def draw_features(features, ax=None, alpha=0.65, width=2e-5, **kwargs): if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) ellipses = [] kwargs.setdefault("lw", 0.05) lw = kwargs.get("linewidth", kwargs.get("lw")) for feat in features: if feat is None: continue center = (feat.end_time + feat.start_time) / 2. height = feat.end_time - feat.start_time center_mz = feat.mz mz_width = center_mz * width ellipses.append( FancyBboxPatch((feat.mz - mz_width / 4., center - height / 2.), width=mz_width / 2., height=height, boxstyle=mpatches.BoxStyle.Round(pad=mz_width / 2.))) for ell in ellipses: ell.set_alpha(alpha) ell.set_facecolor("blue") ell.set_edgecolor("blue") ell.set_linewidth(lw) ax.add_artist(ell) ax.set_xlim( min(features, key=lambda x: x.mz if x is not None else float('inf')).mz - 1, max(features, key=lambda x: x.mz if x is not None else -float('inf')).mz + 1) ax.set_ylim( min(features, key=lambda x: x.start_time if x is not None else float('inf')).start_time - 1, max(features, key=lambda x: x.end_time if x is not None else -float('inf')).end_time + 1) return ax
def draw_strip_text(self, text_lines, location, pid): """ Create a background patch and put a label on it """ ax = self.axs[pid] themeable = self.figure._themeable dim = self.strip_dimensions(text_lines, location, pid) if location == 'right': rotation = -90 label = '\n'.join(reversed(text_lines)) else: rotation = 0 label = '\n'.join(text_lines) rect = mpatch.FancyBboxPatch((dim.box_x, dim.box_y), width=dim.box_width, height=dim.box_height, facecolor='lightgrey', edgecolor='None', transform=ax.transAxes, zorder=2.2, # > ax line & boundary boxstyle='square, pad=0', clip_on=False) text = mtext.Text(dim.x, dim.y, label, rotation=rotation, verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes, zorder=3.3, # > rect clip_on=False) ax.add_artist(rect) ax.add_artist(text) for key in ('strip_text_x', 'strip_text_y', 'strip_background_x', 'strip_background_y'): if key not in themeable: themeable[key] = [] if location == 'right': themeable['strip_background_y'].append(rect) themeable['strip_text_y'].append(text) else: themeable['strip_background_x'].append(rect) themeable['strip_text_x'].append(text)
def draw_small_clustering(clustering, axs=None, params=None): """ given a mem_dict and an axis object, draw the clustering """ # processing the parameters. if params is None: params = {} w_padding = params.get('w_padding', 0.05) fontsize = params.get('fontsize', 10) cmap = params.get('cmap', 'jet') alpha = params.get('alpha', 0.3) xlim = params.get('xlim', (-0.07, 1)) ylim = params.get('xlim', (-0.1, 0.1)) boxstyle = params.get('boxstyle', mpatches.BoxStyle("Round", pad=0.02)) xmin = 0.0 + w_padding xmax = 1.0 - w_padding xspacing = (xmax - xmin)/float(clustering.number_of_elements()) # create ax object if there is none provided. if axs is None: _, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 1)) axs = blank_axis(axs) axs.set_xlim(*xlim) axs.set_ylim(*ylim) patches = [] for _, elms in sorted(iteritems(clustering.clu_dict), key=lambda x: int(x[0].strip('.'))): cstart = xmin + min(elms) * xspacing #- 0.95 * w_padding clength = (max(elms) - min(elms)) * xspacing fancybox = mpatches.FancyBboxPatch([cstart, -0.05], clength, 0.1, boxstyle=boxstyle) patches.append(fancybox) colors = np.linspace(0, 1, len(patches)) collection = PatchCollection(patches, cmap=cmap, alpha=alpha) collection.set_array(np.array(colors)) axs.add_collection(collection) for elm_idx, elm in enumerate(sorted(clustering.elements)): axs.text(xmin + elm_idx * xspacing, 0.0, str(elm), ha='center', va='center', fontsize=fontsize)
def draw_feature_sets(feature_sets, ax=None, alpha=0.65, width=2e-5, **kwargs): if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) kwargs.setdefault("lw", 0.05) lw = kwargs.get("linewidth", kwargs.get("lw")) features = [] ellipse_sets = [] for feature_set in feature_sets: ellipses = [] for feat in feature_set: if feat is None: continue center = (feat.end_time + feat.start_time) / 2. height = feat.end_time - feat.start_time center_mz = feat.mz mz_width = center_mz * width ellipses.append( FancyBboxPatch((feat.mz - mz_width / 4., center - height / 2.), width=mz_width / 2., height=height, boxstyle=mpatches.BoxStyle.Round(pad=mz_width / 2.))) features.append(feat) ellipse_sets.append(ellipses) for ellipses in ellipse_sets: color = np.random.rand(3.) for ell in ellipses: ell.set_alpha(alpha) ell.set_facecolor(color) ell.set_edgecolor(color) ell.set_linewidth(lw) ax.add_artist(ell) ax.set_xlim( min(features, key=lambda x: x.mz if x is not None else float('inf')).mz - 1, max(features, key=lambda x: x.mz if x is not None else -float('inf')).mz + 1) ax.set_ylim( min(features, key=lambda x: x.start_time if x is not None else float('inf')).start_time - 1, max(features, key=lambda x: x.end_time if x is not None else -float('inf')).end_time + 1) return ax
def draw(self): self.clear() self._mplot_objects['text'] = [] UIM = UIManager() controller = UIM.get(self._controller_uid) toc_uid = UIM._getparentuid(self._controller_uid) track_controller_uid = UIM._getparentuid(toc_uid) track_controller = UIM.get(track_controller_uid) y_min = controller._data[0] y_max = controller._data[-1] if y_min%controller.model.step: y_min = (y_min//controller.model.step + 1) * controller.model.step y_positions = np.arange(y_min, y_max, controller.model.step) for pos_y in y_positions: text = track_controller._append_artist('Text', controller.model.pos_x, pos_y, "%g"%pos_y, color=controller.model.color, horizontalalignment=controller.model.ha, verticalalignment=controller.model.va, fontsize=controller.model.fontsize ) if controller.model.bbox: pad = 0.2 boxstyle = controller.model.bbox_style boxstyle += ",pad=%0.2f" % pad text._bbox_patch = FancyBboxPatch( (0., 0.), 1., 1., boxstyle=boxstyle, color=controller.model.bbox_color, alpha=controller.model.bbox_alpha ) #text.zorder = controller.model.zorder self._mplot_objects['text'].append(text) try: obj = controller.get_object() self.set_title(obj.name) self.set_subtitle(obj.unit) except: pass self.draw_canvas() ############################################################################### ###############################################################################