def scoreHists(scoresFN,outFN,numBins,geneNames,scoreType): '''Read through a scores file, and separate into all pairwise comparisons. Then plot hist of each.''' # currently, this seems to require a display for interactive # plots. would be nice to make it run without that... pairD = readScorePairs(scoresFN,geneNames,scoreType) pyplot.ioff() # turn off interactive mode with PdfPages(outFN) as pdf: for key in pairD: fig = pyplot.figure() pyplot.hist(pairD[key],bins=numBins) pyplot.title('-'.join(key)) pdf.savefig() pyplot.close()
def plot_spikepattern(spike_trains, sim_time): """Plot set of spike trains (spike pattern)""" plt.ioff() plt.figure() for i in xrange(len(spike_trains)): spike_times = spike_trains[i].value plt.plot(spike_times, np.full(len(spike_times), i, dtype=np.int), 'k.') plt.xlim((0.0, sim_time)) plt.ylim((0, len(spike_trains))) plt.xlabel('Time (ms)') plt.ylabel('Neuron index') plt.show() plt.ion()
def plot_spiker(record, spike_trains_target, neuron_index=0): """Plot spikeraster and target timings for given neuron index""" plt.ioff() spike_trains = [np.array(i.spiketrains[neuron_index]) for i in record.segments] n_segments = record.size['segments'] plt.figure() for i in xrange(len(spike_trains)): plt.plot(spike_trains[i], np.full(len(spike_trains[i]), i + 1, dtype=np.int), 'k.') target_timings = spike_trains_target[neuron_index].value plt.plot(target_timings, np.full(len(target_timings), 1.025 * n_segments), 'kx', markersize=8, markeredgewidth=2) plt.xlim((0., np.float(record.segments[0].t_stop))) plt.ylim((0, np.int(1.05 * n_segments))) plt.xlabel('Time (ms)') plt.ylabel('Trials') plt.title('Output neuron {}'.format(neuron_index)) plt.show() plt.ion()
def setup_plot_iv_multi(self,nrows=16,ncols=8,xwin=True): if not isinstance(self.vbias,np.ndarray): self.vbias=make_Vbias() ttl=str('QUBIC I-V curves (%s)' % (self.obsdate.strftime('%Y-%b-%d %H:%M UTC'))) nbad=0 for val in self.is_good_iv(): if not val:nbad+=1 ttl+=str('\n%i flagged as bad pixels' % nbad) if xwin: plt.ion() else: plt.ioff() fig,axes=plt.subplots(nrows,ncols,sharex=True,sharey=False,figsize=self.figsize) if xwin: fig.canvas.set_window_title('plt: '+ttl) fig.suptitle(ttl,fontsize=16) plt.xlabel('Bias Voltage / V') plt.ylabel('Current / $\mu$A') return fig,axes
def setup_plot_iv(self,TES,xwin=True): ttl=str('QUBIC I-V curve for TES#%3i (%s)' % (TES,self.obsdate.strftime('%Y-%b-%d %H:%M UTC'))) if self.temperature==None: tempstr='unknown' else: tempstr=str('%.0f mK' % (1000*self.temperature)) subttl=str('Array %s, ASIC #%i, Pixel #%i, Temperature %s' % (self.detector_name,self.asic,self.tes2pix(TES),tempstr)) if xwin: plt.ion() else: plt.ioff() fig=plt.figure(figsize=self.figsize) fig.canvas.set_window_title('plt: '+ttl) fig.suptitle(ttl+'\n'+subttl,fontsize=16) ax=plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel('Bias Voltage / V') ax.set_ylabel('Current / $\mu$A') ax.set_xlim([self.bias_factor*self.min_bias,self.bias_factor*self.max_bias]) return fig,ax
def set_interactive(interactive = False): """This function does something. Args: name (str): The name to use. Kwargs: state (bool): Current state to be in. Returns: int. The return code:: 0 -- Success! 1 -- No good. 2 -- Try again. Raises: AttributeError, KeyError """ if interactive: plt.ion() else: plt.ioff()
def plot_scattermatrix(df, **kwargs): """plot a scattermatrix from dataframe """ if df is None: logger.log(loglevel_debug, "plot_scattermatrix: no data passed") return # df = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=['x1_t', 'x2_t', 'x1_tptau', 'x2_tptau', 'u_t']) # scatter_data_raw = np.hstack((np.array(Xs), np.array(Ys))) # scatter_data_raw = np.hstack((Xs, Ys)) # logger.log(loglevel_debug, "scatter_data_raw", scatter_data_raw.shape) plt.ioff() # df = pd.DataFrame(scatter_data_raw, columns=["x_%d" % i for i in range(scatter_data_raw.shape[1])]) sm = scatter_matrix(df, ax = kwargs['ax'], alpha=0.2, figsize=(10, 10), diagonal='hist') print type(sm), sm.shape, sm[0,0] # fig = sm[0,0].get_figure() # if SAVEPLOTS: # fig.savefig("fig_%03d_scattermatrix.pdf" % (fig.number), dpi=300) # fig.show() # plt.show()
def _plot_single_map1(self, path, cmap, signo, dist_map, threshold, constrained, stretch, colorMap, suffix): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if path != None: plt.ioff() grad = self.get_single_map(signo, cmap, dist_map, threshold, constrained, stretch) plt.imshow(grad, interpolation='none') plt.set_cmap(colorMap) cbar = plt.colorbar() cbar.set_ticks([]) if path != None: if suffix == None: fout = osp.join(path, '{0}_{1}.png'.format(self.label, signo)) else: fout = osp.join(path, '{0}_{1}_{2}.png'.format(self.label, signo, suffix)) try: plt.savefig(fout) except IOError: raise IOError('in classifiers.output, no such file or directory: {0}'.format(path)) else: if suffix == None: plt.title('{0} - EM{1}'.format(self.label, signo)) else: plt.title('{0} - EM{1} - {2}'.format(self.label, signo, suffix)) plt.show() plt.close()
def tests(): plt.ioff() data_path = os.environ['PYSPTOOLS_DATA'] home = os.environ['HOME'] result_path = osp.join(home, 'results') if osp.exists(result_path) == False: os.makedirs(result_path) fin = open(os.path.join(data_path, 'dnagwas.txt')) signal_txt = fin.readlines() signal = [float(x) for x in signal_txt] z = sig.bilateral(np.array(signal), 0, 10, 25, display=1, maxiter=5) plt.plot(signal) plt.plot(z, color='r') if os.path.exists(result_path) == False: os.makedirs(result_path) plt.savefig(os.path.join(result_path, 'dnagwas.png'))
def viewanim(data,start=0,skip=2,title=None,cmap='bone', ms_per_step=None): """ Show an animation of a single simulation run, each node represented (via its node label) as pixel (i,j) in an MxN image. So this will only be useful for grid graphs. Args: data: MxNxT array of voltage traces start: first timestep to show skip: timesteps to advance in each frame (higher -> faster) title: figure title cmap: matplotlib colormap (name OR object) """ #plt.ioff() anim = createanim(data,start,skip,title=title,cmap=cmap, ms_per_step=ms_per_step) plt.show() plt.ion()
def plot_quiver(pt, uv, title, masks=None, norm=-1, outpath='.'): if plt is None: return plt.ioff() if masks is None: masks = [np.ones(pt.shape[0])>0,] if norm > 0: uvlen = np.sqrt((uv**2).sum(axis=1)) uv[uvlen<norm,:] /= (1.0/norm) * uvlen[uvlen<norm][:,np.newaxis] colors = ['r','b','g','c','y'] plt.figure() for i,m in enumerate(masks): plt.quiver(pt[m,0], pt[m,1], uv[m,0], uv[m,1], color=colors[i%len(colors)], angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1) plt.axis('equal') plt.title(title) plt.ylim([pt[:,1].max(),0]) save_figure(title, outpath)
def plot_plot(y, title, legends=None,outpath='.'): if plt is None: return if np.array(y).ndim == 1: y = np.array(y).reshape((-1,1)) no_legends = legends is None if legends is None or len(legends) < y.shape[1]: legends = [''] * y.shape[1] plt.ioff() plt.figure() for d in range(y.shape[1]): plt.plot(y[:,d],label=legends[d]) if not no_legends: plt.legend() plt.title(title) save_figure(title,outpath)
def _test_AsynDrawKline(self): code = '300033' start_day = '2017-8-25' #df = stock.getHisdatDataFrameFromRedis(code, start_day) df = stock.getFiveHisdatDf(code, start_day=start_day) import account account = account.LocalAcount(account.BackTesting()) #???????? indexs = agl.GenRandomArray(len(df), 3) trade_bSell = [0,1,0] df_trades = df[df.index.map(lambda x: x in df.index[indexs])] df_trades = df_trades.copy() df_trades[AsynDrawKline.enum.trade_bSell] = trade_bSell plt.ion() for i in range(10): AsynDrawKline.drawKline(df[i*10:], df_trades) plt.ioff() #plt.show() #???????? ????????
def train(self, alpha=0.05, num_epochs=30): self.sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer()) batch_size = 64 plt.ion() start_time = time.time() for epoch in range(0, num_epochs): batch_idxs = 1093 self.visualize(alpha) for idx in range(0, batch_idxs): bx, _ = mnist.train.next_batch(batch_size) loss, _ = self.sess.run([self.loss, self.trainer], feed_dict={self.x: bx, self.alpha: alpha}) if idx % 100 == 0: print("Epoch: [%2d] [%4d/%4d] time: %4.4f, " % (epoch, idx, batch_idxs, time.time() - start_time), end='') print("loss: %4.4f" % loss) plt.ioff() self.visualize(alpha=0.0, batch_size=20)
def train(self, alpha=0.05, num_epochs=30): self.sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer()) batch_size = 128 plt.ion() start_time = time.time() for epoch in range(0, num_epochs): batch_idxs = 545 #self.visualize(alpha) for idx in range(0, batch_idxs): bx, _ = mnist.train.next_batch(batch_size) bz = self.sess.run(self.rand_init, feed_dict={self.x: bx, self.alpha: alpha}) loss, _ = self.sess.run([self.loss, self.trainer], feed_dict={self.x: bx, self.alpha: alpha, self.init: bz}) if idx % 100 == 0: print("Epoch: [%2d] [%4d/%4d] time: %4.4f, " % (epoch, idx, batch_idxs, time.time() - start_time), end='') print("loss: %4.4f" % loss) self.visualize(alpha=0.0, batch_size=10, repeat=2) plt.ioff() self.visualize(alpha=0.0, batch_size=20, repeat=2)
def example(): from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import cv2 im_file =wrapper.source_directory+'/wrench.bmp' image=cv2.imread(im_file)# the scipy.misc.imread uses PIL which give an error for this bmp file (Unsupported BMP compression ) output,animation=wrapper.chanvese(image) plt.ion() for frame in animation: plt.imshow(frame) plt.draw() plt.show() plt.ioff() plt.imshow(output, cmap='Greys_r') plt.show() print 'done'
def example(): plt.ion() im_file =os.path.join(lsd.source_directory,'chairs.pgm') print 'reading file %s'%im_file #image =imread(im_file)# does not work with the provided pgm file :( image=netpbmfile.imread(im_file) plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.imshow(image,cmap=plt.cm.Greys_r) segments=lsd.lsd(image) print 'found '+str( segments.shape[0]),' segments' #plt.ion() plt.subplot(1,2,2) plt.imshow(image,cmap=plt.cm.Greys_r) for seg in segments: plt.plot(seg[[0,2]],seg[[1,3]]) plt.axis('tight') plt.ioff() plt.show()
def _enter_plotting(self, fontsize=7): """assumes that a figure is open """ from matplotlib import pyplot # interactive_status = matplotlib.is_interactive() self.original_fontsize = pyplot.rcParams['font.size'] # if font size deviates from default, we assume this is on purpose and hence leave it alone if pyplot.rcParams['font.size'] == pyplot.rcParamsDefault['font.size']: pyplot.rcParams['font.size'] = fontsize # was: pyplot.hold(False) # pyplot.gcf().clear() # opens a figure window, if non exists pyplot.ioff()
def superpose(cdfs, outputpath, data): border_x = 0.5 dx = 0.001 x = np.arange(0, border_x, dx) plt.ioff() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8)) plt.xticks([0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.07, 0.09, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5]) plt.yticks([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1.0]) plt.xticks(rotation=70) plt.grid(b=True, which='major', axis='both', linestyle='dotted') floating = 3 prec = "%." + str(floating) + "f" for cdf in cdfs: title = cdf["title"] auc = cdf["auc"] cdf01 = cdf["cdf01"] cdf_val = cdf["cdf"] plt.plot(x, cdf_val, marker=',', label=title + ", CDF(0.1)=" + str(prec % (cdf01*100)) + "%, AUC=" + str(prec % np.float(auc)) + "%") plt.legend(loc=4, prop={'size': 8}, fancybox=True, shadow=True) fig.suptitle('Cumulative distribution function (CDF) of NRMSE over ' + data + ' test set.') plt.xlabel('NRMSE') plt.ylabel('Data proportion') fig.savefig(outputpath, bbox_inches='tight', format='eps', dpi=1000) plt.ion()
def show_landmarks_unit_test(self, im, phis_pred, phis_mean_train, bbox, save=False, path="../im.png"): """ Display a shape over the face image. (python) phis_pred: predicted phis [xxxyyy] phis_mean_train: mean phis of ground of truth bbox=[x y w h] im = np.ndarray """ plt.close('all') if save: plt.ioff() nfids = int(len(phis_pred)/2) plt.imshow(im, cmap = cm.Greys_r) gt = plt.scatter(x=phis_mean_train[0:nfids], y=phis_mean_train[nfids:], c='g', s=40) pr = plt.scatter(x=phis_pred[0:nfids], y=phis_pred[nfids:], c='r', s=20) mse = np.mean(np.power((phis_pred - phis_mean_train), 2)) plt.legend((gt, pr), ("mean shape train", "prediction, MSE="+str(mse)), scatterpoints=1,loc='lower left', fontsize=8, fancybox=True, shadow=True) """ plt.plot([bbox[0], bbox[0]],[bbox[1],bbox[1]+bbox[3]],'-b', linewidth=1) plt.plot([bbox[0], bbox[0]+bbox[2]],[bbox[1], bbox[1]],'-b', linewidth=1) plt.plot([bbox[0]+bbox[2], bbox[0]+bbox[2]],[bbox[1], bbox[1]+bbox[3]],'-b', linewidth=1) plt.plot([bbox[0] ,bbox[0]+bbox[2]],[bbox[1]+bbox[3] ,bbox[1]+bbox[3]],'-b', linewidth=1) """ plt.axis('off') if save: plt.savefig(path,bbox_inches='tight', dpi=1000) plt.ion() else: plt.show() raw_input("... Press ENTER to continue,") plt.close('all')
def grid_visual(data): """ This function displays a grid of images to show full misclassification :param data: grid data of the form; [nb_classes : nb_classes : img_rows : img_cols : nb_channels] :return: if necessary, the matplot figure to reuse """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Ensure interactive mode is disabled and initialize our graph plt.ioff() figure = plt.figure() figure.canvas.set_window_title('Cleverhans: Grid Visualization') # Add the images to the plot num_cols = data.shape[0] num_rows = data.shape[1] num_channels = data.shape[4] current_row = 0 for y in xrange(num_rows): for x in xrange(num_cols): figure.add_subplot(num_rows, num_cols, (x + 1) + (y * num_cols)) plt.axis('off') if num_channels == 1: plt.imshow(data[x, y, :, :, 0], cmap='gray') else: plt.imshow(data[x, y, :, :, :]) # Draw the plot and return plt.show() return figure
def _enter_plotting(self, fontsize=9): """assumes that a figure is open """ # interactive_status = matplotlib.is_interactive() self.original_fontsize = pyplot.rcParams['font.size'] pyplot.rcParams['font.size'] = fontsize pyplot.hold(False) # opens a figure window, if non exists pyplot.ioff()
def plot_error(err): """Plot error with each epoch""" plt.ioff() plt.figure() plt.plot(1 + np.arange(len(err)), err, 'k-', linewidth=1) plt.xlabel('Epochs') plt.ylabel('van Rossum distance') plt.grid() plt.show() plt.ion()
def __init__(self, plot_function, interactive=True): """ Initialize a PlotFunctionMonitor. Args ---- plot_function : func A function plot_function(fig, state) that draws the given state onto the given (initially clear) figure. interactive: bool, optional If true, matplotlib's interactive mode will be enabled, allowing plot animation while other computation is running. """ global plt try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: raise DependencyError( 'matplotlib must be installed to use PlotFunctionMonitor') if interactive: plt.ion() self._fig = plt.figure() else: plt.ioff() self._fig = None self._plot_function = plot_function
def save_waterfall_plot(self, waterfall_matrix): """Save an image of the waterfall plot using thread-safe backend for pyplot, and labelling the plot using the header information from the ring @param[in] waterfall_matrix x axis is frequency and y axis is time. Values should be power. """ import matplotlib # Use a graphical backend which supports threading matplotlib.use('Agg') from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.ioff() print "Interactive mode off" print waterfall_matrix.shape fig = pylab.figure() ax = fig.gca() header = self.header ax.set_xticks( np.arange(0, 1.33, 0.33) * waterfall_matrix.shape[1]) ax.set_xticklabels( header['fch1'] - np.arange(0, 4) * header['foff']) ax.set_xlabel("Frequency [MHz]") ax.set_yticks( np.arange(0, 1.125, 0.125) * waterfall_matrix.shape[0]) ax.set_yticklabels( header['tstart'] + header['tsamp'] * np.arange(0, 1.125, 0.125) * waterfall_matrix.shape[0]) ax.set_ylabel("Time (s)") plt.pcolormesh( waterfall_matrix, axes=ax, figure=fig) fig.autofmt_xdate() fig.savefig( self.imagename, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig)
def plot_pv(self,TES,xwin=True): ttl=str('QUBIC P-V curve for TES#%3i (%s)' % (TES,self.obsdate.strftime('%Y-%b-%d %H:%M UTC'))) if self.temperature==None: tempstr='unknown' else: tempstr=str('%.0f mK' % (1000*self.temperature)) subttl=str('Array %s, ASIC #%i, Pixel #%i, Temperature %s' % (self.detector_name,self.asic,self.tes2pix(TES),tempstr)) if xwin: plt.ion() else: plt.ioff() fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=self.figsize) fig.canvas.set_window_title('plt: '+ttl) fig.suptitle(ttl+'\n'+subttl,fontsize=16) ax.set_xlabel('Bias Voltage / V') ax.set_ylabel('P$_\mathrm{TES}$ / $p$A') ax.set_xlim([self.bias_factor*self.min_bias,self.bias_factor*self.max_bias]) istart,iend=self.selected_iv_curve(TES) Ptes=self.Ptes(TES)[istart:iend] bias=self.bias_factor*self.vbias[istart:iend] plt.plot(bias,Ptes) pngname=str('TES%03i_PV_array-%s_ASIC%i_%s.png' % (TES,self.detector_name,self.asic,self.obsdate.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SUTC'))) pngname_fullpath=self.output_filename(pngname) if isinstance(pngname_fullpath,str): plt.savefig(pngname_fullpath,format='png',dpi=100,bbox_inches='tight') if xwin: plt.show() else: plt.close('all') return fig,ax
def hold_plot(): print('Press any key to exit...') plt.ioff() plt.waitforbuttonpress() plt.close()
def on_train_end(self, logs={}): self.update_epoch_plots(rescale_Y=True) # Rescales Y in epoch plots if SHOW_PLOTS: plt.ioff() # Make plots blocking again else: self.epoch_fig.clear() try: self.batch_fig.clear() except AttributeError: pass
def plot_two_images(images1, images2, fig_num=0, title1=None, title2=None, cmap="Greys", no_axis=True, invert_colors=False, suptitle=None): """ Show all images in images1 and images2 list, one at a time side by side, waiting for an ENTER to show the next one. If q + ENTER is pressed, the function is terminated params: images1 and images2 are the list of images to show, fig_num is the figure number that will be used, title1 and title2 are the titles that will be shown over their respective images, cmap is the color map used, no_axis will hide the axis, suptitle will be the title of the whole figure """ titles = [] titles += [""] if title1 is None else [title1] titles += [""] if title2 is None else [title2] if titles == ["", ""]: titles = None plt.ion() # Allows plots to be non-blocking fig = plt.figure(fig_num) fig.clear() for img1, img2 in zip(images1, images2): plot_all_images([img1, img2], fig_num=fig_num, filename=None, labels=titles, label_description=None, cmap=cmap, no_axis=no_axis, suptitle=suptitle, invert_colors=invert_colors) plt.pause(0.001) s = input("Press ENTER to see the next image, or Q (q) to continue: ") if len(s) > 0 and s[0].lower() == "q": break fig.clear() plt.close() # Hide plotting window plt.ioff() # Make plots blocking again
def plot_weights(w, fig_num=0, filename=None, title=None, cmap=None): """ Show weights of a 3D or 4D kernel. Dim0, Dim1: (x, y), Dim2: depth, Dim3: #kernels If w has only 3D, it is assumed that Dim2 is the #kernels, and depth is 1 (B/W kernels). If depths is different to 3 or 4, depth is set to 1, and only the 1st component is used If filename is None, the figure will be shown, otherwise it will be saved with name filename """ num_imgs = 1 if w.ndim == 4: num_imgs = w.shape[3] num_colors = w.shape[2] if num_colors < 3: w = w[:, :, 0, :] elif num_colors > 4: print("Too many dimensions, ignoring all but the first one") w = w[:, :, 0, :] elif w.ndim == 3: num_imgs = w.shape[2] NUM_ROWS = math.floor(num_imgs ** 0.5) NUM_COLS = math.ceil(num_imgs ** 0.5) if NUM_ROWS * NUM_COLS < num_imgs: NUM_ROWS += 1 if filename is None: plt.ion() fig = plt.figure(fig_num) if title is not None: fig.suptitle(title) for i in range(num_imgs): subfig = fig.add_subplot(NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLS, i + 1) subfig.imshow(w[:, :, i], cmap=cmap) subfig.axis('off') if filename is None: plt.ioff() else: fig.savefig(filename, bbox_inches="tight") fig.clear()
def plot_history(history, fig_num=0, filename=None): """ Plots loss and accuracy in history If filename is None, the figure will be shown, otherwise it will be saved with name filename """ # Plot epoch history for accuracy and loss if filename is None: plt.ion() fig = plt.figure(fig_num) subfig = fig.add_subplot(122) subfig.plot(history.history['acc'], label="training") if history.history['val_acc'] is not None: subfig.plot(history.history['val_acc'], label="validation") subfig.set_title('Model Accuracy') subfig.set_xlabel('Epoch') subfig.legend(loc='upper left') subfig = fig.add_subplot(121) subfig.plot(history.history['loss'], label="training") if history.history['val_loss'] is not None: subfig.plot(history.history['val_loss'], label="validation") subfig.set_title('Model Loss') subfig.set_xlabel('Epoch') subfig.legend(loc='upper left') if filename is None: plt.ioff() else: fig.savefig(filename, bbox_inches="tight") fig.clear()
def plot_weights(w, fig_num=0, title=None, cmap=None): """ Show weights of 3D or 4D kernel. Dim0, Dim1: (x, y), Dim2: depth, Dim3: #examples """ num_imgs = 1 if w.ndim == 4: num_imgs = w.shape[3] num_colors = w.shape[2] if num_colors < 3: w = w[:, :, 0, :] elif num_colors > 4: print("Too many dimensions, ignoring all bot the first one") w = w[:, :, 0, :] elif w.ndim == 3: num_imgs = w.shape[2] NUM_ROWS = math.floor(num_imgs ** 0.5) NUM_COLS = math.ceil(num_imgs ** 0.5) if NUM_ROWS * NUM_COLS < num_imgs: NUM_ROWS += 1 plt.ion() fig = plt.figure(fig_num) if title is not None: fig.suptitle(title) for i in range(num_imgs): subfig = fig.add_subplot(NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLS, + i + 1) subfig.imshow(w[:, :, i], cmap=cmap) subfig.axis('off') plt.ioff()
def on_train_end(self, logs={}): # for fig in self.figs: # if fig is not None and fig.canvas.manager.window is not None: # fig.show() plt.ioff() # Make plots blocking again
def _plot_target_map(path, tmap, map_type, whiteOnBlack, suffix=None): """ Plot a target map using matplotlib """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os.path as osp if path != None: plt.ioff() img = plt.imshow(tmap) if whiteOnBlack == True: img.set_cmap('Greys_r') elif whiteOnBlack == False: img.set_cmap('Greys') else: # throw an error? img.set_cmap('Blues') if path != None: if suffix == None: fout = osp.join(path, 'tmap_{0}.png'.format(map_type)) else: fout = osp.join(path, 'tmap_{0}_{1}.png'.format(map_type, suffix)) try: plt.savefig(fout) except IOError: raise IOError('in detection._plot_target_map, no such file or directory: {0}'.format(path)) else: if suffix == None: plt.title('{0} Target Map'.format(map_type)) else: plt.title('{0} Target Map - {1}'.format(map_type, suffix)) plt.show() plt.clf()
def plot1(self, img, path=None, mask=None, interpolation='none', colorMap='jet', suffix=''): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if path != None: plt.ioff() if isinstance(mask, np.ndarray): img = img[:,:] * mask plt.imshow(img, interpolation=interpolation) plt.set_cmap(colorMap) cbar = plt.colorbar() cbar.set_ticks([]) if path != None: if suffix == None: fout = osp.join(path, '{0}.png'.format(self.label)) else: fout = osp.join(path, '{0}_{1}.png'.format(self.label, suffix)) try: plt.savefig(fout) except IOError: raise IOError('in classifiers.output, no such file or directory: {0}'.format(path)) else: if suffix == None: plt.title('{0}'.format(self.label)) else: plt.title('{0} - {1}'.format(self.label, suffix)) plt.show() plt.close()
def plot_histo(self, path, cmap, em_nbr, suffix): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ioff() farray = np.ndarray.flatten(cmap) plt.hist(farray, bins=range(em_nbr+2), align='left') if suffix == None: fout = osp.join(path, 'histo_{0}.png'.format(self.label)) else: fout = osp.join(path, 'histo_{0}_{1}.png'.format(self.label, suffix)) try: plt.savefig(fout) except IOError: raise IOError('in classifiers.output, no such file or directory: {0}'.format(path)) plt.close()
def plot(self, path, plot_name, suffix=None): """ Plot the hull quotient graph using matplotlib. Parameters: path: `string` The path where to put the plot. plot_name: `string` File name. suffix: `string` Add a suffix to the file name. """ import os.path as osp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ioff() if suffix == None: fout = osp.join(path, plot_name + '.png') else: fout = osp.join(path, plot_name + '_{0}.png'.format(suffix)) plt.xlabel('Wavelength') plt.ylabel('Brightness') plt.title('{0} Hull Quotient'.format(plot_name)) plt.grid(True) plt.plot(self.wvl, self.crs, 'g', label='crs') plt.plot(self.hx, self.hy, 'c', label='hull') plt.plot(self.hx, self.hy, 'r.', label='hull pts') plt.plot(self.wvl, self.spectrum, 'b', label='signal') plt.legend(framealpha=0.5) plt.savefig(fout) plt.close()
def plot(image, colormap, desc, path): plt.ioff() img = plt.imshow(image, interpolation='none') img.set_cmap(colormap) plt.colorbar() fout = osp.join(path, '{0}.png'.format(desc)) plt.savefig(fout) plt.clf()
def plot_synthetic_image(image, colormap, desc, result_path): plt.ioff() img = plt.imshow(image, interpolation='none') img.set_cmap(colormap) plt.colorbar() fout = osp.join(result_path, 'synthetic_{0}.png'.format(desc)) plt.savefig(fout) plt.clf()
def plot(image, colormap, desc, path): plt.ioff() img = plt.imshow(image, interpolation='none') img.set_cmap(colormap) plt.colorbar() fout = osp.join(path, 'plot_{0}.png'.format(desc)) plt.savefig(fout) plt.clf()
def plot(image, colormap, desc, path): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ioff() img = plt.imshow(image, interpolation='none') img.set_cmap(colormap) plt.colorbar() fout = osp.join(path, 'plot_{0}.png'.format(desc)) plt.savefig(fout) plt.clf()
def plot_bands_sample(self, path, band_no, suffix=None): """ Plot a filtered band. Parameters: path: `string` The path where to put the plot. band_no: `int or string` The band index. If band_no == 'all', plot all the bands. suffix: `string [default None]` Add a suffix to the file name. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ioff() if band_no == 'all': for i in range(self.dbands.shape[2]): plt.imshow(self.dbands[:,:,i], interpolation='none') if suffix == None: fout = osp.join(path, 'SavitzkyGolay_band_{0}.png'.format(i)) else: fout = osp.join(path, 'SavitzkyGolay_band_{0}_{1}.png'.format(i, suffix)) plt.savefig(fout) plt.close() else: plt.imshow(self.dbands[:,:,band_no], interpolation='none') if suffix == None: fout = osp.join(path, 'SavitzkyGolay_band_{0}.png'.format(band_no)) else: fout = osp.join(path, 'SavitzkyGolay_band_{0}_{1}.png'.format(band_no, suffix)) plt.savefig(fout) plt.close()
def plot_components(self, path, n_first=None, colorMap='jet', suffix=None): """ Plot some bands. Parameters: path: `string` The path where to put the plot. n_first: `int [default None]` Print the first n components. colorMap: `string [default jet]` A matplotlib color map. suffix: `string [default None]` Suffix to add to the title. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if n_first != None: n = min(n_first, self.mnf.shape[2]) else: n = self.mnf.shape[2] plt.ioff() for i in range(n): plt.imshow(self.mnf[:,:,i], interpolation='none', cmap=colorMap) if suffix == None: fout = osp.join(path, 'MNF_bandno_{0}.png'.format(i+1)) else: fout = osp.join(path, 'MNF_bandno_{0}_{1}.png'.format(i+1, suffix)) plt.savefig(fout) plt.clf() plt.close()
def plot_linear_stretch(M, path, R, G, B, suffix=None): """ Plot a linear stretched RGB image. Parameters: M: `numpy array` A HSI cube (m x n x p). path: `string` The path where to put the plot. R: `int` A band number that will render the red color. G: `int` A band number that will render the green color. B: `int` A band number that will render the blue color. suffix: `string [default None]` Add a suffix to the file name. """ img = _linear_stretch(M, R, G, B) plt.ioff() if suffix == None: fout = osp.join(path, 'linear_stretch.png') else: fout = osp.join(path, 'linear_stretch_{0}.png'.format(suffix)) plt.imsave(fout, img) plt.close()
def grid_visual(data): """ This function displays a grid of images to show full misclassification :param data: grid data of the form; [nb_classes : nb_classes : img_rows : img_cols : nb_channels] :return: if necessary, the matplot figure to reuse """ # Ensure interactive mode is disabled and initialize our graph plt.ioff() figure = plt.figure() figure.canvas.set_window_title('Cleverhans: Grid Visualization') # Add the images to the plot num_cols = data.shape[0] num_rows = data.shape[1] num_channels = data.shape[4] current_row = 0 for y in xrange(num_rows): for x in xrange(num_cols): figure.add_subplot(num_cols, num_rows, (x+1)+(y*num_rows)) plt.axis('off') if num_channels == 1: print('HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA') plt.imshow(data[x, y, :, :, 0], cmap='gray') else: plt.imshow(data[x, y, :, :, :]) # Draw the plot and return plt.savefig("grid_cifar") return figure #getting CIFAR10 dataset and preprocessing it
def grid_visual(data): """ This function displays a grid of images to show full misclassification :param data: grid data of the form; [nb_classes : nb_classes : img_rows : img_cols : nb_channels] :return: if necessary, the matplot figure to reuse """ # Ensure interactive mode is disabled and initialize our graph plt.ioff() figure = plt.figure() figure.canvas.set_window_title('Cleverhans: Grid Visualization') # Add the images to the plot num_cols = data.shape[0] num_rows = data.shape[1] num_channels = data.shape[4] current_row = 0 for y in xrange(num_rows): for x in xrange(num_cols): figure.add_subplot(num_cols, num_rows, (x+1)+(y*num_rows)) plt.axis('off') if num_channels == 1: plt.imshow(data[x, y, :, :, 0], cmap='gray') else: plt.imshow(data[x, y, :, :, :]) # Draw the plot and return plt.savefig("grid_cifar") return figure #getting CIFAR10 dataset and preprocessing it
def createanim(data,start,skip,title=None,cmap='bone', ms_per_step=None): """ Return an animation of a single simulation run, each node represented (via its node label) as pixel (i,j) in an MxN image. So this will only be useful for grid graphs. Args: data: MxNxT array of voltage traces start: first timestep to show skip: timesteps to advance in each frame (higher -> faster) title: figure title cmap: matplotlib colormap (name OR object) Return: matplotlib animation object """ plt.ioff() fig = plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) titlefont = {'color' : 'black', 'size':12} ax = plt.axes()#(xlim=(0, data.shape[1]), ylim=(data.shape[0])) picture = ax.imshow(data[:, :, start], vmin=data.min(), vmax=data.max(), interpolation="nearest", cmap=cmap) plt.colorbar(picture,ax=ax,shrink=0.7) def init(): picture.set_data(data[:,:,start]) return picture def animate(i): printprogress("animating frame",start+i*skip,data.shape[2]) if i*skip < data.shape[2]: picture.set_data(data[:,:,start+i*skip]) t = " {}ms".format(start+i*skip * ms_per_step) if ms_per_step is not None else "" plt.title(title+t,titlefont) return picture anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, frames=(data.shape[2]-start)/skip,interval=1, blit=False) return anim
def plot_scatter(pt, title, I=None,masks=None, outpath='.'): if plt is None: return plt.ioff() if masks is None: masks = [np.ones(pt.shape[0])>0,] colors = ['r','b','g','c','y'] plt.figure() if I is not None: plt.imshow(I) for i,m in enumerate(masks): plt.plot(pt[m,0], pt[m,1], '.{}'.format(colors[i%len(colors)])) if I is not None: ymax = I.shape[0] xmax = I.shape[1] else: ymax = pt[:,1].max() xmax = pt[:,0].max() plt.axis('equal') plt.title(title) plt.ylim([ymax,0]) plt.xlim([0,xmax]) save_figure(title, outpath)