Python math 模块,abs() 实例源码


项目:pytorch    作者:tylergenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test_btrisolve(self, cast):
        a = torch.FloatTensor((((1.3722, -0.9020),
                                (1.8849, 1.9169)),
                               ((0.7187, -1.1695),
                                (-0.0139, 1.3572)),
                               ((-1.6181, 0.7148),
                                (1.3728, 0.1319))))
        b = torch.FloatTensor(((4.02, 6.19),
                               (-1.56, 4.00),
                               (9.81, -4.09)))
        a, b = cast(a), cast(b)
        info = cast(torch.IntTensor())
        LU_data, pivots = a.btrifact(info=info)
        self.assertEqual(info.abs().sum(), 0)
        x = torch.btrisolve(b, LU_data, pivots)
        b_ = torch.bmm(a, x.unsqueeze(2)).squeeze()
        self.assertEqual(b_, b)
项目:pytorch    作者:tylergenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_abs(self):
        size = 1000
        max_val = 1000
        original = torch.rand(size).mul(max_val)
        # Tensor filled with values from {-1, 1}
        switch = torch.rand(size).mul(2).floor().mul(2).add(-1)

        types = ['torch.DoubleTensor', 'torch.FloatTensor', 'torch.LongTensor', 'torch.IntTensor']
        for t in types:
            data = original.type(t)
            switch = switch.type(t)
            res = torch.mul(data, switch)
            # abs is used in assertEqual so we use the slow version instead
            self.assertTensorsSlowEqual(res.abs(), data, 1e-16)

        # Checking that the right abs function is called for LongTensor
        bignumber = 2 ^ 31 + 1
        res = torch.LongTensor((-bignumber,))
        self.assertGreater(res.abs()[0], 0)
项目:pytorch    作者:tylergenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_view(self):
        tensor = torch.rand(15)
        template = torch.rand(3, 5)
        empty = torch.Tensor()
        target = template.size()
        self.assertEqual(tensor.view_as(template).size(), target)
        self.assertEqual(tensor.view(3, 5).size(), target)
        self.assertEqual(tensor.view(torch.Size([3, 5])).size(), target)
        self.assertEqual(tensor.view(-1, 5).size(), target)
        self.assertEqual(tensor.view(3, -1).size(), target)
        tensor_view = tensor.view(5, 3)
        tensor_view.fill_(random.uniform(0, 1))
        self.assertEqual((tensor_view - tensor).abs().max(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(empty.view_as(empty), empty)
        self.assertEqual(empty.view(0), empty)
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: tensor.view(15, 0))
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: tensor.view(7, -1))
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: tensor.view(15, -1, -1))
项目:pytorch-coriander    作者:hughperkins    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test_btrisolve(self, cast):
        a = torch.FloatTensor((((1.3722, -0.9020),
                                (1.8849, 1.9169)),
                               ((0.7187, -1.1695),
                                (-0.0139, 1.3572)),
                               ((-1.6181, 0.7148),
                                (1.3728, 0.1319))))
        b = torch.FloatTensor(((4.02, 6.19),
                               (-1.56, 4.00),
                               (9.81, -4.09)))
        a, b = cast(a), cast(b)
        info = cast(torch.IntTensor())
        LU_data, pivots = a.btrifact(info=info)
        self.assertEqual(info.abs().sum(), 0)
        x = torch.btrisolve(b, LU_data, pivots)
        b_ = torch.bmm(a, x.unsqueeze(2)).squeeze()
        self.assertEqual(b_, b)
项目:pytorch-coriander    作者:hughperkins    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_abs(self):
        size = 1000
        max_val = 1000
        original = torch.rand(size).mul(max_val)
        # Tensor filled with values from {-1, 1}
        switch = torch.rand(size).mul(2).floor().mul(2).add(-1)

        types = ['torch.DoubleTensor', 'torch.FloatTensor', 'torch.LongTensor', 'torch.IntTensor']
        for t in types:
            data = original.type(t)
            switch = switch.type(t)
            res = torch.mul(data, switch)
            # abs is used in assertEqual so we use the slow version instead
            self.assertTensorsSlowEqual(res.abs(), data, 1e-16)

        # Checking that the right abs function is called for LongTensor
        bignumber = 2 ^ 31 + 1
        res = torch.LongTensor((-bignumber,))
        self.assertGreater(res.abs()[0], 0)
项目:pytorch-coriander    作者:hughperkins    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_view(self):
        tensor = torch.rand(15)
        template = torch.rand(3, 5)
        empty = torch.Tensor()
        target = template.size()
        self.assertEqual(tensor.view_as(template).size(), target)
        self.assertEqual(tensor.view(3, 5).size(), target)
        self.assertEqual(tensor.view(torch.Size([3, 5])).size(), target)
        self.assertEqual(tensor.view(-1, 5).size(), target)
        self.assertEqual(tensor.view(3, -1).size(), target)
        tensor_view = tensor.view(5, 3)
        tensor_view.fill_(random.uniform(0, 1))
        self.assertEqual((tensor_view - tensor).abs().max(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(empty.view_as(empty), empty)
        self.assertEqual(empty.view(0), empty)
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: tensor.view(15, 0))
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: tensor.view(7, -1))
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: tensor.view(15, -1, -1))
项目:pytorch    作者:ezyang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test_btrisolve(self, cast):
        a = torch.FloatTensor((((1.3722, -0.9020),
                                (1.8849, 1.9169)),
                               ((0.7187, -1.1695),
                                (-0.0139, 1.3572)),
                               ((-1.6181, 0.7148),
                                (1.3728, 0.1319))))
        b = torch.FloatTensor(((4.02, 6.19),
                               (-1.56, 4.00),
                               (9.81, -4.09)))
        a, b = cast(a), cast(b)
        info = cast(torch.IntTensor())
        LU_data, pivots = a.btrifact(info=info)
        self.assertEqual(info.abs().sum(), 0)
        x = torch.btrisolve(b, LU_data, pivots)
        b_ = torch.bmm(a, x.unsqueeze(2)).squeeze()
        self.assertEqual(b_, b)
项目:pytorch    作者:ezyang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_abs(self):
        size = 1000
        max_val = 1000
        original = torch.rand(size).mul(max_val)
        # Tensor filled with values from {-1, 1}
        switch = torch.rand(size).mul(2).floor().mul(2).add(-1)

        types = ['torch.DoubleTensor', 'torch.FloatTensor', 'torch.LongTensor', 'torch.IntTensor']
        for t in types:
            data = original.type(t)
            switch = switch.type(t)
            res = torch.mul(data, switch)
            # abs is used in assertEqual so we use the slow version instead
            self.assertTensorsSlowEqual(res.abs(), data, 1e-16)

        # Checking that the right abs function is called for LongTensor
        bignumber = 2 ^ 31 + 1
        res = torch.LongTensor((-bignumber,))
        self.assertGreater(res.abs()[0], 0)
项目:pytorch    作者:ezyang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_view(self):
        tensor = torch.rand(15)
        template = torch.rand(3, 5)
        empty = torch.Tensor()
        target = template.size()
        self.assertEqual(tensor.view_as(template).size(), target)
        self.assertEqual(tensor.view(3, 5).size(), target)
        self.assertEqual(tensor.view(torch.Size([3, 5])).size(), target)
        self.assertEqual(tensor.view(-1, 5).size(), target)
        self.assertEqual(tensor.view(3, -1).size(), target)
        tensor_view = tensor.view(5, 3)
        tensor_view.fill_(random.uniform(0, 1))
        # suppress broadcastable warning
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
            self.assertEqual((tensor_view - tensor).abs().max(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(empty.view_as(empty), empty)
        self.assertEqual(empty.view(0), empty)
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: tensor.view(15, 0))
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: tensor.view(7, -1))
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: tensor.view(15, -1, -1))
项目:pytorch    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test_btrisolve(self, cast):
        a = torch.FloatTensor((((1.3722, -0.9020),
                                (1.8849, 1.9169)),
                               ((0.7187, -1.1695),
                                (-0.0139, 1.3572)),
                               ((-1.6181, 0.7148),
                                (1.3728, 0.1319))))
        b = torch.FloatTensor(((4.02, 6.19),
                               (-1.56, 4.00),
                               (9.81, -4.09)))
        a, b = cast(a), cast(b)
        info = cast(torch.IntTensor())
        LU_data, pivots = a.btrifact(info=info)
        self.assertEqual(info.abs().sum(), 0)
        x = torch.btrisolve(b, LU_data, pivots)
        b_ = torch.bmm(a, x.unsqueeze(2)).squeeze()
        self.assertEqual(b_, b)
项目:pytorch    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_abs(self):
        size = 1000
        max_val = 1000
        original = torch.rand(size).mul(max_val)
        # Tensor filled with values from {-1, 1}
        switch = torch.rand(size).mul(2).floor().mul(2).add(-1)

        types = ['torch.DoubleTensor', 'torch.FloatTensor', 'torch.LongTensor', 'torch.IntTensor']
        for t in types:
            data = original.type(t)
            switch = switch.type(t)
            res = torch.mul(data, switch)
            # abs is used in assertEqual so we use the slow version instead
            self.assertTensorsSlowEqual(res.abs(), data, 1e-16)

        # Checking that the right abs function is called for LongTensor
        bignumber = 2 ^ 31 + 1
        res = torch.LongTensor((-bignumber,))
        self.assertGreater(res.abs()[0], 0)
项目:pytorch-dist    作者:apaszke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_asin(self):
        self._testMath(torch.asin, lambda x: math.asin(x) if abs(x) <= 1 else float('nan'))
项目:pytorch-dist    作者:apaszke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_acos(self):
        self._testMath(torch.acos, lambda x: math.acos(x) if abs(x) <= 1 else float('nan'))
项目:pytorch-dist    作者:apaszke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_conv2(self):
        x = torch.rand(math.floor(torch.uniform(50, 100)), math.floor(torch.uniform(50, 100)))
        k = torch.rand(math.floor(torch.uniform(10, 20)), math.floor(torch.uniform(10, 20)))
        imvc = torch.conv2(x, k)
        imvc2 = torch.conv2(x, k, 'V')
        imfc = torch.conv2(x, k, 'F')

        ki = k.clone()
        ks =
        kis =
        for i in range(ks.size()-1, 0, -1):
            kis[ks.size()-i+1] = ks[i]
        #for i=ks.size(), 1, -1 do kis[ks.size()-i+1]=ks[i] end
        imvx = torch.xcorr2(x, ki)
        imvx2 = torch.xcorr2(x, ki, 'V')
        imfx = torch.xcorr2(x, ki, 'F')

        self.assertEqual(imvc, imvc2, 0, 'torch.conv2')
        self.assertEqual(imvc, imvx, 0, 'torch.conv2')
        self.assertEqual(imvc, imvx2, 0, 'torch.conv2')
        self.assertEqual(imfc, imfx, 0, 'torch.conv2')
        self.assertLessEqual(math.abs( - torch.xcorr2(x, x)[0][0]), 1e-10, 'torch.conv2')

        xx = torch.Tensor(2, x.size(1), x.size(2))
        kk = torch.Tensor(2, k.size(1), k.size(2))

        immvc = torch.conv2(xx, kk)
        immvc2 = torch.conv2(xx, kk, 'V')
        immfc = torch.conv2(xx, kk, 'F')

        self.assertEqual(immvc[0], immvc[1], 0, 'torch.conv2')
        self.assertEqual(immvc[0], imvc, 0, 'torch.conv2')
        self.assertEqual(immvc2[0], imvc2, 0, 'torch.conv2')
        self.assertEqual(immfc[0], immfc[1], 0, 'torch.conv2')
        self.assertEqual(immfc[0], imfc, 0, 'torch.conv2')
项目:pytorch-dist    作者:apaszke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_view(self):
        tensor = torch.rand(15)
        template = torch.rand(3, 5)
        empty = torch.Tensor()
        target = template.size()
        self.assertEqual(tensor.view_as(template).size(), target)
        self.assertEqual(tensor.view(3, 5).size(), target)
        self.assertEqual(tensor.view(torch.Size([3, 5])).size(), target)
        self.assertEqual(tensor.view(-1, 5).size(), target)
        self.assertEqual(tensor.view(3, -1).size(), target)
        tensor_view = tensor.view(5, 3)
        tensor_view.fill_(random.uniform(0, 1))
        self.assertEqual((tensor_view-tensor).abs().max(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(empty.view_as(empty), empty)
        self.assertEqual(empty.view(0), empty)
项目:pytorch-dist    作者:apaszke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_repeat(self):
        result = torch.Tensor()
        tensor = torch.rand(8, 4)
        size = (3, 1, 1)
        torchSize = torch.Size(size)
        target = [3, 8, 4]
        self.assertEqual(tensor.repeat(*size).size(), target, 'Error in repeat')
        self.assertEqual(tensor.repeat(torchSize).size(), target, 'Error in repeat using LongStorage')
        result = tensor.repeat(*size)
        self.assertEqual(result.size(), target, 'Error in repeat using result')
        result = tensor.repeat(torchSize)
        self.assertEqual(result.size(), target, 'Error in repeat using result and LongStorage')
        self.assertEqual((result.mean(0).view(8, 4)-tensor).abs().max(), 0, 'Error in repeat (not equal)')
项目:pytorch    作者:tylergenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_asin(self):
        self._testMath(torch.asin, lambda x: math.asin(x) if abs(x) <= 1 else float('nan'))
项目:pytorch    作者:tylergenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_acos(self):
        self._testMath(torch.acos, lambda x: math.acos(x) if abs(x) <= 1 else float('nan'))
项目:pytorch    作者:tylergenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test_btrifact(self, cast):
        a = torch.FloatTensor((((1.3722, -0.9020),
                                (1.8849, 1.9169)),
                               ((0.7187, -1.1695),
                                (-0.0139, 1.3572)),
                               ((-1.6181, 0.7148),
                                (1.3728, 0.1319))))
        a = cast(a)
        info = cast(torch.IntTensor())
        a_LU = a.btrifact(info=info)
        self.assertEqual(info.abs().sum(), 0)
        P, a_L, a_U = torch.btriunpack(*a_LU)
        a_ = torch.bmm(P, torch.bmm(a_L, a_U))
        self.assertEqual(a_, a)
项目:pytorch    作者:tylergenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_repeat(self):
        result = torch.Tensor()
        tensor = torch.rand(8, 4)
        size = (3, 1, 1)
        torchSize = torch.Size(size)
        target = [3, 8, 4]
        self.assertEqual(tensor.repeat(*size).size(), target, 'Error in repeat')
        self.assertEqual(tensor.repeat(torchSize).size(), target, 'Error in repeat using LongStorage')
        result = tensor.repeat(*size)
        self.assertEqual(result.size(), target, 'Error in repeat using result')
        result = tensor.repeat(torchSize)
        self.assertEqual(result.size(), target, 'Error in repeat using result and LongStorage')
        self.assertEqual((result.mean(0).view(8, 4) - tensor).abs().max(), 0, 'Error in repeat (not equal)')
项目:pytorch-coriander    作者:hughperkins    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_asin(self):
        self._testMath(torch.asin, lambda x: math.asin(x) if abs(x) <= 1 else float('nan'))
项目:pytorch-coriander    作者:hughperkins    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_acos(self):
        self._testMath(torch.acos, lambda x: math.acos(x) if abs(x) <= 1 else float('nan'))
项目:pytorch-coriander    作者:hughperkins    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test_btrifact(self, cast):
        a = torch.FloatTensor((((1.3722, -0.9020),
                                (1.8849, 1.9169)),
                               ((0.7187, -1.1695),
                                (-0.0139, 1.3572)),
                               ((-1.6181, 0.7148),
                                (1.3728, 0.1319))))
        a = cast(a)
        info = cast(torch.IntTensor())
        a_LU = a.btrifact(info=info)
        self.assertEqual(info.abs().sum(), 0)
        P, a_L, a_U = torch.btriunpack(*a_LU)
        a_ = torch.bmm(P, torch.bmm(a_L, a_U))
        self.assertEqual(a_, a)
项目:pytorch-coriander    作者:hughperkins    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_repeat(self):
        result = torch.Tensor()
        tensor = torch.rand(8, 4)
        size = (3, 1, 1)
        torchSize = torch.Size(size)
        target = [3, 8, 4]
        self.assertEqual(tensor.repeat(*size).size(), target, 'Error in repeat')
        self.assertEqual(tensor.repeat(torchSize).size(), target, 'Error in repeat using LongStorage')
        result = tensor.repeat(*size)
        self.assertEqual(result.size(), target, 'Error in repeat using result')
        result = tensor.repeat(torchSize)
        self.assertEqual(result.size(), target, 'Error in repeat using result and LongStorage')
        self.assertEqual((result.mean(0).view(8, 4) - tensor).abs().max(), 0, 'Error in repeat (not equal)')
项目:PhD    作者:wutaoadeny    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Mass_Diffusion_Centrality(G):
    Mass_Diffusion_Centrality = {}
    for nid in G.nodes():
        Mass_Diffusion_Centrality[nid] = 1.0
    #end for

    def Iterative_Update_Mass_Diffusion(G, Resource_Centrality):
        Count = 0
        while Count > 0.95 * len(G.nodes()):
            for nid in G.nodes():
                neighbors = G.neighbors(nid)
                Updated_Resource_Nid = 0.0
                for ngb in neighbors:
                    Updated_Resource_Nid = Updated_Resource_Nid + Resource_Centrality[ngb] * (1.0/ #?????????????
                #end for
                if math.abs(Resource_Centrality[nid] - Updated_Resource_Nid) < 0.000001:
                    Count = Count + 1
                Resource_Centrality[nid] = Updated_Resource_Nid
            #end for
        #end while
        return Resource_Centrality

    #????Mass Diffusion??
    Mass_Diffusion_Centrality = Iterative_Update_Mass_Diffusion(G, Mass_Diffusion_Centrality)
    #print sorted(Mass_Diffusion_Centrality.iteritems(), key=lambda d:d[1], reverse = True)

    return Mass_Diffusion_Centrality

项目:pytorch    作者:ezyang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_asin(self):
        self._testMath(torch.asin, lambda x: math.asin(x) if abs(x) <= 1 else float('nan'))
项目:pytorch    作者:ezyang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_acos(self):
        self._testMath(torch.acos, lambda x: math.acos(x) if abs(x) <= 1 else float('nan'))
项目:pytorch    作者:ezyang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test_btrifact(self, cast):
        a = torch.FloatTensor((((1.3722, -0.9020),
                                (1.8849, 1.9169)),
                               ((0.7187, -1.1695),
                                (-0.0139, 1.3572)),
                               ((-1.6181, 0.7148),
                                (1.3728, 0.1319))))
        a = cast(a)
        info = cast(torch.IntTensor())
        a_LU = a.btrifact(info=info)
        self.assertEqual(info.abs().sum(), 0)
        P, a_L, a_U = torch.btriunpack(*a_LU)
        a_ = torch.bmm(P, torch.bmm(a_L, a_U))
        self.assertEqual(a_, a)
项目:pytorch    作者:ezyang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_repeat(self):
        result = torch.Tensor()
        tensor = torch.rand(8, 4)
        size = (3, 1, 1)
        torchSize = torch.Size(size)
        target = [3, 8, 4]
        self.assertEqual(tensor.repeat(*size).size(), target, 'Error in repeat')
        self.assertEqual(tensor.repeat(torchSize).size(), target, 'Error in repeat using LongStorage')
        result = tensor.repeat(*size)
        self.assertEqual(result.size(), target, 'Error in repeat using result')
        result = tensor.repeat(torchSize)
        self.assertEqual(result.size(), target, 'Error in repeat using result and LongStorage')
        self.assertEqual((result.mean(0).view(8, 4) - tensor).abs().max(), 0, 'Error in repeat (not equal)')
项目:pytorch    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_asin(self):
        self._testMath(torch.asin, lambda x: math.asin(x) if abs(x) <= 1 else float('nan'))
项目:pytorch    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_acos(self):
        self._testMath(torch.acos, lambda x: math.acos(x) if abs(x) <= 1 else float('nan'))
项目:pytorch    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test_btrifact(self, cast):
        a = torch.FloatTensor((((1.3722, -0.9020),
                                (1.8849, 1.9169)),
                               ((0.7187, -1.1695),
                                (-0.0139, 1.3572)),
                               ((-1.6181, 0.7148),
                                (1.3728, 0.1319))))
        a = cast(a)
        info = cast(torch.IntTensor())
        a_LU = a.btrifact(info=info)
        self.assertEqual(info.abs().sum(), 0)
        P, a_L, a_U = torch.btriunpack(*a_LU)
        a_ = torch.bmm(P, torch.bmm(a_L, a_U))
        self.assertEqual(a_, a)
项目:pytorch-dist    作者:apaszke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _testSelection(self, torchfn, mathfn):
        # contiguous
        m1 = torch.randn(100,100)
        res1 = torchfn(m1)
        res2 = m1[0,0]
        for i, j in iter_indices(m1):
            res2 = mathfn(res2, m1[i,j])
        self.assertEqual(res1, res2)

        # non-contiguous
        m1 = torch.randn(10,10,10)
        m2 = m1[:,4]
        res1 = torchfn(m2)
        res2 = m2[0,0]
        for i, j in iter_indices(m2):
            res2 = mathfn(res2, m2[i][j])
        self.assertEqual(res1, res2)

        # with indices
        m1 = torch.randn(100,100)
        res1val, res1ind = torchfn(m1, 1)
        res2val = m1[:,0:1].clone()
        res2ind = res1ind.clone().fill_(0)
        for i, j in iter_indices(m1):
            if mathfn(res2val[i,0], m1[i,j]) != res2val[i,0]:
                res2val[i,0] = m1[i,j]
                res2ind[i,0] = j

        maxerr = 0
        for i in range(res1val.size(0)):
            maxerr = max(maxerr, abs(res1val[i][0] - res2val[i][0]))
            self.assertEqual(res1ind[i][0], res2ind[i][0])
        self.assertLessEqual(abs(maxerr), 1e-5)

        # NaNs
        for index in (0, 4, 99):
            m1 = torch.randn(100)
            m1[index] = float('nan')
            res1val, res1ind = torch.max(m1, 0)
            self.assertNotEqual(res1val[0], res1val[0])
            self.assertEqual(res1ind[0], index)
            res1val = torchfn(m1)
            self.assertNotEqual(res1val, res1val)
项目:pytorch-dist    作者:apaszke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_conv3(self):
        x = torch.rand(math.floor(torch.uniform(20, 40)),
                math.floor(torch.uniform(20, 40)),
                math.floor(torch.uniform(20, 40)))
        k = torch.rand(math.floor(torch.uniform(5, 10)),
                math.floor(torch.uniform(5, 10)),
                math.floor(torch.uniform(5, 10)))
        imvc = torch.conv3(x, k)
        imvc2 = torch.conv3(x, k, 'V')
        imfc = torch.conv3(x, k, 'F')

        ki = k.clone();
        ks =
        kis =
        for i in range(ks.size()-1, 0, -1):
            kis[ks.size()-i+1] = ks[i]
        imvx = torch.xcorr3(x, ki)
        imvx2 = torch.xcorr3(x, ki, 'V')
        imfx = torch.xcorr3(x, ki, 'F')

        self.assertEqual(imvc, imvc2, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(imvc, imvx, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(imvc, imvx2, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(imfc, imfx, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertLessEqual(math.abs( - torch.xcorr3(x, x)[0][0][0]), 4e-10, 'torch.conv3')

        xx = torch.Tensor(2, x.size(1), x.size(2), x.size(3))
        kk = torch.Tensor(2, k.size(1), k.size(2), k.size(3))

        immvc = torch.conv3(xx, kk)
        immvc2 = torch.conv3(xx, kk, 'V')
        immfc = torch.conv3(xx, kk, 'F')

        self.assertEqual(immvc[0], immvc[1], 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(immvc[0], imvc, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(immvc2[0], imvc2, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(immfc[0], immfc[1], 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(immfc[0], imfc, 0, 'torch.conv3')
项目:pytorch    作者:tylergenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _testSelection(self, torchfn, mathfn):
        # contiguous
        m1 = torch.randn(100, 100)
        res1 = torchfn(m1)
        res2 = m1[0, 0]
        for i, j in iter_indices(m1):
            res2 = mathfn(res2, m1[i, j])
        self.assertEqual(res1, res2)

        # non-contiguous
        m1 = torch.randn(10, 10, 10)
        m2 = m1[:, 4]
        res1 = torchfn(m2)
        res2 = m2[0, 0]
        for i, j in iter_indices(m2):
            res2 = mathfn(res2, m2[i][j])
        self.assertEqual(res1, res2)

        # with indices
        m1 = torch.randn(100, 100)
        res1val, res1ind = torchfn(m1, 1)
        res2val = m1[:, 0:1].clone()
        res2ind = res1ind.clone().fill_(0)
        for i, j in iter_indices(m1):
            if mathfn(res2val[i, 0], m1[i, j]) != res2val[i, 0]:
                res2val[i, 0] = m1[i, j]
                res2ind[i, 0] = j

        maxerr = 0
        for i in range(res1val.size(0)):
            maxerr = max(maxerr, abs(res1val[i][0] - res2val[i][0]))
            self.assertEqual(res1ind[i][0], res2ind[i][0])
        self.assertLessEqual(abs(maxerr), 1e-5)

        # NaNs
        for index in (0, 4, 99):
            m1 = torch.randn(100)
            m1[index] = float('nan')
            res1val, res1ind = torch.max(m1, 0)
            self.assertNotEqual(res1val[0], res1val[0])
            self.assertEqual(res1ind[0], index)
            res1val = torchfn(m1)
            self.assertNotEqual(res1val, res1val)
项目:pytorch    作者:tylergenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_conv3(self):
        x = torch.rand(math.floor(torch.uniform(20, 40)),
                       math.floor(torch.uniform(20, 40)),
                       math.floor(torch.uniform(20, 40)))
        k = torch.rand(math.floor(torch.uniform(5, 10)),
                       math.floor(torch.uniform(5, 10)),
                       math.floor(torch.uniform(5, 10)))
        imvc = torch.conv3(x, k)
        imvc2 = torch.conv3(x, k, 'V')
        imfc = torch.conv3(x, k, 'F')

        ki = k.clone()
        ks =
        kis =
        for i in range(ks.size() - 1, 0, -1):
            kis[ks.size() - i + 1] = ks[i]
        imvx = torch.xcorr3(x, ki)
        imvx2 = torch.xcorr3(x, ki, 'V')
        imfx = torch.xcorr3(x, ki, 'F')

        self.assertEqual(imvc, imvc2, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(imvc, imvx, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(imvc, imvx2, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(imfc, imfx, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertLessEqual(math.abs( - torch.xcorr3(x, x)[0][0][0]), 4e-10, 'torch.conv3')

        xx = torch.Tensor(2, x.size(1), x.size(2), x.size(3))
        kk = torch.Tensor(2, k.size(1), k.size(2), k.size(3))

        immvc = torch.conv3(xx, kk)
        immvc2 = torch.conv3(xx, kk, 'V')
        immfc = torch.conv3(xx, kk, 'F')

        self.assertEqual(immvc[0], immvc[1], 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(immvc[0], imvc, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(immvc2[0], imvc2, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(immfc[0], immfc[1], 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(immfc[0], imfc, 0, 'torch.conv3')
项目:pytorch-coriander    作者:hughperkins    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _testSelection(self, torchfn, mathfn):
        # contiguous
        m1 = torch.randn(100, 100)
        res1 = torchfn(m1)
        res2 = m1[0, 0]
        for i, j in iter_indices(m1):
            res2 = mathfn(res2, m1[i, j])
        self.assertEqual(res1, res2)

        # non-contiguous
        m1 = torch.randn(10, 10, 10)
        m2 = m1[:, 4]
        res1 = torchfn(m2)
        res2 = m2[0, 0]
        for i, j in iter_indices(m2):
            res2 = mathfn(res2, m2[i][j])
        self.assertEqual(res1, res2)

        # with indices
        m1 = torch.randn(100, 100)
        res1val, res1ind = torchfn(m1, 1, False)
        res2val = m1[:, 0:1].clone().squeeze()
        res2ind = res1ind.clone().fill_(0)
        for i, j in iter_indices(m1):
            if mathfn(res2val[i], m1[i, j]) != res2val[i]:
                res2val[i] = m1[i, j]
                res2ind[i] = j

        maxerr = 0
        for i in range(res1val.size(0)):
            maxerr = max(maxerr, abs(res1val[i] - res2val[i]))
            self.assertEqual(res1ind[i], res2ind[i])
        self.assertLessEqual(abs(maxerr), 1e-5)

        # NaNs
        for index in (0, 4, 99):
            m1 = torch.randn(100)
            m1[index] = float('nan')
            res1val, res1ind = torch.max(m1, 0)
            self.assertNotEqual(res1val[0], res1val[0])
            self.assertEqual(res1ind[0], index)
            res1val = torchfn(m1)
            self.assertNotEqual(res1val, res1val)
项目:pytorch-coriander    作者:hughperkins    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_conv3(self):
        x = torch.rand(math.floor(torch.uniform(20, 40)),
                       math.floor(torch.uniform(20, 40)),
                       math.floor(torch.uniform(20, 40)))
        k = torch.rand(math.floor(torch.uniform(5, 10)),
                       math.floor(torch.uniform(5, 10)),
                       math.floor(torch.uniform(5, 10)))
        imvc = torch.conv3(x, k)
        imvc2 = torch.conv3(x, k, 'V')
        imfc = torch.conv3(x, k, 'F')

        ki = k.clone()
        ks =
        kis =
        for i in range(ks.size() - 1, 0, -1):
            kis[ks.size() - i + 1] = ks[i]
        imvx = torch.xcorr3(x, ki)
        imvx2 = torch.xcorr3(x, ki, 'V')
        imfx = torch.xcorr3(x, ki, 'F')

        self.assertEqual(imvc, imvc2, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(imvc, imvx, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(imvc, imvx2, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(imfc, imfx, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertLessEqual(math.abs( - torch.xcorr3(x, x)[0][0][0]), 4e-10, 'torch.conv3')

        xx = torch.Tensor(2, x.size(1), x.size(2), x.size(3))
        kk = torch.Tensor(2, k.size(1), k.size(2), k.size(3))

        immvc = torch.conv3(xx, kk)
        immvc2 = torch.conv3(xx, kk, 'V')
        immfc = torch.conv3(xx, kk, 'F')

        self.assertEqual(immvc[0], immvc[1], 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(immvc[0], imvc, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(immvc2[0], imvc2, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(immfc[0], immfc[1], 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(immfc[0], imfc, 0, 'torch.conv3')
项目:pytorch    作者:ezyang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _testSelection(self, torchfn, mathfn):
        # contiguous
        m1 = torch.randn(100, 100)
        res1 = torchfn(m1)
        res2 = m1[0, 0]
        for i, j in iter_indices(m1):
            res2 = mathfn(res2, m1[i, j])
        self.assertEqual(res1, res2)

        # non-contiguous
        m1 = torch.randn(10, 10, 10)
        m2 = m1[:, 4]
        res1 = torchfn(m2)
        res2 = m2[0, 0]
        for i, j in iter_indices(m2):
            res2 = mathfn(res2, m2[i][j])
        self.assertEqual(res1, res2)

        # with indices
        m1 = torch.randn(100, 100)
        res1val, res1ind = torchfn(m1, 1, False)
        res2val = m1[:, 0:1].clone().squeeze()
        res2ind = res1ind.clone().fill_(0)
        for i, j in iter_indices(m1):
            if mathfn(res2val[i], m1[i, j]) != res2val[i]:
                res2val[i] = m1[i, j]
                res2ind[i] = j

        maxerr = 0
        for i in range(res1val.size(0)):
            maxerr = max(maxerr, abs(res1val[i] - res2val[i]))
            self.assertEqual(res1ind[i], res2ind[i])
        self.assertLessEqual(abs(maxerr), 1e-5)

        # NaNs
        for index in (0, 4, 99):
            m1 = torch.randn(100)
            m1[index] = float('nan')
            res1val, res1ind = torch.max(m1, 0)
            self.assertNotEqual(res1val[0], res1val[0])
            self.assertEqual(res1ind[0], index)
            res1val = torchfn(m1)
            self.assertNotEqual(res1val, res1val)
项目:pytorch    作者:ezyang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_conv3(self):
        x = torch.rand(math.floor(torch.uniform(20, 40)),
                       math.floor(torch.uniform(20, 40)),
                       math.floor(torch.uniform(20, 40)))
        k = torch.rand(math.floor(torch.uniform(5, 10)),
                       math.floor(torch.uniform(5, 10)),
                       math.floor(torch.uniform(5, 10)))
        imvc = torch.conv3(x, k)
        imvc2 = torch.conv3(x, k, 'V')
        imfc = torch.conv3(x, k, 'F')

        ki = k.clone()
        ks =
        kis =
        for i in range(ks.size() - 1, 0, -1):
            kis[ks.size() - i + 1] = ks[i]
        imvx = torch.xcorr3(x, ki)
        imvx2 = torch.xcorr3(x, ki, 'V')
        imfx = torch.xcorr3(x, ki, 'F')

        self.assertEqual(imvc, imvc2, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(imvc, imvx, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(imvc, imvx2, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(imfc, imfx, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertLessEqual(math.abs( - torch.xcorr3(x, x)[0][0][0]), 4e-10, 'torch.conv3')

        xx = torch.Tensor(2, x.size(1), x.size(2), x.size(3))
        kk = torch.Tensor(2, k.size(1), k.size(2), k.size(3))

        immvc = torch.conv3(xx, kk)
        immvc2 = torch.conv3(xx, kk, 'V')
        immfc = torch.conv3(xx, kk, 'F')

        self.assertEqual(immvc[0], immvc[1], 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(immvc[0], imvc, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(immvc2[0], imvc2, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(immfc[0], immfc[1], 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(immfc[0], imfc, 0, 'torch.conv3')
项目:pytorch    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _testSelection(self, torchfn, mathfn):
        # contiguous
        m1 = torch.randn(100, 100)
        res1 = torchfn(m1)
        res2 = m1[0, 0]
        for i, j in iter_indices(m1):
            res2 = mathfn(res2, m1[i, j])
        self.assertEqual(res1, res2)

        # non-contiguous
        m1 = torch.randn(10, 10, 10)
        m2 = m1[:, 4]
        res1 = torchfn(m2)
        res2 = m2[0, 0]
        for i, j in iter_indices(m2):
            res2 = mathfn(res2, m2[i][j])
        self.assertEqual(res1, res2)

        # with indices
        m1 = torch.randn(100, 100)
        res1val, res1ind = torchfn(m1, 1, False)
        res2val = m1[:, 0:1].clone().squeeze()
        res2ind = res1ind.clone().fill_(0)
        for i, j in iter_indices(m1):
            if mathfn(res2val[i], m1[i, j]) != res2val[i]:
                res2val[i] = m1[i, j]
                res2ind[i] = j

        maxerr = 0
        for i in range(res1val.size(0)):
            maxerr = max(maxerr, abs(res1val[i] - res2val[i]))
            self.assertEqual(res1ind[i], res2ind[i])
        self.assertLessEqual(abs(maxerr), 1e-5)

        # NaNs
        for index in (0, 4, 99):
            m1 = torch.randn(100)
            m1[index] = float('nan')
            res1val, res1ind = torch.max(m1, 0)
            self.assertNotEqual(res1val[0], res1val[0])
            self.assertEqual(res1ind[0], index)
            res1val = torchfn(m1)
            self.assertNotEqual(res1val, res1val)
项目:pytorch    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_conv3(self):
        x = torch.rand(math.floor(torch.uniform(20, 40)),
                       math.floor(torch.uniform(20, 40)),
                       math.floor(torch.uniform(20, 40)))
        k = torch.rand(math.floor(torch.uniform(5, 10)),
                       math.floor(torch.uniform(5, 10)),
                       math.floor(torch.uniform(5, 10)))
        imvc = torch.conv3(x, k)
        imvc2 = torch.conv3(x, k, 'V')
        imfc = torch.conv3(x, k, 'F')

        ki = k.clone()
        ks =
        kis =
        for i in range(ks.size() - 1, 0, -1):
            kis[ks.size() - i + 1] = ks[i]
        imvx = torch.xcorr3(x, ki)
        imvx2 = torch.xcorr3(x, ki, 'V')
        imfx = torch.xcorr3(x, ki, 'F')

        self.assertEqual(imvc, imvc2, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(imvc, imvx, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(imvc, imvx2, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(imfc, imfx, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertLessEqual(math.abs( - torch.xcorr3(x, x)[0][0][0]), 4e-10, 'torch.conv3')

        xx = torch.Tensor(2, x.size(1), x.size(2), x.size(3))
        kk = torch.Tensor(2, k.size(1), k.size(2), k.size(3))

        immvc = torch.conv3(xx, kk)
        immvc2 = torch.conv3(xx, kk, 'V')
        immfc = torch.conv3(xx, kk, 'F')

        self.assertEqual(immvc[0], immvc[1], 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(immvc[0], imvc, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(immvc2[0], imvc2, 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(immfc[0], immfc[1], 0, 'torch.conv3')
        self.assertEqual(immfc[0], imfc, 0, 'torch.conv3')