def addLayer2Mod(zcLayer,dzLayer,mod,sigLayer): CCLocs = mesh.gridCC zmax = zcLayer + dzLayer/2. zmin = zcLayer - dzLayer/2. belowInd = np.where(CCLocs[:,1] <= zmax)[0] aboveInd = np.where(CCLocs[:,1] >= zmin)[0] layerInds = list(set(belowInd).intersection(aboveInd)) # # Check selected cell centers by plotting # fig = plt.figure() # ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # plt.scatter(CCLocs[layerInds,0],CCLocs[layerInds,1]) # ax.set_xlim(-40,40) # ax.set_ylim(-35,0) # plt.axes().set_aspect('equal') # plt.show() mod[layerInds] = sigLayer return mod
def plot_basemap(latitude, longitude, image, color_palette=None): # define basemap, color palette cmap, tiler = get_map_params(image, color_palette) # Find min/max coordinates to set extent lat_0, lat_1, lon_0, lon_1 = get_max_extent(latitude, longitude) # Automatically focus resolution max_span = max((abs(lat_1) - abs(lat_0)), (abs(lon_1) - abs(lon_0))) res = int(-1.4 * math.log1p(max_span) + 13) # initiate tiler projection ax = plt.axes(projection=tiler.crs) # Define extents of any plotted data ax.set_extent((lon_0, lon_1, lat_0, lat_1), ccrs.Geodetic()) # add terrain background ax.add_image(tiler, res) return ax, cmap
def play(self, timerange): """play an animation Strongly recommend not stepping though each timesteps; use some skips! :param timerange: range generator of time steps to animate """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation as animation fig = plt.figure() plt.pcolormesh(self.lat, self.axial, self.arfidata[:, :, 0]) plt.axes().set_aspect('equal') plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.xlabel('Lateral (mm)') plt.ylabel('Axial (mm)') anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, self.animate, frames=timerange, blit=False) plt.show()
def transpose_axes(data, axes, asaxes='CTZYX'): """Return data with its axes permuted to match specified axes. A view is returned if possible. >>> transpose_axes(numpy.zeros((2, 3, 4, 5)), 'TYXC', asaxes='CTZYX').shape (5, 2, 1, 3, 4) """ for ax in axes: if ax not in asaxes: raise ValueError("unknown axis %s" % ax) # add missing axes to data shape = data.shape for ax in reversed(asaxes): if ax not in axes: axes = ax + axes shape = (1,) + shape data = data.reshape(shape) # transpose axes data = data.transpose([axes.index(ax) for ax in asaxes]) return data
def set_nice_params(): fsize=18 params = {'axes.labelsize': fsize, # 'font.family': 'serif', 'font.family': 'Times New Roman', 'figure.facecolor': 'white', 'text.fontsize': fsize, 'legend.fontsize': fsize, 'xtick.labelsize': fsize*0.8, 'ytick.labelsize': fsize*0.8, 'ytick.minor.pad': 8, 'ytick.major.pad': 8, 'xtick.minor.pad': 8, 'xtick.major.pad': 8, 'text.usetex': False, 'lines.markeredgewidth': 0} pl.rcParams.update(params)
def reinit(self, draw=None, clear=False): """ Reinitializes the plot with the same data and on the same axes. Parameters ---------- %(InteractiveBase.start_update.parameters.draw)s clear: bool Whether to clear the axes or not Warnings -------- The axes may be cleared when calling this method (even if `clear` is set to False)!""" # call the initialize_plot method. Note that clear can be set to # False if any fmto has requires_clearing attribute set to True, # because this then has been cleared before self.initialize_plot( self.data, self._ax, draw=draw, clear=clear or any( fmto.requires_clearing for fmto in self._fmtos), remove=True)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): ''' ''' self.kwargs = kwargs self.fig = pl.figure(figsize = (6,6)) self.fig.subplots_adjust(bottom = 0.25) self.axtheta = pl.axes([0.3, 0.05, 0.44, 0.03]) self.theta = Slider(self.axtheta, r'$\theta$', -180., 180., valinit = 90.) self.axphi = pl.axes([0.3, 0.1, 0.44, 0.03]) self.phi = Slider(self.axphi, r'$\Phi$', -90, 90., valinit = 0.) self.axlam = pl.axes([0.3, 0.15, 0.44, 0.03]) self.lam = Slider(self.axlam, r'$\Lambda$', -90, 90., valinit = 0.) self.theta.on_changed(self._update) self.phi.on_changed(self._update) self.lam.on_changed(self._update) self._update(90.) pl.show()
def MakeChart(data, hour, coordinates, lineweights, codes): cmap = plt.cm.get_cmap('YlOrRd') fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(15, 10), dpi=150, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_title('Winter Day: Hour '+str(hour), fontsize=20, fontweight='bold') for i in range(0,len(codes)): if coordinates[i] != "null": path = Path(coordinates[i], codes[i]) color = np.random.random(10) patch = patches.PathPatch(path, facecolor=cmap(data), lw=lineweights[i]) ax.add_patch(patch) ax.autoscale_view() plt.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim') ################
def time_map(jsonpath, hour, lineweights): data = js.loads(open(jsonpath).read()) coordinates = getcoords(data) codes = polygonscode(coordinates) cmap = plt.cm.get_cmap('YlOrRd') fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(15, 10), dpi=150, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_title('Winter Day: Hour '+str(hour), fontsize=20, fontweight='bold') for i in range(0,len(codes)): if coordinates[i] != "null": path = Path(coordinates[i], codes[i]) color = np.random.random(10) patch = patches.PathPatch(path, facecolor=cmap(data), lw=lineweights[i]) ax.add_patch(patch) ax.autoscale_view() plt.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim') ################
def plot_streamlines(self, both=False, Hbot=None, Htop=None, R=None, **params): R = self.params.R if R is None else R Htop = self.params.Htop if Htop is None else Htop Hbot = self.params.Hbot if Hbot is None else Hbot #ax = plt.axes(xlim=(-R, R), ylim=(-Hbot, Htop)) dolfin.parameters["allow_extrapolation"] = True if both: Fel, Fdrag = fields.get_functions("force_pointsize", "Fel", "Fdrag", **self.sim_params) streamlines(patches=[self.polygon_patches(), self.polygon_patches()], R=R, Htop=Htop, Hbot=Hbot, Nx=100, Ny=100, Fel=Fel, Fdrag=Fdrag, **params) else: streamlines(patches=[self.polygon_patches()], R=R, Htop=Htop, Hbot=Hbot, Nx=100, Ny=100, F=self.F, **params) dolfin.parameters["allow_extrapolation"] = False # for p in patches: # p.set_zorder(100) # plt.gca().add_patch(p) plt.xlim(-R, R) plt.ylim(-Hbot, Htop)
def plot_crossval_auc(roc_curves): cmap = sns.cubehelix_palette(11) aucs = [] ax = plt.axes() for fold in roc_curves.keys(): (f, p) = roc_curves[fold] aucs.append(area_under_curve(f, p)) label_str = "fold {}, roc auc: {:.2f}".format(fold, aucs[-1]) ax.plot(f, p, label=label_str, color=cmap[fold]) ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], label="random, roc auc: 0.5", color="black") ax.legend(loc="lower right") plt.xlabel("False positive rate") plt.ylabel("True positive rate") plt.title( "ROC curves across 10 different validation folds(tiny convnet " "trained on small datasets)") plt.show()
def bin(): labels = 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' fracs = [15, 30.55, 44.44, 10] explode = [0, 0.1, 0, 0] # 0.1 ?????? plt.axes(aspect=1) # set this , Figure is round, otherwise it is an ellipse # autopct ?show percet plt.pie(x=fracs, labels=labels, explode=explode, autopct='%3.1f %%', shadow=True, labeldistance=1.1, startangle=90, pctdistance=0.6 ) ''' labeldistance?????????????1.1?1.1?????? autopct??????????%3.1f%%????????????????? shadow??????? startangle??????0????0?????????????????90??????? pctdistance?????text?????? patches, l_texts, p_texts????????????p_texts????????l_texts???label??? ''' plt.show()
def _blit_draw(self, artists, bg_cache): # Handles blitted drawing, which renders only the artists given instead # of the entire figure. updated_ax = [] for a in artists: # If we haven't cached the background for this axes object, do # so now. This might not always be reliable, but it's an attempt # to automate the process. if a.axes not in bg_cache: # get bbox from a.axes.figure instead of a.axes bbox = a.axes.figure.bbox bg_cache[a.axes] = a.figure.canvas.copy_from_bbox(bbox) a.axes.draw_artist(a) updated_ax.append(a.axes) # After rendering all the needed artists, blit each axes individually. for ax in set(updated_ax): # get bbox from ax.figure instead of ax ax.figure.canvas.blit(ax.figure.bbox) # MONKEY PATCH!!
def update_animated_heatmap(window, name, axes, im, footer, redraws): data = window['data'] cbmax = window['cbmax'] MAX = np.max(data) im.set_data(data / MAX) ax_im, ax = axes N = MAX / cbmax xlabels = list('{:%}'.format(x) for x in np.arange(5) / 4 * N) ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels(xlabels) footer.set_text(footer_text(name, *window['range'])) return redraws
def plot_animated_heatmap(windows, title, ax_props=None, more_props=None): fig, im, footer = plot_heatmap(windows[0], title, ax_props, more_props) axes = fig.get_axes() ax1, ax2 = axes redraws = [im, footer, ax1.xaxis, ax1.yaxis, ax2.xaxis, ax2.yaxis] anim = animation.FuncAnimation( fig, update_animated_heatmap, frames=windows, fargs=(more_props['name'], axes, im, footer, redraws), interval=250, blit=True, ) return anim,
def plot_barh(raw_data, title, ax_props=None, more_props=None): data = raw_data['data'] fig = plt.figure() fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=18) rect = np.array(DEFAULT_RECT) + more_props['rect_adjust'] ax = plt.axes(rect) ypos = np.arange(data.size) ax.barh(ypos, data, color=GENTOO_PURPLE1, edgecolor=GENTOO_PURPLE2, align='center') ax.invert_yaxis() ax.set(yticks=ypos, **ax_props) ax.grid(which='major', axis='x') plot_footer(ax, more_props['name'], *raw_data['range']) return fig,
def plot_histogram(raw_data, title, ax_props=None, more_props=None): data = raw_data['data'] fig = plt.figure() fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=18) rect = np.array(DEFAULT_RECT) + more_props['rect_adjust'] ax = plt.axes(rect) bins = [5, 10, 20, 30, 60, 120, 180, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 3600, 7200, 10800, 3600 * 5] ax.hist(data, bins=bins, normed=True, histtype='step', color=GENTOO_PURPLE1, cumulative=True) ax.set(**ax_props) ax.grid(which='both', axis='both') plot_footer(ax, more_props['name'], *raw_data['range']) return fig,
def plot_xy(x, y, ax=None, xlabel='Energy [keV]', **kwargs): """ Plot x and y as a spectrum. """ if not ax: new_plot = True plt.figure() ax = plt.axes() else: new_plot = False plt.semilogy(x, y, axes=ax, drawstyle='steps-mid', **kwargs) if new_plot: plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel('Counts') if 'label' in kwargs: plt.legend() plt.show() return ax
def main(): print('plotting data...') analogPlot = AnalogPlot(200) # set up animation fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.axes(xlim=(0, 200), ylim=(-1000, 8000)) a0, = ax.plot([], []) a1, = ax.plot([], []) anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, analogPlot.update, fargs=(a0, a1), interval=40, frames=300, blit=True) plt.show() # anim.save('animation.mp4', fps=30, # extra_args=['-vcodec', 'libx264']) print('exiting.') # call main
def plot_roc_curve(y_true, y_score, ax=None): ''' Plot the Receiving Operator Characteristic curved, including the Area under the Curve (AUC) score. Parameters ---------- y_true : array y_score : array ax : matplotlib.axes, defaults to new axes Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axes ''' ax = ax or plt.axes() auc = metrics.roc_auc_score(y_true, y_score) fpr, tpr, _ = metrics.roc_curve(y_true, y_score) ax.plot(fpr, tpr) ax.annotate('AUC: {:.2f}'.format(auc), (.8, .2)) ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], linestyle='--', color='k') return ax
def _show_plot(x_values, y_values, x_labels=None, y_labels=None): try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: raise ImportError('The plot function requires matplotlib to be installed.' 'See http://matplotlib.org/') plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=3) axes = plt.axes() axes.yaxis.grid() plt.plot(x_values, y_values, 'ro', color='red') plt.ylim(ymin=-1.2, ymax=1.2) plt.tight_layout(pad=5) if x_labels: plt.xticks(x_values, x_labels, rotation='vertical') if y_labels: plt.yticks([-1, 0, 1], y_labels, rotation='horizontal') # Pad margins so that markers are not clipped by the axes plt.margins(0.2) plt.show() #//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #{ Parsing and conversion functions #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
def _epochs_navigation_onclick(event, params): """Aux function""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt p = params here = None if event.inaxes == p['back'].ax: here = 1 elif event.inaxes == p['next'].ax: here = -1 elif event.inaxes == p['reject-quit'].ax: if p['reject_idx']: p['epochs'].drop(p['reject_idx']) plt.close(p['fig']) plt.close(event.inaxes.get_figure()) if here is not None: p['idx_handler'].rotate(here) p['axes_handler'].rotate(here) this_idx = p['idx_handler'][0] _draw_epochs_axes(this_idx, p['good_ch_idx'], p['bad_ch_idx'], p['data'][this_idx], p['times'], p['axes'], p['title_str'], p['axes_handler']) # XXX don't ask me why p['axes'][0].get_figure().canvas.draw()
def update(self, op): for ax in self.axes: self.fig.delaxes(ax) for c in self.cursors: del c if op == "scatter": print("scatter_analyze") self.axes, self.cursors = scatter_analyze(self.fig, self.data) elif op == "summary": print("summary_analyze") self.axes, self.cursors = summary_analyze(self.fig, self.data, self.nbar, 1) elif op == "summary2": print("summary2_analyze") self.axes, self.cursors = summary_analyze(self.fig, self.data, self.nbar, 2) elif op == "entry": print("entry_analyze") self.axes, self.cursors = entry_analyze(self.fig, self.data, self.nbar) elif op == "exit": print("exit_analyze") self.axes, self.cursors = exit_analyze(self.fig, self.data, self.nbar) elif op == "simple": self.axes, self.cursors = simple_entry_analyze(self.fig, self.data, self.nbar) self.fig.canvas.draw()
def plot_hamming_dist(s,W,brec): masks = s[:,0,:].T>0 x_hat = np.zeros(masks.shape) for ii in range(masks.shape[1]): Weff = W*masks[:,ii] x_hat[:,ii] = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(100)-Weff).dot(brec) fig = plt.figure() plt.pcolormesh(squareform(pdist(np.sign(x_hat[:,:]).T,metric='hamming'))) #,vmax=.3) plt.colorbar() plt.ylim([0,x_hat.shape[1]]) plt.xlim([0,x_hat.shape[1]]) plt.axes().set_aspect('equal') plt.title('Hamming Distance Between Putative FPs') plt.ylabel('Time') plt.xlabel('Time') return fig
def eplotsetup(experiment,measurename=None,grid_as="graph",subgraph=False): """same as plotsetup(), but takes a complete experiment object for convenience""" if measurename: roi = experiment.measures[measurename].roi else: measures = set(experiment.measures) if len(measures) == 1: measurename = measures.pop() roi = experiment.measures[measurename].roi elif len(measures)>1: raise Exception("Experiment has multiple measures, need to supply a measure name.") else: roi = np.zeros(experiment.network.graph['grid_dimensions']) plt.clf() plotsetup(experiment.network,experiment.inputc,roi,plt.axes(),grid_as=grid_as,subgraph=subgraph)
def printPlot( self, dpi_key = u"plot_dpi" ): """ Any following commands shared amongst all plot functions go here for brevity. """ if 'title' in self.plotDict: self.axes.set_title( self.plotDict['title'] ) try: self.canvas.updateGeometry() except: pass if u'plotFile' in self.plotDict and bool( self.plotDict['plotFile'] ): if self.plotDict[u'Transparent']: color = [0,0,0,0] else: color = [1,1,1,1] self.canvas.print_figure( self.plotDict[u'plotFile'], dpi=self.plotDict[dpi_key], facecolor=color, edgecolor=color ) return self.plotDict[u'plotFile']
def plotPixmap( self ): self.fig.clear() self.axes = self.fig.add_axes( [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0] ) self.axes.hold(True) if u'pixmap' in self.plotDict: mage = self.axes.imshow( self.plotDict[u'pixmap'], interpolation='sinc' ) self.axes.set_axis_off() if u'boxMask' in self.plotDict and np.any(self.plotDict[u'boxMask']): print( "pixmap boxes" ) #scaleDiff = np.array( self.plotDict['pixmap'].shape ) / np.array( self.plotDict['boxMask'].shape ) self.axes.imshow( self.plotDict[u'boxMask'], extent=mage.get_extent(), interpolation='lanczos' ) else: print( "No pixmap" ) self.axes.hold(False)
def plotImage( self ): self.fig.clear() self.axes = self.fig.add_axes( [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0] ) if "lowPass" in self.plotDict: self.plotDict['image'] = ni.gaussian_filter( self.plotDict['image'], self.plotDict["lowPass"] ) clim = zorro.util.histClim( self.plotDict['image'], cutoff=1E-4 ) self.axes.hold(True) mage = self.axes.imshow( self.plotDict['image'], vmin=clim[0], vmax=clim[1], interpolation='nearest', cmap=self.plotDict['image_cmap'] ) if 'pixelsize' in self.plotDict: zorro.util.plotScalebar( mage, self.plotDict['pixelsize'] ) if bool(self.plotDict['colorbar']): self.fig.colorbar( mage, fraction=0.046, pad=0.04) self.axes.set_axis_off() self.axes.hold(False) return self.printPlot( dpi_key=u'image_dpi' )
def plotPolarFFT( self ): self.fig.clear() self.axes = self.fig.add_axes( [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0] ) self.axes.hold(False) polarFFTimage = zorro.util.img2polar( np.log10( 1.0 + np.abs( np.fft.fftshift( np.fft.fft2( self.plotDict['image'] )))) ) if "lowPass" in self.plotDict: polarFFTimage = ni.gaussian_filter( polarFFTimage, self.plotDict["lowPass"] ) FFTclim = zorro.util.ciClim( polarFFTimage, sigma=2.0 ) mage = self.axes.imshow( polarFFTimage, interpolation='bicubic', vmin=FFTclim[0], vmax=FFTclim[1], cmap=self.plotDict['image_cmap'] ) if 'pixlsize' in self.plotDict: # Egh, this scalebar is sort of wrong, maybe I should transpose the plot? inv_ps = 1.0 / (polarFFTimage.shape[0] * self.plotDict['pixelsize'] ) zorro.util.plotScalebar( mage, inv_ps, units=u'nm^{-1}' ) self.axes.set_axis_off() if bool(self.plotDict['colorbar']): self.fig.colorbar( mage, fraction=0.046, pad=0.04) return self.printPlot( dpi_key=u'image_dpi' ) # TODO: render Gautoauto outputs? Maybe I should make the Gautomatch boxes seperately as a largely # transparent plot, and just add it on top or not?
def plotTranslations( self ): # rect is [left,bottom,width,height] self.fig.clear() self.axes = self.fig.add_axes( [0.12, 0.1, 0.85, 0.85] ) self.axes.hold(True) if 'errorX' in self.plotDict: self.axes.errorbar( self.plotDict['translations'][:,1], self.plotDict['translations'][:,0], fmt='k-', xerr=self.plotDict['errorX'], yerr=self.plotDict['errorY'] ) else: self.axes.plot( self.plotDict['translations'][:,1], self.plotDict['translations'][:,0], 'k.-', linewidth=2.0, markersize=16 ) self.axes.plot( self.plotDict['translations'][0,1], self.plotDict['translations'][0,0], '.', color='purple', markersize=16 ) self.axes.set_xlabel( 'X-axis drift (pix)' ) self.axes.set_ylabel( 'Y-axis drift (pix)' ) self.axes.axis('equal') self.axes.hold(False) return self.printPlot( dpi_key=u'plot_dpi' )
def set_viewaxes(axes): """ Set View Axes :param axes: :return: """ ylim = axes.get_ylim() xlim = axes.get_xlim() axes.set_ylabel('L', rotation=0, fontsize=20) axes.set_xlabel('I', fontsize=20) axes.set_facecolor('white') axes.tick_params(labeltop=True, labelright=True, labelsize=8) axes.grid(False) axes.text(xlim[1]/2, ylim[1] * 1.1, 'P', fontsize=20) axes.text(xlim[1]*1.1, sum(ylim)/2*1.05, 'R', fontsize=20) return axes
def scatter_unemployment_poverty_rplot(): """reates a rplot using the values of Poverty Rate and Unemployment Rate iterates through the database and reads all the data in the given headers and creates plots for each data point """ poverty = [(demo.loc[demo['number'] == num, "Poverty Rate"].values[0]) for num in numbers] unemployment = [(demo.loc[demo['number'] == num, "Unemployment Rate"].values[0]) for num in numbers] df["Unemployment Rate %"] = np.array([float(i.replace("%", "")) for i in unemployment]) df["Poverty Rate %"] = np.array([float(i) for i in poverty], dtype="float32") plot = rplot.RPlot(data= df, x="Poverty Rate %", y="Unemployment Rate %") plot.add(rplot.GeomScatter()) plot.add(rplot.GeomPolyFit(degree=2)) plot.add(rplot.GeomDensity2D()) plt.title("Poverty Rate vs. Unemployment Rate by Community") plot.render(plt.gcf()) ax = plt.axes() for index, row in df.iterrows(): ax.annotate(row["Community Name"], (row["Poverty Rate %"], row["Unemployment Rate %"]), size=7, color='darkslategrey') plt.show()
def animate1D(self, fileName, numberOfFrames): "Animate a 1D nuclear wavefunction as it evolves in time" d = self.mySpace.nuclearDimensionality if d != 1: raise NuclearWavefunction.unplotableNuclearWavefunction() plottingAmplitude = np.abs(self.timePositionAmplitude) yMin = np.min(plottingAmplitude) yMax = np.max(plottingAmplitude) fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.axes(xlim=(-self.mySpace.xMax, self.mySpace.xMax), ylim = (yMin, yMax)) line, = ax.plot([], []) def init(): line.set_data([], []) return line, def animate(i): line.set_data(self.mySpace.xValues, plottingAmplitude[i]) return line, anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, frames = numberOfFrames, interval=20, blit=True) anim.save(fileName, fps=20)
def add_aggregation_poly(self, poly_verts, mode_name): '''add a polygon that's an aggregation on the waiting list''' polys = self.aggregation_mode_to_polys.get(mode_name) if polys is None: _, edge_col = self.mode_colors.get_edge_face_colors(mode_name) edge_col = darker(edge_col) polys = collections.PolyCollection([], lw=4, animated=True, edgecolor=edge_col, facecolor='none') self.axes.add_collection(polys) self.aggregation_mode_to_polys[mode_name] = polys paths = polys.get_paths() codes = [Path.MOVETO] + [Path.LINETO] * (len(poly_verts) - 2) + [Path.CLOSEPOLY] paths.append(Path(poly_verts, codes))
def add_waiting_list_poly(self, poly_verts, mode_name): '''add a polygon on the waiting list''' polys = self.waiting_list_mode_to_polys.get(mode_name) if polys is None: face_col, edge_col = self.mode_colors.get_edge_face_colors(mode_name) polys = collections.PolyCollection([], lw=2, animated=True, alpha=0.3, edgecolor=edge_col, facecolor=face_col) self.axes.add_collection(polys) self.waiting_list_mode_to_polys[mode_name] = polys paths = polys.get_paths() codes = [Path.MOVETO] + [Path.LINETO] * (len(poly_verts) - 2) + [Path.CLOSEPOLY] paths.append(Path(poly_verts, codes))
def del_reachable_polys_from_parent(self, parent): ''' stop drawing all polygons which were reached from a star and previously- added with add_reachable_poly_from_star ''' assert isinstance(parent, ContinuousPostParent) polys = self.parent_to_polys.pop(parent, None) # polys may be none if it was an urgent transition if polys is not None: polys.remove() # reverses axes.add_collection polys.get_paths()[:] = [] markers = self.parent_to_markers.pop(parent, None) if markers is not None: markers.remove() markers.set_xdata([]) markers.set_ydata([])
def _blit_draw(_self, artists, bg_cache): 'money-patch version of animation._blit_draw' # Handles blitted drawing, which renders only the artists given instead # of the entire figure. updated_ax = [] for a in artists: # If we haven't cached the background for this axes object, do # so now. This might not always be reliable, but it's an attempt # to automate the process. if a.axes not in bg_cache: # bg_cache[a.axes] = a.figure.canvas.copy_from_bbox(a.axes.bbox) # change here bg_cache[a.axes] = a.figure.canvas.copy_from_bbox(a.axes.figure.bbox) a.axes.draw_artist(a) updated_ax.append(a.axes) # After rendering all the needed artists, blit each axes individually. for ax in set(updated_ax): # and here # ax.figure.canvas.blit(ax.bbox) ax.figure.canvas.blit(ax.figure.bbox)
def plot_synthetic_poles( ax=None, title=''): if ax is None: if proj_type == 'M': myax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.Mollweide(200.-lon_shift)) elif proj_type == 'O': myax = plt.axes(projection = ccrs.Orthographic(200.-lon_shift,30.)) else: myax=ax myax.gridlines() colorcycle = itertools.cycle(colors) lons, lats, ages = path.compute_synthetic_poles(n=100) for i in range(len(poles)): c = colorcycle.next() poles[i].plot(ax, color=c) myax.scatter(lons[:, i], lats[:, i], color=c, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) if title != '': myax.set_title(title) if ax is None: plt.savefig("keweenawan_poles_" + str(n_euler_rotations)+".pdf")
def plot_result(): ax = plt.axes(projection = ccrs.Orthographic(0.,-30.)) #ax = plt.axes(projection = ccrs.Mollweide(0.)) ax.gridlines() ax.set_global() direction_samples = path.euler_directions() for directions in direction_samples: mcplates.plot.plot_distribution( ax, directions[:,0], directions[:,1]) pathlons, pathlats = path.compute_synthetic_paths(n=100) for pathlon,pathlat in zip(pathlons,pathlats): ax.plot(pathlon,pathlat, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), color='b', alpha=0.05 ) for p in lon_lats: pole = mcplates.PaleomagneticPole( p[0], p[1], angular_error=10. ) pole.plot(ax) plt.show()
def plot_discrete(self, show=False, transform=None, axes=None): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim') def plot_transformed(vertices, color='g'): if transform is None: if axes is None: plt.plot(*vertices.T, color=color) else: axes.plot(*vertices.T, color=color) else: transformed = transform_points(vertices, transform) plt.plot(*transformed.T, color=color) for i, polygon in enumerate(self.polygons_closed): color = ['g','k'][i in self.root] plot_transformed(np.column_stack(polygon.boundary.xy), color=color) if show: plt.show()
def plot_entities(self, show=False): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim') eformat = {'Line0' : {'color' :'g', 'linewidth':1}, 'Line1' : {'color' :'y', 'linewidth':1}, 'Arc0' : {'color' :'r', 'linewidth':1}, 'Arc1' : {'color' :'b', 'linewidth':1}, 'Bezier0': {'color' :'k', 'linewidth':1}, 'BSpline0': {'color' :'m', 'linewidth':1}, 'BSpline1': {'color' :'m', 'linewidth':1}} for entity in self.entities: discrete = entity.discrete(self.vertices) e_key = entity.__class__.__name__ + str(int(entity.closed)) plt.plot(discrete[:,0], discrete[:,1], **eformat[e_key]) if show: plt.show()
def plot_raster(raster, pitch, offset=[0,0]): ''' Plot a raster representation. raster: (n,m) array of booleans, representing filled/empty area pitch: the edge length of a box from raster, in cartesian space offset: offset in cartesian space to the lower left corner of the raster grid ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim') filled = (np.column_stack(np.nonzero(raster)) * pitch) + offset for location in filled: plt.gca().add_patch(plt.Rectangle(location, pitch, pitch, facecolor="grey"))
def plot_with_para_labels(low_dim_embs, para_labels, filename='tsne-para.png'): assert low_dim_embs.shape[0] == len(para_labels), "label number must equal embedding number" plt.clf() plt.figure(figsize=(200, 36)) axes = plt.axes([0.5, 0.1, 0.4, 0.8]) axes.scatter(low_dim_embs[:, 0], low_dim_embs[:, 1], marker='o', cmap=plt.cm.seismic, s=80) for label, x, y in zip(para_labels, low_dim_embs[:, 0], low_dim_embs[:, 1]): plt.annotate( label, xy=(x, y), xytext=(-8, -3), textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom', bbox=None, arrowprops=None) plt.savefig(filename)
def _edit_lock_toggle(self, event): """ Event handler to check for correct axis associated with selected curve. Will allow _draw_curve to function if click is in proper axis based on the self._edit_curve property set with _curve_pick. Connected on lines 767 and 769 to :code:`button_press_event` and :code:`button_release_event`. """ if self._edit_curve and hasattr(event, 'inaxes'): if event.inaxes: ax_num = np.where(self.axes == event.inaxes)[0] if len(ax_num) > 0: curve_num = \ self.axes.tolist().index(self._edit_curve.axes) if ax_num == curve_num: self._edit_lock = not self._edit_lock
def draw_e(): ### ???? dataArr, labelArr = loadDataSet('testSet.txt') m = len(dataArr) dataMatrix, labelMat = mat(dataArr), mat(labelArr).transpose() b, alphas, choose_all_x, all_alpha, all_b = smoP(dataArr, labelArr, 0.6, 0.001, 40) ### ?????? fig = plt.figure() iter_time = len(choose_all_x) ax = plt.axes() ax.set_ylabel(u'error value') ax.set_xlabel(u'iter time') ax.set_title(u'svm (zzqboy.com)') y = [] for i in range(iter_time): e = compute_all_e(dataMatrix, labelMat, all_alpha[i], all_b[i], m) y.append(e) ax.plot(range(iter_time), y) plt.show()
def show_heatmap(x, y, attention): #print attention[:len(y),:len(x)] #print attention[:len(y),:len(x)].shape #data = np.transpose(attention[:len(y),:len(x)]) data = attention[:len(y),:len(x)] x, y = y, x #ax = plt.axes(aspect=0.4) ax = plt.axes() heatmap = plt.pcolor(data, cmap=plt.cm.Blues) xticks = np.arange(len(y)) + 0.5 xlabels = y yticks = np.arange(len(x)) + 0.5 ylabels = x plt.xticks(xticks, xlabels, rotation='vertical') ax.set_yticks(yticks) ax.set_yticklabels(ylabels) # make it look less like a scatter plot and more like a colored table ax.tick_params(axis='both', length=0) ax.invert_yaxis() ax.xaxis.tick_top() plt.colorbar(heatmap) plt.show() #plt.savefig('./attention-out.pdf')