def timevect(d_StartDate, d_EndDate, c_TimeFreq, DT=None): f_Time = [] d_Time = [] while d_StartDate <= d_EndDate: d_Time.append(d_StartDate) f_Time.append(date2num(d_StartDate)) f_Date_aux = date2num(d_StartDate) if c_TimeFreq == 'Monthly': DT_aux = monthrange(num2date(f_Date_aux).year, num2date(f_Date_aux).month)[1] DT = dt.timedelta(days=DT_aux) elif c_TimeFreq == 'Yearly': # finding out if it is a leap-year if isleap(d_StartDate.year + 1): DT = dt.timedelta(days=366) else: DT = dt.timedelta(days=365) d_StartDate += DT return f_Time, d_Time
def read(self, c_ObsVar): c_Network = self.name t_VarUnits = {'ZBK': 'bu', 'PBLH': 'm'} t_ObsStationData = dict() if c_ObsVar == 'ZBK' or c_ObsVar == 'PBLH': if c_ObsVar == 'ZBK': f_data, f_time, f_height = self.read_ceilfile(c_Network) t_ObsStationData['f_Height'] = f_height if c_ObsVar == 'PBLH': f_data, f_time = self.read_mixedlayer(c_Network) t_ObsStationData[c_ObsVar] = np.array([f_data]) t_ObsStationData['c_StationName'] = np.array(['DGF']) t_ObsStationData['f_Time'] = np.array([f_time]) t_ObsStationData['d_Time'] = np.array([num2date(f_time)]) t_ObsStationData['f_Lat'] = np.array([-33.457]) t_ObsStationData['f_Lon'] = np.array([-70.661]) t_ObsStationData['f_Elevation'] = np.array([9999]) t_ObsStationData['t_Units'] = dict() if c_ObsVar in t_VarUnits: t_ObsStationData['t_Units'][c_ObsVar] = t_VarUnits[c_ObsVar] else: t_ObsStationData['t_Units'][c_ObsVar] = None return t_ObsStationData, 'Hourly' else: return t_ObsStationData, None
def __call__(self, limits): """ Compute breaks Parameters ---------- limits : tuple Minimum and maximum :class:`datetime.datetime` values. Returns ------- out : array_like Sequence of break points. """ if any(pd.isnull(x) for x in limits): return [] ret = self.locator.tick_values(*limits) # MPL returns the tick_values in ordinal format, # but we return them in the same space as the # inputs. return [num2date(val) for val in ret]
def __getTickDatetimeByXPosition(self,xAxis): """mid ????????datetimeNum??x? ????view????????x???????tick?time?xAxis???index?????datetime??????datetimeNum return:str """ tickDatetimeRet = xAxis minYearDatetimeNum = mpd.date2num(dt.datetime(1900,1,1)) if(xAxis > minYearDatetimeNum): tickDatetime = mpd.num2date(xAxis).astimezone(pytz.timezone('utc')) if(tickDatetime.year >=1900): tickDatetimeRet = tickDatetime return tickDatetimeRet #----------------------------------------------------------------------
def getTickDatetimeByXPosition(self,xAxis): """mid ?????x?????????????? """ tickDatetimeRet = xAxis minYearDatetimeNum = mpd.date2num(dt.datetime(1900,1,1)) if(xAxis > minYearDatetimeNum): tickDatetime = mpd.num2date(xAxis).astimezone(pytz.timezone('utc')) if(tickDatetime.year >=1900): tickDatetimeRet = tickDatetime return tickDatetimeRet
def plotYearly(dictframe, ax, uncertainty, color='#0072B2'): if ax is None: figY = plt.figure(facecolor='w', figsize=(10, 6)) ax = figY.add_subplot(111) else: figY = ax.get_figure() ## # Find the max index for an entry of each month ## months = dictframe.ds.dt.month ind = [] for month in range(1,13): ind.append(max(months[months == month].index.tolist())) ## # Plot from the minimum of those maximums on (this will almost certainly result in only 1 year plotted) ## ax.plot(dictframe['ds'][min(ind):], dictframe['yearly'][min(ind):], ls='-', c=color) if uncertainty: ax.fill_between(dictframe['ds'].values[min(ind):], dictframe['yearly_lower'][min(ind):], dictframe['yearly_upper'][min(ind):], color=color, alpha=0.2) ax.grid(True, which='major', c='gray', ls='-', lw=1, alpha=0.2) months = MonthLocator(range(1, 13), bymonthday=1, interval=2) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter( lambda x, pos=None: '{dt:%B} {dt.day}'.format(dt=num2date(x)))) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(months) ax.set_xlabel('Day of year') ax.set_ylabel('yearly') figY.tight_layout() return figY
def readMCGraviOutputfiles(self,datafordriftadj,output_root_dir,pattern="mix*",output_file_pattern="*.gra"): """ Read output files *.lst files from the mix_ folders outputs from mcgravi populate output_dic dictionnary from each survey. At station numbers keys of this dictionary, one finds the following tuple: (station, gravity, std) """ for survid,surv in datafordriftadj.survey_dic.iteritems(): if surv.keepitem==1: survdir=output_root_dir+os.sep+surv.name #identify every folders matching the given pattern folders=glob.glob(survdir+os.sep+pattern) #sort the folder list (mcgravi outputs folder names with prog execution date...) folders.sort() #get the last one folder=folders.pop() mcgravi_filename=glob.glob(folder+os.sep+output_file_pattern) #fill in the survey object: self.campaigndata.survey_dic[survid].read_from_mcgravi_output_file(mcgravi_filename[0]) print "For survey: %s"%(num2date(survid)) print "Station , g (mgal), SD (mgal)" for tupid,tup in self.campaigndata.survey_dic[survid].output_dic.iteritems(): print "%d, %7.4f, %7.4f"%(tup)
def read_mixedlayer(self, c_Network): c_ObsNetDirs = IncDir.c_ObsNetDir c_ObsNetName = IncDir.c_ObsNetName idx_Net = c_ObsNetName.index(c_Network) c_Files = os.listdir(c_ObsNetDirs[idx_Net]) logging.info('Data Directory: %s' % c_ObsNetDirs[idx_Net]) i_count = 0 if 'PBLHmunoz.txt' in c_Files: c_FileName = 'PBLHmunoz.txt' logging.info('Reading File: %s' % c_FileName) f_AuxData = [] d_AuxDate = [] with open(c_ObsNetDirs[idx_Net] + c_FileName, 'r') as f: for line in (row.split(',') for row in f): if i_count > 0: f_AuxData.append(float(line[3])) d_AuxDate.append(dt.datetime.strptime(line[0], '%d-%m-%Y_%H:%M')) i_count += 1 f_AuxDate = date2num(d_AuxDate) f_date_i = date2num(dt.datetime.strptime(IncF.c_Start_Date[0], '%d-%m-%Y')) f_date_f = date2num(dt.datetime.strptime(IncF.c_Last_Date[0], '%d-%m-%Y')) f_Stntime = [] d_Stntime = [] f_date_aux = f_date_i d_date_aux = num2date(f_date_i) while f_date_aux <= f_date_f + 23 / 24.: f_Stntime.append(date2num(d_date_aux)) d_Stntime.append(d_date_aux) d_date_aux = d_date_aux + dt.timedelta(hours=1) f_date_aux = date2num(d_date_aux) f_Data = np.empty(len(f_Stntime)) f_Data.fill(IncF.f_FillValue) f_Data[np.in1d(f_Stntime, f_AuxDate)] = f_AuxData return f_Data, f_Stntime
def read_mcpheedata(self, c_FileName, i_ncol): f_data_aux = [] f_date_aux = [] d_date_aux = [] f_date_i = date2num(dt.datetime.strptime(IncF.c_Start_Date[0], '%d-%m-%Y')) f_date_f = date2num(dt.datetime.strptime(IncF.c_Last_Date[0], '%d-%m-%Y')) f_Stntime = [] d_Stntime = [] f_time_aux = f_date_i d_time_aux = num2date(f_date_i) while f_time_aux <= f_date_f + 23 / 24.: f_Stntime.append(date2num(d_time_aux)) d_Stntime.append(d_time_aux) d_time_aux = d_time_aux + dt.timedelta(hours=1) f_time_aux = date2num(d_time_aux) with open(c_FileName, 'r') as f: file_data = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',') for f_row in list(file_data)[4::]: c_Value = f_row[i_ncol].replace(',', '.') if c_Value == '': f_data_aux.append(IncF.f_FillValue) else: f_data_aux.append(float(c_Value)) d_date_utc = dt.datetime.strptime(f_row[0], '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M') + dt.timedelta(hours=4) d_date_local = d_date_utc + dt.timedelta(hours=IncF.i_TimeZone) d_date_aux.append(d_date_local) f_date_aux.append(date2num(d_date_local)) f.close() i_start = np.where(np.array(f_date_aux) >= f_date_i)[0][0] i_end = np.where(np.array(f_date_aux) <= f_date_f)[-1][-1] f_VarData = np.empty(len(f_Stntime)) f_VarData.fill(IncF.f_FillValue) f_VarData[np.in1d(f_Stntime, f_date_aux)] = np.array(f_data_aux)[np.in1d(f_date_aux, f_Stntime)] return f_VarData, f_Stntime, d_Stntime
def mouse_move(self, event): if not event.inaxes: return if self.x is None or self.y is None: return x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata idx = np.searchsorted(self.x, x) if idx >= len(self.x): return x = self.x[idx] y = self.y[idx] # update the line positions self.ly.set_xdata(x) self.lx.set_ydata(y) self.ly.set_xdata(x) text = [] open = self.open[idx] if self.open is not None and idx < len(self.open) else None close = self.close[idx] if self.close is not None and idx < len(self.close) else None high = self.high[idx] if self.high is not None and idx < len(self.high) else None low = self.low[idx] if self.low is not None and idx < len(self.low) else None vol = self.vol[idx] if self.vol is not None and idx < len(self.vol) else None day = mdates.num2date(x) if day.time() == time(0,0): date_str = datetime.strftime(day, '%b %d %Y') else: date_str = datetime.strftime(day, '%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S') text.append("{0:>5s} {1:<12s}".format('Date', date_str)) if open: text.append("{0:>5s} {1:.2f}".format('Open', open)) if close: text.append("{0:>5s} {1:.2f}".format('Close', close)) if high: text.append("{0:>5s} {1:.2f}".format('High', high)) if low: text.append("{0:>5s} {1:.2f}".format('Low', low)) if vol: text.append("{0:>5s} {1:.2f}M".format('Vol', (float(vol)/1000000))) self.txt.set_text('\n'.join(text))
def setxlim(self, size): if self.main_x is None or self.main_y is None: return xmax = max(self.main_x) date = mdates.num2date(xmax).date() if size == WindowSize.ONEDAY: return # requires per min quotes elif size == WindowSize.FIVEDAY: return # requires per min quotes elif size == WindowSize.ONEMONTH: xmin = mdates.date2num(date-timedelta(days=30)) elif size == WindowSize.THREEMONTH: xmin = mdates.date2num(date-timedelta(days=90)) elif size == WindowSize.SIXMONTH: xmin = mdates.date2num(date-timedelta(days=180)) elif size == WindowSize.ONEYEAR: xmin = mdates.date2num(date-timedelta(days=365)) elif size == WindowSize.TWOYEAR: xmin = mdates.date2num(date-timedelta(days=365*2)) elif size == WindowSize.FIVEYEAR: xmin = mdates.date2num(date-timedelta(days=365*5)) elif size == WindowSize.MAX: xmin = min(self.main_x) self.axes.set_xlim([xmin, xmax]) self.adjust_ylim(xmin, xmax) self.fig.canvas.draw()
def getRDT(self): """ a.RDT or a.RDT() convert dtype data into Rata Die (lat.) Time (days since 1/1/0001) Returns ======== out : numpy array elapsed days since 1/1/1 Examples ======== >>> a = Ticktock('2002-02-02T12:00:00', 'ISO') >>> a.RDT array([ 730883.5]) See Also ========= getUTC, getUNX, getISO, getJD, getMJD, getCDF, getTAI, getDOY, geteDOY """ from matplotlib.dates import date2num, num2date # import matplotlib.dates as mpd # nTAI = len(self.data) UTC = self.UTC #RDT = np.zeros(nTAI) RDT = datamodel.dmarray(date2num(UTC)) #for i in np.arange(nTAI): #RDT[i] = UTC[i].toordinal() + UTC[i].hour/24. + UTC[i].minute/1440. + \ #UTC[i].second/86400. + UTC[i].microsecond/86400000000. self.RDT = RDT return self.RDT # -----------------------------------------------
def weekday_candlestick(ohlc_data, ax, fmt='%b %d', freq=7, **kwargs): """ Wrapper function for matplotlib.finance.candlestick_ohlc that artificially spaces data to avoid gaps from weekends ?????????? fmt: ???? freq: ??????? """ # Convert data to numpy array ohlc_data_arr = np.array(ohlc_data) ohlc_data_arr2 = np.hstack( [np.arange(ohlc_data_arr[:,0].size)[:,np.newaxis], ohlc_data_arr[:,1:]]) ndays = ohlc_data_arr2[:,0] # array([0, 1, 2, ... n-2, n-1, n]) # Convert matplotlib date numbers to strings based on `fmt` dates = mdates.num2date(ohlc_data_arr[:,0]) date_strings = [] for date in dates: date_strings.append(date.strftime(fmt)) # Plot candlestick chart mpf.candlestick_ohlc(ax, ohlc_data_arr2, **kwargs) # Format x axis ax.set_xticks(ndays[::freq]) ax.set_xticklabels(date_strings[::freq], rotation=45, ha='right') ax.set_xlim(ndays.min(), ndays.max())
def plot_yearly(self, ax=None, uncertainty=True, yearly_start=0): """Plot the yearly component of the forecast. Parameters ---------- ax: Optional matplotlib Axes to plot on. One will be created if this is not provided. uncertainty: Optional boolean to plot uncertainty intervals. yearly_start: Optional int specifying the start day of the yearly seasonality plot. 0 (default) starts the year on Jan 1. 1 shifts by 1 day to Jan 2, and so on. Returns ------- a list of matplotlib artists """ artists = [] if not ax: fig = plt.figure(facecolor='w', figsize=(10, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Compute yearly seasonality for a Jan 1 - Dec 31 sequence of dates. days = (pd.date_range(start='2017-01-01', periods=365) + pd.Timedelta(days=yearly_start)) df_y = self.seasonality_plot_df(days) seas = self.predict_seasonal_components(df_y) artists += ax.plot( df_y['ds'].dt.to_pydatetime(), seas['yearly'], ls='-', c='#0072B2') if uncertainty: artists += [ax.fill_between( df_y['ds'].dt.to_pydatetime(), seas['yearly_lower'], seas['yearly_upper'], color='#0072B2', alpha=0.2)] ax.grid(True, which='major', c='gray', ls='-', lw=1, alpha=0.2) months = MonthLocator(range(1, 13), bymonthday=1, interval=2) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter( lambda x, pos=None: '{dt:%B} {dt.day}'.format(dt=num2date(x)))) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(months) ax.set_xlabel('Day of year') ax.set_ylabel('yearly') return artists
def core_to_pandas(ds): """converts a netCDF4.Dataset into a pandas Dataframe using the timestamp as index. ..note: Only the first column of the two dimensional data set is grabbed, because of performance issues. :param ds: core_faam dataset :type param: netCDF4.Dataset :return: pandas.Dataframe :type return: pandas.Dataframe """ # TODO: make it work for the full dataset too vars=sorted(ds.variables.keys()) vars.remove('Time') index=get_mpl_time(ds, 1) index=num2date(index.ravel()) #initialize an empty Dataframe df=pd.DataFrame(index=index) for v in vars: shp=ds.variables[v].shape if len(shp) ==2: data=np.copy(ds.variables[v][:,0].data).ravel() else: data=np.copy(ds.variables[v][:].data) df_tmp=pd.DataFrame(data[:], index=index, columns=[v,]) df = pd.concat([df, df_tmp], axis=1) #set all missing values to nan df[df == -9999.0] = np.nan #set timezone to None otherwise there might be issues merging the data #frame with others df.index.tz=None return df
def nc_to_gpx(ncfile, outpath): ds = netCDF4.Dataset(ncfile, 'r') lon = ds.variables['LON_GIN'][:, 0] lat = ds.variables['LAT_GIN'][:, 0] alt = ds.variables['ALT_GIN'][:, 0] t = num2date(get_mpl_time(ds)) outfilename = '%s_%s.gpx' % (get_fid(ds), get_base_time(ds).strftime('%Y%m%d')) outfile = os.path.join(outpath, outfilename) outtxt = lonlatalt_to_gpx(lon, lat, alt, t) f = open(outfile, 'w') f.write(outtxt) ds.close() f.close()
def read_core_cloud(ifile): """reads in the core cloud data and :param str ifile: core cloud netcdf file :return: pandas.Dataframe :type return: pandas.Dataframe """ ds = netCDF4.Dataset(ifile, 'r') vars = sorted(ds.variables.keys()) vars.remove('Time') # create and indexed pandas DataFrame tindex = get_mpl_time(ds, 1) tindex = num2date(tindex.ravel()) # initialize an empty Dataframe df = pd.DataFrame(index=tindex) for v in vars: shp = ds.variables[v].shape if not shp[0] == len(index): continue if len(shp) == 2: data = np.copy(ds.variables[v][:,0].data).ravel() else: data = np.copy(ds.variables[v][:]) df_tmp = pd.DataFrame(data[:].ravel(), index=index, columns=[v,]) df = pd.concat([df, df_tmp], axis=1) df[df == -9999.0] = np.nan # set all missing values to nan t = df.index.values df['timestamp'] = t.astype('datetime64[s]') # Converting index data type # TODO: Check that this is really necessary # set timezone to None otherwise there might be issues merging # this DataFrame with others df.index.tz = None return df
def from_xaxis(self, value): if self.axis_has_datelocator(self.axes.xaxis): return num2date(value).replace(tzinfo=None) else: return value
def inverse(x): """ Transform to date from numerical format """ return num2date(x)
def time_crop(f_init_date, f_final_date, delta, f_time_array, data_array, multiple=False): """ Crop the data_array between f_init_date and f_final_date. :param f_init_date: Float. Initial date :param f_final_date: Float. Final date :param delta: a datetime instance to step in dates :param f_time_array: Float array. All dates of data_array :param data_array: The data to be cropped. Its shape must be of the form (time, ...) :param multiple: False, just one data_array. True a list of data_arrays. :return: Cropped data and according datetime list. """ i_start = np.where(np.array(f_time_array) >= f_init_date)[0][0] i_end = np.where(np.array(f_time_array) <= f_final_date + 23 / 24.)[0][-1] # TODO: Refactor this while. You can transform delta and operate only on f_dates and then convert the entire list. d_date = num2date(f_init_date).replace(minute=0) d_Time = [] f_Time = [] while f_init_date <= f_final_date + 23 / 24.: d_Time.append(d_date) f_Time.append(date2num(d_date)) d_date = d_date + delta f_init_date = date2num(d_date) if multiple: all_cropped_data = [] for data in data_array: new_shape = [len(d_Time)] new_shape.extend(list(data.shape[1:])) new_shape = tuple(new_shape) cropped_data = np.empty(new_shape) cropped_data.fill(np.nan) # TODO: Use find_nearest cropped_data[np.in1d(f_Time, f_time_array[i_start:i_end + 1])] = data[i_start:i_end + 1] all_cropped_data.append(cropped_data) return all_cropped_data, d_Time else: new_shape = [len(d_Time)] new_shape.extend(list(data_array.shape[1:])) new_shape = tuple(new_shape) cropped_data = np.empty(new_shape) cropped_data.fill(np.nan) cropped_data[np.in1d(f_Time, f_time_array[i_start:i_end + 1])] = data_array[i_start:i_end + 1] return cropped_data, d_Time
def randomDate(dt1, dt2, N=1, tzinfo=False, sorted=False): """ Return a (or many) random datetimes between two given dates, this is done under the convention dt <=1 rand < dt2 Parameters ========== dt1 : datetime.datetime start date for the the random date dt2 : datetime.datetime stop date for the the random date Other Parameters ================ N : int (optional) the number of random dates to generate (defualt=1) tzinfo : bool (optional) maintain the tzinfo of the input datetimes (default=False) sorted : bool (optional) return the times sorted (default=False) Returns ======= out : datetime.datetime or numpy.ndarray of datetime.datetime the new time for the next call to EventTimer Examples ======== """ from matplotlib.dates import date2num, num2date if dt1.tzinfo != dt2.tzinfo: raise(ValueError('tzinfo for the input and output datetimes must match')) dt1n = date2num(dt1) dt2n = date2num(dt2) rnd_tn = np.random.uniform(dt1n, dt2n, size=N) rnd_t = num2date(rnd_tn) if not tzinfo: tzinfo = None else: tzinfo = dt1.tzinfo rnd_t = np.asarray([val.replace(tzinfo=tzinfo) for val in rnd_t]) if sorted: rnd_t.sort() return rnd_t
def logspace(min, max, num, **kwargs): """ Returns log-spaced bins. Same as numpy.logspace except the min and max are the min and max not log10(min) and log10(max) Parameters ========== min : float minimum value max : float maximum value num : integer number of log spaced bins Other Parameters ================ kwargs : dict additional keywords passed into matplotlib.dates.num2date Returns ======= out : array log-spaced bins from min to max in a numpy array Notes ===== This function works on both numbers and datetime objects Examples ======== >>> import spacepy.toolbox as tb >>> tb.logspace(1, 100, 5) array([ 1. , 3.16227766, 10. , 31.6227766 , 100. ]) See Also ======== geomspace linspace """ if isinstance(min, datetime.datetime): from matplotlib.dates import date2num, num2date ans = num2date(np.logspace(np.log10(date2num(min)), np.log10(date2num(max)), num, **kwargs)) ans = spt.no_tzinfo(ans) return np.array(ans) else: return np.logspace(np.log10(min), np.log10(max), num, **kwargs)
def linspace(min, max, num, **kwargs): """ Returns linear-spaced bins. Same as numpy.linspace except works with datetime and is faster Parameters ========== min : float, datetime minimum value max : float, datetime maximum value num : integer number of linear spaced bins Other Parameters ================ kwargs : dict additional keywords passed into matplotlib.dates.num2date Returns ======= out : array linear-spaced bins from min to max in a numpy array Notes ===== This function works on both numbers and datetime objects Examples ======== >>> import spacepy.toolbox as tb >>> tb.linspace(1, 10, 4) array([ 1., 4., 7., 10.]) See Also ======== geomspace logspace """ if hasattr(min, 'shape') and min.shape is (): min = min.item() if hasattr(max, 'shape') and max.shape is (): max = max.item() if isinstance(min, datetime.datetime): from matplotlib.dates import date2num, num2date ans = num2date(np.linspace(date2num(min), date2num(max), num, **kwargs)) ans = spt.no_tzinfo(ans) return np.array(ans) else: return np.linspace(min, max, num, **kwargs)
def plot_seasonality(self, name, ax=None, uncertainty=True): """Plot a custom seasonal component. Parameters ---------- ax: Optional matplotlib Axes to plot on. One will be created if this is not provided. uncertainty: Optional boolean to plot uncertainty intervals. Returns ------- a list of matplotlib artists """ artists = [] if not ax: fig = plt.figure(facecolor='w', figsize=(10, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Compute seasonality from Jan 1 through a single period. start = pd.to_datetime('2017-01-01 0000') period = self.seasonalities[name]['period'] end = start + pd.Timedelta(days=period) plot_points = 200 days = pd.to_datetime(np.linspace(start.value, end.value, plot_points)) df_y = self.seasonality_plot_df(days) seas = self.predict_seasonal_components(df_y) artists += ax.plot(df_y['ds'].dt.to_pydatetime(), seas[name], ls='-', c='#0072B2') if uncertainty: artists += [ax.fill_between( df_y['ds'].dt.to_pydatetime(), seas[name + '_lower'], seas[name + '_upper'], color='#0072B2', alpha=0.2)] ax.grid(True, which='major', c='gray', ls='-', lw=1, alpha=0.2) xticks = pd.to_datetime(np.linspace(start.value, end.value, 7) ).to_pydatetime() ax.set_xticks(xticks) if period <= 2: fmt_str = '{dt:%T}' elif period < 14: fmt_str = '{dt:%m}/{dt:%d} {dt:%R}' else: fmt_str = '{dt:%m}/{dt:%d}' ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter( lambda x, pos=None: fmt_str.format(dt=num2date(x)))) ax.set_xlabel('ds') ax.set_ylabel(name) return artists
def process(ds, varnames, outfile=None, include_flag=False): """ :param ds: netCDF4.Dataset object :param varnamess: list of variables ot :param outfile: csv filename output :param include_flag: adding flags """ if include_flag: new_varnames = [] for p in varnames: new_varnames.append(p) new_varnames.append(p+'_FLAG') varnames = new_varnames n = ds.variables['Time'][:].size dt = [i[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') for i in num2date(get_mpl_time(ds, 1))] header =','.join(['utc',] + varnames) _dtype = [('utc', 'S20'), ] _fmt = ['%s', ] for v in varnames: if v.endswith('_FLAG'): _dtype.append((v, int)) _fmt.append('%i') else: _dtype.append((v, float)) _fmt.append('%.3f') result = np.recarray((n,), dtype=_dtype) for v in result.dtype.fields.keys(): if v.endswith('_FLAG'): result[v] = 3 else: result[v] = -9999. result['utc'] = dt for v in varnames: if v.lower() in [i.lower() for i in ds.variables.keys()]: if len(ds.variables[v][:].shape) == 2: result[v] = ds.variables[v][:, 0] else: result[v] = ds.variables[v][:] if v.endswith('_FLAG'): result[v][result[v] < 0] = 3 if outfile: lines = [] for r in result: lines.append(','.join(_fmt[:]) % tuple(list(r)[:])) out = open(outfile, 'w') out.write(header + '\n' + '\n'.join(lines) + '\n') out.close() return (result, header)
def get_cal_coefficients(data): """The calibration coefficients for the AL5002 instrument drift inbetween calibrations. It is assumed that the drifting is linear and too take account of this new coefficients are calculated for each data point, which are then used to recalculate the CO concentrations. """ sens = data['AL52CO_sens'].ravel() zero = data['AL52CO_zero'].ravel() utc_time = [time.mktime(num2date(i).timetuple()) for \ i in data['mpl_timestamp'][:,0]] # create copies of sens and zero calibration coefficients sens_new, zero_new = sens[:], zero[:] # get calibration periods ix=np.where(sens[1:]-sens[:-1] != 0)[0] # remove nan values ix=ix[~np.isnan((sens[1:]-sens[:-1])[ix])] # ignore the first 100 data points ix=ix[ix>100] # the +2 is a dodgy way to make sure that the values have changed. # Apparently the zero and sens parameters do not change at # exactly the same time in the data stream ix=[10]+list(ix+2)+[sens.size-2] # loop over all calibration periods table=[] for i in range(len(ix)-1): ix1=ix[i] ix2=ix[i+1] sens_new[ix1:ix2]=np.interp(utc_time[ix1:ix2], np.float32([utc_time[ix1], utc_time[ix2]]), [sens[ix1], sens[ix2]]) zero_new[ix1:ix2]=np.interp(utc_time[ix1:ix2], np.float32([utc_time[ix1], utc_time[ix2]]), [zero[ix1], zero[ix2]]) # write calibration information to stdout timestamp_start=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(utc_time[ix1]).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') timestamp_end=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(utc_time[ix2]).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if np.isnan(sens[ix1]): sens_string=' nan' else: sens_string='%6.2f' % (sens[ix1],) if np.isnan(zero[ix1]): zero_string=' nan' else: zero_string='%6i' % (zero[ix1],) table.append([timestamp_start, timestamp_end, sens_string, zero_string]) return table