Python matplotlib.mlab 模块,normpdf() 实例源码


项目:python_demo    作者:Wasim37    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def histograms_plot():
    histograms plot
    # ??????
    mu, sigma = 100, 15
    x = mu + sigma * np.random.randn(10000)

    # ??????
    num_bins = 50

    # ????,???????
    n, bins, patches = plt.hist(x, bins=num_bins, normed=1, color="green", alpha=0.6, label="hist")

    # ??????????,????
    y = mlab.normpdf(bins, mu, sigma)
    plt.plot(bins, y, "r--", label="line")

    # ??????
    plt.legend(loc="upper left", shadow=True)

    # ????
# histograms_plot()
项目:world_merlin    作者:pbaljeka    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_coarse_coding_features(self, num_states):
        assert num_states == 3

        npoints = 600
        cc_features = numpy.zeros((num_states, npoints))

        x1 = numpy.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, npoints)
        x2 = numpy.linspace(-1.0, 2.0, npoints)
        x3 = numpy.linspace(-0.5, 2.5, npoints)

        mu1 = 0.0
        mu2 = 0.5
        mu3 = 1.0

        sigma = 0.4

        cc_features[0, :] = mlab.normpdf(x1, mu1, sigma)
        cc_features[1, :] = mlab.normpdf(x2, mu2, sigma)
        cc_features[2, :] = mlab.normpdf(x3, mu3, sigma)

        return cc_features
项目    作者:fizerkhan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_coarse_coding_features(self, num_states):
        assert num_states == 3

        npoints = 600
        cc_features = numpy.zeros((num_states, npoints))

        x1 = numpy.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, npoints)
        x2 = numpy.linspace(-1.0, 2.0, npoints)
        x3 = numpy.linspace(-0.5, 2.5, npoints)

        mu1 = 0.0
        mu2 = 0.5
        mu3 = 1.0

        sigma = 0.4

        cc_features[0, :] = mlab.normpdf(x1, mu1, sigma)
        cc_features[1, :] = mlab.normpdf(x2, mu2, sigma)
        cc_features[2, :] = mlab.normpdf(x3, mu3, sigma)

        return cc_features
项目:PredictiveServer    作者:KeyboardNerd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plotState(self, state, f_color=False):
        Plot a state to the screen
        num_mean = state.mean
        num_sigma = state.std
        if num_sigma == 0:
            # this is just for hacking
            plt.plot([num_mean, num_mean], [0, self.ylim])
        arr_x = np.linspace(num_mean-5*num_sigma, num_mean+5*num_sigma, 100)
        # normpdf uses mu, sigma for normal distribution function
        # to produce the y axis for x
        # should I consider prior?
        arr_y = mlab.normpdf(arr_x, num_mean, num_sigma)
        if f_color:
            self.axis.fill_between(arr_x, arr_y)
        self.axis.plot(arr_x, arr_y)

    # override
项目:merlin    作者:CSTR-Edinburgh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_coarse_coding_features_absolute(self, phone_duration):
        dur = int(phone_duration)

        cc_feat_matrix = numpy.zeros((dur, 3))

        npoints1 = (dur*2)*10+1
        npoints2 = (dur-1)*10+1
        npoints3 = (2*dur-1)*10+1

        x1 = numpy.linspace(-dur, dur, npoints1)
        x2 = numpy.linspace(1, dur, npoints2)
        x3 = numpy.linspace(1, 2*dur-1, npoints3)

        mu1 = 0
        mu2 = (1+dur)/2
        mu3 = dur
        variance = 1
        sigma = variance*((dur/10)+2)
        sigma1 = sigma
        sigma2 = sigma-1
        sigma3 = sigma

        y1 = mlab.normpdf(x1, mu1, sigma1)
        y2 = mlab.normpdf(x2, mu2, sigma2)
        y3 = mlab.normpdf(x3, mu3, sigma3)

        for i in range(dur):
            cc_feat_matrix[i,0] = y1[(dur+1+i)*10]
            cc_feat_matrix[i,1] = y2[i*10]
            cc_feat_matrix[i,2] = y3[i*10]

        for i in range(3):
            cc_feat_matrix[:,i] = cc_feat_matrix[:,i]/max(cc_feat_matrix[:,i])

        return cc_feat_matrix

    ### this function is not used now
项目:pyflux    作者:RJT1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_z(self,indices=None,figsize=(15,5),loc=1):
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
        import seaborn as sns

        for z in range(1,len(self.z_list)+1):
            if indices is not None and z-1 not in indices:
                if hasattr(self.z_list[z-1], 'sample'):
                    sns.distplot(self.z_list[z-1].prior.transform(self.z_list[z-1].sample), rug=False, hist=False,label=self.z_list[z-1].method + ' estimate of ' + self.z_list[z-1].name)

                elif hasattr(self.z_list[z-1], 'value') and hasattr(self.z_list[z-1], 'std'): 

                    if self.z_list[z-1].prior.transform_name is None:
                        x = np.linspace(self.z_list[z-1].value-self.z_list[z-1].std*3.5,self.z_list[z-1].value+self.z_list[z-1].std*3.5,100)
                        plt.plot(x,mlab.normpdf(x,self.z_list[z-1].value,self.z_list[z-1].std),label=self.z_list[z-1].method + ' estimate of ' + self.z_list[z-1].name)
                        sims = self.z_list[z-1].prior.transform(np.random.normal(self.z_list[z-1].value,self.z_list[z-1].std,100000))
                        sns.distplot(sims, rug=False, hist=False,label=self.z_list[z-1].method + ' estimate of ' + self.z_list[z-1].name)

                    raise ValueError("No information on latent variable to plot!")        

        plt.title('Latent Variable Plot')
项目:MDT    作者:cbclab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _rerender(self):
        nmr_maps = len(self.maps_to_show)
        if self._show_trace:
            nmr_maps *= 2

        grid = GridSpec(nmr_maps, 1, left=0.04, right=0.96, top=0.94, bottom=0.06, hspace=0.2)

        i = 0
        for map_name in self.maps_to_show:
            samples = self._voxels[map_name]

            if self._sample_indices is not None:
                samples = samples[:, self._sample_indices]

            title = map_name
            if map_name in self.names:
                title = self.names[map_name]

            if isinstance(self._nmr_bins, dict) and map_name in self._nmr_bins:
                nmr_bins = self._nmr_bins[map_name]
                nmr_bins = self._nmr_bins

            hist_plot = plt.subplot(grid[i])
            n, bins, patches = hist_plot.hist(np.nan_to_num(samples[self.voxel_ind, :]), nmr_bins, normed=True)
            i += 1

            if self._fit_gaussian:
                mu, sigma =[self.voxel_ind, :])
                bincenters = 0.5*(bins[1:] + bins[:-1])
                y = mlab.normpdf(bincenters, mu, sigma)
                hist_plot.plot(bincenters, y, 'r', linewidth=1)

            if self._show_trace:
                trace_plot = plt.subplot(grid[i])
                trace_plot.plot(samples[self.voxel_ind, :])
                i += 1
项目:world_merlin    作者:pbaljeka    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_coarse_coding_features_absolute(self, phone_duration):
        dur = int(phone_duration)

        cc_feat_matrix = numpy.zeros((dur, 3))

        npoints1 = (dur*2)*10+1
        npoints2 = (dur-1)*10+1
        npoints3 = (2*dur-1)*10+1

        x1 = numpy.linspace(-dur, dur, npoints1)
        x2 = numpy.linspace(1, dur, npoints2)
        x3 = numpy.linspace(1, 2*dur-1, npoints3)

        mu1 = 0
        mu2 = (1+dur)/2
        mu3 = dur
        variance = 1
        sigma = variance*((dur/10)+2)
        sigma1 = sigma
        sigma2 = sigma-1
        sigma3 = sigma

        y1 = mlab.normpdf(x1, mu1, sigma1)
        y2 = mlab.normpdf(x2, mu2, sigma2)
        y3 = mlab.normpdf(x3, mu3, sigma3)

        for i in xrange(dur):
            cc_feat_matrix[i,0] = y1[(dur+1+i)*10]
            cc_feat_matrix[i,1] = y2[i*10]
            cc_feat_matrix[i,2] = y3[i*10]

        for i in xrange(3):
            cc_feat_matrix[:,i] = cc_feat_matrix[:,i]/max(cc_feat_matrix[:,i])

        return cc_feat_matrix

    ### this function is not used now
项目:Gaussian_process    作者:happyjin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_rbf_kernel():
    plot RBF kernel
    plt.subplot(4, 2, 1)
    mu = 3
    variance = 1
    sigma = np.sqrt(variance)
    x = np.linspace(mu - 3 * variance, mu + 3 * variance, 100)
    plt.plot(x, mlab.normpdf(x, mu, sigma))
    plt.title('RBF kernel')
项目:pongr    作者:wseaton    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dist_plot(rating_df):
    x = np.linspace(0, 50, 500)

    data_dict = {}
    for row in rating_df.iterrows():
        label_name = (row[1]['first_name'] + ' ' + row[1]['last_name'][0] + '.')
        data_dict[label_name] = (x, mlab.normpdf(x, row[1]['rating'], row[1]['sigma']))

    final_df = pd.DataFrame()

    for k, v in data_dict.iteritems():
        final_df[k] = v[1]

    final_df['index'] = x
    final_df.set_index('index', inplace=True)

    trace_dict = dict()

    for n, col in enumerate(final_df.columns):
        trace_dict[n] = go.Scatter(

    data = trace_dict.values()

    # Edit the layout
    layout = dict(title='Individual Gaussian Skill Distribution',

    return offl.plot(dict(data=data, layout=layout), output_type='div')
项目    作者:fizerkhan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_coarse_coding_features_absolute(self, phone_duration):
        dur = int(phone_duration)

        cc_feat_matrix = numpy.zeros((dur, 3))

        npoints1 = (dur*2)*10+1
        npoints2 = (dur-1)*10+1
        npoints3 = (2*dur-1)*10+1

        x1 = numpy.linspace(-dur, dur, npoints1)
        x2 = numpy.linspace(1, dur, npoints2)
        x3 = numpy.linspace(1, 2*dur-1, npoints3)

        mu1 = 0
        mu2 = (1+dur)/2
        mu3 = dur
        variance = 1
        sigma = variance*((dur/10)+2)
        sigma1 = sigma
        sigma2 = sigma-1
        sigma3 = sigma

        y1 = mlab.normpdf(x1, mu1, sigma1)
        y2 = mlab.normpdf(x2, mu2, sigma2)
        y3 = mlab.normpdf(x3, mu3, sigma3)

        for i in xrange(dur):
            cc_feat_matrix[i,0] = y1[(dur+1+i)*10]
            cc_feat_matrix[i,1] = y2[i*10]
            cc_feat_matrix[i,2] = y3[i*10]

        for i in xrange(3):
            cc_feat_matrix[:,i] = cc_feat_matrix[:,i]/max(cc_feat_matrix[:,i])

        return cc_feat_matrix

    ### this function is not used now
项目:PredictiveServer    作者:KeyboardNerd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update(self):
        num_mu =
        # compute sigma
        num_sigma = math.sqrt(self.scmodel.var)
        array_x = np.linspace(num_mu - 3*num_sigma,num_mu + 3*num_sigma,100)
        array_y = mlab.normpdf(array_x,num_mu,num_sigma)
        self.axis.fill_between(array_x, array_y)
        self.axis.plot(array_x, array_y)
项目:slam-tutorial-code    作者:tuongngoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kalman_plot(prediction, measurement, correction):
    """Helper to draw all curves in each filter step."""
    plot([normpdf(x,, sqrt(prediction.sigma2))
          for x in range(*arena)], color = 'b', linewidth=2)
    plot([normpdf(x,, sqrt(measurement.sigma2))
          for x in range(*arena)], color = 'g', linewidth=2)
    plot([normpdf(x,, sqrt(correction.sigma2))
          for x in range(*arena)], color = 'r', linewidth=2)

# Histogram filter step.
项目:acl2017-interactive_summarizer    作者:UKPLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_distribution(self, mean, sigma, array):
        vlines = [mean-(1*sigma), mean, mean+(1*sigma)]
        for val in vlines:
            plt.axvline(val, color='k', linestyle='--')

        bins = np.linspace(mean-(4*sigma), mean+(4*sigma), 200)
        plt.hist(array, bins, alpha=0.5)

        y = mlab.normpdf(bins, mean, sigma)
        plt.plot(bins, y, 'r--')
        print(mean, sigma)
项目:acl2017-interactive_summarizer    作者:UKPLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_distribution(self, mean, sigma, array):
        vlines = [mean-(1*sigma), mean, mean+(1*sigma)]
        for val in vlines:
            plt.axvline(val, color='k', linestyle='--')

        bins = np.linspace(mean-(4*sigma), mean+(4*sigma), 200)
        plt.hist(array, bins, alpha=0.5)

        y = mlab.normpdf(bins, mean, sigma)
        plt.plot(bins, y, 'r--')
        print mean, sigma
项目:SLAM    作者:jfjensen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kalman_plot(prediction, measurement, correction):
    """Helper to draw all curves in each filter step."""
    plot([normpdf(x,, sqrt(prediction.sigma2))
          for x in range(*arena)], color = 'b', linewidth=2)
    plot([normpdf(x,, sqrt(measurement.sigma2))
          for x in range(*arena)], color = 'g', linewidth=2)
    plot([normpdf(x,, sqrt(correction.sigma2))
          for x in range(*arena)], color = 'r', linewidth=2)

# Histogram filter step.
项目:markov_stock_analysis    作者:nb5hd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def percent_change_as_hist(adjusted_df, security):
    This function visualizes the percentage change data as a histogram. The graph is also fitted to a normal
     distribution curve.

    :param security: <SecurityInfo class> Holds information about the requested security
    :param adjusted_df: Pandas DataFrame with columns: Date, Adjusted Close, and Percentage Change.
    pct_change_list = adjusted_df['Percentage Change']

    # Code below removes the NaN value and plots the histogram. Bins are left adjusted right now, so when plotting the
    # normal distribution function, we must adjust it to be based off the center (average) of the bins.
    n, bins, patches = plt.hist(pct_change_list.dropna(), bins=25, normed=True)
    bincenters = 0.5*(bins[1:]+bins[:-1])

    plt.xlabel("Percentage change")
    mean, std = get_params_for_norm_dist(adjusted_df)
    plt.title("Distribution of percentage change in " + security.get_name() + " Mu: %.3f, Sigma: %.3f"
              % (mean, std), y=1.03)

    # adds vertical lines to the graph corresponding to the x's that represent the number of deviations from the mean
    for num_std_from_mean in range(-3, 4):
        plt.axvline(mean + std * num_std_from_mean)

    # plots the normal pdf of best fit
    y = mlab.normpdf(bincenters, mean, std)
    plt.plot(bincenters, y, 'r--', linewidth=1)
项目:markov_stock_analysis    作者:nb5hd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def show_rand_walks(all_walks, security):
    Visualizes all random walks as a plot and distribution.

    :param all_walks: list of all random walks conducted
    :param security: holds information about the security
    np_aw = np.array(all_walks)  # converts the list of all random walks to a Numpy Array
    np_aw_t = np.transpose(np_aw)  # must transpose the array for graph to display properly
    plt.ylabel("Value of " + security.get_name())
    plt.title("All Random Walks of " + security.get_name())

    # Select last row from np_aw_t: ends
    ends = np_aw_t[-1]

    # Plot histogram of ends, display plot
    n, bins, patches = plt.hist(ends, bins=25, normed=True)
    plt.xlabel("Final Value of " + security.get_name() + " at end of period.")
    rand_mean = ends.mean()
    rand_std = ends.std()

    plt.title("Distribution of Random Walk Final Values. Mean is %d and Standard Deviation is %d"
              % (rand_mean, rand_std), y=1.03)
    for num_std_from_mean in range(-3, 4):
        plt.axvline(rand_mean + rand_std * num_std_from_mean)
    bincenters = 0.5*(bins[1:]+bins[:-1])
    # plots the normal pdf of best fit
    y = mlab.normpdf(bincenters, rand_mean, rand_std)
    plt.plot(bincenters, y, 'r--', linewidth=3)
项目:markov_stock_analysis    作者:nb5hd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def percent_change_as_hist(adjusted_df, security):
    This function visualizes the percentage change data as a histogram. The graph is also fitted to a normal
     distribution curve.

    :param security: <SecurityInfo class> Holds information about the requested security
    :param adjusted_df: Pandas DataFrame with columns: Date, Adjusted Close, and Percentage Change.
    pct_change_list = adjusted_df['Percentage Change']

    # Code below removes the NaN value and plots the histogram. Bins are left adjusted right now, so when plotting the
    # normal distribution function, we must adjust it to be based off the center (average) of the bins.
    n, bins, patches = plt.hist(pct_change_list.dropna(), bins=25, normed=True)
    bincenters = 0.5*(bins[1:]+bins[:-1])

    plt.xlabel("Percentage change")
    mean, std = get_params_for_norm_dist(adjusted_df)
    plt.title("Distribution of percentage change in " + security.get_name() + " Mu: %.3f, Sigma: %.3f"
              % (mean, std), y=1.03)

    # adds vertical lines to the graph corresponding to the x's that represent the number of deviations from the mean
    for num_std_from_mean in range(-3, 4):
        plt.axvline(mean + std * num_std_from_mean)

    # plots the normal pdf of best fit
    y = mlab.normpdf(bincenters, mean, std)
    plt.plot(bincenters, y, 'r--', linewidth=1)
项目:markov_stock_analysis    作者:nb5hd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def show_rand_walks(all_walks, security):
    Visualizes all random walks as a plot and distribution.

    :param all_walks: list of all random walks conducted
    np_aw = np.array(all_walks)  # converts the list of all random walks to a Numpy Array
    np_aw_t = np.transpose(np_aw)  # must transpose the array for graph to display properly
    plt.ylabel("Value of " + security.get_name())
    plt.title("All Random Walks of " + security.get_name())

    # Select last row from np_aw_t: ends
    ends = np_aw_t[-1]

    # Plot histogram of ends, display plot
    n, bins, patches = plt.hist(ends, bins=25, normed=True)
    plt.xlabel("Final Value of " + security.get_name() + " at end of period.")
    rand_mean = ends.mean()
    rand_std = ends.std()

    plt.title("Distribution of Random Walk Final Values. Mean is %d and Standard Deviation is %d"
              % (rand_mean, rand_std), y=1.03)
    for num_std_from_mean in range(-3, 4):
        plt.axvline(rand_mean + rand_std * num_std_from_mean)
    bincenters = 0.5*(bins[1:]+bins[:-1])
    # plots the normal pdf of best fit
    y = mlab.normpdf(bincenters, rand_mean, rand_std)
    plt.plot(bincenters, y, 'r--', linewidth=3)
项目:markov_stock_analysis    作者:nb5hd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def percent_change_as_hist(adjusted_df):
    This function visualizes the percentage change data as a histogram. The graph is also fitted to a normal
     distribution curve.

    :param adjusted_df: Pandas DataFrame with columns: Date, Adjusted Close, and Percentage Change.
    pct_change_list = adjusted_df['Percentage Change']

    # Code below removes the NaN value and plots the histogram. Bins are left adjusted right now, so when plotting the
    # normal distribution function, we must adjust it to be based off the center (average) of the bins.
    n, bins, patches = plt.hist(pct_change_list.dropna(), bins=25, normed=True)
    bincenters = 0.5*(bins[1:]+bins[:-1])

    plt.xlabel("Percentage change")
    mean, std = get_params_for_norm_dist(adjusted_df)
    plt.title("Distribution of percentage change in S&P 500. Mu: %.3f, Sigma: %.3f" % (mean, std), y=1.03)

    # adds vertical lines to the graph corresponding to the x's that represent the number of deviations from the mean
    for num_std_from_mean in range(-3, 4):
        plt.axvline(mean + std * num_std_from_mean)

    # plots the normal pdf of best fit
    y = mlab.normpdf(bincenters, mean, std)
    plt.plot(bincenters, y, 'r--', linewidth=1)
项目:markov_stock_analysis    作者:nb5hd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def percent_change_as_hist(adjusted_df):
    This function visualizes the percentage change data as a histogram. The graph is also fitted to a normal
     distribution curve.

    :param adjusted_df: Pandas DataFrame with columns: Date, Adjusted Close, and Percentage Change.
    pct_change_list = adjusted_df['Percentage Change']

    # Code below removes the NaN value and plots the histogram. Bins are left adjusted right now, so when plotting the
    # normal distribution function, we must adjust it to be based off the center (average) of the bins.
    n, bins, patches = plt.hist(pct_change_list.dropna(), bins=25, normed=True)
    bincenters = 0.5*(bins[1:]+bins[:-1])

    plt.xlabel("Percentage change")
    mean, std = get_params_for_norm_dist(adjusted_df)
    plt.title("Distribution of percentage change in S&P 500. Mu: %.3f, Sigma: %.3f" % (mean, std), y=1.03)

    # adds vertical lines to the graph corresponding to the x's that represent the number of deviations from the mean
    for num_std_from_mean in range(-3, 4):
        plt.axvline(mean + std * num_std_from_mean)

    # plots the normal pdf of best fit
    y = mlab.normpdf(bincenters, mean, std)
    plt.plot(bincenters, y, 'r--', linewidth=1)
项目:markov_stock_analysis    作者:nb5hd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def show_rand_walks(all_walks):
    Visualizes all random walks as a plot and distribution.

    :param all_walks: list of all random walks conducted
    np_aw = np.array(all_walks)  # converts the list of all random walks to a Numpy Array
    np_aw_t = np.transpose(np_aw)  # must transpose the array for graph to display properly
    plt.ylabel("S&P 500 Index Value")
    plt.title("All Random Walks of the S&P 500 Index")

    # Select last row from np_aw_t: ends
    ends = np_aw_t[-1]

    # Plot histogram of ends, display plot
    n, bins, patches = plt.hist(ends, bins=25, normed=True)
    plt.xlabel("Final S&P 500 Index Value at end of period.")
    rand_mean = ends.mean()
    rand_std = ends.std()

    plt.title("Distribution of Random Walk Final Values. Mean is %d and Standard Deviation is %d"
              % (rand_mean, rand_std), y=1.03)
    for num_std_from_mean in range(-3, 4):
        plt.axvline(rand_mean + rand_std * num_std_from_mean)
    bincenters = 0.5*(bins[1:]+bins[:-1])
    # plots the normal pdf of best fit
    y = mlab.normpdf(bincenters, rand_mean, rand_std)
    plt.plot(bincenters, y, 'r--', linewidth=3)
项目:markov_stock_analysis    作者:nb5hd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def percent_change_as_hist(adjusted_df, security):
    This function visualizes the percentage change data as a histogram. The graph is also fitted to a normal
     distribution curve.

    :param security: <SecurityInfo class> Holds information about the requested security
    :param adjusted_df: Pandas DataFrame with columns: Date, Adjusted Close, and Percentage Change.
    pct_change_list = adjusted_df['Percentage Change']

    # Code below removes the NaN value and plots the histogram. Bins are left adjusted right now, so when plotting the
    # normal distribution function, we must adjust it to be based off the center (average) of the bins.
    n, bins, patches = plt.hist(pct_change_list.dropna(), bins=25, normed=True)
    bincenters = 0.5*(bins[1:]+bins[:-1])

    plt.xlabel("Percentage change")
    mean, std = get_params_for_norm_dist(adjusted_df)
    plt.title("Distribution of percentage change in " + security.get_name() + " Mu: %.3f, Sigma: %.3f"
              % (mean, std), y=1.03)

    # adds vertical lines to the graph corresponding to the x's that represent the number of deviations from the mean
    for num_std_from_mean in range(-3, 4):
        plt.axvline(mean + std * num_std_from_mean)

    # plots the normal pdf of best fit
    y = mlab.normpdf(bincenters, mean, std)
    plt.plot(bincenters, y, 'r--', linewidth=1)
项目:markov_stock_analysis    作者:nb5hd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def show_rand_walks(all_walks, security):
    Visualizes all random walks as a plot and distribution.

    :param all_walks: list of all random walks conducted
    np_aw = np.array(all_walks)  # converts the list of all random walks to a Numpy Array
    np_aw_t = np.transpose(np_aw)  # must transpose the array for graph to display properly
    plt.ylabel("Value of " + security.get_name())
    plt.title("All Random Walks of " + security.get_name())

    # Select last row from np_aw_t: ends
    ends = np_aw_t[-1]

    # Plot histogram of ends, display plot
    n, bins, patches = plt.hist(ends, bins=25, normed=True)
    plt.xlabel("Final Value of " + security.get_name() + " at end of period.")
    rand_mean = ends.mean()
    rand_std = ends.std()

    plt.title("Distribution of Random Walk Final Values. Mean is %d and Standard Deviation is %d"
              % (rand_mean, rand_std), y=1.03)
    for num_std_from_mean in range(-3, 4):
        plt.axvline(rand_mean + rand_std * num_std_from_mean)
    bincenters = 0.5*(bins[1:]+bins[:-1])
    # plots the normal pdf of best fit
    y = mlab.normpdf(bincenters, rand_mean, rand_std)
    plt.plot(bincenters, y, 'r--', linewidth=3)
项目:markov_stock_analysis    作者:nb5hd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def percent_change_as_hist(adjusted_df, security):
    This function visualizes the percentage change data as a histogram. The graph is also fitted to a normal
     distribution curve.

    :param security: <SecurityInfo class> Holds information about the requested security
    :param adjusted_df: Pandas DataFrame with columns: Date, Adj Close, and Percentage Change.
    pct_change_list = adjusted_df['Percentage Change']

    # Code below removes the NaN value and plots the histogram. Bins are left adjusted right now, so when plotting the
    # normal distribution function, we must adjust it to be based off the center (average) of the bins.
    n, bins, patches = plt.hist(pct_change_list.dropna(), bins=25, normed=True)
    bincenters = 0.5*(bins[1:]+bins[:-1])

    plt.xlabel("Percentage change")
    mean, std = get_params_for_norm_dist(adjusted_df)
    plt.title("Distribution of percentage change in " + security.get_name() + " Mu: %.3f, Sigma: %.3f"
              % (mean, std), y=1.03)

    # adds vertical lines to the graph corresponding to the x's that represent the number of deviations from the mean
    for num_std_from_mean in range(-3, 4):
        plt.axvline(mean + std * num_std_from_mean)

    # plots the normal pdf of best fit
    y = mlab.normpdf(bincenters, mean, std)
    plt.plot(bincenters, y, 'r--', linewidth=1)
项目:merlin    作者:CSTR-Edinburgh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_coarse_coding_features(self, num_states):
        assert num_states == 3

        npoints = 600
        cc_features = numpy.zeros((num_states, npoints))

        x1 = numpy.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, npoints)
        x2 = numpy.linspace(-1.0, 2.0, npoints)
        x3 = numpy.linspace(-0.5, 2.5, npoints)

        mu1 = 0.0
        mu2 = 0.5
        mu3 = 1.0

        sigma = 0.4

        cc_features[0, :] = mlab.normpdf(x1, mu1, sigma)
        cc_features[1, :] = mlab.normpdf(x2, mu2, sigma)
        cc_features[2, :] = mlab.normpdf(x3, mu3, sigma)

        return cc_features
项目:pyflux    作者:RJT1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_z(self,figsize=(15,5)):
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        import seaborn as sns

        if hasattr(self, 'sample'):
            sns.distplot(self.prior.transform(self.sample), rug=False, hist=False,label=self.method + ' estimate of ' +

        elif hasattr(self, 'value') and hasattr(self, 'std'):
            x = np.linspace(self.value-self.std*3.5,self.value+self.std*3.5,100)
            if self.prior.transform_name is None:
                plt.plot(x,mlab.normpdf(x,self.value,self.std),label=self.method + ' estimate of ' +
                sims = self.prior.transform(np.random.normal(self.value,self.std,100000))
                sns.distplot(sims, rug=False, hist=False,label=self.method + ' estimate of ' +

            raise ValueError("No information on latent variable to plot!")
项目:GeoPython_2017_3D    作者:pereirapysensing    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_las(data, num_bins=100, color='red', xlabel=None, ylabel=None, title=None):

        Plot a histogram with a normal distribution curve based on the data mean
        and standard deviation.


        data: numpy_array
            Numpy array with the variable to be assessed.

        num_bins : integer
            Number of bins in the histogram. Default = 100.

        color: string.
            Color of the bins.

        xlabel : string.
            Title of the X axis. Default = None.

        ylabel : string.
            Title of the Y axis. Default = None.

        title : string.
            Title of the histogram. Default = None.

        If xlabel, ylabel and title are not provided, the histogram will be
        plotted normally, however, without any of those elements.
    num_bins = num_bins
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    mu = np.mean(data)
    sigma = np.std(data)
    # Creates the histogram
    n, bins, patches = ax.hist(data, 
    # add a 'best fit' line
    k = normpdf(bins, mu, sigma)
    ax.plot(bins, k, 'k--', linewidth=2)
    if xlabel != ylabel != title != None:
        ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=16)
        ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=16)
    plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=16)
项目:acl2017-interactive_summarizer    作者:UKPLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_distribution(self, mean, sigma, array):
        vlines = [mean-(1*sigma), mean, mean+(1*sigma)]
        for val in vlines:
            plt.axvline(val, color='k', linestyle='--')

        bins = np.linspace(mean-(4*sigma), mean+(4*sigma), 200)
        plt.hist(array, bins, alpha=0.5)

        y = mlab.normpdf(bins, mean, sigma)
        plt.plot(bins, y, 'r--')
        print mean, sigma