def plot_axes_scaling(self, iabscissa=1): from matplotlib import pyplot if not hasattr(self, 'D'): self.load() dat = self if np.max(dat.D[:, 5:]) == np.min(dat.D[:, 5:]): pyplot.text(0, dat.D[-1, 5], 'all axes scaling values equal to %s' % str(dat.D[-1, 5]), verticalalignment='center') return self # nothing interesting to plot self._enter_plotting() pyplot.semilogy(dat.D[:, iabscissa], dat.D[:, 5:], '-b') # pyplot.hold(True) pyplot.grid(True) ax = array(pyplot.axis()) # ax[1] = max(minxend, ax[1]) pyplot.axis(ax) pyplot.title('Principle Axes Lengths') # pyplot.xticks(xticklocs) self._xlabel(iabscissa) self._finalize_plotting() return self
def plot_beta(): '''plot beta over training ''' beta = args.beta scale = args.scale beta_min = args.beta_min num_epoch = args.num_epoch epoch_size = int(float(args.num_examples) / args.batch_size) x = np.arange(num_epoch*epoch_size) y = beta * np.power(scale, x) y = np.maximum(y, beta_min) epoch_x = np.arange(num_epoch) * epoch_size epoch_y = beta * np.power(scale, epoch_x) epoch_y = np.maximum(epoch_y, beta_min) # plot beta descent curve plt.semilogy(x, y) plt.semilogy(epoch_x, epoch_y, 'ro') plt.title('beta descent') plt.ylabel('beta') plt.xlabel('epoch') plt.show()
def plot_axes_scaling(self, iabscissa=1): if not hasattr(self, 'D'): self.load() dat = self self._enter_plotting() pyplot.semilogy(dat.D[:, iabscissa], dat.D[:, 5:], '-b') pyplot.hold(True) pyplot.grid(True) ax = array(pyplot.axis()) # ax[1] = max(minxend, ax[1]) pyplot.axis(ax) pyplot.title('Principle Axes Lengths') # pyplot.xticks(xticklocs) self._xlabel(iabscissa) self._finalize_plotting() return self
def plot_loss(loss_list, log_dir, iter_id): def running_mean(x, N): cumsum = np.cumsum(np.insert(x, 0, 0)) return (cumsum[N:] - cumsum[:-N]) / N plt.figure() plt.semilogy(loss_list, '.', alpha=0.2, label="Loss") plt.semilogy(running_mean(loss_list,100), label="Average Loss") plt.xlabel('Iterations') plt.ylabel('Loss') plt.legend() plt.grid() ax = plt.subplot(111) ax.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.05), ncol=3, fancybox=True, shadow=True) plt.savefig(log_dir + "/fig_loss_iter_" + str(iter_id) + ".pdf") print("figure plotted") plt.close()
def plot_xy(x, y, ax=None, xlabel='Energy [keV]', **kwargs): """ Plot x and y as a spectrum. """ if not ax: new_plot = True plt.figure() ax = plt.axes() else: new_plot = False plt.semilogy(x, y, axes=ax, drawstyle='steps-mid', **kwargs) if new_plot: plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel('Counts') if 'label' in kwargs: plt.legend() plt.show() return ax
def plot_numvisc(diagfile): plt.figure() nc = Dataset(diagfile) t=nc.variables['t'][:] ke=nc.variables['ke'][:] dkdt=np.diff(ke)/np.diff(t) ens=nc.variables['enstrophy'][:] ensm=0.5*(ens[1:]+ens[:-1]) # deltake[visc,res]=-(ke[-1]-ke[0]) # deltaens[visc,res]=max(medfilt(ens,21))-ens[5] visc_tseries = -dkdt/ensm*4.4*np.pi visc_num = max(visc_tseries[t[1:]>0.02]) #print('N=%4i / visc = %4.1e / num = %4.2e'%(N[res],Kdiff[visc],visc_num[res])) plt.semilogy(t[1:],visc_tseries) plt.xlabel('time') plt.ylabel('viscosity (-(1/2V)dE/dt)') plt.grid('on') plt.show()
def plotSSNR( self ): """ Pulls the SSNR from each class in a _model.star file and plots them, for assessing which class is the 'best' class """ N_particles = np.sum( self.star[b'data_model_groups'][b'GroupNrParticles'] ) N_classes = self.star[b'data_model_general'][b'NrClasses'] plt.figure() for K in np.arange( N_classes ): Resolution = self.star[b'data_model_class_%d'%(K+1)][b'Resolution'] SSNR = self.star[b'data_model_class_%d'%(K+1)][b'SsnrMap'] plt.semilogy( Resolution, SSNR+1.0, label="Class %d: %d" %(K+1,N_particles*self.star[b'data_model_classes'][b'ClassDistribution'][K]) ) plt.legend( loc = 'best' ) plt.xlabel( "Resolution ($\AA^{-1}$)" ) plt.ylabel( "Spectral Signal-to-Noise Ratio" ) # Let's also display the class distributions in the legend
def showHistP(self): IterRest = numpy.arange(0,self.NIterRest+1,1) if self.histP[IterRest].any() > 0: plt.semilogy(IterRest,self.histP[IterRest],'b',label='P') if self.histPint[IterRest].any() > 0: plt.semilogy(IterRest,self.histPint[IterRest],'k',label='P_int') if self.histPpsi[IterRest].any() > 0: plt.semilogy(IterRest,self.histPpsi[IterRest],'r',label='P_psi') plt.plot(IterRest,self.tol['P']+0.0*IterRest,'-.b',label='tolP') print("\nConvergence report on P:") plt.grid(True) plt.xlabel("Iterations") plt.ylabel("P values") plt.legend() plt.show() #%% GRADIENT-WISE METHODS
def showHistQ(self): IterGrad = numpy.arange(1,self.NIterGrad+1,1) if self.histQ[IterGrad].any() > 0: plt.semilogy(IterGrad,self.histQ[IterGrad],'b',label='Q') if self.histQx[IterGrad].any() > 0: plt.semilogy(IterGrad,self.histQx[IterGrad],'k',label='Qx') if self.histQu[IterGrad].any() > 0: plt.semilogy(IterGrad,self.histQu[IterGrad],'r',label='Qu') if self.histQp[IterGrad].any() > 0: plt.semilogy(IterGrad,self.histQp[IterGrad],'g',label='Qp') if self.histQt[IterGrad].any() > 0: plt.semilogy(IterGrad,self.histQt[IterGrad],'y',label='Qt') plt.title("Convergence report on Q") plt.grid(True) plt.xlabel("Iterations") plt.ylabel("Q values") plt.legend() plt.show()
def displayLogErrors(self, legendList): if self.count != 0: err = numpy.array(self.errorsList) for e in err: e = numpy.array(e) err = numpy.array(err) plt.hold(True) if numpy.ndim(err) == 2: for ii in range(0, len(self.errorsList[-1])): plt.semilogy(range(0, self.count), abs(err[:, ii]), label=legendList[ii]) plt.hold(False) else: plt.semilogy(range(0, self.count), abs(err), label=legendList[0]) plt.grid(True) plt.ylabel("erros []") plt.xlabel("iteration number []") plt.title(self.name) # if self.name == 'All errors': plt.legend() plt.show()
def plot_losses(self, losses, losses_reg, scales=[], fig=0): # discriminative losses plt.figure(fig) plt.clf() plt.semilogy(range(0, len(losses)), losses, 'b') plt.xlabel('iterations') plt.ylabel('Loss') plt.title('discriminative loss') path = os.path.join(self.path, 'losses.png') plt.savefig(path) # reg loss plt.figure(fig + 1) plt.clf() plt.semilogy(range(0, len(losses_reg)), losses_reg, 'b') plt.xlabel('iterations') plt.ylabel('Loss') plt.title('split regularization loss') path = os.path.join(self.path, 'split_variances.png') plt.savefig(path)
def plot_losses(self, losses, reward, scales=[], fig=0): # discriminative losses plt.figure(fig) plt.clf() plt.semilogy(range(0, len(losses)), losses, 'b') plt.xlabel('iterations') plt.ylabel('Loss') plt.title('loss') path = os.path.join(self.path, 'losses.png') plt.savefig(path) # reward plt.figure(fig) plt.clf() plt.plot(range(0, len(reward)), reward, 'b') plt.xlabel('iterations') plt.title('kmeans cost') path = os.path.join(self.path, 'cost.png') plt.savefig(path)
def test_derivatives(): orders = [4+(2*i) for i in range(12)] errors = [test_derivatives_at_order(o) for o in orders] plt.semilogy(orders,errors,'bo-',lw=2,ms=12) plt.xlabel('order in y-direction',fontsize=16) plt.ylabel(r'$|E|_2$',fontsize=16) for postfix in ['.png','.pdf']: name = 'orthopoly_errors'+postfix if USE_FIGS_DIR: name = 'figs/' + name plt.savefig(name, bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf()
def test_interpolation(): xfine = np.linspace(XMIN,XMAX,100) yfine = np.linspace(YMIN,YMAX,100) orders = [4+(2*i) for i in range(12)] errors = [test_interp_at_order(o) for o in orders] plt.semilogy(orders,errors,'bo-',lw=2,ms=12) plt.xlabel('order in y-direction',fontsize=16) plt.ylabel('max(interpolation error)',fontsize=16) for postfix in ['.png','.pdf']: name = 'orthopoly_interp_errors'+postfix if USE_FIGS_DIR: name = 'figs/' + name plt.savefig(name, bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf()
def plot_correlations(self, iabscissa=1): """spectrum of correlation matrix and largest correlation""" if not hasattr(self, 'corrspec'): self.load() if len(self.corrspec) < 2: return self x = self.corrspec[:, iabscissa] y = self.corrspec[:, 6:] # principle axes ys = self.corrspec[:, :6] # "special" values from matplotlib.pyplot import semilogy, text, grid, axis, title self._enter_plotting() semilogy(x, y, '-c') # hold(True) semilogy(x[:], np.max(y, 1) / np.min(y, 1), '-r') text(x[-1], np.max(y[-1, :]) / np.min(y[-1, :]), 'axis ratio') if ys is not None: semilogy(x, 1 + ys[:, 2], '-b') text(x[-1], 1 + ys[-1, 2], '1 + min(corr)') semilogy(x, 1 - ys[:, 5], '-b') text(x[-1], 1 - ys[-1, 5], '1 - max(corr)') semilogy(x[:], 1 + ys[:, 3], '-k') text(x[-1], 1 + ys[-1, 3], '1 + max(neg corr)') semilogy(x[:], 1 - ys[:, 4], '-k') text(x[-1], 1 - ys[-1, 4], '1 - min(pos corr)') grid(True) ax = array(axis()) # ax[1] = max(minxend, ax[1]) axis(ax) title('Spectrum (roots) of correlation matrix') # pyplot.xticks(xticklocs) self._xlabel(iabscissa) self._finalize_plotting() return self
def plot_correlations(self, iabscissa=1): """spectrum of correlation matrix and largest correlation""" if not hasattr(self, 'corrspec'): self.load() if len(self.corrspec) < 2: return self x = self.corrspec[:, iabscissa] y = self.corrspec[:, 6:] # principle axes ys = self.corrspec[:, :6] # "special" values from matplotlib.pyplot import semilogy, hold, text, grid, axis, title self._enter_plotting() semilogy(x, y, '-c') hold(True) semilogy(x[:], np.max(y, 1) / np.min(y, 1), '-r') text(x[-1], np.max(y[-1, :]) / np.min(y[-1, :]), 'axis ratio') if ys is not None: semilogy(x, 1 + ys[:, 2], '-b') text(x[-1], 1 + ys[-1, 2], '1 + min(corr)') semilogy(x, 1 - ys[:, 5], '-b') text(x[-1], 1 - ys[-1, 5], '1 - max(corr)') semilogy(x[:], 1 + ys[:, 3], '-k') text(x[-1], 1 + ys[-1, 3], '1 + max(neg corr)') semilogy(x[:], 1 - ys[:, 4], '-k') text(x[-1], 1 - ys[-1, 4], '1 - min(pos corr)') grid(True) ax = array(axis()) # ax[1] = max(minxend, ax[1]) axis(ax) title('Spectrum (roots) of correlation matrix') # pyplot.xticks(xticklocs) self._xlabel(iabscissa) self._finalize_plotting() return self
def __init__(self, func, x, args=(), basis=None, name=None, plot_cmd=pyplot.plot if pyplot else None, load=True): """ Parameters ---------- `func` objective function `x` point in search space, middle point of the sections `args` arguments passed to `func` `basis` evaluated points are ``func(x + locations[j] * basis[i]) for i in len(basis) for j in len(locations)``, see `do()` `name` filename where to save the result `plot_cmd` command used to plot the data, typically matplotlib pyplots `plot` or `semilogy` `load` load previous data from file ``str(func) + '.pkl'`` """ self.func = func self.args = args self.x = x self.name = name if name else str(func).replace(' ', '_').replace('>', '').replace('<', '') self.plot_cmd = plot_cmd # or semilogy self.basis = np.eye(len(x)) if basis is None else basis try: self.load() if any(self.res['x'] != x): self.res = {} self.res['x'] = x # TODO: res['x'] does not look perfect else: print(self.name + ' loaded') except: self.res = {} self.res['x'] = x
def nTron_IQ_plot(iq_vals, desc, threshold=0.0): iq_vals = iq_vals.real < threshold iqr = iq_vals.reshape(desc['Integrated'].dims(), order='C') iqrm = np.mean(iqr, axis=0) extent = (0.18, 10, 0.14, 0.40) aspect = 9.84/0.34 plt.imshow(iqrm, origin='lower', cmap='RdGy', extent=extent, aspect=aspect) # def plot_BER(volts, multidata, **kwargs): # ber_dat = [switching_BER(data, **kwargs) for data in multidata] # mean = []; limit = []; ci68 = []; ci95 = [] # for datum in ber_dat: # mean.append(datum[0]) # limit.append(datum[1]) # ci68.append(datum[2]) # ci95.append(datum[3]) # mean = np.array(mean) # limit = np.array(limit) # fig = plt.figure() # plt.semilogy(volts, 1-mean, '-o') # plt.semilogy(volts, 1-limit, linestyle="--") # plt.fill_between(volts, [1-ci[0] for ci in ci68], [1-ci[1] for ci in ci68], alpha=0.2, edgecolor="none") # plt.fill_between(volts, [1-ci[0] for ci in ci95], [1-ci[1] for ci in ci95], alpha=0.2, edgecolor="none") # plt.ylabel("Switching Error Rate", size=14) # plt.xlabel("Pulse Voltage (V)", size=14) # plt.title("Bit Error Rate", size=16) # return fig # def load_BER_data_legacy(filename): # with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as f: # dsets = [f[k] for k in f.keys() if "data" in k] # data_mean = [np.mean(dset.value, axis=-1) for dset in dsets] # volts = [float(dset.attrs['pulse_voltage']) for dset in dsets] # return volts, data_mean
def run(self): for i, inp in enumerate(self.input()): print(" === " + inp.path + " === \n") dta = pandas.read_csv(inp.path, header=0, quotechar='"')#, names=self.col_names) dcol = dta[self.col_names[1]] dfcol = dcol.apply(lambda x: float(str(x).split()[0].replace(',', ''))) # rm commas in values # Number of samplepoints N = len(dfcol) # sample spacing T = 1.0 / 800.0 x = np.linspace(0.0, N*T, N) y = dfcol yf = scipy.fftpack.fft(y) xf = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0/(2.0*T), N/2) plt.clf() # plot 0-inf # plt.plot(xf, 2.0/N * np.abs(yf[0:N/2])) # plot 1-inf plt.plot(xf[1:], 2.0/N * np.abs(yf[0:int(N/2)])[1:]) # log-scale # plt.semilogy(xf, 2.0/N * np.abs(yf[0:int(N/2)])) plt.savefig(self.output()[i].path) # with open(self.output()[i].path, 'w') as outfile: # outfile.write("TODO: add results here")
def plot_err_history(self, savename=None): """Plot the self-consistency error vs. iteration number for this timestep. Optionally, save the figure to a file. """ fig = plt.figure() plt.semilogy(self.iterationNumber, self.errHistory) plt.xlabel('Iteration Number') plt.ylabel('self-consistency error (rms)') if savename is not None: fig.savefig(savename, bbox_inches='tight') return fig
def visualize_training(loss_train, loss_eval, name, acc_train, acc_eval): """ Visualizes training with log_loss, loss and accuracy plot over training and evaluation sets. """ loss_train = np.abs(loss_train) loss_eval = np.abs(loss_eval) plt.semilogy(loss_train, basey=2) plt.semilogy(loss_eval, basey=2, c="red") plt.title('{} model loss'.format(name)) plt.ylabel('loss') plt.xlabel('batch') plt.legend(['train', 'eval'], loc='upper left') os.makedirs("../plots", exist_ok=True) plt.savefig("../plots/log_loss_{}.png".format(name), bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=1) plt.clf() plt.cla() plt.close() plt.plot(loss_train) plt.plot(loss_eval, c="red") plt.title('{} model loss'.format(name)) plt.ylabel('loss') plt.xlabel('batch') plt.legend(['train', 'eval'], loc='upper left') plt.savefig("../plots/loss_{}.png".format(name), bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=1) plt.clf() plt.cla() plt.close() plt.plot(acc_train) plt.plot(acc_eval, c="red") plt.title('{} model accuracy'.format(name)) plt.ylabel('accuracy') plt.xlabel('batch') plt.ylim([0.9, 1]) plt.legend(['train', 'eval'], loc='lower right') os.makedirs("../plots", exist_ok=True) plt.savefig("../plots/acc_{}.png".format(name), bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=1) plt.clf() plt.cla() plt.close()
def save_plots(losses, train_acc, test_acc, training_iters,step,plot_title): # iters_steps iter_steps = [step * k for k in range((training_iters // step) + 1)] imh = plt.figure(1, figsize=(15, 12), dpi=160) # imh.tight_layout() # imh.subplots_adjust(top=0.88) imh.suptitle(plot_title) plt.subplot(311) #plt.plot(iter_steps,losses, '-g', label='Loss') plt.semilogy(iter_steps, losses, '-g', label='Loss') plt.title('Loss function') plt.subplot(312) plt.plot(iter_steps, train_acc, '-r', label='Trn Acc') plt.title('Train Accuracy') plt.subplot(313) plt.plot(iter_steps, test_acc, '-r', label='Tst Acc') plt.title('Test Accuracy') plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.88) plt.savefig(plot_title)
def test_est_tau0(): atm_list = [20]# [1,10,20] T0_list = [900]#[600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600] marker = ['o','x','+'] for i_atm in range(len(atm_list)): atm = atm_list[i_atm] tau = [] for T0 in T0_list: tau.append(estimate_tau0(T0, atm)) #plt.semilogy(1000.0/np.array(T0_list), tau, label=str(atm)+'atm', marker=marker[i_atm],fillstyle='none') print tau plt.legend(loc='lower right') plt.savefig('est_tau.jpg')
def plot_spectrum(spec, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the spectrum, spec (a SpectrumFile object). If ax is specified, plot it on that axes. Other **kwargs are passed to plt.semilogy. """ if not spec.data.size or not spec.energy.size or np.all(spec.energy == 0): raise ValueError('Spectrum must be loaded and calibrated') ax = plot_xy(spec.energy, spec.data, ax=ax, **kwargs) return ax
def plot_De(data): ens=data['ens'] De = -np.diff(np.log(data['ke']))/np.diff(data['tv']) nu = De/np.sqrt(ens[1:])*4*np.pi * data['ke'][1:] Re = np.sqrt(data['ke'][1:]) / nu # assuming L=1 #Re = data['ke'][1:] / ( np.sqrt(data['ens'][1:])* nu) # assuming L=1 plt.figure() plt.semilogy(data['tv'][1:],De,label=r'$D_E$') plt.semilogy(data['tv'][1:],nu,label=r'$\nu$') plt.semilogy(data['tv'][1:],1/Re,label=r'$Re^{-1}$') #plt.semilogy(data['tv'][:],data['ke'][:],label=r'$E$') plt.xlabel(r'$t_V$') plt.ylabel(r'$D_E,\ \nu$') plt.legend() plt.show()
def write_histogram(self): """ This function ... :return: """ # Inform the user log.info("Writing sky histogram to " + self.config.writing.histogram_path + " ...") # Create a masked array masked = np.ma.masked_array(self.image.frames.primary, mask=self.mask) masked_clipped = np.ma.masked_array(self.image.frames.primary, mask=self.clipped_mask) # Create a figure fig = plt.figure() min = self.mean - 4.0 * self.stddev max = self.mean + 4.0 * self.stddev # Plot the histograms #b: blue, g: green, r: red, c: cyan, m: magenta, y: yellow, k: black, w: white plt.subplot(211) plt.hist(masked.compressed(), 200, range=(min,max), alpha=0.5, normed=1, facecolor='g', histtype='stepfilled', label='not clipped') if self.config.histogram.log_scale: plt.semilogy() plt.subplot(212) plt.hist(masked_clipped.compressed(), 200, range=(min,max), alpha=0.5, normed=1, facecolor='g', histtype='stepfilled', label='clipped') if self.config.histogram.log_scale: plt.semilogy() # Save the figure plt.savefig(self.config.writing.histogram_path, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.25) plt.close() # -----------------------------------------------------------------
def g2_test(d, phi): deltas = np.linspace(-10, 10, 255) taus = np.array([0]) g2n = g2s_num_00(d, phi, 1e8, deltas) g2s = g2s_exact_00(d, phi, deltas, taus) plt.semilogy(deltas, g2n['g2'], label='num') plt.semilogy(deltas, g2s, label='exc') plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() plt.show()
def test_g2_fock_state(): N, U, = 2, 0 gs = (.2, .1) model = scattering.Model( omegas=[0]*N, links=[(0, 1, 1)], U=[2*U]*N) channels = [] channels.append(scattering.Channel(site=0, strength=gs[0])) channels.append(scattering.Channel(site=N-1, strength=gs[1])) setup = scattering.Setup(model, channels) Es = np.linspace(-3, 12, 1024) dE = 0 g2s = np.zeros(Es.shape, dtype=np.complex128) g2n = np.zeros(Es.shape, dtype=np.complex128) g2d = np.zeros(Es.shape, dtype=np.complex128) for i, E in enumerate(Es): g2s[i], g2n[i], g2d[i] = g2.fock_state(setup, (0, 0), (1, 1), E, dE) plt.semilogy(Es, g2s, label='g2') plt.semilogy(Es, g2n, label='g2n') plt.semilogy(Es, g2d, label='g1g1') plt.legend() plt.show()
def g2_test(d, phi): # deltas = np.linspace(-10, 10, 255) deltas = np.array([0]) taus = np.linspace(0, 10, 255) g2n = g2s_num_00(d, phi, 1e8, deltas, taus) g2s = g2s_exact_00(d, phi, deltas, taus) plt.semilogy(taus, g2n.T, label='num') plt.semilogy(taus, g2s.T, label='exc', ls=':') plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() plt.show()
def g2_test(d, phi): deltas = np.linspace(-10, 10, 255) taus = np.array([0]) g2n = g2s_num_00(d, phi, 1e8, deltas) g2s = g2s_exact_00(d, phi, deltas, taus) plt.semilogy(deltas, g2n, label='num') plt.semilogy(deltas, g2s, label='exc', ls=':') plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() plt.show()
def plot_spectrum(sys): """ Plot the High Harmonic Generation spectrum """ # Power spectrum emitted is calculated using the Larmor formula # (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larmor_formula) # which says that the power emitted is proportional to the square of the acceleration # i.e., the RHS of the second Ehrenfest theorem N = len(sys.P_average_RHS) k = np.arange(N) # frequency range omegas = (k - N / 2) * np.pi / (0.5 * sys.t) # spectra of the spectrum = np.abs( # used windows fourier transform to calculate the spectra # rhttp://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/tutorial/fftpack.html fftpack.fft((-1) ** k * blackman(N) * sys.P_average_RHS) ) ** 2 spectrum /= spectrum.max() plt.semilogy(omegas / sys.omega_laser, spectrum) plt.ylabel('spectrum (arbitrary units)') plt.xlabel('frequency / $\\omega_L$') plt.xlim([0, 45.]) plt.ylim([1e-15, 1.])
def plotLogScaleY(self): plt.figure() w = self.omegaSeries w = self.mySpace.unitHandler.wavenumbersFromEnergyUnits(w) plt.semilogy(w, self.frequencyIntensity / np.max(self.frequencyIntensity)) plt.title("Absorption Spectrum") plt.xlabel(r"$\omega$ (cm$^{-1}$)") plt.ylabel(r"$I(\omega)/I_max$")
def __init__(self, func, x, args=(), basis=None, name=None, plot_cmd=pyplot.plot if pyplot else None, load=True): """ Parameters ---------- `func` objective function `x` point in search space, middle point of the sections `args` arguments passed to `func` `basis` evaluated points are ``func(x + locations[j] * basis[i]) for i in len(basis) for j in len(locations)``, see `do()` `name` filename where to save the result `plot_cmd` command used to plot the data, typically matplotlib pyplots `plot` or `semilogy` `load` load previous data from file ``str(func) + '.pkl'`` """ self.func = func self.args = args self.x = x self.name = name if name else str(func).replace( ' ', '_').replace('>', '').replace('<', '') self.plot_cmd = plot_cmd # or semilogy self.basis = np.eye(len(x)) if basis is None else basis try: self.load() if any(self.res['x'] != x): self.res = {} self.res['x'] = x # TODO: res['x'] does not look perfect else: print(self.name + ' loaded') except: self.res = {} self.res['x'] = x
def plot_gens(images, rowlabels, losses): ''' From great jupyter notebook by Tim Sainburg: http://github.com/timsainb/Tensorflow-MultiGPU-VAE-GAN ''' examples = 8 fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=len(images), ncols=examples, figsize=(18, 8)) for i in range(examples): for j in range(len(images)): ax[(j, i)].imshow(create_image(images[j][i]), cmap=plt.cm.gray, interpolation='nearest') ax[(j, i)].axis('off') title = '' for i in rowlabels: title += ' {}, '.format(i) fig.suptitle('Top to Bottom: {}'.format(title)) plt.show() #fig.savefig(''.join(['imgs/test_',str(epoch).zfill(4),'.png']),dpi=100) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(20, 10), linewidth = 4) D_plt, = plt.semilogy((losses['discriminator']), linewidth=4, ls='-', color='b', alpha=.5, label='D') G_plt, = plt.semilogy((losses['generator']), linewidth=4, ls='-', color='k', alpha=.5, label='G') plt.gca() leg = plt.legend(handles=[D_plt, G_plt], fontsize=20) leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5) plt.show()
def make_plots(saveto_1, saveto_2, sum_configs, plt_configs): seqs = [get_summary_values(*sconf) for sconf in sum_configs] t, seq_tups, t_cumstd, seq_tups_cumstd = get_means_stdevs(seqs, step=sum_configs[0][-1]) for sum_id, pconf in enumerate(plt_configs): color, linetyp, alpha, label = pconf seq_mean, seq_std = seq_tups[sum_id] plt.plot(t, seq_mean, color + linetyp, label=label) plt.fill_between(t, seq_mean - seq_std, seq_mean + seq_std, facecolor=color, alpha=alpha) plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Iteration #') plt.ylabel(r'$F(V(D,G))$') plt.ylim([-0.8, -0.2]) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(saveto_1) plt.cla() plt.clf() for sum_id, pconf in enumerate(plt_configs): color, linetyp, alpha, label = pconf seq_mean, seq_std = seq_tups_cumstd[sum_id] plt.semilogy(t_cumstd,np.exp(seq_mean),color+linetyp,label=label) # plt.fill_between(t_cumstd, np.exp(seq_mean - seq_std), np.exp(seq_mean + seq_std), facecolor=color, alpha=alpha) plt.semilogy(t_cumstd, np.ones_like(t_cumstd) * 1e-2, 'k--') plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Iteration #') plt.ylabel(r'Cumulative STD of $F(V(D,G))$') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(saveto_2)
def mean_energy(x_frames): """ Example usage: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import soundfile as sf from analysis import read_frames def analyze_mean_energy(file, frame_size=1024): frames, t, fs = read_frames(x, frame_size) y = mean_energy(frames) plt.semilogy(t, y) plt.ylim(0, 1) """ return np.mean(x_frames**2, axis=-1)
def test_adaptive_filter(x, d, fil, h, rng_seed=0, loops=1): """ Run the adaptive filter on data and plot output """ # fix randomness np.random.seed(rng_seed) e = np.zeros(x.shape[1]) ellapsed = 0. if x.ndim == 1: x = np.array([x]) elif x.ndim > 2: raise ValueError('Too many dimensions') for l in xrange(x.shape[0]): fil.reset() start = time.time() w = run_filter(x[l], d[l], fil) end = time.time() ellapsed += end - start e += np.linalg.norm(h[l] - w, axis=1)**2 M = np.minimum(3, h.shape[1]) print(fil.name(),fil.w[:M],'time:',ellapsed/loops,'error:',np.linalg.norm(fil.w-h[-1])**2) plt.semilogy(e/loops) plt.ylim((0, 1.05)) return e
def _isotherms(): for temp in np.arange(-140,50,10): plt.semilogy(temp + _skewnessTerm(plevs), plevs, basey=math.e, \ color = ('blue' if temp <= 0 else 'red'), \ linestyle=('solid' if temp == 0 else 'dashed'), linewidth = .5)