Python math 模块,gcd() 实例源码


项目:algorithms    作者:anirudhpillai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def canMeasureWater(self, x, y, z):
        :type x: int
        :type y: int
        :type z: int
        :rtype: bool
        if x + y < z:
            return False
        if z <= 0 or x == z or y == z or x + y == z:
            return True
        return z % gcd(x, y) == 0

# Can also be done using bfs but that's slower
项目:py-prng    作者:czechnology    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _verify_params(self):
        phi = (self.p - 1) * (self.q - 1)

        if self.p == self.q:
            raise ValueError("p and q cannot be identical")
        # verify that p and q are far enough apart -
        if self.n >= 1024 and abs(self.p - self.q).bit_length() <= (self.n.bit_length() // 2 - 100):
            raise ValueError("p and q are too close together")
        if not is_prime(self.p):
            raise ValueError("p must be a prime (probabilistic)")
        if not is_prime(self.q):
            raise ValueError("q must be a prime (probabilistic)")
        if not (1 < self.e < phi):
            raise ValueError("e must be between 1 and (p-1)(q-1)")
        if gcd(self.e, phi) != 1:
            raise ValueError("e must be co-prime to (p-1)(q-1)")
项目:py-prng    作者:czechnology    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, pq=None, seed=None):
        if pq is not None:
            if len(pq) != 2:
                raise ValueError("Parameter pq must be a triple of the values p and q")
            self.p, self.q = pq
            self.n = self.p * self.q

        self.x = None

        if not seed:
            seed = SystemRandom().randrange(1, self.n)
            while gcd(seed, self.n) != 1:
                seed = SystemRandom().randrange(1, self.n)

项目:Pushy    作者:FTcode    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lcm(a, b):
    return (a * b) // math.gcd(a, b)
项目:epic    作者:biocore-ntnu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_bin_size(dfs):

    bin_sizes = []
    for df in dfs.values():
        bins = df.head(100000).index.get_level_values("Bin").astype(int)
        bin_size = reduce(gcd, bins)

    assert len(set(bin_sizes)) == 1, "Matrixes have different bin sizes: " + str(bin_sizes)
    bin_size = bin_sizes.pop()"Bin size: " + str(bin_size))

    return bin_size
项目:django-route    作者:vinayinvicible    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gcd_of_list(l):
    return reduce(gcd, l, 0)
项目:ccepy    作者:ranea    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_alg_euclides(self, a, b):
        x, y, d = alg_euclides(a, b)
        assert x * a + y * b == d
        assert d == gcd(a, b)
        if (a // b) * b != a and (b // a) * a != b:  # a no divide a b y viceversa
            assert x < b // d
            assert y < a // d
项目:ccepy    作者:ranea    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_alg_euclides_polinomios(self, l1, l2, primo):
        g = PolinomioZp(l1, primo)
        h = PolinomioZp(l2, primo)
        cero = PolinomioZp([0], primo)
        assume(g != cero)
        s, t, d = alg_euclides_polinomios(g, h, p=primo)
        assert s * g + t * h == d
        assert g % d == 0 and h % d == 0  # vemos si el gcd divide a ambos
        if h != cero:
            assert s.grado() <= h.grado() and t.grado() <= g.grado()
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def egypt_greedy(x, y):
    if x == 1:
        return [y]
        a = (-y) % (x)
        b = y*(y//x + 1)
        c = gcd(a, b)
        if c > 1:
            num, denom = a//c, b//c
            num, denom = a, b
        return [y//x + 1] + egypt_greedy(num, denom)
项目:RemoteTree    作者:deNULL    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rsa_recover_prime_factors(n, e, d):
    Compute factors p and q from the private exponent d. We assume that n has
    no more than two factors. This function is adapted from code in PyCrypto.
    # See 8.2.2(i) in Handbook of Applied Cryptography.
    ktot = d * e - 1
    # The quantity d*e-1 is a multiple of phi(n), even,
    # and can be represented as t*2^s.
    t = ktot
    while t % 2 == 0:
        t = t // 2
    # Cycle through all multiplicative inverses in Zn.
    # The algorithm is non-deterministic, but there is a 50% chance
    # any candidate a leads to successful factoring.
    # See "Digitalized Signatures and Public Key Functions as Intractable
    # as Factorization", M. Rabin, 1979
    spotted = False
    a = 2
    while not spotted and a < _MAX_RECOVERY_ATTEMPTS:
        k = t
        # Cycle through all values a^{t*2^i}=a^k
        while k < ktot:
            cand = pow(a, k, n)
            # Check if a^k is a non-trivial root of unity (mod n)
            if cand != 1 and cand != (n - 1) and pow(cand, 2, n) == 1:
                # We have found a number such that (cand-1)(cand+1)=0 (mod n).
                # Either of the terms divides n.
                p = gcd(cand + 1, n)
                spotted = True
            k *= 2
        # This value was not any good... let's try another!
        a += 2
    if not spotted:
        raise ValueError("Unable to compute factors p and q from exponent d.")
    # Found !
    q, r = divmod(n, p)
    assert r == 0
    p, q = sorted((p, q), reverse=True)
    return (p, q)
项目:quickstart-git2s3    作者:aws-quickstart    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rsa_recover_prime_factors(n, e, d):
    Compute factors p and q from the private exponent d. We assume that n has
    no more than two factors. This function is adapted from code in PyCrypto.
    # See 8.2.2(i) in Handbook of Applied Cryptography.
    ktot = d * e - 1
    # The quantity d*e-1 is a multiple of phi(n), even,
    # and can be represented as t*2^s.
    t = ktot
    while t % 2 == 0:
        t = t // 2
    # Cycle through all multiplicative inverses in Zn.
    # The algorithm is non-deterministic, but there is a 50% chance
    # any candidate a leads to successful factoring.
    # See "Digitalized Signatures and Public Key Functions as Intractable
    # as Factorization", M. Rabin, 1979
    spotted = False
    a = 2
    while not spotted and a < _MAX_RECOVERY_ATTEMPTS:
        k = t
        # Cycle through all values a^{t*2^i}=a^k
        while k < ktot:
            cand = pow(a, k, n)
            # Check if a^k is a non-trivial root of unity (mod n)
            if cand != 1 and cand != (n - 1) and pow(cand, 2, n) == 1:
                # We have found a number such that (cand-1)(cand+1)=0 (mod n).
                # Either of the terms divides n.
                p = gcd(cand + 1, n)
                spotted = True
            k *= 2
        # This value was not any good... let's try another!
        a += 2
    if not spotted:
        raise ValueError("Unable to compute factors p and q from exponent d.")
    # Found !
    q, r = divmod(n, p)
    assert r == 0
    p, q = sorted((p, q), reverse=True)
    return (p, q)
项目:ProjectQ    作者:ProjectQ-Framework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mul_by_constant_modN(eng, c, N, quint_in):
    Multiplies a quantum integer by a classical number a modulo N, i.e.,

    |x> -> |a*x mod N>

    (only works if a and N are relative primes, otherwise the modular inverse
    does not exist).
    assert(c < N and c >= 0)
    assert(gcd(c, N) == 1)

    n = len(quint_in)
    quint_out = eng.allocate_qureg(n + 1)

    for i in range(n):
        with Control(eng, quint_in[i]):
            AddConstantModN((c << i) % N, N) | quint_out

    for i in range(n):
        Swap | (quint_out[i], quint_in[i])

    cinv = inv_mod_N(c, N)

    for i in range(n):
        with Control(eng, quint_in[i]):
            SubConstantModN((cinv << i) % N, N) | quint_out
    del quint_out

# calculates the inverse of a modulo N
项目:py-prng    作者:czechnology    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _gen_param_e(self):
        # use builtin RNG
        rand = SystemRandom()

        phi = (self.p - 1) * (self.q - 1)
        self.e = rand.randint(2, phi - 1)
        while gcd(self.e, phi) != 1:
            self.e = rand.randint(2, phi - 1)
项目:py-prng    作者:czechnology    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _gen_param_e(self):
        # use builtin RNG
        rand = SystemRandom()
        n_bits = self.n.bit_length()

        phi = (self.p - 1) * (self.q - 1)
        mx = min(phi - 1, n_bits // 80)  # top limits are phi (exclusive) and N/80 (inclusive)
        self.e = rand.randint(2, mx)
        while gcd(self.e, phi) != 1:
            self.e = rand.randint(2, mx)
项目:py-prng    作者:czechnology    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def seed(self, a=None, version=2):
        """Initialize the internal state of the generator."""
        if not (1 <= a <= self.n - 1):
            raise ValueError("Seed value must be between 1 and n-1=" + str(self.n - 1))
        if gcd(a, self.n) != 1:
            raise ValueError("Seed value must be co-prime to n=" + str(self.n))

        super().seed(a, version)
        self.x = pow(a, 2, self.n)
项目:python_exercises    作者:Enether    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def print_results(best_result):
    _, nominator, denominator = best_result
    # print results
    from math import gcd

    gcd_of_both = gcd(nominator, denominator)
        nominator // gcd_of_both, denominator // gcd_of_both
项目:rnnlab    作者:phueb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_n_elements(l, n):
    while not gcd(n, len(l)) == n:
    len_div = len(l)
    step = len_div // n
    ids = [i - 1 for i in np.arange(step, len_div + step, step)]  # -1 for indexing
    elements = np.asarray(l)[ids].tolist()
    return elements
项目:rnnlab    作者:phueb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def populate_folds(yes_questions, no_questions, mb_size, verbose=False):
        yes_to_pop, no_to_pop = yes_questions[:], no_questions[:]
        num_questions = len(yes_questions) + len(no_questions)
        min_fold_len = (num_questions - mb_size * GlobalConfigs.NUM_TEST_FOLDS) // GlobalConfigs.NUM_TEST_FOLDS  # TODO loosing questions
        task_folds = [[] for _ in range(GlobalConfigs.NUM_TEST_FOLDS)]
        assert mb_size % 2 == 0  # must be even
        # populate
        for i in range(GlobalConfigs.NUM_TEST_FOLDS):
            while gcd(mb_size, len(task_folds[i])) != mb_size or len(task_folds[i]) < min_fold_len:
            if verbose:
                print('fold {} length: {}'.format(i, len(task_folds[i])))
        return task_folds
项目:rnnlab    作者:phueb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gen_task_mbs(self, style, test_fold_id):
        num_task_iterations = int(''.join([c for c in self.regime if c.isdigit()]))
        # make blocks
        if style == 'train':
            task_lines = list(chain(*[fold for n, fold in enumerate(self.task_folds)
                                      if n != test_fold_id]))
            windows_x, windows_y = self.make_windows(task_lines)
            block_x = np.tile(windows_x, [num_task_iterations, 1])
            block_y = np.tile(windows_y, [num_task_iterations, 1])
        elif style == 'test':
            task_lines = list(chain(*[fold for n, fold in enumerate(self.task_folds)
                                      if n == test_fold_id]))
            windows_x, windows_y = self.make_windows(task_lines)
            block_x = windows_x
            block_y = windows_y
        elif style == 'train1':
            task_lines = list(chain(*[fold for n, fold in enumerate(self.task_folds)
                                      if n != test_fold_id]))
            windows_x, windows_y = self.make_windows(task_lines)
            block_x = windows_x
            block_y = windows_y
            raise AttributeError('rnnlab: Invalid arg to "style"')
        # split to mbs
        if not gcd(self.mb_size, len(block_x)) == self.mb_size:
            raise Exception(
                'rnnlab: Number of task_lines must be divisible by mb_size')
        num_splits = len(block_x) // self.mb_size
        # generate
        for x, y in zip(np.vsplit(block_x, num_splits),
                        np.vsplit(block_y, num_splits)):
            yield x, y
项目:Packages    作者:Keypirinha    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _safe_math_gcd(a, b):
    safe_a = Number(a)
    safe_b = Number(b)
    if safe_a == 0 and safe_b == 0:
        return 0
        return math.gcd(safe_a.__float__(), safe_b.__float__())
项目:Dshield    作者:ywjt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __construct_byset(self, start, byxxx, base):
        If a `BYXXX` sequence is passed to the constructor at the same level as
        `FREQ` (e.g. `FREQ=HOURLY,BYHOUR={2,4,7},INTERVAL=3`), there are some
        specifications which cannot be reached given some starting conditions.

        This occurs whenever the interval is not coprime with the base of a
        given unit and the difference between the starting position and the
        ending position is not coprime with the greatest common denominator
        between the interval and the base. For example, with a FREQ of hourly
        starting at 17:00 and an interval of 4, the only valid values for
        BYHOUR would be {21, 1, 5, 9, 13, 17}, because 4 and 24 are not

        :param start:
            Specifies the starting position.
        :param byxxx:
            An iterable containing the list of allowed values.
        :param base:
            The largest allowable value for the specified frequency (e.g.
            24 hours, 60 minutes).

        This does not preserve the type of the iterable, returning a set, since
        the values should be unique and the order is irrelevant, this will
        speed up later lookups.

        In the event of an empty set, raises a :exception:`ValueError`, as this
        results in an empty rrule.

        cset = set()

        # Support a single byxxx value.
        if isinstance(byxxx, integer_types):
            byxxx = (byxxx, )

        for num in byxxx:
            i_gcd = gcd(self._interval, base)
            # Use divmod rather than % because we need to wrap negative nums.
            if i_gcd == 1 or divmod(num - start, i_gcd)[1] == 0:

        if len(cset) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Invalid rrule byxxx generates an empty set.")

        return cset
项目:aws-cfn-plex    作者:lordmuffin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __construct_byset(self, start, byxxx, base):
        If a `BYXXX` sequence is passed to the constructor at the same level as
        `FREQ` (e.g. `FREQ=HOURLY,BYHOUR={2,4,7},INTERVAL=3`), there are some
        specifications which cannot be reached given some starting conditions.

        This occurs whenever the interval is not coprime with the base of a
        given unit and the difference between the starting position and the
        ending position is not coprime with the greatest common denominator
        between the interval and the base. For example, with a FREQ of hourly
        starting at 17:00 and an interval of 4, the only valid values for
        BYHOUR would be {21, 1, 5, 9, 13, 17}, because 4 and 24 are not

        :param start:
            Specifies the starting position.
        :param byxxx:
            An iterable containing the list of allowed values.
        :param base:
            The largest allowable value for the specified frequency (e.g.
            24 hours, 60 minutes).

        This does not preserve the type of the iterable, returning a set, since
        the values should be unique and the order is irrelevant, this will
        speed up later lookups.

        In the event of an empty set, raises a :exception:`ValueError`, as this
        results in an empty rrule.

        cset = set()

        # Support a single byxxx value.
        if isinstance(byxxx, integer_types):
            byxxx = (byxxx, )

        for num in byxxx:
            i_gcd = gcd(self._interval, base)
            # Use divmod rather than % because we need to wrap negative nums.
            if i_gcd == 1 or divmod(num - start, i_gcd)[1] == 0:

        if len(cset) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Invalid rrule byxxx generates an empty set.")

        return cset
项目:AshsSDK    作者:thehappydinoa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __construct_byset(self, start, byxxx, base):
        If a `BYXXX` sequence is passed to the constructor at the same level as
        `FREQ` (e.g. `FREQ=HOURLY,BYHOUR={2,4,7},INTERVAL=3`), there are some
        specifications which cannot be reached given some starting conditions.

        This occurs whenever the interval is not coprime with the base of a
        given unit and the difference between the starting position and the
        ending position is not coprime with the greatest common denominator
        between the interval and the base. For example, with a FREQ of hourly
        starting at 17:00 and an interval of 4, the only valid values for
        BYHOUR would be {21, 1, 5, 9, 13, 17}, because 4 and 24 are not

        :param start:
            Specifies the starting position.
        :param byxxx:
            An iterable containing the list of allowed values.
        :param base:
            The largest allowable value for the specified frequency (e.g.
            24 hours, 60 minutes).

        This does not preserve the type of the iterable, returning a set, since
        the values should be unique and the order is irrelevant, this will
        speed up later lookups.

        In the event of an empty set, raises a :exception:`ValueError`, as this
        results in an empty rrule.

        cset = set()

        # Support a single byxxx value.
        if isinstance(byxxx, integer_types):
            byxxx = (byxxx, )

        for num in byxxx:
            i_gcd = gcd(self._interval, base)
            # Use divmod rather than % because we need to wrap negative nums.
            if i_gcd == 1 or divmod(num - start, i_gcd)[1] == 0:

        if len(cset) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Invalid rrule byxxx generates an empty set.")

        return cset
项目:oa_qian    作者:sunqb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __construct_byset(self, start, byxxx, base):
        If a `BYXXX` sequence is passed to the constructor at the same level as
        `FREQ` (e.g. `FREQ=HOURLY,BYHOUR={2,4,7},INTERVAL=3`), there are some
        specifications which cannot be reached given some starting conditions.

        This occurs whenever the interval is not coprime with the base of a
        given unit and the difference between the starting position and the
        ending position is not coprime with the greatest common denominator
        between the interval and the base. For example, with a FREQ of hourly
        starting at 17:00 and an interval of 4, the only valid values for
        BYHOUR would be {21, 1, 5, 9, 13, 17}, because 4 and 24 are not

        :param start:
            Specifies the starting position.
        :param byxxx:
            An iterable containing the list of allowed values.
        :param base:
            The largest allowable value for the specified frequency (e.g.
            24 hours, 60 minutes).

        This does not preserve the type of the iterable, returning a set, since
        the values should be unique and the order is irrelevant, this will
        speed up later lookups.

        In the event of an empty set, raises a :exception:`ValueError`, as this
        results in an empty rrule.

        cset = set()

        # Support a single byxxx value.
        if isinstance(byxxx, integer_types):
            byxxx = (byxxx, )

        for num in byxxx:
            i_gcd = gcd(self._interval, base)
            # Use divmod rather than % because we need to wrap negative nums.
            if i_gcd == 1 or divmod(num - start, i_gcd)[1] == 0:

        if len(cset) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Invalid rrule byxxx generates an empty set.")

        return cset
项目:aws-ec2rescue-linux    作者:awslabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __construct_byset(self, start, byxxx, base):
        If a `BYXXX` sequence is passed to the constructor at the same level as
        `FREQ` (e.g. `FREQ=HOURLY,BYHOUR={2,4,7},INTERVAL=3`), there are some
        specifications which cannot be reached given some starting conditions.

        This occurs whenever the interval is not coprime with the base of a
        given unit and the difference between the starting position and the
        ending position is not coprime with the greatest common denominator
        between the interval and the base. For example, with a FREQ of hourly
        starting at 17:00 and an interval of 4, the only valid values for
        BYHOUR would be {21, 1, 5, 9, 13, 17}, because 4 and 24 are not

        :param start:
            Specifies the starting position.
        :param byxxx:
            An iterable containing the list of allowed values.
        :param base:
            The largest allowable value for the specified frequency (e.g.
            24 hours, 60 minutes).

        This does not preserve the type of the iterable, returning a set, since
        the values should be unique and the order is irrelevant, this will
        speed up later lookups.

        In the event of an empty set, raises a :exception:`ValueError`, as this
        results in an empty rrule.

        cset = set()

        # Support a single byxxx value.
        if isinstance(byxxx, integer_types):
            byxxx = (byxxx, )

        for num in byxxx:
            i_gcd = gcd(self._interval, base)
            # Use divmod rather than % because we need to wrap negative nums.
            if i_gcd == 1 or divmod(num - start, i_gcd)[1] == 0:

        if len(cset) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Invalid rrule byxxx generates an empty set.")

        return cset
项目:ShelbySearch    作者:Agentscreech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __construct_byset(self, start, byxxx, base):
        If a `BYXXX` sequence is passed to the constructor at the same level as
        `FREQ` (e.g. `FREQ=HOURLY,BYHOUR={2,4,7},INTERVAL=3`), there are some
        specifications which cannot be reached given some starting conditions.

        This occurs whenever the interval is not coprime with the base of a
        given unit and the difference between the starting position and the
        ending position is not coprime with the greatest common denominator
        between the interval and the base. For example, with a FREQ of hourly
        starting at 17:00 and an interval of 4, the only valid values for
        BYHOUR would be {21, 1, 5, 9, 13, 17}, because 4 and 24 are not

        :param start:
            Specifies the starting position.
        :param byxxx:
            An iterable containing the list of allowed values.
        :param base:
            The largest allowable value for the specified frequency (e.g.
            24 hours, 60 minutes).

        This does not preserve the type of the iterable, returning a set, since
        the values should be unique and the order is irrelevant, this will
        speed up later lookups.

        In the event of an empty set, raises a :exception:`ValueError`, as this
        results in an empty rrule.

        cset = set()

        # Support a single byxxx value.
        if isinstance(byxxx, integer_types):
            byxxx = (byxxx, )

        for num in byxxx:
            i_gcd = gcd(self._interval, base)
            # Use divmod rather than % because we need to wrap negative nums.
            if i_gcd == 1 or divmod(num - start, i_gcd)[1] == 0:

        if len(cset) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Invalid rrule byxxx generates an empty set.")

        return cset
项目:alexa-apple-calendar    作者:zanderxyz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __construct_byset(self, start, byxxx, base):
        If a `BYXXX` sequence is passed to the constructor at the same level as
        `FREQ` (e.g. `FREQ=HOURLY,BYHOUR={2,4,7},INTERVAL=3`), there are some
        specifications which cannot be reached given some starting conditions.

        This occurs whenever the interval is not coprime with the base of a
        given unit and the difference between the starting position and the
        ending position is not coprime with the greatest common denominator
        between the interval and the base. For example, with a FREQ of hourly
        starting at 17:00 and an interval of 4, the only valid values for
        BYHOUR would be {21, 1, 5, 9, 13, 17}, because 4 and 24 are not

        :param start:
            Specifies the starting position.
        :param byxxx:
            An iterable containing the list of allowed values.
        :param base:
            The largest allowable value for the specified frequency (e.g.
            24 hours, 60 minutes).

        This does not preserve the type of the iterable, returning a set, since
        the values should be unique and the order is irrelevant, this will
        speed up later lookups.

        In the event of an empty set, raises a :exception:`ValueError`, as this
        results in an empty rrule.

        cset = set()

        # Support a single byxxx value.
        if isinstance(byxxx, integer_types):
            byxxx = (byxxx, )

        for num in byxxx:
            i_gcd = gcd(self._interval, base)
            # Use divmod rather than % because we need to wrap negative nums.
            if i_gcd == 1 or divmod(num - start, i_gcd)[1] == 0:

        if len(cset) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Invalid rrule byxxx generates an empty set.")

        return cset
项目:Wox.Plugin.Lunar    作者:imwr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __construct_byset(self, start, byxxx, base):
        If a `BYXXX` sequence is passed to the constructor at the same level as
        `FREQ` (e.g. `FREQ=HOURLY,BYHOUR={2,4,7},INTERVAL=3`), there are some
        specifications which cannot be reached given some starting conditions.

        This occurs whenever the interval is not coprime with the base of a
        given unit and the difference between the starting position and the
        ending position is not coprime with the greatest common denominator
        between the interval and the base. For example, with a FREQ of hourly
        starting at 17:00 and an interval of 4, the only valid values for
        BYHOUR would be {21, 1, 5, 9, 13, 17}, because 4 and 24 are not

        :param start:
            Specifies the starting position.
        :param byxxx:
            An iterable containing the list of allowed values.
        :param base:
            The largest allowable value for the specified frequency (e.g.
            24 hours, 60 minutes).

        This does not preserve the type of the iterable, returning a set, since
        the values should be unique and the order is irrelevant, this will
        speed up later lookups.

        In the event of an empty set, raises a :exception:`ValueError`, as this
        results in an empty rrule.

        cset = set()

        # Support a single byxxx value.
        if isinstance(byxxx, integer_types):
            byxxx = (byxxx, )

        for num in byxxx:
            i_gcd = gcd(self._interval, base)
            # Use divmod rather than % because we need to wrap negative nums.
            if i_gcd == 1 or divmod(num - start, i_gcd)[1] == 0:

        if len(cset) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Invalid rrule byxxx generates an empty set.")

        return cset
项目:QualquerMerdaAPI    作者:tiagovizoto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __construct_byset(self, start, byxxx, base):
        If a `BYXXX` sequence is passed to the constructor at the same level as
        `FREQ` (e.g. `FREQ=HOURLY,BYHOUR={2,4,7},INTERVAL=3`), there are some
        specifications which cannot be reached given some starting conditions.

        This occurs whenever the interval is not coprime with the base of a
        given unit and the difference between the starting position and the
        ending position is not coprime with the greatest common denominator
        between the interval and the base. For example, with a FREQ of hourly
        starting at 17:00 and an interval of 4, the only valid values for
        BYHOUR would be {21, 1, 5, 9, 13, 17}, because 4 and 24 are not

        :param start:
            Specifies the starting position.
        :param byxxx:
            An iterable containing the list of allowed values.
        :param base:
            The largest allowable value for the specified frequency (e.g.
            24 hours, 60 minutes).

        This does not preserve the type of the iterable, returning a set, since
        the values should be unique and the order is irrelevant, this will
        speed up later lookups.

        In the event of an empty set, raises a :exception:`ValueError`, as this
        results in an empty rrule.

        cset = set()

        # Support a single byxxx value.
        if isinstance(byxxx, integer_types):
            byxxx = (byxxx, )

        for num in byxxx:
            i_gcd = gcd(self._interval, base)
            # Use divmod rather than % because we need to wrap negative nums.
            if i_gcd == 1 or divmod(num - start, i_gcd)[1] == 0:

        if len(cset) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Invalid rrule byxxx generates an empty set.")

        return cset
项目:alfredToday    作者:jeeftor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __construct_byset(self, start, byxxx, base):
        If a `BYXXX` sequence is passed to the constructor at the same level as
        `FREQ` (e.g. `FREQ=HOURLY,BYHOUR={2,4,7},INTERVAL=3`), there are some
        specifications which cannot be reached given some starting conditions.

        This occurs whenever the interval is not coprime with the base of a
        given unit and the difference between the starting position and the
        ending position is not coprime with the greatest common denominator
        between the interval and the base. For example, with a FREQ of hourly
        starting at 17:00 and an interval of 4, the only valid values for
        BYHOUR would be {21, 1, 5, 9, 13, 17}, because 4 and 24 are not

        :param start:
            Specifies the starting position.
        :param byxxx:
            An iterable containing the list of allowed values.
        :param base:
            The largest allowable value for the specified frequency (e.g.
            24 hours, 60 minutes).

        This does not preserve the type of the iterable, returning a set, since
        the values should be unique and the order is irrelevant, this will
        speed up later lookups.

        In the event of an empty set, raises a :exception:`ValueError`, as this
        results in an empty rrule.

        cset = set()

        # Support a single byxxx value.
        if isinstance(byxxx, integer_types):
            byxxx = (byxxx, )

        for num in byxxx:
            i_gcd = gcd(self._interval, base)
            # Use divmod rather than % because we need to wrap negative nums.
            if i_gcd == 1 or divmod(num - start, i_gcd)[1] == 0:

        if len(cset) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Invalid rrule byxxx generates an empty set.")

        return cset
项目:slack_scholar    作者:xLeitix    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __construct_byset(self, start, byxxx, base):
        If a `BYXXX` sequence is passed to the constructor at the same level as
        `FREQ` (e.g. `FREQ=HOURLY,BYHOUR={2,4,7},INTERVAL=3`), there are some
        specifications which cannot be reached given some starting conditions.

        This occurs whenever the interval is not coprime with the base of a
        given unit and the difference between the starting position and the
        ending position is not coprime with the greatest common denominator
        between the interval and the base. For example, with a FREQ of hourly
        starting at 17:00 and an interval of 4, the only valid values for
        BYHOUR would be {21, 1, 5, 9, 13, 17}, because 4 and 24 are not

        :param start:
            Specifies the starting position.
        :param byxxx:
            An iterable containing the list of allowed values.
        :param base:
            The largest allowable value for the specified frequency (e.g.
            24 hours, 60 minutes).

        This does not preserve the type of the iterable, returning a set, since
        the values should be unique and the order is irrelevant, this will
        speed up later lookups.

        In the event of an empty set, raises a :exception:`ValueError`, as this
        results in an empty rrule.

        cset = set()

        # Support a single byxxx value.
        if isinstance(byxxx, integer_types):
            byxxx = (byxxx, )

        for num in byxxx:
            i_gcd = gcd(self._interval, base)
            # Use divmod rather than % because we need to wrap negative nums.
            if i_gcd == 1 or divmod(num - start, i_gcd)[1] == 0:

        if len(cset) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Invalid rrule byxxx generates an empty set.")

        return cset
项目:matchpy    作者:HPAC    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extended_euclid(a: int, b: int) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
    """Extended Euclidean algorithm that computes the Bézout coefficients as well as :math:`gcd(a, b)`

    Returns ``x, y, d`` where *x* and *y* are a solution to :math:`ax + by = d` and :math:`d = gcd(a, b)`.
    *x* and *y* are a minimal pair of Bézout's coefficients.

    See `Extended Euclidean algorithm <>`_ or
    `Bézout's identity <>`_ for more information.


        Compute the Bézout coefficients and GCD of 42 and 12:

        >>> a, b = 42, 12
        >>> x, y, d = extended_euclid(a, b)
        >>> x, y, d
        (1, -3, 6)

        Verify the results:

        >>> import math
        >>> d == math.gcd(a, b)
        >>> a * x + b * y == d

            The first integer.
            The second integer.

        A tuple with the Bézout coefficients and the greatest common divider of the arguments.
    if b == 0:
        return (1, 0, a)

    x0, y0, d = extended_euclid(b, a % b)
    x, y = y0, x0 - (a // b) * y0

    return (x, y, d)
项目:matchpy    作者:HPAC    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def solve_linear_diop(total: int, *coeffs: int) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, ...]]:
    r"""Yield non-negative integer solutions of a linear Diophantine equation of the format
    :math:`c_1 x_1 + \dots + c_n x_n = total`.

    If there are at most two coefficients, :func:`base_solution_linear()` is used to find the solutions.
    Otherwise, the solutions are found recursively, by reducing the number of variables in each recursion:

    1. Compute :math:`d := gcd(c_2, \dots , c_n)`
    2. Solve :math:`c_1 x + d y = total`
    3. Recursively solve :math:`c_2 x_2 + \dots + c_n x_n = y` for each solution for `y`
    4. Combine these solutions to form a solution for the whole equation

            The constant of the equation.
            The coefficients :math:`c_i` of the equation.

        The non-negative integer solutions of the equation as a tuple :math:`(x_1, \dots, x_n)`.
    if len(coeffs) == 0:
        if total == 0:
            yield tuple()
    if len(coeffs) == 1:
        if total % coeffs[0] == 0:
            yield (total // coeffs[0], )
    if len(coeffs) == 2:
        yield from base_solution_linear(coeffs[0], coeffs[1], total)

    # calculate gcd(coeffs[1:])
    remainder_gcd = math.gcd(coeffs[1], coeffs[2])
    for coeff in coeffs[3:]:
        remainder_gcd = math.gcd(remainder_gcd, coeff)

    # solve coeffs[0] * x + remainder_gcd * y = total
    for coeff0_solution, remainder_gcd_solution in base_solution_linear(coeffs[0], remainder_gcd, total):
        new_coeffs = [c // remainder_gcd for c in coeffs[1:]]
        # use the solutions for y to solve the remaining variables recursively
        for remainder_solution in solve_linear_diop(remainder_gcd_solution, *new_coeffs):
            yield (coeff0_solution, ) + remainder_solution
项目:noobotkit    作者:nazroll    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __construct_byset(self, start, byxxx, base):
        If a `BYXXX` sequence is passed to the constructor at the same level as
        `FREQ` (e.g. `FREQ=HOURLY,BYHOUR={2,4,7},INTERVAL=3`), there are some
        specifications which cannot be reached given some starting conditions.

        This occurs whenever the interval is not coprime with the base of a
        given unit and the difference between the starting position and the
        ending position is not coprime with the greatest common denominator
        between the interval and the base. For example, with a FREQ of hourly
        starting at 17:00 and an interval of 4, the only valid values for
        BYHOUR would be {21, 1, 5, 9, 13, 17}, because 4 and 24 are not

        :param start:
            Specifies the starting position.
        :param byxxx:
            An iterable containing the list of allowed values.
        :param base:
            The largest allowable value for the specified frequency (e.g.
            24 hours, 60 minutes).

        This does not preserve the type of the iterable, returning a set, since
        the values should be unique and the order is irrelevant, this will
        speed up later lookups.

        In the event of an empty set, raises a :exception:`ValueError`, as this
        results in an empty rrule.

        cset = set()

        # Support a single byxxx value.
        if isinstance(byxxx, integer_types):
            byxxx = (byxxx, )

        for num in byxxx:
            i_gcd = gcd(self._interval, base)
            # Use divmod rather than % because we need to wrap negative nums.
            if i_gcd == 1 or divmod(num - start, i_gcd)[1] == 0:

        if len(cset) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Invalid rrule byxxx generates an empty set.")

        return cset
项目:hackathon    作者:vertica    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __construct_byset(self, start, byxxx, base):
        If a `BYXXX` sequence is passed to the constructor at the same level as
        `FREQ` (e.g. `FREQ=HOURLY,BYHOUR={2,4,7},INTERVAL=3`), there are some
        specifications which cannot be reached given some starting conditions.

        This occurs whenever the interval is not coprime with the base of a
        given unit and the difference between the starting position and the
        ending position is not coprime with the greatest common denominator
        between the interval and the base. For example, with a FREQ of hourly
        starting at 17:00 and an interval of 4, the only valid values for
        BYHOUR would be {21, 1, 5, 9, 13, 17}, because 4 and 24 are not

        :param start:
            Specifies the starting position.
        :param byxxx:
            An iterable containing the list of allowed values.
        :param base:
            The largest allowable value for the specified frequency (e.g.
            24 hours, 60 minutes).

        This does not preserve the type of the iterable, returning a set, since
        the values should be unique and the order is irrelevant, this will
        speed up later lookups.

        In the event of an empty set, raises a :exception:`ValueError`, as this
        results in an empty rrule.

        cset = set()

        # Support a single byxxx value.
        if isinstance(byxxx, integer_types):
            byxxx = (byxxx, )

        for num in byxxx:
            i_gcd = gcd(self._interval, base)
            # Use divmod rather than % because we need to wrap negative nums.
            if i_gcd == 1 or divmod(num - start, i_gcd)[1] == 0:

        if len(cset) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Invalid rrule byxxx generates an empty set.")

        return cset
项目:yatta_reader    作者:sound88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __construct_byset(self, start, byxxx, base):
        If a `BYXXX` sequence is passed to the constructor at the same level as
        `FREQ` (e.g. `FREQ=HOURLY,BYHOUR={2,4,7},INTERVAL=3`), there are some
        specifications which cannot be reached given some starting conditions.

        This occurs whenever the interval is not coprime with the base of a
        given unit and the difference between the starting position and the
        ending position is not coprime with the greatest common denominator
        between the interval and the base. For example, with a FREQ of hourly
        starting at 17:00 and an interval of 4, the only valid values for
        BYHOUR would be {21, 1, 5, 9, 13, 17}, because 4 and 24 are not

        :param start:
            Specifies the starting position.
        :param byxxx:
            An iterable containing the list of allowed values.
        :param base:
            The largest allowable value for the specified frequency (e.g.
            24 hours, 60 minutes).

        This does not preserve the type of the iterable, returning a set, since
        the values should be unique and the order is irrelevant, this will
        speed up later lookups.

        In the event of an empty set, raises a :exception:`ValueError`, as this
        results in an empty rrule.

        cset = set()

        # Support a single byxxx value.
        if isinstance(byxxx, integer_types):
            byxxx = (byxxx, )

        for num in byxxx:
            i_gcd = gcd(self._interval, base)
            # Use divmod rather than % because we need to wrap negative nums.
            if i_gcd == 1 or divmod(num - start, i_gcd)[1] == 0:

        if len(cset) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Invalid rrule byxxx generates an empty set.")

        return cset
项目:Chorus    作者:DonaldBough    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __construct_byset(self, start, byxxx, base):
        If a `BYXXX` sequence is passed to the constructor at the same level as
        `FREQ` (e.g. `FREQ=HOURLY,BYHOUR={2,4,7},INTERVAL=3`), there are some
        specifications which cannot be reached given some starting conditions.

        This occurs whenever the interval is not coprime with the base of a
        given unit and the difference between the starting position and the
        ending position is not coprime with the greatest common denominator
        between the interval and the base. For example, with a FREQ of hourly
        starting at 17:00 and an interval of 4, the only valid values for
        BYHOUR would be {21, 1, 5, 9, 13, 17}, because 4 and 24 are not

        :param start:
            Specifies the starting position.
        :param byxxx:
            An iterable containing the list of allowed values.
        :param base:
            The largest allowable value for the specified frequency (e.g.
            24 hours, 60 minutes).

        This does not preserve the type of the iterable, returning a set, since
        the values should be unique and the order is irrelevant, this will
        speed up later lookups.

        In the event of an empty set, raises a :exception:`ValueError`, as this
        results in an empty rrule.

        cset = set()

        # Support a single byxxx value.
        if isinstance(byxxx, integer_types):
            byxxx = (byxxx, )

        for num in byxxx:
            i_gcd = gcd(self._interval, base)
            # Use divmod rather than % because we need to wrap negative nums.
            if i_gcd == 1 or divmod(num - start, i_gcd)[1] == 0:

        if len(cset) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Invalid rrule byxxx generates an empty set.")

        return cset
项目:tf_aws_ecs_instance_draining_on_scale_in    作者:terraform-community-modules    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __construct_byset(self, start, byxxx, base):
        If a `BYXXX` sequence is passed to the constructor at the same level as
        `FREQ` (e.g. `FREQ=HOURLY,BYHOUR={2,4,7},INTERVAL=3`), there are some
        specifications which cannot be reached given some starting conditions.

        This occurs whenever the interval is not coprime with the base of a
        given unit and the difference between the starting position and the
        ending position is not coprime with the greatest common denominator
        between the interval and the base. For example, with a FREQ of hourly
        starting at 17:00 and an interval of 4, the only valid values for
        BYHOUR would be {21, 1, 5, 9, 13, 17}, because 4 and 24 are not

        :param start:
            Specifies the starting position.
        :param byxxx:
            An iterable containing the list of allowed values.
        :param base:
            The largest allowable value for the specified frequency (e.g.
            24 hours, 60 minutes).

        This does not preserve the type of the iterable, returning a set, since
        the values should be unique and the order is irrelevant, this will
        speed up later lookups.

        In the event of an empty set, raises a :exception:`ValueError`, as this
        results in an empty rrule.

        cset = set()

        # Support a single byxxx value.
        if isinstance(byxxx, integer_types):
            byxxx = (byxxx, )

        for num in byxxx:
            i_gcd = gcd(self._interval, base)
            # Use divmod rather than % because we need to wrap negative nums.
            if i_gcd == 1 or divmod(num - start, i_gcd)[1] == 0:

        if len(cset) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Invalid rrule byxxx generates an empty set.")

        return cset