def plot_feature(self, ax, feature, level, linewidth=1.0): """Create an Arrow Matplotlib patch with the feature's coordinates. The Arrow points in the direction of the feature's strand. If the feature has no direction (strand==0), the returned patch will simply be a rectangle. The x-coordinates of the patch are determined by the feature's `start` and `end` while the y-coordinates are determined by the `level` """ x1, x2 = feature.start, feature.end if feature.strand == -1: x1, x2 = x2, x1 head_length = 5 if feature.strand in (-1, 1) else 0.001 arrowstyle = mpatches.ArrowStyle.Simple(head_width=feature.thickness, tail_width=feature.thickness, head_length=head_length) y = self.feature_level_width * level patch = mpatches.FancyArrowPatch([x1, y], [x2, y], shrinkA=0.0, shrinkB=0.0, arrowstyle=arrowstyle, facecolor=feature.color, zorder=0, linewidth=feature.linewidth) ax.add_patch(patch) return patch
def draw_dodag(path): """ This function draws the DODAG (to ./results) from the list of motes (from ./simulation.csc) and the list of edges (from ./data/relationships.log). :param path: path to the experiment (including [with-|without-malicious]) """ pyplot.clf() with_malicious = (basename(normpath(path)) == 'with-malicious') data, results = join(path, 'data'), join(path, 'results') with open(join(data, 'relationships.log')) as f: relationships = f.read() # first, check if the mote relationships were recorded if len(relationships.strip()) == 0: return # retrieve motes and their colors dodag = networkx.DiGraph() motes = get_motes_from_simulation(join(path, 'simulation.csc')) dodag.add_nodes_from(motes.keys()) colors = [] for n, p in motes.items(): x, y = p dodag.node[n]['pos'] = motes[n] = (x, -y) colors.append('green' if n == 0 else ('yellow' if not with_malicious or (with_malicious and 0 < n < len(motes) - 1) else 'red')) # retrieve edges from relationships.log edges = {} for relationship in relationships.split('\n'): try: d = match(RELATIONSHIP_REGEX, relationship.strip()).groupdict() if int(d['flag']) == 0: continue mote, parent = int(d['mote_id']), int(d['parent_id']) edges[mote] = parent except AttributeError: continue # now, fill in the graph with edges dodag.add_edges_from(edges.items()) # finally, draw the graph networkx.draw(dodag, motes, node_color=colors, with_labels=True) pyplot.savefig(join(results, 'dodag.png'), arrow_style=FancyArrowPatch)
def streamplot(self, x, y, u, v, *args, **kwargs): """ Draws streamlines of a vector flow. (see matplotlib.pyplot.streamplot documentation). If ``latlon`` keyword is set to True, x,y are intrepreted as longitude and latitude in degrees. Data and longitudes are automatically shifted to match map projection region for cylindrical and pseudocylindrical projections, and x,y are transformed to map projection coordinates. If ``latlon`` is False (default), x and y are assumed to be map projection coordinates. Extra keyword ``ax`` can be used to override the default axis instance. Other \*args and \**kwargs passed on to matplotlib.pyplot.streamplot. """ if _matplotlib_version < '1.2': msg = dedent(""" streamplot method requires matplotlib 1.2 or higher, you have %s""" % _matplotlib_version) raise NotImplementedError(msg) ax, plt = self._ax_plt_from_kw(kwargs) # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False b = ax.ishold() h = kwargs.pop('hold',None) if h is not None: ax.hold(h) try: ret = ax.streamplot(x,y,u,v,*args,**kwargs) except: ax.hold(b) raise ax.hold(b) if plt is not None and ret.lines.get_array() is not None: plt.sci(ret.lines) # clip for round polar plots. # streamplot arrows not returned in matplotlib 1.1.1, so clip all # FancyArrow patches attached to axes instance. if self. round: ret,c = self._clipcircle(ax,ret) for p in ax.patches: if isinstance(p,FancyArrowPatch): p.set_clip_path(c) # set axes limits to fit map region. self.set_axes_limits(ax=ax) return ret
def _plot_moveset(self, path, bumps, **kwargs): if kwargs.get('omit_figures', False) and kwargs.get('ax', None): ax = kwargs['ax'] else: f, ax = plt.subplots() ax.imshow(self.array_closed, cmap=cm.Greys, origin='upper', zorder=0) path_xs, path_ys = Labyrinth._transform_array_into_xy(path) bumps_xs, bumps_ys = Labyrinth._transform_array_into_xy(bumps) # Plotting if kwargs.get('plot', True): plots = list() plots.append(ax.scatter(bumps_xs, bumps_ys, color='#ff0000', s=(1800 - self.rows * self.cols * 12), alpha=0.1, marker='^', zorder=1)) plots.append( ax.scatter(path_xs[0], path_ys[0], color='#ff6a00', s=(2000 - self.rows * self.cols * 15), marker='o', alpha=1, zorder=2, label='start')) plots.append( ax.scatter(path_xs[-1], path_ys[-1], color='#c447e0', s=(2000 - self.rows * self.cols * 15), marker='X', alpha=1, zorder=2, label='finish')) # Marking the goal ax.scatter(self.rows * 8 + 4.5, self.cols * 8 + 4.5, color='y', s=(1000 - self.rows * self.cols * 15), marker='D', alpha=1, zorder=2, label='goal') for i in range(len(path) - 2, -1, -1): p = FancyArrowPatch(posA=[path_xs[i], path_ys[i]], posB=[path_xs[i + 1], path_ys[i + 1]], connectionstyle='arc3, rad=0.5', arrowstyle='simple, head_width={}, head_length={}' .format(30 - (self.rows + self.cols), 25 - (self.rows + self.cols)), edgecolor='#5f5d63', facecolor='#42c8f4', zorder=2 + i) plots.append(ax.scatter(path_xs[i + 1], path_ys[i + 1], zorder=2 + i, color='#42c8f4')) ax.add_artist(p) plots.append(p) plt.axis('off') plt.title('Moveset') plt.title('{}x{}'.format(self.rows, self.cols), loc='right') plt.title(kwargs.get('left_title', ''), loc='left') return_dict = dict() if kwargs.get('show', False): plt.show() if kwargs.get('savefig', False) and kwargs.get('file_name', ''): f.savefig(kwargs['file_name'], dpi=500) if kwargs.get('export', False): return_dict['fig'] = f return_dict['ax'] = ax if kwargs.get('export_plots', False): return_dict['plots'] = plots return return_dict