def tsplot(y, lags=None, figsize=(10, 8), style='bmh'): if not isinstance(y, pd.Series): y = pd.Series(y) with plt.style.context(style): fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) # mpl.rcParams['font.family'] = 'Ubuntu Mono' layout = (3, 2) ts_ax = plt.subplot2grid(layout, (0, 0), colspan=2) acf_ax = plt.subplot2grid(layout, (1, 0)) pacf_ax = plt.subplot2grid(layout, (1, 1)) qq_ax = plt.subplot2grid(layout, (2, 0)) pp_ax = plt.subplot2grid(layout, (2, 1)) y.plot(ax=ts_ax) ts_ax.set_title('Time Series Analysis Plots') smt.graphics.plot_acf(y, lags=lags, ax=acf_ax, alpha=0.5) smt.graphics.plot_pacf(y, lags=lags, ax=pacf_ax, alpha=0.5) sm.qqplot(y, line='s', ax=qq_ax) qq_ax.set_title('QQ Plot') scs.probplot(y, sparams=(y.mean(), y.std()), plot=pp_ax) plt.tight_layout() return
def __init__(self, grid_space, objects, evaluator, figsize, sleep=0.001): super(ScaleMonitor, self).__init__(evaluator, 'score_monitor') self._network = self.evaluator.network self._axes = {} self._tplot_axes = {} self._vplot_axes = {} self._fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) self._sleep = sleep for r_loc, name in enumerate(objects): r_span, c_span = 1, grid_space[1] self._axes[name] = plt.subplot2grid(grid_space, (r_loc, 0), colspan=c_span, rowspan=r_span) if name != objects[-1]: plt.setp(self._axes[name].get_xticklabels(), visible=False) self._axes[name].set_ylabel(r'$%s$' % name.replace(' ', r'\ ').capitalize()) self._fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.1) plt.ion() plt.show()
def _prepare_projectors(params): """ Helper for setting up the projectors for epochs browser """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl epochs = params['epochs'] projs = params['projs'] if len(projs) > 0 and not epochs.proj: ax_button = plt.subplot2grid((10, 15), (9, 14)) opt_button = mpl.widgets.Button(ax_button, 'Proj') callback_option = partial(_toggle_options, params=params) opt_button.on_clicked(callback_option) params['opt_button'] = opt_button params['ax_button'] = ax_button # As here code is shared with plot_evoked, some extra steps: # first the actual plot update function params['plot_update_proj_callback'] = _plot_update_epochs_proj # then the toggle handler callback_proj = partial(_toggle_proj, params=params) # store these for use by callbacks in the options figure params['callback_proj'] = callback_proj callback_proj('none')
def graphRawFX(): date, bid, ask = np.loadtxt('data/GBPUSD1d.txt', unpack=True, delimiter=',', converters={0: mdates.strpdate2num('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')} ) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,7)) ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((40, 40), (0, 0), rowspan=40, colspan=40) ax1.plot(date, bid) ax1.plot(date, ask) plt.gca().get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) for label in ax1.xaxis.get_ticklabels(): label.set_rotation(45) ax1_2 = ax1.twinx() ax1_2.fill_between(date, 0, (ask-bid), facecolor='g', alpha=.3) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=.23) plt.grid(True) plt.show()
def __init__(self): game_params = { 'L': 5, 'dt': 0.15, 'v_0': 0., 'v_max': 0.5, } self._connect(game_params) self._train_params() self.fig = plt.figure() self.ax = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (0, 0), colspan=2, rowspan=2) plt.ion() plt.show()
def plot_x_before_and_after(multipartin, multipartout): xin = [multipartin[i][0][0] for i in xrange(len(multipartin))] xpin = [multipartin[i][0][1] for i in xrange(len(multipartin))] xo = [multipartout[i][0][0] for i in xrange(len(multipartout))] xpo = [multipartout[i][0][1] for i in xrange(len(multipartout))] matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 31}) plt.figure(0) ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((1,2), (0,0)) ax1.plot(xin,xpin,'ro', zorder=1) plt.title('Initial values in x') plt.xlabel('x [m]') plt.ylabel('x\' []') ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((1,2), (0,1)) ax2.plot(xo,xpo,'ro', zorder=1) plt.title('Values after lattice in x') plt.xlabel('x [m]') plt.ylabel('x\' []') plt.show()
def plot_x_after(multipartout): xo = [multipartout[i][0][0] for i in xrange(len(multipartout))] xpo = [multipartout[i][0][1] for i in xrange(len(multipartout))] matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 31}) plt.figure(0) ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((1,1), (0,0)) ax1.plot(xo,xpo,'ro', zorder=1) ax1.set_xlim(-0.004, 0.004) ax1.set_ylim(-0.004, 0.004) plt.title('Values after lattice in x') plt.xlabel('x [m]') plt.ylabel('x\' []') plt.show()
def plot_z_before_and_after(multipartin, multipartout): zin = [multipartin[i][0][4] for i in xrange(len(multipartin))] zpin = [multipartin[i][0][5] for i in xrange(len(multipartin))] zo = [multipartout[i][0][4] for i in xrange(len(multipartout))] zpo = [multipartout[i][0][5] for i in xrange(len(multipartout))] matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 31}) plt.figure(0) ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((1,2), (0,0)) ax1.plot(zin,zpin,'ro', zorder=1) plt.title('Initial values in z') plt.xlabel('z [m]') plt.ylabel('$\delta$ []') ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((1,2), (0,1)) ax2.plot(zo,zpo,'ro', zorder=1) plt.title('Values after lattice in z') plt.xlabel('z [m]') plt.ylabel('$\delta$ []') plt.show()
def plotEnvelope(envx,envy): plt.figure(0) ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((2,3), (0, 0), colspan=3) plt.plot(envx[:,0],envx[:,1],'ro') plt.title('Envelope in x by z') plt.xlabel('z [m]') plt.ylabel('Envelope in x [m]') ax5 = plt.subplot2grid((2,3), (1, 0), colspan=3) plt.plot(envy[:,0],envy[:,1],'bo') plt.title('Envelope in y by z') plt.xlabel('z [m]') plt.ylabel('Envelope in y [m]') plt.show() ## Plot def
def membranePotentials(start_time,time_step,sim_time,recorders,recorded_models,labels, selected_cell,rows,cols,starting_row,starting_col,visual_stage, path = '../../data/'): j = 0 current_row = starting_row current_col = starting_col for population, model in recorded_models: if(isinstance(selected_cell, list) == False): [data,selected_senders,pop] = getData(population,model,recorders,[selected_cell]) else: [data,selected_senders,pop] = getData(population,model,recorders,[selected_cell[j]]) if(current_row<rows and current_col<cols): Vax = plt.subplot2grid((rows,cols), (current_row,current_col)) V_m = (data[0]['V_m'])[selected_senders[0]] # membrane potential V_m = V_m[int(start_time/time_step):len(V_m)] time = np.arange(start_time,sim_time+time_step,time_step) Vax.plot( time[0:len(V_m)],V_m ) Vax.set_title(labels[j]) # save data np.savetxt(path+visual_stage+'/data/'+labels[j], V_m) if j==0: np.savetxt(path+visual_stage+'/data/time', time[0:len(V_m)]) if(current_col<cols-1): current_col+=1 else: current_col = 0 current_row+=1 j+=1 Vax.set_xlabel('time (ms)') # Plot PSTHs
def main(datfile, labelfile, outfile=None, shortcutfile=None, use_ops=True): if not labelfile: labelfile = os.path.splitext(datfile)[0] + '.csv' kill_shortcuts(plt) sampled = bark.read_sampled(datfile) assert len(sampled.attrs['columns']) == 1 labels = bark.read_events(labelfile) labeldata = to_seconds(labels).data.to_dict('records') if len(labeldata) == 0: print('{} has no data'.format(labelfile)) return shortcuts = build_shortcut_map(shortcutfile) opsfile = labelfile + '.ops.json' opstack = load_opstack(opsfile, labelfile, labeldata, use_ops) if not outfile: outfile = os.path.splitext(labelfile)[0] + '_edit.csv' plt.figure() # Oscillogram and Spectrogram get # three times the vertical space as the minimap. osc_ax = plt.subplot2grid((7, 1), (0, 0), rowspan=3) spec_ax = plt.subplot2grid((7, 1), (3, 0), rowspan=3, sharex=osc_ax) map_ax = plt.subplot2grid((7, 1), (6, 0)) # Segement review is a context manager to ensure a save prompt # on exit. see SegmentReviewer.__exit__ with SegmentReviewer(osc_ax, spec_ax, map_ax, sampled, opstack, shortcuts, outfile, labels.attrs, opsfile) as reviewer: reviewer.connect() plt.show(block=True)
def update(self, matrix_list, name_list): # draw first line axes_input = plt.subplot2grid((3, 1), (0, 0), colspan=1) axes_input.set_aspect('equal') plt.imshow(matrix_list[0], interpolation='none') axes_input.set_xticks([]) axes_input.set_yticks([]) # draw second line axes_output = plt.subplot2grid((3, 1), (1, 0), colspan=1) plt.imshow(matrix_list[1], interpolation='none') axes_output.set_xticks([]) axes_output.set_yticks([]) # draw third line axes_predict = plt.subplot2grid((3, 1), (2, 0), colspan=1) plt.imshow(matrix_list[2], interpolation='none') axes_predict.set_xticks([]) axes_predict.set_yticks([]) # # add text # plt.text(-2, -19.5, name_list[0], ha='right') # plt.text(-2, -7.5, name_list[1], ha='right') # plt.text(-2, 4.5, name_list[2], ha='right') # plt.text(6, 10, 'Time $\longrightarrow$', ha='right') # set tick labels invisible make_tick_labels_invisible(plt.gcf()) # adjust spaces plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.05, wspace=0.05, bottom=0.1, right=0.8, top=0.9) # add color bars # *rect* = [left, bottom, width, height] cax = plt.axes([0.85, 0.125, 0.015, 0.75]) plt.colorbar(cax=cax) # show figure # plt.show() plt.draw() plt.pause(0.025) # plt.pause(15)
def _pyramid(N): """Generates the corner positions, grid size, and column/row spans for a pyramid image. Parameters -------------- N : int the total number of images in the pyramid. Returns ------------- params : list of lists Contains the params for subplot2grid for each of the N images in the pyramid. [W,corner,span] W is the total grid size, corner is the location of a particular axies, and span is the size of a paricular axies. """ num_levels = round(N / float(3)) # the number of levels in the pyramid W = int(2**num_levels) # grid size of the pyramid params = [p % 3 for p in range(0, N)] lcorner = [0, 0] # the min corner of this level for n in range(0, N): level = int(n / 3) # pyramid level span = int(W / (2**(level + 1))) # span in num of grid spaces corner = list(lcorner) # the min corner of this tile if params[n] == 0: lcorner[0] += span lcorner[1] += span elif params[n] == 2: corner[0] = lcorner[0] - span elif params[n] == 1: corner[1] = lcorner[1] - span params[n] = [W, corner, span] # print(params[n]) return params
def plot_dynamics_data(self, start=0): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((2,2), (0,0), colspan=2) ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((2,2), (1,0)) ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((2,2), (1,1)) self.df[start:len(self.df)][["etot", "econt", "econs"]].plot(ax=ax1) ((self.df[start:len(self.df)].etot-self.df[start:len(self.df)].econs)/(self.df[start:len(self.df)].econs-self.df[start:len(self.df)].econt)).plot(ax=ax2) self.df.tempp[start:len(self.df)].plot(ax3) plt.show()
def plot_temp_data(self, start=0): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import ase.data ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((2,2), (0,0), colspan=2) ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((2,2), (1,0)) ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((2,2), (1,1)) ekins = [] et = [] for i in range(len(self.ordering)): at_num = self.struct.get_ase().get_atomic_numbers()[self.ordering[i][0]] w_name = ase.data.chemical_symbols[at_num] for at in range(len(self.ordering[i])): ion_key = w_name+"_"+str(self.ordering[i][at]) if "ekin_"+ion_key not in self.df: print "Generating" self.generate_species_data() ekins.append("ekin_"+ion_key) et.append("temp_"+ion_key) self.df[et].plot(ax=ax1, legend=False) self.df[et].mean().plot(kind='bar', ax=ax2, yerr=self.df[et].std()) self.df.all_temp.plot(ax=ax3) self.df.tempp.plot(ax=ax3) plt.show()
def plot_temp_data_by_species(self, start=0): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import ase.data specs = len(self.ordering) axes = [] axes_2 = [] for i in range(specs): axes.append(plt.subplot2grid((specs,2), (i,0))) axes_2.append(plt.subplot2grid((specs,2), (i,1))) for i in range(len(self.ordering)): et = [] at_num = self.struct.get_ase().get_atomic_numbers()[self.ordering[i][0]] w_name = ase.data.chemical_symbols[at_num] for at in range(len(self.ordering[i])): ion_key = w_name+"_"+str(self.ordering[i][at]) et.append("temp_"+ion_key) self.df[et].plot(ax=axes[i], legend=False) (self.df[et].sum(axis=1)/len(self.ordering[i])).plot(ax=axes_2[i], legend=False) plt.show()
def recognitionFunc(filePath): recognized=[] exampleNumberColors=open('numtext.txt','r').read() exampleNumberColors=exampleNumberColors.split('\n') i=Image.open(filePath) iArray=np.array(i) iArrayList=iArray.tolist() inquestion=str(iArrayList) for examples in exampleNumberColors: if(len(examples)>3): splitTexts=examples.split('::') numberIs=splitTexts[0] pixelArrayIs=splitTexts[1] eachPixelEx=pixelArrayIs.split('],') eachPixelInq=inquestion.split('],') a=0 while(a<len(eachPixelEx)): if(eachPixelEx[a]==eachPixelInq[a]): recognized.append(int(numberIs)) a += 1 c=Counter(recognized) print(c) print(max(c.values())) xAxis=[] yAxis=[] for eachNumber in c: xAxis.append(eachNumber) yAxis.append(c[eachNumber]) ax1=plot.subplot2grid((4,4),(0,0),rowspan=1,colspan=4) ax2=plot.subplot2grid((4,4),(1,0),rowspan=3,colspan=4) ax1.imshow(iArray) print(xAxis,yAxis) ax2.bar(xAxis,yAxis,align="center") plot.ylim(350) plot.show()
def add_subplot(self, *args): num_axes = sum(args) for i, ratio in enumerate(args): if i > 0: plt.subplot2grid((num_axes, 1), (sum(args[:i]), 0), rowspan = ratio, sharex = self.fig.axes[0]) else: plt.subplot2grid((num_axes, 1), (sum(args[:i]), 0), rowspan = ratio) #self.slider = mwidgets.Slider(xslider, "slider", '', 0, len(price_data), len(price_data), len(price_data)/100, "%d") ##kwindow.on_changed(observer_slider) ##observer_slider.on_changed(kwindow) #signal = SignalWindow(axk, zip(zip(entry_x,entry_y),zip(exit_x,exit_y)), colors, slw)
def animate(i): # dirpath is a global variable from above dirpath = "/Users/Natsume/Downloads/temp_folders/demo_cifar/cifar_plot_weights" # # make an ordered list of layers to plot # layer_order = [['images'], ['convolution_0'], ['conv_layer1'], ['convolution_1'], ['conv_layer2']] # define how many rows of subplots we need num_cols = len(layer_order) # i from animation(), start from 0, repetition # empty file name img_file = None # plt.figure(figsize=(5, 10)) # plot layer one by one for col in range(num_cols): # access all filenames in the dirpath for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(dirpath): # looping through every filename for filename in filenames: # search all filenames with a row's keywords # "epoch"+str(i+1): make sure all layers in one figure share the same epoch if filename.find(layer_order[col]) > -1 and filename.find(str(i+1)+".png")> -1: img_file = dirpath + '/' + filename img=mpimg.imread(img_file) ax = plt.subplot2grid((3, num_cols), (0, col), rowspan=3, colspan=1) ax.set_title(layer_order[col] + "_epoch_" + str(i+1)) ax.imshow(img) # plt.show() can plot all subplots, meaning all subplots are stored inside plt return plt
def demo(self): # Axes Plots fig = plt.figure(figsize=plt.figaspect(1.)) p = ((0,0), (1,0), (0,1), (1,1)) cb=[0,0,0,1] for i,v in enumerate(self.simple_models.keys()): ax = plt.subplot2grid((2,2), p[i], projection='3d', aspect='equal', ylim=[-1,1], xlim=[-1,1], zlim=[-1,1]) example = SeismicSource(self.simple_models[v]['definition']) example.Aki_Richards.plot(wave='P', style='*', ax=ax, cbarxlabel='P-wave amplitudes', cb=cb[i]) ax.set_title(self.simple_models[v]['name']) plt.tight_layout()
def demodc(self): # Axes Plots fig = plt.figure(figsize=plt.figaspect(2.)) p = ((0,0), (1,0), (2,0)) cb=[0,0,1] for i,v in enumerate(self.simple_models_dc.keys()): ax = plt.subplot2grid((3,1), p[i], projection='3d', aspect='equal', ylim=[-1,1], xlim=[-1,1], zlim=[-1,1]) example = SeismicSource(self.simple_models_dc[v]['definition']) example.Aki_Richards.plot(wave='P', style='*', ax=ax, cbarxlabel='P-wave amplitudes', cb=cb[i]) ax.set_title(self.simple_models_dc[v]['name']) plt.tight_layout()
def plot_tick_range(tick_path, range_start, range_end): if os.path.exists(tick_path) == False: print(tick_path + ' file doesnt exist') quit() date_cols = ['RateDateTime'] df = pd.read_csv(tick_path, usecols=['RateDateTime','RateBid','RateAsk']) start_index = tfh.find_index_closest_date(range_start, tick_path) end_index = tfh.find_index_closest_date(range_end, tick_path) # dont proceed if we didnt find indices if (start_index is None or end_index is None): print('start_index or end_index was None') quit() ticks_s = df.iloc[start_index:end_index] ticks = (ticks_s['RateAsk'] + ticks_s['RateBid']) / 2.0 dates_dt = [dt.datetime.strptime(str.split(x, '.')[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') for x in ticks_s['RateDateTime'].values] dates = mdates.date2num(dates_dt) #fig = plt.figure() #ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((1,1), (0,0)) plt.plot_date(dates, ticks, 'b-')
def plotting(): # plots the various crime rates fig = plt.figure() ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((1, 1), (0, 0)) perc_change.plot(ax=ax1, linewidth=3) total_crime_perc_change.plot(ax=ax1, linewidth=10, color='black', label='mean crime rate') ax1.legend(loc="lower left") plt.title("Percentage change in crime rates compared to starting year") plt.show()
def subplot2grid(shape, loc, colspan=1, rowspan=1): from matplotlib import pyplot as plt return plt.subplot2grid(shape, loc, colspan=colspan, rowspan=rowspan)
def nearestimage_and_representation(paths_training, index_training, X_training, y_training, paths_test, index_test, X_test, y_test, distance, accuracy, matrix): plt.figure() query_image = sio.imread(paths_test[index_test]) plt.subplot2grid((2,3), (0, 0)) if(y_test[index_test] == 0): typeofclass = "Food" else: typeofclass = "Not-Food" plt.title("Query image {0}".format(paths_test[index_test]) ) plt.imshow(query_image) plt.subplot2grid((2,3), (0, 1)) plt.title("Class {0}".format(typeofclass) ) plt.plot(X_test[index_test]) closest_im = sio.imread(paths_training[index_training]) plt.subplot2grid((2,3), (1, 0)) if(y_training[index_training] == 0): typeofclass = "Food" else: typeofclass = "Not-Food" plt.title("Closest Im {0}".format(paths_training[index_training]) ) plt.imshow(closest_im) plt.subplot2grid((2,3), (1, 1)) plt.title("Class {0}".format(typeofclass) ) plt.plot(X_training[index_training]) plt.subplot2grid((2,3), (0, 2), rowspan=2) plt.title("Distance {0} - Accuracy {1}%\nConfusion Matrix\n {2}".format(distance, accuracy, matrix)) plt.plot(X_test[index_test], color='red') plt.plot(X_training[index_training], color='blue') plt.show()
def __init__(self, left_cube, right_cube, trans_factor, cmap='viridis'): self.fig = plt.figure() ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (0, 0)) ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (0, 1)) ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (1, 0), colspan=2) ax1.tick_params(labelbottom='off', labelleft='off') ax2.tick_params(labelbottom='off', labelleft='off') ax3.set_xlabel('Time Step in a.u.') ax3.set_ylabel('Trigger Criterion in a.u.') vmax = left_cube.max() self.l_quad = ax1.pcolormesh(left_cube[0], cmap=cmap, vmin=0, vmax=vmax) self.r_quad = ax2.pcolormesh(left_cube[0], cmap=cmap, vmin=0, vmax=vmax) self.line, = ax3.plot(0, trans_factor[0]) ax3.set_xlim([0, len(trans_factor)]) ax3.set_ylim([0, trans_factor.max() + 1]) self.left_cube = left_cube self.right_cube = right_cube self.trans_factor = trans_factor self.x = [] self.y = []
def plot_errors(error_locations, erroneous_predictions=None): test_x, test_y = test_data[0].eval(), test_data[1].eval() fig = plt.figure() error_images = [np.array(test_x[i]).reshape(28, -1) for i in error_locations] n = min(40, len(error_locations)) for j in range(n): ax = plt.subplot2grid((5, 8), (j/8, j % 8)) ax.matshow(error_images[j], cmap = matplotlib.cm.binary) ax.text(24, 5, test_y[error_locations[j]]) if erroneous_predictions: ax.text(24, 24, erroneous_predictions[j]) plt.xticks(np.array([])) plt.yticks(np.array([])) plt.tight_layout() return plt
def plotResultsAed(self): tt = self.traj.tt tp = self.traj.tp # Aed plots LL, DD, CCL, CCD, QQ = self.__calcAedTab(self.traj.tt, self.traj.xx, self.uu) Lp, Dp, CLp, CDp, Qp = self.__calcAedTab(self.traj.tp, self.traj.xp, self.up) plt.subplot2grid((6, 2), (0, 0), rowspan=2, colspan=2) plt.plot(tt, LL, '.-b', tp, Lp, '.r', tt, DD, '.-g', tp, Dp, '.r') plt.grid(True) plt.ylabel("L and D [kN]") plt.subplot2grid((6, 2), (2, 0), rowspan=2, colspan=2) plt.plot(tt, CCL, '.-b', tp, CLp, '.r', tt, CCD, '.-g', tp, CDp, '.r') plt.grid(True) plt.ylabel("CL and CD [-]") plt.subplot2grid((6, 2), (4, 0), rowspan=2, colspan=2) plt.plot(tt, QQ, '.-b', tp, Qp, '.r') plt.grid(True) plt.ylabel("qdin [kPa]") plt.show() return None
def plotSol(sizes,t,x,u,pi,constants,restrictions,opt=dict()): plt.subplot2grid((8,4),(0,0),colspan=5) plt.plot(t,x[:,0]*180/numpy.pi,) plt.grid(True) plt.ylabel("theta (deg)") if opt.get('mode','sol') == 'sol': I = calcI(sizes,x,u,pi,constants,restrictions) titlStr = "Current solution: I = {:.4E}".format(I) if opt.get('dispP',False): P = opt['P'] titlStr = titlStr + " P = {:.4E} ".format(P) if opt.get('dispQ',False): Q = opt['Q'] titlStr = titlStr + " Q = {:.4E} ".format(Q) elif opt['mode'] == 'var': titlStr = "Proposed variations" else: titlStr = opt['mode'] # plt.title(titlStr) plt.subplot2grid((8,4),(1,0),colspan=5) plt.plot(t,x[:,1]*180/numpy.pi,'g') plt.grid(True) plt.ylabel("omega (deg/s)") plt.subplot2grid((8,4),(2,0),colspan=5) plt.plot(t,u[:,0],'k') plt.grid(True) plt.ylabel("u1 [-]") plt.subplot2grid((8,4),(3,0),colspan=5) plt.plot(t,numpy.tanh(u[:,0]),'r') plt.grid(True) plt.ylabel("contr [-]") plt.subplots_adjust(0.0125,0.0,0.9,2.5,0.2,0.2) plt.show() print("pi =",pi,"\n") #
def plotSol(sizes,t,x,u,pi,constants,restrictions,opt=dict()): plt.subplot2grid((8,4),(0,0),colspan=5) plt.plot(t,x[:,0],) plt.grid(True) plt.ylabel("x") if opt.get('mode','sol') == 'sol': I = calcI(sizes,x,u,pi,constants,restrictions) titlStr = "Current solution: I = {:.4E}".format(I) if opt.get('dispP',False): P = opt['P'] titlStr = titlStr + " P = {:.4E} ".format(P) if opt.get('dispQ',False): Q = opt['Q'] titlStr = titlStr + " Q = {:.4E} ".format(Q) elif opt['mode'] == 'var': titlStr = "Proposed variations" else: titlStr = opt['mode'] # plt.title(titlStr) plt.subplot2grid((8,4),(1,0),colspan=5) plt.plot(t,x[:,1],'g') plt.grid(True) plt.ylabel("y") plt.subplot2grid((8,4),(2,0),colspan=5) plt.plot(t,u[:,0],'k') plt.grid(True) plt.ylabel("u1 [-]") plt.subplot2grid((8,4),(3,0),colspan=5) plt.plot(t,numpy.tanh(u[:,0]),'r') plt.grid(True) plt.ylabel("contr [-]") plt.subplots_adjust(0.0125,0.0,0.9,2.5,0.2,0.2) plt.show() print("pi =",pi,"\n") #
def _onclick_help(event, params): """Function for drawing help window""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt text, text2 = _get_help_text(params) width = 6 height = 5 fig_help = figure_nobar(figsize=(width, height), dpi=80) fig_help.canvas.set_window_title('Help') ax = plt.subplot2grid((8, 5), (0, 0), colspan=5) ax.set_title('Keyboard shortcuts') plt.axis('off') ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((8, 5), (1, 0), rowspan=7, colspan=2) ax1.set_yticklabels(list()) plt.text(0.99, 1, text, fontname='STIXGeneral', va='top', weight='bold', ha='right') plt.axis('off') ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((8, 5), (1, 2), rowspan=7, colspan=3) ax2.set_yticklabels(list()) plt.text(0, 1, text2, fontname='STIXGeneral', va='top') plt.axis('off') tight_layout(fig=fig_help) # this should work for non-test cases try: fig_help.canvas.draw() fig_help.show(warn=False) except Exception: pass
def pupil_showcross(pf): # display the pupil function from top and cross section. NY, NX = pf.shape ry = int(NY/2.) rx = int(NX/2.) yy = (np.arange(NY)-ry)/ry xx = (np.arange(NX)-rx)/rx [MX, MY] = np.meshgrid(xx,yy) figp = plt.figure(figsize = (7.9,3.2)) grid_size = (1,5) plt.subplot2grid(grid_size,(0,0), rowspan = 1, colspan = 2) plt.subplot2grid(grid_size,(0,2), rowspan = 1, colspan = 3) ax1, ax2 = figp.axes ax1.pcolor(MX,MY,pf,cmap = 'RdYlBu_r') ax1.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax1.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax2.plot(xx,pf[ry, :], '-r', linewidth = 2, label = 'kx') ax2.plot(yy,pf[:,rx], '-g', linewidth = 2, label = 'ky') ax2.set_xlabel('k', fontsize = 14) ax2.set_ylabel('Wavelength', fontsize = 14) ax2.set_ylim([-1,1]) ax2.legend(['x', 'y'], fontsize=12) ax2.set_xticks([-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1] ) plt.tight_layout() return figp
def _show_image(img, original=True): # index = 322 if original else 326 index = (0, 1) if original else (4, 1) # ax = plt.subplot(index) ax = plt.subplot2grid((7, 2), index, rowspan=3) ax.imshow(img) ax.set_title('Original' if original else 'Reconstruction') ax.axis('off')
def animate(cur, enc, img, reco): fig = vis.get_figure() original = data_to_img(img[cur]) reconstr = data_to_img(reco[cur]) _show_image(original) _show_image(reconstr, original=False) # animation ax = plt.subplot2grid((7, 2), (0, 0), rowspan=7, projection='3d') ax.set_title('Trajectory') ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) ax.set_zticks([]) if enc.shape[1] > 3: enc = enc[:, :4] # white data = enc[cur:] ax.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], c='w', s=1, zorder=15) # old tail_len = max(0, cur - TAIL_LENGTH) # print(tail_len) if tail_len > 0: data = enc[:tail_len] ax.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], c='black', zorder=10, s=1,) # recent for i in range(0, -TAIL_LENGTH, -1): j = i + cur if j >= 0: # print(cur, i) data = enc[j] ax.scatter(data[0], data[1], data[2], c='b', s=(i+TAIL_LENGTH)/5, zorder=5) plt.show()
def plot_efd(coeffs, locus=(0., 0.), image=None, contour=None, n=300): """Plot a ``[2 x (N / 2)]`` grid of successive truncations of the series. .. note:: Requires `matplotlib <http://matplotlib.org/>`_! :param numpy.ndarray coeffs: ``[N x 4]`` Fourier coefficient array. :param list, tuple or numpy.ndarray locus: The :math:`A_0` and :math:`C_0` elliptic locus in [#a]_ and [#b]_. :param int n: Number of points to use for plotting of Fourier series. """ try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: print("Cannot plot: matplotlib was not installed.") return N = coeffs.shape[0] N_half = int(np.ceil(N / 2)) n_rows = 2 t = np.linspace(0, 1.0, n) xt = np.ones((n,)) * locus[0] yt = np.ones((n,)) * locus[1] for n in _range(coeffs.shape[0]): xt += (coeffs[n, 0] * np.cos(2 * (n + 1) * np.pi * t)) + \ (coeffs[n, 1] * np.sin(2 * (n + 1) * np.pi * t)) yt += (coeffs[n, 2] * np.cos(2 * (n + 1) * np.pi * t)) + \ (coeffs[n, 3] * np.sin(2 * (n + 1) * np.pi * t)) ax = plt.subplot2grid((n_rows, N_half), (n // N_half, n % N_half)) ax.set_title(str(n + 1)) if contour is not None: ax.plot(contour[:, 1], contour[:, 0], 'c--', linewidth=2) ax.plot(yt, xt, 'r', linewidth=2) if image is not None: ax.imshow(image, plt.cm.gray) plt.show()
def _init_display(self): self.reset() self.t = 0 if self.vis_flag: self.fig = plt.figure() self.ax = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (0, 0), colspan=2, rowspan=2) self.x_expert = self.reference_contour()[:, 2:] self.scat_agent = self.ax.scatter(self.state[2], self.state[3], s=180, marker='o', color='r') self.scat_expert = self.ax.scatter(self.x_expert[0][0], self.x_expert[0][1], s=180, marker='o', color='b')
def __init__(self, run_dir): r = 10. game_params = { 'r': r, 'dt': 1./9, 'host_speed': 10/3.6, 'target_speed': 5., 'num_of_targets': 5, } self._connect(game_params) self._train_params() self.fig = plt.figure() self.ax = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (0, 0), colspan=2, rowspan=2) self.run_dir = run_dir subprocess.Popen(self.run_dir + "./simulator") self.pipe_module = tf.load_op_library(self.run_dir + 'pipe.so') plt.ion() plt.show()
def init_theano_funcs(self): self.test_model = t.function( inputs=[self.v_h_0, self.x_h_0, self.v_t_0, self.x_t_0, self.a_t_0, self.is_aggressive, self.n_steps_], outputs=[self.model.v_h, self.model.x_h, self.model.v_t, self.model.x_t, self.model.grad_mean, self.model.params_abs_norm], givens={}, name='test_model_func', on_unused_input='ignore', ) self.train_model = t.function( inputs=[self.v_h_0, self.x_h_0, self.v_t_0, self.x_t_0, self.a_t_0, self.is_aggressive, self.lr_, self.n_steps_], outputs=[self.model.cost_a, self.model.cost_t], updates=self.model.updates, givens={}, name='train_func', on_unused_input='ignore', ) self.avg_cost_a = 999 self.avg_cost_t = 999 self.grad_mean = 0 self.param_abs_norm = 0 self.fig = plt.figure() self.ax = plt.subplot2grid((2,2), (0,0), colspan=2, rowspan=2) plt.ion() plt.show() plt.axis('equal')
def __init__(self): r = 1. game_params = { 'r': r, 'dt': 0.15, 'v_0': 0.2, 'num_of_targets': 5, 'dist_in_seconds': 3., 'alpha_accel': 0.5, 'alpha_progress': 0.5, 'alpha_accident': 0.5, 'p_aggressive': 0.5, 'x_goal': 0.5 * r * np.pi, 'require_distance': 0.25 * r * np.pi, 'host_length': 0.125 * r * np.pi, 'gamma': 0.95, } self._connect(game_params) self.fig = plt.figure() self.ax = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (0, 0), colspan=2, rowspan=2) plt.ion() plt.show()
def plot_aggregate(labels, accepts_rejects, rejects, ub_score, sys_score, soa, break_iteration, filename): colors = ['g','b','r', '#8E4585'] linestyles = ['->', '-o', '-', '-x'] f, axis = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True, sharey=False, figsize=(4, 6)) axis[0] = plt.subplot2grid((8, 12), (0, 0), rowspan=5, colspan=12) axis[1] = plt.subplot2grid((8, 12), (5, 0), rowspan=3, colspan=12) axis[0].plot(range(len(accepts_rejects[0][0:break_iteration])), len(accepts_rejects[0][0:break_iteration]) * [ub_score[0][0]], 'k--', label = 'Upper bound', linewidth=2) common_score = [] for i in range(len(labels)): common_score.append(sys_score[i][0]) initial_score = max(set(common_score), key=common_score.count) for i in range(len(labels)): sys_score[i][0] = initial_score for i in range(len(labels)): y = sys_score[i][0:break_iteration] axis[0].plot(range(len(y)), y, linestyles[i], color=colors[i], label='%s' % labels[i], linewidth=1.5) axis[0].set_ylabel('ROUGE 2', fontsize=15) axis[0].legend(loc="best", fontsize=12) axis[0].set_xticks(np.arange(0, break_iteration, 1)) axis[0].set_autoscale_on(True) axis[0].grid(True) f.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.1) for i in range(len(labels)): y = accepts_rejects[i][1:break_iteration+1] axis[1].plot(range(len(y)), y, linestyles[i], color=colors[i], label='%s' % labels[i], linewidth=1.5) axis[1].grid(True) axis[1].set_xlabel("\# Iterations", fontsize=13) axis[1].set_ylabel('\# Feedbacks', fontsize=13) axis[1].set_xticks(np.arange(0, break_iteration, 1)) axis[1].set_xticklabels(np.arange(0, break_iteration, 1)) plt.tight_layout() savefig(filename)
def save_images_with_nll(images, nlls): num_images = images.shape[0] num_images_per_row = 4 num_images_per_column = (num_images + num_images_per_row - 1) // num_images_per_row idx = 0 for i in range(num_images_per_column): for j in range(num_images_per_row): plt.subplot2grid((num_images_per_column,num_images_per_row),(i, j)) plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(images[idx]) plt.title('%f' % nlls[idx]) idx += 1 if idx >= num_images: plt.savefig('test_results/samples_%s.png' % time.strftime("%m_%d_%H_%M_%S"), bbox_inches='tight') return
def plotSeqAndFeatures(seq, X, createFiltAx=False, padBothSides=False, capYLim=1000): """plots the time series above the associated feature matrix""" plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) if createFiltAx: nRows = 4 nCols = 7 axSeq = plt.subplot2grid((nRows,nCols), (0,0), colspan=(nCols-1)) axSim = plt.subplot2grid((nRows,nCols), (1,0), colspan=(nCols-1), rowspan=(nRows-1)) axFilt = plt.subplot2grid((nRows,nCols), (1,nCols-1), rowspan=(nRows-1)) axes = (axSeq, axSim, axFilt) else: nRows = 4 nCols = 1 axSeq = plt.subplot2grid((nRows,nCols), (0,0)) axSim = plt.subplot2grid((nRows,nCols), (1,0), rowspan=(nRows-1)) axes = (axSeq, axSim) for ax in axes: ax.autoscale(tight=True) axSeq.plot(seq) axSeq.set_ylim([seq.min(), min(capYLim, seq.max())]) if padBothSides: padLen = (len(seq) - X.shape[1]) // 2 Xpad = ar.addZeroCols(X, padLen, prepend=True) Xpad = ar.addZeroCols(Xpad, padLen, prepend=False) else: padLen = len(seq) - X.shape[1] Xpad = ar.addZeroCols(Xpad, padLen, prepend=False) axSim.imshow(Xpad, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto') axSeq.set_title("Time Series") axSim.set_title("Feature Matrix") if createFiltAx: axFilt.set_title("Learned Filter") return axSeq, axSim, axFilt return axSeq, axSim
def makeFig1(): ts = getFig1Ts() # set up axes ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((2,2), (0,0), colspan=2) ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((2,2), (1,0)) ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((2,2), (1,1)) axes = [ax1, ax2, ax3] for ax in axes: ax.autoscale(tight=True) sb.despine(left=True, ax=ax) ts.plot(showLabels=False, showBounds=False, ax=ax1) lengths = [150] ts_sota = labelTs_sota(ts, lengths) ts_sota.plot(showLabels=False, ax=ax2) ts_ff = labelTs_ff(ts, 100, 200) # Lmin, Lmax ts_ff.plot(showLabels=False, ax=ax3) plt.setp(ax3.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) ax1.set_title("Patterns in Dishwasher Dataset") ax1.set_xlabel("Minute") ax2.set_title("State-of-the-art") ax3.set_title("Proposed") plt.tight_layout() plt.show()
def showPlot(rgb_array): """ Shows rgb array plots for image :param rgb_array: rgb array to be analyzed """ rgb_array_red = rgb_array * 1 rgb_array_green = rgb_array * 1 rgb_array_blue = rgb_array * 1 rgb_array_hist = rgb_array f5 = plt.figure() f5.canvas.set_window_title('RGB Plots') lu1 = setImageColor(rgb_array_red, 'r') plt.subplot2grid((2, 3), (0, 0)) plt.imshow(lu1) lu2 = setImageColor(rgb_array_green, 'g') plt.subplot2grid((2, 3), (0, 1)) plt.imshow(lu2) lu3 = setImageColor(rgb_array_blue, 'b') plt.subplot2grid((2, 3), (0, 2)) plt.imshow(lu3) lu4 = rgb_array_hist[..., 0].flatten() plt.subplot2grid((2, 3), (1, 0)) plt.hist(lu4, bins=256, range=(0, 256), histtype='stepfilled', color='r', label='Red') plt.title("Red") plt.xlabel("Value") plt.ylabel("Frequency") plt.legend() lu5 = rgb_array_hist[..., 1].flatten() plt.subplot2grid((2, 3), (1, 1)) plt.hist(lu5, bins=256, range=(0, 256), histtype='stepfilled', color='g', label='Green') plt.title("Green") plt.xlabel("Value") plt.ylabel("Frequency") plt.legend() lu6 = rgb_array_hist[..., 2].flatten() plt.subplot2grid((2, 3), (1, 2)) plt.hist(lu6, bins=256, range=(0, 256), histtype='stepfilled', color='b', label='Blue') plt.title("Blue") plt.xlabel("Value") plt.ylabel("Frequency") plt.legend() # plt.hist((rgb_array).ravel(), bins=256, range=(0,1), fc = 'k', ec = 'k') plt.show()
def savePlot(rgb_array, filename): """ Saves plot data for rgb array :param rgb_array: array to be analyzed :param filename: file path with filename to save the image. example /pi/plot.jpg """ rgb_array_red = rgb_array * 1 rgb_array_green = rgb_array * 1 rgb_array_blue = rgb_array * 1 rgb_array_hist = rgb_array f6 = plt.figure() f6.canvas.set_window_title('RGB Plots') lu1 = setImageColor(rgb_array_red, 'r') plt.subplot2grid((2, 3), (0, 0)) plt.imshow(lu1) lu2 = setImageColor(rgb_array_green, 'g') plt.subplot2grid((2, 3), (0, 1)) plt.imshow(lu2) lu3 = setImageColor(rgb_array_blue, 'b') plt.subplot2grid((2, 3), (0, 2)) plt.imshow(lu3) lu4 = rgb_array_hist[..., 0].flatten() plt.subplot2grid((2, 3), (1, 0)) plt.hist(lu4, bins=256, range=(0, 256), histtype='stepfilled', color='r', label='Red') plt.title("Red") plt.xlabel("Value") plt.ylabel("Frequency") plt.legend() lu5 = rgb_array_hist[..., 1].flatten() plt.subplot2grid((2, 3), (1, 1)) plt.hist(lu5, bins=256, range=(0, 256), histtype='stepfilled', color='g', label='Green') plt.title("Green") plt.xlabel("Value") plt.ylabel("Frequency") plt.legend() lu6 = rgb_array_hist[..., 2].flatten() plt.subplot2grid((2, 3), (1, 2)) plt.hist(lu6, bins=256, range=(0, 256), histtype='stepfilled', color='b', label='Blue') plt.title("Blue") plt.xlabel("Value") plt.ylabel("Frequency") plt.legend() # plt.hist((rgb_array).ravel(), bins=256, range=(0,1), fc = 'k', ec = 'k') f6.savefig(filename)
def PSTH(start_time,time_step,sim_time,recorders,recorded_models,labels, selected_cell,rows,cols,starting_row,starting_col,trials,PSTHs,bin_size, visual_stage,path="../../data/"): j = 0 current_row = starting_row current_col = starting_col for population, model in recorded_models: # Single-trial estimation of PSTH if trials ==1: if(isinstance(selected_cell, list) == False): [data,selected_senders,pop] = getData(population,model,recorders,[selected_cell]) else: [data,selected_senders,pop] = getData(population,model,recorders,[selected_cell[j]]) spike_times = (data[0]['times'])[selected_senders[0]] [PSTH_times,PSTH_array] = singleTrialPSTH(start_time,sim_time,spike_times) # Standard PSTH else: PSTH_array = (1000.0/bin_size) * PSTHs[j,int(start_time/bin_size):]/trials PSTH_times = np.arange(start_time,sim_time,bin_size) # Plot if(current_row<rows and current_col<cols): Vax = plt.subplot2grid((rows,cols), (current_row,current_col)) # Vax.plot( PSTH_times, PSTH_array,'b') # bar plot Vax.bar( PSTH_times, PSTH_array, bin_size, color="blue") if trials ==1: Vax.plot( spike_times , np.ones(len(spike_times)) ,"r*") Vax.set_title(labels[j]) # save data np.savetxt(path+visual_stage+'/data/'+labels[j]+'_PSTH', PSTH_array) if j==0: np.savetxt(path+visual_stage+'/data/PSTH_times_interp', PSTH_times) if(current_col<cols-1): current_col+=1 else: current_col = 0 current_row+=1 j+=1 Vax.set_xlabel('time (ms)') # Spatial tuning curve: it can be either spatial-frequency curve or area-response curve
def receptiveField(fig,N,RF_intervals,s_layers_to_record,labels,RF_bright,RF_dark): RF_index = 0 for interval in RF_intervals: counter = 0 for population, model in s_layers_to_record: # 3D plot # Vax = fig.add_subplot(len(s_layers_to_record),len(RF_intervals),1 +\ # RF_index + counter*len(RF_intervals), projection='3d') # X = np.arange(N) # Y = X # X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y) # Z = RF_bright[RF_index,counter,:,:] - RF_dark[RF_index,counter,:,:] # # Interpolation # sigma = 1.5 # Z_inter = gaussian_filter(Z, sigma) # # Plot # im_plot = Vax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z_inter, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap='coolwarm', # linewidth=0, antialiased=False) # 2D plot # Vax = plt.subplot2grid((len(s_layers_to_record),len(RF_intervals)),(counter,RF_index)) # im_plot = Vax.matshow(RF_bright[RF_index,counter,:,:] - RF_dark[RF_index,counter,:,:]) # Contour Plot Vax = plt.subplot2grid((len(s_layers_to_record),len(RF_intervals)),(counter,RF_index)) X = np.arange(N) Y = X X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y) Z = RF_bright[RF_index,counter,:,:] - RF_dark[RF_index,counter,:,:] # Interpolation sigma = 1.5 Z_inter = gaussian_filter(Z, sigma) # Plot im_plot = Vax.contourf(X, Y, Z_inter, 10, cmap=plt.cm.coolwarm) # axis, title Vax.axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) Vax.axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) if RF_index == 0: Vax.set_title(str(labels[counter] +'\n'+ str(RF_intervals[RF_index]))) else: Vax.set_title(str(RF_intervals[RF_index])) cbar = fig.colorbar(im_plot) counter+=1 RF_index+=1 # Show a video sequence of the input stimulus
def LFP(plot_type,LFP_records,trials,start_time,time_step,sim_time,recorded_models, PSTHs,top_PSTH_index,bin_size,labels,rows,cols,starting_row,starting_col,visual_stage, layer_sizes,path = '../../data/'): j = 0 spike_j = 0 current_row = starting_row current_col = starting_col for population, model in recorded_models: if(current_row<rows and current_col<cols): Vax = plt.subplot2grid((rows,cols), (current_row,current_col)) # Membrane potential and synaptic currents if plot_type < 3: average_record = LFP_records[plot_type,j,:] / trials y = average_record[int(start_time/time_step):len(average_record)] time = np.arange(start_time,sim_time+time_step,time_step) time = time[0:len(y)] # Firing rates else: if model == 'retina_parvo_ganglion_cell' or model=='LGN_relay_cell' or\ model == 'LGN_interneuron' or model=='Cortex_excitatory_cell' or\ model=='Cortex_inhibitory_cell': # List of cell IDs if(isinstance(layer_sizes, list) == False): cell_list = np.arange(layer_sizes**2) else: cell_list = np.arange(layer_sizes[j]) average_record = (1000.0/bin_size) *\ np.sum(PSTHs[:,top_PSTH_index[spike_j],:],axis=0) / (trials * len(cell_list)) y = average_record[int(start_time/bin_size):len(average_record)] time = np.arange(start_time,sim_time,bin_size) spike_j+=1 else: y = np.zeros(2) time = np.zeros(2) Vax.plot(time,y) Vax.set_title(labels[j]) # save data np.savetxt(path+visual_stage+'/data/'+labels[j]+'_'+str(plot_type), y) if j==0: np.savetxt(path+visual_stage+'/data/time', time) if(current_col<cols-1): current_col+=1 else: current_col = 0 current_row+=1 j+=1 Vax.set_xlabel('time (ms)')