inf if isnan(f) else f
项目:Lyra    作者:caterinaurban    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, size):
        assert size % 2 == 0, "The size of a CDBM has to be even!"

        self._size = size
        self._m = []
        for i in range(size):
            row = [inf] * min((i + 2) // 2 * 2, size)
项目:Lyra    作者:caterinaurban    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_top(self) -> bool:
        return self.lower == -inf and self.upper == inf
项目:Lyra    作者:caterinaurban    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _widening(self, other: 'IntervalLattice') -> 'IntervalLattice':
        """``[a, b] ? [c, d] = [(c < a? -oo : a), (b < d? +oo : b)]``."""
        lower = self.lower
        upper = self.upper
        if other.lower < self.lower:
            lower = -inf
        if self.upper < other.upper:
            upper = inf
        return self.replace(IntervalLattice(lower, upper))

    # arithmetic operations
项目:Lyra    作者:caterinaurban    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __repr__(self):
        if self.is_bottom():
            return "?"
        elif self.is_top():
            return "?"
            res = []
            # represent unary constraints first
            for var in self.variables:
                lower = - self[PLUS, var, MINUS, var] // 2
                upper = self[MINUS, var, PLUS, var] // 2
                if lower < inf and upper < inf:
                elif lower < inf:
                elif upper < inf:
            # represent binary constraints second, do not repeat identical inequalities
            for i, var1 in enumerate(self.variables):
                for j, var2 in enumerate(self.variables):
                    if i > j:
                        c = self[MINUS, var1, PLUS, var2]
                        if c < inf:
                        c = self[MINUS, var1, MINUS, var2]
                        if c < inf:
                        c = self[PLUS, var1, PLUS, var2]
                        if c < inf:
                        c = self[PLUS, var1, MINUS, var2]
                        if c < inf:
            return ", ".join(res)
项目:Lyra    作者:caterinaurban    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def top(self):
        for key in self.dbm.keys():
            self.dbm[key] = inf
        return self
项目:Lyra    作者:caterinaurban    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_top(self) -> bool:
        return all([isinf(b) for k, b in self.dbm.items() if k[0] != k[1]])  # check all inf, ignore diagonal for check
项目:Lyra    作者:caterinaurban    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forget(self, var: VariableIdentifier):
        # close first to not lose implicit constraints about other variables

        # forget binary constraints
        for index in self.binary_constraints_indices(sign1=None, var1=var):
            self[index] = inf

        # forget unary constraints
        self[PLUS, var, MINUS, var] = inf
        self[MINUS, var, PLUS, var] = inf
项目:Lyra    作者:caterinaurban    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _expected_result(self):
        initial = re.compile('INITIAL:?\s*(?P<state>.*)')
        state = re.compile('STATE:?\s*(?P<state>.*)')
        loop = re.compile('LOOP:?\s*(?P<state>.*)')
        final = re.compile('FINAL:?\s*(?P<state>.*)')
        for token in tokenize.tokenize(io.BytesIO(self.source.encode('utf-8')).readline):
            if token.type == tokenize.COMMENT:
                comment = token.string.strip("# ")
                initial_match = initial.match(comment)
                state_match = state.match(comment)
                loop_match = loop.match(comment)
                final_match = final.match(comment)
                if initial_match:
                    result ='state')
                    line = -inf                 # -inf for a precondition
                    yield line, result
                if state_match:
                    result ='state')
                    line = token.start[0]
                    yield line, result
                if loop_match:
                    result ='state')
                    line = -token.start[0]      # negative line number for a loop invariant
                    yield line, result
                if final_match:
                    result ='state')
                    line = inf                  # inf for a postcondition
                    yield line, result
项目:Lyra    作者:caterinaurban    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_init(self):

        self.assertFalse(IntervalLattice(0, 1).is_bottom())
        self.assertFalse(IntervalLattice(0, 1).is_top())

        self.assertEqual(IntervalLattice(upper=2), IntervalLattice(-inf, 2))
        self.assertEqual(IntervalLattice(lower=3), IntervalLattice(3, inf))

        self.assertTrue(IntervalLattice(1, 0).is_bottom())
        self.assertFalse(IntervalLattice(1, 0).is_top())
项目:pheweb    作者:statgen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_qq_unstratified(variants, include_qq):
    neglog10_pvals = sorted((v.neglog10_pval for v in variants), reverse=True)
    rv = {}
    if include_qq:
        rv['qq'] = compute_qq(neglog10_pvals)
    rv['count'] = len(neglog10_pvals)
    rv['gc_lambda'] = {}
    for perc in ['0.5', '0.1', '0.01', '0.001']:
        gc = gc_value_from_list(neglog10_pvals, float(perc))
        if math.isnan(gc) or abs(gc) == math.inf:
            print('WARNING: got gc_value {!r}'.format(gc))
            rv['gc_lambda'][perc] = round_sig(gc, 5)
    return rv
项目:pheweb    作者:statgen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def round_sig(x, digits):
    if x == 0:
        return 0
    elif abs(x) == math.inf or math.isnan(x):
        raise ValueError("Cannot round infinity or NaN")
        log = math.log10(abs(x))
        digits_above_zero = int(math.floor(log))
        return round(x, digits - 1 - digits_above_zero)