def project_cursor(self, event): coord = mathutils.Vector((event.mouse_region_x, event.mouse_region_y)) transform = bpy_extras.view3d_utils.region_2d_to_location_3d region = bpy.context.region rv3d = bpy.context.space_data.region_3d #### cursor used for the depth location of the mouse depth_location = bpy.context.scene.cursor_location #depth_location = bpy.context.active_object.location ### creating 3d vector from the cursor end = transform(region, rv3d, coord, depth_location) #end = transform(region, rv3d, coord, bpy.context.space_data.region_3d.view_location) ### Viewport origin start = bpy_extras.view3d_utils.region_2d_to_origin_3d(region, rv3d, coord) ### Cast ray from view to mouselocation if b_version_bigger_than((2,76,0)): ray = bpy.context.scene.ray_cast(start, (start+(end-start)*2000)-start ) else: ray = bpy.context.scene.ray_cast(start, start+(end-start)*2000) ### ray_cast return values have changed after blender 2.67.0 if b_version_bigger_than((2,76,0)): ray = [ray[0],ray[4],ray[5],ray[1],ray[2]] return start, end, ray
def execute(self,context): armature = context.active_object p_bone = armature.pose.bones[context.active_pose_bone.name] bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT") bone_name = "Stretch_"+p_bone.name stretch_to_bone = armature.data.edit_bones.new(bone_name) stretch_to_bone.use_deform = False if p_bone.parent != None: stretch_to_bone.parent = context.active_object.data.edit_bones[p_bone.name].parent length = Vector(p_bone.tail - p_bone.head).length stretch_to_bone.head = p_bone.tail stretch_to_bone.tail = Vector((p_bone.tail[0],0, p_bone.tail[2] + length * .5)) bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="POSE") stretch_to_constraint = p_bone.constraints.new("STRETCH_TO") stretch_to_constraint.target = context.active_object stretch_to_constraint.subtarget = bone_name stretch_to_constraint.keep_axis = "PLANE_Z" stretch_to_constraint.volume = "VOLUME_X" set_bone_group(self, context.active_object, context.active_object.pose.bones[bone_name],group="stretch_to",theme = "THEME07") return{'FINISHED'} ######################################################################################################################################### Set IK Constraint
def create_verts(self,width,height,pos,me,tag_hide=False): bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT") bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(me) vert1 = bm.verts.new(Vector((0,0,-height))*self.scale) vert2 = bm.verts.new(Vector((width,0,-height))*self.scale) vert3 = bm.verts.new(Vector((width,0,0))*self.scale) vert4 = bm.verts.new(Vector((0,0,0))*self.scale) bm.faces.new([vert1,vert2,vert3,vert4]) bmesh.update_edit_mesh(me) if tag_hide: for vert in bm.verts: vert.hide = True for edge in bm.edges: edge.hide = True bmesh.update_edit_mesh(me) bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT")
def limit_cursor_by_bounds(self,context,location): obj = context.active_object bounds = self.bounds#get_bounds_and_center(obj)[1] if len(bounds) > 0: e1 = [bounds[0],bounds[2]] ### top edge e2 = [bounds[2],bounds[3]] ### right edge e3 = [bounds[3],bounds[1]] ### bottom edge e4 = [bounds[1],bounds[0]] ### left edge p1 = self.get_projected_point(e1,custom_pos=None,disable_edge_threshold=True) + Vector((0,0,-.1)) p2 = self.get_projected_point(e2,custom_pos=None,disable_edge_threshold=True) + Vector((-.1,0,0)) p3 = self.get_projected_point(e3,custom_pos=None,disable_edge_threshold=True) + Vector((0,0,.1)) p4 = self.get_projected_point(e4,custom_pos=None,disable_edge_threshold=True) + Vector((.1,0,0)) edges = [e1,e2,e3,e4] points_on_edge = [p1,p2,p3,p4] mouse_vec = [self.mesh_center,location] for j,edge in enumerate(edges): #mouse_vec = [points_on_edge[j] , location] i = geometry.intersect_line_line_2d(edge[0].xz,edge[1].xz,mouse_vec[0].xz,mouse_vec[1].xz) if i != None: location = Vector((i[0],location[1],i[1])) return location
def get_intersecting_lines(self,coord,bm): scene = bpy.context.scene vertex_vec_new = self.limit_cursor_by_bounds(bpy.context,coord) if scene.coa_surface_snap: coord, point_type, bm_ob = self.snap_to_edge_or_vert(vertex_vec_new) else: coord, point_type, bm_ob = [None,None,None] intersection_points = [] if self.selected_vert_coord != None and coord != None: obj = bpy.context.active_object e1 = [self.selected_vert_coord.xz,coord.xz] for edge in bm.edges: if not edge.hide:# and (edge.is_wire or edge.is_boundary): e2 = [(obj.matrix_world * edge.verts[0].co).xz , (obj.matrix_world * edge.verts[1].co).xz ] ip = geometry.intersect_line_line_2d(e1[0],e1[1],e2[0],e2[1]) if ip != None: ip = Vector((ip[0],self.selected_vert_coord[1],ip[1])) if (ip - self.selected_vert_coord).magnitude > 0.001 and (ip - coord).magnitude > 0.001: #ip, point_type, bm_ob = self.snap_to_edge_or_vert(ip) ### snap intersection points intersection_points.append(ip) intersection_points.sort(key=lambda x: (self.selected_vert_coord - x).magnitude) return intersection_points
def check_region(context,event): in_view_3d = False if context.area != None: if context.area.type == "VIEW_3D": t_panel = context.area.regions[1] n_panel = context.area.regions[3] view_3d_region_x = Vector((context.area.x + t_panel.width, context.area.x + context.area.width - n_panel.width)) view_3d_region_y = Vector((context.region.y, context.region.y+context.region.height)) if event.mouse_x > view_3d_region_x[0] and event.mouse_x < view_3d_region_x[1] and event.mouse_y > view_3d_region_y[0] and event.mouse_y < view_3d_region_y[1]: in_view_3d = True else: in_view_3d = False else: in_view_3d = False return in_view_3d
def set_uv_default_coords(context,obj): uv_coords = obj.data.uv_layers[obj.data.uv_layers.active.name].data ### add uv items for i in range(len(uv_coords)-len(obj.coa_uv_default_state)): item = obj.coa_uv_default_state.add() ### remove unneeded uv items if len(uv_coords) < len(obj.coa_uv_default_state): for i in range(len(obj.coa_uv_default_state) - len(uv_coords)): obj.coa_uv_default_state.remove(0) ### set default uv coords frame_size = Vector((1 / obj.coa_tiles_x,1 / obj.coa_tiles_y)) pos_x = frame_size.x * (obj.coa_sprite_frame % obj.coa_tiles_x) pos_y = frame_size.y * -int(int(obj.coa_sprite_frame) / int(obj.coa_tiles_x)) frame = Vector((pos_x,pos_y)) offset = Vector((0,1-(1/obj.coa_tiles_y))) for i,coord in enumerate(uv_coords): uv_vec_x = (coord.uv[0] - frame[0]) * obj.coa_tiles_x uv_vec_y = (coord.uv[1] - offset[1] - frame[1]) * obj.coa_tiles_y uv_vec = Vector((uv_vec_x,uv_vec_y)) obj.coa_uv_default_state[i].uv = uv_vec
def createMetaball(origin=(0, 0, 0), n=30, r0=4, r1=2.5): metaball = bpy.data.metaballs.new('MetaBall') obj = bpy.data.objects.new('MetaBallObject', metaball) bpy.context.scene.objects.link(obj) metaball.resolution = 0.2 metaball.render_resolution = 0.05 for i in range(n): location = Vector(origin) + Vector(random.uniform(-r0, r0) for i in range(3)) element = metaball.elements.new() element.co = location element.radius = r1 return metaball
def get_min_max(vertList): min = Vector(vertList[0]) max = Vector(vertList[0]) for v in vertList: if v.x < min.x: min.x = v.x elif v.x > max.x: max.x = v.x if v.y < min.y: min.y = v.y elif v.y > max.y: max.y = v.y if v.z < min.z: min.z = v.z elif v.z > max.z: max.z = v.z return min, max
def project_point(pt, v): """ Return projection of point with given direction vector """ proj = Vector() # project on X if v.y == 0: l = 0 else: l = - pt.y / v.y proj.z = pt.x + l * v.x # project on Y if v.z == 0: l = 0 else: l = - pt.z / v.z proj.y = pt.x + l * v.x # project on Z proj.x = pt.y + l * v.y return proj
def __init__(self, base, width, bm, indices, max_triangles, min_width): self.half_width = width / 2.0 self.c = base + Vector((self.half_width, self.half_width, self.half_width)) self.is_leaf = True self.indices = [] for i in indices: # TODO: Maybe solving it with a Wiimm KCL_BLOW approach is faster. if self.tricube_overlap(bm.faces[i], self): self.indices.append(i) # Split this node's cube when it contains too many triangles and the minimum size is not underrun yet. if len(self.indices) > max_triangles and self.half_width >= min_width: self.is_leaf = False self.branches = [KclModel.OctreeNode(base + (Vector((x, y, z)) * self.half_width), self.half_width, bm, self.indices, max_triangles, min_width) for z in range(0, 2) for y in range(0, 2) for x in range(0, 2)] self.indices = []
def execute(self, context): wm = context.window_manager scene = context.scene o = scene.objects.active # calculationg the new position of the active object center v = -Vector((wm["_x"], wm["_y"], o.location.z)) p = o.matrix_world * v projection = TransverseMercator(lat=scene["lat"], lon=scene["lon"]) (lat, lon) = projection.toGeographic(p[0], p[1]) scene["lat"] = lat scene["lon"] = lon scene["heading"] = (o.rotation_euler[2]-wm["_h"])*180/math.pi # restoring original objects location and orientation bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value=-(o.rotation_euler[2]-wm["_h"]), axis=(0,0,1)) bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=-(o.location+v)) # cleaning up del wm["_x"], wm["_y"], wm["_h"] return {"FINISHED"}
def getNearestVertexToPoly(object, poly, point): """ Returns the nearest vertext to a poligon. :param poly: The poligon if wich vertex you want to check. :type poly: |KX_PolyProxy| :param point: The point to check, in world coordinates. :type point: |Vector| """ if not type(point) is Vector: point = Vector(point) mesh = poly.getMesh() min = None f = None for i in range(poly.getNumVertex()): v = mesh.getVertex(0, poly.getVertexIndex(i)) r = vectorFrom2Points(v.XYZ, point - object.worldPosition).length if not min or r < min: min = r f = v return f
def vectorFrom2Points(origin, dest, module = None): """ Returns a |Vector| form 2 points in the space. :param origin: Point A :type origin: |Vector| :param dest: Point B :type dest: |Vector| :param float module: If setted, the returned vector will have this maxium lenght. The new lenght will never be greater than the original. """ vec = Vector((dest.x - origin.x, dest.y - origin.y, dest.z - origin.z)) if not module: return vec l = vec.length if l < 0.0125: return vec.zero() if l < module: return vec vec = vec / l if module == 1: return vec else: return vec * module
def moveObjectToPosition(origin, dest, speed = 1): """ Moves *origin* to *dest* at a speed of *speed*. Must by called every frame for a complete movement. :param origin: Object to move. :type origin: |KX_GameObject| :param dest: Destination object. :type dest: |Vector| :param float speed: The amount of movment to do in one frame. :return: True if the object has been moved, false otherwise. """ fr = logic.getAverageFrameRate() if fr < 20: fr = 20 vel = speed / fr vec = vectorFrom2Points(origin.position, dest, vel) if vec: origin.position += vec return True else: return False
def test_bge(): import traceback sys.path.append(build_path) try: import mathutils, bge v=mathutils.Vector() m=mathutils.Matrix() scn = bge.logic.getCurrentScene() o = scn.objects["some"] a=o.isPlayingAction() b=o.parent.addDebugProperty("LOL") o.endObject() print("Test BGE: OK") except Exception: traceback.print_exc()
def __init__(self): self.diffuseIntensity = float() self.diffuseFactor = float() self.alpha = float() self.specularIntensity = float() self.specularFactor = float() self.hardness = float() self.emit = float() self.mirror = float() self.normal = float() self.parallaxBump = float() self.parallaxStep = float() self.lodBias = float() self.bindCode = int() self.cubeMap = KX_CubeMap() self.ior = float() self.refractionRatio = float() self.uvOffset = mathutils.Vector() self.uvSize = mathutils.Vector() self.uvRotation = float()
def __init__(self): self.XYZ = mathutils.Vector() self.UV = mathutils.Vector() self.uvs = CListValue(mathutils.Vector) self.normal = mathutils.Vector() self.color = mathutils.Vector() self.colors = CListValue(mathutils.Vector) self.x = float() self.y = float() self.z = float() self.u = float() self.v = float() self.u2 = float() self.v2 = float() self.r = float() self.g = float() self.b = float() self.a = float()
def __init__(self): self.name = str() self.objects = CListValue(KX_GameObject) self.objectsInactive = CListValue(KX_GameObject) self.lights = CListValue(KX_LightObject) self.cameras = CListValue(KX_Camera) self.texts = CListValue(KX_FontObject) self.active_camera = KX_Camera() self.world = KX_WorldInfo() self.filterManager = KX_2DFilterManager() self.suspended = bool() self.activity_culling = bool() self.activity_culling_radius = float() self.dbvt_culling = bool() self.pre_draw = list() self.post_draw = list() self.pre_draw_setup = list() self.gravity = mathutils.Vector()
def _FixBoneLength(self): for childBone in self.children: if (self._bone is not None) and (self._bone.parent.fget() is not None): mt = mathutils.Matrix.Translation(mathutils.Vector((self.f.t.x, self.f.t.y, self.f.t.z))) mx = mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(self.f.rx, 4, 'X') my = mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(self.f.ry, 4, 'Y') mz = mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(self.f.rz, 4, 'Z') parentVec = vect_normalize((self._bone.position)*self._bone.transform.inverted() - (self._bone.parent.fget().position)*self._bone.parent.fget().transform.inverted()) mTransform = (mx * my * mz * mt) boneVec2 = vect_normalize((vect_normalize(self._bone.dir)) * mTransform) print(str(parentVec) + ":" + str(boneVec2)) childBone._FixBoneLength()
def ResetControllers(self): if self._bone is not None: if self._bone.parent.fget() is not None: m = mathutils.Euler((), 'XYZ') # m.x_rotation = self.f.rx # m.y_rotation = self.f.ry # m.z_rotation = self.f.rz # self._bone.scale = mathutils.Vector((0,0,0)) # -- resets animations self._eulerController = m self._bone.rotation = m pos = mathutils.Vector((0,0,0)) #pos.x_position = self.f.t.x # pos.y_position = self.f.t.y # pos.z_position = self.f.t.z self._bone.position.controller = pos for child in self.children: child.ResetControllers()
def RotateAroundWorld(self, obj, rotation): # XCX used? print(rotation, type(rotation)) origParent = obj.parent d = bpy.data.new('UTEMP_PL', None) d.location = Vector((0,0,0)) obj.parent = d d.rotation_euler = Euler(rotation, 'XYZ') act_bk = bpy.ops.active bpy.ops.active = d bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(rotation=True) bpy.ops.active = obj bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(rotation=True) bpy.ops.active = act_bk obj.parent = None bpy.data.objects.remove(d) # --delete d # --if (origParent != undefined) then # -- obj.parent = origParent
def __init__(self): # Index of the vertex in the Blender buffer self.blenderIndex = None # Position of the vertex: Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) self.pos = None # Normal of the vertex: Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) self.normal = None # Color of the vertex: (0, 0, 0, 0)...(255, 255, 255, 255) self.color = None # UV coordinates of the vertex: Vector((0.0, 0.0))..Vector((1.0, 1.0)) self.uv = None # UV2 coordinates of the vertex: Vector((0.0, 0.0))..Vector((1.0, 1.0)) self.uv2 = None # Tangent of the vertex: Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) self.tangent = None # Bitangent of the vertex: Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) self.bitangent = None # Bones weights: list of tuple(boneIndex, weight) self.weights = None # returns True is this vertex is a changed morph of vertex 'other'
def __init__(self): # Bone name self.name = None # Index of the parent bone in the model bones list self.parentIndex = None # Bone position in parent space self.position = None # Bone rotation in parent space self.rotation = None # Bone scale self.scale = Vector((1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) # Bone transformation in skeleton space self.matrix = None # Inverse of the above self.inverseMatrix = None # Position in skeleton space self.derivedPosition = None # Collision sphere and/or box self.collisionMask = 0 self.radius = None self.boundingBox = BoundingBox() self.length = 0
def construct_armature(name, bone_data_array): # bone_data =[boneIndex, boneName, parentIndex, parentName, bone_pos, optional ] print('[+] importing armature') bpy.ops.object.add( type='ARMATURE', enter_editmode=True, location=(0,0,0)) ob = bpy.context.object ob.show_x_ray = False ob.name = name amt = ob.data amt.name = name +'Amt' for bone_data in bone_data_array: bone = amt.edit_bones.new(bone_data[1]) bone.head = Vector(bone_data[4]) bone.tail = Vector(bone_data[4]) + Vector((0 , 0.01, 0)) bones = amt.edit_bones for bone_data in bone_data_array: if bone_data[2] < 0xffff: #this value need to edit in different games bone = bones[bone_data[1]] bone.parent = bones[bone_data[3]] bones[bone_data[3]].tail = bone.head bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') ob.rotation_euler = (math.tan(1),0,0) #split_armature(amt.name) #current not used return ob
def add_material_to_mesh(mesh, materials , uvs): for material in materials: print('linking material %s to mesh object %s' % (material.name, mesh.name)) mesh.data.materials.append(material) bpy.context.scene.objects.active = mesh bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT") bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(mesh.data) uv_layer = bm.loops.layers.uv.verify() bm.faces.layers.tex.verify() for face in bm.faces: face.material_index = 0 for l in face.loops: luv = l[uv_layer] ind = l.vert.index luv.uv = Vector(uvs[ind]) bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') mesh.select = True bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() #mesh.hide = True mesh.select = False
def type_direction_callback(self, context): scn = context.scene v = mathutils.Vector(scn.ne_type_normal) nv = copy.deepcopy(v) nv.normalize() rotated = nv if scn.ne_view_sync_mode: mView = get_view_rotational_matrix(True) mObject = get_object_rotational_matrix() rotated = mView * mObject * nv else: rotated = rot_vector(nv, reverse=True) if not is_same_vector(scn.ne_type_normal, scn.ne_type_normal_old): if not scn.ne_update_by_global_callback: set_normal_to_selected(context, nv) scn.ne_type_normal_old = scn.ne_type_normal # update direction sphere # avoid recursive call scn.ne_update_by_global_callback = True scn.ne_view_normal = rotated
def poly_to_doom(me, p, radius): """ Convert a face into Doom3 representation (infinite plane defined by its normal and distance from origin along that normal). """ # Compute the distance to the mesh from the origin to the plane. # Line from origin in the direction of the face normal. origin = Vector((0, 0, 0)) target = Vector(p.normal) * radius # Find the target point. intersect = mathutils.geometry.intersect_line_plane(origin, target, Vector(p.center), Vector(p.normal)) # We have to handle cases where intersection with face happens on the "negative" part of the vector! length = intersect.length nor = p.normal.copy() if (nor.dot(intersect.normalized()) > 0): length *= -1 nor.resize_4d() nor.w = length return nor
def mouse_to_plane(self, context, event, origin=Vector((0, 0, 0)), normal=Vector((0, 0, 1))): """ convert mouse pos to 3d point over plane defined by origin and normal """ region = context.region rv3d = context.region_data co2d = (event.mouse_region_x, event.mouse_region_y) view_vector_mouse = region_2d_to_vector_3d(region, rv3d, co2d) ray_origin_mouse = region_2d_to_origin_3d(region, rv3d, co2d) pt = intersect_line_plane(ray_origin_mouse, ray_origin_mouse + view_vector_mouse, origin, normal, False) # fix issue with parallel plane if pt is None: pt = intersect_line_plane(ray_origin_mouse, ray_origin_mouse + view_vector_mouse, origin, view_vector_mouse, False) return pt
def mouse_hover_wall(self, context, event): """ convert mouse pos to matrix at bottom of surrounded wall, y oriented outside wall """ res, pt, y, i, o, tM = self.mouse_to_scene_raycast(context, event) if res and o.data is not None and 'archipack_wall2' in o.data: z = Vector((0, 0, 1)) d = o.data.archipack_wall2[0] y = -y pt += (0.5 * d.width) * y.normalized() x = y.cross(z) return True, Matrix([ [x.x, y.x, z.x, pt.x], [x.y, y.y, z.y, pt.y], [x.z, y.z, z.z, o.matrix_world.translation.z], [0, 0, 0, 1] ]), o, y return False, Matrix(), None, Vector()
def __init__(self, sensor_size, size, draggable=False, selectable=False, d=3): """ sensor_size : 2d size in pixels of sensor area size : 3d size of handle """ GlPolygon.__init__(self, d=d) self.colour_active = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) self.colour_hover = (1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) self.colour_normal = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) self.colour_selected = (0.0, 0.0, 0.7, 1.0) self.size = size self.sensor_width = sensor_size self.sensor_height = sensor_size self.pos_3d = Vector((0, 0, 0)) self.up_axis = Vector((0, 0, 0)) self.c_axis = Vector((0, 0, 0)) self.hover = False self.active = False self.draggable = draggable self.selectable = selectable self.selected = False
def set_location(self, context, p0, p1): x0, y0 = p0 x1, y1 = p1 if x0 > x1: x1, x0 = x0, x1 if y0 > y1: y1, y0 = y0, y1 self.min = Vector((x0, y0)) self.max = Vector((x1, y1)) pos = [ Vector((x0, y0)), Vector((x0, y1)), Vector((x1, y1)), Vector((x1, y0))] self.area.set_pos(pos) self.border.set_pos(pos)
def setup_user_defined_post(self, o, post_x, post_y, post_z): self.user_defined_post = o x = o.bound_box[6][0] - o.bound_box[0][0] y = o.bound_box[6][1] - o.bound_box[0][1] z = o.bound_box[6][2] - o.bound_box[0][2] self.user_defined_post_scale = Vector((post_x / x, post_y / -y, post_z / z)) m = o.data # create vertex group lookup dictionary for names vgroup_names = {vgroup.index: vgroup.name for vgroup in o.vertex_groups} # create dictionary of vertex group assignments per vertex self.vertex_groups = [[vgroup_names[g.group] for g in v.groups] for v in m.vertices] # uvs uv_act = m.uv_layers.active if uv_act is not None: uv_layer = uv_act.data self.user_defined_uvs = [[uv_layer[li].uv for li in p.loop_indices] for p in m.polygons] else: self.user_defined_uvs = [[(0, 0) for i in p.vertices] for p in m.polygons] # material ids self.user_defined_mat = [p.material_index for p in m.polygons]
def setup_manipulators(self): if len(self.manipulators) == 0: s = self.manipulators.add() s.prop1_name = "width" s = self.manipulators.add() s.prop1_name = "height" s.normal = Vector((0, 1, 0)) for i in range(self.n_parts): p = self.parts[i] n_manips = len(p.manipulators) if n_manips == 0: s = p.manipulators.add() s.type_key = "ANGLE" s.prop1_name = "a0" s = p.manipulators.add() s.type_key = "SIZE" s.prop1_name = "length" s = p.manipulators.add() # s.type_key = 'SNAP_POINT' s.type_key = 'WALL_SNAP' s.prop1_name = str(i) s.prop2_name = 'post_z'
def docylinder(self, faces, verts, radius, segs, tMt, tMb, tM, add=False): segs_step = 2 * pi / segs tmpverts = [0 for i in range(segs)] if add: cv = len(verts) - segs else: cv = len(verts) for seg in range(segs): seg_angle = pi / 4 + seg * segs_step tmpverts[seg] = radius * Vector((sin(seg_angle), -cos(seg_angle), 0)) if not add: for seg in range(segs): verts.append(tM * tMb * tmpverts[seg]) for seg in range(segs): verts.append(tM * tMt * tmpverts[seg]) for seg in range(segs - 1): f = cv + seg faces.append((f + 1, f, f + segs, f + segs + 1)) f = cv faces.append((f, f + segs - 1, f + 2 * segs - 1, f + segs))
def create(self, context): curve = context.active_object bpy.ops.archipack.slab(auto_manipulate=self.auto_manipulate) o = context.scene.objects.active d = archipack_slab.datablock(o) spline = curve.data.splines[0] d.from_spline(curve.matrix_world, 12, spline) if spline.type == 'POLY': pt = spline.points[0].co elif spline.type == 'BEZIER': pt = spline.bezier_points[0].co else: pt = Vector((0, 0, 0)) # pretranslate o.matrix_world = curve.matrix_world * Matrix([ [1, 0, 0, pt.x], [0, 1, 0, pt.y], [0, 0, 1, pt.z], [0, 0, 0, 1] ]) return o # ----------------------------------------------------- # Execute # -----------------------------------------------------
def sp_draw(self, sp, context): z = 2.7 if self.state == 'CREATE': p0 = self.takeloc else: p0 = sp.takeloc p1 = sp.placeloc delta = p1 - p0 # print("sp_draw state:%s delta:%s p0:%s p1:%s" % (self.state, delta.length, p0, p1)) if delta.length == 0: return self.wall_part1.set_pos([p0, p1, Vector((p1.x, p1.y, p1.z + z)), Vector((p0.x, p0.y, p0.z + z))]) self.wall_line1.set_pos([p0, p1, Vector((p1.x, p1.y, p1.z + z)), Vector((p0.x, p0.y, p0.z + z))]) self.wall_part1.draw(context) self.wall_line1.draw(context) self.line.p = p0 self.line.v = delta self.label.set_pos(context, self.line.length, self.line.lerp(0.5), self.line.v, normal=Vector((0, 0, 1))) self.label.draw(context) self.line.draw(context)
def set_pos(self, pos_2d): self.pos_2d = pos_2d o = pos_2d w = 0.5 * self.sensor_width d = self.depth c = d / 1.4242 s = w - c p0 = o + Vector((s, w)) p1 = o + Vector((w, s)) p2 = o + Vector((c, 0)) p3 = o + Vector((w, -s)) p4 = o + Vector((s, -w)) p5 = o + Vector((0, -c)) p6 = o + Vector((-s, -w)) p7 = o + Vector((-w, -s)) p8 = o + Vector((-c, 0)) p9 = o + Vector((-w, s)) p10 = o + Vector((-s, w)) p11 = o + Vector((0, c)) self.branch_0.set_pos([p11, p0, p1, p2, o]) self.branch_1.set_pos([p2, p3, p4, p5, o]) self.branch_2.set_pos([p5, p6, p7, p8, o]) self.branch_3.set_pos([p8, p9, p10, p11, o])
def set_pos(self, context, pos_2d): x, ty = self.text_size(context) w = self.sensor_width y = 12 pos_2d.y += y pos_2d.x -= 0.5 * w self.pos_2d = pos_2d.copy() self.pos_3d = pos_2d.copy() self.pos_3d.x += 6 self.sensor_height = y p0 = pos_2d + Vector((w, -0.5 * y)) p1 = pos_2d + Vector((w, 1.5 * y)) p2 = pos_2d + Vector((0, 1.5 * y)) p3 = pos_2d + Vector((0, -0.5 * y)) self.bg.set_pos([p0, p2]) self.frame.set_pos([p0, p1, p2, p3]) self.cancel.set_pos(pos_2d + Vector((w + 15, 0.5 * y)))
def execute(self, context): if context.mode == "OBJECT": o = context.active_object props = archipack_reference_point.datablock(o) if props is None: return {'CANCELLED'} sel = [obj for obj in context.selected_objects if obj != o and obj.parent != o] itM = o.matrix_world.inverted() # print("parent_to_reference parenting:%s objects" % (len(sel))) for child in sel: rs = child.matrix_world.to_3x3().to_4x4() loc = itM * child.matrix_world.translation child.parent = None child.matrix_parent_inverse.identity() child.location = Vector((0, 0, 0)) child.parent = o child.matrix_world = rs child.location = loc return {'FINISHED'} else: self.report({'WARNING'}, "Archipack: Option only valid in Object mode") return {'CANCELLED'}
def interactive_hole(self, context, o): hole_obj = self.find_hole(o) if hole_obj is None: m = bpy.data.meshes.new("hole") hole_obj = bpy.data.objects.new("hole", m) context.scene.objects.link(hole_obj) hole_obj['archipack_hole'] = True hole_obj.parent = o hole_obj.matrix_world = o.matrix_world.copy() MaterialUtils.add_wall2_materials(hole_obj) hole = self.hole v = Vector((0, 0, 0)) offset = Vector((0, -0.001, 0)) size = Vector((self.x + 2 * self.frame_x, self.z + self.frame_x + 0.001, self.y)) verts = hole.vertices(16, offset, v, v, size, v, 0, 0, shape_z=None, path_type='RECTANGLE') faces = hole.faces(16, path_type='RECTANGLE') matids = hole.mat(16, 0, 1, path_type='RECTANGLE') uvs = hole.uv(16, v, v, size, v, 0, 0, 0, 0, path_type='RECTANGLE') bmed.buildmesh(context, hole_obj, verts, faces, matids=matids, uvs=uvs) return hole_obj
def robust_hole(self, context, tM): hole = self.hole m = bpy.data.meshes.new("hole") o = bpy.data.objects.new("hole", m) o['archipack_robusthole'] = True context.scene.objects.link(o) v = Vector((0, 0, 0)) offset = Vector((0, -0.001, 0)) size = Vector((self.x + 2 * self.frame_x, self.z + self.frame_x + 0.001, self.y)) verts = hole.vertices(16, offset, v, v, size, v, 0, 0, shape_z=None, path_type='RECTANGLE') verts = [tM * Vector(v) for v in verts] faces = hole.faces(16, path_type='RECTANGLE') matids = hole.mat(16, 0, 1, path_type='RECTANGLE') uvs = hole.uv(16, v, v, size, v, 0, 0, 0, 0, path_type='RECTANGLE') bmed.buildmesh(context, o, verts, faces, matids=matids, uvs=uvs) MaterialUtils.add_wall2_materials(o) o.select = True context.scene.objects.active = o return o
def setup_manipulators(self): if len(self.manipulators) == 0: s = self.manipulators.add() s.prop1_name = "width" s = self.manipulators.add() s.prop1_name = "height" s.normal = Vector((0, 1, 0)) for i in range(self.n_parts): p = self.parts[i] n_manips = len(p.manipulators) if n_manips < 1: m = p.manipulators.add() m.type_key = 'SIZE' m.prop1_name = 'length'
def verts(self): center, origin, size, radius = self.get_radius() is_not_circle = self.shape != 'CIRCLE' offset = Vector((0, self.altitude, 0)) verts = self.window.vertices(self.curve_steps, offset, center, origin, size, radius, self.angle_y, 0, shape_z=None, path_type=self.shape) if self.out_frame: verts += self.frame.vertices(self.curve_steps, offset, center, origin, size, radius, self.angle_y, 0, shape_z=None, path_type=self.shape) if is_not_circle and self.out_tablet_enable: verts += self.out_tablet.vertices(self.curve_steps, offset, center, origin, Vector((size.x + 2 * self.out_tablet_x, size.y, size.z)), radius, self.angle_y, 0, shape_z=None, path_type='HORIZONTAL') if is_not_circle and self.in_tablet_enable: verts += self.in_tablet.vertices(self.curve_steps, offset, center, origin, Vector((size.x + 2 * (self.frame_x + self.in_tablet_x), size.y, size.z)), radius, self.angle_y, 0, shape_z=None, path_type='HORIZONTAL') if is_not_circle and self.blind_enable: verts += self.blind.vertices(self.curve_steps, offset, center, origin, Vector((-size.x, 0, 0)), radius, 0, 0, shape_z=None, path_type='HORIZONTAL') return verts
def setup_manipulators(self): if len(self.manipulators) == 4: return s = self.manipulators.add() s.prop1_name = "x" s.prop2_name = "x" s.type_key = "SNAP_SIZE_LOC" s = self.manipulators.add() s.prop1_name = "y" s.prop2_name = "y" s.type_key = "SNAP_SIZE_LOC" s = self.manipulators.add() s.prop1_name = "z" s.normal = Vector((0, 1, 0)) s = self.manipulators.add() s.prop1_name = "altitude" s.normal = Vector((0, 1, 0))
def get_radius(self): """ return center, origin, size, radius """ if self.shape == 'ROUND': return self._get_round_radius() elif self.shape == 'ELLIPSIS': return self._get_ellipsis_radius() elif self.shape == 'CIRCLE': return self._get_circle_radius() elif self.shape == 'QUADRI': return self._get_quad_radius() elif self.shape in ['TRIANGLE', 'PENTAGON']: return self._get_tri_radius() else: return Vector((0, 0, 0)), Vector((0, 0, 0)), \ Vector((self.x, self.z, 0)), Vector((0, 0, 0))
def __init__(self, p=None, v=None, p0=None, p1=None): """ Init by either p: Vector or tuple origin v: Vector or tuple size and direction or p0: Vector or tuple 1 point location p1: Vector or tuple 2 point location Will convert any into Vector 2d both optionnals """ Projection.__init__(self) if p is not None and v is not None: self.p = Vector(p).to_2d() self.v = Vector(v).to_2d() elif p0 is not None and p1 is not None: self.p = Vector(p0).to_2d() self.v = Vector(p1).to_2d() - self.p else: self.p = Vector((0, 0)) self.v = Vector((0, 0))
def __init__(self, c, radius, a0, da): """ a0 and da arguments are in radians c Vector 2d center radius float radius a0 radians start angle da radians delta angle from start to end a0 = 0 on the right side a0 = pi on the left side da > 0 CCW contrary-clockwise da < 0 CW clockwise stored internally as radians """ Circle.__init__(self, Vector(c).to_2d(), radius) self.a0 = a0 self.da = da
def __init__(self, p=None, v=None, p0=None, p1=None, z_axis=None): """ Init by either p: Vector or tuple origin v: Vector or tuple size and direction or p0: Vector or tuple 1 point location p1: Vector or tuple 2 point location Will convert any into Vector 3d both optionnals """ if p is not None and v is not None: self.p = Vector(p).to_3d() self.v = Vector(v).to_3d() elif p0 is not None and p1 is not None: self.p = Vector(p0).to_3d() self.v = Vector(p1).to_3d() - self.p else: self.p = Vector((0, 0, 0)) self.v = Vector((0, 0, 0)) if z_axis is not None: self.z_axis = z_axis else: self.z_axis = Vector((0, 0, 1))