def plot_region(self, region): """Shows the given region in the field plot. Args: region: Region to be plotted. """ if type(region) == reg.PointRegion: self.axes.scatter(region.point_coordinates[0] / self._x_axis_factor, region.point_coordinates[1] / self._y_axis_factor, color='black') elif type(region) == reg.LineRegion: self.axes.plot([region.line_coordinates[0] / self._x_axis_factor, region.line_coordinates[2] / self._x_axis_factor], [region.line_coordinates[1] / self._y_axis_factor, region.line_coordinates[3] / self._y_axis_factor], color='black') elif type(region) == reg.RectRegion: self.axes.add_patch(pa.Rectangle((region.rect_coordinates[0] / self._x_axis_factor, region.rect_coordinates[1] / self._y_axis_factor), region.rect_coordinates[2] / self._x_axis_factor, region.rect_coordinates[3] / self._y_axis_factor, fill=False)) else: raise TypeError('Unknown type in region list: {}'.format(type(region)))
def plot_predictions(self,world): for i in range(7): for j in range(7): for k in range(3): if k==1: col = "yellow" elif k == 2: col = "red" elif k == 3: col = 'blue' if world[i,j,k]>0.0: self.ax1.add_patch(patches.Rectangle( (i,j),1,1, #fill=False, edgecolor='black', linewidth = 2, facecolor = col, alpha=world[i,j,k]), )
def debug_plot_over_img(self, img, x, y, bb_d, bb_gt): """Plot the landmarks over the image with the bbox.""" plt.close("all") fig = plt.figure() # , figsize=(15, 10.8), dpi=200 ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) ax.set_axis_off() ax.imshow(img, aspect="auto", cmap='Greys_r') ax.scatter(x, y, s=10, color='r') rect1 = patches.Rectangle( (bb_d[0], bb_d[1]), bb_d[2]-bb_d[0], bb_d[3]-bb_d[1], linewidth=1, edgecolor='r', facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(rect1) rect2 = patches.Rectangle( (bb_gt[0], bb_gt[1]), bb_gt[2]-bb_gt[0], bb_gt[3]-bb_gt[1], linewidth=1, edgecolor='b', facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(rect2) fig.add_axes(ax) return fig
def plot_over_img(self, img, x, y, x_pr, y_pr, bb_gt): """Plot the landmarks over the image with the bbox.""" plt.close("all") fig = plt.figure(frameon=False) # , figsize=(15, 10.8), dpi=200 ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) ax.set_axis_off() ax.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB), aspect="auto") ax.scatter(x, y, s=10, color='r') ax.scatter(x_pr, y_pr, s=10, color='g') rect = patches.Rectangle( (bb_gt[0], bb_gt[1]), bb_gt[2]-bb_gt[0], bb_gt[3]-bb_gt[1], linewidth=1, edgecolor='b', facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(rect) fig.add_axes(ax) return fig
def generate_legend(panel, counts, color): # completely custom for more control panel.set_xlim([0, 1]) panel.set_ylim([0, 1000]) panel.set_yticks([int(x) for x in np.linspace(0, 1000, 6)]) panel.set_yticklabels([int(x) for x in np.linspace(0, max(counts), 6)]) for i in np.arange(0, 1001, 1): rgba = color(i / 1001) alpha = rgba[-1] facec = rgba[0:3] hist_rectangle = mplpatches.Rectangle((0, i), 1, 1, linewidth=0.0, facecolor=facec, edgecolor=(0, 0, 0), alpha=alpha) panel.add_patch(hist_rectangle) panel.spines['top'].set_visible(False) panel.spines['left'].set_visible(False) panel.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) panel.yaxis.set_label_position("right") panel.set_ylabel('Number of Reads')
def draw_legend(data, da, lyr): """ Draw letter 'a' in the box Parameters ---------- data : dataframe da : DrawingArea lyr : layer Returns ------- out : DrawingArea """ if data['fill']: rect = Rectangle((0, 0), width=da.width, height=da.height, linewidth=0, alpha=data['alpha'], facecolor=data['fill'], capstyle='projecting') da.add_artist(rect) return geom_text.draw_legend(data, da, lyr)
def __init__(self, axes, model, interpolation="nearest", aspect="auto"): super(SliceView, self).__init__() data = np.zeros((1, 1)) self._image = axes.imshow(data, interpolation=interpolation, aspect=aspect, origin='upper') """ :type: AxesImage """ self._model = model """ :type: SliceModel """ style = {"fill": False, "alpha": 1, "color": 'black', "linestyle": 'dotted', "linewidth": 0.75 } self._vertical_indicator = patches.Rectangle((-0.5, -0.5), 1, model.height, **style) self._horizontal_indicator = patches.Rectangle((-0.5, -0.5), model.width, 1, **style) self._zoom_factor = 1.0 self._view_limits = None self._min_xlim = 0 self._max_xlim = model.width self._min_ylim = 0 self._max_ylim = model.height
def __init__(self, axis1): # Defines the axis used self.ax1 = axis1 # Defines the default y-coordinate of the rectangle self.y0 = -50 self.y1 = 50 # Defines variables for drawing enabled/disabled and default output self.draw = 0 self.output = "-50 50" # Defines a rectangle for the plot (mag/hjd) # Sets the rectangular width to 10000 - should be enough self.rect1 = Rectangle((0, 0), 10000, 0, alpha=0.3) # Adds the rectangle to the corresponding axis self.ax1.add_patch(self.rect1) # Defines what should happen on pressing the mousebutton
def __init__(self, axis1, axis2, axis3, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax): # Defines the axes used by the specific rectangular for each plot self.ax1 = axis1 self.ax2 = axis2 self.ax3 = axis3 # Defines the default x- and y-coordinates of the rectangle self.x0 = xmin self.x1 = xmax self.y0 = ymin self.y1 = ymax # Defines variables for drawing enabled/disabled and default output self.draw = 0 self.output = str(xmin) + " " + str(xmax) + " " + str(ymin) + " " + str(ymax) # Defines a rectangule for each plot (y/x, mag/x, mag/y) # Sets the rectangular y-position for the 2nd and 3rd plot to -50 and the # height to 100 to cover a default range from -50 to 50 (mag) self.rect1 = Rectangle((xmin, ymin), (xmax - xmin), (ymax - ymin), alpha=0.3) self.rect2 = Rectangle((xmin, -50), (xmax - xmin), 100, alpha=0.3) self.rect3 = Rectangle((ymin, -50), (ymax - ymin), 100, alpha=0.3) # Connects the rectangle to the corresponding axis self.ax1.add_patch(self.rect1) self.ax2.add_patch(self.rect2) self.ax3.add_patch(self.rect3) # Defines what should happen on pressing the mouse-button
def __init__(self, axis1, axis2, axis3): # Defines the axes used by the specific rectangular for each plot self.ax1 = axis1 self.ax2 = axis2 self.ax3 = axis3 # Defines the default x- and y-coordinates of the rectangle self.x0 = 0 self.x1 = 100 self.y0 = 0 self.y1 = 100 # Defines variables for drawing enabled/disabled and default output self.draw = 0 self.output = "0 100 0 100" # Defines a rectangule for each plot (y/x, mag/x, mag/y) # Sets the rectangular y-position for the 2nd and 3rd plot to -50 and the # height to 100 to cover a default range from -50 to 50 (mag) self.rect1 = Rectangle((0, 0), 0, 0, alpha=0.3) self.rect2 = Rectangle((0, -50), 0, 100, alpha=0.3) self.rect3 = Rectangle((0, -50), 0, 100, alpha=0.3) # Connects the rectangle to the corresponding axis self.ax1.add_patch(self.rect1) self.ax2.add_patch(self.rect2) self.ax3.add_patch(self.rect3) # Defines what should happen on pressing the mousebutton
def _plot(self, region=None, cax=None): self.current_region = region try: sr, start_ix, end_ix = sub_regions(self.regions, region) trans = self.ax.get_xaxis_transform() for r in sr: region_patch = patches.Rectangle( (r.start, .2), width=abs(r.end - r.start), height=.6, transform=trans, facecolor=self.color, edgecolor='white', linewidth=2. ) self.ax.add_patch(region_patch) except ValueError: pass self.ax.axis('off')
def genAsOpenscad(self): """Generates ROI as solid python object. Useful if ROI is used to be passed to openscad. Returns: solid.solidpython.cube: Solid python object. """ z=self.getOpenscadZExtend() zmin,zmax=min(z),max(z) openScadROI=solid.translate([self.offset[0],self.offset[1],zmin])(solid.cube([self.sidelength,self.sidelength,abs(zmax-zmin)])) return openScadROI #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Rectangle ROI class
def genAsOpenscad(self): """Generates ROI as solid python object. Useful if ROI is used to be passed to openscad. .. note:: Will grab extent of geometry to find bounds in z-direction. Returns: solid.solidpython.cube: Solid python object. """ try: ext=self.embryo.geometry.getZExtend() except AttributeError: printError("genAsOpenscad: Cannot greab extend from geometry of type " + self.embryo.geometry.typ) openScadROI=solid.translate([self.offset[0],self.offset[1],min(ext)])(solid.cube([self.sidelengthX,self.sidelengthY,abs(max(ext)-min(ext))])) return openScadROI #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Rectangle and slice ROI class
def on_button_press(self, event): if event.button == 1: # left button if self.cursor_mode == 'Zoom': if event.dblclick: self.center = wx.RealPoint(event.xdata, event.ydata) self.ztv_frame.zoom_factor /= 2. self.set_and_get_xy_limits() else: self.zoom_start_timestamp = time.time() self.zoom_rect = Rectangle((event.xdata, event.ydata), 0, 0, color='orange', fill=False, zorder=100) self.axes.add_patch(self.zoom_rect) self.figure.canvas.draw() elif self.cursor_mode == 'Pan': self.center = wx.RealPoint(event.xdata, event.ydata) self.set_and_get_xy_limits() else: if (self.available_cursor_modes.has_key(self.cursor_mode) and self.available_cursor_modes[self.cursor_mode].has_key('on_button_press')): self.available_cursor_modes[self.cursor_mode]['on_button_press'](event)
def __init__(self, parent, size=wx.Size(128,128), dpi=None, **kwargs): self.size = size self.dragging_curview_is_active = False wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, wx.DefaultPosition, size, 0, **kwargs) self.ztv_frame = self.GetTopLevelParent() self.figure = Figure(None, dpi) self.axes = self.figure.add_axes([0., 0., 1., 1.]) self.curview_rectangle = Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, color='orange', fill=False, zorder=100) self.axes.add_patch(self.curview_rectangle) self.canvas = FigureCanvasWxAgg(self, -1, self.figure) self.overview_zoom_factor = 1. self._SetSize() self.set_xy_limits() self.axes_widget = AxesWidget(self.figure.gca()) self.axes_widget.connect_event('button_press_event', self.on_button_press) self.axes_widget.connect_event('button_release_event', self.on_button_release) self.axes_widget.connect_event('motion_notify_event', self.on_motion) pub.subscribe(self.redraw_overview_image, 'redraw-image') pub.subscribe(self.redraw_box, 'primary-xy-limits-changed')
def plot(error_index, dataset_path): img = mpimg.imread(dataset_path) plt.imshow(img) currentAxis = plt.gca() for index in error_index: row = index // 2 column = index % 2 currentAxis.add_patch( patches.Rectangle( xy=( 47 * 9 if column == 0 else 47 * 19, row * 57 ), width=47, height=57, linewidth=1, edgecolor='r', facecolor='none' ) ) fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(11.40, 9.42) plt.savefig("fig_result.png", bbox_inches="tight", dpi=100) plt.show()
def onclick(self, event): for p in self.plots: p.remove() self.plots = [] height, width, _ = self.image.shape ix = int(event.xdata * self.cell_width / width) iy = int(event.ydata * self.cell_height / height) self.plots.append(self.ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((ix * width / self.cell_width, iy * height / self.cell_height), width / self.cell_width, height / self.cell_height, linewidth=0, facecolor='black', alpha=.2))) index = iy * self.cell_width + ix prob, iou, xy_min, wh = self.sess.run([self.model.prob[0][index], self.model.iou[0][index], self.model.xy_min[0][index], self.model.wh[0][index]], feed_dict=self.feed_dict) xy_min = xy_min * self.scale wh = wh * self.scale for _prob, _iou, (x, y), (w, h), color in zip(prob, iou, xy_min, wh, self.colors): index = np.argmax(_prob) name = self.names[index] _prob = _prob[index] _conf = _prob * _iou linewidth = min(_conf * 10, 3) self.plots.append(self.ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((x, y), w, h, linewidth=linewidth, edgecolor=color, facecolor='none'))) self.plots.append(self.ax.annotate(name + ' (%.1f%%, %.1f%%)' % (_iou * 100, _prob * 100), (x, y), color=color)) self.fig.canvas.draw()
def bar_plot(figure,X,Y,color1,color2,xlabel="",ylabel="",label=""): font = fm.FontProperties(family = 'Trebuchet', weight ='light') #font = fm.FontProperties(family = 'CenturyGothic',fname = '/Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Century Gothic', weight ='light') figure.patch.set_facecolor('white') axes = figure.add_subplot(111) width = X[1]-X[0] axes.plot(X,Y,linewidth=1,color=tuple(color2),alpha=0.0,label=label) for x in xrange(X.size): i = (Y[x]-Y.min())/(Y.max()-Y.min()) color = tuple(color1*(1.0-i) + color2*(i)) axes.add_patch(Rectangle((X[x] - width/2, 0), width, Y[x], facecolor=color, edgecolor=(0.8,0.8,0.8), alpha = 0.5)) axes.set_xlim(X.min(),X.max()) axes.set_xlabel(xlabel,fontproperties=font, size=10, style='italic') axes.set_xticklabels(axes.get_xticks(),fontproperties=font, size=12) if '%' in ylabel: axes.set_ylim(0,np.minimum(2*Y.max(),100)) axes.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontproperties=font, size=10, style='italic') axes.set_yticklabels(axes.get_yticks(),fontproperties=font, size=12)
def create_area_map(self, x1, x2, y1, y2): # check boundaries for consistency if x2 < x1: tmp = x2 x2 = x1 x1 = tmp if y2 < y1: tmp = y2 y2 = y1 y1 = tmp # create rectangle patch self._area_rectangle = patches.Rectangle((x1-0.5, y1-0.5), x2-x1+1, y2-y1+1, linewidth=1.5, facecolor=(1, 1, 1, 0.5), edgecolor=(0, 0, 0, 1)) self._axes.add_patch(self._area_rectangle) # redraw self._fig.canvas.draw()
def drawState(fruitRow, fruitColumn, basket): global gridSize # column is the x axis fruitX = fruitColumn # Invert matrix style points to coordinates fruitY = (gridSize - fruitRow + 1) statusTitle = "Wins: " + str(winCount) + " Losses: " + str(loseCount) + " TotalGame: " + str(numberOfGames) axis.set_title(statusTitle, fontsize=30) for p in [ patches.Rectangle( ((ground - 1), (ground)), 11, 10, facecolor="#000000" # Black ), patches.Rectangle( (basket - 1, ground), 2, 0.5, facecolor="#FF0000" # No background ), patches.Rectangle( (fruitX - 0.5, fruitY - 0.5), 1, 1, facecolor="#FF0000" # red ), ]: axis.add_patch(p) display.clear_output(wait=True) display.display(pl.gcf())
def scatter_labeled_z(z_batch, label_batch, filename="labeled_z"): fig = pylab.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(20.0, 16.0) pylab.clf() colors = ["#2103c8", "#0e960e", "#e40402","#05aaa8","#ac02ab","#aba808","#151515","#94a169", "#bec9cd", "#6a6551"] for n in range(z_batch.shape[0]): result = pylab.scatter(z_batch[n, 0], z_batch[n, 1], c=colors[label_batch[n]], s=40, marker="o", edgecolors='none') classes = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"] recs = [] for i in range(0, len(colors)): recs.append(mpatches.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=colors[i])) ax = pylab.subplot(111) box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) ax.legend(recs, classes, loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 0.5)) pylab.xticks(pylab.arange(-4, 5)) pylab.yticks(pylab.arange(-4, 5)) pylab.xlabel("z1") pylab.ylabel("z2") pylab.savefig(filename)
def draw_legend(self, legend_ax): # Make a legend with proxy artists xpos_artist = lines.Line2D([],[], color='orange') ypos_artist = lines.Line2D([],[], color='limegreen') numpts_artist = lines.Line2D([],[], color='purple', linewidth=1) frozen_artist = patches.Rectangle((0,0), 1, 1, fc='lightblue', ec='None') missing_artist = patches.Rectangle((0,0), 1, 1, fc='yellow', ec='None') lost_artist = patches.Rectangle((0,0), 1, 1, fc='red', ec='None') # Place it in center of top "subplot" area legend_ax.legend( [xpos_artist, ypos_artist, numpts_artist, frozen_artist, missing_artist, lost_artist], ['x-pos', 'y-pos', '# Detection pts', 'Frozen', 'Missing', 'Lost'], loc='center', fontsize=12, ncol=4, ) legend_ax.axis('off') format_axis(legend_ax)
def picture(image,exampless,colors): """ :param img: :param example: :return: """ plt.imshow(image) ax = plt.gca() i = 0 for examples in exampless: for exa in examples: rect = Rectangle((exa.left_top.x,exa.left_top.y), exa.right_bottom.x-exa.left_top.x, exa.right_bottom.y - exa.left_top.y, fill=None, color=colors[i],linewidth=3) ax.add_patch(rect) i += 1 plt.show() #plt.clf() #example1
def plot_heater(ax, data): """ plots deiced heater status i.e. ON/OFF """ if not 'PRTAFT_deiced_temp_flag' in data: return ax.text(0.05, 0.98,'Heater', axes_title_style, transform=ax.transAxes) ax.grid(False) ax.set_ylim(0,1) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.NullLocator()) plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) heater_status=np.array(data['PRTAFT_deiced_temp_flag'], dtype=np.int8) toggle=np.diff(heater_status.ravel()) time_periods=zip(list(np.where(toggle == 1)[0]), list(np.where(toggle == -1)[0])) for t in time_periods: #plt.barh(0, data['mpl_timestamp'][0,1], left=data['mpl_timestamp'][0,0]) width=data['mpl_timestamp'][t[1],0]-data['mpl_timestamp'][t[0],0] ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((data['mpl_timestamp'][t[0],0], 0), width, 1, alpha=0.8, color='#ffaf4d')) return ax
def __init__(self, canvas, ax, onselect, rectprops): self.canvas = canvas self.ax = ax self.rect = None self.background = None self.pressv = None self.onselect = onselect self.buttonDown = False self.prev = 0 self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.onmove) self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.press) self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.release) self.canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', self.update_background) trans = blended_transform_factory(self.ax.transAxes, self.ax.transData) self.rect = Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 0, transform=trans, visible=False, **rectprops)
def visualize_labeled_z(z_batch, label_batch, dir=None): fig = pylab.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(20.0, 16.0) pylab.clf() colors = ["#2103c8", "#0e960e", "#e40402","#05aaa8","#ac02ab","#aba808","#151515","#94a169", "#bec9cd", "#6a6551"] for n in xrange(z_batch.shape[0]): result = pylab.scatter(z_batch[n, 0], z_batch[n, 1], c=colors[label_batch[n]], s=40, marker="o", edgecolors='none') classes = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"] recs = [] for i in range(0, len(colors)): recs.append(mpatches.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=colors[i])) ax = pylab.subplot(111) box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) ax.legend(recs, classes, loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 0.5)) pylab.xticks(pylab.arange(-4, 5)) pylab.yticks(pylab.arange(-4, 5)) pylab.xlabel("z1") pylab.ylabel("z2") pylab.savefig("%s/labeled_z.png" % dir)
def rect(bbox, c=None, facecolor='none', label=None, ax=None, line_width=1): r = Rectangle((bbox[1], bbox[0]), bbox[3], bbox[2], linewidth=line_width, edgecolor=c, facecolor=facecolor, label=label) if ax is not None: ax.add_patch(r) return r
def draw_fixed_sup(ax,node,factor = (1,1),**kwargs): width = 0.1*factor[0] height = 0.1*factor[1] patch = mpatches.Rectangle((node.x - width * 0.5, node.y - height * 0.5), width, height,**kwargs) ax.add_patch(patch)
def __init_animation(self): masked_array = np.ma.array(self.frames[0], mask=np.isinf(self.frames[0])) vmin = 0 vmax = np.max(np.ma.array(self.frames[-1], mask=np.isinf(self.frames[-1]))) from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable div = make_axes_locatable(self.ax2) cax = div.append_axes('right', '5%', '5%') cax.axis('off') div = make_axes_locatable(self.ax3) cax = div.append_axes('right', '5%', '5%') self.img = self.ax3.imshow(masked_array, interpolation='nearest', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, alpha=0.7) if self.matrix_labels: self.lables = self.__plot_matrix_labels(self.frames[0], self.ax3) else: self.lables = [] self.fig.colorbar(self.img, cax=cax) self.active_cells.append(self.ax3.add_patch( patches.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fill=False, linestyle='--', color='k', linewidth=3) )) self.active_cells.append(self.ax3.add_patch( patches.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fill=False, linestyle='--', color='k', linewidth=3) )) self.active_cells.append(self.ax3.add_patch( patches.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fill=False, linestyle='-', color='k', linewidth=3) )) return self.lables + [self.img]
def _generate_histogram_bin_patches(panel, bins, bin_values, horizontal=True): """This helper method generates the histogram that is added to the panel. In this case, horizontal = True applies to the mean quality histogram. So, horizontal = False only applies to the length histogram. """ l_width = 0.0 f_color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) e_color = (0, 0, 0) if horizontal: for step in np.arange(0, len(bin_values), 1): left = bins[step] bottom = 0 width = bins[step + 1] - bins[step] height = bin_values[step] hist_rectangle = mplpatches.Rectangle((left, bottom), width, height, linewidth=l_width, facecolor=f_color, edgecolor=e_color) panel.add_patch(hist_rectangle) else: for step in np.arange(0, len(bin_values), 1): left = 0 bottom = bins[step] width = bin_values[step] height = bins[step + 1] - bins[step] hist_rectangle = mplpatches.Rectangle((left, bottom), width, height, linewidth=l_width, facecolor=f_color, edgecolor=e_color) panel.add_patch(hist_rectangle)
def draw(path, bb): im = np.array(Image.open(path), dtype=np.uint8) fig,ax = plt.subplots(1) ax.imshow(im) rect = patches.Rectangle(bb, im.size[0], im.size[1],linewidth=1,edgecolor='r',facecolor='none')) ax.add_patch(rect) plt.show()
def draw_legend(data, da, lyr): """ Draw a rectangle with a horizontal strike in the box Parameters ---------- data : dataframe da : DrawingArea lyr : layer Returns ------- out : DrawingArea """ data['size'] *= SIZE_FACTOR # background facecolor = to_rgba(data['fill'], data['alpha']) if facecolor is None: facecolor = 'none' bg = Rectangle((da.width*.125, da.height*.25), width=da.width*.75, height=da.height*.5, linewidth=data['size'], facecolor=facecolor, edgecolor=data['color'], linestyle=data['linetype'], capstyle='projecting', antialiased=False) da.add_artist(bg) strike = mlines.Line2D([da.width*.125, da.width*.875], [da.height*.5, da.height*.5], linestyle=data['linetype'], linewidth=data['size'], color=data['color']) da.add_artist(strike) return da
def draw_legend(data, da, lyr): """ Draw letter 'a' in the box Parameters ---------- data : dataframe params : dict lyr : layer Returns ------- out : DrawingArea """ if lyr.stat.params['se']: r = lyr.geom.params['legend_fill_ratio'] bg = Rectangle((0, (1-r)*da.height/2), width=da.width, height=r*da.height, alpha=data['alpha'], facecolor=data['fill'], linewidth=0) da.add_artist(bg) data['alpha'] = 1 return geom_path.draw_legend(data, da, lyr)
def draw_legend(data, da, lyr): """ Draw a rectangle in the box Parameters ---------- data : dataframe da : DrawingArea lyr : layer Returns ------- out : DrawingArea """ data['size'] *= SIZE_FACTOR # We take into account that the linewidth # bestrides the boundary of the rectangle linewidth = np.min([data['size'], da.width/4, da.height/4]) if data['color'] is None: linewidth = 0 facecolor = to_rgba(data['fill'], data['alpha']) if facecolor is None: facecolor = 'none' rect = Rectangle((0+linewidth/2, 0+linewidth/2), width=da.width-linewidth, height=da.height-linewidth, linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=data['linetype'], facecolor=facecolor, edgecolor=data['color'], capstyle='projecting') da.add_artist(rect) return da
def fooCandlestick(ax, quotes, width=0.5, colorup='#FFA500', colordown='#222', alpha=1.0): OFFSET = width/2.0 lines = [] boxes = [] for q in quotes: timestamp, op, hi, lo, close = q[:5] box_h = max(op, close) box_l = min(op, close) height = box_h - box_l if close>=op: color = '#3fd624' else: color = '#e83e2c' vline_lo = Line2D( xdata=(timestamp, timestamp), ydata=(lo, box_l), color = 'k', linewidth=0.5, antialiased=True, zorder=10 ) vline_hi = Line2D( xdata=(timestamp, timestamp), ydata=(box_h, hi), color = 'k', linewidth=0.5, antialiased=True, zorder=10 ) rect = Rectangle( xy = (timestamp-OFFSET, box_l), width = width, height = height, facecolor = color, edgecolor = color, zorder=10) rect.set_alpha(alpha) lines.append(vline_lo) lines.append(vline_hi) boxes.append(rect) ax.add_line(vline_lo) ax.add_line(vline_hi) ax.add_patch(rect) ax.autoscale_view() return lines, boxes # Enable a Grid
def draw_adjacency_matrix(G, node_order=None, partitions=[], colors=[]): """ - G is a networkx graph - node_order (optional) is a list of nodes, where each node in G appears exactly once - partitions is a list of node lists, where each node in G appears in exactly one node list - colors is a list of strings indicating what color each partition should be If partitions is specified, the same number of colors needs to be specified. """ adjacency_matrix = nx.to_numpy_matrix(G, dtype=np.bool, nodelist=node_order) # Plot adjacency matrix in toned-down black and white fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) # in inches plt.imshow(adjacency_matrix, cmap="Paired", interpolation="none") # The rest is just if you have sorted nodes by a partition and want to # highlight the module boundaries assert len(partitions) == len(colors) ax = plt.gca() for partition, color in zip(partitions, colors): current_idx = 0 for module in partition: ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((current_idx, current_idx), len(module), # Width len(module), # Height facecolor="none", edgecolor=color, linewidth="1")) current_idx += len(module) plt.show()
def create_artists(self, legend, orig_handle, xdescent, ydescent, width, height, fontsize, trans): ''' Return square patch legend list which is going to used in legend handles :params : all the arguments to make a square legend :return: A list of mpatches object :rtype: list ''' center = xdescent + 0.5 * (width - height), ydescent p = mpatches.Rectangle(xy=center, width=height,height=height, angle=0.0) self.update_prop(p, orig_handle, legend) p.set_transform(trans) return [p]
def paint_rectangle(self, p, q, name, weight=None): rect = Rectangle((p[0], p[1]), q[0] - p[0], q[1] - p[1], facecolor=self.colors[name], label=name) self.subplot.add_patch(rect)
def plotTextgrid(self): tier_labels = [] n_tiers = len(self._textgrid.tiers) for i, tier in enumerate(self._textgrid.tiers): tier_labels.append(tier.name) y_start = 1 - i / n_tiers y_end = 1 - (i+1) / n_tiers for interval in tier.intervals: patch = Rectangle( (interval.start_time, y_start), interval.duration(), y_end - y_start, fill=False) self.ax_textgrid.add_patch(patch) x_pos = interval.start_time + 0.5 * (interval.duration()) self.ax_textgrid.text( x_pos, y_start + 0.5 * (y_end - y_start), interval.text, verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment="center") self.ax_spectrogram.vlines((interval.start_time, interval.end_time), 5000, 0) self.ax_waveform.vlines((interval.start_time, interval.end_time), -1, 1) self.ax_textgrid.yaxis.set_ticks( [(i + 0.5) / n_tiers for i in range(n_tiers)]) self.ax_textgrid.yaxis.set_ticklabels(reversed(tier_labels))
def vis_all_detection(all_boxes,roidb): """ visualize all detections in one image :param im_array: [b=1 c h w] in rgb :param detections: [ numpy.ndarray([[x1 y1 x2 y2 score]]) for j in classes ] :param class_names: list of names in imdb :param scale: visualize the scaled image :return: """ for i in range(len(roidb)): # show image ax = plt.gca() plt.figure() file_name = roidb[i]['image'] I = io.imread(file_name) ax.imshow(I) # show refer expression print("raw:{}".format(roidb[i]['sent'])) gt_box = roidb[i]['bbox'][0] gt_box_plot = Rectangle((gt_box[0], gt_box[1]), gt_box[2]-gt_box[0]+1, gt_box[3]-gt_box[1]+1, fill=False, edgecolor='green', linewidth=3) ax.add_patch(gt_box_plot) pred_boxes = all_boxes[i] if pred_boxes.shape[0] == 0: continue pred_box_ind = np.argmax(pred_boxes[:,4]) pred_box = pred_boxes[pred_box_ind,:] pred_box_plot = Rectangle((pred_box[0], pred_box[1]), pred_box[2]-gt_box[0]+1, gt_box[3]-gt_box[1]+1, fill=False, edgecolor='red', linewidth=3) ax.add_patch(pred_box_plot) plt.show() plt.show()
def showBoundary(self,color=None,linewidth=3,ax=None): """Shows ROI in a 2D plot. If no color is specified, will use color specified in ``ROI.color``. Keyword Args: ax (matplotlib.axes): Matplotlib axes used for plotting. If not specified, will generate new one. color (str): Color of plot. linewidth (float): Linewidth of plot. Returns: matplotlib.axes: Axes used for plotting. """ if color==None: color=self.color if ax==None: fig,axes = pyfrp_plot_module.makeSubplot([1,1],titles=["boundary"],sup=self.name+" boundary") ax = axes[0] img=np.nan*np.ones((self.embryo.dataResPx,self.embryo.dataResPx)) ax.imshow(img) patch = ptc.Rectangle(self.offset,self.sidelength,self.sidelength,fill=False,linewidth=linewidth,color=color) ax.add_patch(patch) return ax
def showBoundary(self,color=None,linewidth=3,ax=None): """Shows ROI in a 2D plot. If no color is specified, will use color specified in ``ROI.color``. Keyword Args: ax (matplotlib.axes): Matplotlib axes used for plotting. If not specified, will generate new one. color (str): Color of plot. linewidth (float): Linewidth of plot. Returns: matplotlib.axes: Axes used for plotting. """ if color==None: color=self.color if ax==None: fig,axes = pyfrp_plot_module.makeSubplot([1,1],titles=["boundary"],sup=self.name+" boundary") ax = axes[0] img=np.nan*np.ones((self.embryo.dataResPx,self.embryo.dataResPx)) ax.imshow(img) patch = ptc.Rectangle(self.offset,self.sidelengthX,self.sidelengthY,fill=False,linewidth=linewidth,color=color) ax.add_patch(patch) return ax
def showBoundary(self,color=None,linewidth=3,ax=None): """Shows ROI in a 2D plot. If no color is specified, will use color specified in ``ROI.color``. Keyword Args: ax (matplotlib.axes): Matplotlib axes used for plotting. If not specified, will generate new one. color (str): Color of plot. linewidth (float): Linewidth of plot. Returns: matplotlib.axes: Axes used for plotting. """ if color==None: color=self.color if ax==None: fig,axes = pyfrp_plot_module.makeSubplot([1,1],titles=["boundary"],sup=self.name+" boundary") ax = axes[0] img=np.nan*np.ones((self.embryo.dataResPx,self.embryo.dataResPx)) ax.imshow(img) patch = ptc.Rectangle(self.corners,closed=True,fill=False,linewidth=linewidth,color=color) ax.add_patch(patch) return ax
def draw_top_regions(properties, n0): n = min(n0, len(properties)) print('Drawing %d regions' % n) colors = ['red', 'blue', 'green'] for i in range(n): region = properties[i] minr, minc, maxr, maxc = region.bbox print('Region bbox: %s' % str(region.bbox)) rect = mpatches.Rectangle((minc, minr), maxc - minc, maxr - minr, fill=False, edgecolor=colors[i % len(colors)], linewidth=1) plt.gca().add_patch(rect) return minr, minc, maxr, maxc
def draw_bpm_size(ax, s, x): ax.add_patch( patches.Rectangle( (s - 0.05, -x), 0.1, 2 * x, ) )
def onmotion(self, event: MouseEvent): if event.inaxes not in self._axes: return if self.clicked is not None: partners, x0, xclick, yclick = self.clicked dx = event.xdata - xclick new_x = x0 + dx for attrs in partners: rect = attrs['rect'] # type: Rectangle rect.set_x(new_x) canvas = rect.figure.canvas axes = rect.axes # type: Axes canvas.restore_region(attrs['bg']) axes.draw_artist(rect) canvas.blit(axes.bbox)
def test_annotation2pltpatch(): assert list(ni.annotation2pltpatch(np.NaN)) == [] assert list(ni.annotation2pltpatch(())) == [] anno = ('point', ((1, 1), (1, 2))) pltpatches = list(ni.annotation2pltpatch(anno)) assert len(pltpatches) == 2 assert isinstance(pltpatches[0], plp.CirclePolygon) assert isinstance(pltpatches[1], plp.CirclePolygon) anno = ('circle', ((2, 2, 2),)) pltpatches = list(ni.annotation2pltpatch(anno)) assert isinstance(pltpatches[0], plp.Circle) anno = ('rect', ((1, 2, 2, 3),)) pltpatches = list(ni.annotation2pltpatch(anno)) assert isinstance(pltpatches[0], plp.Rectangle) anno = ('polyline', (((1, 2), (3, 2), (3, 4), (1, 4), (1, 2)),)) pltpatches = list(ni.annotation2pltpatch(anno)) assert isinstance(pltpatches[0], plp.Polygon) anno = ('polyline', (((0, 0), (2, 2), (2, 4)),)) pltpatches = list(ni.annotation2pltpatch(anno)) assert isinstance(pltpatches[0], plp.Polygon) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ex: anno = ('invalid', ((1,),)) list(ni.annotation2pltpatch(anno)) assert str(ex.value).startswith('Invalid kind of annotation')
def annotation2pltpatch(annotation, **kwargs): """ Convert geometric annotation to matplotlib geometric objects (=patches) For details regarding matplotlib patches see: http://matplotlib.org/api/patches_api.html For annotation formats see: imageutil.annotation2coords :param annotation annotation: Annotation of an image region such as point, circle, rect or polyline :return: matplotlib.patches :rtype: generator over matplotlib patches """ if not annotation or isnan(annotation): return kind, geometries = annotation for geo in geometries: if kind == 'point': pltpatch = plp.CirclePolygon((geo[0], geo[1]), 1, **kwargs) elif kind == 'circle': pltpatch = plp.Circle((geo[0], geo[1]), geo[2], **kwargs) elif kind == 'rect': x, y, w, h = geo pltpatch = plp.Rectangle((x, y), w, h, **kwargs) elif kind == 'polyline': pltpatch = plp.Polygon(geo, closed=False, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Invalid kind of annotation: ' + kind) yield pltpatch