def show_C12(C12, qz_ind=0, qr_ind=0, N1=None,N2=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, title=False): g12_num = qz_ind * num_qr + qr_ind if N1 is None: N1=0 if N2 is None: N2=Nming if vmin is None: vmin = 1 if vmax is None: vmax = 1.02 data = g12b[N1:N2,N1:N2,g12_num] fig, ax = plt.subplots() im=ax.imshow( data, origin='lower' , cmap='viridis', norm= LogNorm( vmin, vmax ), extent=[0, data.shape[0]*timeperframe, 0, data.shape[0]*timeperframe ] ) #ax.set_title('%s-%s frames--Qth= %s'%(N1,N2,g12_num)) if title: ax.set_title('%s-%s frames--Qz= %s--Qr= %s'%(N1,N2, qz_center[qz_ind], qr_center[qr_ind] )) ax.set_xlabel( r'$t_1$ $(s)$', fontsize = 18) ax.set_ylabel( r'$t_2$ $(s)$', fontsize = 18) fig.colorbar(im) #plt.show()
def prettyPlot(samps, dat, hid): fig, ax = plt.subplots() sz = 18 plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=sz) plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=sz) ax.set_xticklabels([1]+samps, fontsize=sz) ax.set_yticklabels([1]+samps[::-1], fontsize=sz) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(1)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(1)) ax.set_xlabel('Number of Experts', fontsize=sz+2) ax.set_ylabel('Minibatch Size', fontsize=sz+2) ax.set_title('MOE Cell Speedup Factor', fontsize=sz+4) #Show cell values for i in range(len(samps)): for j in range(len(samps)): ax.text(i, j, str(dat[i,j])[:4], ha='center', va='center', fontsize=sz, color='white') plt.imshow(cellTimes, cmap='viridis', norm=colors.LogNorm(vmin=cellTimes.min(), vmax=cellTimes.max())) plt.show()
def mplot_function(f, vmin, vmax, logscale): mesh = f.function_space().mesh() if (mesh.geometry().dim() != 2): raise AttributeError('Mesh must be 2D') # DG0 cellwise function if f.vector().size() == mesh.num_cells(): C = f.vector().get_local() if logscale: return plt.tripcolor(mesh2triang(mesh), C, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, norm=cls.LogNorm() ) else: return plt.tripcolor(mesh2triang(mesh), C, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) # Scalar function, interpolated to vertices elif f.value_rank() == 0: C = f.compute_vertex_values(mesh) if logscale: return plt.tripcolor(mesh2triang(mesh), C, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, norm=cls.LogNorm() ) else: return plt.tripcolor(mesh2triang(mesh), C, shading='gouraud', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) # Vector function, interpolated to vertices elif f.value_rank() == 1: w0 = f.compute_vertex_values(mesh) if (len(w0) != 2*mesh.num_vertices()): raise AttributeError('Vector field must be 2D') X = mesh.coordinates()[:, 0] Y = mesh.coordinates()[:, 1] U = w0[:mesh.num_vertices()] V = w0[mesh.num_vertices():] C = np.sqrt(U*U+V*V) return plt.quiver(X,Y,U,V, C, units='x', headaxislength=7, headwidth=7, headlength=7, scale=4, pivot='middle') # Plot a generic dolfin object (if supported)
def _get_cmap_data(data, kwargs): """Get normalized values to be used with a colormap. Parameters ---------- data : array_like cmap_min : Optional[float] or "min" By default 0. If "min", minimum value of the data. cmap_max : Optional[float] By default, maximum value of the data cmap_normalize : str or colors.Normalize Returns ------- normalizer : colors.Normalize normalized_data : array_like """ norm = kwargs.pop("cmap_normalize", None) if norm == "log": cmap_max = kwargs.pop("cmap_max", data.max()) cmap_min = kwargs.pop("cmap_min", data[data > 0].min()) norm = colors.LogNorm(cmap_min, cmap_max) elif not norm: cmap_max = kwargs.pop("cmap_max", data.max()) cmap_min = kwargs.pop("cmap_min", 0) if cmap_min == "min": cmap_min = data.min() norm = colors.Normalize(cmap_min, cmap_max, clip=True) return norm, norm(data)
def getNorm(self): mx = 10**self.scale if self.normScale == 'linear': mn = 0.0 norm = pltLinNorm(mn,mx) elif self.normScale == 'log': mn = 1e-10 norm = pltLogNorm(mn,mx) else: raise Exception('Invalid norm %s.' % norm) return norm
def plot_2d_hist(x1, x2, bins=10): plt.hist2d(x1, x2, bins=10, norm=LogNorm()) plt.colorbar() plt.show()
def plot(self): # Prepare the data x = self.locs[self.field_x] y = self.locs[self.field_y] valid = (np.isfinite(x) & np.isfinite(y)) x = x[valid] y = y[valid] # Prepare the figure self.figure.clear() # self.canvas.figure = self.figure axes = self.figure.add_subplot(111) # Start hist2 version bins_x = lib.calculate_optimal_bins(x, 1000) bins_y = lib.calculate_optimal_bins(y, 1000) counts, x_edges, y_edges, image = axes.hist2d(x, y, bins=[bins_x, bins_y], norm=LogNorm()) x_range = x.ptp() axes.set_xlim([bins_x[0] - 0.05*x_range, x.max() + 0.05*x_range]) y_range = y.ptp() axes.set_ylim([bins_y[0] - 0.05*y_range, y.max() + 0.05*y_range]) self.figure.colorbar(image, ax=axes) axes.grid(False) axes.get_xaxis().set_label_text(self.field_x) axes.get_yaxis().set_label_text(self.field_y) self.selector = RectangleSelector(axes, self.on_rect_select, useblit=False, rectprops=dict(facecolor='green', alpha=0.2, fill=True)) self.canvas.draw()
def showLog(im, cmap='jet'): "Displays log of the real image with correct colorbar." f = plt.figure(); i = plt.imshow(im, norm=col.LogNorm(), cmap=cmap) f.colorbar(i) return f,i
def daplot(quantity, qmin, qmax): ax.set_xlim(0, size) ax.set_ylim(0, size) ax.set_xticklabels(()) ax.set_yticklabels(()) plt.imshow(quantity, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', norm=colors.LogNorm(vmin=qmin, vmax=qmax), cmap=cm.coolwarm) cbar = plt.colorbar() cbar.ax.tick_params(labelsize=14) # minimum and maximum emission-line fluxes for plot ranges
def daplot(quantity, qmin, qmax): ax.set_xlim(0, size) ax.set_ylim(0, size) ax.set_xticklabels(()) ax.set_yticklabels(()) plt.imshow(quantity, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', norm=colors.LogNorm(vmin=qmin, vmax=qmax), cmap=cm.coolwarm) plt.colorbar() # minimum and maximum emission-line fluxes for plot ranges
def plot_price(smoothed_prices): plot_over_map(10**(smoothed_prices - 3), norm=LogNorm(1.5e2, 1e3)) cb = plt.colorbar(fraction=0.03, ticks=sp.linspace(2e2, 1e3, 9), format=FormatStrFormatter(u'£%dk')) cb.set_label(u'price paid (£1000s)') plt.title('2015 Average Price Paid') plt.gcf().set_size_inches(36, 36) plt.gcf().savefig(os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, 'price_paid.png'), bbox_inches='tight')
def plot_relative_price(relative_prices): plot_over_map(10**relative_prices, norm=LogNorm(0.5, 2)) cb = plt.colorbar(fraction=0.03, ticks=sp.linspace(0.5, 2, 4), format=FormatStrFormatter('x%.2f')) cb.set_label('fraction of average price paid for commute time') plt.title('Price relative to commute') plt.gcf().set_size_inches(36, 36) plt.gcf().savefig(os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, 'relative_price.png'), bbox_inches='tight')
def plot(outfn, a, genomeSize, base2chr, _windowSize, dpi=300, ext="svg"): """Save contact plot""" def format_fn(tick_val, tick_pos): """Mark axis ticks with chromosome names""" if int(tick_val) in base2chr: return base2chr[int(tick_val)] else: sys.stderr.write("[WARNING] %s not in ticks!\n"%tick_val) return '' # invert base2chr base2chr = {genomeSize-b: c for b, c in base2chr.iteritems()} # start figure fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_title("Contact intensity plot [%sk]"%(_windowSize/1000,)) # label Y axis with chromosome names if len(base2chr)<50: ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(format_fn)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) plt.yticks(base2chr.keys()) ax.set_ylabel("Chromosomes") else: ax.set_ylabel("Genome position") # label axes ax.set_xlabel("Genome position") plt.imshow(a+1, cmap=cm.hot, norm=LogNorm(), extent=(0, genomeSize, 0, genomeSize))# plt.colorbar() # save fig.savefig("%s.%s"%(outfn,ext), dpi=dpi, papertype="a4")
def plot_confusion_matrix(labels, confusion_matrix, directory, name, extension): """ Plots the normalized confusion matrix with the target names as axis ticks. """ ious = calculate_iou(confusion_matrix) size = len(labels)/5+2 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(size+2, size)) plot = ax.imshow(confusion_matrix, interpolation='nearest', cmap=plt.cm.Blues, norm=LogNorm()) # plot.set_clim(vmin=0, vmax=100) ticks_with_iou = [] ticks_without_iou = [] tick_marks = np.arange(len(ious)) ious_for_average = [] for label, iou in zip(labels, ious): if math.isnan(iou): iou = 0 else: ious_for_average.append(iou) ticks_with_iou.append("{}: {:.2%}".format(label['name'], iou)) ticks_without_iou.append("{}".format(label['name'])) avg_iou = np.average(ious_for_average) fig.colorbar(plot) ax.set_xticks(tick_marks) ax.set_xticklabels(ticks_without_iou, rotation=90) ax.set_yticks(tick_marks) ax.set_yticklabels(ticks_with_iou) ax.set_title("Average IoU: {:.2%}".format(avg_iou)) ax.set_xlabel('Predicted label') ax.set_ylabel('True label') fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(os.path.join(directory, '{}.{}'.format(name, extension)))
def plot_confusion_matrix(cm, classes, normalize=False, title='Confusion matrix', cmap=None, zmin=1): """Print and plot the confusion matrix for the intent classification. Normalization can be applied by setting `normalize=True`.""" import numpy as np zmax = cm.max() plt.clf() plt.imshow(cm, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap if cmap else plt.cm.Blues, aspect='auto', norm=LogNorm(vmin=zmin, vmax=zmax)) plt.title(title) plt.colorbar() tick_marks = np.arange(len(classes)) plt.xticks(tick_marks, classes, rotation=90) plt.yticks(tick_marks, classes) if normalize: cm = cm.astype('float') / cm.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] logger.info("Normalized confusion matrix: \n{}".format(cm)) else: logger.info("Confusion matrix, without normalization: \n{}".format(cm)) thresh = cm.max() / 2. for i, j in itertools.product(range(cm.shape[0]), range(cm.shape[1])): plt.text(j, i, cm[i, j], horizontalalignment="center", color="white" if cm[i, j] > thresh else "black") plt.ylabel('True label') plt.xlabel('Predicted label')
def create_plot_correlation(params,plabs,col='red',mark='.',num=[]): if ( len(num) < 1 ): n = range(0,len(params)) else: n = num plt.figure(1,figsize=(4*len(n),4*len(n))) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nrows=len(n),ncols=len(n)) o = 0 for i in n: p = 0 for j in n: if ( j < i ): plt.subplot(gs[o*len(n)+p]) plt.tick_params( axis='y',which='both',direction='in',labelleft='off') plt.tick_params( axis='x',which='both',direction='in',labelbottom='off') plt.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False, axis='both') if ( j == n[0] ): plt.ylabel(plabs[i],fontsize=25) elif ( j == i - 1 ): plt.tick_params( axis='y',which='both',direction='in',labelleft='off') plt.tick_params( axis='x',which='both',direction='in',labelbottom='off') else: plt.tick_params( axis='y',which='both',direction='in',labelleft='off') plt.tick_params( axis='x',which='both',direction='in',labelbottom='off') if ( i == n[len(n)-1]): plt.xlabel(plabs[j],fontsize=25) else: plt.tick_params( axis='y',which='both',direction='in',labelleft='off') plt.tick_params( axis='x',which='both',direction='in',labelbottom='off') plt.hist2d(params[j],params[i],bins=100,norm=LogNorm()) p = p + 1 o = o + 1 fname = outdir+'/'+star+'_correlations.pdf' print 'Creating ', fname plt.savefig(fname,format='pdf',bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
def _save_2d_error_plot(self, detector, xlist, ylist, elist, x_axis_label, y_axis_label, z_axis_label): import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import colors # configure logscale on X and Y axis (both for positive and negative numbers) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) if PlotAxis.x in self.axis_with_logscale: plt.xscale('symlog') if PlotAxis.y in self.axis_with_logscale: plt.yscale('symlog') if PlotAxis.z in self.axis_with_logscale: norm = colors.LogNorm(vmin=elist[elist > 0].min(), vmax=elist.max()) else: norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=elist.min(), vmax=elist.max()) plt.xlabel(x_axis_label) plt.ylabel(y_axis_label) mesh = plt.pcolormesh(xlist, ylist, elist.clip(0.0), cmap=self.colormap, norm=norm) cbar = fig.colorbar(mesh) cbar.set_label(label=z_axis_label, rotation=270, verticalalignment='bottom') base_name, _ = os.path.splitext(self.plot_filename) plt.savefig(base_name + "_error.png") plt.close()
def clicks_heatmap_first_occ(): print 'loading' db = MySQLDatabase(DATABASE_HOST, DATABASE_USER, DATABASE_PASSWORD, DATABASE_NAME) db_worker_view = db.get_work_view() coords = db_worker_view.retrieve_all_links_coords_clicks_first_occ() print 'coord loaded' links = {} x = [] y = [] values = [] for link in coords.values(): x_normed = float(link['x'])/float(1920) y_normed = float(link['y'])/float(link['page_length']) if x_normed <=1.0 and y_normed <=1.0: x.append(x_normed) y.append(y_normed) values.append(float(link['counts'])) heatmap, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x, y, bins=100, weights=values) extent = [xedges[0], xedges[-1], yedges[-1], yedges[0] ] fig_size = (2.4, 2) plt.clf() plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) plt.grid(True) plt.imshow(heatmap , extent=extent, origin='upper', norm=LogNorm(), cmap=plt.get_cmap('jet')) plt.colorbar() #plt.title("Clicks Heatmap Log Normalized") plt.show() plt.savefig('output/clicks_heatmap_lognormed_self_loop_first_occ.pdf') plt.clf() plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) plt.grid(True) plt.imshow(heatmap , extent=extent, origin='upper', norm=Normalize(), cmap=plt.get_cmap('jet')) plt.colorbar() #plt.title("Clicks Heatmap Normalized") plt.show() plt.savefig('output/clicks_heatmap_normed_self_loop_first_occ.pdf') print "done"
def clicks_heatmap_total(): print 'loading' db = MySQLDatabase(DATABASE_HOST, DATABASE_USER, DATABASE_PASSWORD, DATABASE_NAME) db_worker_view = db.get_work_view() coords = db_worker_view.retrieve_all_links_coords_clicks() print 'coord loaded' links = {} x = [] y = [] values = [] for coord in coords: x_normed = float(coord['x'])/float(1920) y_normed = float(coord['y'])/float(coord['page_length']) if x_normed <=1.0 and y_normed <=1.0: x.append(x_normed) y.append(y_normed) values.append(float(coord['counts'])) heatmap, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x, y, bins=100, weights=values) extent = [xedges[0], xedges[-1], yedges[-1], yedges[0] ] fig_size = (2.4, 2) plt.clf() plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) plt.grid(True) plt.imshow(heatmap , extent=extent, origin='upper', norm=LogNorm(), cmap=plt.get_cmap('jet')) plt.colorbar() #plt.title("Clicks Heatmap Log Normalized") plt.show() plt.savefig('output/clicks_heatmap_lognormed_self_loop_total.pdf') plt.clf() plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) plt.grid(True) plt.imshow(heatmap , extent=extent, origin='upper', norm=Normalize(), cmap=plt.get_cmap('jet')) plt.colorbar() #plt.title("Clicks Heatmap Normalized") plt.show() plt.savefig('output/clicks_heatmap_normed_self_loop_total.pdf') print "done"
def links_heatmap(): #http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2369492/generate-a-heatmap-in-matplotlib-using-a-scatter-data-set # Get URLs from a text file, remove white space. print 'loading' db = MySQLDatabase(DATABASE_HOST, DATABASE_USER, DATABASE_PASSWORD, DATABASE_NAME) db_worker_view = db.get_work_view() coords = db_worker_view.retrieve_all_links_coords() print 'coord loaded' x=[] y=[] page_lenghts = db_worker_view.retrieve_all_page_lengths() print 'lenghts loaded' for coord in coords: x_normed = float(coord['x'])/float(1920) y_normed = float(coord['y'])/float(page_lenghts[coord['source_article_id']]) if x_normed <=1.0 and y_normed <=1.0: x.append(x_normed) y.append(y_normed) heatmap, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x, y, bins=100) extent = [xedges[0], xedges[-1], yedges[-1], yedges[0]] fig_size = (2.4, 2) #fig_size = (3.5, 3) plt.clf() plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) plt.grid(True) plt.imshow(heatmap, extent=extent, origin='upper', norm=LogNorm(), cmap=plt.get_cmap('jet')) plt.colorbar() #plt.title("Links Heatmap Log Normalized") plt.show() plt.savefig('output/links_heatmap_lognormed_self_loop.pdf') plt.clf() plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) plt.grid(True) plt.imshow(heatmap , extent=extent, origin='upper', norm=Normalize(),cmap=plt.get_cmap('jet')) plt.colorbar() #plt.title("Links Heatmap Normalized") plt.show() plt.savefig('output/links_heatmap_normed_self_loop.pdf') print "done"
def plot(self,keys=None,burn=1000): if keys is None: keys=self.names0 k=0 #plm=putil.Plm1(rows=2,cols=2,xmulti=True,ymulti=True,slabel=False) for i in range(len(keys)): for j in range(len(keys)): k=k+1 if i==j: x=self.chain[keys[i]][burn:] plt.subplot(len(keys),len(keys),k) #sig=np.std(self.chain[keys[i]][burn:]) xmean=np.mean(x) nbins=np.max([20,x.size/1000]) plt.hist(x,bins=nbins,normed=True,histtype='step') plt.axvline(np.mean(self.chain[keys[i]][burn:]),lw=2.0,color='g') if i == (len(keys)-1): plt.xlabel(self.descr[keys[i]][3]) plt.text(0.05,0.7,stat_text(self.chain[keys[i]][burn:]),transform=plt.gca().transAxes) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(3, prune="both")) plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(3, prune="both")) plt.gca().set_yticklabels([]) else: if i > j: plt.subplot(len(keys),len(keys),k) x=self.chain[keys[j]][burn:] y=self.chain[keys[i]][burn:] nbins=np.max([32,x.size/1000]) plt.hist2d(x,y,bins=[nbins,nbins],norm=LogNorm()) plt.axvline(np.mean(self.chain[keys[j]][burn:]),lw=2.0) plt.axhline(np.mean(self.chain[keys[i]][burn:]),lw=2.0) if j == 0: plt.ylabel(self.descr[keys[i]][3]) else: plt.gca().set_yticklabels([]) if i == (len(keys)-1): plt.xlabel(self.descr[keys[j]][3]) else: plt.gca().set_xticklabels([]) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(3, prune="both")) plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(3, prune="both")) #plt.colorbar(pad=0.0,fraction=0.1) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.15,wspace=0.1)
def plotFace2D( mesh2D, j, real_or_imag='real', ax=None, range_x=None, range_y=None, sample_grid=None, logScale=True, clim=None, mirror=False, pcolorOpts=None, cbar=True ): """ Create a streamplot (a slice in the theta direction) of a face vector :param discretize.CylMesh mesh2D: cylindrically symmetric mesh :param np.ndarray j: face vector (x, z components) :param str real_or_imag: real or imaginary component :param matplotlib.axes ax: axes :param numpy.ndarray range_x: x-extent over which we want to plot :param numpy.ndarray range_y: y-extent over which we want to plot :param numpy.ndarray sample_grid: x, y spacings at which to re-sample the plotting grid :param bool logScale: use a log scale for the colorbar? """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4)) if len(j) == mesh2D.nF: vType = 'F' elif len(j) == mesh2D.nC*2: vType = 'CCv' if pcolorOpts is None: pcolorOpts = {} if logScale is True: pcolorOpts['norm'] = LogNorm() else: pcolorOpts = {} f = mesh2D.plotImage( getattr(j, real_or_imag), view='vec', vType=vType, ax=ax, range_x=range_x, range_y=range_y, sample_grid=sample_grid, mirror=mirror, pcolorOpts=pcolorOpts, ) out = (ax,) if cbar is True: cb = plt.colorbar(f[0], ax=ax) out += (cbar,) if clim is not None: cb.set_clim(clim) cb.update_ticks() return out
def plotEdge2D( mesh2D, h, real_or_imag='real', ax=None, range_x=None, range_y=None, sample_grid=None, logScale=True, clim=None, mirror=False, pcolorOpts=None ): """ Create a pcolor plot (a slice in the theta direction) of an edge vector :param discretize.CylMesh mesh2D: cylindrically symmetric mesh :param np.ndarray h: edge vector (y components) :param str real_or_imag: real or imaginary component :param matplotlib.axes ax: axes :param numpy.ndarray range_x: x-extent over which we want to plot :param numpy.ndarray range_y: y-extent over which we want to plot :param numpy.ndarray sample_grid: x, y spacings at which to re-sample the plotting grid :param bool logScale: use a log scale for the colorbar? """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4)) if len(h) == mesh2D.nE: vType = 'E' elif len(h) == mesh2D.nC: vType = 'CC' elif len(h) == 2*mesh2D.nC: vType = 'CCv' if logScale is True: pcolorOpts['norm'] = LogNorm() else: pcolorOpts = {} cb = plt.colorbar( mesh2D.plotImage( getattr(h, real_or_imag), view='real', vType=vType, ax=ax, range_x=range_x, range_y=range_y, sample_grid=sample_grid, mirror=mirror, pcolorOpts=pcolorOpts, )[0], ax=ax ) if clim is not None: cb.set_clim(clim) return ax, cb
def save_png_series( imgs, ROI=None, logs=True, outDir=None, uid=None,vmin=None, vmax=None,cmap='viridis',dpi=100): import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm """ save a series of images in a format of png Parameters ---------- imgs : array image data array for the movie dimensions are: [num_img][num_rows][num_cols] ROI: e.g. xs,xe,ys,ye = vert #x_start, x_end, y_start,y_end outDir: the output path vmin/vmax: for image contrast cmap: the color for plot dpi: resolution Returns ------- save png files """ if uid==None: uid='uid' num_frame=0 for img in imgs: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) if ROI is None: i0=img asp =1.0 else: i0=select_regoin(img, ROI, keep_shape=False,) xs,xe,ys,ye = ROI asp = (ye-ys)/float( xe - xs ) ax.set_aspect('equal') if not logs: im=ax.imshow(i0, origin='lower' ,cmap=cmap,interpolation="nearest", vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax) #vmin=0,vmax=1, else: im=ax.imshow(i0, origin='lower' ,cmap=cmap, interpolation="nearest" , norm=LogNorm(vmin, vmax)) #ttl = ax.text(.75, .2, '', transform = ax.transAxes, va='center', color='white', fontsize=18) #fig.set_size_inches( [5., 5 * asp] ) #plt.tight_layout() fname = outDir + 'uid_%s-frame-%s.png'%(uid,num_frame ) num_frame +=1 plt.savefig( fname, dpi=None )
def spectrogram(self, ax=None, freq_range=None, dB_thresh=35, derivative=True, colormap='gray', compensated=True): """Plots a spectrogram, requires matplotlib ax - axis on which to plot freq_range - a tuple of frequencies, eg (300, 8000) dB_thresh - noise floor threshold value, increase to suppress noise, decrease to improve detail derivative - if True, plots the spectral derivative, SAP style colormap - colormap to use, good values: 'inferno', 'gray' compensated - if True, centers the displayed window around the center of the short FFT. If False, the window always starts at the begining of data window. Both methods are equivalent when n_overlap = 0 and the data window length is the full NFFT. Returns an axis object """ if compensated: data_overlap = self._noverlap + self._data_in_window - self._NFFT if data_overlap < 0: print('warning: spectrogram does not fully cover the data') data_overlap = 0 comp = (data_overlap / 2) / self._rate else: comp = 0 from matplotlib import colors if ax is None: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ax = plt.gca() if derivative: pxx, f, t = self.max_spec_derivative(freq_range=freq_range) thresh = value_from_dB(dB_thresh, np.max(pxx)) ax.pcolorfast(t + comp, f, pxx, cmap=colormap, norm=colors.SymLogNorm(linthresh=thresh)) else: pxx, f, t = self.power(freq_range) thresh = value_from_dB(dB_thresh, np.max(pxx)) ax.pcolorfast(t + comp, f, pxx, cmap=colormap, norm=colors.LogNorm(vmin=thresh)) return ax
def plot_img(ax, data, **kwargs): """plot an image using imshow, pcolor, pcolormesh """ assert ax is not None, "missing axis argument 'ax'" vmin = kwargs['vmin'] vmax = kwargs['vmax'] cmap = kwargs['cmap'] title = kwargs['title'] # FIXME: convert plottype into func: imshow, pcolor, pcolormesh, pcolorfast mpl = ax.pcolorfast(data, vmin = vmin, vmax = vmax, cmap = cmap) # normalize to [0, 1] # mpl = ax.imshow(inv, interpolation = "none") # mpl = ax.pcolorfast(data, vmin = vmin, vmax = vmax, cmap = cmap) # mpl = ax.pcolorfast(data, vmin = vmins[j], vmax = vmaxs[j], cmap = cmap) # mpl = ax.pcolorfast(data, vmin = -2, vmax = 2, cmap = cmap) # mpl = ax.pcolormesh(data, cmap = cmap) # mpl = ax.pcolor(data) # mpl = ax.pcolorfast(data) # mpl = ax.imshow(data, interpolation = "none") # mpl = ax.pcolormesh( # data, # norm = mplcolors.LogNorm(vmin=data.min(), vmax=data.max()) ax.grid(0) if kwargs.has_key('aspect'): ax.set_aspect(kwargs['aspect']) if kwargs.has_key('colorbar'): if kwargs['colorbar']: plt.colorbar(mappable = mpl, ax = ax, orientation = "horizontal") if kwargs.has_key('title'): ax.set_title(title) # , fontsize=8) else: ax.set_title("%s" % ('matrix')) # , fontsize=8) # if kwargs.has_key('xlabel'): ax.set_xlabel("") # if kwargs.has_key('ylabel'): ax.set_ylabel("") # if kwargs.has_key('xticks'): ax.set_xticks([]) # if kwargs.has_key('yticks'): ax.set_yticks([])
def plot_all_chan_spectrum(spectrum, bins, *, ax=None, **kwargs): def integrate_to_angles(spectrum, bins, lo, hi): lo_ind, hi_ind = bins.searchsorted([lo, hi]) return spectrum[lo_ind:hi_ind].sum(axis=0) if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(13.5, 9.5)) else: fig = ax.figure div = make_axes_locatable(ax) ax_r = div.append_axes('right', 2, pad=0.1, sharey=ax) ax_t = div.append_axes('top', 2, pad=0.1, sharex=ax) ax_r.yaxis.tick_right() ax_r.yaxis.set_label_position("right") ax_t.xaxis.tick_top() ax_t.xaxis.set_label_position("top") im = ax.imshow(spectrum, origin='lower', aspect='auto', extent=(-.5, 383.5, bins[0], bins[-1]), norm=LogNorm()) e_line, = ax_r.plot(spectrum.sum(axis=1), bins[:-1] + np.diff(bins)) p_line, = ax_t.plot(spectrum.sum(axis=0)) label = ax_t.annotate('[0, 70] kEv', (0, 1), (10, -10), xycoords='axes fraction', textcoords='offset pixels', va='top', ha='left') def update(lo, hi): p_data = integrate_to_angles(spectrum, bins, lo, hi) p_line.set_ydata(p_data) ax_t.relim() ax_t.autoscale(axis='y') label.set_text(f'[{lo:.1f}, {hi:.1f}] keV') fig.canvas.draw_idle() span = SpanSelector(ax_r, update, 'vertical', useblit=True, rectprops={'alpha': .5, 'facecolor': 'red'}, span_stays=True) ax.set_xlabel('channel [#]') ax.set_ylabel('E [keV]') ax_t.set_xlabel('channel [#]') ax_t.set_ylabel('total counts') ax_r.set_ylabel('E [keV]') ax_r.set_xlabel('total counts') ax.set_xlim(-.5, 383.5) ax.set_ylim(bins[0], bins[-1]) ax_r.set_xlim(xmin=0) return spectrum, bins, {'center': {'ax': ax, 'im': im}, 'top': {'ax': ax_t, 'p_line': p_line}, 'right': {'ax': ax_r, 'e_line': e_line, 'span': span}}
def _ticker(self): ''' Return two sequences: ticks (colorbar data locations) and ticklabels (strings). ''' locator = self.locator formatter = self.formatter if locator is None: if self.boundaries is None: if isinstance(self.norm, colors.NoNorm): nv = len(self._values) base = 1 + int(nv / 10) locator = ticker.IndexLocator(base=base, offset=0) elif isinstance(self.norm, colors.BoundaryNorm): b = self.norm.boundaries locator = ticker.FixedLocator(b, nbins=10) elif isinstance(self.norm, colors.LogNorm): locator = ticker.LogLocator() else: locator = ticker.MaxNLocator() else: b = self._boundaries[self._inside] locator = ticker.FixedLocator(b, nbins=10) if isinstance(self.norm, colors.NoNorm): intv = self._values[0], self._values[-1] else: intv = self.vmin, self.vmax locator.create_dummy_axis(minpos=intv[0]) formatter.create_dummy_axis(minpos=intv[0]) locator.set_view_interval(*intv) locator.set_data_interval(*intv) formatter.set_view_interval(*intv) formatter.set_data_interval(*intv) b = np.array(locator()) ticks = self._locate(b) inrange = (ticks > -0.001) & (ticks < 1.001) ticks = ticks[inrange] b = b[inrange] formatter.set_locs(b) ticklabels = [formatter(t, i) for i, t in enumerate(b)] offset_string = formatter.get_offset() return ticks, ticklabels, offset_string
def _ticker(self): ''' Return the sequence of ticks (colorbar data locations), ticklabels (strings), and the corresponding offset string. ''' locator = self.locator formatter = self.formatter if locator is None: if self.boundaries is None: if isinstance(self.norm, colors.NoNorm): nv = len(self._values) base = 1 + int(nv / 10) locator = ticker.IndexLocator(base=base, offset=0) elif isinstance(self.norm, colors.BoundaryNorm): b = self.norm.boundaries locator = ticker.FixedLocator(b, nbins=10) elif isinstance(self.norm, colors.LogNorm): locator = ticker.LogLocator() else: locator = ticker.MaxNLocator() else: b = self._boundaries[self._inside] locator = ticker.FixedLocator(b, nbins=10) if isinstance(self.norm, colors.NoNorm): intv = self._values[0], self._values[-1] else: intv = self.vmin, self.vmax locator.create_dummy_axis(minpos=intv[0]) formatter.create_dummy_axis(minpos=intv[0]) locator.set_view_interval(*intv) locator.set_data_interval(*intv) formatter.set_view_interval(*intv) formatter.set_data_interval(*intv) b = np.array(locator()) ticks = self._locate(b) inrange = (ticks > -0.001) & (ticks < 1.001) ticks = ticks[inrange] b = b[inrange] formatter.set_locs(b) ticklabels = [formatter(t, i) for i, t in enumerate(b)] offset_string = formatter.get_offset() return ticks, ticklabels, offset_string
def heatmap(X, Y, Z, ax=None, logy=True, cbar=True, hide_low=True, cmap=default_cmap, fig_kws={}, cbar_kws={}, plot_kws={}, **kwargs): """Plot the heatmap of the particle size distribution. """ # Set the colorbar min and max based on the min and max of the values cbar_min = kwargs.pop('cbar_min', Z.min() if Z.min() > 0.0 else 1.) cbar_max = kwargs.pop('cbar_max', Z.max()) # Copy to avoid modifying original data Z_plot = Z.copy() if hide_low: # Hide NaN values Z_plot = nan_to_num(Z_plot) # Increase values below cbar_min to cbar_min below_min = Z_plot < cbar_min Z_plot[below_min] = cbar_min # Set the plot_kws plot_kws = dict(dict(norm=LogNorm(vmin=cbar_min, vmax=cbar_max), cmap=cmap), **plot_kws) # Set the figure keywords fig_kws = dict(dict(figsize=(16,8)), **fig_kws) if ax is None: plt.figure(**fig_kws) ax = plt.gca() # Plot the data as a pcolormesh im = ax.pcolormesh(X, Y, Z_plot, **plot_kws) # Set the ylim to match the data ax.set_ylim([Y.min(), Y.max()]) # Set the axis to be log in the y-axis if logy: ax.semilogy() ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) ax.set_ylabel("$D_p \; [nm]$") if cbar: # Set the figure keywords cbar_kws = dict(dict(label='$dN/dlogD_p \; [cm^{-3}]$'), **cbar_kws) clb = plt.colorbar(im, **cbar_kws) return ax
def plot_jet_image( ax, image, vmin=1e-9, vmax=1e-2, cmap="jet", title="Intensity", label_axes=True, visible_axes=False, show_colorbar=True, colorbar_inside=False): """Display jet image. Args: ax: matplotlib axes to plot on. image: array representing image to plot. vmin, vmax: min, max intensity values to plot. """ width, height = image.T.shape dw, dh = 1./width, 1./height if not (vmin is None) and not (vmax is None): if vmin < 0: norm = MidPointNorm(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) ticks = None else: norm = LogNorm(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) ticks = np.logspace( np.log10(vmin), np.log10(vmax), 1 + np.log10(vmax) - np.log10(vmin)) else: norm = None ticks = None p = ax.imshow( image.T, extent=(-(1+dw), 1+dw, -(1+dh), 1+dh), origin='low', interpolation='nearest', norm=norm, cmap=cmap) if show_colorbar: if colorbar_inside: cax = ax.figure.add_axes([0.85, 0.08, 0.03, 0.82]) else: divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) cbar = plt.colorbar(p, cax=cax, ticks=ticks) cbar.set_label(title, rotation=90, fontsize=18) cbar.ax.tick_params(labelsize=12) if colorbar_inside: cbar.ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') if label_axes: ax.set_xlabel(r'$x_1$', fontsize=18) ax.set_ylabel(r'$x_2$', fontsize=18) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=12) else: ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(visible_axes) ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(visible_axes) if visible_axes: for spine in ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right']: ax.spines[spine].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines[spine].set_color('k') else: for spine in ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right']: ax.spines[spine].set_visible(False) ax.axes.grid(False)