def plotTimeMultiHistogram(parseTimes, hashTimes, compileTimes, filename): # times in ms bins = np.linspace(0, 5000, 50) data = np.vstack([parseTimes, hashTimes, compileTimes]).T fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.hist(data, bins, alpha=0.7, label=['parsing', 'hashing', 'compiling'], color=[parseColor, hashColor, compileColor]) plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.xlabel('time [ms]') plt.ylabel('#files') fig.savefig(filename) fig, ax = plt.subplots() boxplot_data = [[i/1000 for i in parseTimes], [i/1000 for i in hashTimes], [i/1000 for i in compileTimes]] # times to s plt.boxplot(boxplot_data, 0, 'rs', 0, [5, 95]) plt.xlabel('time [s]') plt.yticks([1, 2, 3], ['parsing', 'hashing', 'compiling']) #lgd = ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) # legend on the right fig.savefig(filename[:-4] + '_boxplots' + GRAPH_EXTENSION)
def total_posts_for_week_ending_on_given_day(posts, end_date): beginning_date = end_date - datetime.timedelta(days=6) return reduce(lambda total, date: posts[date] + total if date <= end_date and beginning_date <= date else total , posts, 0) # one_week_before_premium_signup = {} # two_weeks_before_premium_signup = {} # three_weeks_before_premium_signup = {} # for premium_user in premium_postings: # one_week_before_premium_signup[premium_user] = total_posts_for_week_ending_on_given_day(premium_postings[premium_user]["posts"], premium_postings[premium_user]["start_date"]) # two_weeks_before_premium_signup[premium_user] = total_posts_for_week_ending_on_given_day(premium_postings[premium_user]['posts'],premium_postings[premium_user]["start_date"] - datetime.timedelta(days=7)) # three_weeks_before_premium_signup[premium_user] = total_posts_for_week_ending_on_given_day(premium_postings[premium_user]['posts'],premium_postings[premium_user]["start_date"] - datetime.timedelta(days=14)) # plt.figure() # plt.boxplot([one_week_before_premium_signup.values(), two_weeks_before_premium_signup.values(), three_weeks_before_premium_signup.values()],1) # plt.show() #two_week_before_export_time = datetime.datetime.strptime('2017-03-12',"%Y-%m-%d") #three_week_before_export_time = datetime.datetime.strptime('2017-03-05',"%Y-%m-%d")
def plot_delays(self): """ Plot delay distribution for all motes :return: """ plt.figure() delays = [] for addr in gl_mote_range: delays.append(self.get_delays(addr)) plt.boxplot(delays, showmeans=True, showfliers=False) plt.ylabel('delay, s') plt.xlabel('mote #') plt.grid(True) # return means return [np.mean(d) for d in delays if len(d) > 0]
def box_plot(data, output_directory, output_file_name): """ Plots Box Plots Args: data (list): data output_drectory(str): location to save graph output_file_name(str): name of the image file to be saved Returns: null """ plt.figure() plt.boxplot(data) plt.legend() saver.check_if_dir_exists(output_directory) plt.savefig(output_directory + "/" + output_file_name + ".png") plt.close()
def plot_boxplots(self, data_map, title="", xlab="", ylab="", xticks_rotation=0, xticks_fontsize=5): """Plot multiple pairs of data arrays. :param self: object. :param data_map: A dictionary with labels as keys and lists as data values. :param title: Figure title. :param xlab: X axis label. :param ylab: Y axis label. :param xticks_rotation: Rotation value for x tick labels. :param xticks_fontsize: Fontsize for x tick labels. :returns: None :rtype: object """ fig = plt.figure() plt.boxplot(list(data_map.values())) plt.xticks(np.arange(len(data_map)) + 1, data_map.keys(), rotation=xticks_rotation, fontsize=xticks_fontsize) self._set_properties_and_close(fig, title, xlab, ylab)
def topRatingAuthors(df): authorRatings = collections.defaultdict(list) for index, row in df.iterrows(): authorRatings[row['Rating Author']].append(row["Rating"]) authors = list(authorRatings.keys()) authors = sorted(authors, key=lambda author: len(authorRatings[author])) top = authors[-10:] data = np.random.lognormal(size=(37, 4), mean=1.5, sigma=1.75) myData = [] labels = [] for author in top: if author == "None": continue myData.append(authorRatings[author]) labels.append(author) plt.boxplot(myData, labels=labels) plt.savefig("Top Commenters Distribution of Ratings") plt.clf()
def box_plots(results, all_tasks, clf_params): boxplotlabel_names = [] boxplot_data = [] tasks = obtain_complete_tasks(results, all_tasks, [clf_params]) for strategy in results[clf_params]: current = [] for task_id in tasks: current.append(results[clf_params][strategy][task_id]) boxplot_data.append(current) boxplotlabel_names.append(strategy_name(strategy)) # creates the box plot plt.figure() plt.boxplot(boxplot_data) plt.xticks(list(range(1, len(boxplotlabel_names) + 1)), boxplotlabel_names, fontsize=12, rotation=45, ha='right') plt.savefig(os.path.join(args.result_directory, clf_params + '_boxplot.png'), bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
def boxplot_traces(strategy_traces, save_directory, name): # only import matplotlib for this function, as meta cluster doesn't like it import matplotlib.pyplot as plt try: os.makedirs(save_directory) except FileExistsError: pass data = [] label_names = [] for strategy, trace in strategy_traces.items(): current = [trace_item.evaluation for trace_item in trace.trace_iterations.values()] data.append(current) label_names.append(strategy.split('__')[0]) plt.figure() plt.boxplot(data) plt.xticks(list(range(1, len(label_names) + 1)), label_names) plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_directory, name)) plt.close()
def bin_stats(x, y, stat='median', nbins=360): import scipy.stats #bin_range = (x.min(), x.max()) bin_range = (0., 360.) bin_width = (bin_range[1] - bin_range[0]) / nbins print("Computing 1-degree bin statistics: %s" % stat) bin_stat, bin_edges, bin_number = scipy.stats.binned_statistic(x, y, \ statistic=stat, bins=nbins, range=bin_range) bin_centers = bin_edges[:-1] + bin_width/2. bin_stat = np.ma.masked_invalid(bin_stat) """ #Mask bins in grid directions, can potentially contain biased stats badbins = [0, 45, 90, 180, 225, 270, 315] bin_stat = np.ma.masked_where(np.around(bin_edges[:-1]) % 45 == 0, bin_stat) bin_edges = np.ma.masked_where(np.around(bin_edges[:-1]) % 45 == 0, bin_edges) """ #Generate plots if False: plt.figure() #Need to pull out original values for each bin #Loop through unique bin numbers, pull out original values into list of lists #plt.boxplot(bin_stat, sym='') plt.xlim(*bin_range) plt.xticks(np.arange(bin_range[0],bin_range[1],30)) plt.ylabel('dh/tan(slope) (m)') plt.xlabel('Aspect (1-deg bins)') plt.figure() plt.bar(bin_centers, bin_count) plt.xlim(*bin_range) plt.xticks(np.arange(bin_range[0],bin_range[1],30)) plt.ylabel('Count') plt.xlabel('Aspect (1-deg bins)') plt.show() return bin_stat, bin_edges, bin_centers #Function for fitting Nuth and Kaab (2011)
def box(x, xlabels, ylabel, name, dpi=96): colors = ['pink', 'lightblue', 'lightgreen', 'orangered', 'goldenrod', 'orchid'] bplot = plt.boxplot(x, notch = False, vert = True, patch_artist = True, labels = xlabels, showfliers = False ) for path, color in zip(bplot['boxes'], colors): path.set_facecolor(color) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.savefig(cache_path(name), dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
def box_plot(self): plt.figure() plt.boxplot(self._data, vert=False, showmeans=True) plt.show()
def plotAlphaDiversities(self, alphaDiversityFile, figure_filename): # Take an alpha diversity file and create a box plot with open(alphaDiversityFile,'r') as fid: all_lines = fid.readlines() alpha_diversities = [float(line.split()[1]) for line in all_lines[1:]] sampleIDs = [line.split()[0] for line in all_lines[1:]] figure() plt.boxplot(alpha_diversities) plt.xlabel('Sample category') plt.ylabel('Alpha diversity') plt.savefig(figure_filename)
def __dict_plot(self, my_dict): """ Method that renders the matplotlib plots based on the configurations in __get_plot_dict(). This method should probably be private and may be so in a future release. """ for i in range(len(my_dict['chart_type_dict']['type'])): if my_dict['chart_type_dict']['type'][i] == 'plot': _ = plt.plot(my_dict['chart_type_dict']['x'][i], my_dict['chart_type_dict']['y'][i], linestyle=my_dict['chart_type_dict']['linestyle'][i], marker=my_dict['chart_type_dict']['marker'][i], color=my_dict['chart_type_dict']['color'][i]) if my_dict['chart_type_dict']['type'][i] == 'bar': _ =plt.bar(height = my_dict['chart_type_dict']['height'][i], left = my_dict['chart_type_dict']['left'][i], yerr = my_dict['chart_type_dict']['yerr'][i], bottom = my_dict['chart_type_dict']['bottom'][i], width = my_dict['chart_type_dict']['width'][i]) if my_dict['chart_type_dict']['type'][i] == 'line': _ = plt.gca().set_prop_cycle(None) for j in range(my_dict['chart_type_dict']['rows'][i]): _ = plt.plot(my_dict['chart_type_dict']['x'][i], my_dict['chart_type_dict']['y'][i].iloc[j], linestyle=my_dict['chart_type_dict']['linestyle'][i], linewidth=my_dict['chart_type_dict']['linewidth'][i], alpha=my_dict['chart_type_dict']['alpha'][i]) if my_dict['chart_type_dict']['type'][i] == 'hist': _ = plt.hist(my_dict['chart_type_dict']['x'][i], bins=my_dict['chart_type_dict']['bins'][i]) if my_dict['chart_type_dict']['type'][i] == 'box': _ = plt.boxplot(my_dict['chart_type_dict']['x'][i], positions= my_dict['chart_type_dict']['positions'][i], showfliers=True) _ = plt.title(my_dict['Title'], fontsize=30) _ = plt.xlabel(my_dict['XLabel'], fontsize=20) _ = plt.ylabel(my_dict['YLabel'],fontsize=20)
def show_plot_of_algorithms_results(methods_names, results, problem_title): """ Shows plot of machine learning algorithms results. :param methods_names: machine learning methods names :param results: results got from applying methods for constructor :param problem_title: title of the problem """ fig = plt.figure() axes = fig.add_subplot(111) # 111 means "1x1 grid, first subplot" plt.boxplot(results) # x and y axis titles plt.xlabel('Machine learning algorithms') plt.ylabel('Accuracy') plt.title( 'Machine learning algorithms applied for {}'.format(problem_title)) # Set the Name of each box axes.set_xticklabels(methods_names) # Change font size of the text plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 23}) plt.show()
def plot_boxplot(axis_labels, box_array, metric, resource_field, subplot_number, ylim_min, ylim_max): axis_labels.sort() axis_labels = [str(x) for x in axis_labels] print axis_labels plt.xticks([1,2,3,4,5], axis_labels) # plt.subplot(subplot_number) plt.ylabel('Metric: {}'.format(metric)) plt.ylim([ylim_min, ylim_max]) plt.xlabel('Stress Percentage') plt.title('Stressing only {}'.format(resource_field)) plt.boxplot(box_array) plt.grid(True) # OUTDATED NO CONTAINER
def plot_all_reliabilities(): """ Plot packet delivery ratio for all data sets :return: """ rel = [] avg = [] for filename in get_all_files(gl_dump_path): p = BasicProcessor(filename=filename) # compensate for the rest p.correct_timeline(clean_all=False) # plot the timeline # p.plot_timeline(writer=None) r, w = p.plot_motes_reliability(return_result=True) rel.append(r) avg.append(w) plt.figure(figsize=(7.5, 3.5)) bp = plt.boxplot(rel, flierprops={'linewidth':1.5}, showmeans=True) plt.hlines(0.95, xmin=0, xmax=9, linestyles='--', linewidth=1, label='0.95') x_axis = list(range(9)) labels = ['', 'I', 'II', 'III', 'IV', 'V', 'VI', 'VII', 'VIII'] plt.xticks(x_axis, labels) plt.grid(True) plt.ylim((0.35, 1.1)) plt.legend(loc=4) plt.ylabel('PDR') set_box_plot(bp) plt.show()
def plot_delay_per_mote(self, addr): """ Plot the delay distribution for motes :return: """ plt.figure() plt.boxplot(self.get_delays(addr)) plt.grid(True)
def main(fn, method="ward"): # d, bin_chr, bin_position, contig2size = load_matrix(fn, remove_shorter=0) sizes = np.diff(bin_position, axis=1)[:, 0] / 1000 contacts = d.diagonal() print d.sum(), d.diagonal().sum() # get bins bins = np.arange(1, 101, 5) # get counts contacts = [[] for i in range(len(bins)+1)] for s, c in zip(np.digitize(sizes, bins, right=1), d.diagonal()): contacts[s].append(c) print len(contacts), len(bins), len(sizes)#, contacts# np.digitize(sizes, bins, right=1) plt.title("HiC contacts at given distance") plt.boxplot(contacts[:-1], 1, '', positions=bins, widths=.75*bins[0])#; plt.legend("HiC data") plt.xticks(rotation=90) plt.xlabel("contig size [kb]") plt.ylabel("self contacts") plt.xlim(xmin=-bins[0]) plt.ylim(ymin=0)#, ymax=20) #plt.yscale('log') #plt.show() outfn = fn+".selfcontacts.png" plt.savefig(outfn) print "Figure saved as: %s"%outfn
def plot_human_correlation(self, data): print "\nGet probabilities of each response..." n_batches = len(data['r']) // self.batch_size all_human_scores = [s for s in data['score']] all_discriminator_scores = [] human_to_disc = {} for i in xrange(n_batches): # i = batch index probas = self.compute_probas(data, i) # probabilities of each response within that batch of being true scores = [s for s in data['score'][i*len(probas): (i+1)*len(probas)]] for j, s in enumerate(scores): # j = context-response-score triple index if s not in human_to_disc: human_to_disc[s] = [probas[j]] else: human_to_disc[s].append(probas[j]) all_discriminator_scores.extend(probas) n = min(len(all_human_scores), len(all_discriminator_scores)) print "discriminator--human pearson:", pearsonr(all_human_scores[:n], all_discriminator_scores[:n]) print "discriminator--human spearman:", spearmanr(all_human_scores[:n], all_discriminator_scores[:n]) print "number of different scores:", len(human_to_disc) # Order dictionary by keys (by human scores) human_to_disc = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(human_to_disc.items())) fig = plt.figure() plt.boxplot([human_to_disc[s] for s in human_to_disc.keys()], labels=human_to_disc.keys()) plt.title('Human - Discriminator score correlation') plt.xlabel('human score') plt.ylabel('discriminator score') plt.savefig('./plots/plot_human-disc_scores.png') plt.close(fig) print "saved plot."
def gridscoreBoxplot2(gslist, plotdir, label, xlabel): vals = list(map(lambda e: e.cv_validation_scores, gslist)) labs = list(map(lambda e: list(e.parameters.values()), gslist)) # test if labs[0].__class__ == 'list' and len(labs[0]) > 1 labs = list(map(lambda e: reduce(lambda a,b: str(a)+"\n"+str(b), e), labs)) xpar = list(gslist[0].parameters.keys()) xpar = reduce(lambda a,b: a+", "+b, xpar) plt.clf() plt.boxplot(vals, labels=labs) plt.title("Human Activity Fitted by Random Forest") plt.xlabel(xpar + " (with " + xlabel + ")") plt.ylabel("Fraction Correct") plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(plotdir + "gridscore_" + label)
def gridscoreBoxplot(gslist, plotdir, label, xlabel): vals = list(map(lambda e: e.cv_validation_scores, gslist)) labs = list(map(lambda e: list(e.parameters.values()), gslist)) labs = list(map(lambda e: str(e[0]), labs)) plt.clf() plt.boxplot(vals, labels=labs) plt.title("Human Activity Fitted by Random Forest") plt.xlabel(label + " (with " + xlabel + ")") plt.ylabel("Fraction Correct") plt.savefig(plotdir + "gridscore_" + label)
def boxplot_runtimes(runtimes, pred_type, configuration): """ Plot a new `Figure` with boxplots of prediction runtimes. Parameters ---------- runtimes : list of `np.array` of latencies in micro-seconds cls_names : list of estimator class names that generated the runtimes pred_type : 'bulk' or 'atomic' """ fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6)) bp = plt.boxplot(runtimes, ) cls_infos = ['%s\n(%d %s)' % (estimator_conf['name'], estimator_conf['complexity_computer']( estimator_conf['instance']), estimator_conf['complexity_label']) for estimator_conf in configuration['estimators']] plt.setp(ax1, xticklabels=cls_infos) plt.setp(bp['boxes'], color='black') plt.setp(bp['whiskers'], color='black') plt.setp(bp['fliers'], color='red', marker='+') ax1.yaxis.grid(True, linestyle='-', which='major', color='lightgrey', alpha=0.5) ax1.set_axisbelow(True) ax1.set_title('Prediction Time per Instance - %s, %d feats.' % ( pred_type.capitalize(), configuration['n_features'])) ax1.set_ylabel('Prediction Time (us)') plt.show()
def make_plots(self): # Boxplot to compare classifier error distributions plt.figure() plt.boxplot(self.errors) plt.xlabel(' vs '.join(self.names)) plt.ylabel('K-fold cross-validation error [%]') plt.xticks(range(self.count), self.names) plt.show()
def plot_all_path_delays(shared=False): """ Plot for interference / buffering delay for all scenarios :return: """ # create a schedule if shared: folder = gl_dump_path + '/shared/' sched = Schedule(num_slots=gl_num_active_slots, num_off=gl_num_off_slots, num_serial=gl_num_serial_slots, shared=shared) else: folder = gl_dump_path + '/tdma/' sched = Schedule(num_slots=gl_num_active_slots, num_off=gl_num_off_slots, num_serial=gl_num_serial_slots) files = [f for f in os.listdir(folder) if isfile(join(folder, f))] files = sorted(files) int_delays = [] buf_delays = [] for idx, filename in enumerate(files): if idx == 1: # ignore medium interference case continue p = AdvDelayProcessor(filename=folder + filename, schedule=sched) r0, m0 = p.plot_path_delay() i, b = p.print_delay(r0, m0) int_delays.append(i) buf_delays.append(b) # comparison figure for different delays plt.figure() plt.boxplot(int_delays + buf_delays, showmeans=True, showfliers=False) x = range(1, 7) plt.xticks(x, ['I (i)', 'III (i)', 'IV (i)', 'I (b)', 'III (b)', 'IV (b)']) locs, labels = plt.xticks() plt.setp(labels, rotation=0) plt.grid(True) plt.show()
def plot_intercepting_path_delays(ax, shared=False): if shared: folder = gl_dump_path + '/shared/' sched = Schedule(num_slots=gl_num_active_slots, num_off=gl_num_off_slots, num_serial=gl_num_serial_slots, shared=shared) else: folder = gl_dump_path + '/tdma/' sched = Schedule(num_slots=gl_num_active_slots, num_off=gl_num_off_slots, num_serial=gl_num_serial_slots) files = [f for f in os.listdir(folder) if isfile(join(folder, f))] files = sorted(files) df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['set', 'path', 'real_delay', 'min_delay']) for idx, filename in enumerate(files): if idx == 1: # skip the low interference scenario continue set_id = idx if idx > 0: set_id -= 1 pr = AdvDelayProcessor(filename=folder + filename, schedule=sched) r, m = pr.plot_path_delay() for i, el in enumerate(r): df = df.append({'set': set_id, 'path': el[0], 'real_delay': el[1], 'min_delay': m[i][1]}, ignore_index=True) data = df.groupby('path').filter(lambda x: len(x) == 3) print(data) data['min_path_delay'] = data.path.apply(sched.get_min_path_delay) int_delay = [[], [], []] buf_delay = [[], [], []] for iter in data.iterrows(): index, d = iter int_delay[int(d.set)] += list((np.array(d.min_delay) - d.min_path_delay))#/len(d.path)) buf_delay[int(d.set)] += list((np.array(d.real_delay) - np.array(d.min_delay)))#/len(d.path)) bp = ax.boxplot(int_delay + buf_delay, showmeans=True, showfliers=False) plt.grid(True) set_box_plot(bp) # plt.show() return
def numRatersWhoSubmitted(df): df = df[np.isfinite(df['Rating'])] submittersCount = collections.defaultdict(set) ratersCount = collections.defaultdict(set) ratingsByAuthor = collections.defaultdict(list) for index, row in df.iterrows(): submittersCount[row["Submission Author"]].add(row["Folder"]) ratersCount[row["Rating Author"]].add(row["Folder"]) ratingsByAuthor[row["Rating Author"]].append(int(row["Rating"])) submitters = set(submittersCount.keys()) raters = set(ratersCount.keys()) both = raters.intersection(submitters) noSubmitters = raters-submitters print("#Submitters :%d, #Raters :%d, #Both :%d"%(len(submitters), len(raters), len(both))) numRepeatSubmissions = [] for submitter in submittersCount: numRepeatSubmissions.append(len(submittersCount[submitter])) #HIST of the submission count plt.hist(numRepeatSubmissions, bins=np.arange(1,np.max(numRepeatSubmissions)+1)-0.5) title = "Number of Submissions Per User" plt.title(title, fontproperties=titleFont) plt.xticks(range(1,np.max(numRepeatSubmissions)+1)) # plt.ylim(0,200) plt.xlim(0.5, np.max(numRepeatSubmissions)+0.5) plt.savefig(title) plt.clf() #box and whiskers wether submitters rate differently to others (empathy?) bothRatings = [] noSubmittersRatings = [] for rater in both: bothRatings.extend(ratingsByAuthor[rater]) for rater in noSubmitters: noSubmittersRatings.extend(ratingsByAuthor[rater]) labels = ["Submitters", "No Submitters"] data = [bothRatings, noSubmittersRatings] plt.boxplot(data, labels=labels) plt.savefig("Submitters Vs NoSubmmiters Distribution of Ratings") plt.clf() #variance of raters variance = [] for rater in raters: if len(ratingsByAuthor[rater]) < 3: continue variance.append(np.var(ratingsByAuthor[rater])) plt.hist(variance, bins=np.arange(0,4,0.1)) plt.savefig("Variance of Raters") plt.clf()
def _save_result_r0(fold, sc_a2d, mc_a2d, cf_a3d): if not os.path.exists(fold): os.mkdir(fold) # os.mkdir(fold+'/sheet') fold += '/' plt.boxplot(sc_a2d) plt.show() print('Accuracy', ["DT", "SVC", "DNN", "CDNN", "RF"]) print(np.average(sc_a2d, axis=0)) plt.boxplot(mc_a2d) plt.show() print('Matthews Corrcoef', ["DT", "SVC", "DNN", "CDNN", "RF"]) print(np.average(mc_a2d, axis=0)) np.save(fold + 'sc_a2d', sc_a2d) np.save(fold + 'cf_a3d', cf_a3d) np.save(fold + 'mc_a2d', mc_a2d) sc_df = pd.DataFrame(sc_a2d, columns=["DT", "SVC", "DNN", "CDNN", "RF"]) # sc_df.plot(kind='bar') # plt.show() sc_df.to_csv(fold + 'sheet_sc_a2d.csv') sc_df.head() mc_df = pd.DataFrame(mc_a2d, columns=["DT", "SVC", "DNN", "CDNN", "RF"]) # mc_df.plot(kind='bar') # plt.show() mc_df.to_csv(fold + 'sheet_mc_a2d.csv') mc_df.head() cf_a3d_avg = np.average(cf_a3d, axis=0) mode_l = ['DT', 'SVC', 'DNN', 'CDNN', 'RF'] with open(fold + 'cf_a3d_avg.txt', 'w') as F: # dt_score, sv_score, mlp_score, cnn_score, rf_score for i, mode in enumerate(mode_l): F.write("{} Confusion Metrics\n".format(mode)) F.write(", ".join([str(x) for x in cf_a3d_avg[i, 0, :]])) F.write('\n') F.write(", ".join([str(x) for x in cf_a3d_avg[i, 1, :]])) F.write('\n\n') print("Current working directory:") print(os.getcwd() + '/' + fold) print("Saved data") print(os.listdir(fold))
def save_result(fold, sc_a2d, mc_a2d, cf_a3d): if not os.path.exists(fold): os.mkdir(fold) # os.mkdir(fold+'/sheet') fold += '/' plt.boxplot(sc_a2d) plt.show() print('Accuracy', ["DT", "SVC", "DNN", "CDNN", "RF"]) print(np.average(sc_a2d, axis=0)) plt.boxplot(mc_a2d) plt.show() print('Matthews Corrcoef', ["DT", "SVC", "DNN", "CDNN", "RF"]) print(np.average(mc_a2d, axis=0)) np.save(fold + 'sc_a2d', sc_a2d) np.save(fold + 'cf_a3d', cf_a3d) np.save(fold + 'mc_a2d', mc_a2d) sc_df = pd.DataFrame(sc_a2d, columns=["DT", "SVC", "DNN", "CDNN", "RF"]) # sc_df.plot(kind='bar') # plt.show() sc_df.to_csv(fold + 'sheet_sc_a2d.csv') sc_df.head() mc_df = pd.DataFrame(mc_a2d, columns=["DT", "SVC", "DNN", "CDNN", "RF"]) # mc_df.plot(kind='bar') # plt.show() mc_df.to_csv(fold + 'sheet_mc_a2d.csv') mc_df.head() cf_a3d_avg = np.average(cf_a3d, axis=0) mode_l = ['DT', 'SVC', 'DNN', 'CDNN', 'RF'] with open(fold + 'cf_a3d_avg.txt', 'w') as F: # dt_score, sv_score, mlp_score, cnn_score, rf_score for i, mode in enumerate(mode_l): F.write("{} Confusion Metrics\n".format(mode)) for j in range(cf_a3d_avg.shape[1]): F.write(", ".join([str(x) for x in cf_a3d_avg[i, j, :]])) F.write('\n') # F.write(", ".join([str(x) for x in cf_a3d_avg[i, 1, :]])) F.write('\n') print("Current working directory:") print(os.getcwd() + '/' + fold) print("Saved data") print(os.listdir(fold))
def save_result_multiple_classes(fold, sc_a2d, cf_a3d): if not os.path.exists(fold): os.mkdir(fold) # os.mkdir(fold+'/sheet') fold += '/' plt.boxplot(sc_a2d) plt.xticks(range(1,6), ["DT", "SVC", "DNN", "CDNN", "RF"]) plt.show() print('Accuracy', ["DT", "SVC", "DNN", "CDNN", "RF"]) print(np.average(sc_a2d, axis=0)) # plt.boxplot(mc_a2d) # plt.show() # print('Matthews Corrcoef', ["DT", "SVC", "DNN", "CDNN", "RF"]) # print(np.average(mc_a2d, axis=0)) np.save(fold + 'sc_a2d', sc_a2d) np.save(fold + 'cf_a3d', cf_a3d) # np.save(fold + 'mc_a2d', mc_a2d) sc_df = pd.DataFrame(sc_a2d, columns=["DT", "SVC", "DNN", "CDNN", "RF"]) # sc_df.plot(kind='bar') # plt.show() sc_df.to_csv(fold + 'sheet_sc_a2d.csv') sc_df.head() # mc_df = pd.DataFrame(mc_a2d, columns=["DT", "SVC", "DNN", "CDNN", "RF"]) # mc_df.plot(kind='bar') # plt.show() # mc_df.to_csv(fold + 'sheet_mc_a2d.csv') # mc_df.head() cf_a3d_avg = np.average(cf_a3d, axis=0) mode_l = ['DT', 'SVC', 'DNN', 'CDNN', 'RF'] with open(fold + 'cf_a3d_avg.txt', 'w') as F: # dt_score, sv_score, mlp_score, cnn_score, rf_score for i, mode in enumerate(mode_l): F.write("{} Confusion Metrics\n".format(mode)) for j in range(cf_a3d_avg.shape[1]): F.write(", ".join([str(x) for x in cf_a3d_avg[i, j, :]])) F.write('\n') # F.write(", ".join([str(x) for x in cf_a3d_avg[i, 1, :]])) F.write('\n') print("Current working directory:") print(os.getcwd() + '/' + fold) print("Saved data") print(os.listdir(fold))