def get_plot(x, y, k, iris=iris): k_means = KMeans(n_clusters= k) k_means.fit(iris.data) colormap = rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, k)) fig = plt.figure() splt = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) splt.scatter(iris.data[:,x], iris.data[:,y], c = colormap[k_means.labels_], s=40) splt.scatter(k_means.cluster_centers_[:,x], k_means.cluster_centers_[:,y], c = 'black', marker='x') splt.set_xlabel(iris.feature_names[x]) splt.set_ylabel(iris.feature_names[y]) figfile = BytesIO() plt.savefig(figfile, format='png') figfile.seek(0) figdata_png = base64.b64encode(figfile.getvalue()).decode() return figdata_png
def plot_scatter(values, cls): # Create a color-map with a different color for each class. import matplotlib.cm as cm cmap = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, num_classes)) # Create an index with a random permutation to make a better plot. idx = np.random.permutation(len(values)) # Get the color for each sample. colors = cmap[cls[idx]] # Extract the x- and y-values. x = values[idx, 0] y = values[idx, 1] # Plot it. plt.scatter(x, y, color=colors, alpha=0.5) plt.show() # Plot the transfer-values that have been reduced using PCA. There are 3 different colors for the different classes in the Knifey-Spoony data-set. The colors have very large overlap. This may be because PCA cannot properly separate the transfer-values. # In[41]:
def plot_scatter(values, cls): # Create a color-map with a different color for each class. import matplotlib.cm as cm cmap = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, num_classes)) # Get the color for each sample. colors = cmap[cls] # Extract the x- and y-values. x = values[:, 0] y = values[:, 1] # Plot it. plt.scatter(x, y, color=colors) plt.show() # Plot the transfer-values that have been reduced using PCA. There are 10 different colors for the different classes in the CIFAR-10 data-set. The colors are grouped together but with very large overlap. This may be because PCA cannot properly separate the transfer-values. # In[35]:
def _plot_proto_symbol_space(coordinates, target_names, name, args): # Reduce to 2D so that we can plot it. coordinates_2d = TSNE().fit_transform(coordinates) n_samples = coordinates_2d.shape[0] x = coordinates_2d[:, 0] y = coordinates_2d[:, 1] colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, n_samples)) fig = plt.figure(1) plt.clf() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) dots = [] for idx in xrange(n_samples): dots.append(ax.plot(x[idx], y[idx], "o", c=colors[idx], markersize=15)[0]) ax.annotate(target_names[idx], xy=(x[idx], y[idx])) lgd = ax.legend(dots, target_names, ncol=4, numpoints=1, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5,-0.1)) ax.grid('on') if args.output_dir is not None: path = os.path.join(args.output_dir, name + '.pdf') print('Saved plot to file "%s"' % path) fig.savefig(path, bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight') else: plt.show()
def plot_with_labels(lowDWeights, labels): plt.cla(); X, Y = lowDWeights[:, 0], lowDWeights[:, 1] for x, y, s in zip(X, Y, labels): c = cm.rainbow(int(255 * s / 9)); plt.text(x, y, s, backgroundcolor=c, fontsize=9) plt.xlim(X.min(), X.max()); plt.ylim(Y.min(), Y.max()); plt.title('Visualize last layer'); plt.show(); plt.pause(0.01)
def plot_accuracies(self, accuracies, scales=[], mode='train', fig=0): plt.figure(fig) plt.clf() colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(scales))) l = [] names = [str(sc) for sc in scales] for i, acc in enumerate(accuracies): ll, = plt.plot(range(len(acc)), acc, color=colors[i]) l.append(ll) plt.ylabel('accuracy') plt.legend(l, names, loc=2, prop={'size': 6}) if mode == 'train': plt.xlabel('iterations') else: plt.xlabel('iterations x 1000') path = os.path.join(self.path, 'accuracies_{}.png'.format(mode)) plt.savefig(path)
def plot_norm_points(self, Inputs_N, e, Perms, scales, fig=1): input = Inputs_N[0][0].data.cpu().numpy() e = torch.sort(e, 1)[0][0].data.cpu().numpy() Perms = [perm[0].data.cpu().numpy() for perm in Perms] plt.figure(fig) plt.clf() ee = e.copy() for i, perm in enumerate(Perms): plt.subplot(1, len(Perms), i + 1) colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, 2 ** (scales - i))) perm = perm[np.where(perm > 0)[0]] - 1 points = input[perm] e_scale = ee[perm] for node in xrange(2 ** (scales - i)): ind = np.where(e_scale == node)[0] pts = points[ind] plt.scatter(pts[:, 0], pts[:, 1], c=colors[node]) ee //= 2 path = os.path.join(self.path, 'visualize_example.png') plt.savefig(path)
def get_colormap(self, num, scale=0.7): # pragma: no cover color_list = self.get_formatted(cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, num))) scales = scale + (1 - scale) * np.abs(1 - np.linspace(0, 2, num)) scaled = [self.scale_colour(c, s) for c, s in zip(color_list, scales)] return scaled
def getPlot(self, params): k = int(params['cluster']) x = int(params['x_axis']) y = int(params['y_axis']) k_means = KMeans(n_clusters= k ) k_means.fit(self.iris.data) colormap = rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, k)) fig = plt.figure() splt = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) splt.scatter(self.iris.data[:,x], self.iris.data[:,y], c = colormap[k_means.labels_], s=40) splt.scatter(k_means.cluster_centers_[:,x], k_means.cluster_centers_[:,y], c = 'black', marker='x') splt.set_xlabel(self.iris.feature_names[x]) splt.set_ylabel(self.iris.feature_names[y]) return fig
def colors(num): colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, num)) colors = map(rgb2hex, colors) return colors
def trackplot(ax, data, turns=False, xy=False, fs=[16, 9], showlost=False, everyxturn=[0, 1], ms=1): x, y = xy colors = rainbow(linspace(0, 1, data['Particles'][0])) IDs = data['allIDs'].copy() if not showlost: IDs = delete(IDs, data['lostIDs']) for part, col in zip(IDs, colors): i, f = everyxturn xdat, ydat = data[x][i::f, part], data[y][i::f, part] ax.plot(xdat*1e3, ydat*1e3, '.', color=col, ms=ms) ax.set_xlabel(r'$x$ / (mm)') ax.set_ylabel(r'$x^\prime$ / (mrad)') return
def showbun(datadict): x = ['', '', '', '', '', '', 'x', 'y', 't'] y = ['x', 'y', 't', 'xp', 'yp', 'p', 'xp', 'yp', 'p'] colors = cm.rainbow(linspace(0, 1, datadict['Particles'][0])) for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(x, y)): subplot(3, 3, i+1) if x == '': [plot(datadict[y][part, ], '.', color=col) for part, col in enumerate(colors)] xlabel('Pass') else: [plot(datadict[x][part, ], datadict[y][part, ], '.', color=col) for part, col in enumerate(colors)] xlabel(x) ylabel(y) tight_layout() return
def plot_with_labels(low_dim_embs, labels, filename='tsne_c5s5r5.png'): assert low_dim_embs.shape[0] >= len(labels), "More labels than embeddings" colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(np.unique(np.array(labels))))) plt.figure(figsize=(18, 18)) #in inches for i, label in enumerate(labels): x, y = low_dim_embs[i,:] plt.scatter(x, y, color=colors[label]) plt.annotate(label, xy=(x, y), xytext=(5, 2), textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom') plt.savefig(filename)
def create_colors_array_of_length(self, length): self.colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, length))
def single_mean_with_variance(stats, title, save=False): """ Plot the mean number of ACT steps for a single run with variance bounds above and below """ labels = ["Training Set", "Validation Set"] datasets = [("train_step_mean", "train_step_var"),("val_step_mean", "val_step_var")] leg = [] fig = plt.figure() colours = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0,1,2)) for key, label, color in zip(datasets, labels, colours): means = np.array(stats[key[0]]) + 1.0 vars = np.array(stats[key[1]]) plotted, =plt.plot(stats["epoch"],means, label=label, color=color) leg.append(plotted) upper = means + np.sqrt(vars) lower = means - np.sqrt(vars) plt.fill_between(stats["epoch"],lower, upper, alpha=0.3, color=color) plt.legend(handles=leg) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_title(title + ": Step Penalty = " + str(stats["config"][0].step_penalty)) ax.set_xlabel("Epoch") ax.set_ylabel("Mean ACT Steps") ax.set_ylim([1,6]) if save: plt.savefig("mean_and_variance" + str(stats["config"][0].step_penalty) +".png" ) else: plt.show()
def mean_average_steps(all_loaded_stats, title): """ Plot all runs lightly, with colours corresponding to different step penalties. Plot the mean per step_penalty in bold. """ step_params = list(set([run["config"][0].step_penalty for run in all_loaded_stats])) colours = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0,1,len(step_params))) fig = plt.figure() mean_dict = defaultdict(list) # plot all runs lightly and accumulate runs per step_penalty parameter for run in all_loaded_stats: c = colours[step_params.index(run["config"][0].step_penalty)] data = np.array(run["val_step_mean"]) + 1.0 #TODO: fix this plt.plot(run["epoch"], data ,color=c ,alpha=0.2) mean_dict[run["config"][0].step_penalty].append(data) # now plot the mean values in bold for key, value in mean_dict.items(): c = colours[step_params.index(key)] data = np.vstack(value).mean(0) plt.plot(loaded_stats[0]["epoch"],data, color=c, alpha=1.0, linewidth=2.0) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel("Epoch") ax.set_ylabel("Mean ACT steps") plt.show()
def vis_data(data,classes): X_embedded = TSNE(n_components=2, perplexity=40, verbose=2).fit_transform(data) plt.figure() colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, 17)) for i in range(17): ind = np.where(classes==i) plt.scatter(X_embedded[ind,0],X_embedded[ind,1],color = colors[i],marker ='x',label = i) plt.legend() # Raw data
def plot3D(data, taxid_list): colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(taxid_list))) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,9)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') fig.suptitle("NCTU receipts") c_index = 0 for taxid in taxid_list: (x, y, z) = data[taxid] print "{} {}".format(taxid, colors[c_index]) #print len(X[taxid]), len(Y[taxid]), len(Z[taxid]) ax.scatter(np.log(x),y,z,c=colors[c_index],marker='o',\ s=20, alpha=0.2, edgecolors='none') #x2, y2, _ = proj3d.proj_transform(x,y,z, ax.get_proj()) #label = plt.annotate(\ #taxid,\ #xy = (x2, y2), xytext = (-20, 20),\ #textcoords = 'offset points', ha = 'right', va = 'bottom',\ #bbox = dict(boxstyle = 'round,pad=0.5', fc = 'yellow', alpha = 0.1),\ #arrowprops = dict(arrowstyle = '->', connectionstyle = 'arc3,rad=0')) c_index += 1 ax.set_xlabel('num') #ax.set_xscale('log',nonposx='clip') ax.set_ylabel('med') ax.set_zlabel('ratio') ax.zaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.FuncFormatter(\ lambda x, loc: "{:,}".format(int(x)))) #fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', update_position) plt.show()
def show_kmeans(points, centers=None): #http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9401658/matplotlib-animating-a-scatter-plot xs=[] ys=[] c=[] wts=[] m=[] colors = list(iter(cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(centers))))) for p in points: xs.append(p['coords'][0]) ys.append(p['coords'][1]) c.append(colors[p['c']]) #wts.append(40+p['w']) wts.append(3) m.append('o') if centers: for i,cl in enumerate(centers): xs.append(cl['coords'][0]) ys.append(cl['coords'][1]) c.append('yellow') wts.append(500) m.append('*') for _s, _c, _x, _y,_sz in zip(m, c, xs, ys,wts): pyplot.scatter(_x, _y, marker=_s, c=_c,s=_sz, lw = 0) pyplot.show()
def plot_classes(self, points, clusters, e, fig=0): e = e[0].data.cpu().numpy() points = points[0] plt.figure(fig) plt.clf() colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, clusters)) for cl in range(clusters): ind = np.where(e == cl)[0] pts = points[ind] plt.scatter(pts[:, 0], pts[:, 1], c=colors[cl]) plt.title('clustering') path = os.path.join(self.path, 'clustering_ex.png'.format(clusters)) plt.savefig(path)
def plot_example(self, x, y, clusters, length): plt.figure(0) plt.clf() colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, clusters)) for c in range(clusters): ind = np.where(y == c)[0] plt.scatter(x[ind, 0], x[ind, 1], c=colors[c]) path = '/home/anowak/DynamicProgramming/DP/plots/example.png' plt.savefig(path)
def draw_buffer(self): self.buffer_figure, self.buffer_ax = plt.subplots() self.lineIN, = self.buffer_ax.plot([1]*2, [1]*2, color='#000000', ls="None", label="IN", marker='o', animated=True) self.lineOUT, = self.buffer_ax.plot([1]*2, [1]*2, color='#CCCCCC', ls="None", label="OUT", marker='o', animated=True) self.buffer_figure.suptitle("Buffer Status", size=16) plt.legend(loc=2, numpoints=1) total_peers = self.number_of_monitors + self.number_of_peers + self.number_of_malicious self.buffer_colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, total_peers)) plt.axis([0, total_peers+1, 0, self.get_buffer_size()]) plt.xticks(range(0, total_peers+1, 1)) self.buffer_order = {} self.buffer_index = 1 self.buffer_labels = self.buffer_ax.get_xticks().tolist() plt.grid() self.buffer_figure.canvas.draw()
def plot_clustered_data(points, c_means, c_assignments): """Plots the cluster-colored data and the cluster means""" colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, CLUSTERS)) for cluster, color in zip(range(CLUSTERS), colors): c_points = points[c_assignments == cluster] plt.plot(c_points[:, 0], c_points[:, 1], ".", color=color, zorder=0) plt.plot(c_means[cluster, 0], c_means[cluster, 1], ".", color="black", zorder=1) plt.show() # PREPARING DATA # generating DATA_POINTS points from a GMM with CLUSTERS components
def tuneplot(ax1, ax2, data, particleIDs='allIDs', integer=1, addsub=add, clipint=True, showlost=False, QQ='Qx', ms=1, clip=[0], showfit=False): particleIDs = data[particleIDs] if not showlost: lost = data['lost'][:, 0] clip = concatenate([clip, lost]) particleIDs = delete(particleIDs, clip) Q = addsub(integer, data[QQ][particleIDs]) if clipint: zeroQ = find(logical_or(logical_or(Q == 0.0, Q == 1.0), Q == 0.5)) if len(zeroQ) > 0: # trim reference particle with zero tune Q = delete(Q, zeroQ) particleIDs = delete(particleIDs, zeroQ) Qmin, Qmax = nanmin(Q), nanmax(Q) Qdif = Qmax - Qmin if Qdif == 0.0: Qmin -= Qmin/1e4 Qmax += Qmax/1e4 Qdif = Qmax - Qmin colors = cool((Q - Qmin) / Qdif) for i, ID in enumerate(particleIDs): ax1.plot(data['x'][:, ID]*1e3, data['xp'][:, ID]*1e3, '.', c=colors[i], ms=ms) if showlost: for ID in lost: ax1.plot(data['x'][:, ID]*1e3, data['xp'][:, ID]*1e3, '.', c='gray', ms=ms) sm = ScalarMappable(cmap=rainbow, norm=Normalize(vmin=Qmin, vmax=Qmax)) sm._A = [] ax1.set_xlabel(r'Position $x$ / (mm)') ax1.set_ylabel(r'Angle $x^\prime$ / (mrad)') emittance = data['A'][particleIDs]/pi action = emittance/2 # tune shift with action fitfun = lambda x, a, b: a + b*x popt, pcov = curve_fit(fitfun, action, Q) perr = sqrt(diag(pcov)) action2 = linspace(nanmin(action), nanmax(action), 1000) fit1 = fitfun(action2, *popt) print(popt[1]*1e-6*1250) for i, ID in enumerate(particleIDs): ax2.plot(action[i]*1e6, Q[i], 'o', c=colors[i], ms=ms + 1) if showfit: ax2.plot(action2*1e6, fit1, '-k', lw=1, label=r'fit with $TSWA=${:.4}$\pm${:.1} (kHz mm$^-$$^2$mrad$^-$$^2$)'.format(popt[1]*1e-6*1250, perr[1]*1e-6*1250)) # leg = ax2.legend() # leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0) ax2.set_ylim([Qmin, Qmax]) # ax2.yaxis.tick_right() ax2.set_ylabel(r'Fractional Tune $dQ$') # ax2.yaxis.set_label_position('right') ax2.set_xlabel(r'Action $J_x$ / (mm$\cdot$mrad)') tight_layout() return
def trackplot(datadict, turns=False, xy=False, fs=[16, 9], ax=False): if not ax: fig = figure(figsize=fs) if xy: if not ax: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) x, y = xy colors = cm.rainbow(linspace(0, 1, datadict['Particles'][0])) if turns: [ax.plot(datadict[x][:turns, part], datadict[y][:turns, part], '.', color=col) for part, col in enumerate(colors)] else: for part, col in enumerate(colors): missing = [] try: ax.plot(datadict[x][:, part], datadict[y][:, part], '.', color=col) except: missing.append(part) print('missing particles: ', missing) ax.set_xlabel(x) ax.set_ylabel(y) #tight_layout() return try: # centroid watch point x = ['Pass', 'Pass', 'Pass', 'Pass', 'Pass', 'Pass', 'Cx', 'Cy', 'dCt'] y = ['Cx', 'Cy', 'dCt', 'Cxp', 'Cyp', 'Cdelta', 'Cxp', 'Cyp', 'Cdelta'] for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(x, y)): subplot(3, 3, i+1) if turns: plot(datadict[x][:turns, ], datadict[y][:turns, ], '.') else: plot(datadict[x][:, ], datadict[y][:, ], '.') xlabel(x) ylabel(y) except: # coordinate watch point x = ['t', 't', 't', 't', 't', 't', 'x', 'y', 'dt'] y = ['x', 'y', 'dt', 'xp', 'yp', 'p', 'xp', 'yp', 'p'] colors = cm.rainbow(linspace(0, 1, datadict['Particles'][0])) for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(x, y)): subplot(3, 3, i+1) if turns: if x == 't': [plot(datadict[y][:turns, part], '.', color=col) for part, col in enumerate(colors)] xlabel('Pass') else: [plot(datadict[x][:turns, part], datadict[y][:turns, part], '.', color=col) for part, col in enumerate(colors)] xlabel(x) else: if x == 't': [plot(datadict[y][:, part], '.', color=col) for part, col in enumerate(colors)] xlabel('Pass') else: [plot(datadict[x][:, part], datadict[y][:, part], '.', color=col) for part, col in enumerate(colors)] xlabel(x) ylabel(y) tight_layout() return
def plot_embedding(embed, labels, plot_type='t-sne', title="", tsne_params={}, save_path=None, legend=True, label_dict=None, label_order=None, legend_outside=False, alpha=0.7): """ Projects embedding onto two dimensions, colors according to given label @param embed: embedding matrix @param labels: array of labels for the rows of embed @param title: title of plot @param save_path: path of where to save @param legend: bool to show legend @param label_dict: dict that maps labels to real names (eg. {0:'rock', 1:'edm'}) """ plt.figure() N = len(set(labels)) colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, N)) scaled_embed = scale(embed) if plot_type == 'pca': pca = PCA(n_components=2) pca.fit(scaled_embed) #note: will take a while if emebdding is large comp1, comp2 = pca.components_ comp1, comp2 = embed.dot(comp1), embed.dot(comp2) if plot_type == 't-sne': tsne = TSNE(**tsne_params) comp1, comp2 = tsne.fit_transform(scaled_embed).T unique_labels = list(set(labels)) if label_order is not None: unique_labels = sorted(unique_labels, key=lambda l: label_order.index(label_dict[l])) #genre->indices of that genre (so for loop will change colors) l_dict = {i:np.array([j for j in range(len(labels)) if labels[j] == i]) for i in unique_labels} for i in range(N): l = unique_labels[i] color = colors[i] #just use the labels of g as the labels plt.scatter(comp1[l_dict[l]], comp2[l_dict[l]], color=color, label=label_dict[l], alpha=alpha) plt.title(title) if legend: if N >= 10 or legend_outside: lgd = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc='upper left') else: lgd = plt.legend(loc='best') if save_path != None: plt.savefig(save_path, bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight')
def plot_behavior_cluster(centroids, num_clusters): ''' Plots computed clusters. Parameters ---------- Centroids : array Predicted centroids of clusters. num_clusters: int Number of clusters. Returns ------- Plot : matplotlib.lines.Line2D Figure. ''' # Figure has all clusters on same plot. fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,7)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) # Set colors. colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, num_clusters)) # Plot cluster and corresponding color. for cluster, color in enumerate(colors, start =1): ax.plot(centroids[cluster-1], c = color, label = "Cluster %d" % cluster) # Format figure. ax.set_title("Centroids of consumption pattern of clusters, where k = %d" % num_clusters, fontsize =14, fontweight='bold') ax.set_xlim([0, 24]) ax.set_xticks(range(0, 25, 6)) ax.set_xlabel("Time (h)") ax.set_ylabel("Consumption (kWh)") leg = plt.legend(frameon = True, loc = 'upper left', ncol =2, fontsize = 12) leg.get_frame().set_edgecolor('b') plt.show()