def plot_training_parameters(self): fr = open("training_param.csv", "r") fr.readline() lines = fr.readlines() fr.close() n = 100 nu = np.empty(n, dtype=np.float64) gamma = np.empty(n, dtype=np.float64) diff = np.empty([n, n], dtype=np.float64) for row in range(len(lines)): m = lines[row].strip().split(",") i = row / n j = row % n nu[i] = Decimal(m[0]) gamma[j] = Decimal(m[1]) diff[i][j] = Decimal(m[2]) plt.pcolor(gamma, nu, diff, cmap="coolwarm") plt.title("The Difference of Guassian Classifier with Different nu, gamma") plt.xlabel("gamma") plt.ylabel("nu") plt.xscale("log") plt.yscale("log") plt.colorbar() plt.show()
def plot(): ''' ''' # Register the functions builtins.__dict__.update(globals()) # Loop over various dataset sizes Narr = np.logspace(0, 5, 5) tpp = np.zeros_like(Narr) tbm = np.zeros_like(Narr) tps = np.zeros_like(Narr) for i, N in enumerate(Narr): tpp[i] = timeit.timeit('run_pp(%d)' % N, number = 10) / 10. if batman is not None: tbm[i] = timeit.timeit('run_bm(%d)' % N, number = 10) / 10. if ps is not None: tps[i] = timeit.timeit('run_ps(%d)' % N, number = 10) / 10. pl.plot(Narr, tpp, '-o', label = 'planetplanet') if batman is not None: pl.plot(Narr, tbm, '-o', label = 'batman') if ps is not None: pl.plot(Narr, tps, '-o', label = 'pysyzygy') pl.legend() pl.yscale('log') pl.xscale('log') pl.ylabel('Time [seconds]', fontweight = 'bold') pl.xlabel('Number of datapoints', fontweight = 'bold')
def training_process_3d(data, fontsizefig=18): """ :param data: List of arrays, each containing a "loss trajectory" as a numpy array [3 x T] (Note: The loss trajectories can have different lenght) :return: """ n_traj = len(data) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') for i in range(n_traj): assert data[i].shape[0] == 3 #ax.plot(data[i][0, :], data[i][1, :], data[i][2, :], c='r', marker='-o') ax.plot(data[i][0, :], data[i][1, :], data[i][2, :]) ax.set_xlabel('Training set', fontsize=fontsizefig) ax.set_ylabel('Test set', fontsize=fontsizefig) ax.set_zlabel('Validation set', fontsize=fontsizefig) #plt.xscale('log') #plt.yscale('log') #plt.zscale('log') plt.show() return 0
def loadplots(name, show=True): defaultstyle = "-x" DIR = os.path.join(DATADIR, "plots") dic = load_dict(DIR, name) meta = dic["meta"] plots = dic["plots"] for plot in plots: plt.figure() for line in plot["data"]: style = line["style"] if "style" in line else defaultstyle plt.plot(line["x"], line["y"], style, label=line["label"]) plt.xlabel(plot["xlabel"]) plt.ylabel(plot["ylabel"]) if "xscale" in plot: plt.xscale(plot["xscale"]) if "yscale" in plot: plt.yscale(plot["yscale"]) plt.legend() if show: plt.show() return meta # TODO: to make this truly magical, we could recursively modify all parents
def coced3(max=1000, rounds=20): random.seed(1) c = Cocomo() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.yscale('log') plt.ylabel('effort') plt.xlabel('all efforts, sorted') styles = ["r-", "m-", "c-", "y-", "k-", "b-", "g-"] plots = [] legends = [] coced3a( 0, len(styles) - 1, c, max, plt, styles, plots=plots, legends=legends) plt.legend(plots, legends, loc=2) plt.xlim(0, 1050) plt.show()
def coced4(samples=1000, rounds=15): # random.seed(1) c = Cocomo() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.yscale('log') xs = [] medians = [] spreads = [] mosts = [] coced4a(0, rounds, c, samples, {}, xs, medians, spreads, mosts) plt.ylabel('effort') plt.xlabel('round') plt.legend([plt.plot(xs, medians), plt.plot(xs, spreads)], ["median", "spread"], loc=1) plt.xlim(-0.5, len(medians) + 0.5) plt.ylim(0, 1.05 * max(medians + spreads + mosts)) plt.show()
def show_errors_by_feature(error_data): plt.figure(1, figsize=(20,10)) plt.subplot(321) plt.xlabel('Producto_ID', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel('Error', fontsize=18) #plt.yscale('log') #plt.xscale('log') plt.scatter(error_data['Producto_ID'].values, error_data['mean'].values, alpha=0.5) plt.subplot(322) plt.xlabel('Cluster', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel('Error Sum', fontsize=18) plt.scatter(error_data['Cluster'].values, error_data['mean'].values, alpha=0.5) plt.subplot(323) plt.xlabel('Percent', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel('Error Sum', fontsize=18) plt.scatter(error_data['percent'].values, error_data['mean'].values, alpha=0.5) plt.tight_layout() plt.show()
def scpdf(d,a=None,b=None,mag=1.,sav='n'): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ms = str(mag)+'$\sigma$' rmsa = np.sqrt(np.mean(d[a]**2)) rmsb = np.sqrt(np.mean(d[b]**2)); mag=mag*rmsb; bn,pn=calc_pdf(d[a][np.where( d[b] < -mag)]) bs,ps=calc_pdf(d[a][np.where((d[b] < mag) & (d[b] > -mag))]) bp,pp=calc_pdf(d[a][np.where( d[b] > mag)]) plt.clf() plt.plot(bn*rmsa,pn,label=b+' < -'+ms) plt.plot(bs*rmsa,ps,label='|'+b+'| < '+ms) plt.plot(bp*rmsa,pp,label=b+' > '+ms) plt.xlabel(a) plt.yscale('log') plt.legend(loc='best') if sav == 'y': plt.savefig(a+'-conditioned-on-'+b+'-signed.png',dpi=100) return {'bn':bn,'pn':pn,'bs':bs,'ps':ps,'bp':bp,'pp':pp, 'rmsbn':rmsa} ## ## Conditional PDFs on unsigned variable ##
def ucpdf(d,a=None,b=None,mag=1.,sav='n'): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ms = str(mag)+'$\sigma$' ms2 = str(2*mag)+'$\sigma$' rmsa = np.sqrt(np.mean(d[a]**2)) rmsb = np.sqrt(np.mean(d[b]**2)); mag=mag*rmsb; bn,pn=calc_pdf(d[a][np.where( abs(d[b]) < mag)]) bs,ps=calc_pdf(d[a][np.where((abs(d[b]) > mag) & (abs(d[b]) < 2*mag))]) bp,pp=calc_pdf(d[a][np.where( abs(d[b]) > 2*mag)]) plt.clf() plt.plot(bn*rmsa,pn,label='|'+b+'| < '+ms) plt.plot(bs*rmsa,ps,label=ms+'< |'+b+'| < '+ms2) plt.plot(bp*rmsa,pp,label='|'+b+'| > '+ms2) plt.xlabel(a) plt.yscale('log') plt.legend(loc='best') if sav == 'y': plt.savefig(a+'-conditioned-on-'+b+'-usigned.png',dpi=100) return {'bn':bn,'pn':pn,'bs':bs,'ps':ps,'bp':bp,'pp':pp, 'rmsbn':rmsa}
def plotEndtoendSq(weightedEndtoendSq,weightedEndtoendSqStd,fittedWeightedEndtoendSq,popSize): x = np.linspace(1,c.nBeads, c.nBeads); # Plot the end-to-end distance squared plt.figure(5) plt.xlabel('Number of beads') plt.xlim(0,c.nBeads) plt.ylabel('End-to-end distance squared') plt.errorbar(x,weightedEndtoendSq,yerr=weightedEndtoendSqStd, label='Data') plt.plot(x,fittedWeightedEndtoendSq,color = "r", label='Fit') plt.plot(popSize, color = "g", label='Population') plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.xlim([3,c.nBeads]) plt.legend(loc='best')
def plotGyradiusSq(weightedGyradiusSq,weightedGyradiusSqStd,fittedGyradius,popSize): x = np.linspace(1,c.nBeads, c.nBeads); # Plot the gyradius plt.figure(6) plt.xlabel('Number of beads') plt.xlim(0,c.nBeads) plt.ylabel('Ensemble average $R_g^2$') plt.errorbar(x,weightedGyradiusSq,yerr=weightedGyradiusSqStd, label='Data') plt.plot(x,fittedGyradius,color = "r", label='Fit') plt.plot(popSize, color = "g", label='Population') plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.xlim([3,c.nBeads]) plt.legend(loc='best')
def plot_res(test_err, train_batch_loss, benchmark_err, epoch): flatui = ["#9b59b6", "#3498db", "#95a5a6", "#e74c3c", "#34495e", "#2ecc71"] test_x_val = np.array(list(x * 3 for x in range(0, len(test_err)))) plt.plot(train_batch_loss[0],train_batch_loss[1], label="Training error", c=flatui[1], alpha=0.5) plt.plot(test_x_val, np.array(test_err), label="Test error", c=flatui[0]) plt.axhline(y=benchmark_err[1], linestyle='dashed', label="No-modell error", c=flatui[2]) plt.axhline(y=0.098, linestyle='dashed', label="State of the art error", c=flatui[3]) plt.suptitle("Model error - cold queries") plt.yscale('log', nonposy='clip') plt.xlim([0,epoch+1]) # second_axes = plt.twinx() # create the second axes, sharing x-axis # second_axes.set_yticks([0.2,0.4]) # list of your y values plt.xlabel('epoch') plt.ylabel('error') plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.show()
def plot_scatter (x, y, limits, corder, cmap='rainbow_r', symbol='o', xlabel='', ylabel='', legendlabel='', title='', filename='', simple=False, xscale='log', yscale='linear'): plt.axis(limits) plt.scatter(x, y, c=corder, cmap=cmap, alpha=1, label=legendlabel, edgecolors='black') plt.xscale(xscale) plt.yscale(yscale) if legendlabel!='': plt.legend(numpoints=1, fontsize='medium') plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.title(title) if filename != '': plt.savefig(filename) if show_plots: plt.show() plt.close() ################################################################################
def plot_ranks(hist, scale='log'): """Plots frequency vs. rank. hist: map from word to frequency scale: string 'linear' or 'log' """ t = rank_freq(hist) rs, fs = zip(*t) plt.clf() plt.xscale(scale) plt.yscale(scale) plt.title('Zipf plot') plt.xlabel('rank') plt.ylabel('frequency') plt.plot(rs, fs, 'r-', linewidth=3) plt.show()
def plot_eigenvalues(d, mytitle = None, subplot_loc=None): k = d.shape[0] if subplot_loc is not None: plt.subplot(subplot_loc) plt.plot(range(0,k), d, 'b*', range(0,k), np.ones(k), '-r') plt.yscale('log') if mytitle is not None: plt.title(mytitle)
def set_plot_CC_T_rho_max(self,linestyle=[],burn_limit=0.997,color=['r'],marker=['o'],markevery=500): ''' Plots end_model - array, control how far in models a run is plottet, if -1 till end symbs_1 - set symbols of runs ''' if len(linestyle)==0: linestyle=200*['-'] plt.figure('CC evol') for i in range(len(self.runs_H5_surf)): sefiles=se(self.runs_H5_out[i]) t1_model=-1 sefiles.get('temperature') sefiles.get('density') mini=sefiles.get('mini') zini=sefiles.get('zini') model=sefiles.se.cycles model_list=[] for k in range(0,len(model),1): model_list.append(model[k]) rho1=sefiles.get(model_list,'rho') #[:(t1_model-t0_model)] T1=sefiles.get(model_list,'temperature')#[:(t1_model-t0_model)] rho=[] T=[] T_unit=sefiles.get('temperature_unit') labeldone=False for k in range(len(model_list)): t9=np.array(T1[k])*T_unit/1e9 T.append(max(t9)) rho.append(max(rho1[k])) label=str(mini)+'$M_{\odot}$, Z='+str(zini) plt.plot(T,rho,label=label,color=color[i],marker=marker[i],markevery=markevery) plt.xlabel('$T_{9,max} (GK)$') plt.ylabel(r'$\rho [cm^{-3}]$') plt.yscale('log') plt.xscale('log') plt.legend(loc=2)
def training_process_2d(data): """ :param data: "loss trajectory" as a numpy array [3 x T] :return: """ assert data.shape[0] == 3 n_traj = len(data) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) h = ax.plot(data.transpose()) plt.yscale('log') ax.legend(h, ['Training set', 'Test set', 'Validation set']) plt.show() return 0
def test_rplot_data_yscale(self): y = [np.absolute(np.random.rand(100, 100)) + 0.00001] x = np.random.rand(100) h = spp.rplot_data(data=y) plt.yscale('log')
def saveplots(name="plot", meta=None, uid=False): # collect data from every open figure plots = [] figs = map(plt.figure, plt.get_fignums()) for fig in figs: for ax in fig.axes: plot = dict( xlabel = ax.get_xlabel(), ylabel = ax.get_ylabel(), xscale = ax.get_xscale(), yscale = ax.get_yscale(), data = []) for line in ax.lines: x, y = line.get_data() marker = line.get_marker() if marker == "None": marker = "" data = dict( x = x, y = y, style = marker + line.get_linestyle(), label = line.get_label()) plot["data"].append(data) plots.append(plot) # add metadata if provided meta = {} if meta is None else meta data = dict(plots=plots, meta=meta) # save to txt file in DATADIR DIR = os.path.join(DATADIR, "plots") name = name + "_" + str(unique_id()) if uid else name save_dict(data, DIR, name) return plots
def plot_matrix_sum_histogram(m, *, title='', axis=0, file=None): plt.clf() plt.hist(np.asarray(np.sum(m, axis=axis)).flatten()) plt.yscale('log', nonposy='clip') if title: plt.title(title) plt_show_in_terminal() if file: plt.savefig(file) plt.close()
def analyze_eigenvals(*, pwru50_data=None, file=None, title=True): if not pwru50_data: pwru50_data = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tests', 'data', 'pwru50_400000000000000.0.npz') nucs, matpwru50 = load_sparse_csr(pwru50_data) matdecay = decay_matrix() for desc, mat in {'pwru50': matpwru50, 'decay': matdecay}.items(): plt.clf() print("analyzing eigenvalues of", desc) eigvals, eigvects = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigen.eigs(mat, mat.shape[0]-2) plt.scatter(np.real(eigvals), np.imag(eigvals)) plt.yscale('symlog', linthreshy=1e-20) plt.xscale('symlog') plt.xlim([np.min(np.real(eigvals))*2, 1]) plt.ylim([np.min(np.imag(eigvals))*10, np.max(np.imag(eigvals))*10]) plt.xticks([0] + [-10**i for i in range(1, 1+int(np.ceil(np.log10(-plt.xlim()[0]))), 2)]) plt.yticks([-10**i for i in range(-19, int(np.log10(-plt.ylim()[0])), 2)] + [0] + [10**i for i in range(-19, int(np.log10(plt.ylim()[1])), 2)]) plt.minorticks_off() if title: plt.title("Eigenvalues of transmutation matrix for " + desc) plt_show_in_terminal() if file: path, ext = os.path.splitext(file) plt.savefig(path + '_' + desc + ext)
def analyze_degrees(*, pwru50_data=None, file=None): if not pwru50_data: pwru50_data = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tests', 'data', 'pwru50_400000000000000.0.npz') nucs, data = load_sparse_csr(pwru50_data) ns = list(range(30, 2, -2)) # [30, 28, ..., 4] print("Computing CRAM functions") fs = [] for n in ns + [ns[-1] - 2]: print(n) fs.append(CRAM_matrix_exp_lambdify(n, 200)) b = initial_vector("U235", nucs) print("Computing the exponential of the matrices") xs = {} diffs = {} for t in TIME_STEPS: xs[t] = [f(-data*t, b) for f in fs] diffs[t] = list(zip(xs[t][:-1], xs[t][1:])) plt.clf() for t in sorted(TIME_STEPS): plt.plot(ns, [np.max(np.abs(a - b)) for a, b in diffs[t]], label=TIME_STEPS[t]) plt.legend() plt.xticks(ns) plt.yscale('log') plt.ylabel(r"$\mathrm{max}(|\hat{r}_{n,n}(-At)b - \hat{r}_{n-2,n-2}(-At)b|)$") plt.xlabel(r"$n$") if file: plt.savefig(file) plt_show_in_terminal()
def plot_instcat_offset_hists(pointSource, sersic, visit_name, component, fontsize='x-small'): """ Overlay histograms of the measured position offsets for the pointSource and sersic objects. Parameters ---------- pointSource : pandas.DataFrame Data frame containing the true and measured coordinates and magnitudes and position offsets for the pointSource objects. sersic : pandas.DataFrame Data frame containing the true and measured coordinates and magnitudes and position offsets for the sersic objects. visit_name : str Visit name combining the visit number and filter, e.g., 'v230-fr'. component : str Name of the component, e.g., 'R2:2' (for the full center raft), 'R:2,2 S:1,1' (for the central chip). fontsize : str or int, optional Font size to use in plots. Default: 'x-small' """ x_range = (min(min(pointSource['offset']), min(sersic['offset'])), max(max(pointSource['offset']), max(sersic['offset']))) plt.hist(pointSource['offset'], bins=50, histtype='step', label='pointSource', range=x_range) plt.hist(sersic['offset'], bins=50, histtype='step', label='sersic', range=x_range) plt.yscale('log') xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = plt.axis() plt.axis([xmin, xmax, 0.5, ymax]) plt.xlabel('offset from nearest instcat source (arcsec)', fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel('\nentries / bin', fontsize=fontsize) plt.title('%(visit_name)s, %(component)s' % locals(), fontsize=fontsize) plt.legend(loc=1, fontsize=fontsize)
def add(self, point, color='b', marker='.', averages=False): self.points.append(point) # TODO: refactor # TODO: some colors self.it += 1 plt.figure(self.figure_id) if self.log_scale: plt.yscale('log') plt.scatter(self.it, point, marker=marker, color=color) plt.xlim(0, self.it - self.it % 100 + 100) if averages and self.it % 200 == 0: ave = sum(self.points[-200:])/len(self.points[-200:]) plt.plot([self.it - 200, self.it], [ave, ave], color='black') plt.legend([self.label], loc='upper left') plt.pause(0.0001)
def plot_accuracy_by_freq_compare(freqs1, accuracies1, freqs2, accuracies2, label1, label2, title, filename=None, scale_acc=1.00, yscale_base=10.0, alpha=0.8, tags=None): plt.plot(freqs1, accuracies1, marker='o', color='r', label=label1, linestyle='None', fillstyle='none', alpha=alpha) plt.plot(freqs2, accuracies2, marker='+', color='c', label=label2, linestyle='None', fillstyle='none', alpha=alpha) if tags: print 'tags:', tags, 'len:', len(tags) print 'len(freqs1):', len(freqs1), 'len(freqs2)', len(freqs2) print 'len(accuracies1):', len(accuracies1), 'len(accuracies2)', len(accuracies2) if len(tags) == len(freqs1) and len(tags) == len(freqs2): print 'annotating tags' for i, tag in enumerate(tags): plt.annotate(tag, (freqs[1][i], accuracies[1][i])) plt.xscale('symlog') #plt.yscale('log', basey=yscale_base) plt.legend(loc='lower right', prop={'size':14}) plt.xlabel('Frequency', size='large', fontweight='demibold') plt.ylabel('Accuracy', size='large', fontweight='demibold') plt.ylim(ymax=1.01*scale_acc) plt.title(title, fontweight='demibold') plt.tight_layout() if filename: print 'saving plot to:', filename plt.savefig(filename)
def plot_accuracy_by_tag_compare(accuracies1, accuracies2, tags, tag_freq_dict, label1, label2, title, filename=None, scale_acc=1.00, yscale_base=10.0, alpha=0.5): #from adjustText import adjust_text tag_freqs = [tag_freq_dict[tag] for tag in tags] #plt.plot(tag_freqs, accuracies1, marker='o', color='r', label=label1, linestyle='None', fillstyle='none', alpha=alpha) #plt.plot(tag_freqs, accuracies2, marker='+', color='y', label=label2, linestyle='None', fillstyle='none', alpha=alpha) # plt.plot(tag_freqs, accuracies2-accuracies1, marker='o', color='c', label=label2, linestyle='None', fillstyle='none', alpha=alpha) plt.scatter(tag_freqs, accuracies2-accuracies1, s=np.pi * (0.5 * (accuracies2-accuracies1)+10 )**2, c = np.random.rand(len(tag_freqs)), alpha=0.5) print 'annotating tags' texts = [] for i, tag in enumerate(tags): #plt.annotate(tag, (tag_freqs[i], accuracies1[i]), xytext=(-10,10), \ # textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom', \ # arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle = '->', connectionstyle='arc3,rad=0')) #plt.annotate(tag, (tag_freqs[i], accuracies1[i])) #plt.annotate(tag, (tag_freqs[i], accuracies2[i])) plt.annotate(tag, (tag_freqs[i], accuracies2[i]-accuracies1[i]), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', size=10+0.05*(accuracies2[i]-accuracies1[i])) #texts.append(plt.text(tag_freqs[i], accuracies1[i], tag)) #adjust_text(texts, force_text=0.05, arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="-|>", color='r', alpha=0.5)) plt.xscale('symlog') #plt.yscale('log', basey=yscale_base) #plt.legend(loc='lower right', prop={'size':14}) plt.xlabel('Frequency', size='large', fontweight='demibold') plt.ylabel('Increase in Accuracy', size='large', fontweight='demibold') #plt.ylim(ymax=1.05*scale_acc) plt.ylim(ymax=1.15*max(accuracies2-accuracies1)) plt.xlim(min(tag_freqs) / 2, max(tag_freqs) * 5) plt.title(title, fontweight='demibold') plt.tight_layout() if filename: print 'saving plot to:', filename plt.savefig(filename)
def coced1(max=1000): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt random.seed(1) c = Cocomo() n = 0 out = sorted([c.xy() for x in range(max)], key=lambda x: x[1]) xs = [] ys = [] for x, y in out: n += 1 xs.append(n) ys.append(y) p1, = plt.plot(xs, ys, 'ro') p2, = plt.plot(xs, [x * 2 for x in ys], 'bo') plt.legend([p2, p1], ["small", "bigger"], loc=4) plt.xlim(0, 1050) plt.yscale('log') plt.ylabel('effort') plt.xlabel('all efforts, sorted') plt.show() # plt.savefig('coced1.png') # coced1()
def draw_timeseries_chart(data, headers, maxEntries=50): #y_pred_limit = min(maxEntries, len(y_test)) length = min(maxEntries,data.shape[0]) xdata = np.array(range(length)) for i in range(data.shape[1]): plt.plot(xdata, data[:,i], label=headers[i], linewidth=1) #see http://matplotlib.org/api/pyplot_api.html for other type of lines #plt.plot(y_pred_limit, y_pred1, '--', color='r', linewidth=2, label='prediction1') plt.legend(loc=0) plt.yscale('log') plt.show()
def draw_dl_loss(loss_data, val_loss_data, headers, maxEntries=50): #y_pred_limit = min(maxEntries, len(y_test)) length = min(maxEntries,loss_data.shape[0]) xdata = np.array(range(length)) for i in range(loss_data.shape[1]): #print xdata.shape, loss_data[:,i].shape, val_loss_data[:,i].shape plt.plot(xdata, loss_data[:,i], '-', label=headers[i], linewidth=1) plt.plot(xdata, val_loss_data[:,i], '--', label='val_'+headers[i], linewidth=1) plt.legend(loc=0) plt.xlabel('Loss', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel('Number of epoches', fontsize=18) #plt.yscale('log') plt.show()
def analyze_error(): df = pd.read_csv('forecast_with_data.csv') df['error'] = np.abs(np.log(df['actual'].values +1) - np.log(df['predictions'].values + 1)) df['Slopes'] = np.round(df['Slopes'].values) print df.describe() plt.figure(1, figsize=(20,10)) plt.subplot(321) plt.xlabel('Error', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel('Slope', fontsize=18) #plt.yscale('log') #plt.xscale('log') plt.scatter(df['Slopes'].values, df['error'].values, alpha=0.5) groupe2d = df.groupby(['Slopes'])['error'].mean() plt.subplot(322) plt.xlabel('Slope', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel('Mean Error', fontsize=18) plt.scatter(groupe2d.index.values, groupe2d.values, alpha=0.5) df['groupedStd'] = np.round(df['groupedStd'].values) groupe2d = df.groupby(['groupedStd'])['error'].mean() plt.subplot(323) plt.xlabel('groupedStd', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel('Mean Error', fontsize=18) plt.scatter(groupe2d.index.values, groupe2d.values, alpha=0.5) df['groupedMeans'] = np.round(df['groupedMeans'].values) groupe2d = df.groupby(['groupedMeans'])['error'].mean() plt.subplot(324) plt.xlabel('groupedMeans', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel('Mean Error', fontsize=18) plt.scatter(groupe2d.index.values, groupe2d.values, alpha=0.5)
def show_error_by_feature(df, feature_name, chartloc, redo_x = True): start = time.time() group1 = df.groupby([feature_name])['error'] errors_by_feature = g2df_sum_mean(group1).sort("mean") #plt.subplot(chartloc) #plt.xlabel(feature_name + " in sorted order by Mean", fontsize=18) #plt.ylabel('Mean Error/Rank', fontsize=18) #plt.yscale('log') #plt.xscale('log') #plt.scatter(errors_by_feature[feature_name].values, errors_by_feature['mean'].values, alpha=0.5) if redo_x: x = range(0, errors_by_feature.shape[0]) else: x = errors_by_feature[feature_name] data = [(x, errors_by_feature['mean'].values), (x, np.log(errors_by_feature['rank'].values))] draw_scatterplot(data, "Mean Error, Rank vs. "+ feature_name, chartloc, c =['b', 'r']) #plt.scatter(x, errors_by_feature['mean'].values, alpha=0.5, color='b', s=5) #plt.scatter(x, np.log(errors_by_feature['rank'].values), alpha=0.5, color='r', s=5) print "show_error_by_feature", feature_name, "took", (time.time() - start), "s" return errors_by_feature
def cdf(v, title='', xlabel='', ylabel='', xlim=(), ylim=(), xscale='linear', yscale='linear', linewidth=1.5, outfile=None) : fs = count(v) values, freqs = zip(*sorted(fs.items())) # Split values and frequencies sorting by the values cum = np.cumsum(freqs, dtype=np.float64) cum /= np.sum(freqs) pp.clf() matplotlib.rc('font', size=24) pp.title(title) #, {'fontsize' : 22} pp.xlabel(xlabel) pp.ylabel(ylabel) pp.xscale(xscale) pp.yscale(yscale) pp.grid() # pp.tight_layout(pad=0.2) # pp.yscale('log') if xlim : pp.xlim(xlim) if ylim : pp.ylim(ylim) pp.tight_layout(pad=0.10) pp.plot(values, cum, lw=linewidth) # pp.show() if outfile: pp.savefig(outfile)
def rank(v, title='', xlabel='', ylabel='', xlim=(), ylim=(), xscale='linear', yscale='linear', linewidth=2, outfile='') : v.sort(reverse=True) pp.clf() pp.title(title) pp.xlabel(xlabel) pp.ylabel(ylabel) pp.xscale(xscale) pp.yscale(yscale) pp.grid() if xlim : pp.xlim(xlim) if ylim : pp.ylim(ylim) # Remove zeros v = filter(lambda x: x>0, v) cum = np.cumsum(v, dtype=np.float64) cum /= cum[-1] pp.plot(np.arange(1, len(cum)+1), cum, lw=linewidth) # pp.plot(values, cum, lw=linewidth) if outfile: pp.savefig(outfile) else: show()
def plot(self): for column_index,column_name in enumerate(self.get_column_names()): if self.hold_on is False: plt.figure() plt.title("Parameter %s" % column_name) for index_technique,technique in enumerate(self.technique_list): y=self.Values[:,index_technique,column_index] plt.plot(self.row_values,y,label="Exp: %s" %technique) for index_statistic,statistic in enumerate(self.statistic_list): y=np.ravel(self.Statistics[:,index_statistic,column_index]) plt.plot(self.row_values,y,label="Theo: %s" %statistic) plt.xlabel(self.row_name) plt.legend(loc="best") try: plt.xscale(self.xscale) plt.yscale(self.yscale) except: print("cannot change scale") if self.ylim is not None: plt.ylim(self.ylim)
def plot_degree_poly_l(Y): """ Same than plot_degree_poly, but for a list of random graph ie plot errorbar.""" x, y, yerr = random_degree(Y) plt.xscale('log'); plt.yscale('log') fit = np.polyfit(np.log(x), np.log(y), deg=1) plt.plot(x,np.exp(fit[0] *np.log(x) + fit[1]), 'm:', label='model power %.2f' % fit[1]) leg = plt.legend(loc='upper right',prop={'size':10}) plt.errorbar(x, y, yerr=yerr, fmt='o') plt.xlim(left=1) plt.ylim((.9,1e3)) plt.xlabel('Degree'); plt.ylabel('Counts')
def gen_platform(): #concat array to compare each platform x = [1,2,3,4] #4 platforms place holder for i in range(13):#13models currently a1 = gtx[:,i] a2 = tx1[:,i] a3 = tk1[:,i] a4 = raspi[:,i] out = np.concatenate((a1,a2,a3,a4),axis = 1) out = out.transpose() #plot formatting #uncomment for custom dimension #plt.figure(figsize=(10,6)) plt.ylabel('log time per image(ms)') plt.yscale('log') plt.xticks(x,platform_dd) plt.xlabel('platform') plt.title(y_dd[i]) plt.ylim([1,10000]) lines = plt.plot(x,out,'--o') ## mask to prevent adding of legend with no data based on the gtx1080Ti filtre = np.asarray(np.isnan(gtx[:,i])).transpose()[0] temp = len(lines) for k in reversed(range(temp)): if filtre[k]: lines.remove(lines[k]) x_dd_masked = np.asarray(x_dd) x_dd_masked[filtre] = np.ma.masked #adding lengends legend = plt.legend(lines,[x_dd_masked[j] for j in range(len(lines))]) ## uncomment to generate image files## plt.savefig(y_dd[i]+'.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf() # plt.show() plt.close()
def gen_depthwise(): gtx_ = np.asarray(gtx[:,0:2]).transpose() tx1_ = np.asarray(tx1[:,0:2]).transpose() tk1_ = np.asarray(tk1[:,0:2]).transpose() raspi_ = np.asarray(raspi[:,0:2]).transpose() out = [gtx_, tx1_, tk1_, raspi_] for i in range(len(platform_dd)): plt.ylabel('log time per image(ms)') plt.yscale('log') plt.ylim([0.5, 300*10**(i+1) + 8**(i+1)]) #manipulating axis plt.xlabel('batch size') plt.xscale('log') plt.xlim([0.5,256]) plt.xticks(x_dd,x_dd) plt.figtext(.5,.93,platform_dd[i], fontsize=18, ha='center') plt.figtext(.5,.9,'mobilenet improvement by depthwise convolution',fontsize=10,ha='center') plt.minorticks_off() line = plt.plot(x_dd,out[i][0],'--o', label='mobilenet') line1 = plt.plot(x_dd,out[i][1],'--o', label='mobilenet depthwise') plt.legend() #plt.show() plt.savefig('mobilenet_'+platform_dd[i]+'.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf() plt.close() ##run stuff here #gen_platform() #gen_cost() #gen_small_cost() #gen_depthwise()
def plot_step_loss(outdir): plt.cla() plt.xlabel("step") plt.ylabel("losses") files = glob.glob(outdir + "/*evaluator*") cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet') colors = cmap(np.linspace(0, 1.0, len(files))) plt.yscale('log') #plt.xscale('log') for i, fname in enumerate(files): label = fname.split("/")[-1] times, losses, precisions, steps = extract_times_losses_precision(fname) plt.plot(steps, losses, linestyle='solid', label=label, color=colors[i]) plt.legend(loc="upper right", fontsize=8) plt.savefig("step_losses.png")
def plot_time_loss(outdir): plt.cla() plt.xlabel("time (s)") plt.ylabel("loss") files = glob.glob(outdir + "/*evaluator*") cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet') colors = cmap(np.linspace(0, 1.0, len(files))) plt.yscale('log') #plt.xscale('log') for i, fname in enumerate(files): label = fname.split("/")[-1] times, losses, precisions, steps = extract_times_losses_precision(fname) plt.plot(times, losses, linestyle='solid', label=label, color=colors[i]) plt.legend(loc="upper right", fontsize=8) plt.savefig("time_loss.png")
def main(fn, method="ward"): # d, bin_chr, bin_position, contig2size = load_matrix(fn, remove_shorter=0) sizes = np.diff(bin_position, axis=1)[:, 0] / 1000 contacts = d.diagonal() print d.sum(), d.diagonal().sum() # get bins bins = np.arange(1, 101, 5) # get counts contacts = [[] for i in range(len(bins)+1)] for s, c in zip(np.digitize(sizes, bins, right=1), d.diagonal()): contacts[s].append(c) print len(contacts), len(bins), len(sizes)#, contacts# np.digitize(sizes, bins, right=1) plt.title("HiC contacts at given distance") plt.boxplot(contacts[:-1], 1, '', positions=bins, widths=.75*bins[0])#; plt.legend("HiC data") plt.xticks(rotation=90) plt.xlabel("contig size [kb]") plt.ylabel("self contacts") plt.xlim(xmin=-bins[0]) plt.ylim(ymin=0)#, ymax=20) #plt.yscale('log') #plt.show() outfn = fn+".selfcontacts.png" plt.savefig(outfn) print "Figure saved as: %s"%outfn
def filter_genes_dispersion(result, log=False, save=None, show=None): """Plot dispersions vs. means for genes. Produces Supp. Fig. 5c of Zheng et al. (2017) and MeanVarPlot() of Seurat. Parameters ---------- result: np.recarray Result of sc.pp.filter_genes_dispersion. log : bool Plot on logarithmic axes. """ gene_subset = result.gene_subset means = result.means dispersions = result.dispersions dispersions_norm = result.dispersions_norm for id, d in enumerate([dispersions_norm, dispersions]): pl.figure(figsize=rcParams['figure.figsize']) for label, color, mask in zip(['highly variable genes', 'other genes'], ['black', 'grey'], [gene_subset, ~gene_subset]): if False: means_, disps_ = np.log10(means[mask]), np.log10(d[mask]) else: means_, disps_ = means[mask], d[mask] pl.scatter(means_, disps_, label=label, c=color, s=1) if log: # there's a bug in autoscale pl.xscale('log') pl.yscale('log') min_dispersion = np.min(dispersions) y_min = 0.95*min_dispersion if min_dispersion > 0 else 1e-1 pl.xlim(0.95*np.min(means), 1.05*np.max(means)) pl.ylim(y_min, 1.05*np.max(dispersions)) pl.legend() pl.xlabel(('$log_{10}$ ' if False else '') + 'mean expression of gene') pl.ylabel(('$log_{10}$ ' if False else '') + 'dispersion of gene' + (' (normalized)' if id == 0 else ' (not normalized)')) utils.savefig_or_show('filter_genes_dispersion', show=show, save=save)
def figure10_2(): runs = 10 episodes = 500 numOfTilings = 8 alphas = [0.1, 0.2, 0.5] steps = np.zeros((len(alphas), episodes)) for run in range(0, runs): valueFunctions = [ValueFunction(alpha, numOfTilings) for alpha in alphas] for index in range(0, len(valueFunctions)): for episode in range(0, episodes): print('run:', run, 'alpha:', alphas[index], 'episode:', episode) step = semiGradientNStepSarsa(valueFunctions[index]) steps[index, episode] += step steps /= runs global figureIndex plt.figure(figureIndex) figureIndex += 1 for i in range(0, len(alphas)): plt.plot(steps[i], label='alpha = '+str(alphas[i])+'/'+str(numOfTilings)) plt.xlabel('Episode') plt.ylabel('Steps per episode') plt.yscale('log') plt.legend() # Figure 10.3, one-step semi-gradient Sarsa vs multi-step semi-gradient Sarsa
def figure10_3(): runs = 10 episodes = 500 numOfTilings = 8 alphas = [0.5, 0.3] nSteps = [1, 8] steps = np.zeros((len(alphas), episodes)) for run in range(0, runs): valueFunctions = [ValueFunction(alpha, numOfTilings) for alpha in alphas] for index in range(0, len(valueFunctions)): for episode in range(0, episodes): print('run:', run, 'steps:', nSteps[index], 'episode:', episode) step = semiGradientNStepSarsa(valueFunctions[index], nSteps[index]) steps[index, episode] += step steps /= runs global figureIndex plt.figure(figureIndex) figureIndex += 1 for i in range(0, len(alphas)): plt.plot(steps[i], label='n = '+str(nSteps[i])) plt.xlabel('Episode') plt.ylabel('Steps per episode') plt.yscale('log') plt.legend() # Figure 10.4, effect of alpha and n on multi-step semi-gradient Sarsa
def mapping_caching2d_resolution(function2d, space_area): """ Plot a map of the mean relative error when caching function2d with different resolutions. :param function2d: 2D function to be cached :param space_area: area where the function has to be cached: (minx, maxx, miny, maxy) """ minx, maxx, miny, maxy = space_area nb_samplesx = 50 nb_samplesy = 50 errors = np.empty((20, 20)) resolutionsx = np.logspace(np.log10(maxx - minx) - 2, np.log10(maxx - minx), 20) resolutionsy = np.logspace(np.log10(maxy - miny) - 2, np.log10(maxy - miny), 20) for i in range(20): for j in range(20): print(i, j) resolutionx = resolutionsx[i] resolutiony = resolutionsy[j] cached_function = Caching2D(function2d, space_area, (resolutionx, resolutiony)) error = 0. nb_zeros = 0 for x in np.linspace(minx, maxx, nb_samplesx): for y in np.linspace(miny, maxy, nb_samplesy): ref_value = function2d(x, y) if ref_value != 0: error += abs((cached_function(x, y) - ref_value) / ref_value) else: nb_zeros += 1 error /= nb_samplesx * nb_samplesy - nb_zeros errors[i, j] = error plt.contourf(resolutionsx, resolutionsy, errors.T) plt.xlabel('resolution x') plt.ylabel('resolution y') plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.colorbar() plt.show()
def main(): # define command line argument parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Visualize training result') parser.add_argument('log', help='log file path to visuzlize') parser.add_argument('--out', '-o', default='.', help='output directory') args = parser.parse_args() # prepare output directory if not os.path.exists(args.out): os.makedirs(args.out) # visualize training loss data = json.load(open(args.log)) epoch = np.array([d["epoch"] for d in data]) training_loss = np.array([d["main/loss"] for d in data]) plt.plot(epoch, training_loss) plt.yscale('log') plt.ylabel('training loss') plt.xlabel('epoch') plt.grid(True) png_path = os.path.join(args.out, 'training_loss.png') plt.savefig(png_path) plt.close() # visualize test error test_acc = np.array([d["validation/main/accuracy"] for d in data]) test_error = (1. - test_acc) * 100 plt.plot(epoch, test_error) plt.yscale('linear') plt.ylabel('test_error [%]') plt.xlabel('epoch') plt.grid(True) plt.ylim([0, 20]) png_path = os.path.join(args.out, 'test_error.png') plt.savefig(png_path) plt.close()
def visualize_learning(net): train_loss = np.array([i["train_loss"] for i in net.train_history_]) valid_loss = np.array([i["valid_loss"] for i in net.train_history_]) pyplot.plot(train_loss, linewidth=3, label="train") pyplot.plot(valid_loss, linewidth=3, label="valid") pyplot.grid() pyplot.legend() pyplot.xlabel("epoch") pyplot.ylabel("loss") ymax = max(np.max(valid_loss), np.max(train_loss)) ymin = min(np.min(valid_loss), np.min(train_loss)) pyplot.ylim(ymin * 0.8, ymax * 1.2) pyplot.yscale("log") pyplot.show()
def plot_scores(self, labels, scores, filename): self.users = 2 f, axis = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True, sharey=False, figsize=(4, 6)) colors = ['g','b','r', '#8E4585'] linestyles = ['->', '-o', '-', '-x'] iterations= 8 for i in range(self.users): for index, score in enumerate(scores): y = score if index == 0: axis[i].plot(range(len(y[i][1:])), len(y[i][1:]) *[y[i][0]], 'k--', label = 'Upper bound', linewidth=2) #axis[i].plot(range(len(y[i][1:])), len(y[i][1:]) *[y[i][0]], 'k--', label = 'Upper-bound') if i>0: axis[i].plot(range(len(y[i][1:])), y[i][1:], linestyles[index], color=colors[index], label='%s' % labels[index], linewidth=2) else: axis[i].plot(range(len(y[i][1:])), y[i][1:], linestyles[index], color=colors[index], label='%s' % labels[index], linewidth=2) axis[i].set_title('User:%s' % str(i+1)) axis[i].set_xticks(np.arange(0, iterations, 1)) axis[i].set_xticklabels(np.arange(0, iterations, 1)) axis[i].set_ylabel('ROUGE 2', fontsize=13) axis[i].grid(True) plt.legend(loc="best", fontsize=9) plt.xlabel("\# Iterations", fontsize=15) plt.yscale("linear") plt.xlim(0,iterations) plt.tight_layout() savefig(filename)
def plot_scores(self, rouge_type='R1_score'): ub_scores = self.rows[0] users = len(ub_scores[1:])/self.info_num y = [[] for user in range(users)] for iteration in range(0,len(self.rows)): row = self.rows[iteration] for user in range(users): if rouge_type == 'R1_score': val = row[1+user*self.info_num] if val != "": y[user].append(float(val)) if rouge_type == 'R2_score': val = row[2+user*self.info_num] if val != "": y[user].append(float(val)) plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(range(len(y[0][1:])), len(y[0][1:]) *[y[0][0]], 'k--', label='UB1') plt.plot(range(len(y[0][1:])), y[0][1:], 'r', label='User 1') plt.plot(range(len(y[1][1:])), len(y[1][1:]) *[y[1][0]], 'k--', label='UB2') plt.plot(range(len(y[1][1:])), y[1][1:], 'b', label='User 2') plt.legend(loc="lower right") plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(range(len(y[2][1:])), len(y[2][1:]) *[y[2][0]], 'k--', label='UB3') plt.plot(range(len(y[2][1:])), y[2][1:],'y', label='User 3') plt.plot(range(len(y[3][1:])), len(y[3][1:]) *[y[3][0]], 'k--', label='UB4') plt.plot(range(len(y[3][1:])), y[3][1:], 'g', label='User 4') plt.legend(loc="lower right") plt.xlabel("No. of iterations") plt.ylabel(rouge_type) plt.yscale("linear") plt.show()
def plot_res(test_err, train_batch_loss, benchmark_err, epoch): '''Plot result of model Args: test_err: 'float', test error of model train_batch_loss: 'tuple', tuple of train error of model x & y benchmark_err: 'tuple', error of using no model epoch: 'int', current epoch ''' flatui = ["#9b59b6", "#3498db", "#95a5a6", "#e74c3c", "#34495e", "#2ecc71"] test_x_val = np.array(list(x * 3 for x in range(0, len(test_err)))) plt.plot(train_batch_loss[0],train_batch_loss[1], label="Training error", c=flatui[1], alpha=0.5) plt.plot(test_x_val, np.array(test_err), label="Test error", c=flatui[0]) plt.axhline(y=benchmark_err[1], linestyle='dashed', label="No-modell error", c=flatui[2]) plt.axhline(y=0.098, linestyle='dashed', label="State of the art error", c=flatui[3]) plt.suptitle("Model error - cold queries") plt.yscale('log', nonposy='clip') plt.xlim([0,epoch+1]) plt.xlabel('epoch') plt.ylabel('error') plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.show()