def ShowCooordsTopology(coords,topo): '''Plots the STL if coords and topology is given. ''' ax = a3d.Axes3D(plt.figure()) xm,ym,zm=coords.max(axis=0) xmi,ymi,zmi =coords.min(axis=0) for nodes in topo: tri = a3d.art3d.Poly3DCollection([coords[nodes,:3]]) tri.set_color(colors.rgb2hex([0.9,0.6,0.])) tri.set_edgecolor('k') ax.add_collection3d(tri) ax.set_xlim3d([xmi,xm]) ax.set_ylim3d([ymi,ym]) ax.set_zlim3d([zmi,zm]) plt.show()
def ShowSTLFile(v1,v2,v3): '''Plots the STL files, give vertices v1,v2,v3''' ax = a3d.Axes3D(plt.figure()) xm,ym,zm=v1.max(axis=0) xmi,ymi,zmi =v2.min(axis=0) for i in range(v1.shape[0]): vtx=np.vstack((v1[i],v2[i],v3[i])) tri = a3d.art3d.Poly3DCollection([vtx]) tri.set_color(colors.rgb2hex([0.9,0.6,0.])) tri.set_edgecolor('k') ax.add_collection3d(tri) ax.set_xlim3d([xmi,xm]) ax.set_ylim3d([ymi,ym]) ax.set_zlim3d([zmi,zm]) plt.show()
def linear_gradient(start_hex, finish_hex="#FFFFFF", n=10): """Returns a gradient list of (n) colors between two hex colors. start_hex and finish_hex should be the full six-digit color string, including the number sign ("#FFFFFF") Code from http://bsou.io/posts/color-gradients-with-python """ # Starting and ending colors in RGB form s = hex2color(start_hex) f = hex2color(finish_hex) # Initialize a list of the output colors with the starting color RGB_list = [rgb2hex(s)] # Calcuate a color at each evenly spaced value of t from 1 to n for t in range(1, n): # Interpolate RGB vector for color at the current value of t curr_vector = [s[j] + (t / (n - 1)) * (f[j] - s[j]) for j in range(3)] # Add it to our list of output colors RGB_list.append(rgb2hex(curr_vector)) return RGB_list
def color_value(val): nThresholds = 10 colors=[(0.75, 0.15, 0.15), (1, 0.75, 0.15), (0.15, 0.75, 0.15)] cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(name='custom', colors = colors, N=nThresholds) return_color = '' if np.isnan(val): return_color = 'background-color: gray' elif val > 1: return_color = 'background-color: gray' elif val < 0: return_color = 'background-color: gray' else: binned_value = int(np.floor(val*10)) rgb_color = cmap(binned_value)[:3] hex_color = rgb2hex(rgb_color) return_color = 'background-color: ' + hex_color return return_color # Define system names, location names, and analysis date
def scatter_group(ax, key, imask, adata, Y, projection='2d', size=3, alpha=None): """Scatter of group using representation of data Y. """ mask = adata.smp[key].cat.categories[imask] == adata.smp[key].values color = adata.uns[key + '_colors'][imask] if not isinstance(color[0], str): from matplotlib.colors import rgb2hex color = rgb2hex(adata.uns[key + '_colors'][imask]) if not is_color_like(color): raise ValueError('"{}" is not a valid matplotlib color.'.format(color)) data = [Y[mask, 0], Y[mask, 1]] if projection == '3d': data.append(Y[mask, 2]) ax.scatter(*data, marker='.', alpha=alpha, c=color, edgecolors='none', s=size, label=adata.smp[key].cat.categories[imask]) return mask
def dismph_colormap(): '''Make a custom colormap like the one used in dismph. The list was created from dismphN.mat in geodmod which is a 64 segmented colormap using the following: from scipy.io import loadmat cmap = loadmat('dismphN.mat',struct_as_record=True)['dismphN'] from matplotlib.colors import rgb2hex list=[] for i in cmap: list.append(rgb2hex(i)) ''' list = ['#f579cd', '#f67fc6', '#f686bf', '#f68cb9', '#f692b3', '#f698ad', '#f69ea7', '#f6a5a1', '#f6ab9a', '#f6b194', '#f6b78e', '#f6bd88', '#f6c482', '#f6ca7b', '#f6d075', '#f6d66f', '#f6dc69', '#f6e363', '#efe765', '#e5eb6b', '#dbf071', '#d0f477', '#c8f67d', '#c2f684', '#bbf68a', '#b5f690', '#aff696', '#a9f69c', '#a3f6a3', '#9cf6a9', '#96f6af', '#90f6b5', '#8af6bb', '#84f6c2', '#7df6c8', '#77f6ce', '#71f6d4', '#6bf6da', '#65f6e0', '#5ef6e7', '#58f0ed', '#52e8f3', '#4cdbf9', '#7bccf6', '#82c4f6', '#88bdf6', '#8eb7f6', '#94b1f6', '#9aabf6', '#a1a5f6', '#a79ef6', '#ad98f6', '#b392f6', '#b98cf6', '#bf86f6', '#c67ff6', '#cc79f6', '#d273f6', '#d86df6', '#de67f6', '#e561f6', '#e967ec', '#ed6de2', '#f173d7'] dismphCM = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('mycm', list) dismphCM.set_bad('w', 0.0) return dismphCM
def radiocolorf(freq): """Replace radio code with color.""" ffreq = (float(freq) - 1.0) / (45.0 - 1.0) pal = sns.diverging_palette(200, 60, l=80, as_cmap=True, center="dark") return rgb2hex(pal(ffreq))
def get_formatted(self, list_colors): formatted = [] for c in list_colors: if isinstance(c, np.ndarray): c = rgb2hex(c) if c[0] == "#": formatted.append(c) elif c in self.color_map: formatted.append(self.color_map[c]) elif c in self.aliases: alias = self.aliases[c] formatted.append(self.color_map[alias]) else: raise ValueError("Color %s is not mapped. Please give a hex code" % c) return formatted
def colors(num): colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, num)) colors = map(rgb2hex, colors) return colors
def qualitative_cmap(n_colors=17): """Returns a colormap suitable for a categorical plot with many categories. Parameters ---------- n_colors : int, default is 17 The number of colors that, usually, matches with the number of categories. Returns ------- list A list of hex colors. """ set1 = sns.mpl_palette("Set1", n_colors=9) hex_colors = [rgb2hex(rgb) for rgb in set1] hex_colors[5] = '#FFDE00' if n_colors <= 9: return hex_colors if n_colors <= 17: n_colors = 17 else: n_colors = 8 * ceil((n_colors - 1) / 8) gradient = polylinear_gradient(hex_colors, n_colors) return gradient
def random_colorizer(profile, *args, **kwargs): return mcolors.rgb2hex(np.random.rand(3))
def get_color_cycle(n, colormap=Plotting_Options.default_color_map, start=0., stop=1., format='hex'): pts = np.linspace(start, stop, n) if format == 'hex': colors = [rgb2hex(colormap(pt)) for pt in pts] return colors
def color_mapping(arr, cmap): sm = ScalarMappable(cmap=cmap) sm.set_array(arr) sm.autoscale() return map(rgb2hex, sm.to_rgba(arr))
def _background_gradient(s, cmap='PuBu', low=0, high=0): """Color background in a range according to the data.""" with _mpl(Styler.background_gradient) as (plt, colors): rng = s.max() - s.min() # extend lower / upper bounds, compresses color range norm = colors.Normalize(s.min() - (rng * low), s.max() + (rng * high)) # matplotlib modifies inplace? # https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/issues/5427 normed = norm(s.values) c = [colors.rgb2hex(x) for x in plt.cm.get_cmap(cmap)(normed)] return ['background-color: %s' % color for color in c]
def segmentDataColorMapToColorInfo(colormap): """ make a colormap information dictionary from segmented Data colormap object. Structure of ouput colorInfo dictionary colorInfo ----- 'name' | ?------ 'colors' | ?------ values -> color | ?------ values -> color | : ?------ values -> color """ colorInfo = dict() colorInfo['name'] = colormap.name colorInfo['colors'] = dict() for i in range(len(colormap._segmentdata['blue'])): value = colormap._segmentdata['blue'][i][0] r = colormap._segmentdata['red'][i][1] g = colormap._segmentdata['green'][i][1] b = colormap._segmentdata['blue'][i][1] a = colormap._segmentdata['alpha'][i][1] colorInfo['colors'][value] = mplColors.rgb2hex((r, g, b, a)) return colorInfo
def radiocolorf(freq): ffreq = (float(freq) - 1.0)/(45.0 - 1.0) pal = sns.diverging_palette(200, 60, l=80, as_cmap=True, center="dark") return rgb2hex(pal(ffreq))
def grey_pal(start=0.2, end=0.8): """ Utility for creating continuous grey scale palette Parameters ---------- start : float grey value at low end of palette end : float grey value at high end of palette Returns ------- out : function Continuous color palette that takes a single :class:`int` parameter ``n`` and returns ``n`` equally spaced colors. >>> palette = grey_pal() >>> palette(5) ['#333333', '#737373', '#989898', '#b5b5b5', '#cccccc'] """ gamma = 2.2 ends = ((0.0, start, start), (1.0, end, end)) cdict = {'red': ends, 'green': ends, 'blue': ends} grey_cmap = mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap('grey', cdict) def continuous_grey_palette(n): colors = [] # The grey scale points are linearly separated in # gamma encoded space for x in np.linspace(start**gamma, end**gamma, n): # Map points onto the [0, 1] palette domain x = (x ** (1./gamma) - start) / (end - start) colors.append(mcolors.rgb2hex(grey_cmap(x))) return colors return continuous_grey_palette
def ratios_to_colors(values, colormap): """ Map values in the range [0, 1] onto colors Parameters ---------- values : array_like | float Numeric(s) in the range [0, 1] colormap : cmap Matplotlib colormap to use for the mapping Returns ------- out : list | float Color(s) corresponding to the values """ iterable = True try: iter(values) except TypeError: iterable = False values = [values] color_tuples = colormap(values) try: hex_colors = [mcolors.rgb2hex(t) for t in color_tuples] except IndexError: hex_colors = mcolors.rgb2hex(color_tuples) return hex_colors if iterable else hex_colors[0]
def dialog(sk=None): if sk==None: [sk]=Gui.Selection.getSelection() if 1: w=QtGui.QWidget() w.sk=sk w.texts=[] tc=sk.ViewObject.LineColor color=colors.rgb2hex(sk.ViewObject.LineColor) invers=(1.0-tc[0],1.0-tc[1],1.0-tc[2]) icolor=colors.rgb2hex(invers) mcolor='#808080' w.setStyleSheet("QWidget { background-color:"+color+"}\ QPushButton { margin-right:0px;margin-left:0px;margin:0 px;padding:0px;;\ background-color:#ccc;text-align:left;;padding:6px;padding-left:4px;color:#333; }") box = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() w.setLayout(box) w.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) l=QtGui.QLabel(sk.Label) l.setText( '<font color='+icolor+'>'+sk.Label+'</font>' ) box.addWidget(l) w.box=[] for i,c in enumerate(sk.Constraints): print (c.Name,c.Value) if c.Name.startswith("Weight"): l=QtGui.QLabel(c.Name) l.setText( '<font color='+icolor+'>'+c.Name+'</font>' ) box.addWidget(l) d=QtGui.QSlider(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal) d.c=c d.i=i box.addWidget(d) d.setValue(c.Value-1) d.setMaximum(100) d.setMinimum(0) d.valueChanged.connect(lambda:wrun(w)) w.box.append(d) w.r=QtGui.QPushButton("close") box.addWidget(w.r) w.r.pressed.connect(lambda :runex(w)) wrun(w) w.show() return w
def process(self): ip_rings = open(self.input_rings) fileName, fileExt = os.path.splitext(self.input_rings) self.output_rings = '%s/%s.annot%s' % (self.output_dir,os.path.basename(fileName),fileExt) cmap = plt.get_cmap('hot') op_rings = open(self.output_rings,'w') for read in ip_rings: # Change the color palette m = re.search('#(\w{2})0{4}',read) if m: hexcode = mplcols.rgb2hex(cmap(int(m.group(1),16))) read = read.replace(m.group(0),hexcode) op_rings.write('%s\n' % read.rstrip()) rings = {} # dict of lists to hold rings names ip_tree = open(self.input_tree,'ro') for line in ip_tree: level=line.split('.') if len(level) > 1: if level[0] not in rings: rings[level[0]] = [] if level[1] not in rings[level[0]]: rings[level[0]].append(level[1]) colors = ['b','g','r','w','y'] i = 0 j = 1 for ring in rings: op_rings.write('%s\t%s\t%i.00:%s\n' % (ring,'annotation',j,ring)) op_rings.write('%s\t%s\t%s\n' % (ring,'annotation_background_color',colors[i])) k = 1 for level2 in rings[ring]: op_rings.write('%s.%s\t%s\t%i.%02i:%s\n' % (ring,level2,'annotation',j,k,level2)) op_rings.write('%s.%s\t%s\t%s\n' % (ring,level2,'annotation_background_color',colors[i])) k += 1 i += 1 j += 1 if i == len(colors): i = 0
def hue_pal(h=.01, l=.6, s=.65, color_space='hls'): """ Utility for making hue palettes for color schemes. Parameters ---------- h : float first hue. In the [0, 1] range l : float lightness. In the [0, 1] range s : float saturation. In the [0, 1] range color_space : 'hls' | 'husl' Color space to use for the palette Returns ------- out : function Continuous color palette that takes a single :class:`int` parameter ``n`` and returns ``n`` equally spaced colors. Though the palette is continuous, since it is varies the hue it is good for categorical data. However if ``n`` is large enough the colors show continuity. >>> hue_pal()(5) ['#db5f57', '#b9db57', '#57db94', '#5784db', '#c957db'] >>> hue_pal(color_space='husl')(5) ['#e0697e', '#9b9054', '#569d79', '#5b98ab', '#b675d7'] """ if not all([0 <= val <= 1 for val in (h, l, s)]): msg = ("hue_pal expects values to be between 0 and 1. " " I got h={}, l={}, s={}".format(h, l, s)) raise ValueError(msg) if color_space not in ('hls', 'husl'): msg = "color_space should be one of ['hls', 'husl']" raise ValueError(msg) name = '{}_palette'.format(color_space) palette = globals()[name] def _hue_pal(n): colors = palette(n, h=h, l=l, s=s) return [mcolors.rgb2hex(c) for c in colors] return _hue_pal
def cubehelix_pal(start=0, rot=.4, gamma=1.0, hue=0.8, light=.85, dark=.15, reverse=False): """ Utility for creating continuous palette from the cubehelix system. This produces a colormap with linearly-decreasing (or increasing) brightness. That means that information will be preserved if printed to black and white or viewed by someone who is colorblind. Parameters ---------- start : float, 0 <= start <= 3 The hue at the start of the helix. rot : float Rotations around the hue wheel over the range of the palette. gamma : float 0 <= gamma Gamma factor to emphasize darker (gamma < 1) or lighter (gamma > 1) colors. hue : float, 0 <= hue <= 1 Saturation of the colors. dark : float 0 <= dark <= 1 Intensity of the darkest color in the palette. light : float 0 <= light <= 1 Intensity of the lightest color in the palette. reverse : bool If True, the palette will go from dark to light. Returns ------- out : function Continuous color palette that takes a single :class:`int` parameter ``n`` and returns ``n`` equally spaced colors. References ---------- Green, D. A. (2011). "A colour scheme for the display of astronomical intensity images". Bulletin of the Astromical Society of India, Vol. 39, p. 289-295. >>> palette = cubehelix_pal() >>> palette(5) ['#edd1cb', '#d499a7', '#aa688f', '#6e4071', '#2d1e3e'] """ cdict = mpl._cm.cubehelix(gamma, start, rot, hue) cubehelix_cmap = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('cubehelix', cdict) def cubehelix_palette(n): values = np.linspace(light, dark, n) return [mcolors.rgb2hex(cubehelix_cmap(x)) for x in values] return cubehelix_palette
def contour(data, algorithm, axes=(0, 1), ax=None, resolution=200, threshold=0.5): """Scatter plot of data, with cluster contours overlaid. Parameters ---------- data : :obj:`np.ndarray` (n_samples, n_features) The original data. algorithm : :obj:`skcmeans.algorithms.CMeans` A cluster algorithm that has fitted the data. axes : :obj:`tuple` of :obj:`int`, optional Which of the data dimensions should be used for the 2-d plot. Default: `(0, 1)` ax : :obj:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Plot on an existing axis. The default behaviour is to create a new plot. resolution : int, optional The number of coordinates in both the x- and y-directions to use for the contours. Higher values take slightly longer to compute but lead to smoother contours. Default: 200 threshold : float, optional Between 0 and 1. The cutoff point for the contours. Below this value, contours will not be plotted. Default: 0.5 """ if ax is None: ax = plt.figure().add_subplot(111) x, y = data[:, axes[0]], data[:, axes[1]] x_margin = 0.1 * x.ptp() y_margin = 0.1 * y.ptp() ax.scatter(x, y, c='k', s=4, linewidth=0) xv, yv = np.array(np.meshgrid( np.linspace(x.min() - x_margin, x.max() + x_margin, resolution), np.linspace(y.min() - y_margin, y.max() + y_margin, resolution))) shape = (data.shape[-1], 1, 1) data_means = np.tile(np.zeros_like(xv), shape) + data.mean(axis=0).reshape( shape) data_means[axes[0]] = xv data_means[axes[1]] = yv estimated_memberships = algorithm.calculate_memberships( data_means.reshape(data_means.shape[0], -1).T ).reshape(resolution, resolution, algorithm.n_clusters) estimated_memberships[estimated_memberships<threshold] = 0 order = algorithm.centers[:, -1].argsort(axis=-1) color = plt.cm.viridis(np.linspace(0, 1, algorithm.n_clusters)) for j, c in zip(range(algorithm.n_clusters), color): ax.contour(xv, yv, estimated_memberships[:, :, order[j]], colors=mc.rgb2hex(c)) if ax is plt: plt.xlim(x.min() - x_margin, x.max() + x_margin) plt.ylim(y.min() - y_margin, y.max() + y_margin) else: ax.set_xlim(x.min() - x_margin, x.max() + x_margin) ax.set_ylim(y.min() - y_margin, y.max() + y_margin)